The machine stitches are not tied. Why does the sewing machine skip stitches?

Like any mechanism, a sewing machine is subject to various breakdowns, however, for devices of this type there are typical and most common cases. For example, why does a sewing machine skip stitches while stitching? To answer this question, you need to look inside the device and find out the features of its functioning.

The so-called sewing stitch appears as a result of the interaction of a needle and a special shuttle device.

The nose part of the shuttle moves close to the needle and lifts the loop from it. After this, the part wraps the upper thread around itself and creates a lockstitch. If the mechanisms work smoothly, and the settings sewing machine

is not broken, gaps in the stitching during sewing are excluded. However, if operating rules are not followed or as a result of worn parts, failures may occur during the process. Let's look at examples of situations that lead to gaps in stitches and ways to eliminate them. The distance between the needle tip and the nose of the shuttle exceeds permissible value of 0.3 millimeters

. In some cases, the gap may diverge by more than a millimeter. This leads to the fact that the shuttle, passing by the loop, is not able to grab the thread and form a stitch. This happens as a natural result of using low-quality fabrics and threads, defective needles, and defective parts. Skips also occur due to poorly tensioned thread and incorrectly selected needle sizes. To resolve, carefully inspect the shuttle part of the device and perform the necessary procedures to restore operation.

Damaged needle

Incorrect sewing machine settings may cause the sewing machine to skip stitches. Over time, especially after frequent use, the sewing machine needle may change its position or even bend. This can affect not only the evenness of the stitching, but also the entire work. To resolve the problem, remove the bobbin case and carefully inspect it. Adjustment of such a precise mechanism requires special attention

and scrupulousness. If you don’t have enough patience, or don’t have the necessary tools at hand, contact a competent specialist.

Chaika sewing machines, like models from other companies, may not work properly due to a mismatch between the thickness of the thread and the needle.

A needle that is too small or too fine simply cannot manipulate bulky material, causing stitches to skip or become uneven. The overlapping loop will be easier to form on the other side, disrupting the harmony of the work. To eliminate this, select a thread that matches the numbering. Before starting work, do not forget to check the operating instructions for the device.

High angle of deflection of the loop-lap The loop required for the stitch is formed on the opposite side of the shuttle. A higher angle increases the chance of skipping a stitch, as does a buttonhole that is too small. What to do in such a situation? Try to give the needle bar the correct angle, being careful not to damage the device. In addition, the part can be modernized by filing on it a new spot

. Select the angle suitable for your device and carry out the necessary procedure.

Formation of a lap loop on the side opposite to the needle The phenomenon is common in mechanisms using polished threads

. Their elasticity is several times higher than that of unpolished threads. Since most manufacturers are focused on the use of unpolished materials, malfunctions may occur in the operation of the device.

To eliminate this, it is necessary to achieve an optimal angle of thread deflection. As a last resort, you can slightly increase the shuttle stroke by creating an elevation on its body. To do this, use tin, applied with a soldering iron. Solder it opposite to the direction of the needle, leaving a 0.8 mm gap between the elevation and the needle. Replacing the thread with a better quality one may also help.

Problems with nylon threads

The Seagull sewing machine may skip stitches when working with nylon thread. This is caused by the special properties of the material, which can eliminate friction with the needle. When lifting the needle, the thread simply does not form a lap loop. Nylon can also become deformed and drag on the needle. All this disrupts the natural process of work, creating malfunctions.

This vulnerability makes it necessary to follow the following instructions for all sewing machine models.

Almost any device can be configured to work with nylon, but all manipulations can go to waste if the quality of the thread is unacceptable.

If the owner has repeatedly violated the rules for using the machine, you should not be surprised at the rapid wear of some of its parts. For example, “Seagulls” are characterized by breaking a large hole in a plate with a needle. The needle carries the thread along with it as it rises, and the thread, in turn, does not have time to form a sufficient loop to capture. This can only be corrected by replacing a broken plate to a new one. You will have to spend time finding a suitable part and installing it in place of the old one.

Twisted thread

If the thread is incorrectly positioned or twisted, the overlap loop goes to the side. In this position, it deviates too much from the required ninety-degree angle for the shuttle to catch it. The damage will be eliminated if replace the threads with thicker ones. You can also check the condition of the entire shuttle mechanism and replace it if it is faulty. This is an extreme measure, do not rush to purchase new parts. In most cases, breakdowns can be easily repaired even at home.

