Presentation on the topic "shaping a healthy lifestyle in the GPA". Speech Organization of teaching and educational work on the formation of healthy lifestyles and strengthening the health of students within the framework of the GPA Planning for healthy lifestyle in the GPA

Finding ways to form
healthy way life
in the extended day group

Troshina E.V.
Secondary school number 10
Teacher primary grades

The health of the people is the most precious thing
The wealth of the land will not replace it.
No one will buy health, no one will sell,
Take care of it, like a heart, like an eye

Healthy lifestyle - it is an individual system of behavior and habits of each individual, providing him with the necessary level of life and healthy longevity. The way of life should change with age, it should be energetically provided, suppose health improvement, have its own routine and rhythm.
On the present stage work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle is relevant, because health is not only the absence of disease, but also complete well-being. The general development and upbringing of schoolchildren require special attention, because it is at this age that the physical and moral aspects of the future personality are formed. Hygiene training and education in childhood creates the preconditions for the harmonious development of a person, increasing responsibility for their health.
A new approach or an active attitude to health is manifested in the fact that a modern person does not expect favors from health care, but he himself takes certain specific steps - from collecting information about a healthy lifestyle to choosing breathing exercises - and takes other effective actions aimed at preserving and health promotion.
Among the many factors that can affect the health of younger schoolchildren in the extended day group, but the intensity of the impact in the first place is physical activity. Properly organized physical education - wellness work is not only a means of recreation and strengthening the health of children, but also contributes to improving the quality of their educational work.
A special place in the system of physical culture and health-improving work with younger students in the extended day group is given to outdoor games and a walk. It is necessary to improve the general physical fitness of students, relieve fatigue from sedentary activities in the classroom, arouse in each of the children a steady interest in any kind of sport.
On a walk with the guys in the GPA, I conduct such outdoor games: "Day and Night", "Third Extra", "Knockers", "Kondaly", "Zhmurki", "Cats - Mice", "Above the Ground" and others. The main condition is that all children should be included in active movement. The guys and I go for a walk every day.
A walk is a pedagogically organized form of active recreation for children. She solves the problems of restoring mental performance, as well as expanding the horizons of children, developing their cognitive interests, fostering moral relationships, discipline in the team.
It is necessary to begin to form the child's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle by studying the structure of his body, knowledge about the functions performed and the vital activity of the human body. For a lasting assimilation of knowledge by children, I use in my work didactic games, for example: "What do you know about ...", "Letter from Pochemuchka", "Dunno came to us" and others; riddles, special tales, poems, etc.
In order to teach a child to “hear” and “listen” to his body, I suggest using remedial gymnastics, physical exercises, relaxation exercises, games-classes. The greatest efficiency from physical education minutes is achieved only when their form and content are diverse.
Which I am conducting:
1. Wellness and hygiene.
Straighten your shoulders, bend your back, stretch, turn your head, swing your legs.
2. Rhythmic.
They got up together, one, two, three.
We are now heroes, etc.
3. Motor-speech.
Children collectively read funny poems and, as it were, stage them.

The bees are sitting in the houses
And they look through the windows.
Wanted to frolic
We flew one after another.
Flew, flew
And they sat down quietly.
4. Imitative.
Considering the picture with cars, we imitate their movement or the work of a driver at the wheel. Through play, the child learns the world around him, learns to analyze.
Teaching a child to value his life and the life of another person is one of the most important tasks of raising children, for the solution of which it is necessary to pose a certain problem for the child, including a moral one. For this purpose, I propose to use the works fiction relevant topics, setting and solving problem situations, didactic games, for example: "Dangerous - not dangerous", "If I do this ..." and others.
Prevention and hygiene skills in children are of great importance in the study of a healthy lifestyle. It is important that the knowledge acquired at school age can be used by a person throughout his life. Solving this problem, I use in my work quatrains related to a particular procedure, I introduce children to medicinal plants in game form.
If a child sees someone else's pain, empathizes with it, this means that he has a pure and kind soul... This can be observed especially well when reading and analyzing works of fiction. Thus, a positive emotional field is created, which in turn is also one of the components of a healthy lifestyle.

