Orchid Essential Oil. Orchid oil Which parts of the plant are suitable for production?

A flower of extraordinary beauty with an unusual shape. The largest family of monocots, known as beautifully flowering ornamental plants. Particularly popular species are Phalaenopsis, Cattleya and Dendrobium. At this point in time, orchids are found on all continents, including Russia and the countries of the former USSR, except Antarctica. Most species are concentrated in tropical latitudes. Flowers are usually collected in racemes or spike-shaped inflorescences.

E Orchid aromatheraphy oil is apleasant aroma the most beautiful flower, has a luxurious, honey-floral aroma with a slight bitterness. The oil is obtained by lipophilic extraction of flowers. Essential oil orchids has big amount useful elements such as magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc. Widely used in cosmetology for facial care, including aging or dry skin.

Orchid aromatheraphy oil (E Orchid essential oil) - pExcellent hair care product. Having a positive effect on the skin, orchid oil will help strengthen the roots and the hair itself. As we know from there, our hair is nourished and takes everything it needs for its life and growth. By enriching your shampoo or mask with this product, you will help maintain the health and shine of your hair. This product will also have a beneficial effect on porous and dry hair, restoring it and making it silky.

Cosmetic properties of orchid essential oil:

Tightens and strengthens

Gives smoothness

Makes skin more elastic

Protects and restores

Moisturizes, nourishes and tones

Using aromatherapy, orchid scent:

Relieves feelings of anxiety and stress

Restores strength and relaxes

Revitalizes emotions and improves mutual understanding

Clarifies the mind and feelings

This product is unique

How to use orchid essential oil:

Aromatherapy with essential oils:

Fill the aroma lamp with warm water, light a candle and add 4-6 drops of oil.

Enrichment of creams, lotions, shampoos, hair masks, shower gels. Mix 10 gr. base (your regular face cream, toner or shampoo) with 5 drops of rose.

Massage agent: Mix 5-8 drops with 10 g. transport or your favorite beauty product.

Aromatic baths. To do this, add 5-7 drops of oil previously dissolved in an emulsifier to a bathtub filled with water. Milk, cream, or bath salt can serve as an emulsifier.


Individual intolerance


Keep out of reach of children

Not for oral administration

Avoid direct contact with the skin and eyes of the product in its pure (undiluted) form.

I’ll tell you about the oil obtained from the pods of the Vanilla Planifolia orchid.
The quality of vanilla oil is indicated by its aroma - shades of caramel and rum appear against a sweet background.
For me, the great advantage of this oil is the ability to use it to correct the smell of the cream, which suits the skin but is disgusting to the nose.
And also... uh, a lot more.

Remember the classic “you can’t harness a horse and a tremulous doe to one harness”? As much as possible! In this example, the simple and unsophisticated “horse” of jojoba is adjacent to the exquisite “doe” of vanilla orchid.
Vanilla oil is dissolved in a neutral aroma base of jojoba oil for greater safety of the oil itself and the contents of our wallet.

Vanilla Mystery
Vanilla bean oil is such a thing in itself. Modern science I never fully deciphered its full formula, giving up on the first 150 components and wearily proclaiming: “Well, that’s enough for a start...”
What's inside? Yes, a lot of different things: anisic acid with anisaldehyde, acetic and caproic acids, geranyl acetate and furfural, isobutyric acid and eugenol, hydroxybenzalhyde and cinnamic esters... I, too, will probably stop.

From phobias and melancholy
Vanilla oil is considered calming and optimistic.
Not only does it suppress depression, it also increases self-esteem. Insecure people, whose complexes interfere with their lives, should definitely inhale vanilla aromas. You won’t be able to go overboard here, just as you won’t be able to turn a shy person into an insolent one.
Vanilla is said to help fight insomnia, rage and anger. There are more reliable remedies for insomnia, but I have not yet had the opportunity to check about rage and anger.
Vanilla oil is used for obsessive states, fears and phobias. At the same time, nervous overstrain is gently relieved, excitability fades, and in place of an emotional outburst a surface of imperturbable calm appears.
If you start to feel anxious, depressed, sad or stiff, try this strange invisible remedy - vanilla essential oil.

