How easy it is to iron thin tulle. Tips and tricks on how to iron tulle correctly

One of the questions that arises during general cleaning of an apartment is how to iron tulle after washing.

There is nothing complicated about washing, but when you subsequently put the curtains in order, you need to know some nuances.

Any operation with curtains is simple and difficult at the same time. How to iron tulle and bring the fabric into perfect condition?


Ironing rules must be followed so as not to spoil the material in the process. Almost all types of curtains must be subjected to this procedure. Otherwise, they will be wrinkled and spoil the appearance of the room.

  1. Processing of the material should begin immediately after the bulk of moisture has been removed. That is, ironing curtains is carried out when the fabric is slightly damp. In a dry state, the material smoothes out worse.
  2. The temperature on the iron is set according to the type of the main fabric. If you need to iron organza tulle, and cotton is used as a layer, then you need to heat the iron only to the temperature at which organza can be ironed.
  3. The seams are ironed with the edge of the electrical appliance along the front side. If you do this from the wrong side, unaesthetic bulges may form.
  4. Don't rush and turn on the heat. You won't be able to iron tulle quickly. Here you will have to be patient.
  5. You cannot keep the iron in one place for a long time to avoid yellow spots appearing on the product.
  6. It is not recommended to abuse steam. Because of this, curtains made of polyester and other materials can ripple.

By following these basic rules, any housewife can create comfort in her home without damaging the curtains. After all, the ability to properly iron curtains is also a kind of art.


Organza has gained incredible popularity since its appearance on sale. This thin but tough transparent fabric is truly amazing in its external and internal qualities.

Such an air curtain requires very delicate care.

How to wash organza?

This can be done manually or in a washing machine, but only in an automatic one. Before doing this, the tulle must be soaked in clean, cool water with the addition of a small amount of powder.

Wash curtains made from this material using the delicate cycle setting. Temperatureand the water should be 30 degrees. No spinning required.

The water temperature needs to be so low, because at high temperatures the organza will be very wrinkled and more difficult to smooth out.

After washing, the tulle is hung out to dry. When the fabric becomes slightly damp, you can begin further processing.

How to iron organza?

This question is asked by every young housewife. After all, you really want to create comfort in your apartment without ruining the curtain.

How to smooth organza after washing - rules:

  1. Manufacturers recommend using the iron only after the material has completely dried. However, this is not true. After complete drying, it is very difficult to return the curtain to its previous appearance. Creases will be more difficult to smooth out.
  2. Curtains should be ironed from the edges of the panel to the center.
  3. You cannot process fabric in different directions. Iron movements should be in one direction. This way you can avoid the appearance of additional creases or streaks.
  4. Before ironing organza, make sure the steam function is turned off. This can result in loss of appeal and gloss.

If you are afraid of ruining the tulle even with the minimum temperature set, place tissue paper under it, but not gauze.

How to iron organza curtains if they are dry?

In this case, you first need to wet your hand in clean water and walk it through the resulting creases. They must straighten out. You can straighten the creases through damp gauze.

In the same way, silk tulles and curtains if they are dry.


You can iron such curtains, but how to do it correctly? Nylon material is very sensitive to high temperatures, so you should prepare cotton fabric in advance.

The maximum permissible temperature for ironing such fabric is 110 degrees. If there is a delicate mode, then install it.

Nylon tulle cannot be ironed using steam treatment.

The product is laid out on a board in a wet state and the process begins. If you don’t have time for this, you can take the nylon curtain out into the fresh air, straighten it and let it dry completely.

After such drying, there should be no folds or creases on the material; you can remove it from the clothesline and hang it in the room.

Cotton and linen

Curtains made from natural fabrics are the easiest to care for. Cotton and linen are not afraid of high temperatures and thanks to them the fabric is obtained without creases.

The only drawback is that the material must always be wet during the process. Therefore, a cotton curtain can be moistened using a spray bottle. Or you can put wet gauze on the curtain for a better effect.

Tulle made from natural cotton or linen looks very beautiful. Many housewives, after washing such curtains, simply hang them on the curtain rod while still wet. In a few hours in a warm room, the cotton fabric will dry and take the desired shape. This method saves time.


Synthetics and organza are materials that require careful handling. When smoothing such curtains, you should remember that they do not tolerate high temperatures.

After the curtains have been washed, they should be ironed immediately. After complete drying, it will be much more difficult to straighten out all the folds. Also, do not moisten products made of synthetic materials with a spray bottle; water can leave stains on delicate fabric.

The optimal temperature for such curtains is 120 degrees. made from synthetics, ironed through cotton fabric. Direct contact with the material can lead to marks, streaks, or even worse, the appearance of scorched holes, which is possible if you leave the iron in one place even for a short time.