1. Antsibor M.M., Golovanova N.F. Features of the organization of the pedagogical process in primary grades with extended day. - M. 1999.
2. Zaitsev G.K., Zaitsev A.G. Your health. S.-P., 2000
3. Kinl V.M. Physical culture and recreational activities in the after-school groups of younger students. - Kiev. 1988
4. Minskin E.M. Games and entertainment in the extended day group. - M. 1985
5. Shurukhina V.K. Physical culture and health-improving work in the extended day of school with students in grades I-III. - M. 1980.

Methodical development

Extracurricular activity in the GPA

"Healthy lifestyle"

Educator of the GPA, Solovyova Lidia Romanovna.

State budgetary educational institution, secondary school No. 485 with in-depth study of the French language in the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg.


to reveal the concept of a healthy lifestyle,

determine the conditions for maintaining health,

to form students' beliefs about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and

about health as the most important value.

Stages of the lesson:

1. Introductory part. Definition of a healthy lifestyle.

2. The main part of the lesson. Disclosure of the concept of a healthy lifestyle.

Daily regime.

Body hygiene.

Hygiene of vision.

Proper nutrition.

Physical education and sports.

3. The final part.

Course of the lesson

1. Introductory part.

We will talk with you about health today.

Which person is called healthy? (Strong, strong, he does not get sick,

physically and mentally well.)

- To be healthy, you must lead healthy lifestyle.

- By what signs do we know that a person leads a healthy lifestyle?

(A person goes in for sports, does not have bad habits, observes

daily regimen, does not get sick, eats right.)

- Let's talk about some of the components of a healthy lifestyle.

(During the introductory conversation, the teacher puts cards on the blackboard, on

which conditions of a healthy lifestyle are recorded.)

2. The main part of the lesson.

A) Regime of the day.

- How do you understand this expression: "daily routine"?

Tell us about your daily routine.

How to create a daily routine yourself?

(Make a to-do list, specify the time, keep this schedule.)

- Using the cards, we will draw up an approximate daily routine.

(Children are divided into 2-3 groups, each group receives cards. Pupils

line up in a certain order. Then the most

the best option for the daily regimen.)

- The main rule when drawing up a daily routine is to alternate work and rest.

Why do you need a daily regimen? (To do everything in time, do it in a planned way, without

rush, bustle, to have a good mood.)

B) Body hygiene.

- Let's use a dictionary to find out the meaning of the word "hygiene".

(Hygiene- a section of medicine that studies how to maintain health, as well as

system of actions aimed at maintaining cleanliness.)

- Why are required in the daily routine water procedures? (Water cleans

our body, contrast dousing helps to temper the body.)

- Which part of the body should be washed more often than others? (Arms)

- What is the reason for this?

How should you wash your hands? (1 student shows how to wash hands correctly)

- Why do you need to wash your hands with soap and water?

It is very important to trim nails in a timely manner, up to 95% of microbes accumulate

just under them!

C) Hygiene of vision.

- Why is it important for a person to maintain good eyesight?

notebooks, books up to the eyes when reading, writing, you need the correct

lighting, watching TV - in compliance with safety measures.)

- To relieve eye strain, special

exercises. Which ones do you use? (Students show

exercises, explain the rules of execution and explain their purpose.)

The game "Funny Men". [

- Let's check your eyesight. I show cards with little figures

repeat their movements.

(For this game, the teacher prepares cards on which schematically

depicts figures of men performing various gymnastic

exercises: tilting the head and trunk, abducting the arms or legs to the side,

squatting, etc. Image size 1 - 2 cm.Children should first

consider the little man, and then repeat his movements).

D) Proper nutrition.

- In the daily routine, you need to plan meals. How many times is it necessary

there is? (At least 3 times.)

- The most important meal is the morning meal. The ancients said: “Eat breakfast

myself. " Why?

