Why shouldn't pregnant women wear heels? Is it possible for pregnant women to walk in heels in the early or late stages? Pregnant woman in heels.

A woman strives to be attractive and beautiful in any situation. And it is the heel that is the most effective way to make your legs slimmer.

Expectant mothers, even during pregnancy, strive to look more feminine. Therefore, they do not refuse to wear them even when a rounded tummy begins to appear. But are pregnancy and heels compatible? This article is devoted to the consideration of this issue.

Even if you do not carry a child under your heart, it is better to refuse them. After all, the human body is not designed for such loads. But in fact, the verdict is not so unambiguous.

Doctors agree that wearing only high heels can be dangerous for expectant mother and child. But a flat sole is also undesirable, especially for a pregnant woman, who already has an increased risk of developing flat feet. Therefore, during pregnancy, you can wear heels, but their height should not exceed 4-5 cm.

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High heels are undesirable for the following reasons:

  • During pregnancy, a woman's body produces a special substance relaxin, which makes the ligaments softer and more elastic. This makes labor easier. But the substance acts on absolutely all ligaments in the body. Therefore, any careless step can cause serious injury. This danger is relevant to later dates when a woman simply does not see where she is stepping because of her large belly;
  • heels on early dates pregnancy is also not desirable. The fact is that due to the tension of the muscles of the legs, the load on the hip joints and spine increases. This, in turn, can lead to stimulation of the muscles of the uterus, which is fraught with miscarriage;
  • The situation described above is also relevant for late pregnancy. But here, wearing high heels can cause premature birth and complications during labor;
  • A high heel during pregnancy causes a shift in the center of gravity, due to which the child moves forward, increasing the load on the spine. Therefore, sharp pains in the lower back can often be observed. The displacement of the uterus contributes to an increase in the abdomen, which will lead to an increase in the number of stretch marks in the future. This problem should be considered from the point of view of aesthetics.

How to choose the right shoes with heels

As we have already learned, it is possible to walk in heels during pregnancy. But here it is important to choose the right height.

To understand the importance of choosing a heel height, consider a simple example. Take a heavy brick, put it on a wide glass and on a glass with a long and narrow stem. As the load increases, the glass will break first. Therefore, the heel should be low and wide.

When choosing a height, try to rise on your toes. If there is still space between the floor and the heel, then the choice is optimal. At normal height, the hip muscles are pumped up, but the load on them is optimal.

Exceeding the permissible height even by 2-3 cm contributes to an increase in the load on the spine up to 22%, its curvature, the development of varicose veins and arthrosis.

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How to wear heels during pregnancy

Sometimes situations arise when it is simply necessary to wear such shoes. In this case, be sure to observe the following rules:

  • Wear them no longer than 2-3 hours a day. At the same time, it is advisable to have a pair of shoes with you, in which you can change your shoes at any time;
  • Do it periodically cold and hot shower for the legs, to keep their muscles constantly in good shape;
  • Shoes must be made exclusively from natural materials;
  • Tight shoes should be excluded from your wardrobe.

We have considered how compatible pregnancy and heels are. The decision whether to wear them or not is up to you. And here, first of all, it should be taken into account that during pregnancy a woman has a “duck” gait due to a displaced center of gravity. And with too high heels, it can look just ridiculous.

But a small neat heel can even hide this feature. If in doubt, it is better to consult with your doctor, who, taking into account your state of health, will give you personal recommendations.

When walking, the muscles and tendons of the legs work like springs: stretching, they take on part of the load and store energy for the next step. But if the foot is raised on a high heel, these springs are blocked, and the foot loses its natural capabilities. The load on the legs grows several times!

Putting on high-heeled shoes, a woman does not think about what position her body occupies. The point of support changes imperceptibly, instead of the whole foot, the woman leans only on the toe, and this reduces stability and weakens the ligaments of the foot and ankle joint. The load on the spine changes: the center of gravity shifts forward; trying to maintain balance, the woman leans back, an additional bend appears in the lower back, and this leads to a curvature of the spine and possible displacement internal organs. Increased tension in the muscles of the legs, pelvis and lumbar spine. As a result, certain troubles occur - heaviness in the legs, impaired blood circulation, as a result - varicose veins, the development of flat feet.