Washing without ironing

Home textiles are very important for the harmony of design in a room. This is especially true for curtains and drapes.

Of course, you need to know about tulle after washing. However, what to do if general cleaning needs to be done, but there is no energy left for this procedure, or the woman is in the last month of pregnancy and this work is already difficult for her.

Is it mandatory to iron curtains?

If you wash it correctly, there is no need. The main thing is not to put the machine on spin mode. And after the rinsing process is finished, quickly remove the curtain from the washing machine and hang it over the window.

All creases will straighten out on their own under the weight of the curtain.

Steam generator

Large fabrics are very difficult to iron on your own. By the time you finish the whole process, the curtain has time to wrinkle again, because it lies crumpled on the floor.

How to quickly iron curtains yourself so as not to repeat the procedure?

In this case, you can use a steam generator. How to iron curtains without removing them: after washing the curtains, immediately hang them in their places, wait until they dry, but the fabric should still be slightly damp, and turn on this miracle device. A steam generator is used to remove wrinkles from hanging fabric.

This method should not be used for ironing delicate or synthetic materials.

Another way to straighten curtains while hanging is to carry out the manipulation near the window. For this you will need a large ironing board. It must be installed at the greatest possible distance from the floor.

The curtains are lowered onto the board and ironed along the entire length to the maximum possible height. Then the curtain is attached to the top with clothespins and the lower part is ironed. You can lay a cotton cloth over the area to be smoothed to avoid scorching.

All curtains, no matter what material they are made of, must be ironed. This is the only way to achieve the best results.

How to iron tulle? Such a light, transparent and quite beautiful material, like tulle, is used for sewing various clothes (wedding dresses, underwear), as well as for creating chic curtains and drapes, canopies or bedspreads. In addition, this material can act as a decoration for a designer interior.

Although tulle is considered a luxurious product, caring for such material is quite problematic. Many people ask the question: “Do I need to iron tulle after washing?” Experts say that washing and ironing this material comes first in caring for tulle. To preserve the color, purity and quality, tulle should be washed at least three times a year. What mode to iron tulle on depends on the type of fabric.

In this article we will try to describe how to iron tulle correctly, as well as how to wash this material so that you don’t have to iron it later.

Ironing tulle from various materials

How to iron tulle correctly without ruining the material? To create tulle, various types of fabric are used, namely: cotton, linen, silk, organza, nylon, polyester and viscose. Due to such a variety of materials, several techniques have been developed for ironing tulle after washing. Let's take a closer look at how to iron a product made from various types of fabric.

How to iron nylon tulle? Some argue that nylon tulle does not even need to be ironed, since the material is quite durable. After you wash the product, you just need to hang the tulle on a curtain rod or rope. During the drying process, the nylon material will straighten itself. However, there is another approach to caring for the product. Experienced housewives strongly insist that nylon tulle needs to be ironed. How to do it?

  1. The fabric must be damp, so after washing the tulle must be ironed immediately.
  2. Before ironing the entire surface of the material, you need to first start with a less noticeable area to check whether the ironing mode is suitable or not.
  3. Iron the product with light movements, practically without touching the sole of the iron to the fabric. In addition, you should put a special attachment on the sole of the household appliance that does not leave marks on the fabric.
  4. If you don't have an iron attachment, you can place a clean piece of gauze or a white piece of paper on top of the product.

How to iron organza tulle? Ironing such material is extremely difficult and time-consuming, since organza is a rather capricious material.. In order not to spoil the organza tulle, you need to follow some rules for ironing the product:

  1. The soleplate of the iron must be clean and free of chips.
  2. An organza product should be ironed only when the fabric is completely dry (otherwise the material will lose its beautiful appearance and straighten out), using the lowest setting.
  3. To prevent waves from forming on the fabric, an organza item should be ironed exclusively through silk fabric, without turning on the steam mode.

If you want to immediately place the organza curtains on the cornice after washing, then you should smooth the material exclusively with your hands, occasionally wetting the product with some water (you can use a spray bottle).

To prevent creases and folds from appearing on the material, it is not recommended to hang the material on a rope (in this case, the fabric will be folded in half, and this is the first reason for creases to appear).

You can also iron organza tulle with a steam generator iron. The curtain needs to be hung on a crossbar, and then hot steam is passed from top to bottom along the surface of the material. If there are folds on the fabric, then you need to go over the product again with a steam generator.

Experienced experts advise rinsing the organza tulle in salted water after washing (for five liters of liquid you will need about twenty-five grams of salt). This method will make ironing the tulle faster and easier, and will also prevent the sole of the iron from sticking to the fabric.

