Ylang-ylang (essential oil): properties and use in cosmetology. Secrets of youth and beauty

The aroma of ylang-ylang is intoxicatingly sweet, deep, exotic and, according to many people, erotic. It’s not for nothing that famous perfumers include it in their compositions. Ylang-ylang is the basis of perfumes such as Dior "J'Adore L'Absolu", "Chanel N5 Eau Premiere", Estee Lauder "Amber Ylang Ylang" etc. The smell of ylang-ylang can charm anyone, but this is not its only advantage. The essential oil of this plant has healing properties. What are the benefits of ylang-ylang oil and what is its application?

Ylang-ylang- a tropical evergreen tree with an average height of 20-30 meters. Flowers are large with long petals, usually yellow color. It is cultivated in Sumatra, Java, Madagascar, and Comoros.

Ylang-ylang essential oil: beneficial properties for psychological and mental well-being

Ylang-ylang aroma oil can cause a state of mild euphoria. Under the influence of this aroma a person feels happy. Calm and relaxation sets in. In this regard, ylang-ylang essential oil is recommended as mild sleeping pill.

To achieve a more pronounced sleeping effect, ylang-ylang oil is mixed with. This mixture is used to scent pillows and blankets. You just need to apply a few drops of the mixture to the bed. In addition, before going to bed, you can take a warm, relaxing bath with an aromatic mixture added to the water.

An emulsifier is required for a bath with essential oils. The emulsifier can be cream, milk, sea or salt, honey, bran or something similar. Essential oil is added to the emulsifier at the rate of 3-7 drops of oil per 2 tablespoons of emulsifier and dissolved. It is recommended to take from 3 (for small children) to 15 drops of essential oil for one standard bath. The water should be close to body temperature, that is, approximately 36 degrees. Take an aromatic bath for no more than 20, but not less than 10 minutes.

Ylang-ylang essential oil can calm and relax a person in a state of panic and shock. If you experience these or similar conditions, always carry a bottle of aromatic oil with you. IN difficult situation open a bottle of oil and simply inhale its vapors. Or put a few drops of the product on a handkerchief and smell it. This will help you come to your senses in any nervous situation.

Ylang-ylang aromatic oil is also effective for depression. In this case, it is also recommended to mix it with lavender oil. Inhaling the aroma of this mixture, a person becomes stronger in spirit. Under the influence of these aromas, it is easier for him to pull himself together and cope with the situation.

Health Benefits of Ylang Ylang Oil

Ylang-ylang essential oil can lower blood pressure, so it is recommended for hypertensive patients. Simply scent the rooms where hypertensive patients spend time.

Aromatherapists advise using this essential oil even in case of physical exhaustion. The aroma helps improve appetite and increase vitality.

Ylang-ylang is believed to be able to regulate hormone levels. It is recommended to saturate the rooms in which people who dream of a child live with its aroma. There is evidence that this essential oil tones female organs, thereby improving. Ylang-ylang oil is recommended not only to those who want to get pregnant, but also to those who have recently given birth. Under the influence of this aroma, women recover faster after childbirth, especially after a caesarean section.

Ylang-ylang oil is a natural antiseptic that helps fight intestinal infections. If there is a risk of intestinal infection, it is recommended to scent the premises. For this you can use homemade air deodorant. Add 12 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil to 250 ml of clean water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle (it is better to use glass, not plastic bottle), shake well. Shake before each use. Spray the product in the rooms, spray on bedding, towels and curtains, spray toilets and sinks. This will be additional protection against infections, and protection that is useful and absolutely environmentally friendly.

Ylang-ylang essential oil for hair and face

For a long time, ylang-ylang oil has been valued for its ability to restore strength and health to hair. During the Victorian era, so-called Macassar oil was widely popular in Europe. Everyone used it! This exotic oil was imported to Europe in huge quantities. Macassar was a mixture of fatty base oil (coconut or palm) with ylang-ylang essential oil. The product was applied to the hair at any time, even if there was a need to go out in public.

Ylang-ylang can really strengthen hair. We can make our own “Macassar oil” by taking any fatty oil and adding ylang-ylang essential oil to it at the rate of 5 drops per 1 tablespoon of base. The mixture should be applied to the scalp, rubbed in, and then distributed through the hair. It is advisable to wrap your head with film and a towel. After 20-60 minutes, the hair should be washed with shampoo.