What harms the heel to the expectant mother and baby

Hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman cause the ligaments to relax, making them looser. Weight increases and the load on the muscles and vessels of the legs increases, and, as a result, the risk of developing flat feet and varicose veins increases. So< каблук >can lead to serious problems:

Getting up high< каблуки >, a pregnant woman, first of all, exposes herself to the risk of dislocations, falls and displacement of the vertebrae during sudden movements (after all, the ligaments of the spine are now weakened!), Swelling and pain in the lower back, cramps in the legs appear.

Stretch marks and flabby belly

Since the center of gravity is moved forward, the stomach “bulges” even more, that is, the muscles and skin are stretched, and the stomach sags. The result is hateful stretch marks and a strong weakening of the abdominal muscles (the notorious “leather apron” after childbirth).


Due to the shift in the center of gravity, the child may take the wrong position - gluteal or transverse, which is fraught with a caesarean section.

Risk of miscarriage

A strong tension in the muscles of the legs, an increase in the load on the spine and hip joints can increase the tone of the muscles of the uterus, which threatens with a miscarriage.

Heeled rules for pregnant women

So why not give up altogether?< каблука >and switch to trendy ballet flats? But you should not go to extremes, and for this reason: a flat sole leads to a flattening and expansion of the foot, and therefore to the development of flat feet. Therefore, in order to maintain health and a beautiful shape of the legs during the period< беременности >wide shoes must be worn< каблуком >or a stable wedge heel 4–5 cm high.

However, there are times when you really want to show off in high-heeled shoes (especially if this is the first trimester and< беременность >not yet visible). In this case, follow some rules:

Try to be in such shoes for as little time as possible (two or three hours);

buy shoes for< каблуке >half a size larger, and it is better if they are with a wide toe and a fastener (tie) around the ankle;

After you take off your shoes, do a little gymnastics for your legs: draw letters in the air with your socks - this will help restore blood circulation, roll a bottle with your middle foot, collect a towel spread on the floor, small objects with your toes. Lie on the sofa, put your feet on a raised platform: this will promote the outflow of blood from the legs, swelling and pressure on the veins will decrease;

relieve fatigue and improve blood circulation contrast shower for the legs.

During pregnancy, any woman wants to be the most charming and attractive. Only now the “interesting situation” imposes a number of certain restrictions that do not allow the use of the usual methods to maintain their beauty and create a unique image. The first thing that falls under the ban is high-heeled shoes. Of course, it gives a special sophistication and elegance to any woman - it makes the legs visually more slender and long, and the figure - more toned and feminine. But doctors say unanimously that high heels should not be worn during pregnancy. Why are doctors so categorical?

Why high heels are contraindicated for pregnant women

From the very first days of pregnancy, a global restructuring takes place in a woman’s body: hormones, including progesterone, begin to be produced in large quantities. It is under its action that the body of the expectant mother is preparing for childbirth.

Progesterone has a positive effect not only on the successful course of pregnancy, but also gives elasticity to connective tissues, softens them.

And these processes affect not only the tissues directly involved in the upcoming delivery, but also other connective tissues, including those in the ankle joints.

As muscles and tendons become more elastic, wearing uncomfortable and improperly fitted shoes can cause injury and deformity of the ankle.

If the expectant mother, despite all the warnings, still decides to wear high-heeled shoes, this is fraught with consequences, sometimes quite serious and capable of harming her health and the health of her unborn baby.