What foods did your breakfast consist of today? (Doctors

Game "What destroys health, what strengthens."

- Select useful ones from the list, harmful products... Explain your choice.

(Children are offered a set of products: fish, kefir, rolled oats, sunflower

butter, carrots, cakes, snickers, apples, chips, fanta, onions.)

E) Physical education and sports.

- A person leading a healthy lifestyle is obligatory in the daily routine

allocates time for physical education and sports. About your sports

your classmate Zubanov Slava will tell you about the hobby. (Boy

plays football, participates in competitions, has awards: medals and


- What does sports give? (The student is not sick, always cheerful, energetic,

sport helps in learning.)

3. The final part.

What was the topic of the lesson?

How to understand the meaning of the words healthy lifestyle?


I wish you guys

Always be healthy.

But get things done

impossible without labor.

Try not to be lazy -

Every time before meals,

Before you sit down at the table,

Wash your hands with water.

And do the exercises

Daily in the morning.

And, of course, temper -

This will help you so much!

Breathe fresh air

If possible always,

Go for walks in the forest

He will give you strength, friends!

I revealed secrets to you

Follow all the tips

And it will be easy for you to live!

Attachment 1

Pedestrian school

On our streets

There is so much movement.

All kinds of

So many cars!

But don't you get lost

Don't be afraid of the road

And these rules

Hurry to learn!

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

This school is for you.

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Pedestrian school for kids!

Pedestrian school for kids!


I'm a pedestrian buddy.

I'm thunderstorm drivers.

I stand at the crossing -

Put on the brakes!

A pedestrian! I decided the way

Safe to go -

In this I help you,

Hurry to find me!

Song of traffic lights and pedestrians

Traffic lights... I've been standing at the crossroads for a long time.

Pedestrians... Stands at the crossroads for a long time.

St... I am known to everyone, known to everyone

traffic lights.

P. Hewell-known, well-known

traffic lights.

St.I protect you from dangers,

I warn you in advance.

P.He protects us from dangers,

He warns us in advance.

St.Here the red light came on -

Everyone knows that there is no move.

P.Here the red light came on -

Everyone knows that there is no move.

St... Let's agree with you:

Yellow - let's get ready

And green says:

“The way is open! Completely open! "

P.Let's agree with you:

Yellow - let's get ready

And green says:

“The way is open! Completely open! "

Song of road signs

One, two - left!

We go along the pavement!

One, two - left!

Build road signs!

One, two - left!

Where to go, where to go

One, two - left!

We'll tell you along the way!

One, two - left!

We will warn you!

One, two - left!

Look at us, friend!

One, two - left!

Where to go, where to go.

One, two - left!

We'll tell you along the way!

Playing on the road is dangerous

Whatever it was, my friend,

You have misfortunes

You have misfortunes

Don't you ever play

On the roadway

On the roadway.

Remember this rule

It is imperative:

On the road, on the road

On the road, on the road

Always be attentive!

"Cycling is prohibited"

Do you love bicycles

You know the joys of victory

You rush fast - with the breeze

Don't you know me?

Only cars are driving here,

Tires flash everywhere.

Do you have a bike?

So - stop! There is no road!

"Caution: children!"

I'm a good friend of the kids

I protect their lives.

School is nearby - everyone is around

I warn the drivers!

We are driving, driving, driving.

We go, we go, we go

To distant lands.

Good neighbors,

Cheerful friends.

The city is full of movement

Cars run in a row.

Colored traffic lights

And day and night are burning.

We have fun

We sing a song.

And the song is sung

How we live.

Walking carefully

Follow the street

And only where possible

Go over it.


Remember! There are so many difficulties on the road.

Remember! There are thousands of cars on the road.

Remember! There are many crossings on the road.

Remember! Learn these songs!

Traffic rules

Everyone should know

And without hesitation

Traffic rules

Must do. (2 times)

Remember! There are so many difficulties on the roads.

Remember! There are thousands of cars on the roads.

Remember! There are many crossroads on the roads.