On the skin
Added to all the psycho-emotional benefits is the beneficial effect of vanilla oil on the skin. It can be used by adding it to face and body products.
Vanilla oil makes the skin smoother, removes flakes, prevents wrinkles and gives elasticity.
It has been noticed that vanilla oil copes well with rosacea and rosacea. It evens out the relief, fighting inflammation no worse than camphor ethers.

On the hair
Vanilla oil fixes the color of dyed hair and adds shine to the hair.
From my own experience I was convinced that vanilla oil strengthens the shade. Just a few drops of vanilla oil in regular shampoo - and the color lasts a couple of weeks longer, even without the use of special tint products. I used this method even before the advent of all kinds of blue conditioners.

Vanilla oil is officially married to balsamic and spicy aromas, which must be softened by warm sweetness.
If you look at the tables, the traditional pairs are: vanilla with sandalwood, vanilla with vetiver, vanilla with ylang-ylang.
From my own experience, I can whisper that the most interesting compositions are obtained by combining vanilla oil with a couple of more highly volatile essential oils, which include citrus fruits (mandarin, orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, bergamot), spicy (thyme, sage, rosemary, basil) and camphor. (kayput, manuka).

Essential oils for aromatherapy

A flower of extraordinary beauty with an unusual shape. The largest family of monocots, known as beautifully flowering ornamental plants. Particularly popular species are Phalaenopsis, Cattleya and Dendrobium. At this point in time, orchids are found on all continents, including Russia and the countries of the former USSR, except Antarctica. Most species are concentrated in tropical latitudes. Flowers are usually collected in racemes or spike-shaped inflorescences.

The pleasant aroma of a beautiful flower has a luxurious, honey-floral aroma with a slight bitterness. The oil is obtained by lipophilic extraction of flowers. Orchid essential oil has a large number of useful elements such as magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc. Widely used in cosmetology for facial care, including aging or dry skin.

Excellent hair care product. Having a positive effect on the skin, orchid oil will help strengthen the roots and the hair itself. As we know from there, our hair is nourished and takes everything it needs for its life and growth. By enriching your shampoo or mask with this product, you will help maintain the health and shine of your hair. This product will also have a beneficial effect on porous and dry hair, restoring it and making it silky.

Cosmetic properties of orchid essential oil:

  • Tightens and strengthens
  • Gives smoothness
  • Makes skin more elastic
  • Protects and restores
  • Moisturizes, nourishes and tones

Using aromatherapy, orchid scent:

  • Relieves feelings of anxiety and stress
  • Restores strength and relaxes
  • Revitalizes emotions and improves mutual understanding
  • Clarifies the mind and feelings
  • This product is unique

How to use orchid essential oil:

Aromatic baths. To do this, add 5-7 drops of oil previously dissolved in an emulsifier to a bathtub filled with water. Milk, cream, or bath salt can serve as an emulsifier.


Individual intolerance


  • Keep out of reach of children
  • Not for oral administration
  • Avoid direct contact with the skin and eyes of the product in its pure (undiluted) form.
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  • Professional care and hair color protection from Head &…


Today I want to dedicate a post to the wonderful orchid essential oil from Aromascented, which not only “hooked” me with its aroma, but also with its versatility in use. I fell in love with this wonderful thing very much and it became one of my fall favorites.

Orchid oil is used as:
- perfume,
- skin care product,
- hair care product,
- aromatherapy.

Essential oil is produced in darkened glass bottles with tight screw caps. There are different container sizes available: 10ml, 30ml and 50ml. I have the smallest bottle, its volume is 10 ml.

A special dispenser is hidden under the lid, which allows you to extract oil 1 drop at a time. This is very convenient, because... It's easy to overdo it with essential oils.

