Patterns of women's trousers for plus size women. Features of constructing trousers for full figures

When several decades ago Coco Chanel introduced women's fashion men's trousers, no one could have thought that they would soon occupy perhaps the main place in women's wardrobe. Strict trousers and youth jeans are now worn by almost all girls and women, regardless of age and build. Despite the cult of thinness that reigns in modern world, owners of curvy figures can also find a huge variety interesting models and styles for yourself.

Which ones suit plus size women?

It is very easy to spoil the femininity of a curvaceous figure with some shapeless trousers, which not only will not help you look more stylish, but will even disfigure your appearance.

When choosing trousers, you need to remember that the definition of “overweight woman” is too broad. Girls with curvy figures also have Various types shapes, from pear-shaped to rectangular.

So, despite the generally accepted opinion that fat ladies do not look skinny, this statement can be ignored curvy girls with a figure like " hourglass" Skinny trousers with a low waist will only emphasize the sexuality of your body!

Let's look at what problems a full figure can be solved by certain styles of trousers.

With a belly

As a rule, women solve the problem of a protruding tummy by purchasing high-waisted trousers. And now, when high-waisted pants are actively popular, this decision seems to be the most correct from a stylistic point of view. But in reality this is far from the case. If you have an ill-defined waist and a large belly, high-waisted trousers will only accentuate this problem, especially when you sit down and your belly begins to bunch up.

A problem with overweight in the abdominal area can be solved by purchasing mid-rise trousers from a fairly thick fabric. They will tighten your stomach a little. And if the chosen model is dark, they will also make you visually slimmer.

With wide hips

Which ones are suitable for full legs?

If you have fairly full legs, skip the skinny ones. They will emphasize the fullness of your ankles, focusing attention on this unpleasant moment for you. Try wearing classic, slightly tapered trousers with clear creases that will make your legs look slimmer.

Light summer trousers

In general, stylists recommend that plump girls choose trousers either made from thick fabric, such as knitwear or cotton, or, conversely, from a light one that flows over the body. The second option is absolutely ideal for summer, so let’s talk in more detail about which trouser models that are trending this summer will suit plus-size women.

Stylish styles

This summer, designers' opinions on the most trendy trousers are quite varied. Fashionistas should be pleased with this, because the choice fashionable styles yours will be quite large.


One of the best options for the summer can be called “pilots”. These pants are made from natural soft fabric, so they are great for everyday wear and do not cause any discomfort even in the heat. The style hides figure flaws well, so chubby girls are advised to take a closer look at them.


“Sultans” look more romantic and feminine. These light pants loose fit are collected at the bottom with elastic bands. If you want to add a little oriental touch to your look, buy yourself these bright summer pants.


The so-called “bananas” are one of the most stylish models this season, which girls with any body type can afford. These pants are a little loose at the hips and taper towards the bottom, ending just above the ankle.

Bananas are a great combination of all the latest fashion trends that will make your figure more feminine and light.

Popular models for obese women

In addition to the models that are relevant this season, there are also those that are constantly popular among overweight women, regardless of what fashion dictates to them.

Tapered to the bottom

Tapered pants are one of the most controversial items in the wardrobe of overweight women. It is believed that this style makes you look very fat and emphasizes absolutely all flaws. But even such trousers are quite acceptable for “chubby” women, the main thing is to choose the right top. If you pair these skinny pants with a tunic or long cardigan, the problem of curvy hips will become less noticeable.


Both flared down and straight, wide pants Definitely a must have in a plus size girl's wardrobe. They fit perfectly on the figure, helping to model a clear, elegant silhouette. Choose models made from simple, solid material, and they will fit perfectly into any outfit.


It is advisable to complement the trendy short trousers this season with high-heeled shoes or a stable platform. The trousers can be shortened by themselves, or slightly rolled up.

