How a girl escorts a guy to the army. How to wait for a guy from the army: advice from a psychologist for girls

Having somehow parted with my next passion, I walked along the wet streets of our city after the autumn rain and thought that the life of any man without a woman is very reminiscent of a damp, cold and nasty autumn - everything around is gray and boring. Once you meet a girl, spring comes in your soul, all your senses blossom, summer is like long term relationship with a woman, you just bask in the rays of her beauty.

At the moment I was cold and chilly, but today I didn’t have anything better than a glass of cognac in a small cafe. Turning towards my favorite cafe, I almost collided with a girl who was trying to close her no longer needed umbrella and almost stabbed me with it.

Be careful, girl, you have a weapon in your hands for which you probably don’t have a permit,” I tried to joke and when the young lady finally raised her charming eyes at me, I recognized her.

Hello! And I’m thinking, what kind of wit did I come across! - the girl also recognized me.

We met Lyuda, and it was she, right on the street, about five years ago, if not more, when we were going to a disco with friends. They didn’t even get to know each other, but literally stole her and her friend right on the street, in broad daylight, just put her in the car and brought her to a disco. Frankly, the girls didn’t really resist, and when they found out about our plans, they were completely delighted. After the disco, my friend and I took the beauties to our mutual friend and continued our acquaintance in bed, and in the morning the ladies disappeared. A fleeting acquaintance, a fleeting night and nothing more.

Where are you going? What are your plans for tonight? - I saw no reason why not have another fleeting night?

My boyfriend is leaving for the army today, so I’m going to the station to see him off.

There was still a lot of time left before the farewell, and I invited Lyuda to sit with me in a cafe, warm up, chat...

It won't hurt your boyfriend, will it?

Sipping cognac from a glass, Lyuda said that she had been dating this future defender of the Fatherland for several days, but his parents really intended to marry them.

His mother doesn’t call me anything other than daughter-in-law, and this one demands that he wait for him from the army, write letters. It’s good that I didn’t have time to drag him to the registry office.

Well, what are you doing? Are you still looking for the prince?

Luda wasn’t really looking for a prince, she, as she put it, simply hadn’t had enough time yet and wasn’t in a hurry to cook shea or wash her husband’s socks... and she didn’t even see her future husband among her peers.

We left the cafe together. The girl agreed with me that seeing a guy off, kissing him on the forehead goodbye, is a pretty quick thing, and if you come to the very departure of the train, then it will take just a minute. So why delay something that you probably won’t like? When we approached the platform, the guy was already being kissed with all his might by relatives, friends and everyone who had drunk enough for this. I stayed in the park to watch the action of this touching event, firstly, I didn’t drink enough, and secondly, the guy and his relatives didn’t want to spoil his fantasies. Lyudka attacked her betrothed like a hurricane, showering him, as befits last time, kisses, relatives even shed tears from this impressionable picture. Finally the train started moving, the girl followed him, as if trying to preserve this last moment longer, waving her hand.

And a few minutes later, clinging tightly to me, she was telling me with irony about this event. I didn’t really listen to her chatter, for me the damp, gray autumn was over, the taxi was taking us to my cozy apartment to new impressions.

According to the law, every young man is required to serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Some conscripts perceive receiving a summons as an important step in their lives, for others it is an inevitable “duty,” while others are terrified of such a moment. Regardless of the conscript’s attitude towards the need to serve in the army, his family and friends, for the most part, fall into stress. It is clear that some of the most worried people here are friends, beloved girls, and some have wives. What should a girl do if a guy is drafted into the army?

What should a girl do if a guy is sent to serve?

Firstly, you should calm down if you find out about your boyfriend’s call or the end of the deferment. The mere receipt of a summons does not mean that your boyfriend will be drafted into the army the very next day - after all, there is a need to undergo a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, where doctors will confirm the need for conscription, or will reveal that health does not allow this, for example, they are incompatible, and this is quite common illness If a conscript has any illnesses, he will be sent for additional examination. And only after this will the recruiting center doctors be informed which fitness category should be assigned to the young man. A diagnosis of “unfit” means that the young man will be sent to the reserve.

Do you want to get a guy exempt from the army?

Get advice from a military lawyer on the situation with the military registration and enlistment office. You will learn how to get a military ID step by step and not serve in the army.

* we guarantee the confidentiality of your data

However, even having categories “A” or “B”, a young man can challenge the verdict of the doctors of the commissariat, but, of course, this should be done if he really has diseases that are incompatible with military service. IN otherwise your young man will be drafted into the army, and you, as a faithful friend, have no choice but to wait for him.