The aroma of the oil is simply divine! In the first seconds it is too rich, but on the skin and hair it reveals itself like a real French perfume, literally after 10-20 minutes it envelops me in the luxurious aroma of orchids, and it seems that it colors everything around me in lilac colors. It is so subtle, gentle and relaxing.

My ways to use orchid oil:

I apply a drop of essential oil to my wrist to replace toilet or eau de parfum. The longevity is amazing and I smell wonderful all day long. And believe me, people often ask me what perfume I use.

I enrich shampoos and hair masks with 1-2 drops of oil. The results I get are excellent. Hair becomes silky and shiny. During the cold season, thanks to the valuable vitamins contained in the oil, the hair will be protected from external factors and the environment.

I make an aromatic spray for the face and body (add 1-2 drops of orchid oil to melt water, shake well and spray on the skin). This spray can easily replace floral hydrolates, because it moisturizes well. skin and perfectly refreshing.

I enrich creams and other oils for facial and body skin care, thereby providing deep hydration and nutrition to the epidermis. The skin becomes smooth and soft after use.

For a relaxing and soothing aromatic bath, I add a few drops of orchid oil to the water. By the way, this method allows you to fill not only the bathroom with the most delicate floral aroma, but also almost the entire apartment.

A passionate and independent orchid is a unique advantage of the taiga and best gift for any woman who wants to be beautiful.

Extraordinarily beautiful orchid flowers attract with their splendor and exoticism. Their divine aroma causes delight: as if with a gentle air cloud, it will completely envelop your subconscious and give you an unforgettable experience. The fragrant notes of orchids are often used as a basis in many perfume compositions of world-famous brands.

The history of the growth of flowers of the unique southern beauty begins in ancient times, when this plant was worth its weight in gold. Some rare varieties are still very valuable today. Particularly valuable is orchid oil, which is produced from its beautiful buds.

Orchid oil is mainly extracted from the buds of flower varieties that are distinguished by a large number of active components. One of the most popular varieties is “Venus’s slipper”. The plant received such an amazing name for its irresistible beauty, which is considered one of the greatest advantages of the taiga.

The method used to produce the oil is called enfleurage. It involves the additional use of solid animal fats. The product obtained by this method is a product highest quality. The finished oil has pronounced honey-floral shades with a slightly piquant and light bitterness.

This natural remedy contains many fatty acids. Also, the lion's share of the oil consists of vital minerals:

  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • calcium, etc.

All of them together have a very beneficial effect on the body and allow the oil to be used in a variety of fields: cooking, medicine, aromatherapy, cosmetology.

Benefits and Applications

Natural orchid oil has many precious properties in its arsenal that any girl can use with great benefit for herself.

Main beneficial properties:

  • regenerating;
  • nutritious;
  • moisture retaining;
  • calming;
  • stimulating.

Oil can for maximum a short time overcome stressful conditions caused by various reasons, cope with insomnia, giving you a restful, healthy sleep. The use of orchid oil will completely restore your emotional background and give you the desired peace of mind and peace of mind, so you can work fruitfully and enjoy life. These unique features allow the oil to become an indispensable assistant in the family: it will help clarify feelings, revitalize emotions and even improve mutual understanding.

This product will strengthen cardiovascular system, breathing fresh strength and health into her organs. If you are worried about frequent cramps, then in this case the magic orchid will also come to the rescue and become the best healer. In addition, the orchid has proven itself as a panacea for headaches, epilepsy, lack of appetite and fainting.

Among all the benefits of the oil, its cosmetic properties have acquired the highest value. Perhaps to improve the condition of your curls and skin better means can not found. The oil can tighten the skin, making it even and smooth, giving it natural tone, saturate with nutrients and protect from any harmful effects of the world around us.