These are the main reasons why a sewing machine sometimes skips stitches. Carefully check the condition of small elements of the device, because they are very easily damaged. Timely inspection will help avoid serious damage.

Surely everyone who more or less regularly uses a sewing machine has encountered this problem at least once. Now it would seem that I have checked the correct threading, and changed the needle, and cleaned the shuttle device, but the machine still skips stitches! Why does this happen and what to do in this case?

Let's try to find the reason for missing stitches when working on a sewing machine. The problem in most cases is as follows - the thread, lowered with the needle down, is not picked up by the nose of the shuttle, that is, as a result of any disturbances in the operation of the machine, a loop large enough cannot be formed that the nose of the shuttle could grab, and, accordingly, the stitch does not it turns out. Let's figure out what malfunctions can cause stitch skipping?

Firstly, a good reason for skipping a stitch may be a needle that is not suitable for the type of work being performed, the type of material being processed, or in the end is simply bent or blunt. For example, when an excessively thick needle gets into a thread of fabric, it pulls it down and forms a loop that prevents the formation of a lap loop from the top thread.

Secondly, the sewing machine may skip stitches due to the sewing threads not matching the needle type and number. For example, with a thin needle and a thick top thread, an overlap loop may form on the opposite side of the needle, where the nose of the shuttle cannot pick it up.

Thirdly, the sewing machine often skips stitches when sewing elastic synthetic fabrics. If the fabric you are working with is stretchy, a thin needle will not be able to make a sufficient hole in it. When the needle passes through the hole in the needle plate, the fabric clings to it.

Fourthly, stitch skipping often occurs when transitioning from a thick to a thin section of a seam (for example, when hemming the bottom of a pair of jeans).

Fifthly, skipping a stitch can be caused by a mismatch between the movements of the shuttle and the needle.

What to do?

If your sewing machine starts skipping stitches, proceed as follows:

1. Check that the upper and bobbin threads are threaded correctly.
2. Loosen the upper thread tension.
3. Change the needle. An old needle can become dull, bent, or become covered in dirt as a result of long use. It is important to know what type of needle your machine is set for. All needles have their own markings and gauge; write down the markings of the recommended needles from the sewing machine instructions and then you can find on sale exactly what suits you.

When purchasing needles, you should choose the smallest appropriate needle gauge for your specific fabric. It is preferable to use a universal needle, or a needle with a medium or wide round point, or a finishing stitch needle. To sew elastic fabrics, choose special needles marked “stretch”.
The needle must be inserted into the needle holder correctly, until it stops. But in particularly difficult cases, it can be lowered a little, sometimes this method helps so that a sufficiently large loop can be formed from the top thread.

4. Check whether the presser foot is installed evenly, sometimes you need to increase its pressure (or even pull the nose of the foot down when sewing), as a result of which it will hold the fabric much better. This will prevent the needle from pulling the fabric down through the needle plate. It is preferable to use a straight stitch foot (with a small round hole). If you don't have a straight stitch foot, try moving the needle to the far right.

5. Use a needle plate with a small hole, if you do not have a needle plate with a small hole, then try to cover the wide hole part of the regular needle plate with adhesive tape.

6. Change sewing threads. Perhaps the threads you use have a high twist. Due to the strongly twisted thread, the overlap loop may immediately fold to the side when formed, which leads to a skipped stitch.

7. When sewing elastic synthetic fabrics, you can try to stabilize the fabric with a special water-soluble material; if this is not available, soak the fabric in a solution of gelatin or starch. You can place thin paper under the fabric, which should be carefully torn off when finishing sewing.

8. When moving from a thick to a thin section of a seam, use a special tool-foot for passing thick places. Some models of sewing machines have a special mechanism that simplifies the transition from a thin to a thick layer of material - carefully read the instructions for your sewing machine.

9. If none of the methods helped you, your sewing machine may be skipping stitches due to a mismatch between the movements of the hook and the needle. In this case the most The best way To fix the problem, call a sewing machine repairman. If you are ready to learn all the secrets of repairing a sewing machine yourself, A.I.’s book can help you. Zyuzin “Repair of sewing machines.”