Remember! These songs - teach the rules!


1 No matter how the driver slows down, 5 We are good athletes,

And the car keeps slipping, we love to play football,

On wheels, as on skis - Bridge was turned

Closer, closer, closer, closer. In our field, a stadium.

2 There is a possibility for salvation: 6 To me, no doubt, the conclusion is clear,

The best brake is caution. That a pass is dangerous for life,

Take care of your life, Not roads, but courtyards -

Don't run in front of the car! A place for such a game.

3 We are girlfriends, 7 I learned a lot of rules,

We have eyes and ears, I forgot something,

We walk along the road, and without knowing these rules

We read and sing everything. It is difficult to live in this world.

4 Dear friends, 8 Signs we all need to know,

Our last advice to you: So that when you go to the market,

After all, the road is not a reading room We did not stay together

And not a place for conversation. And without legs, and without shoes.

All: We sang ditties for you,

Is it good, is it bad

And now we ask you,

For you to pat us.

Appendix 2

The game "Do not play on the pavement"

Two teams of 6-7 people participate. Objective: to run to the chairs,

leading the ball in front of you (this is the yard - you can play), run around the chair, take the ball

into hands (this is a road - you cannot play) and run back faster and

pass the ball to the next player. The winner is the team in which

participants will come running first and will not be mistaken.

Game "Traffic light"

When the presenter turns on the green light, the guys should stomp their feet,

as if walking, when the yellow light is on, the guys have to clap their hands.

There should be silence in the hall with a red light. Before starting the game, you must

be sure to hold rehearsals so that everyone understands the conditions of the game.

The team whose guys are more attentive wins.

Game "Islands of Safety"

Two teams of 6-7 people participate. The first player is given

"Paws" painted as a transition track. The challenge: shifting paws

in front of you, jump from one to the other. So reaching the chair,

run around it, take paws in hand and, having run up to the team, pass them

next player. The team that copes faster with

Methodical development.

Extracurricular activity in the GPA

"Healthy lifestyle"


to reveal the concept of a healthy lifestyle,

determine the conditions for maintaining health,

to form students' beliefs about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and

about health as the most important value.

Stages of the lesson:

1. Introductory part. Definition of a healthy lifestyle.

2. The main part of the lesson. Disclosure of the concept of a healthy lifestyle.

Daily regime.

Body hygiene.

Hygiene of vision.

Proper nutrition.

Physical education and sports.

3. The final part.

Course of the lesson

1. Introductory part.

We will talk with you about health today.

Which person is called healthy?(Strong, strong, he does not get sick,

physically and mentally well.)

To be healthy, you must leadhealthy lifestyle.

By what signs do we know that a person leads a healthy lifestyle?

(A person goes in for sports, does not have bad habits, observes

daily regimen, does not get sick, eats right.)

Let's talk about some of the components of a healthy lifestyle.

(During the introductory conversation, the teacher puts cards on the blackboard, on

which conditions of a healthy lifestyle are recorded.)

2. The main part of the lesson.

A) Regime of the day.

How do you understand this expression: "daily routine"?

Tell us about your daily routine.

How to create a daily routine yourself?

(Make a to-do list, specify the time, keep this schedule.)

Using the cards, we will draw up an approximate daily routine.

(Children are divided into 2-3 groups, each group receives cards. Pupils

line up in a certain order. Then the most

the best option for the daily regimen.)

The main rule when drawing up a daily routine is to alternate work and rest.

Why do you need a daily regimen?(To do everything in time, do it in a planned way, without

rush, bustle, to have a good mood.)

B) Body hygiene.

Let's use a dictionary to find out the meaning of the word "hygiene".

(Hygiene - a section of medicine that studies how to maintain health, as well as

system of actions aimed at maintaining cleanliness.)

Why are water procedures mandatory in the daily routine?(Water cleans

our body, contrast dousing helps to temper the body.)

Which part of the body should be washed more often than others?(Arms)

What is the reason for this?

How should you wash your hands?(1 student shows how to wash hands correctly)

Why do you need to wash your hands with soap and water?