But orchid oil for hair is absolutely something! If a bottle of this miracle product appears on the shelf in your bathroom, your hair will be eternally grateful to you, because it:

  • strengthens their follicles;
  • will saturate each strand with moisture and give it all the necessary nutrition;
  • promotes hair growth;
  • will prevent splitting of their ends;
  • will cure dandruff, as well as such a common problem as dry seborrhea;
  • will have a tonic effect on the skin in the scalp area;
  • will make curls elastic, shiny, strong.

In addition, the sweet aroma of flower oil causes the production of happiness hormones that are so necessary today. Therefore, any cosmetic procedures involving oil will give an additional effect that will surprisingly quickly lift your spirits. By the way, many famous chefs and perfumers use these hidden properties, adding small but incredibly popular tricks to their masterpieces.

The components that are present in orchid oil make it universal remedy for skin. This exotic product is ideal for caring for fading, dry and mature skin. Beneficial features They allow you to give the skin the life-giving moisture it desperately needs, nourish it directly from the inside, and smooth out small expression wrinkles. The oil regenerates epidermal cells and contains a unique “longevity gene” - a cytokine that eliminates inflammatory reactions and hyperpigmentation.

It is recommended to use orchid oil in combination with your cream. In this case, you should adhere to a certain proportion: five oil drops + 10 grams of base. For skin with uneven color and lack of moisture, add a little oil to cosmetic masks.

In order to stimulate skin microcirculation, do special massages with five drops of product and ten grams of base.

An extract from divine orchid flowers is not only useful, but also a very pleasant thing for your hair. During its use, they will acquire a rich vanilla-honey aroma that can drive any man crazy.

Oil is useful to add to various cosmetical tools. If you add a small amount of it to your shampoo, your curls will radiate natural strength and incredible natural radiance.

There are several very effective recipes hair masks that can easily be prepared at home.

First recipe: for hair growth and strengthening their follicles
To stimulate hair growth and restore its strength, mix burdock oil and about five drops of orchid ether. Warm this mixture slightly and distribute it throughout your hair. You should leave the mask on your hair for at least half an hour, or even better, an hour. You need to wash it off with regular shampoo. Instead of burdock oil, you can freely use any other vegetable base.

Second recipe: to restore the damaged structure of colored strands
Exhausted by frequent perms and dyeing hair requires special additional care. To do this, you can use aromatherapy with a few drops of the product. Another option is to mix olive oil with an orchid, apply this mixture to your curls and create a thermal effect on your head using a film or towel. The mask should be washed off after at least twenty minutes.

Third recipe: regenerating mask
In order to get a regenerating effect, take about 20 grams of flaxseed oil, one egg yolk and about four drops of orchid oil. Mix everything very thoroughly and apply to your hair, paying extra attention to the scalp. Wash off the mask after 40 minutes.

The wonderful aroma of orchid essential oil, subtly delicate, cool and fresh, has become a symbolic embodiment of independence and passion. Having inhaled the vapors of this magnificent ether, you will immediately feel a charge of vivacity, a surge of strength, and easily win bad habits, quickly cope with anxiety and nervous disorders.

Most often, oil is used in the three most effective ways aromatherapy:

  1. Oil burner. Having filled it with preheated water, light the candle and drop five drops of the product into the vessel. You can also use an aroma pendant, for which two drops are enough.
  2. Aroma bath. Dissolve five drops of oil in an emulsifier (salt, cream or milk) and add to water.
  3. Aroma massages. Take your favorite cream and 10 drops of the product and massage your skin with light movements.


Orchid oil does not have any special contraindications. There are only a few restrictions to take when using it:

  • taken during pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • reception by young children;
  • reception in the presence of allergies, individual intolerances.

Nature gives us a lot of unique things, valuable properties which it would be a shame not to take advantage of. Plunge into the magical floral world of orchid aroma, and you will immediately feel a surge of health and strength, and your hair and skin will be the envy of everyone around you.

We recommend: quality essential oils in the IHerb online store. Get $10 off your first purchase with code KPF743.