Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows: application and reviews. Castor oil for your gorgeous eyelashes Which castor oil is suitable for eyelashes


Dear readers, today I will introduce you to another wonderful remedy, so useful for female beauty. We will talk about castor oil. I was introduced to some of his recipes by my daughters, who love to try new things. And I, in turn, will tell you how to use Castor oil for eyelashes and enjoy the result.

Let us remember that our grandmothers used castor oil. They knew the secrets of natural ingredients and used their power to look younger and more beautiful. Castor oil was used for eyelash growth, thickness and length. It also relieved problems with hair loss. After all, oil has a huge amount of nutrients, and its beneficial properties are countless. Today we will talk to you about how to apply castor oil to eyelashes and what women say about it in their reviews.

Composition of castor oil

The well-known castor oil contains a number of useful acids.

  • Ricinoleic acid disinfects the skin and heals damage to it.
  • Oleic protects against contamination and dehydration. Normalizes cholesterol levels, enriches the skin with vitamins and minerals.
  • Lenoleva regulates sweating and water balance.
  • Stearic acid provides skin protection. Due to its lubricating and stabilizing properties, it is used in the manufacture of decorative cosmetics.
  • Palmitic acid promotes cell renewal, makes the skin young and elastic.


Castor oil is used both to treat weak eyelashes and for additional care of healthy ones.

Using its healing properties, the oil restores diseased and damaged hair. If their growth has slowed down or stopped, castor oil will solve this problem. Exposure to fatty acids and vitamins will give the skin everything it needs to quickly restore eyelashes.

For women who regularly use cosmetics, castor oil is simply irreplaceable. If mascara and shadows make eyelashes weak and thin, then oil prevents this process. It nourishes and strengthens each hair along its entire length.

Even those who do not have problems with eyelash growth know how to use the product to acquire long and thick eyelashes. Castor oil promotes their growth and volume. Eyelashes become thicker and stronger, faded hairs are replaced by darker ones.

Using castor oil, we unwittingly smear it on our skin. As a result, the beneficial effects of the oil extend to the area around the eyes. Expression wrinkles and " crow's feet"become less noticeable. And in order to purposefully combat them, special ones are used.

Is it possible to smear eyelashes with castor oil?

To the question “is it possible to smear castor oil on eyelashes?” confidently you should answer in the affirmative. Most girls and women note positive changes after treatments with castor oil. But still, you and I should know about some rules:

  • before use, it is better to check the skin reaction by first applying the composition to the wrist;
  • The oil mask should not be left on the face for a long period of time, for example, overnight;
  • Do not use expired product;
  • It is not recommended to strengthen eyelashes with oil extract for more than a month; a break is necessary.

Castor oil for eyelash growth. Mode of application

There is nothing complicated in the method of using castor oil. Moreover, there are several application methods remedy. We will introduce you to several, and you choose the most convenient and effective for yourself!

All you need to have is an empty mascara tube with a good brush. You can even get by with a regular bottle of castor oil and use an eyelash comb. And sometimes there are special tubes of castor oil on sale, equipped with a brush.

If we use a mascara bottle, wash it and the brush thoroughly. liquid soap or shampoo so that not a trace remains of the black substance. And then use a syringe to fill an empty, clean bottle with oil.

How to apply on eyelashes

It’s not difficult to figure out how to properly apply castor oil to your eyelashes. First of all, you need to wash off your makeup and cleanse your face. If you wear contact lenses, they should be removed.

Next, you need to dip the brush into the oil itself. Wiggle it, shake it off a little to get rid of excess. And then, with smooth movements, move the brush from the middle of the eyelashes (not from the very roots) to the tips. It's as easy as using regular mascara. But you must act carefully so that the oil does not get into your eyes. If this does happen, they are washed with warm water.

If there is too much oil and it starts to drip from the eyelashes, take a cotton pad and wipe the hairs on the eyelids with it.

When you first use castor oil for eyelashes, monitor how you feel. Itching, redness, irritation may indicate... In this case, the oil is immediately washed off the face.

How long to keep

After applying the product, you will not be able to use mascara and eye shadow, so it is best to do the procedure 1-2 hours before bedtime. And just before going to bed, remove the layer of oily liquid with a paper towel or cotton pad.

Never sleep with a castor mask! Swelling and redness may form on the eyelids overnight.

Sometimes women do notice unpleasant symptoms from using castor oil and are wondering how long to keep the product in such cases. If use causes you the slightest discomfort, discard it. Perhaps you have an individual intolerance. Choose another option for eyelash care.

How to remove false eyelashes with castor oil

Castor oil is useful not only for strengthening, thickness and beauty of eyelashes. It is also widely used for removing eyelash extensions. Unlike special lotions, the oil has completely natural composition and does not irritate the eyes. In addition, it is much cheaper than analogues.