A swollen nose, tear-stained sad eyes, disheveled hair - this is how soldiers usually remember their girls, with whom before the army there was more than just friendship. For a person who loves, the thought of impending separation seems unbearable. But do you really want the picture described above to appear before the inner gaze of the man your soldier will turn into? Of course no. And this means that we need to prepare, and for this we need to figure out how to get a guy into the army.

Prepare everything you need for the trip

Surely his mother will deal with such issues, but your help will not hurt her. She will understand that she is not alone in her grief, but being sent off to the army is a real tragedy for a mother. How many darkest thoughts are spinning in her head! Try to become her assistant in everything in order to somehow ease the bitterness of parting. And it will become easier for you, because in the hassle a lot of things are relegated to the background.

So, your soldier will need a set of shaving and washing supplies, threads and needles, although they will most likely be taken from him. To help him pass the time on the way, don’t forget a couple of decks of cards, a small first aid kit, underwear, several T-shirts, warm clothes, a phone and charger, several packs of cigarettes and a small amount of money. It’s better to push all this into your socks rather than put it in one bag.

There are few advantages, but they are there

It would seem that what is good in such a long separation? But don't forget about correspondence. In no other period of yours life together you won't get that amount tender words and confessions. Despite the thousands of kilometers that will soon separate you for a year, this very period can become a time of your spiritual rapprochement.

Think about him, not yourself

If you have ever attended a send-off ceremony for the army, it is somewhat reminiscent of a funeral - the mother roars, the girl roars. Imagine that it's much harder for him now than for you. You remain in a familiar environment, albeit without your loved one nearby, and he leaves for a completely unfamiliar place with rules alien to him.

He is afraid of the unknown, so you are required not to hang on to his neck, but to become his support during this time. Give him a promise to wait faithfully, tell him that despite the need for separation, you are very proud that the guy you love will become a real man. It is important for him to know that his next year will have meaning, at least for you. Promise to take care of your relationship while he repays his debt to his homeland.

Seeing off to the army is an exciting event for both young guy, and for his parents, girlfriend, relatives and friends. Since ancient times, people have had a tradition of accompanying a young guy to the army. And this is not without reason, since service has always been a difficult test. Since then, various signs and conspiracies have appeared among the people, which were supposed to protect the soldier from misfortunes and save his life.

For the first time, farewells to service (recruits) arose after Peter I introduced conscription into the army. Then few of the soldiers returned home: during 20 years of service, many died from diseases and epidemics, cruel executions, and died on the battlefields. Therefore, recruitment in ancient times was perceived by people as similar to death - as a departure to another world, and farewells were always accompanied by lamentations and tears.

Over time, everything has changed, the years of service have been significantly reduced, but people continue to observe many folk traditions, believing that this way they will protect their men and the conscripts will return to their father’s house alive and well. In addition, a cheerful farewell to the army in the circle of relatives and friends will help the young men get into the right frame of mind.


In order not to upset the young man with various little things, it is necessary to make the farewell to the army joyful and cheerful. You can invite close friends, good acquaintances, classmates and relatives to this event.

Mothers, beloved girlfriends and friends need to restrain themselves, not showing their tears and sadness, since at this moment it is much more difficult for the conscript. He will have to for a long time leave your home and find yourself in a new unusual atmosphere. The unknown future worries the fighter and keeps him in suspense. Therefore, it is important to create an environment for him where he can relax and calm down. Besides, crying and being sad on this day - Bad sign, negative energy can penetrate future events and harm the guy.

Traditionally, farewells are organized on one’s own territory, that is, at a dacha, in a village, at home. It’s good when a man who served in the army is preparing the event.

Dishes for seeing off can be different, but preference should be given to those that the conscript likes. They also prepare a pot of barley and give each guest a taste of army porridge.

The conscript is seated in the main place so that he can clearly see all the guests, and his parents and closest friends are placed nearby. The oldest man must make the first speech, admonishing the future fighter on his long journey. It is very good if he himself served or fought before. After this, the remaining guests can give their parting words. When the conscript’s mother speaks, she needs to cross her son 3 times behind his back, wishing him health and happiness.

During the farewell, the young man needs to hang a ribbon on the wall in his house, which will be a symbol that a small part of the future soldier will remain here. No one should touch the tape, only he himself can remove it upon arrival home.

On the holiday young man They give him a piece of the loaf to bite off, and the rest is wrapped and hidden until he returns. The guy will then take it out and eat it himself.

On the eve of a conscript's departure for service, his family attends a local church or temple. Having blessed the son on the way, everyone goes to the recruiting station. It is advisable that the conscript confess and receive communion before leaving.