How to iron polyester tulle? This material is best ironed when the fabric is damp. At what temperature should you iron tulle? The optimal temperature is considered to be within one hundred ten or one hundred twenty degrees. Ironing of polyester tulle is done from the wrong side through a damp gauze section.

To smooth tulle made of cotton or linen, it is necessary not to turn on the “Push-up” mode when washing the product. Otherwise, the fabric will be more difficult to iron. You can hang the tulle on the cornice, and then the material will straighten out on its own. And if you decide to iron the tulle, then you should set the temperature to one hundred degrees. It is advisable to place a gauze cloth on top of the wrong side of the material.

How to iron veil-tulle and mesh-tulle? Both types of fabric are ironed while the fabric is still wet. To iron the veil and mesh, the temperature should not exceed one hundred and fifty degrees. The product must be ironed from the wrong side through a damp piece of gauze.

How to wash without ironing later?

How to wash tulle without ironing? In this case, it is best to use the hand washing method. Pour cool or lukewarm water into the bathing tank, add washing powder or detergent composition that is suitable for a specific type of fabric. If there are yellowish spots on the product, you can add salt or soda ash to the water.

Do not rub the fabric during washing. The fabric needs to be slightly smoothed and compressed. If you are washing organza or silk tulle, then such material must be washed and hung immediately. Other types of fabric can be soaked in water for a while.

After the product has been washed, it must be rinsed thoroughly in cold water and hung to drain off excess liquid (it is not allowed to wring out the tulle, otherwise the fabric will be difficult to smooth out later). If you washed the curtains, you need to hang them on the curtain rod. If you washed another tulle item, you can use a rope. The material needs to be straightened, all folds removed and checked to ensure that parts of the product do not stick to each other.

If you have cotton or linen tulle, the fabric can be washed in a washing machine, but only on a delicate cycle without spinning at a temperature of forty degrees. At the end of washing, the product must be rinsed in clean, cool water, then hung to allow all the liquid to drain, and then straighten the material from wrinkles.

To properly iron tulle after washing, you need to take into account several important recommendations from experienced specialists:

  1. Before washing or ironing a tulle product, you need to read the labels on the label, which will tell you how to wash the product and at what temperature to iron it.
  2. To iron tulle, you should always use a wet gauze cloth or white cotton cloth.
  3. Some items need to be ironed while still damp and only on the reverse side.
  4. The surface of the electrical household appliance must be clean so that dirty stains do not remain on the tulle product.
  5. The ironing temperature of any type of fabric should not be higher than one hundred and fifty degrees. The most acceptable temperature is about one hundred and twenty degrees. But at the same time you need to look at the label: the required temperature regime will be precisely indicated there.
  6. The seams on the product also need to be ironed only from the inside, lightly touching the sole of the iron.

If you want to iron very long curtains or tulle curtains, you must first place the top of the product on the ironing board, iron it, and then hang it on the curtain rod so that the unironed part of the product remains on the board. This is how you can iron long fabric.

Having read this information, you now know how to properly iron tulle after washing without spoiling the material. In this case, the main thing is to adhere to the recommendations described above, and then your product will have an impeccable appearance.

You don't have to use an iron to give a curtain a beautiful look. Typically, tulle is made from natural fabrics (linen, silk, cotton) and synthetic (organza and nylon). The former often do not require ironing in the classical sense of the word. And the latter usually need to be ironed carefully. Some materials require the use of a steam generator or even a hair dryer. In order not to deform the curtain or leave streaks on it, you must follow some rules during the ironing process.

Several important rules help preserve fabric and help give it its best appearance:

  1. 1. Sometimes it is not necessary to use an iron - just hang it wet on hooks, and it will straighten itself under the force of its own gravity.
  2. 2. Only freshly washed tulle can be ironed on the inside.
  3. 3. The iron temperature should not exceed 150 degrees.
  4. 4. The steam supply should be turned off, otherwise the material will be deformed or streaks will appear.
  5. 5. White fabric or gauze should be placed between the iron and the tulle.
  6. 6. The seams should also be ironed through gauze from the wrong side so as not to leave marks.
  7. 7. Movements with the iron should be leisurely and careful, without stopping in certain areas.

Do not use an iron with carbon deposits - it will ruin the fabric

Different fabrics - different ironing methods

Natural materials do not require ironing. The washed tulle is hung on a rope in a damp state until the water drains. You need to carefully straighten the curtain, removing all folds. Then the fabric will straighten itself.

Wrinkled areas should be smoothed out on an ironing board. To do this, set the device to minimum heat, turn off the steam mode, turn the tulle inside out and iron it through damp gauze, lightly touching the seams.

