Torn by contradictions: how to leave the man you love. How to leave a man? Why do we leave and abandon men? How to leave the man you love with dignity

Contents of the article:

Sometimes a woman needs to get rid of a man. This can be both a conscious and unconscious need: in some cases, a man simply “drinks the juices” and needs to get rid of it. Let's consider these cases. You may also be interested in the article “Types of disharmonious families” if the relationship has already progressed beyond ordinary flirting.

Getting rid of an obsessive man

He just interferes with life, and it’s a shame to leave

Sometimes relationships become obsolete. At the same time, the question “how to quickly get rid of a man” remains open, because it seems like a habit, it seems to be a good one. And I don’t want to be left alone. If there are many things that irritate you in such a relationship, then it is simply necessary to get rid of such relationships. How to leave a man? Here are rough instructions:

  • 1. Talk. You need to talk to a man and find out what is hindering the relationship, what is wrong and how to resolve this issue. It is quite possible that you just need to renew your relationship and live separately.
  • 2. Decisive action. The strategy called “how to get rid of a man” requires decisive action.

A modern woman should be decisive and make compromises only in objective cases. Don't you love a man? Does he annoy you? Does living together bring you one destructive thing? Such a relationship will not lead to anything good. Therefore, after the conversation, it is necessary to act decisively.

If a man is a manipulator

It will be more difficult here. How to get rid of a manipulative man is an art, however, there is nothing incomprehensible. You need to get rid of such a man in any case - a relationship with him will not bring anything good. Therefore, to the question “how to get rid of a man forever,” if he is a manipulator, we answer as follows:

  • 1. Again, conversation. He needs to explain that there will be no further relationship.
  • 2. Do not react to manipulation under any circumstances: You have made a decision and you must follow it. Manipulators usually know their weak points well and actively put pressure on them, remember romantic, pleasant moments in relationships, etc. Don't react! This is manipulation. If a man does not offer specific actions to restore the relationship, it is a relationship with a manipulator. Such men like to first “whine” and remember “all the good things”, and then move on to insults. Clear signs of manipulation.
  • 3. Nothing gets rid of a manipulator like a relationship with another man. They may even be visible. Charm the man you like most - and use this card when a ghost from the past appears. If you cannot or do not want to start a relationship for the sake of flirting, ask one of your friends or acquaintances to play along with you.

Let him call, give flowers, appear with him supposedly by chance under the gaze of your man. This will sober him up from manipulation - he will see that you have a new relationship. But this should be done exclusively after talking about breaking up - there is no need to do it before.

Intrusive men

Many women are interested in the question of how to get rid of an obsessive man. There are cases when a man is too intrusive - and this is annoying. The procedure here is approximately as follows:

  • 1. Try to explain to him, not rudely, that he is too intrusive and this is disturbing. Maybe he doesn't even notice it himself. Just don’t forget about women’s tricks in the form of flirting, so that everything looks as soft as possible.
  • 2. Show the man that you can be busy with another man. This is where the advice from the previous paragraph comes in handy - they work very well and sober up many men.

If a man does not understand, he needs to be grounded with a clear position, even if it seems rude. He must understand that you are a self-sufficient woman and intrusiveness is definitely unnecessary here.

Former man

Sometimes exes appear in our lives. So much effort has been spent on forgetting and leaving boring relationships in the past - and now again this question pops up on the horizon. How to get rid of an ex-man if he annoyingly reminds you of himself?

Firstly, it would be nice to know why he needed you? Does he want to restore the relationship? Does he have a mercantile interest? Or maybe he just wants to keep the good ones friendly relations. This also happens.

Secondly, if ex-man- this is a story that has ended for you physically and mentally, he needs to tell him about it. Clear, intelligible and understandable. Most likely, he will understand. If he doesn’t understand, sometimes it’s enough to show him that you have a relationship. This works great for many people.

On a note

Sometimes a man who you really want to get rid of may threaten or try to use force. In this case, he needs to show that you have excellent self-control: it is advisable to have a friend or acquaintance “on hand” who can protect you. In any case, the police have not been canceled either. After the first statement, 80% of men come to their senses.

