48 what size women. Russian dimensional grid of women's clothing

Clothing size 48 - what parameters?

    In general, size 48 corresponds to clothing labeling as XL. But recently, clothes have become small. You should always take this into account when buying clothes, especially over the Internet.

    For size 48, the following parameters are bust 96, hips 104.

    Russian 48 size (it is also international - M, European - 42, USA -14) has the following parameters of a female figure:

    • chest volume - 94-97 cm;
    • waist - 78-81 cm;
    • hips - 102-104.

    Unfortunately, today it is quite difficult to focus only on sizes when choosing clothes, since quite often the tags with them do not correspond to reality.

    For size 48, the following parameters are: chest size 96, hips 104, like 46, this size refers to L, for 46-48 the following parameters: 94-100 for chest, waist 71-77, hips 99-104. All data are given for height 165.

    Size options - 48

    chest volume-96-100


    Same measurements for size L.

    on products, as a rule, they write size 46-48. And for a more accurate clarification of the size, half-girths are removed.

    In general, initially women's sizes clothes were designed so that it was easy to identify them. So 48 women's clothing size is calculated by dividing the waist by two to get 48. This is ideal 48 sizes initially, but now, due to the fact that there was a fashion for thin ones, the sizes also began to decrease. And the so-called small size 48 sizes are already approaching 46.

    48 clothing size is a great size. A woman in this size looks slim and fit. But there is no need to talk about the exact dimensions now. the fact is that every designer, as he wants, cuts, as they say. I buy things from our Russian designers and I can tell you that they have everything very confused with the parameters. Very often, things are just small.

    Therefore, the most best option This is an example, which is what I do.

    In general, with regard to ideal numbers, correct ones, there are very specific numbers:

    chest volume at a size of 48 within 97 centimeters;

    waist size at size 48 within 80 - 82 centimeters;

    the volume of the hips with a size 48 ranges from 103 to 105 centimeters.

    I want to clarify that on the Internet you can find both the number 102 and the number 106. Unfortunately, there is no need to talk about accuracy.

    My advice to everyone is to choose several sizes and then you will definitely find yours. If you buy online, it is better to choose a store with a fitting. The choice is large, there will be no problems.

    Clothing size 48 refers to the size of women of ordinary build, size 46 and below is the size for petite women. Well, at least this is the division according to GOST. Of course, I don’t agree with him and I think that size 46 is for women of normal build, and size 48 is a reason to think about being overweight.

    48 (L-XL) women's clothing size is the following parameters: bust is 96 cm, waist is 78 cm and hips is 102 cm.

    Options menswear size 48 (S) differ from female parameters: chest volume is also 96 cm, but the waist is 82 cm and the hips are 100 cm.

    That is, according to GOST, women have a thin waist and wide hips!

    Chest circumference is ninety-six centimeters, waist circumference is eighty-two centimeters, the length of the side seam of trousers is one hundred and three centimeters, these are the parameters of a man's size forty-eight, with a height of one hundred and seventy-one centimeters.

    Size 48 well, a little more for my mother. She is really very beautiful woman. It's not small in size, but it's not too much either. The girths are very normal. The hips are only 104 and the waist is only 71. Sometimes my mother has things a little smaller, because the fabrics stretch a lot. And so I agree with all the girls that the scope is present. the waist is written up to 77. I think that the girth of the hips can be larger.

    For women in this size, the following (approximate) maximums exist: 95-97 / 80-82 / 103-105. It all depends on the dimensional grids of the manufacturer itself, and on that. in which particular clothing group do you choose a product. If you choose standards where clothes are sewn from 40 to 50 sizes, then, yes, there is a risk of running into a small size in some respects.

    But if you choose Plus size - separate products for girls with uniforms, then there are more chances to get to the point. Since some of the nuances of the figures are taken into account there, and more often allowance for non-standard. I think, if there is any doubt, then only with a fitting - either adjust the linen and adjust to the limits, or buy a little more stuff. Although less is better ... - for an incentive!)

    The figure for size 48 may have different parameters. But mostly worn with a chest volume within 97 centimeters. If you take the waist, then 80 centimeters approximately. And on the hips, a fluctuation of 103 - 105 centimeters is possible. Although manufacturers sometimes make mistakes and sizes may not match, this should be taken into account.