Synthetic tulle may not straighten out on its own. This is especially true for polyester and organza. Such curtains, as well as the veil and mesh, are ironed immediately after washing - while they are wet. They are turned inside out and ironed through wet gauze. The temperature of the soleplate of the iron should not exceed 150 degrees.

You can also work with organza in dry form. To do this, just use a stream of warm air from a hairdryer.

Nylon tulle, like tulle, does not need to be ironed. It is enough to hang it wet on a curtain rod or rope, and it will take the required shape. If you wish, you can walk over it with an iron heated to 150 degrees.

Features of ironing long curtains

Long tulle can be laid out on a board. You need to iron it, starting from the top of it and gradually moving it down. When the curtain reaches the floor, it can already be attached to the curtain rod. The remaining lower part will lie freely on the board for further processing.

Light, patterned, transparent or translucent tulle curtains are a real decoration for the windows of the house. Tulle is used to decorate windows in the kitchen, bedroom, living room, and in those rooms where you want to add tenderness and romanticism to the interior. In this article we will tell you how to carefully and correctly iron tulle, and consider the types of ironing for tulle made from different fabrics.

Synthetic tulle

Products made from synthetic materials are by far the most common due to their lightness, originality and airiness. Synthetic tulle curtains should only be ironed after washing. You should not hang the product for straightening on a curtain rod. This will not lead to the desired result - unnatural fibers will smooth out only when exposed to temperature. Here are some tips on how to iron tulle made from artificial fabrics.

  • Synthetic items should be ironed immediately after washing, when the fabric is still damp. Dry tulle is much more difficult to iron, and moisturizing with a spray bottle can leave streaks on the delicate material.
  • Start ironing from a small, inconspicuous area on the item. If everything is in order and the mode is suitable, you can continue.
  • The optimal temperature for ironing is 120 degrees (1-2 points).
  • Do not touch the fabric directly with the soleplate of the iron to avoid leaving marks. Use an iron attachment or iron through a damp cotton cloth. Materials such as polyester and silk can be ironed through a regular white paper sheet.
  • Synthetic tulle items can only be ironed from the wrong side. If ironed from the outside, the fibers may acquire a yellow tint.

Cotton tulle

Natural cotton tulle curtains require a special approach. Machine-washed cotton curtains must be wrung out at a minimum speed, otherwise ironing them will cost a lot of work. With regard to this type of material, there are two optimal ways to smooth out wrinkled tulle fabric:

No ironing

The easiest way to straighten wrinkled cotton tulle is to hang the curtains on a curtain rod immediately after washing. The fabric should be only slightly wrung out and damp. Be sure to lay something on the floor to absorb moisture dripping from the curtains. It will take time to dry, but the material dried in this way is perfectly smoothed. Under the weight of its own weight, the fabric gradually straightens and looks like it has been freshly ironed.

Using an iron at minimum temperature

If after washing the tulle cotton curtain has been wrung out strongly and is almost dry, then in this case you need to iron the product with an iron. Set the heating mode to no more than 100 degrees (1 point). Prepare a gauze napkin and moisten it. Iron the cotton material from the wrong side through gauze. This is painstaking work, especially if you need to iron a large curtain, but this is the only way to iron this delicate fabric without damaging its structure.

Organza tulle

Organza tulle curtains are very finicky and require impeccable and delicate ironing. Organza is a thin, sheer fabric made by twisting fibers. It can be made of polyester, viscose or silk. Let's look at several ways to iron organza products.


Organza curtains are quite difficult to iron using an iron. Organza is a material that takes a long time to iron out. To ensure that your efforts are not in vain, when ironing, observe the following requirements as much as possible:

  • the fabric is completely dry;
  • the sole of the iron is smooth, without burnt particles, clean;
  • ironing only through tissue paper (or silk);
  • Do not use the steam mode in a horizontal position - the product will be covered with small “waves”.

Hanging on the ledge

After washing, wet tulle should be carefully hung on the curtain rod. Do not hang the curtain in half in the bathroom or on the balcony - in order for the organza to be beautiful and even, you need to hang it at an even height, without creating breaks in the material. If the product has time to dry before you hang it, moisten the material with water over all surfaces using a spray bottle. It will take 1-2 days to straighten.


The ideal way to iron organza fabric is to use a vertical steamer or steam generator. Hang the curtain on the curtain rod and pass hot steam over the entire product from top to bottom. If you cannot steam the entire surface the first time, repeat the procedure twice. This is the most pleasant way to smooth out “naughty” fabric, without additional effort and hassle.