Short "Capri"

An even more radical option in terms of length is capris. Despite the popularity of this model among fat girls, it is worth clarifying that they are more suitable for those who do not complain about short stature. IN otherwise Capris can greatly flatten your figure and make you visually even shorter.

7/8 length

But 7/8 trousers, on the contrary, can visually lengthen your legs, adding those missing centimeters of height. Plus-size girls should choose models that, although slightly tapering at the bottom, do not hug the leg in any way.

Ankle length

Models that open the ankle are almost as good. Pair them with heels or ankle strap sandals for a more glamorous look. Low heel with pants of this length is acceptable, but undesirable, as in the previous two cases.

Original design

The color of clothing is very important for those who want their outfit to not only meet fashion requirements, but also to hide figure flaws. The well-known fact that black makes you look slimmer makes all the “chubby girls” turn only to it. But in fact, there are a huge number color solutions, which can be safely worn even by those who are very far from the model parameters.


White trousers are perfectly acceptable to have in your wardrobe, but on the condition that you do not combine them with a contrasting black top. This clear division will make the bottom look much fuller than it actually is.


Red trousers in a rich shade, such as crimson or crimson, will be a great find for those who are tired of black trousers. The deep wine color will make your look more elegant and is perfect for creating business or formal looks.


In addition to red, you can choose other colors. Stylists recommend avoiding light shades. Mint or lavender trousers will make your legs look larger, but noble dark blue or deep purple, on the contrary, will make you look slimmer.


If you are a romantic person and wouldn’t mind adding to your wardrobe the currently popular trousers with floral prints, pay attention to the fact that you should choose a pattern using large flowers.

With print

In addition to floral prints, you can take a closer look at other patterns. But follow the same rule: the elements of the pattern should be large, and the colors should not be too light.

Which material to choose

Now let's move on to the fabric. The material from which the trousers are made also plays an important role when choosing them.


For summer, perhaps the best option is linen trousers. This natural material It allows air to pass through well, but at the same time keeps its shape.


In cooler seasons, linen trousers can be replaced with knitted trousers. Pants made of thick knitwear with arrows will do the trick and your figure will look much slimmer in them.


One of the favorite materials of all chubby girls is stretch. It stretches well, fits well and, unlike denim, can even correct your figure.

Many women, having a typewriter at home, buy things in the store simply because they do not know how to independently develop this or that model. - a very capacious and long process, but if you get into it, everything is much simpler than it seems.

  • BY measure the waist circumference and write down half the number;
  • PB measure the circumference of the hips at the most protruding parts, and write down half the figure;
  • WB measure vertically, along the side line, from the waist to the hips, write down the full number;
  • Sun remove vertically, along the side line, from the hip line to the line of the subgluteal fold; very carefully determine the line under the buttocks, write down the full number;
  • DI shoot vertically, along the side line, from the waist line to the floor, write down the full number;
  • Dz measure vertically, from the spine to the floor, write down the full number;
  • dp measure vertically, from the navel to the floor, write down the full number;
  • Dk remove vertically, along the side line, from hip to knee, write down the full number;
  • Shn Measure and write down the width of the bottom of the finished trouser leg, the full number. To do this, wrap your ankle around your ankle with a measuring tape.

Step by step process

As they say, “The main thing is that the suit fits” Therefore, we take measurements very carefully.