Welcome! Today you will learn how not to make a mistake with the purchase when going to the new season for new clothes in a real or virtual store. After all, very often, considering the letters on the labels, we ask ourselves questions.

We will answer the question: “XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL is what size of women's clothing in the Russian way (38,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,60,62, etc. .)?”

In this article, we will take a closer look at which letter designations correspond to certain numbers, and learn how to learn how to correctly compare them with our volumes.

Determine the parameters for the dimensional grid (Russia)

And now let's find out what you need to know in order to determine, S, M, L, XL, what are the sizes of women's clothing? To do this, recall how Russian is defined size range. (Picture clickable)

However, remember that for tall girls The figures are slightly adjusted for growth.

As we can see from the tables, Russian sizes are determined by the half-girth of the chest or hips. This means that we divide the figure obtained by measuring the volume of the chest or hips by 2 and get the actual size.

Since for most women the parameters of the top and bottom do not match, we take this into account when buying clothes.

So, for example, if the chest volume is 92 cm, the size of the blouse or sweater will be 46, but the hip volume can be 100, then it is better to choose trousers or skirts of the 50th orXL.

How to take measurements to determine the size

To correctly make the necessary measurements, it is enough for us to ask someone close for help.

We will need high-quality, not stretched tailor's tape, a mirror and an assistant.

How to measure chest circumference: dress in thin, light clothes without underwear, we cover the chest at the most protruding points, making sure that there is no sagging on the back, but also without tightening it too much.

How to measure the waist circumference: we measure the waist on a naked body, without pulling in the stomach and without dissolving it - we maintain the natural position of the body.

How to measure the circumference of the hips: we measure the hips along their widest part, and not along the protruding buttocks, especially if there is a “breeches”, as this will significantly affect the correct size determination.

Now you know how best to determine what size clothes it is, for example, 42 or 50, S or XL, and you can accurately purchase the right thing in a real or virtual store. The main thing to remember is how important it is to correctly measure your own parameters - the accuracy of the choice will depend on this!

Before ordering a dress, blazer, suit or skirt, please check women's clothing sizes offered by Sewing Tradition. This will allow you to avoid mistakes when ordering, and accordingly, choose the thing that suits you, which will become a pleasant new thing.

If you have already ordered from online stores, then please note that women's clothing sizes can be international, European, American and CIS countries. The latter are focused on the girth of the chest, divided by 2. It is these sizes that the “Sewing Tradition” uses.

For example, if your chest circumference is 88 cm, then your size is 44, if 100 cm, then 50. This is not difficult to remember, but we have women's clothing sizes table, which helps to more accurately navigate.

The women's clothing size chart will help you decide:

How to measure chest

Sometimes we run into a problem when our customers claim that on women's clothing sizes table calculated incorrectly. We know the problem is elsewhere. You just need to measure your size correctly using a meter in the form of a tape. Full coverage should be measured at the level of the middle of the shoulder blades and the middle of the protruding part of the chest. At the same time, do not overtighten the meter, because the clothes should sit well on your figure, and not fit every fold of it.

The nuances of sizing

note that dimensional grid of women's clothing determines the size, focusing on the volume of the chest in a given range of values. This is due to the fact that for every centimeter you can only sew a dress or blouse with a private dressmaker, and factories sew a universal (standard) size. If you want the clothes to fit your figure, you can order a smaller size that borders on your measurements. And vice versa - if you need a dress or a loose coat, then you should choose a thing one size larger.

When buying a dress or suit, take into account the measurements of not only the chest, but also the hips. Order an item that is sized to fit large measurements. After all, sewing clothes is much easier than arranging them.

If you know your European size, then you can also navigate it when choosing. It is enough to add 6 to the European size. And you will get your CIS size. For example, if you order size 40 from European catalogs, then your CIS size is 46.

This information will help you easily learn how to measure the parameters of your figure. In special tables you can find your size outerwear, trousers, skirts and jeans in all generally accepted classifications.

Every woman is simply obliged to know her figure. When ordering clothes from the Internet or visiting a store, this knowledge will become a real lifesaver. Moreover, taking measurements will not take much time, and on shopping it will help to focus not on the waist circumference or sleeve length, but on the color of the new thing and its design.