It is very important to trim nails in a timely manner, up to 95% of microbes accumulate

just under them!

C) Hygiene of vision.

Why is it important for a person to maintain good eyesight?

notebooks, books up to the eyes when reading, writing, you need the correct

lighting, watching TV - in compliance with safety measures.)

To relieve eye strain, special

exercises. Which ones do you use?(Students show

exercises, explain the rules of execution and explain their purpose.)

The game "Funny Men". [

Let's check your eyesight. I show cards with little figures

repeat their movements.

(For this game, the teacher prepares cards on which schematically

depicts figures of men performing various gymnastic

exercises: tilting the head and trunk, abducting the arms or legs to the side,

squatting, etc. Image size 1 - 2 cm.Children should first

consider the little man, and then repeat his movements).

D) Proper nutrition.

In the daily routine, you need to plan meals. How many times is it necessary

there is?(At least 3 times.)

The most important meal is in the morning. The ancients said: “Eat breakfast

myself. " Why?

What foods did your breakfast consist of today?(Doctors

Game "What destroys health, what strengthens."

Select healthy, unhealthy foods from the list. Explain your choice.

(Children are offered a set of products: fish, kefir, rolled oats, sunflower

butter, carrots, cakes, snickers, apples, chips, fanta, onions.)

E) Physical education and sports.

A person leading a healthy lifestyle is obligatory in the daily routine

allocates time for physical education and sports. About your sports

your classmate Zubanov Slava will tell you about the hobby.(Boy

plays football, participates in competitions, has awards: medals and


What does sports give?(The student is not sick, always cheerful, energetic,

sport helps in learning.)

3. The final part.

What was the topic of the lesson?

How to understand the meaning of the words healthy lifestyle?


I wish you guys

Always be healthy.

But get things done

impossible without labor.

Try not to be lazy -

Every time before meals,

Before you sit down at the table,

Wash your hands with water.

And do the exercises

Daily in the morning.

And, of course, temper -

This will help you so much!

Breathe fresh air

If possible always,

Go for walks in the forest

He will give you strength, friends!

I revealed secrets to you

Follow all the tips

And it will be easy for you to live!

Attachment 1

Pedestrian school

On our streets

There is so much movement.

All kinds of

So many cars!

But don't you get lost

Don't be afraid of the road

And these rules

Hurry to learn!

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

This school is for you.

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Pedestrian school for kids!

Pedestrian school for kids!


I'm a pedestrian buddy.

I'm thunderstorm drivers.

I stand at the crossing -

Put on the brakes!

A pedestrian! I decided the way

Safe to go -

In this I help you,

Hurry to find me!

Song of traffic lights and pedestrians

Traffic lights ... I've been standing at the crossroads for a long time.

Pedestrians ... Stands at the crossroads for a long time.

St ... I am known to everyone, known to everyone

traffic lights.

P. He well-known, well-known

traffic lights.

St. I protect you from dangers,

I warn you in advance.

P. He protects us from dangers,

He warns us in advance.

St. Here the red light came on -

Everyone knows that there is no move.

P. Here the red light came on -

Everyone knows that there is no move.

St ... Let's agree with you:

Yellow - let's get ready

And green says:

P. Let's agree with you:

Yellow - let's get ready

And green says:

“The way is open! Completely open! "

Song of road signs

One, two - left!

We go along the pavement!

One, two - left!

Build road signs!

One, two - left!

Where to go, where to go

One, two - left!

We'll tell you along the way!

One, two - left!

We will warn you!

One, two - left!

Look at us, friend!

One, two - left!

Where to go, where to go.

One, two - left!

We'll tell you along the way!

Playing on the road is dangerous

Whatever it was, my friend,

You have misfortunes

You have misfortunes

Don't you ever play

On the roadway

On the roadway.

Remember this rule

It is imperative:

On the road, on the road

On the road, on the road

Always be attentive!

"Cycling is prohibited"

Do you love bicycles

You know the joys of victory

You rush fast - with the breeze

Don't you know me?