How to remove eyelash extensions with castor oil? We only need a cotton pad or cotton swab and a tube of castor oil. If we use a disk, we tear it into two halves and make a depression. Thanks to this bend, the fleece will be pressed tightly against the eyelid. Carefully lubricate the disc with oily liquid, apply it to the roots of the eyelashes and lie with your eyes closed for at least 20 minutes.

If we use cotton swabs, generously lubricate them with the product and carefully spread the eyelashes at the very roots. We also wait a few minutes. After removing the discs from your eyes, you should very carefully try to remove the false eyelashes. If they do not peel off well, do not pull too hard. It is necessary to leave the cotton wool with oil for another 10-20 minutes. Only then repeat the procedure.

If eyelashes moistened with castor oil come off easily, you can take tweezers and carefully remove the remains. After this, your face can be cleaned of the sticky substance. paper napkin or a piece of cotton wool.

So, we already know how to use castor oil for eyelashes, the use of which gives tangible results. But I would like to introduce you to little tricks. They will teach you how to use it most effectively.

  • If you buy castor oil in regular bottles, give preference to bottles with a wide neck. After all, you can easily dip a brush into them or pour the liquid into a more convenient container.
  • To prevent the butter from becoming too thick, do not put it in the refrigerator. In addition, the effect of cold on the eyes does not cause the most pleasant sensations. Castor oil can be successfully stored at room temperature. And before using, you can warm it up a little.
  • To achieve maximum effect, castor oil can be mixed with various vitamins and burdock oil. It would also be useful to add oil extracts of peach and chamomile.
  • If eyelashes fall out and lose their color, it may be due to low-quality mascara. Therefore, it is better to buy proven and safe cosmetics. And any treatment requires a thorough approach. To see results, you need to apply the product regularly. If you are not lazy and do the procedure every day, the effect will appear after two weeks.

The course of treatment should last at least a month. But after that it is recommended to take a break of 2-4 weeks. This will prevent the hairs on the eyelids from getting used to the product and stopping growing without its influence.


Castor bean seeds, from which castor oil is made, contain ricin. This is a toxic substance. And in order to reduce the amount of poison in the product, the seeds are heat treated. But even despite this, castor oil has contraindications.

Both internal and external use of the product by children under one year of age is strictly prohibited. A child’s body at this age is still very weak. Therefore, even a small amount of toxic substances can cause harm.

For the same reason, applying the oil to pregnant and nursing mothers is not recommended. If during such periods you are concerned severe loss eyelashes and changes in their color, you should consult your doctor. He will help you choose a more suitable remedy to solve the problem.

Castor oil is contraindicated for people with... During intoxication, you should avoid even small amounts of harmful substances entering the body.

It is also unacceptable for use by people suffering from allergies and individual intolerances. Therefore, if you do not know how the body will perceive a new substance, check the reaction to it. Apply a little oil to an area with delicate skin (for example, the wrist) and leave for 5-10 minutes. If itching, spots or redness appear, you have an allergy.

I invite you to watch a video on how to use castor oil to care for our eyelashes.

The best mask recipes

Dear readers, now we know whether castor oil helps to grow eyelashes and restore them to their former beauty. There is no longer any doubt about the effectiveness and benefits of the product. We also know for whom it is contraindicated. We also learned how to use castor oil in its pure form.

To enhance positive effect Castor oil is used in masks together with other products. It is combined with other oils, as well as herbal tinctures and plant juices.

Medical masks

To strengthen and protect against hair loss, use a mask with castor oil and vitamin A. This vitamin can be replaced with Aevit or regular ampoules. For 10 ml of oil, take 10 drops of vitamin or juice. We apply the medicine to the eyelashes or make some kind of compresses on the eyes. Keep it on for up to 50 minutes. Afterwards, clean your face from the solution with a paper towel or napkin.

Mix burdock and castor oils in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each), add vitamin E and aloe plant juice. Don't be lazy to use the mask every day for positive changes in your appearance.

For a nourishing mask we will need extracts of burdock, castor, almond oils, fish oil and, again, vitamin E. In just a month you will forget about weak hairs that are prone to brittleness and loss.

If you often do eyelash extensions, you need to know how to use a restorative mask. Mix castor, burdock, and sea buckthorn oils in equal proportions. Add dried crushed rose hips to the resulting mass. Place the mixture in a dark, cool place for 14 days. And then we undergo a course of strengthening therapy.

To improve the health and nutrition of eyelashes, we take castor oil, olive and almond oil extracts, and vitamins (A or E). Leave on eyelashes for 40 minutes to an hour.

In addition to the castor remedy, we prepare decoctions of calendula, cornflower and chamomile flowers. For 1 tablespoon of oil we take 2-3 times more broth. The difference and advantage of this mask over others is that it can be left overnight and kept as compresses for several hours.

For brittle and falling eyelashes, various oils are useful: flaxseed, almond, castor, rose, wheat and grape seed. Since there are many ingredients, you can take a few drops of each.

Castor oil in equal proportions will strengthen hair follicles and prevent eyelash loss.