  • When walking, the weight of the body is distributed extremely unevenly on the feet, and it is he who contributes to an increase in pressure on the heads of the metatarsal bones.
  • The general center of gravity shifts, and the gait ceases to be stable, which leads to deformation of the ligaments of the ankle joints, as well as the foot as a whole.
  • Wearing high heels can cause falls, pain in the lumbosacral spine, cramps in the calf muscles, and sometimes leads to problems such as displacement of the vertebrae.
  • The load is distributed unevenly across all parts of the spine, the center of gravity shifted forward increases the bending of the lumbosacral region, in addition, the muscles of the lower back, small and large pelvis, and legs practically do not relax.
  • Wearing high heels provokes an increase in blood pressure, so the risk of developing varicose veins increases significantly.
  • As you know, a pregnant woman is gradually gaining weight every day - the stomach is getting bigger and affects the distribution of the load, while the expectant mother is forced to walk, leaning back a little to return the spine to its original position.
  • If mommy suffers from stoop or has other problems with posture, then this causes muscle strains and skin abdomen when wearing high-heeled shoes, often there are striae (well-known stretch marks on the skin).
  • With a gradual imbalance of the center of gravity, aggravated by the incorrect position of the abdomen, the position of the uterus also changes, which negatively affects the child, since he can no longer settle down in it as nature intended.
  • If a woman suffered from flat feet even before pregnancy, high heels can not only negatively affect the distribution of the load, but also provoke the further development of the disease.

During pregnancy, all systems of a woman's body are affected, do not bypass changes and posture

What is the alternative

The question arises - how to replace high-heeled shoes for a future mother? It turns out that there are several alternative options, so do not despair.

There is an erroneous, but fairly common belief that pregnant women should only wear shoes with flat soles. This is far from true.

And oddly enough, the reasons for not wearing flat shoes are similar to those for not wearing high heels. Therefore, a completely logical conclusion suggests itself - it is necessary to find a "golden mean".

It is very important that a low heel in shoes for pregnant women is still present. But it must be as stable as possible.

And the expectant mother can wear shoes completely different. Taking into account the season and individual preferences, these can be shoes, sandals, sandals, moccasins, boots, boots.

But what does the concept of "low and stable heel" imply? Actually we are talking about a slight rise in the heel area, but not more than five centimeters.

Given this circumstance, shoes can be either on a wedge platform or with square or wide oval heels. To avoid a possible fall, you must first take care of securely attaching it to your feet and choose models with a corrugated sole surface.

To make wearing shoes during pregnancy even safer and more enjoyable, here are a few little tricks that every mom-to-be should know.

  • Shoes are better to buy a little more than your true size.
  • Orthopedic insoles can also be made to order. They will help to most correctly adjust the position of the center of gravity when walking, and will also be an excellent prevention of pain in the lumbar region, swelling of the legs, and varicose veins.
  • Now let's talk about quality: shoes should be made exclusively from genuine leather or other natural material.
  • by the most the best option there will be models with a wide block and a soft perforated insole. Shoes should not restrict movement, it is unacceptable to wear pointed or, for example, with a narrow top.
  • There must be a gap of at least five millimeters between the foot and the inner surface of the shoe. It is he who will protect you from circulatory disorders with swelling, which is a fairly common disease among pregnant women.
  • If you're shopping for shoes early in your pregnancy, consider how your feet will suffer during the last trimester. Shoes must be chosen so that even in the ninth month you can put them on without much effort.
  • This applies primarily to fasteners, because bending over to tie shoelaces will be quite inconvenient. It is best to give preference to zippers and Velcro, they can be fastened by placing your foot on a bedside table or a low stool.
  • The expectant mother can put on shoes as she pleases, the main thing is convenience. At the same time, doctors strongly recommend not to bend too low, and even more so the head should not be lower than the body. A special shoe spoon will help you here. The main thing is that its length should be at least half a meter. With its help, you will put on shoes much faster, and at the same time you will not experience discomfort.

Is the ban really that categorical?

A good mood is important for every woman, especially if she is a future mother. the best way his lift is a beautiful and elegant garment. But what kind of image will be complete and elegant if it is not complemented by charming shoes or boots with high heels or stilettos?

Every woman sometimes allows herself to look like a real beauty queen, but what if such a great idea came to the mind of the one who will soon become a mother?

In fact, you can afford to wear high-heeled shoes until the third trimester of pregnancy. But at 7–9 months it is better to refuse such extreme sports.

If it was during the first or second trimester that the expectant mother wanted to allow herself such liberties, she must know and observe a number of strict principles.