Measuring the parameters of a figure is easy

Correctly four simple rules:

  1. Measurements should be carried out in thin, non-distorting clothing.
  2. The centimeter should fit well to the body, but at the same time not overtighten or dangle.
  3. For the convenience of measuring, you can ask for help from another person.
  4. You need to stand straight, relax as much as possible.

The main measurements can be as follows:

Waist you need to measure in the narrowest part (located between the ilium and lower ribs), hands should be relaxed and lowered. Measurements are taken horizontally, parallel to the floor. Do not pull in the belly.

Bust also measured horizontally and parallel to the floor, the centimeter crosses the most protruding points of the chest, armpits and then the shoulder blades. The measurement is taken on exhalation.

Hip girth determined by the most protruding place, if the stomach is at the same level, you need to measure it along with it. It is better to take several measurements in a row - the largest value is the correct result.

The length of the sleeve measured from the intended shoulder seam to the desired length or wrist along the upper edge of the arm.

Table 1. Dresses, skirts, sweaters, etc.

Waist Hip girth Bust Sleeve length Russian size International size USA Europe Italy England Japan
58 82 76 58 – 60 38 XXS 0 32 36/0 4/30 3
62 86 80 59 – 61 40 XS 2 34 38/I 6/32 5
66 92 84 59 – 61 42 S 4 36 40/II 8/34 7
70 96 88 60 – 62 44 M 6 38 42/III 10/36 9
74 100 92 60 – 62 46 M 8 40 44/IV 12/38 11
78 104 96 60 – 62 48 L 10 42 46/V 14/40 13
82 108 100 61 – 63 50 L 12 44 48/VI 16/42 15
86 112 104 61 – 63 52 XL 14 46 50/VII 18/44 17
90 116 108 61 – 63 54 XXL 16 48 52/VIII 20/46 19
94 120 112 61 – 63 56 XXL 18 50 54/IX 22/48 21
98 124 116 62 – 64 58 XXXL 20 52 56/X 24/50 23
100 128 120 62 – 64 60 4XL 22 54 58/XI 26/52 25
104 132 124 62,5 – 65 62 4XL 24 56 60/XII 28/54 27
108 136 128 62,5 – 65 64 4XL 26 58 62/XIII 30/56 29
112 140 132 62,5 – 65 66 5XL 28 60 64/XIV 32/58 31
116 144 136 62,5 – 65 68 5XL 30 62 66/XV 34/60 33
120 148 140 62,5 – 65 70 5XL 32 64 68/XVI 36/62 35

Table 2. Outerwear: coats, jackets and raincoats

Waist Hip girth Bust Sleeve length Russian size International size USA Europe Italy England Japan
58 82 76 58/60 38 XXS 0 32 36 30 3
62 86 80 59/61 40 XS 2 34 38 32 5
66 92 84 59/61 42 S 4 36 40 34 7
70 96 88 60/62 44 M 6 38 42 36 36
74 100 92 60/62 46 M 8 40 44 38 38
78 104 96 60/62 48 L 10 42 46 40 40
82 108 100 61/63 50 L 12 44 48 42 42
86 112 104 61/63 52 XL 14 46 50 44 44

Table 3. Pants, trousers and skirts

Waist Hip girth Russian size International size USA Europe Italy England Japan
58 82 38 XXS 0 32 36/0 4/30 3
62 86 40 XS 2 34 38/I 6/32 5
66 92 42 S 4 36 40/II 8/34 7
70 96 44 M 6 38 42/III 10/36 9
74 100 46 M 8 40 44/IV 12/38 11
78 104 48 L 10 42 46/V 14/40 13
82 108 50 L 12 44 48/VI 16/42 15
86 112 52 XL 14 46 50/VII 18/44 17
90 116 54 XXL 16 48 52/VIII 20/46 19
94 120 56 XXL 18 50 54/IX 22/48 21
98 124 58 XXXL 20 52 56/X 24/50 23
100 128 60 4XL 22 54 58/XI 26/52 25
104 132 62 4XL 24 56 60/XII 28/54 27
108 136 64 4XL 26 58 62/XIII 30/56 29
112 140 66 5XL 28 60 64/XIV 32/58 31
116 144 68 5XL 30 62 66/XV 34/60 33
120 148 70 5XL 32 64 68/XVI 36/62 35