Such mask with ylang-ylang oil will help get rid of dandruff, reduce hair oiliness, reduce hair loss and fragility. In addition, ylang-ylang can stimulate faster hair growth, so this Macassar mask will be useful for those who want to grow their hair.

Ylang-ylang can balance sebum secretion. It makes dry skin fatter, and oily skin drier, that is, it brings it closer to its ideal condition. Therefore, ylang-ylang essential oil is recommended for caring for any skin type, including problem skin. To care for the skin, creams and face masks are enriched with ylang-ylang essential oil (the oil is added to the base at the rate of 2 drops per tablespoon of cream or mask).

For skin and hair care, it is recommended to mix ylang-ylang oil with lavender and/or jasmine essential oil. These mixtures will help you get rid of acne and rejuvenate aging skin.

Ylang-ylang essential oil: aphrodisiac properties

The aroma of ylang-ylang serves in the name of love! It is not for nothing that in those parts of the world where ylang-ylang grows, it is customary to cover the newlyweds’ bed with its petals. Ylang-ylang is known as a powerful natural aphrodisiac.

Aphrodisiacs are drugs that can inflame passion and increase sexual desire and pleasure. The word "aphrodisiac" is associated with the name of the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. Aphrodisiacs won't help you fall in love with yourself, but they can strengthen or revive your feelings.

Since ancient times, women have used sweet scents to attract men. It is men who are most susceptible to the effects of aphrodisiac scents. Ylang-ylang essential oil is considered a remedy for treating impotence and low libido in men. This aromatic oil is slightly less effective for treating female frigidity.

To enhance the effect, you can mix ylang-ylang with other oils that have similar action: these are jasmine, neroli, rose, patchouli, pine, cedar, and clove oils.

People have been using natural vegetable oils since ancient times. They are mentioned in Tibetan treatises on medicine and in the Bible. Ayurveda attributes to many of them the ability not only to improve health, but also to change life itself, attracting love, prosperity, recognition and good mood. This is by no means accidental.

Natural essential oil

Natural oil is, one might say, the lymph of a plant, that is, its most important part, containing everything beneficial features which are attributed to him. An extract from ylang-ylang occupies a special position among oils. The microbiological composition of oil is not a constant value. It depends on the climatic and weather conditions in which the plant developed. As for this, it grows in places with the most stable climate. The oil from its flowers is squeezed out in the same place where the plants are collected. For this reason, the properties of essential oils differ only by serial number according to the duration of the spin cycle.

The area that imbued the tree of love, youth and beauty with information content

The plant is native to Asia. Found everywhere in Indonesia, the Philippines or Polynesia beautiful tree with large feathery leaves reminiscent of sumac branches. In tropical conditions it blooms all year round. The aroma of the elegant sets you in a sublime mood. Ylang-ylang is the tree of love and tenderness.

Travelers who find themselves in the Philippines note that even the harshest of them become softer and more romantic under the influence of the local air. Having returned to the bustle of big cities with their pragmatism, haste, nervousness and distrust of people towards each other, they retain a peaceful attitude and a philosophically benevolent view of the surrounding reality for a long time.

The scent of love and sensuality

The psychological impact of aromas on a person, on his subconscious, has been known for a long time. The ability of the plant to awaken tender feelings in people is successfully used by the peoples of tropical countries to establish strong associations. Ylang-ylang belongs to the group of aphrodisiac aromas. Fresh flowers of this plant have long accompanied the first wedding night newlyweds. Awakening love sweet aroma enhances attraction and passion. This is how ylang-ylang affects the senses. The smell (what it is will be described below) surrounding the newlyweds’ bed envelops the couple in love, like a veil, separating them from the outside world. It is so different from daytime and everyday smells that for the rest of their lives, the association with it retains wonderful memories of the first night of love for the spouses. Thus, the aroma of flowers creates a mood for the whole future life couples.