  • High-heeled shoes can be worn, but not for long - up to a maximum of three hours. After this time, you must definitely change into a more comfortable option. Therefore, when attending large events, do not forget to take a change of shoes with you.
  • If you want to wear high-heeled shoes, give preference to sustainable models. Shoes with thin stilettos will not work in this case, because there is a high probability of falling when wearing them. It is best that the shoes have a wide toe, and the clasp is conveniently located on the ankle.
  • Don't go wrong with your shoe size. In no case should the foot fit snugly against the block. The best option would be to wear shoes that are slightly larger (about half a size to size).
  • Surely after a cultural event you will feel tired. Your legs will also get tired and require special care. A contrast shower will help relieve tension and improve blood microcirculation.
  • After wearing high-heeled shoes, pregnant women often experience swelling of the feet. To get rid of it and restore normal blood circulation, you need to perform simple gymnastic exercises that will help speed up the recovery processes. So, for example, you can take a bottle, place it on the floor or other flat surface. After that, you need to roll the bottle on the floor with your feet. You can also, in the supine position, describe letters or numbers in the air with your socks, or collect matches scattered on the carpet with your toes.

Video: high heels during pregnancy

In no case should you think that during pregnancy you cannot afford to look beautiful and attractive. Perhaps for some time you will have to wear comfortable shoes with not too high heels, but do not forget that you are now responsible not only for your own health, but also for the health of your baby. Yes, and to be the most beautiful and desirable, believe me, you can even without heels. The main thing is a positive attitude and love. To yourself, to your husband and to the little man who grows and develops under your heart.

Pregnancy forces a woman to give up some small joys, including high heels. Why shoes with heels are unacceptable during pregnancy, and from what period should they be put away in the closet?

High heels and pregnancy are incompatible things. And this is the unanimous opinion of doctors. Although many expectant mothers believe that it makes no sense to give up heels in early pregnancy, this opinion is wrong.

Heels and the eighth week of pregnancy: is it possible to wear such shoes?

Huge changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, hormonal changes affect the work of various organs. Including hormones affect the softening of the ligaments of the limbs: they stretch, become more loose. And if against this background a woman wears high heels, the risk of flat feet increases significantly.

So can you wear heels while pregnant? Of course not. And it's not even about the load on the spine, which leads to undesirable consequences at a later date. But the fact is that excess stress on the legs, the load on the pelvis increases the risk of miscarriage. The eighth week is one of the crisis periods of pregnancy, why put the life of an already growing baby in danger?

If a woman has:

Pain in the stomach, lower back;

There is a feeling of tiredness;

There are dizziness;

Weakness, drowsiness are observed, all the more so for her to stop wearing heels on. During this period, she can stumble, fall, which is very dangerous during pregnancy.

What shoes to wear?

But it is better to refuse a flat sole, this option cannot be called useful. The most optimal solution is a 3-5 cm heel. A stable, low heel will not bring harm. And if a woman really loves flat shoes (this is especially true winter models), it still needs to be alternated with shoes with a small heel. Ideally, if the expectant mother goes for a consultation with an orthopedist, and he will give her individual recommendations regarding shoes during pregnancy.

By the way, it’s worth going to the store for new clothes in the evening - at this time the leg swells a little, you definitely won’t buy shoes that will then press hard.

Why are high heels dangerous during pregnancy?

And a couple more tips regarding the "shoe issue" will not be superfluous:

Wearing high heels with an already rounded tummy can lead to severe pain in the back and legs;

When wearing heels, the center of gravity shifts, after which the position of the uterus may change, and this is already dangerous by turning the child over;

Expectant mothers in the last weeks of pregnancy often acquire a duck gait, a woman with such a feature, standing on her heels, looks a little ridiculous from the outside;

The risk of injury while wearing heels in late pregnancy is higher than ever.

Like it or not, the harm to mom and baby from wearing heels is great. And is it worth it to worry so much about giving up your favorite shoes and boots, if so many beautiful outfits are combined with shoes with small heels? In the matter of fashion and health, you can always find a good compromise.