Finally, to make organza easier to iron, rinse the item in salted water after washing. For 10 liters of water you will need 50 g of table salt. After such rinsing, you will notice that ironing curtains made of this delicate fabric has become easier and easier, the material is smoothed out faster, and the iron does not “strive” to stick.

We hope that in our article you found answers to the question of how to iron tulle correctly. Clean and perfectly ironed tulle will delight you with its beautiful appearance, and your efforts will be rewarded with a pleasant atmosphere in your home interior.

Organza is a thin but dense transparent fabric. It is obtained by twisting two threads of natural or artificial origin. Curtains made of this material retain their original appearance for a long time and tolerate washing well in warm or hot water. To iron organza tulle after washing, you should use an iron or steamer. The processing process requires compliance with a number of rules. If special household equipment is not at hand, you can use accessible and safe auxiliary techniques.

Thick organza can cause a lot of problems after washing if you do not take into account the specifics of the specific composition of the material. After purchasing decorative curtains, you must read the attached instructions and labels. If they are missing, you should pay attention to the basic recommendations for working with delicate products.

Household chores of smoothing tulle can be minimized if you remember the following nuances:

  • after washing, the fabric is laid out so that folds and creases do not form on it;
  • Curtains are processed with an iron from the back side, and with a steam generator - from the front side;
  • regardless of the composition of the material, the temperature is set no higher than 80–90 degrees;
  • before starting work, you should check the temperature of the iron on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric;
  • After ironing is completed, the fabric must be left unfolded for 10 minutes so that it cools down and the result obtained is recorded.

Working with synthetics is carried out through a silk layer, tracing paper or thin white paper. It is not recommended to use gauze; it can cause unwanted patterns to appear on the surface of the fabric. Very thin and delicate fabrics are ironed through one or more layers of tissue paper. The auxiliary device is not only placed on the fabric, but also placed under it.

Features of ironing organza curtains

Organza made from natural or synthetic fibers is ironed only after the fabric has completely dried. Attempts to iron wet fabric will lead to the appearance of small wrinkles on its surface. Such defects are difficult to eliminate even with the help of special household appliances. The product will have to be washed again. To avoid putting a long curtain in the washing machine because of a small wrinkled area, you can generously moisten the problem area with clean water and wait until it dries naturally. It is strictly forbidden to try to stretch the fabric; there is a risk that it will lose its shape.

When processing organza in a washing machine, it is prohibited to use the “spin” mode. Violating the rule will lead to the appearance of deep folds and creases that will be difficult to straighten even with an iron.

There are several rules for ironing organza tulle with an iron:

  1. The product is ironed from the edges of the cloth to its center. In the process, you need to move the matter from time to time and shake it slightly.
  2. The iron should only be worked in one direction. This will help avoid streaks and creases.
  3. Steaming is not used during the ironing process. When this function is turned on, the material will lose its attractive appearance and gloss.
  4. The sole of the tool must be perfectly clean and smooth.

Even if you follow all the listed rules and nuances, smoothing tulle can take a lot of time. There is no need to rush; you won’t be able to speed up the process anyway. If you try to increase the supplied temperature or keep the household appliance in one place for a long time, you can damage the fragile material.

Smoothing without using an iron

Organza can be ironed without an iron. After finishing washing, you need to dry the curtain and inspect it for deep wrinkles. If the fabric is made of natural fibers and was dried in the fresh air, it may turn out that it does not need ironing.

If necessary, it is recommended to use vertical steaming of tulle. A good effect is achieved by using a vertical steam generator. A device for horizontal processing will not work; it will only ruin the fabric. To obtain the desired result, you should dry the washed product and hang it on the ledge. After this, the panel is processed with a steamer strictly from top to bottom, without pauses in individual areas. If you were not able to achieve the optimal result the first time, you need to wait until the curtain dries. Only after this can you do the second approach.

The process of smoothing organza tulle will be significantly simplified if you add a little table salt to the water while rinsing the material (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of liquid). The main thing is to ensure complete dissolution of the crystals so that they do not settle in the interweaving of the threads.

If you don’t want to iron out the fabric, you can hang the curtain and wait a while. This option is applicable only to tulle made from natural materials; synthetics almost do not react to such influence. Just hang it on the ledge, straighten it and leave it for 2-3 days until completely dry and straightened. If, after the specified time, folds or creases are found in certain areas, they should be moistened generously with clean water from a spray bottle and left to dry again.

Steaming or drooping may leave the bottom of the tulle slightly wrinkled. To get rid of this effect, the imperfect part of the product can be lightly sprayed with clean water from a spray bottle. It is recommended to moisten the bottom seam generously so that it acts as a weight. As the material dries, it will stretch and smooth out.