  1. We will need paper to have 0.5 cm squares marked on it for convenience, or any other paper that will accommodate the full length and width of the product, a pencil and an eraser to make it easier to correct drawing errors.
  2. We transfer the measurements onto this paper so that they are before your eyes and in case you want to save the pattern.
  3. We also write down seam allowances on paper; they are needed so that the finished product does not become smaller in size: PT (for the waist) 0.5 cm. PB (for hips) 1-2cm
  4. Now we move directly to constructing the pattern drawing. We start with the front half of the trousers. Let's denote the vertex T and draw a right angle.
  5. From point T we measure VB, denoted by the letter B, then from the same point BC, denoted by the letter I, then measure DK, denoted by the letter K, then DI, denoted by the letter N. After which we draw horizontal arbitrary lines from each letter.
  6. Determine the width of the front half along the hip line. Calculation formula 0.5(PB+PB). We measure the resulting result horizontally from point B and mark B1. From point B1 we draw a perpendicular line up to the line from point T, mark the intersection as T1 and down to the line from point Y, mark the intersection as Y1.
  7. Next we need to designate the axis. The calculation formula for the center line is (0.15+PB+1.5)+0.25PB. From point B1 we measure the resulting figure to the left, denoting the intersection as B0. We draw a perpendicular through B0 to the waist line to the bottom of the product. Let us note the intersections of T0, R0, K0, H0.
  8. Just measure the segment and BB0 and move it to the right, mark it as B2.
  9. Now let's draw our trouser leg. Add 0.5 cm to the width of the bottom of the trouser leg and what you get should be marked on both sides of H0 with the letters H1 and H2.
  10. Let's give shape to our trousers. We draw a thick line H1B. We have formed point K1.
  11. Just measure the segment and K1K0 and move it to the right, mark K2.
  12. Visualize the middle of the trousers. We connect B2K2N2. You should get an uneven straight line that needs to be rounded to the left between the hip and knee B2K2. In simple words, we draw out the front crotch of the trouser leg.
  13. To the belt finished product sitting in my place, we do the following. Down from point T1, measure the difference between the length of the product on the side and on the front, set T10. In this way, we raised the waist along the butt so that when sitting, the belt would not fall below the tailbone.
  14. We have outlined the middle between the thighs, now we move on to the upper part. Place point T11 0.5 cm to the left of T10, divide angle Y1 in half with a 3 cm segment. Mark 1. Draw a line first TT11, then T11B1, then connect B1,1,Y2 with a smooth concave line. And we get a clear waist.
  15. The next thing to do is to mark the darts, they will help to fit the waist according to the figure. Formula T2T11-0.5(PT+PT)-0.5, put aside half the result from T0 to the right and left, put two bold dots. Then we go down from T11 by 8cm for a protruding belly, 13cm for a flat belly. Draw a checkmark by connecting the resulting points.
  16. For a perfect fit of the trousers, adjust the hem line. From point H0, measure upward 0.5-0.7 cm and draw a concave line.

The bulk of the work is done. You can relax a little and drink tea and cookies, but we don’t stay long, because the back half is ahead.

Pattern of the back half

In order not to rebuild the drawing, we work on the basis of the front half.

To make it clearer, we make adjustments for the back half with a pencil of a different color.

  1. First you need to determine the main width of the rear half (Шзп), which is equal to (ПБ+Пб) -BB1. We do the calculations and write down the result. Next, we calculate the step width zp Шшзп = 0.4(Пб+Пб)-1cm, from the obtained result it is necessary to subtract B1B2, calculate it, write it down. To increase the back center along the crotch, sum up Shz and Shshzp, divide by 2 and add 0.5 cm. Now we extend to the right from B2 to the result obtained, this is point B4.
  2. From the received B4 to the left we measure Shshzp, which was calculated earlier. We got B3, from which we draw a line up to the waist line (which was drawn at the very beginning from point T). At the intersection point T3. From this point to the left 3cm we place T31. We connect T31B3YA1, slightly extending the segment up and down. Along this line you need to set aside the next value of 0.05PB, subtract 0.5-1cm for voluminous trousers. We put B31.
  3. Let's determine the waist line of the back half. We measure the segment B1T11 along the front and sum it up with the value Dz-Dp. From B31 we measure the resulting result along the middle line, denoting T32.
  4. We draw a new line B31B, extending it to the left, and measure Shzp on it, this is B5. Then from T32 along the waist line we measure the same thing and put point T4.
  5. So that our trousers smoothly flow around our figure, we build a dart. We move the distance TT2 to the right from T4, put T41 and connect it to B5.
  6. To form the waist we connect T41 and T32.
  7. Its location is 0.4B5B31. From T32 to the right we measure what we got and mark T5. On both sides we mark half of the solution and lower the line down, from 8-13 cm, draw a tick. Let's calculate the solution back dart T41T32-0.5(PT+PT)-0.5.
  8. We go down to knee level. From K1 to the right, from K2 to the left we build points K3K4. For medium legs we measure 2cm, for narrow legs 2.5cm, for straight legs 1.5cm.
  9. We go down to the bottom line of the trouser leg, on both sides we measure 0.5 cm for moderate trouser legs, 1 cm for narrow trouser legs, 0 cm for wide trouser legs.
  10. We connect B5K3N3 into one line. Having done the same with reverse side, we got R41, go down from R41 by 0.5-1 cm. From R41 we draw a straight line until it intersects the center line of the back, mark R3. Divide the resulting angle in half with a 3 cm segment. Smoothly connect it with a concave line B31, 2, Y41.
  11. For a perfect fit of the trousers, adjust the hem line. From point H0, measure down 0.5-0.7 cm and draw a concave line.