Read also:

Orthodox calendar

Monday, March 2, 2020(February 18, old style)
1st Week of Lent
St. Leo, Pope (461)
Saints' Day:
St. Agapita Spanish, ep. Sinadsky (IV). St. Flavian of Spain, Patriarch of Constantinople (449-450). St. Cosmas of Yakhromsky (1492).
Day of Remembrance of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
St. Vladimir Terentyev, Spanish (1933).
Great Lent.
Marriages are not celebrated during Lent.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
For eternity: - Gen.1:1-20; Proverbs 1:1-20
In the morning: - Ps.24-31; Ps.32-36; Ps.37-45 For eternity: - Ps.119-133

The moment has come when you need to pack your things (or just gather your courage) and leave him. And it doesn’t really matter who made the decision: you, him or both of you. Breaking up is always hard. Even more difficult is not the understanding of the “end” itself, but its implementation. One of you will take a farewell note and break down: either cry, or get angry, or... won’t let go. How to leave a guy with the least losses and as painlessly as possible? PEOPLETALK has prepared several for you useful tips.

Do what you have to do

You need to prepare for any task. And so that there are no reasons to return, you need to settle all the issues that connect you with this relationship: money for the apartment, a promise to buy his mother a cream that she loves but doesn’t know where to get, his documents that you kept with you. Bring all matters to an end, distribute debts and documents, and you can calmly set sail.

talk to him

Yes, you need to talk, no matter how you look at it. Not to tell each other everything you think. On the contrary, to finally dot the i's. Stop blaming each other for something, it’s not in vain that you spent so much time together - you need to treat this with respect. The main thing here is a calm tone and objectivity. If the conversation doesn't take place, you risk leaving the relationship unfinished.

He shouldn't be there when you decide

If you lived together, then it is better to take things out when he is not around. Discuss this in advance. And don’t say that there is no one to help you. This issue can always be resolved. You definitely don’t need unnecessary quarrels, tears, long hugs and moving joint photos from one bag to another.

Don't return his gifts

First of all, it's disrespectful if you bring him a bag of his gifts, photos, sweatpants or fins from your vacation in Egypt 100 years ago. Secondly, extra reason to upset or anger him. If you don't need these things or it hurts you to see them, it's better to hide them until things calm down, or just throw them away (but without burning them at the stake or ritual dancing).

Throw away half of your things

Again, if you move, it’s better to take care of your things. It’s more pleasant to leave light, and getting rid of old clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time is always useful.

Warn mutual friends

I understand that you don’t want to stir things up and hear the same questions and advice. But your mutual friends should be warned about the breakup, if only so that there are no more questions at the most inconvenient moment.

Don't bring up the past

There is no need to constantly look through photos, go to places where you have been together, listen to “your” songs, or look for a video from a party where friends caught a glimpse of you dancing for the first time. And at the same time shed tears or break dishes. As cliché as it may sound, time really does heal. Soon these memories will bring a smile.

Think about why you decided to break up

When a relationship ends, we often think only about the most pleasant moments and don’t understand what happened, because everything was so good! But people don’t break up out of nowhere. So, everything was far from ideal.

Find the pros

Imagine, now you will have time to see all your old friends and understand yourself a little. Give yourself a break. After all, a person cannot be in good relations with other people if he is on bad terms with himself. And it will also help you this funny stuff .

Don't try to stay on friendly terms with him.

Confidence in the decision taken- the main thing that is necessary to part with the least losses.

Breaking up a relationship very rarely goes smoothly and calmly. It would seem like a real problem if someone leaves you - there is an aggravation of all imaginable complexes, and a sea of ​​​​tears of loneliness, and a feeling of abandonment. But the truth is that the “throwing” side is also not easy, and she may experience no less painful feelings, supported by complex doubts and tossing. Moreover, it is these feelings and doubts that can keep a couple in a painful, unnecessary and often long-dead relationship for months and years. Just think about it - months and years of living in torment! What is the most beautiful and least painful way for everyone to get out of a once significant relationship?


The breakup formula sounds simple: If you have finally decided to break up, you need to calmly inform your partner about your decision. At first glance, this advice is from the category of “Captain Obvious”. But in fact, every word in it is mega-important, and problems arise if and only if at least one of the parts of this thesis is underestimated. Let's go through them.

1. “Finally decided” - this is fundamental. If you still have doubts, hesitate, weigh arguments, and are ready to change your mind at any moment, you shouldn’t start such a conversation. First, clearly define your desires, and only then raise the question.

I'm not talking now about situations where the only purpose of the conversation is manipulation. To use the threat of leaving to get what you want from your partner, to sort things out, to escalate the situation, to attract attention, but at the same time not to break up. This is different! It's about only about those circumstances when the relationship is not satisfactory, and you understand that you want to break up. And if you have already decided, then neither pangs of conscience, nor promises to love until the grave, nor a sense of duty, nor the opinion of your mother and friends should outweigh your decision to live the way you think is right for yourself, your desire to be happy and end a painful relationship. Listen carefully to everyone, thank them - and do what you think is right for yourself. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this is the right decision for you and the entire system of your relationships at this stage of life.