If from time to time you are bothered by blepharitis, barley and other eye diseases, then 15 ml of castor oil with 5 ml of eloe juice will cope with these ailments and strengthen the eyelashes. And if you have parsley at home, the chopped leaves of this plant will become a great addition for this mask.

Beauty masks

The oil itself can be supplemented with some cosmetic products and used as part of masks for growth, thickness and restoration. natural color eyelashes

Equal shares of castor oil and cognac or rum are mixed and applied for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, the face is wiped with cotton wool, and the remains of alcoholic drinks are washed off with water.

Oil extracts of castor oil, calendula and chamomile will not only give your eyelashes the desired strength and volume, but will also moisturize and nourish the skin around the eyes.

So that the hairs on the eyelids acquire length, thickness and more dark color, in addition to oil, we will need strong tea leaves. It is recommended to warm the mixture before use.

To make the frame of your eyes please you with their length and thickness, use 5 ml of castor oil and 10 g of Vaseline. You can additionally apply Peruvian balsam, if available. The latter will require very little.

Peach or apricot oil with castor oil, when used regularly, will make our look from under luxurious eyelashes simply charming.

The oil can be mixed with the same amount of egg white and glycerin. Apply evenly to eyelashes from roots to tips. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse with water or special means.

Mix 5 ml of castor oil with 8 g of Vaseline and about 2 g of Shostakovsky balm. This composition can be applied 2 times a day - morning and evening.

Does castor oil help eyelash growth? Reviews

One of my daughters does eyelash extensions. Despite modern means for eyelash care, advises her clients to care with this product. Customer reviews of castor oil for eyelashes are mostly positive.

It returns eyelashes to their natural color and thickness. Many people note that their eyelashes have become longer than they once were. They began to fall out less, gained volume and strength. Also pleasant changes affected the area around the eyes. And those with sensitive, dry skin prone to flaking did not feel any unpleasant symptoms after exposure to castor oil.

Of course, not all 100% of reviews praise this product. Some girls complain about the inconvenience of using the substance. Even if all precautions are taken, the oil sometimes gets onto the mucous membranes and causes a burning sensation. Also, a number of clients from negative reviews I didn’t like the consistency: the oily liquid is poorly absorbed and difficult to wash off.

Some did not see the results that delighted their friends. But there are those who attribute it to genetics. If no one in the family has long and thick eyelashes, you shouldn’t expect miracles from castor oil either.

Be that as it may, most women were satisfied with the natural remedy. Some achieved the desired length without extensions, others saw the growth of new eyelashes, and still others got rid of problems with dry eyelid skin.

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Every girl wants to have an expressive look. To achieve it, you need to provide your eyelashes with adequate care. One of the most useful means Castor oil is used for this purpose. It is invaluable for eyelashes: with its help you can make them beautiful and thick. The main thing is to know how to use it correctly.

Beneficial features

Castor oil contains fatty acids, due to which it has increased viscosity. Thanks to this feature, castor oil is actively used to create all kinds of masks. This oil enriches any composition, giving it a uniform texture. This feature is far from the only useful property of castor oil:

  1. The product contains a lot of ricinoleic acid. When in contact with the skin, it stimulates nerve endings, which helps increase cell activity.
  2. The composition contains oleic, palm, linoleic acids (18 carbon acids in total).
  3. Castor oil is characterized by increased stability (does not spoil for a long time) and uniformity.

Like other oils, castor oil has varieties, the characteristics of each of them depend on the manufacturing method. If the product was obtained using a cold method, it is of higher quality and purer.

Castor oil is characterized by a quality that is unusual for other oils: the ability to dissolve in alcohol and aliphatic substances.

The only disadvantage of this product is the fact that it loses its beneficial qualities during prolonged storage.

Effect of oil on eyelashes

The beneficial effect of castor oil on eyelashes is due to its unique composition. Since it contains important acids, it ensures the normal functioning of hair and epithelium.

Linoleic acid is produced by the human body, but in most cases this amount is small. Palm and oleic acids come from food, but it is impossible to regulate this volume. Usually food contains insufficient amounts of them. This means that eyelashes also lack these elements.

before using castor oil

after using castor oil

  • Ricinoleic acid provokes irritation of nerve receptors in the skin, which promotes cell activation. Thanks to this, beneficial substances from blood vessels and external sources are absorbed much better.
  • Castor oil enters almost entirely into the bulbs and rods of the eyelashes. Due to this, it fully saturates them with useful substances. Thanks to the high viscosity of this product, the structure of the hairs is restored much faster, their surface becomes smooth and silky.
  • In addition, castor oil is very beneficial for eyelash growth. The first results can be seen literally a month after starting to use this product.
  • This product also has a positive effect on skin century They acquire smoothness and elasticity. This is why castor oil is so useful for those girls who systematically pluck their eyebrows. The fact is that the structure of the skin in this area is seriously disturbed. With constant washing, the epithelium dries out and ages.