And even your favorite stilettos, which have traveled so many roads with you, need to be shelved.

Can pregnant women wear heels?

If you ask a gynecologist observing your pregnancy about this, his answer will be unequivocal - “no”. The doctor will explain that your belly is growing and your body weight is also increasing.

In women in position, especially in the later stages, the load on the feet is very high. The spine also suffers - back pain may begin. And stilettos can increase the risk of these problems several times.

Also, don't expect to be allowed to wear trendy ballet flats.

Shoes with absolutely flat soles are not at all useful for pregnant women - they contribute to the development of flat feet.

The doctor can tell you only one good news - in the first 12 weeks, wearing heels is not dangerous. Therefore, you can wean yourself from them, gradually changing the “shoe arsenal” and the wardrobe that matches it.

Why are high heels dangerous?

Did the doctor's arguments convince you? Then let's look at what other pitfalls are fraught with wearing high heels "in position".

Decreased walking stability. If you have a large belly protruding forward, the center of gravity of your body is highly shifted. Therefore, you will not be able to move around in heels in the same way as before pregnancy. At a minimum, this is fraught with a “ridiculous” gait, and in extreme cases it can lead to falls and injuries.

Increased risk of stretch marks on the abdomen. The reason is the same center of gravity, shifted forward. High heels increase this displacement, reducing the firmness of the abdominals. As a result - hello, numerous stretch marks and a sagging stomach.

Change in the position of the fetus. And this is serious - when walking in heels, the likelihood increases that the baby will roll over in the womb. Breech presentation is very dangerous for natural childbirth so you will most likely have to deliver by caesarean section.

Risk of preterm birth or miscarriage. Have you paid attention to what happens to your body when you walk in heels (not during pregnancy)? Most likely, you did not notice that with each hit of the heels on the asphalt, your body “shakes” slightly. This vibration is transmitted to all organs of your body. The result may be an increased tone of the uterus, and this is not far from the threat of miscarriage.

Consequences of falls. If earlier, with a careless fall, you got off with a slight fright, now you need to monitor this much more carefully. In other words, you cannot fall. Ligaments of limbs and vertebrae in women during pregnancy are weakened. Therefore, you can fall very easily, even if you used to be a "pro" in wearing heels. And a fall during pregnancy can threaten not only joint pain, but also premature birth.

In addition, a girl with a big belly and high heels looks very strange and unattractive.

Surely you have seen photos of pregnant movie stars in evening dresses and high heels. They looked brilliant, but I so wanted to tell them about the dangers of wearing heels "in position"!

But we are not stars, so let's pay more attention to safety at the expense of external beauty. After all, now there are so many comfortable and at the same time beautiful shoes suitable for expectant mothers on sale.

Choosing the Right Shoes

Rejoice, future moms - lovers of heels! You can still wear them, but subject to the conditions - the heel should be stable, and its length should not exceed 5 centimeters.

If you are going to "storm" a shoe store, print out and take with you the following rules for choosing shoes for pregnant women:

naturalness. Do not buy shoes if they are made of "leatherette" (or "pressed leather", as it is now called).

Ease. Before trying on, weigh the chosen pair of shoes in your hand. Did she seem heavy to you? So this is not your option.

Exact size. Shoes should sit snugly on your foot, but fit it gently. In no case do not buy shoes if they are too tight for you - you should not expect them to break. In pregnant women, the legs are prone to swelling, so their size and fullness can change several times during the day. But if the shoes dangle on the foot, this is another extreme. Such shoes will be uncomfortable to wear and can lead to twisting of the legs and falling.

Comfortable heel. The ideal heel height is 3 cm. You can choose shoes with thick heels, wedges or a small platform. About hairpins - forget!

blunt nose. In "pointy" shoes, the fingers usually get tired faster, and the fingers of the expectant mother, who are prone to swelling, will not feel well. In addition, shoes with a narrow toe are already out of fashion. An excellent solution for a pregnant woman can be moccasins, loafers or ballet flats with comfortable (not flat) soles.