Remember that no matter what your living together, there will always be arguments in favor of not changing anything. I came across cases where clients’ husbands dunked the child’s head in the toilet as punishment, cheated on them weekly, beat the woman herself, or used hard drugs - and even in these situations, women managed to doubt the need for a breakup and experienced the agony of choice.

I deliberately dwell for so long on the first key words of the thesis. Confidence in the decision made is the main thing for the separation to occur with the least possible losses.

Long painful conversations, tears, hesitations, returns and useless walking back and forth - all this is the result of your internal fluctuations.


2. “Calmly inform” - that’s exactly it. Don’t ask, don’t apologize, don’t make excuses, don’t beg, don’t be offended, don’t blame, don’t make a scandal, don’t throw a tantrum for convincing. Don't mumble guiltily. Do not blame for all mortal sins.

Sometimes it is worth communicating in writing (if your partner poses a threat to you, is unstable, or has avoided meeting many times).

Better - in conversation. Yes, it is always very difficult. And, like any difficult conversation, you need to prepare for this.

First of all - emotionally. Secondly, it’s meaningful.

Here are some markers emotional readiness. Calm confidence deep inside, even if there is superficial jitters. Associated feelings. Admit that yes, you may feel regret. Of course, it’s a pity for plans, dreams, expectations. And breaking attachments is painful. Sadness. Accept this: if the relationship is valuable and there was good in it, it is sad to leave. But even such relationships sometimes end. A feeling of relief and the rightness of what you are about to do.

Now about content readiness.

Knowledge of manipulation hooks. You should have a rough idea of ​​what your partner can put pressure on and what your weak points are. Consider your reaction. Protect yourself. If necessary, consult with a lawyer to understand the consequences of the breakup. Sobriety and common sense will help you. Important: fear of loneliness, self-pity, guilt, etc. should not interfere with moving on. If they block the path to a calm exit from an oppressive relationship, go to a psychologist. Work with fears and complexes.

3. “Partner” is another keyword in the message. It is very important to realize and at the breakup stage to constantly remember that you lived and are now breaking up with an adult, equal, sexually mature partner, who bears full responsibility for his life and partial responsibility for what happened to the relationship.

"He will be lost without me"- this is how a nursing mother can talk about her baby.

"He has nowhere to live"- another phrase from the mother’s vocabulary.

"I swore to him at the altar"- we are all blinded by hormones in the first months of a relationship and are not able to think soberly, and in later life, alas, anything can happen.

"He is so good"- Well, you will be friends.

"I'll break his heart"- As a rule, people cope with breakups. They rarely commit suicide or end up in a psychiatric hospital after this. Don't underestimate your partner's resilience. And if there are serious reasons to doubt it, contact a specialist.

And it is also important to understand: how your partner will cope with the situation, how quickly he will find a girlfriend, how he will live later and what he will do without you is none of your business. This is his life. His part of the situation. Yes, often this is a big mental problem and difficulty. But they meet on the path of an adult, including to overcome and grow. It is much worse to get stuck in infantile codependency and regret your indecisiveness all your life.

I think you have already understood the importance of a calm attitude towards the situation and a sober view of your partner. They will play the main role in the finale of your story, and in the decisive conversation you will broadcast a thousand subtle signals: “goodbye” or “oh, I don’t know!”

A breakup is a very emotional and painful stage in a relationship. No matter how hard you try, emotions will still come and influence you and your behavior. Therefore, it is so important to keep them under control, calm down, tune in, prepare, understand why and what to say. Remember that gratitude, a feeling of family, sadness are also not uncommon... But even they should not get bogged down for a long time, indulging in memories of shared joys, if you really want a break. Thank your partner for everything. Wish you happiness. And move on.

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It seems to us that separation does not require extra effort. We talk about it lightly, but when it comes to taking action, breaking up seems like the hardest decision to make. We are haunted by guilt, accompanied by emotional loss. As a result, we end up with a person who does not deserve us. Soulpost offers step by step instructions, how to end a relationship with a guy who is not right for you.

First, understand the reasons why you stay with this person, the most common ones are:

- fear of loneliness, the inability to find another person whom you can love;

- attachment, not only to him, but also to your relationship;

- hope that the person we love will change.

So here are some helpful tips to take stock of your relationship and come to terms with the inevitability of its end.

  1. Ignore other people's opinions

Keep this in mind when people tell you why you should leave your boyfriend. Calmly ask them to keep their opinions to themselves, or simply ignore their words. This may be difficult to do, especially when you are being advised by family members and close friends, but it is very important for you to develop your own opinions on this issue. As long as you listen to what other people say, you will not be able to set your personal priorities.