When a machine stitch breaks in a visible place, it not only spoils the appearance of the product and forces you to re-stitch the seam, but also tires you with the need for constant rework if the problem recurs. This defect occurs when the sewing machine does not pick up the bobbin thread.

The cause of grip failure can be inconsistencies between threads and needles in relation to the density of the fabric, a violation in the adjustment of the devices that tension the thread and hold the needle, and design faults of sewing equipment.

General information about the problem

To create a stitch on the surface of the fabric when sewing, the needle with the top thread is lowered to the shuttle. The nose of the shuttle device comes close to the needle, hooks the loop and draws the thread around itself. When the shuttle is turned, a loop placed on the spout catches the bottom thread, and the stitch is completed from the wrong side of the fabric. In order for the hook nose to form a loop, the gap between it and the needle blade should not exceed 0.3 mm.

If the interaction between the shuttle nose and the needle point is disrupted due to improper clearance, the thread will not be picked up and a skipped stitch will result. The reason for the increase in the gap is an attempt to sew too thick fabrics(sew the hem of jeans, folded in several layers). A household machine is not designed for such overloads.

In modern models of sewing devices, such as Brother, Janome or Juki hzl g 220, the shuttle is connected to the upper and lower shaft using a belt with teeth. The shafts also have teeth, the belt clings to them and drives the electric drive. When overloaded, the teeth do not adhere well, the settings of the sewing device are lost, and a gap appears between the needle and the shuttle nose.

Poor grip of the lower thread can be associated not only with overloads of the electric drive. More common causes are needle calibration violations or small defects in the shuttle device that arose during operation.

Causes of malfunction

Reasons caused by the design features of the machine. Problems with picking up thread and quality stitching may be associated with a malfunction of the shuttle mechanism or the occurrence of defects in it:

  • blunting of the shuttle nose;
  • shuttle settings failure;
  • violation of the spatial orientation of the shuttle device;
  • burr on bobbin case;
  • poor needle bar calibration;
  • The needle bar is set too high or too low.
  • misalignment of the screw on which the bobbin is secured;
  • violation of synchronism in the movements of the lower compartment and the needle bar.

Some of the listed shortcomings can be easily eliminated by adjusting the machine settings. It is better to invite a specialist to correct the position of the shuttle.

Malfunctions related to the needle and needle holder. The lower thread is not picked up if problems arise due to the needle:

  • the needle does not match the density of the fabric being sewn - too thin or thick;
  • the needle bulb does not correspond to the needle holder - this happens if an industrial needle is selected for a household machine or a needle with a smaller bulb diameter than necessary;
  • needle bent or blunt;
  • the thread chosen is thicker than the needle - in this case, the thread clings to the eye and inhibits the formation of a loop in the shuttle device.

The fabric moves unevenly. If the hole in the needle plate is badly broken, then the fabric is pulled into it along with the needle when sewing. Its uneven progress prevents the thread from passing freely into the eyelet. The threads are not picked up, the loop is not formed, and skipped stitches occur.

The reason for the uneven movement of the fabric is a failure in the settings of the rack teeth. When the needle goes down or up, the needle moves at the same time, pushing the fabric along with its teeth. If their interaction is poorly regulated, the fabric gathers, the lower thread is not picked up, and the upper thread breaks.

What else could be the reason? Stitches may be caused by threads. It happens that during the sewing process the lower thread breaks and simply winds around the bobbin, spinning idle. That is why it is not picked up by the nose of the shuttle, and looping from the wrong side of the material stops.

Thread breaks and skipped stitches also occur if the bottom thread is thicker than the top thread. In this situation, it is difficult to grip, and the seam is defective. To obtain a high-quality stitch and smooth operation of the sewing device, it is necessary that the lower thread be slightly thinner than the upper and elastic.

The use of twisted top threads provokes seam defects, since this type of thread forms either small or large loops, and they cannot be captured by the shuttle nose.

Troubleshooting Methods

If the machine does not want to catch the lower thread due to imbalance, it is necessary to restore the balance by adjusting the distance between the needle and the hook nose. To do this, set the straight stitch mode, remove the needle plate, and lower the needle to its lowest position. Then it is raised, making sure that the nose passes 1-2 mm above the eye of the needle, and 0.15-0.20 mm remains between the needle blade and the nose. The required clearance is adjusted using a screw near the shuttle.