What scent is most appropriate for lovers' bed? This is a caressing freshness, enveloping sweetness, richness, warmth and spicy aftertaste. This is exactly how ylang-ylang essential oil works. Reviews from those who have used this fragrance are similar in their statements that it is truly a powerful aphrodisiac that attracts love. Many people associate its main note with gardenia, jasmine or water lily.

Aral lamps and complementary oil combinations

How else can you use the aromatic properties of the ylang-ylang plant? The use of oil in aroma lamps is very effective for problems with cardiovascular system. It has a calming and relaxing effect. In combination with bergamot, grapefruit or lime, it perfectly relieves tension and normalizes arterial pressure. Citrus fruits neutralize the cloying sweetness of ylang-ylang. This scent is a harmonious combination with the scents of rose, couscous, mimosa and neroli.

There are combinations of oils called biostimulated. This means that the ingredients in such preparations mutually reinforce each other. This is how mint, verbena, conifers, cinnamon and black pepper, which are complementary to the plant we are considering, manifest themselves. For insomnia, PMS, depression and chronic fatigue, you should take baths with the addition of a few drops of ylang-ylang, cypress and lemongrass oils. But remember that without softening, ylang-ylang oil can cause dizziness and nausea.

Low grade extra-grade oils

The aroma of ylang-ylang as one of the main notes is present in the iconic perfume “Poison” from Christian Dior, as well as “Champ Elise” from Gerlein, “Aqua di Gio” from Armani, etc. This perfume also adds sexuality and femininity to the image.

Oil is produced only from flowers by steam distillation or regular distillation, followed by evaporation. For 50 liters of water, 100 kg of fresh raw materials are taken. The first distillation process lasts one hour. The result is the most concentrated Ylang-Ylang extract oil. The price is quite high, because to obtain one kilogram of oil, 100 kg of flowers are required. A ml bottle in retail costs approximately 100 rubles. This oil smells sweet, floral, like jasmine or It is widely used in the perfume industry to make luxury cosmetics.

If you are offered ylang-ylang with a woody aroma, then this is the oil of the lowest quality, the last pressing. It is called cananga and is much cheaper than ylang.

Penetration ability of essential oil

Essential oils differ in that they are introduced into the product in very small quantities, and ylang-ylang is an essential oil. Its properties the best way appear when mixed with base oils, alcohol, honey, yogurt and other substances that act as Vehicle. The fact is that when applied to the skin, essential oil does not spread over it, but penetrates exactly to the point of application. In addition, “extra” essential oils are very concentrated and can be harmful if undiluted. To evenly saturate the entire surface, the oil should be diluted. Since it does not dissolve in water, fats and alcohols are used.

Nonverbal effects of aroma on a person’s health, mood and aura

In concentrated form, aroma oils (ylang-ylang in particular) are used for aroma lamps. The smell of this plant deodorizes the room and calms nervous system, improves mood, helps get rid of depression, fears and anxiety. It's no secret that aromatherapy is not only effective way treatment of internal problems of the body. Inhaling volatile ethers can change a person’s life. Ylang-ylang will help attract love and improve existing relationships.

Essential oil properties begin to manifest immediately after inhalation. Try an experiment. If you find yourself in a bad mood, go to a fragrance store and ask to see the scent of ylang-ylang. After the first breath, you will forget about the problem that tormented you, or rather, you will see it from a different perspective. Despondency will quietly disappear, and you will embark on a path that will lead you out of the dead end in life. Thus, penetrating into the brain, the tropical plant ylang-ylang, an essential oil, changes our consciousness. The properties of the complex components included in it can also be used to solve problems with appearance.

Facial skin care products

If there are inflammations on the face, dark spots, a network of fine wrinkles, then adding to home remedies daily care three to five drops of ylang oil will help eliminate such problems.

Dry skin care

Ylang-ylang for the face with dry, aging skin is usually mixed with hypoallergenic olive oil first cold pressed. For one tablespoon of base oil - 1-2 drops of essential oil, a quarter teaspoon of honey. The prepared emulsion should be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, soak a soft terry cloth with slits for the nostrils in it and apply, lightly pressing, onto cleansed and steamed facial skin. For achievement best result Cover the napkin with plastic and a thick terry towel.