Only cars are driving here,

Tires flash everywhere.

Do you have a bike?

So - stop! There is no road!

"Caution: children!"

I'm a good friend of the kids

I protect their lives.

School is nearby - everyone is around

I warn the drivers!

We are driving, driving, driving.

We go, we go, we go

To distant lands.

Good neighbors,

Cheerful friends.

The city is full of movement

Cars run in a row.

Colored traffic lights

And day and night are burning.

We have fun

We sing a song.

And the song is sung

How we live.

Walking carefully

Follow the street

And only where possible

Go over it.


Remember! There are so many difficulties on the road.

Remember! There are thousands of cars on the road.

Remember! There are many crossings on the road.

Remember! Learn these songs!

Traffic rules

Everyone should know

And without hesitation

Traffic rules

Must do. (2 times)

Remember! There are so many difficulties on the roads.

Remember! There are thousands of cars on the roads.

Remember! There are many crossroads on the roads.

Remember! These songs - teach the rules!


1 No matter how the driver slows down, 5 We are good athletes,

And the car keeps slipping, we love to play football,

On wheels, as on skis - Bridge was turned

Closer, closer, closer, closer. In our field, a stadium.

2 There is a possibility for salvation: 6 To me, no doubt, the conclusion is clear,

The best brake is caution. That a pass is dangerous for life,

Take care of your life, Not roads, but courtyards -

Don't run in front of the car! A place for such a game.

3 We are girlfriends, 7 I learned a lot of rules,

We have eyes and ears, I forgot something,

We walk along the road, and without knowing these rules

We read and sing everything. It is difficult to live in this world.

4 Dear friends, 8 Signs we all need to know,

Our last advice to you: So that when you go to the market,

After all, the road is not a reading room We did not stay together

And not a place for conversation. And without legs, and without shoes.

All: We sang ditties for you,

Is it good, is it bad

And now we ask you,

For you to pat us.

Appendix 2

The game "Do not play on the pavement"

Two teams of 6-7 people participate. Objective: to run to the chairs,

leading the ball in front of you (this is the yard - you can play), run around the chair, take the ball

into hands (this is a road - you cannot play) and run back faster and

pass the ball to the next player. The winner is the team in which

participants will come running first and will not be mistaken.

Game "Traffic light"

When the presenter turns on the green light, the guys should stomp their feet,

as if walking, when the yellow light is on, the guys have to clap their hands.

There should be silence in the hall with a red light. Before starting the game, you must

be sure to hold rehearsals so that everyone understands the conditions of the game.

The team whose guys are more attentive wins.

Game "Islands of Safety"

Two teams of 6-7 people participate. The first player is given

"Paws" painted as a transition track. The challenge: shifting paws

in front of you, jump from one to the other. So reaching the chair,

run around it, take paws in hand and, having run up to the team, pass them

next player. The team that copes faster with


KSU "Shakhovskaya secondary school»


"Culture of appearance".


gPA educator

Ermagambetova D.A.

2015 year

Public presentation of our own innovative experience

aftercare group teacher

MBOU "Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school"

Moseikina Tatiana Vladimirovna

Theme: "Education of a healthy lifestyle in the conditions of the extended day group"

· The relevance and prospects of experience (the degree of compliance with modern trends in the development of education, its practical significance)

Front modern education at present, serious tasks have been set - to raise a new type of child - capable of acting outside the box in non-standard conditions, able and willing to acquire knowledge on their own. A task primary school: to create conditions for a comfortable feeling of a child at school, for his full development, for maintaining his health. Teaching schoolchildren to respect their health, starting from early childhood, is an urgent task of modern education.

Child health protection involves not only the creation of the necessary hygienic and psychological conditions for the organization of educational activities, but also the prevention of various diseases, as well as the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Health as a function successful life, in our time becomes a necessary condition for the cultural development of a person. This is why it is so important to develop a healthy lifestyle habit at primary school age.