Castor oil for eyelashes - video

Features of application

Many girls are interested in how to apply castor oil to eyelashes correctly. In fact, using this product yourself is not particularly difficult. This procedure literally takes 1 minute to complete, and the results are consistently pleasing.

To achieve the desired goal, you need to take into account some features:

To avoid unwanted consequences, you need to take a little product with a brush and start smearing your eyelashes with castor oil from the middle, moving towards the ends. It is important to consider that the product should not drip from the eyelashes. Excess should be carefully removed with a brush.

The answer to the question whether castor oil helps eyelash growth can be answered in the affirmative in 90% of cases. Thanks to the use of this product, it will be possible to strengthen the hairs, restore their structure and preserve saturated color. At the same time, castor oil can be applied not only as an independent remedy, it can be added to various masks. Additional ingredients will only increase the effectiveness of the procedures.

Useful masks for eyelashes

The choice of additional components directly depends on the result you want to get. Currently, many effective remedies are known that have a positive effect on the condition of eyelashes:

  1. For thickness. To prepare this composition, 5 g of castor oil must be mixed with 10 g of Vaseline. To get a stronger effect, you can add a small amount to the mixture. Peruvian balsam. After this, you can safely treat your eyelashes with the resulting composition.

    10 g Vaseline
    5 g castor oil
    small amount of Peruvian balsam

  2. To strengthen. To make eyelashes stronger and healthier, it is recommended to mix castor oil with other types of oils. Great option will become almond or flaxseed. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to slightly warm the composition using a steam bath.
  3. For antibacterial effect. Girls who often suffer from styes and blepharitis should combine 15 g of castor oil with 5 g of aloe juice and use this remedy.
  4. For softness. To give your eyelashes smoothness and silkiness, you need to combine castor oil and peach oil (5 g each) in equal parts. An excellent remedy that will make eyelashes soft is a mixture of castor oil with sea buckthorn oil. Vitamin A is also added to the resulting product. If you don’t have it on hand, you can use carrot juice. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and treated with eyelashes and eyebrows. The mask can be left overnight and removed in the morning before applying cosmetics. The product will give noticeable results in about a couple of weeks.

  5. For eyelash growth. To prepare the composition, you need to buy vitamins A and E in capsules. After this, you can mix castor oil with these substances and burdock oil. An excellent remedy is a mixture of castor oil and fish oil, which are combined in equal proportions. The composition is applied to the eyelashes with a brush or cotton pad. Leave the mixture for 1 hour, then rinse well. The procedure is done every day for 2 weeks. Then you can stop for 5 days and repeat the course.
  6. To prevent eyelash loss. For this remedy, it is recommended to combine aloe and parsley juice - 1 dessert spoon each. Then add a couple of tablespoons of castor oil. An equally effective composition is a mixture of castor oil, rose oil, almond oil, and linseed oil. Wheat germ and grape seed oil are also added to the mixture. It is recommended to combine all these components in equal parts, mix well and treat the eyelashes and skin in the eye area. It is recommended to keep the composition for no more than 1 hour. Then rinse well with tonic.

To make eyelashes more attractive, various herbs can be added to castor oil. An excellent option would be a mixture of castor oil and calendula infusion. No less effective means is a composition based on chamomile and rosehip. Such balms have an excellent effect on the thickness and appearance of eyelashes.


In order not to harm your health, you need to know what contraindications exist for the use of castor oil. These include the following:

To avoid negative health consequences, it is necessary to test for allergic reactions. To do this, you can apply the oil to the back of your hand and leave it for several hours. If itching and irritation do not appear, then you can safely proceed to eyelash treatment.

Features of eyelash care

To have beautiful and well-groomed eyelashes, you need to learn how to properly care for them. To do this, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Before going to bed, you definitely need to get rid of cosmetics. The health and growth of eyelashes directly depends on compliance with this rule.
  2. You should not use gel or soap to wash your face. To make eyelashes look good, makeup is removed with a special toner.
  3. You need to use only high-quality cosmetics. You should not buy cheap products; they may contain harmful ingredients.
  4. If you often experience eye or skin diseases in this area, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. With such pathologies, any eyelash treatment will not produce results. In addition, quite often there are cases when the disease spreads to the eyelashes, especially for fungal infections.

Using castor oil for eyelashes with added vitamins - video

The development of the beauty industry today allows us to solve almost all problems related to appearance and health. But most personal care products are expensive, and not everyone can afford them. In addition, they contain artificial additives that can cause allergies or make the problem even worse. Paying a significant portion of money for a product that may not help, but only harm, is risky. Therefore, many girls and even men continue to search budget resources from natural raw materials. For this reason folk remedies self-care products do not lose their popularity. Among these is castor oil.

The article describes how useful it is for eyelashes and eyebrows, reviews of those who have tried it and methods of use are also presented.

About castor oil

The mention of castor oil brings an embarrassed smile to many people. And it’s not surprising - until recently it was known only as a laxative. It was used as a mild cleanser for the body and was even given to children. Research into other effects on the body and wide application in cosmetology, in particular, began relatively recently.