Lie like this for twenty minutes. After this, remove the napkins and massage the non-greasy mixture into the skin with your fingertips. nutritious cream with a tightening effect. This procedure can only be done if the skin is not prone to rosacea and there is no allergy to honey. If you make such an oil mask twice a week, the skin will become elastic and smooth, and its color will even out and acquire a natural, healthy glow.

Oily skin care

Ylang-ylang is perfect for faces with oily or combination skin prone to inflammation. This type of skin is typical for young people. Fatty base oils are unacceptable in this case. Since ylang-ylang is an essential oil whose properties include relieving tension, calming and deodorizing, as well as imparting a sexy personality, it should become an integral component of the cosmetic set of young unmarried ladies.

Adding it to caring, cleansing and anti-inflammatory masks will help strengthen the immune properties of the epidermis and improve overall mood and tone. Dry cosmetic clay should be diluted with a decoction of nettle, verbena, chamomile, red rowan or calendula, and add 1-2 drops of ylang to the clay mash.

Bath emulsion

Ylang-ylang essential oil for all skin types can be used in soap emulsions for bathing. You can prepare this remedy yourself. Mix 250 g of seaweed, 250 g of flaxseed flour and 15 drops of ylang oil. Pour 30 g of pine concentrate with a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Let it brew in a warm place for 1-2 hours. Strain and combine with a mixture of salt, flour and butter. Add 250 g of natural, stir well and use for baths - 2-3 tablespoons per procedure. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. Water temperature is 37-38 degrees.

Hair care

The beneficial properties of ylang-ylang oil for hair are used to improve it appearance, to strengthen roots and eliminate dandruff. From the East came the fashion for wrapping hair with avocado pulp with the addition of a couple of drops of ylang. It's really good mask, after which the hair becomes more manageable, shiny and healthy. Ylang-ylang oil can be mixed with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, the resulting concentrate should be diluted with water to a slightly acidic state and rinsed with it after washing your hair. This is an excellent conditioner. When using it, hair does not become electrified, falls out less and does not split ends. Ylang-ylang for hair should be added to oils against split ends and to balms that do not require rinsing.

Necessary Precautions

Like any natural vegetable oil, ylang-ylang extract can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to test the body’s reaction. Apply a drop of oil to the inner elbow of your arm, where the skin is especially thin, and wait 12 hours. If redness or itching does not occur, then you can safely add it to your care products.

The aroma of ylang-ylang, being very energetic, requires the right approach to its use. Being a powerful aphrodisiac, it is not appropriate in every situation. Going to visit a family friend, unmarried girl with his exaggerated sexuality he can ruin a friendly meeting and even lose a friend. When getting a job, you should also carefully choose the scent that will become your trail, or, as they say, your second clothing.

Don't use for a long time only with the same aroma to avoid addiction, and then ylang-ylang, an essential oil whose properties have been well studied, will make your life happy.

“There are smells whose power over us is endless...”
"The Bottle" by Charles Baudelaire

General information

Ylang-Ylang Flower

Ylang-ylang is an evergreen tropical tree. In Southeast Asia and the Philippines it reaches 12 m in height. It has beautiful yellow flowers with elongated petals. The fruits develop simultaneously with the flowers and are dark brown in color. Ylang-ylang is grown on plantations and in botanical gardens.

Ylang-ylang essential oil is obtained from its fragrant flowers, which is included in the most exquisite perfumes, is used in aromatherapy, and is also a powerful aphrodisiac, as it stimulates love. It is prescribed for both impotence and frigidity.

History and myths

The tree has been known and popular since ancient times, as evidenced by its names - “Crown of the East”, “fragrant tree”. That is why ylang-ylang flowers are present on the coat of arms of Mayotte and are included in the floral wreath on the national flag of the Northern Mariana Islands.

The name “ylang-ylang” comes from the Malay word “alang-ilang”, which means “hanging flowers”, and in the Philippines it is translated as “fluttering”.

Women in tropical countries used ylang-ylang essential oil in combination with coconut oil for lubricating hair. But in Europe they also produced a hair product with ylang-ylang oil.

In Indonesia, not a single marriage ceremony takes place without ylang-ylang flowers.

Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil: properties and applications

Latin name Cananga oborata (Scented Cananga)
Plant type Tree
Genus Kananga
Family Annonaceae
Aroma Exotic, sweet floral
Extraction method Distillation
Part used Flowers
Chemical composition, main components acids (benzoic, salicylic, formic and valeric), esters (benzylacetate), alcohols (linalool, geraniol, farnessol). terpenes (pinene), sesquiterpene (cadinene), phenols (safflower, eugenol)
Planet Venus
Element Water
Zodiac sign Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius
Chinese horoscope Ox (ox), Cat (rabbit), Dog
Combines with essential oils citrus, lavender, clove, rosewood, jasmine, lemon balm, rose, patchouli, sandalwood, neroli, citronella


cosmetic rejuvenates, tones and moisturizes the skin, strengthens hair, eliminates brittleness and splitting of nails
healing antidepressant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, sedative, strong aphrodisiac
emotional eliminates emotional arousal, increases intuition, creativity, self-confidence
bioenergy restores and aligns the aura, attracts love and positive energy of the World


Aromatherapy Methods of application
calms, eliminates depression, relieves uncertainty, anxiety, fear, night terrors in children, nervous irritation and tension aroma lamps, cold inhalation, bath,
improves memory
normalizes sleep, for headaches
for seizures, epilepsy
normalizes blood pressure in hypertension
for cardioneurosis, heart rhythm disturbances, angina pectoris aroma lamps, cold inhalation, bath
for colds, sinusitis, sinusitis, runny nose, laryngitis, pharyngitis aroma lamps, cold and hot inhalations, acupressure, internal use, rinsing, applications
evens out rapid breathing (used in breathing exercises) aroma lamps, cold inhalation
for diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, bleeding gums, freshens breath water rinse, applications, tampons
normalizes menstrual cycle, relieves menopausal syndrome aroma lamps, cold inhalation, bath, tampons, douching, intimate hygiene
sexual and erotic stimulant, with impotence and frigidity, increases sexual activity aroma lamps, cold inhalation, bath, rubbing, massage

Cosmetic and dermatological effect

relieves inflammation sensitive skin, oily, porous and mixed cream enrichment, hot inhalation
rejuvenates, gives skin elasticity and healthy looking, regenerates new skin cells rubbing, bandage, cream enrichment
relieves irritation and inflammation after sunburn, promotes tanning compress, applications, bandage, cream enrichment
treats dermatitis, herpes, acne
strengthens thin and brittle hair, eliminates their loss
eliminates splitting and brittleness of nails enrichment of shampoo, gel, mask
normalizes sweating bath, rubbing
pain relief after insect bites aroma lamps, bath, compress, applications, rubbing, cream enrichment


aroma burners, aroma lamps 2-4 drops per area of ​​15 m2
indoor use* 1-2 drops with honey, jam 1-2 times a day
hot inhalation 2-3 drops per liter hot water 5-7 minutes
cold inhalation (aroma pendant, scarf) 2-3 drops
baths 3-6 drops
bath and sauna 3-5 drops per half liter of water
massage 4-7 drops per 10 ml of base oil
oil compress or applications 3-4 drops per 5 ml of base oil
tampons 2-4 drops per 5 ml of base oil
douching Add 5 drops per ½ teaspoon of soda to a glass of boiled water 35-37 degrees
microenema 2-4 drops per 5 ml of base oil
trituration 4-6 drops per 5-10 ml of base oil
intimate hygiene - rinsing Add 3 drops to soap foam; dilute 3 drops and ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of hot water.
enrichment cosmetics(cream, shampoo, gel) 5-8 drops per 10g base
Contraindications during pregnancy the first 4 months
Precautionary measures may cause irritation to sensitive skin; overdose may cause nausea and headache

*Attention! For internal use, drink tea with lemon, kefir or juice. Sometimes, when lubricating the skin with oil, a slight tingling sensation may occur, which goes away after a few minutes. These are natural reactions.

The healing properties of ylang-ylang essential oil, which fully conveys the specificity of its complex, intoxicating aroma, are completely inherited from a unique plant. The qualities of this aroma oil were highly valued back in Victorian times, when the legendary hair growth balm was made from it. But despite its rich history, today ylang-ylang is mainly valued more for its perfumery and emotional properties than for its healing effects.