  1. Be a hermit

Once you've taken the first step, it's time to form a line of thinking. In order to accomplish this, you must stay away from everyone, including your man. Take a week off if necessary. After spending some time in peace, you may find a way to resolve the situation instead of ending the relationship.

  1. Analyze the relationship and then make a decision

Now it's time to make a decision. To do this, you must go back in time. Sit quietly and go back to the beginning of your relationship. Pay attention to the good times and the bad. With this self-analysis, you will come to a decisive conclusion: if the bad side of the relationship outweighs the good, it is a clear sign that it is time for you to leave.

  1. Find stability

Once you have decided to leave, you must find a place within yourself where you can find the emotional stability to come to terms with your decision. Your man may try all possible ways to get you to stay. If you are emotionally unstable, you will fall into a trap. Remember: emotional stability is your weapon, without it you cannot go to war with your boyfriend. After all, he will fight the most in beautiful words and reminders of your unforgettable relationships.

  1. Don't force yourself

Now that you know you want to leave, don't rush, you have plenty of time to do so. Maybe you'll be ready in a week, maybe in a year. Take, for example, people suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction. Some of them are slowly realizing that they need to abstain from their habits before completely eradicating them.

  1. Plan for the future

To avoid regretting your actions, you must plan for the future in advance. Plan trips, register for events, get things done. Never leave yourself without any plans, at least at the beginning of your solo journey. When a relationship ends, you must use your time wisely. To prevent feelings of loneliness or boredom, keep yourself busy.

From letters to Samprosvetbyulleten:

« I don't know how to forget my ex? I constantly think about him and as soon as I offer him, I end up with him... Then everything is the same, he disappears, and I worry. How to leave a man completely and never return to him?” — asks Oksana.

« I can’t leave a man, I understand in my mind that I need to run away from him, but something is holding me back. The first time they separated on his initiative, the second on mine. But I couldn’t refuse meetings. Am I really that weak-willed? How to forget your ex and start a new life? — Elena asks.

How to leave a man

You have probably encountered a situation in life when a woman realizes that she needs to leave a man, decides not to continue the relationship, but in fact cannot forget her ex, suffers, and sometimes even returns again. Feeling, realizing that he is not suitable for her, she cannot completely get rid of her attachment. It happens that they are torn apart and there is no way back, but a woman cannot do it for a long time and drags the burden of the past with her.

The behavior of such women is similar to the behavior of a smoker who decided to quit smoking, but nothing works out for him. After holding out for a day or two, despite the admonitions of his family and colleagues, he again takes up a cigarette. Although he himself understands that smoking is harmful, he agrees with the arguments of his friends, he wants to quit, but for some reason he cannot. Most of us know this smoker or have met him at least once. Why do we lack the will and consciousness alone to change our behavior?

Research within the framework of the information theory of emotions has shown that we perform actions driven by our needs, and will and consciousness are auxiliary forces that transform needs into motives and behavior.

A person has a wide variety of needs: material, biological, emotional, sexual, aesthetic, social, cognitive, spiritual. For example, the need for information and novelty, the need for prestige, self-affirmation, and recognition. We are not aware of some of them, although they influence our actions.

The need is transformed into behavior with the help of will and consciousness. Will is the ability to overcome obstacles on the way to satisfying a particular need. When we need to do something, our will is applied to the strongest need, and our consciousness finds means and ways to realize it, and we take the action.

Therefore, sometimes it is useless to appeal to consciousness. The smoker realizes that he is harming his health and seems to lack the willpower to quit. bad habit. In fact, the need to relieve tension with nicotine at a certain point in time becomes stronger than the need to start living. healthy image life. When the need for nicotine wins in the competition of two needs, the will joins the desire to smoke a cigarette and our smoker returns to “same place.”

How to forget a man

Therefore, it is important not only to rely on will and consciousness, but also to “work” on your needs, realize them and find other ways to satisfy them. You can understand that you are not satisfied, but contrary to common sense, you want to be with him. To understand the true motives for such behavior, it is necessary to find out what need is hidden behind them.

In my practice, I have encountered the fact that women were not let go of the past because of the need for prestige, status, new impressions, certain types of affection, recognition, dominance, solving various problems at the expense of a man, and much more.

When they realized exactly what need was being fulfilled in the relationship with the ex and how it could be satisfied with another man or in everyday life, it became much easier to shed the burden of the past.

If you cannot forget your ex and, despite disappointment, you are bored and tormented, try to understand what kind of need pulls you towards him. Once you fulfill this need elsewhere, it will be easier for you to emotionally separate from your ex and start a new relationship.

Good luck to you and see you soon on the pages of Samprosvetbyulleten!