  • It is a good omen when, on the day of farewell, the father sprinkles his son with Sretensky water, taken from the church for the Presentation, and says the words: “The Lord save you.” After such a ritual, it is believed that all difficulties will bypass the son.
  • A pectoral cross on a conscript’s body will make military service easier and protect him from misfortune and trouble. On back side of the cross should be written Psalm 90 “Alive in Help.”
  • In ancient times, a little hair was cut off from a young man’s head using a cross and placed behind the icon as a talisman.

  • When the bus leaves the military registration and enlistment office, parents throw coins and the one that hit the vehicle is picked up and kept as a talisman.
  • To return home healthy and unharmed, the future soldier needs to walk out of the door with his back, that is, with his heels forward.
  • Protective words from the mother, spoken after the departing son, will save him from adversity and troubles.
  • In order for the guy to return unharmed and on time, when he arrives at the threshold, he needs to look back after his leaving son.

What not to do

  • Try on military uniform before joining the army is a bad omen, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences during military service.
  • The conscript borrows money and quarrels with someone the day before and during the farewell.
  • For parents to sweep the floor and clean the apartment on the day of their son’s departure means that his path will be blocked and he will not be able to return home.


You need to come with gifts to send him off to the army, but it is important to take into account that the guy will not be able to take with him everything that he would like to give him. In addition, there is a danger that “old people” may take away good things from a conscript.

Gifts for your loved one

So that the guy always remembers that his beloved is waiting for him, you can buy him a calendar with your own or a common photo. The original will be a calendar designed for the entire period of service.

In addition, the young man will find it useful in his service. Notebook or notepad. They can be given as a gift along with a pen and a pack of letter envelopes. So that the young man has a place to paste photographs with his army friends, you can buy him a special album, and in order to avoid theft, sign it with your own hand.

Pleasant, warm memories of your beloved will be evoked by a man's strict handkerchief with a small heart embroidered in the corner by her hands. In addition, you can give the guy a book of his favorite genre.

1. Seeing off a soldier to the army has always been accompanied by tears and sadness. But we advise you to try to be cheerful and not cry. After all, it’s also very difficult for your boyfriend. And it is in you that he will look for moral support on this day. And think that it’s better if the guy remembers your smile or your swollen eyes from tears before leaving. Therefore, the first advice is to try not to cry. At least a lot. You can always cry.

2. Every soldier needs basic things for the journey. Of course, his mother will mainly take care of this, but we advise you to help her too. Pack the soldier with personal hygiene items, needles and threads, a couple of T-shirts, and a first aid kit with the most necessary medications. Perhaps all this will be taken away from him, but it is still necessary to prepare it all. Tip two - we help mom pack the soldier’s things.

3. Tip three - give positive emotions. We have already said that it is morally difficult for a guy to join the army, so we need to cheer him up. Can you prepare little present which he can take with him. Why not show off your skills and give your loved one a little bear knitted by you. In the army, it will remind him of you and become his amulet. Well, or, tritely, just before leaving, give him a letter in which you will write about your most tender feelings. And in difficult moments, the soldier will always re-read it.

4. Tip four - forget about grievances. If your boyfriend is hanging out with family and friends all night, don't be offended if he isn't always there. After all, he wants to be with everyone at once. Therefore, put aside your grudges and better help his mother set the table. And there will be an opportunity, and you will sit together for a couple of hours.

5. Tip five - no quarrels. Even if your boyfriend does something wrong or doesn’t respond as tenderly as he would in private. Remember, there should be no quarrels on the wires. A soldier must go into the army with the thought that he is loved and expected. And a quarrel is not the best goodbye.

6. Tip six - talk to him. You can just sit in each other’s arms, or you can combine it with something useful and talk to him. Perhaps your loved one wants to talk, but does not show it and behaves like strong man. Tell him that you are proud of him, that you are waiting for him. Ask about his feelings and thoughts. Encourage him and set him up for the best.

7. And the most main advice: Think carefully about whether you can wait for the soldier. After all, the army is not a day or two, it’s a whole year. If, after thinking about it, you realize that you can’t wait, don’t give the guy hope. Tell him about this before he leaves for duty. After all, people are different and cases of suicide in the army are very frequent. And if you still know that you will wait, then do not forget that your loyalty and honesty are the most important thing for a soldier. 8. All these tips can be combined into one - give your soldier a lot of positive emotions and love. A year will pass and he will return to you, and then you can cry with happiness, be sad that he was gone for so long and sit alone for hours. In the meantime, remember our advice and make your loved one happy!