For sewing machines of older brands such as “PMZ”, “Podolsk 142” and “Chaika” models, the settings are made in the zigzag stitch mode. The parameters are the same as for modern machines. But the guideline for them is the distance between the nose of the shuttle and the eye of the needle at the moment of left and right punctures of the tissue with a needle.

There are several ways to troubleshoot the problem: general rules, which will help you deal with the situation regardless of the make of the car. What needs to be checked and corrected is shown in the table below.

Problem Elimination
The thread tucked into the bobbin is too loose or too tight - check by hand or by trial stitching Check that the bobbin is threaded correctly. Adjust the tension using a screw next to or inside the hook
Shifting the needle bar to the side when sewing Adjust tension for upper thread
Heavy shuttle movement, skipped stitches, broken thread grip Clean out the lint and fuzz that has accumulated in the shuttle and interferes with the movement of the mechanism.
During stitching, the fabric is pulled under the panel, disrupting the operation of the shuttle device Replace the needle. If it is bent or blunt, the machine may pull material into the hook.
The thread is wound around the stitch, loosely tightened Repair the shuttle. Thread grip may be impaired due to nicks, cracks, or rust.

Preparation for work and other important points to prevent the problem

One of the simplest steps to help eliminate thread snagging problems is to properly prepare your sewing device for use. To do this you need:

  1. Check that the machine is level and stable.
  2. Insert the desired needle into the needle holder, secure it with a screw and check the reliability of the fastener.
  3. Place the spool or bobbin of thread on the riser and pass the upper thread through all holders and guides in accordance with the diagram supplied with the sewing device.
  4. Thread the thread into the eye of the needle and pull the end back 10-15 cm.
  5. Place the bobbin with the lower thread in the shuttle and bring the end of the thread out, next to the end of the upper thread.
  6. Connect the device to the network.
  7. Make a test stitch on a spare scrap piece.

If the machine is properly prepared for operation, the risk of the lower thread being picked up incorrectly and breaking is significantly reduced.

To prevent problems with the hook catching the loop, you must carefully select the threads. They should be smooth, elastic and not curled. Their thickness is chosen in strict accordance with the needle number and fabric density.

It happens that all efforts to manually adjust the machine did not give desired result. In this situation, you need to invite a specialist who will carry out diagnostics and find out the cause of the problem, eliminate it using special tools and will not allow more significant malfunctions.

What to do if the sewing machine does not pick up the bobbin thread, see the video below:

Sewing machine Sometimes skips stitches in the sewing line. Why does my sewing machine skip stitches? This article discusses the main common causes of skipped stitches and how to fix them.

1. The main reason why a sewing machine skips stitches

Lockstitch sewing lines are formed by the interaction of the shuttle device and the needle. The nose of the shuttle approaches the needle and removes the loop from the needle, draws the top thread around itself and forms a stitch. The stitches of the sewing machine will not have gaps if the settings for the interaction of the hook tip and the needle are followed. Let's look at under what conditions and parameters of interaction of these two parts the occurrence of skipped stitches on a sewing machine is eliminated.
The gap between the needle blade and the nose of the shuttle should not be more than 0.3 mm, but sometimes it can be more than a millimeter. The nose passes next to the loop without catching it, and a gap is formed in the stitch. The formation of the loop and its reliable capture by the nose of the shuttle are also influenced by other factors: thread tension, quality of fabrics and needles, type of needle and its size, etc. But still, this gap is the main parameter that influences the appearance of stitch skipping and if it is larger than normal, then its adjustment is necessary. If the sewing machine skips stitches, and you have already checked the thread tension, the condition of the needle and followed other recommendations, then there is only one thing left to do - adjust this knot. It is very convenient to use a magnifying glass for such adjustments, and before adjusting with a magnifying glass, inspect this unit and make sure that all the gaps are normal and you can call a specialist or adjust this unit yourself; there is no need to adjust it yourself.