Now we have come to the end of the drawing. At first glance, this is a very difficult job, but in fact it is simply labor-intensive and requires attention. Update your wardrobe and surprise others with your skills.

How often do plus-size women deprive themselves of the opportunity to wear beautiful things for fear of exposing those extra centimeters.

However, true fashion is universal, and more and more designers are demonstrating stylish trouser styles for plus size women.

What styles of summer trousers are suitable for plus size people?

A plus-size woman should remember two prohibited trouser models:

  • tight-fitting silhouette models;
  • baggy trousers that do not have clear lines, for example, harem pants.

Do not think that behind numerous layers of matter you can hide excess weight, on the contrary, shapeless things will add volume and hide feminine lines.

Pants - bananas

Banana trousers remain one of the stylish models for overweight women for several seasons in a row. This style has a loose fit and is tapered at the bottom. Surprisingly, this is the model that women of PLUS size exclude from the list of those suitable for curvy figures. To change your opinion forever, just try on banana trousers and notice that your figure has become slimmer and more toned, and your ankles have revealed their beauty.

Banana pants will suit:

  • for women with full hips;
  • for women who have overweight in the abdominal area.

The only exception to wearing such trousers is full legs, since this style puts the emphasis on the legs and their elegance.

If a woman has full legs, there is no need to deny herself wearing light, comfortable summer trousers, however, the style should be special. So, trousers are suitable for plump women straight cut made of light fabrics, as well as flared trousers that widen from the hip.

Current models

Women with curvy figures are often overcome by fears about choosing the right clothes.

To avoid mistakes, just choose floor-length trousers. They suit absolutely everyone and elongate the figure well, especially if you choose a model with a high waistline.

However, moving away from such classic models, you can see on plump women trousers that are 7/8 in length. This model is palm length above the ankle. When choosing these trousers, you can pay attention to banana trousers, which perfectly hide imperfections.

Length 7/8 is suitable for tall women who have relatively slender legs at the ankles. If you are the owner of just such shapes, then you can safely try them on. Also, the length 7/8 looks good on short women, however, in this case it is important to remember stylish shoes on heels.

What should you pay attention to?

Summer trousers for plus size people should first of all be light and allow the skin to breathe. Linen, cotton, viscose and denim will cope well with this task. Such natural fabrics are beautiful, however, they can lose their shape in the knee area.

The most practical option would be trousers made of stretch fabric. These can be the same natural fabrics, however, they must contain synthetic threads, giving the trousers elasticity and stretchability. In such trousers you can not be afraid to lose weight or gain a few sentiments, because the fabric will outline the lines of the body.