· Conceptuality (originality and novelty of experience, justification

proposed principles and techniques)

The extended day group is an important part of school life. In a modern educational institution, the role of the daytime group is becoming more and more important. This is explained by the fact that the implementation of the provisions of the federal state educational standard occurs not only in the classroom, but is also transferred to extracurricular activities.

I devote the leading role in my work to sports and health improvement. In connection with the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards in school education, the majority of pedagogical collectives strive to move away from the traditional model, look for new forms of the educational process and change its content. What prompted me to study the problem of maintaining health in children? These are observations of children in an after-school group. I notice that after the lessons the children are tired, it is difficult to collect them, to interest them in something. I was convinced that after a walk, games in the fresh air, children enter the class rested and able to start self-preparation.

I would like to pay special attention to the education of good habits as an alternative to bad habits and the formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.

· Theoretical base of experience

Priority areas of children's health during their stay at the GPA:

Compliance with the daily routine

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene

Food, sports holidays, various forms of physical education, outdoor games, physical education, excursions, walks.

I plan the operating mode of the GPA as follows:

Reception of children. Talking with teachers, I learn about the state of health, behavior, and academic performance of children, I report the work plan for the day, I conduct individual and group conversations with the pupils.

Organization of food. Providing all students in the group with hot breakfasts and lunches, compulsory adherence to personal hygiene standards (availability of individual towels, washed hands), conducting conversations about the rules of behavior at the table, using cutlery during meals, organizing control over the behavior of students in the dining room.

Walk in the fresh air (at least 1 hour). Before leaving, it is imperative to check the room of the group, control the dressing of the children. After lessons, children need to be in the fresh air, play, move around, stretch the muscles of the body, relax from school stress, take a break, and communicate freely with each other. The world children learn in movement, which should be sufficient for their growth and development. This in the work of the educator is helped by outdoor games that benefit the child's body. On a walk, children can play well-known games, for example, "At the Bear's Forest", "Cones, acorns, nuts", "A lifesaver stick", "Catch the ball", "Jolly rope", "Ring, go out on the porch" , "Edible - inedible".

Self-preparation. In preparation homework caregiver should consider individual characteristics each student, provide assistance to the poor, organize self-examination, mutual examination after completing independent work... During self-preparation, I spend not only physical exercises, but also corrective gymnastics for the eyes - exercises that help to strengthen the eye muscles, improve blood circulation in the eye capillaries, exercises to relieve general fatigue, play massage - a system of techniques for mechanical action on the child's body with the help of hands, finger game training - exercises that create favorable conditions for muscle activity, which improve coordination and fine motor skills hands.

· Leading pedagogical idea

Teach children to be healthy in mind and body, strive to create their own health, applying knowledge and skills in accordance with the laws of being.

· Optimality and efficiency of funds

I believe that the successful implementation of health-preserving technologies depends on the high professionalism of teachers, a properly organized educational process, systematic work with parents, the active participation of students themselves, which leads schoolchildren to become interested in cognitive activities, improve their physical, psycho-emotional state, reveal their creativity.

At the heart of my experience in using health-saving technologies, my work is aimed at preserving and improving the health of schoolchildren.

Possessing modern pedagogical knowledge, I plan my

work closely with teachers, students and their parents, with health workerstaking into account the priorities of preserving and strengthening the health of participants in the pedagogical process.

· The effectiveness of the experience (focus of experience on a specific practical result. Successes and achievements of pupils)

For me, the main thing is that everything I do should work for the personal growth of my students. I teach children to love the world and people, strive to learn new things, lead a healthy lifestyle. I strive to make school learning interesting and joyful for my children, to have a developing character, therefore I approach the issues studied in a deeper and more versatile manner. I choose such forms of work, through which the informational field of the child is saturated with positive images that expand the horizon of his knowledge and encourage creative activity. We often carry out various sporting events at the school level. We took 1st and 2nd places in Happy starts, conduct quizzes and conversations.

Based on our own experience, we can conclude that health-saving technologies play an important role in the education system.