2. Parameters for setting the gaps between the needle and the nose of the shuttle:

You can eliminate skipped stitches yourself if you set the parameters for the interaction of the needle and the nose of the shuttle as follows. When the needle is raised (set the stitch type switch to straight stitch) 1.8 - 2.0 mm from the lowest position, the tip of the looper should pass above the eye of the needle by approximately 1.0 - 2.0 mm with a gap between the needle blade and shuttle nose 0.15 - 0.25 mm. In theory, the smaller the gap between the needle blade and the nose, the better, but too small a gap can lead to needle breakage and dulling of the shuttle nose.
For thick fabrics, the spout extends above the eye about 2.0 mm. For thin fabrics - 1.0 mm. Set the average value to 1.5 mm. If gaps appear, try changing it.
For sewing machines Chaika, Podolsk 142, these parameters are also suitable, but the main guideline for these machines when setting the shuttle stroke is the position of the spout above the eye of the needle at the moment of the left and right needle prick, as well as a number of others. To ensure that the sewing stitch on machines with a zigzag, such as Chaika, Podolskaya 142, does not have gaps, you need to take into account the parameters of the interaction of the needle and the nose of the shuttle when performing a zigzag stitch.
Repairing a Chaika sewing machine is quite difficult to do on your own. Only an experienced craftsman can ensure that the line does not have gaps, the thread does not loop or break.

3. One of the reasons for skipping stitches is using a needle with a round bulb

The reason for the appearance of gaps in the stitching may be a needle that is not suitable for a household sewing machine. If a needle of a different type is installed, for example, with a round (industrial) flask or a different (smaller) flask diameter, then the stitching will definitely have gaps. This is a common “breakage” when a seamstress is careless in choosing a needle and inserts any one that comes to hand. Use only needles that are designed for your sewing machine. Externally, the needles are very similar, but have different bulb thicknesses, cut depths, and lengths. As a result of installing the wrong type of needle, an excessive gap appears between the nose of the shuttle and the needle and a gap is formed. The needles that are specified in the instructions should be installed. All needles are marked and gauged; write down the markings from the instructions and when purchasing in a store, the seller will select a similar one for you, or, as a last resort, take a sample of the needle with you.

4. Use special needles for knitwear and leather

Use for different types fabrics (denim, knitwear, leather, etc.) special needles for sewing machines. Their design features will facilitate the process of passing the thread through the fabric, prevent tearing of the fabric at the puncture site and possibly eliminate the problem with skipping, since the tension of the thread when forming a loop often depends on the needle and the characteristics of the fabric.

5. A bent or blunt needle causes skipped stitches.

A bent needle also causes skipped stitches on your sewing machine. If there is the slightest bending or dullness, the needle should be replaced. Never trying to straighten it or sharpen it. The metal for sewing needles is of a special brand and it is impossible to straighten it perfectly. Make it a rule to change needles often, even if there is no obvious need for this, especially after prolonged use or when a dull knock occurs. This sound means that the “blunt” nose of the needle no longer pierces, but breaks through the tissue, which is why the characteristic sound appears.

6. The needle size does not match the thickness of the upper thread

The thickness of the thread should always correspond to the needle number, according to the table in the manufacturer's instructions. Usage fine needle with a thick thread, it necessarily leads to the thread “loosening” and breaking, making it difficult for the thread to pass through the eye of the needle, and the formation of a loop when leaving the fabric and, as a result, skipped stitches appear.

7. The needle plate hole is badly broken

A badly broken hole in the needle plate also leads to gaps in the sewing stitch. The fabric is “pressed” into the broken hole in the needle plate, which prevents the thread from passing through it freely; as a result, a loop does not form on the needle and a skipped stitch appears. Such a needle plate must be replaced, since this defect can cause other malfunctions and breakdowns of the sewing machine.

8. The sewing machine skips stitches if low-quality thread is used.

A heavily twisted upper thread, or as they say “twisted” thread, behaves like an elastic band, constantly twisting into knots. The thread behaves in exactly the same way when forming a loop near the nose of the shuttle. Sometimes it forms too small, sometimes it doesn’t form at all and the nose goes past the needle without catching the top thread. You can tie an elastic band around the head of the machine and pass a thread under it, but it is advisable not to use such threads unless necessary. Use sewing threads that are elastic, of uniform thickness, strong, and do not have strong twist. The thickness of the thread must be matched to the number of the needle, the thickness of which depends on the thickness of the fabric.

The main reason why a sewing machine has a skip stitch is that the nose of the shuttle does not capture the loop formed by the needle. Since all straight-stitch machines have common settings for this unit, when setting up any sewing machine Podolsk, Singer, etc., you can also use the recommendations for setting up an industrial sewing machine, class 22, where this issue is presented in full.