If the material has been chosen, it’s time to think about the colors of future trousers. Many women prefer dark bottoms and this is quite justified. These colors do not draw attention to imperfect hips. However, being guided only by this standard is monotonous and boring.

Designers suggest that overweight women can safely wear light-colored trousers and lighten them up with a bright top. Bright trousers in rich colors, such as coral and blue, are also popular. However, it is important to choose a top for such models that is calm and hides everything unnecessary with its length.

Printed trousers are all the rage and more and more plus size women are looking stylish in them. Floral pattern – a good option for obese women. Don't forget about the nature of the print. It should be discreet and not have too large a pattern. When choosing trousers made from stretch fabric with a floral pattern, it is important to pay attention to whether the pattern is distorted as the material stretches.

What to wear with it?

Component of stylish summer look is a fashionable top. Blouses, tops, jackets and cardigans are a great solution on hot days.

If the trouser model has a flare, a blouse or top must be chosen with a fitted silhouette. If you have fatty folds on your body, you can wear a light cotton jacket over a tight-fitting top, which will not hinder your movements, but will create a very stylish look.

For trousers that have a straight cut or a tapered leg edge, a loose-fitting top looks harmonious. For example, chiffon blouses and tops.

If the main drawback of your figure is the stomach, it is important to choose a top style that completely covers this area. Tunics effectively cope with the problem of excess at the waist.

Images and looks

Summer should be the brightest season, so in 2018 designers offered the most juicy and fresh ideas for looks with summer trousers for women with curvy figures.

Thus, coral trousers with a high waistline and a straight cut fit perfectly with a loose-fitting chiffon blouse. Soft ruffles on the blouse will add volume to the bust and make the figure proportional. Heels are an integral part of this.

Gray trousers with a slightly flared cut paired with a white tank top are a versatile and classic look. A lilac cardigan over a top will hide everything unnecessary. Black sandals will complement the stylish look.

Black Banana Pants with Solid Floral Pattern white– a good everyday option. White top A loose fit made of silk will add lightness to the overall look. High-waist trousers will hide excess folds on the hips and stomach, focusing attention on the waist.

There are many options for creating looks with summer trousers, the main thing is to believe in your attractiveness. Designers have already seen the beauty of a full body and have created thousands of fashionable items.

Good afternoon, today I prepared the biggest photo selection of clothing sets with trousers for obese women. Today I will show how to wear trousers and jeans for plus size ladies. Here you will find the most different styles clothes with those STYLES OF PANTS AND JEANS that go plump older women and young girls, whose hip circumference strives for complete perfection.

And in the photo example of another culottes (picture below) we see another rule from the above-mentioned article.

The rule is deep muted color. The WORST color is Marsala (the color is named after a brand of red wine). The color Marsala does wonders - it just magically slims down your curves. The main thing is to choose MATTE clothes without glare - so that the color is deep and diffused.

As you can see, There are a lot of truly beautiful and stylish styles trousers In this article I reviewed the most best models trousers and jeans for overweight girls. And I really hope that my work in finding all these photos was useful to you as a source of inspiration and a springboard for jumping into your new fashionable life. Beauty is just work. Work on choosing your style. Work on finding it in city stores. Trying on, selecting paired sets in the form of shirts, blouses, tops, jumpers, etc.

Work hard on yourself and be beautiful at any weight.
And go to the gym. Because curvaceous figures are only curvy when you take care of them. A full body should be beautiful both in clothes and without clothes.

Good luck with your style decisions.

The principles of constructing a trouser pattern for obese women are somewhat different from constructing the main trouser pattern.

Let me remind you of the basic measurements necessary for this construction:

1. Pants length, trouser length to the knee (Dbr, Dbrk). Measured from the waist line along the side to the desired point.

2. Thigh circumference (thigh O). The tape wraps strictly horizontally around the thigh, touching the upper edge of the subgluteal fold, and closes on its outer side.

3. Seat height (Sun). The person whose figure is being measured must sit on a chair with a flat, hard seat. Measure along the side from the waist line to the seat of the chair.