The aroma of ylang-ylang is considered one of the most vibrant floral scents. It is invariably associated with the beauty and exotic atmosphere of tropical islands and even in the means household chemicals clearly manifests its properties and moods, awakening optimism, openness and giving positive emotions.

But the flowers of ylang-ylang, or cananga, a charming tall tree, have more than just perfumery talents. In Indonesia, for example, it is customary to cover the newlyweds’ bed with these flowers, like a fragrant blanket, and on the Moluccas they are used in the treatment of skin infections, colds and viral diseases, and even malaria.


Essential oil is obtained from amazingly delicate exotic flowers in two ways - by water distillation followed by evaporation or directly by steam distillation.

Depending on the duration of the process, three types of aroma oil are distinguished: the first is obtained an hour after the start, the second - after three, and the third - only after six hours of distillation. The last grade is suitable only for cheap products and household chemicals, while the first and even more concentrated “extra” varieties are considered the most valuable for perfumery and cosmetology.

When purchasing, pay attention to the grade, because the price of an oil of lower quality should not be the same as that of an “extra” grade aroma oil.

Externally, the essential oil, like most flower oils, is light and fluid, and is characterized by an almost imperceptible yellowness. The aroma of the oil is rich, sweet, very warm, caressing, combining candy and floral bases in a festive and very intense bouquet with a spicy aftertaste.

Compatibility with essential oils

Impact on the emotional sphere

Ylang-ylang is believed to attract positive energy and love, restore and promote the development of personal potential. A bright and active oil not only can quickly change your mood and emotional background, it causes a feeling of mild euphoria, is one of the most active antidepressants and promotes deep relaxation.

Carrying positive emotions, ylang-ylang oil relieves tension, anxiety, nervousness, fears, helps cope with stress and severe life situations, helps eliminate obsessive thoughts, irritability and anger. The antidepressant properties of this aroma oil appear not only in relation to traditional manifestations, but also in relation to asthenic syndrome and its symptoms - uncertainty, tightness, suspiciousness, anxiety.

Ylang-ylang is one of the fastest-acting remedies for night terrors for children.

This is a very active aphrodisiac stimulant, symbolizing tenderness, warmth, strength, intuitive sensuality, happy emotions.

Medicinal properties

From medicinal properties Ylang-ylang oil is most valued for its ability to have a calming effect on the heart rate and breathing. Thanks to it, this essential oil helps to cope with fear, anxiety, anger and shock; it is perfect for extreme situations and conditions.

In addition, ylang-ylang oil helps normalize blood pressure, eliminate spasms, and exhibits excellent anticonvulsant and antispasmodic properties not only for headaches, but also for any other disorders. This is an oil for mature women that can relieve the symptoms of menopausal changes.

Application in cosmetology and in everyday life

In cosmetology, ylang-ylang is most often used to improve the characteristics of skin care products of any type: ylang-ylang aroma oil has a normalizing and stabilizing effect on both oily and dry epidermis. In addition to affecting the level of sebum, this aroma oil effectively evens out, smoothes, moisturizes, rejuvenates the skin and gives it radiance. Considered an ideal essential oil for aging, overly sensitive or porous skin.

The delightful aroma of ylang-ylang, perfectly combined with natural body odors, allows you to obtain an excellent product both for intimate cosmetics and for deodorizing and aromatizing the skin.

Ylang-ylang oil helps restore skin after hypothermia and sunbathing, strengthens and preserves tan for a long time.

This aroma oil is no less effective as a product that strengthens and restores the structure of nails and nails.

In household use it has proven itself very well as a remedy for insect bites.

Fragrances have been used for thousands of years to attract a partner and enhance sexual pleasure. Volatile essential components have a direct impact on emotions, charming, seducing, bewitching.

The use of aphrodisiac essential oils is based on their properties to influence the sensual sphere, increasing attraction to opposite sex, awakening the most tender erotic feelings and secret fantasies.

Love scents - aphrodisiacs - were named after the Greek goddess of love - Aphrodite. Many essential oils are characterized by volatile substances that affect the erotic centers of the brain.