Castor oil, or simply castor oil, is a vegetable oil. It is extracted from castor bean seeds by cold pressing. The plant is a bush with fruits in the form of a box, which contains the seeds. Africa is considered the birthplace of the castor bean, but it is widespread in all warm latitudes of the globe, growing wild and partially cultivated. The seeds of the plant consist of fats (more than 50%) and proteins (up to 20%). It is these fats that are famous for their positive properties for the body.

What does it consist of?

To find out whether castor oil helps the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, consider its composition.

The oil is a thick, yellowish liquid with a slightly sweet taste. It contains ricinoleic, oleic and linoleic fatty acids, which have a number of medicinal properties.

The original composition of castor bean seeds contains ricin and ricinin - toxic substances. But since the oil is obtained by cold pressing, all the poisons remain in the waste. The end result is clean and healthy oil. In pharmacies it is sold in refined form and is completely ready for use.

Positive effects of castor oil

  • Laxative, healing, anti-cold effects.
  • Restoring hair structure, softness and smoothness.
  • Increased hair growth.
  • Nail and skin care, tightening sagging skin around the eyes.
  • Treatment of warts, calluses, softening of feet.

Disadvantages of castor oil

There are very few disadvantages of castor oil. It has contraindications only in case of individual intolerance, and during pregnancy it is used only externally. Before applying castor oil to eyelashes or eyebrows, you need to make sure that there are no pronounced problems on the skin around these areas - ulcers or other dermatological diseases. In this case, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of use.

Castor oil and hair

The benefits of castor oil are associated with its positive effect on hair in general. Most often it is used to solve many problems related to the health of the hair and scalp:

  • penetrating into the scalp, the oil nourishes the hair follicle with essential nutrients (fatty acids), which subsequently stops hair loss;
  • Properly distributed oil smoothes hair scales, thereby making them soft, silky and shiny;
  • oil nourishes damaged hair, helps to cope with problems after coloring and using hot styling products;
  • has a preventive effect on the problem of split ends of hair;
  • effectively eliminates dry scalp, which is why it is used in the treatment of dandruff.

The main problems associated with eyelashes and their causes

Eyelashes are one of the main weapons of women's attractiveness. They not only perform a natural protective function for the eyes, but also make the look more expressive and mysterious. At their core, eyelashes are the same as hair. And in the pursuit of beauty they suffer no less.

Eyelashes can fall out due to too frequent use of low-quality mascara, poor hygiene (for example, sleeping with makeup), or the use of hair curling tools. In addition, eyelash extensions, gluing false eyelashes. Painting also causes great harm to your own. As a result, they break off, fall out, and become rarer. This is mechanical damage to which eyelashes are exposed. In addition to them, there are also internal ones related to the state of health (for example, changes in hormonal levels or lack of vitamins and fats). In this case, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor and, first of all, eliminate the disease of the body. For cosmetic purposes they are recommended - further.

How to speed up eyelash growth using castor oil?

Restoration of eyelash growth follows the same principle as that of hair on the head. Castor oil for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes in this case may be the most affordable and effective method. It penetrates the eyelash hair bulb, nourishes it, and strengthens it. When castor oil gets on the hair, the regrown hair becomes denser and more resistant to damage.

The basic rule that must be followed when carrying out procedures to enhance eyelash growth should be systematicity. Don't expect phenomenal results after the first two uses. The procedures are carried out in cycles. One cycle - 3-4 weeks of daily use.

It is recommended to apply it in the evening. Before applying castor oil to your eyelashes, you need to do makeup remover. It is not recommended to keep it on all night - there is a risk of oil getting into your eyes. 30-40 minutes is enough to hold castor oil (for eyelashes). The “before” and “after” of the result will be noticeable in a couple of weeks. Eyelashes will become silkier and stronger. And at the end of the entire course, an increase in the number of eyelashes will become noticeable.

Eyebrow care: problems and their causes

Eyebrow care also takes up a significant portion of girls' time and effort. This is a necessary measure, since even facial expression depends on the beauty and well-groomed eyebrows. In search of their desired shape, women make many mistakes - they pluck heavily, because of which density and proportions suffer, they remove hairs where they are needed, or even shave, after which not only suffers appearance, but also the condition of the hairs. Eyebrows are tinted and tattooed.

All these manipulations do not pass without leaving a trace. This is not counting the internal factors (the same ones that affect the condition of the eyelashes) that lead to hair loss. In addition, stress and the environment are no less destructive for the condition of these parts of the body. Therefore, preventive procedures should be carried out even for absolutely healthy people.

Effect of castor oil on eyebrows

The oil has the same principle of action as in the case of hair and eyelashes. This allows us to answer the question: does castor oil help eyebrow growth? It helps if you follow all the rules for applying it and carry out such procedures regularly. Using castor oil, you can activate the growth of eyebrow hairs in those parts where you want them to grow. It helps make them softer, well-groomed and natural. By resuming hair growth in areas where it was lost, it will be possible to correct the shape in the future.

Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows: application

If this is your first time using castor oil, be careful. Most often, it is not recommended to use castor oil in its pure form for eyelashes and eyebrows. The use of this product is made more effective by other components that are added to the composition for further use. These may be the most common recipes.

  1. With vitamin E. Adding this vitamin to castor oil helps saturate the hair follicle big amount nutrients, which enhances its growth.
  2. A mask made from castor oil and fish oil has the same effect.
  3. Mixing with aloe juice. Eyelashes and eyebrows grow much faster after using castor oil with this juice. The components must be combined in a 1:1 ratio and kept for no more than 30 minutes.
  4. A mask made from the following oils will help stop hair loss: castor, rose, almond, linseed. They are combined in equal proportions and applied for an hour.
  5. Eyelashes and eyebrows after castor oil will become silkier and stronger if you add sea buckthorn oil and vitamin A to the base. This mask can be left overnight and washed off before applying makeup.

The benefits of castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows increase if you preheat it to a comfortable temperature.

Applying castor oil to eyelashes

The method of applying castor oil to eyelashes is quite unpleasant at first glance. But it does not require much effort, and over time the procedure is performed automatically. Here are a few rules and application steps.

  • A prerequisite before applying the oil is to wash off your makeup. Even if you use a tonic that gets into the area near the eyes, it is better to rinse it off with water first to prevent reactions.
  • The easiest way to apply is with a mascara brush. You can use any convenient brush that is no longer needed. It must first be thoroughly washed and dried.
  • The brush needs to be soaked in oil, squeeze out the excess on the edge of the jar and carefully apply it to the eyelashes using usual movements. If after this you feel heaviness on your eyelids, it means there is too much oil.
  • You need to apply it as carefully as possible - contact of oil with the mucous membrane of the eye causes discomfort and harms vision. If it does get into the eye, you need to rinse it with plenty of water and repeat the procedure.
  • If there are no allergic reactions, you can also apply the oil to the area around the eyes. Regular use will help reduce the appearance of crow's feet.
  • Do not keep the oil for more than an hour. At the end of the procedure, it should be rinsed well with warm water.

How to apply oil to eyebrows?

The method of using castor oil for eyebrows is simpler. Before the procedure, the face should be cleaned of makeup, washed with warm water and dried. You can apply the oil with the same mascara brush as on your eyes. You can use a cosmetic sponge soaked in oil or simply rub the product in with your finger (hands must be clean). In this case, you can choose any convenient method. The main thing is hygiene.

Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows: reviews

To decide whether to try this product to solve your problems, a dry description of the components and properties of the product is not enough. People's reviews will speak more eloquently about how effective castor oil is for eyelashes and eyebrows.

Most of those who have already conducted such an experiment note that the effect is indeed present. Many have managed to increase the thickness of their eyelashes and eyebrows and make them look healthier. Some people say that they no longer need to use mascara - castor oil has helped so much for eyelashes and eyebrows. Reviews from many also say that there was no noticeable increase in the number of hairs or their length, but the condition of the existing ones has improved much - they have a healthy shine, do not fall out or break.

The girls offer alternative methods for masks and mixtures that helped them: mixing with cognac to enhance hair growth (alcohol promoted blood flow to the hair follicles), with carrot juice instead of vitamin A. The first option, of course, is more acceptable for eyebrows.

Now that you know what effect castor oil has on eyelashes and how to use it in eyebrow care, you can try this method. Perhaps the result will exceed expectations, and new way self-care will become an alternative to expensive and ineffective means.

As you know, oils themselves are extremely beneficial both for the human body and for improving appearance. Many plant extracts have a number of features and benefits, and castor oil is no exception.

It is unique in its properties, therefore it is often used by cosmetologists, found in face and hair care products, and as a medicinal additive. Castor oil is also indispensable for eyelashes. Here its use is also diverse, for example, oil, which acts as an independent product for nourishing eyelashes, or in combination with other oils, vitamins and other additives.

The product itself contains glycerides of linoleic acid, important for the body, as well as oleic and ricinoleic acid. As with other oils used for cosmetic purposes, it should be remembered that the highest quality is obtained by cold pressing and hot pressing, or even extracting the oil with solvents, is less useful.

Benefits of castor oil

This type of oil really has a lot of beneficial properties; it is quite difficult to list absolutely everything, but there are basic ones that most people value. It’s important to start with the fact that castor oil is an absolutely safe product, which modern world is already a rarity. Almost everyone can use it, and absolutely not worry about any consequences. Castor bean, as a primary product, by the way, is a poisonous plant. However, all substances negative for the body during the production of castor oil remain in the waste, so the final product simply cannot cause poisoning.

The main property is bactericidal. For this reason, a popular remedy is used in the treatment of burns, and in this case it is indeed very effective. In addition, it helps to heal abrasions and cuts, which is why it is one of the main components of the so popular Vishnevsky ointment.