Table 4. Jeans

Waist Hips (cm) Waist (inches) Russian size International size USA
58 82 24 38 XXS 0
62 86 25 40 XS 0-2
66 92 26 42 S 2
66 – 70 92 – 96 27 42 – 44 S/M 2 – 4
70 96 28 44 M 4
68 – 74 96 – 100 29 44 – 46 M 4 – 6
74 100 30 46 M 6
74 – 78 100 – 104 31 46 – 48 M/L 6 – 8
78 104 32 48 L 8
78 – 82 104 – 108 33 48 – 50 L 8 – 10
82 108 34 50 L 10
82 – 86 108 – 112 35 50 – 52 L/XL 10 – 12
86 112 36 52 XL 12
90 116 38 54 XXL 14
94 120 39 56 XXL 16
98 124 40 58 XXXL 18
100 128 41 60 4XL 20
104 132 42 62 4XL 22
108 136 43 64 4XL 24
112 140 44 66 5XL 24

Decided to sew on your own? Check out GOST!

Dress with taste, carefully selecting each element of the wardrobe, be a role model, shock, attract admiring glances - all fashionistas dream. But among a large number of things, sometimes even exclusive, it is very, very difficult to find "one's own". Especially if you have a non-standard figure. In this case, the ability to sew on your own will be very useful.

Yes, and in other cases it does not hurt - it is convenient, besides, it can become a good hobby, inspire and delight.

If you feel the strength and desire to start sewing at an amateur level, then not only various tutorials on cutting and cutting, but also state standards should certainly become your desktop books.

What is it for? GOST, as a technical passport to washing machine. To wash this or that thing, you can run any program, relying only on advice on the Internet, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the result may be disappointing: the thing will not wash off or the equipment will fail.

To prevent this from happening, it is better to use a proven instruction prepared by experts in their field.

And let after 2011 compliance with GOSTs in Russian Federation became optional (now they are in the nature of recommendations), there are still many useful information.

GOST 31396-2009

All sizes accepted in Russia are reflected in GOST 31396-2009 "Classification of typical women's figures by height, size and weight groups for clothing design."

The document describes typical female figures according to such parameters as: height, size and weight groups, in order to design clothes (material - textiles, fur and leather). The standard itself consists of the following main sections:

  • measuring;
  • measurement methods;
  • definition of a typical figure of a woman;
  • classification .

The State Standard reveals such an important concept as anthropometric points - starting points for a number of measurements (“4.2 Anthropometric points»). For the convenience of users, all of them are illustrated, and the methods for determining them are given in special tables.

The methodology for determining dimensional features and their measurement is also reflected in the table and figure (“4.3 Dimensional signs. Measurement program»).

Paragraph 5 “Determination of the typical figure of a woman” This GOST describes how to determine the typical figure of a woman, how much this document establishes typical figures and weight groups. In paragraph 6, in the form of a table, a classification of typical female figures is given.

As a standard, it was put into effect on 01.07.2010.

  • For shirts, jackets, jumpers, outerwear, the main parameter is chest circumference.
  • For trousers, the necessary parameters are the waist and hips.

How to measure your parameters

Chest girth - the centimeter tape runs along the most protruding points of the chest, then - under the armpits, on the back - a little higher. Waist circumference - measured strictly along the waist line. On any figure, this is the area around the navel. Hip circumference - a centimeter tape runs along the most protruding points of the buttocks.

How do we measure the parameters of things

Chest girth - the distance at chest level under the armholes. Waist circumference - the distance at the level of the upper cut in belt products for men. Hip circumference - the distance at the level of the protruding points of the buttocks. Front Length - Measured from the front from the highest point of the shoulder across the chest to the bottom of the product. Back length - measured from the seventh cervical vertebra along the line of the middle of the back to the bottom of the product. Sleeve length - measured along the outside of the sleeve from its top to bottom. Sleeve length from the neck - measured from the base of the neck or collar to the bottom of the sleeve. Inseam length - measured along the inseam of the legs from the crotch to the bottom. Shorts length - measured in centimeters from the top seam to the bottom of the product.

For your convenience, decoding size chart light and outerwear is given in the sizes of different producing countries.