4. Seat length (Ds). The tape runs from the front waistline through the groin to the back waistline.

5. Step length (Lsh). Measured along the inner surface of the thigh from the groin to the floor with the legs slightly apart.

6. Knee circumference (Approx). Measured with the leg bent at an angle of 90° at the level of the knee point.

7. Height of the subgluteal fold (Hv). Measured from the middle of the subgluteal fold to the floor vertically.

Constructing a pattern for the front half of trousers for overweight people.

Let's draw a vertical line on which we plot:

1-2 = 1-1.5 cm;
1-3 = seat height;
3-4 = knee height;
1-5 = pants length (from waist to side floor);
5-6 = lengthen or shorten depending on desired length. Remember that the length of the trousers and the width of the trousers at the bottom depend on each other. Let's not forget to take into account the height of the heel;
3-7 = 1/10 of the half-circumference of the hips + 3 cm - draw the line of the hips.

Draw horizontal lines through points 2, 3, 4 and 7.

7-8 = front half width;
8-9 = 1/10 half hip circumference + 1-1.5 cm.

From point 8 we draw a perpendicular to the hip line, at the points of intersection with the seat height line and the waist line we place points 8a and 10;
7-11 = 11-9;
7-11 = 6-12.

From 12 we will draw a line through point 11, at the points of intersection with the line of the knee and waist we will place points 13 and 14.
From 12 to the left and to the right, set aside 1/4 of the width of the trousers at the bottom minus 1 cm.

From points 15 and 16, set aside 4-8 cm perpendicularly upward and mark points 15a and 16a.
Let's connect points 7 and 15a, 9 and 16a. Let's mark points 3a, 17, 18, 19.

From point 8 to the right we will set aside 0.5 cm.
We will move half of the segment 8a-17 from point 8a upward, obtaining point 8b, which we will connect to 17.

Let's draw a line for the middle cut as was done in the pattern diagram for the front half of the trousers.

From point 10 we will set aside 1/4 of the waist circumference plus the increase for darts and loose fit (1.5 cm + 0-0.5 cm), put point 21, from which we will set aside 1-1.5 cm upwards at right angles to the waist line and put point 22 (21-22 = 1-2).

Along the knee line from the edges, we will put 1 cm inward - we will put points 23 and 24, after which we will draw the lines of the side and step cuts.

Let's build a dart with a depth of 10 cm and a gap of 1.5 cm, after which we will finish constructing the waist line.

Constructing a pattern for the back half of trousers for overweight people.

To build the back half, copy the front half of the pattern and make changes.

Let's shift the line of the back fold of the trousers, setting aside 1-2 cm from point 11.
From point 25 we will set aside 1/4 of the width of the back half - 0.5 cm. We will get point 27 by setting aside 3-5 cm from point 3a. We will connect 27 to 26.

Let's expand the lines of the hips and waist.

Let's set aside the width of the back half from point 28 to the intersection with the hip line. 25-29 = 25-30.

Let's draw a line for the side and step cuts at a distance of 2 cm from the corresponding cuts of the front half. Let's put points 31, 32, 33, 33a, 34, 34a.

Let's draw a line from point 32 through point 29 to the waist line, where we'll put point 35. 30 will be connected to 31. 13-36 = 13-35 minus 0-1 cm. 35 will be connected to 36, from which we will set aside 0.5-1 cm to the left and put point 37.

From point 37, set aside 1/4 of the waist circumference plus the tuck opening (3-4 cm) plus the increase for a loose fit (0.5 cm) and put point 38.

Let's move the side cut line of the front half to the side cut line of the back half.

Let's build a dart 13-15 cm long. Finish the waist line and the line of the middle cut of the back half of the trouser pattern for plus size ones.

TA-dah! The trouser pattern for obese women has been completed!

Always be fashionable, stylish, beautiful and confident!