The next property is medicinal; it helps in the fight against various colds. Castor oil has a healing effect. So, they apply it to calluses and corns, thanks to which they heal much faster. If you smear your skin with it, it helps to soften it and reduce pain, if, of course, there is any.

Since ancient times, castor oil has served as an excellent laxative. Previously, when medicines There was no way to combat constipation, we used this particular remedy. It is also considered an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, for example in the treatment of arthritis.

And, of course, we must not forget that this is simply a wonderful and, most importantly, very effective cosmetic product, which is valued by the fair sex. It can have a positive effect on hair growth, skin condition and, of course, the quality of eyelashes. In the latter case, improvements are observed that any lady dreams of - their growth, density and thickness improve.

Castor oil for eyelashes - application

You can easily purchase such a multifunctional oil in all pharmacies in the city for literally pennies, so this product is accessible to everyone, which can undoubtedly be considered an advantage. Using this type of oil is even easier. The most convenient bottle will be one that already has a brush. This makes it much easier to apply the product directly to your eyelashes. If there is no such device in the bottle, then you should not be upset - a brush from an old tube of mascara will come in handy, which, of course, should be thoroughly rinsed before use.

It is also important to know about the timing of the expected result. Achieving the long-term positive effect that castor oil has on eyelashes requires regular implementation of the procedure; it must become a habit. Application does not require any special skills, as it is no different from applying mascara to eyelashes. The only point that should be taken into account is not to paint the eyelashes too close to the roots, so as not to cause irritation of the mucous membrane. It is ideal to carry out health procedures in the evening, but in order to avoid swelling of the eyelids, you absolutely cannot fall asleep with it.

There is no effective result from painting the roots of eyelashes with oil, so it is useless to try to apply it along the entire length. Moreover, if you are careless, you can touch the eye shell and cause irritation.

When applied correctly, castor oil for eyelashes is distributed directly to their tips and middle. The layer should be generous, and after fifteen minutes after application, you need to remove excess product that is not absorbed into the eyelashes with a cotton swab or gauze pad.

A positive result on the eyelashes will become noticeable after two or three weeks. You need to use castor oil on your eyelashes continuously every day for six weeks. But after that, you definitely need to take a break for at least 10 days, after which you can return to the procedures again.

In the vast majority of cases side effects when used for cosmetic purposes, this product does not have, since side effects it can only cause when used directly inside the body. However, there are some women who may experience irritation due to its use. This is also the case when you come across low-quality castor oil for eyelashes.

Eyelash masks with castor oil

So useful product can act as an independent component, or can serve as a basis for nourishing masks. They can be completely different, but there are the most popular and proven options.

Vitamin mask

Castor oil in this version needs to be enriched with vitamins A and E, which are sold in pharmacies. To two pipettes of castor oil diluted with vitamins add one pipette of burdock oil, which also has a lot of positive properties. When applying the mask, a brush for eyelashes is useful, which is used to paint them. The mask has no strict restrictions on its use; it can be used both in the morning and in the evening. But, over the next two hours, painting your eyes is strictly not recommended.

In the video below you will see a slightly alternative, lighter, but no less effective option that will be useful for eyelashes. And also, learn how you can make a more convenient bottle for a mask.

Herbal mask

Here you will need a spoonful of dried chamomile flowers, and almond oil will serve as an addition to castor oil. Next, all this is poured with boiling water for about twenty minutes, the resulting broth is filtered and the eyes are carefully blotted with a cotton pad. It is recommended to make a mask 2-3 times a week, but it is contraindicated in case of an allergy to one of the components.

Oil mask

When preparing another absolutely simple mask that will help significantly improve the quality and length of eyelashes, you need to use a mixture of argon, castor, burdock and peach oils. The result is an excellent vitamin cocktail that nourishes the eyelashes. The oil mixture should be used every night, on eyelashes that have been cleansed of any cosmetics.

Not all women are blessed with long and thick eyelashes. Namely, they decorate the face, making the eyes more expressive and attractive. Many ways have been invented to combat such injustice. This includes all kinds of mascara, extensions, and other procedures. There are many options for giving them beauty, but none of them gives a long-lasting and harmless effect. Fortunately, there is a natural, inexpensive, time-tested remedy - castor oil for eyelashes.

She has healing properties, which magically affect their health and appearance. How is castor oil useful for eyelashes, how to use this cosmetic product correctly?

If you use castor oil correctly for your eyelashes, you can get them to grow quickly and have a chic overall appearance.

Composition and beneficial principle of action

List of useful substances in castor oil.

This oil is widely known in medicine and other fields. It has also been successfully used for hair growth and strengthening for a long time.

After all, the composition of this product has a beneficial effect on the follicles, regardless of where they are located. Therefore, it is suitable not only for improving the scalp, but also for eyelashes.

What are its benefits? The uniqueness lies in the content of fatty acids of 3 classes at once:

  • saturated (palmitic and stearic);
  • polyunsaturated (linoleic);
  • monounsaturated (oleic and ricinoleic).