Not everyone thought that with the help of aromatherapy you can diversify sex life partners, as well as help men suffering from psychological impotence and women experiencing stiffness and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

In terms of their impact on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, the general qualities of aphrodisiac essential oils include: a calming effect on the central nervous system and at the same time stimulating sexual functions, relaxing, liberating, relieving tension, giving spiritual uplift, enhancing the production of natural pheromones, stabilizing the emotional background.

Some oils, such as lavender and sandalwood, can increase blood flow to the penis by up to 40%.

According to research by American scientists, it was found that couples over the age of 35 are most sensitive to the aromas of vanilla and ylang-ylang.

But men who have an active sex life and often have sex perceive the smell of nutmeg best.

Each of the oils has unique properties and is used both individually and in various compositions, which are compiled taking into account aromatic preferences and the desired effect.

Using aphrodisiac essential oils to awaken sensuality

  1. Aroma baths.
  2. By taking a bath with your partner, you will not only diversify your erotic sensations, but also saturate your skin with pheromones and exciting aromas. In addition, the body after such a procedure becomes many times more sensitive to caresses. Add sea or regular salt to a bath with warm, but not hot, water (1/2 cup with 3-5 drops of aphrodisiac added to it). Arma-smokers. Nothing creates like this intimate setting
  3. in the bedroom, like the sensual aroma of aphrodisiac esters. 3-5 drops of ether are added to the aroma lamp for every 15 square meters. m of room. If you don’t have a special device, you can use tablet candles (oils are dripped onto the wax, but not onto the wick) or apply the scent to a regular light bulb before turning it on. Erotic massage. Any massage - effective remedy to activate erogenous zones , and the procedure using (vegetable oil grape seeds , peach, almond or apricot kernels), enriched with aphrodisiac essential oils, greatly enhances the stimulating effect. For 15 ml basic basis
  4. add 5-6 drops of aphrodisiac and apply to the partner’s skin with light, gentle, stroking movements. Perfume. Perhaps the most popular method of influencing the areas of the brain responsible for sexual desire is applying, enriched with aphrodisiacs on pulse points - the area behind the ears, temples, wrists, elbows and knees, groin, area between the breasts. To 20 drops of base oil (be sure to choose a virtually odorless base), add 20 drops of any aphrodisiac or aromatic mixture of them.

The main aphrodisiac esters include:

Mixtures of essential oils - aphrodisiacs

Sandalwood is an aphrodisiac essential oil for men. That is why it is so often added to sensual compositions that ladies use instead of perfume.

Since sandalwood significantly increases potency, duration of orgasm and male passion, it is often added to aromatic mixtures for erotic massage, used in aroma pots in the bedroom, and dripped into the bath.

According to reviews of popular aromatherapists, the most stimulating composition for men's desire, which is recommended for women to apply to pulse points, looks like this: add 70 drops of any odorless base oil, for example, jojoba, sandalwood - 3 parts, ylang-ylang - 1 part, cedar – 2 parts, patchouli – 1 part.

Here are a few mixtures that awaken the sexual fantasy and sensuality of women:

  1. The following esters are added to 60 drops of unscented base: rose – 2 parts, jasmine – 2 parts, bergamot – 1 part, sandalwood – 1 part.
  2. For 80 drops of base take: patchouli – 3 parts, neroli – 2 parts, clary sage – 2 parts, cinnamon – 1 part.

Aromatherapists claim that the most popular among both sexes and is most often used both as an independent product and as part of various recipes for applying to the skin and aromatizing rooms is a powerful aphrodisiac - ylang-ylang essential oil.

Its rich aroma with notes of tropical flowers and balsam wood is said to stimulate the imagination, evoking exotic images.

Ylang-ylang oil: aphrodisiac properties

Ylang-ylang essential oil is a strong aphrodisiac that stimulates mutual attraction. Inhaling the richly sweet aroma helps increase potency in men and libido in women. In addition, the smell of ylang-ylang increases the sexual self-esteem of insecure people.

In addition to the sensual sphere, the main properties of ylang-ylang essential oil (stimulation of hair growth, smoothing wrinkles, rejuvenation), based on its rich biochemical composition, are advisable to use in hair and skin care products.

Like these ones unique properties inherent in essential oils classified as aphrodisiacs. Enrich your worldview with new aromas of love, tenderness, trust, sensuality and enjoy life to the fullest!