They are the ones who have a beneficial effect on the bulbs, saturating them with useful substances. The content of these acids also determines the viscosity of this oil, due to which it penetrates into their structure better and faster. These beneficial features allow you to effectively use castor oil for eyelash growth.

In the process of using such a tool, the following results are provided:

  1. Dry hairs are deeply moisturized and nourished, the brittle structure becomes smoother and more uniform. This prevents hair loss.
  2. “Sleeping” bulbs are activated and density appears due to the growth of new elements.
  3. The color of the eyelashes becomes darker, which sometimes even allows you to refuse to tint with mascara.

Use in different variations

There is one more advantageous point that sets castor oil for eyelashes apart from other cosmetic products - its use does not require much effort. However, you should follow a few simple specific steps to get the maximum beneficial effect.

Rules for use in its pure form

The process of treating eyelashes with castor oil using a mascara brush.

It is best to apply this product in the evening before bed. In this case, castor oil for eyelashes will have time to be well absorbed and manifest its beneficial properties. In the morning, you should wash your face thoroughly so that any remaining extract does not remain on your eyelids or get into your eyes. Otherwise, they may turn red and become covered with an oily film, which will cause irritation and impair vision.

To successfully use this herbal extract you will need a minimum of things:

  • the remedy itself;
  • mascara brush;
  • cotton pads.

It is better to buy a new brush, but you can also use old mascara. Before and after each use, it should be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water or a special eye makeup remover.

The application procedure itself consists of the following:

  1. Thoroughly clean the skin around the eyes with micellar water or any other makeup remover solution.
  2. Dip the prepared brush into a jar of oil, and then remove excess oil by wiping the tool on the edge.
  3. Lubricating the eyelashes should begin from the tips in the area of ​​the inner corners of the eyes, gradually moving to the outer edge.
  4. If the treatment turns out to be excessively abundant, you should lightly blot your eyes with a napkin after it.
  5. After an hour, remove any remaining oil by wiping your eyelids well with cotton pads or cosmetic wipes. It is better not to wash your face at this stage, since the feeding process will continue at night.

IMPORTANT! The only contraindication to this nutritional procedure is allergic reaction. Therefore, before the first use, a test is required on a small area of ​​the eyelid. If no redness or irritation occurs, the product is safe to use.

A mascara brush for applying castor oil to eyelashes.

These cosmetic products should be used regularly to stimulate eyelash growth. The ideal course is every evening for a month. After 30 days of use, it is advisable to take a break of 10-14 days to avoid addiction.

Recipes for castor oil-based compositions for eyelash care

In addition to using this oil in its pure form, you can combine it with other ingredients to enhance its beneficial effects. There are many formulations based on To astorki for eyelashes - reviews of some are not always positive.

Therefore, let’s look at those that really “work”:

Recipe for an oil mix for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes based on castor oil.

Composition and preparation of an eyelash mask based on castor oil and rose oil.

ADVICE! The above mixtures can be used not only for eyelashes, but also for eyebrows. As a result, they will also become thick, beautiful and healthy.

Answers to frequently asked questions

After reading the recommendations for use and observing the results of using castor oil for eyelashes in the “before and after” photos, you may still have some doubts and questions. But the answers below should dispel them.

Does castor oil help with growth? long eyelashes? It may be hard to believe that a regular oil can help you achieve results that more expensive ones don't. cosmetical tools. But this is actually true. It really promotes eyelash growth and improves their condition in general. Judging by the reviews, the first results can be expected after 2 weeks of regular application.

How to choose castor oil? There are several selection rules. First, you should buy it at a pharmacy to gain confidence in the naturalness of the composition. Secondly, a pure composition is required, without alcohol content. Third, cold-pressed extract is the most effective.

Photo of the result (after 1.5 months) of using castor oil for eyelash growth.

How to apply castor oil to eyelashes? The correct method of application to hair is indicated above. And the main nuance is to distribute it only on the tips of the eyelashes. The oil itself will be absorbed into them and reach the roots. But this method prevents it from getting into the eyes.

How long should you keep castor oil on your eyelashes? For the first time, use should not exceed 15 minutes. Then, if no negative reactions occur, you can increase the time to 1 hour. It is also not forbidden to leave castor oil on the eyelashes all night, removing its excess, as described above.


The use of these cosmetic products for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes is simple and safe. It is absolutely natural and non-toxic, affordable and sold in every pharmacy. If you use it according to all the above rules, you can get desired result without any side effects.

The only thing required is patience. Some will be able to see results in just a couple of weeks, while others will need 1-2 months. After all, everyone’s body characteristics are different. But if you do not take long breaks in the courses of procedures, then after some time the eyelashes will definitely become thicker, longer and darker.

After watching a video with detailed tips on the topic of the article, you can leave a comment. How do you care for your eyelashes? Will you try this product or have you already had a positive experience?