My beloved man is Turkish (letter from Alena). Character of a Turkish man

One of the components of an unforgettable holiday in Turkey for all women is undoubtedly the increased attention from Turkish men. The fame of the loving nature of “hot Turkish guys” seems to have spread all over the world, and secured their image as incorrigible Don Juans.

Tourism has always seemed to me one of the branches of show business where the holiday does not end around the clock. Tourists pay to see the exoticism of the east, a bazaar with cheerful trade, and local color in all its glory. At the same time, impressive men are considered an integral part of this flavor.

Given the great competition in tourism among people working in it, it is not without reason that activity in attracting clients is the key to success. Since the majority of buyers are women, the tourism market is mainly aimed at them. The best way To attract a woman’s attention and win her over is to give her a compliment. To achieve this, the Turks use all their charm and temperament, and in just 10 minutes spent shopping in a boutique, a woman hears as many good things about herself as she hasn’t heard all year in her homeland. Many people mistake this behavior for flirting or even pestering.

Turks, who work almost around the clock during the tourist season, cease to distinguish work from life and continue to behave the same outside their workplace. They see so many beautiful and scantily clad women in front of them that the goal of attacking with compliments is often not only to increase sales. Many people manage to combine business with pleasure, especially since the main purpose of a holiday in Turkey for many women is not the sea and the sun, but sex.

Tourists change literally every week, so Turks cannot afford to waste time on long courtship, and to achieve the goal they need effective but inexpensive means. You won't get far with compliments alone; you need to impress the girl with something. For example, you can take her for a ride in a luxury car that belongs to a friend, but passes it off as your own, and on the way you can point your finger at the first cafe or shop you come across and say: “This is mine!”

Some girls are replaced by others, and now it’s the end of the season, the streets of resort areas are empty, and young people have more free time to continue their summer romances through correspondence. Some people choose a lady of their heart and start dating her for real serious relationship, many correspond with several girls at once in the hope of receiving an invitation from one of them to visit her in their native Norway or Germany. In tourism, many young people dream of getting to Europe at any cost, and are ready to marry a woman twice their age for this. Among them there are many gigolos who live off single wealthy women from Europe.

A friend of mine, who was corresponding with a Turkish man whom she met last summer on vacation, asked: “How can I check whether he has many girlfriends like me, or whether he really has serious intentions, as he says?” I thought about it and suggested writing him a letter from another email with something like this: “Hello, you and I met last summer, remember me?” If he “remembers” and willingly enters into correspondence, then appropriate conclusions can be drawn about the seriousness of his intentions.

Relations in modern Turkish society

Everything described above does not fit in with the vaunted Turkish chastity. However, what is happening in tourism and the behavior that young Turks allow themselves towards foreign women is very far from the norms of behavior in Turkish society.

The influence of the national mentality on every Turk is very great, regardless of his origin and upbringing. The central component of the Turkish mentality is honor (“namus”). A woman’s honor lies in her purity, that is, before marriage - in virginity, and after - in fidelity to her husband. A man’s honor is the honor of the women of his family: mother, sister, daughter, wife. Therefore, a woman should behave in such a way as not to endanger her honor, while a man makes sure that no one encroaches on the honor of the women around him, and that the women themselves behave in an appropriate manner.

In the old days, the loss of honor was considered an unbearable shame for the family. A husband who caught his wife at the scene of a crime had to defend his honor by killing both her and the offender. Although these days, such cases, like cases of polygamy, are described in Turkish newspapers as relics of the past, namus, as a part of the mentality, has not disappeared anywhere.

My husband, who comes from a fairly modern Turkish family, said that when he younger sister was 15-16 years old, his fists did not heal from constant fights with her “fans”. At that time, she wore very short skirts, and, of course, there was always someone shouting after her something like “Hey, baby!” If, by an unfortunate coincidence for the screamer, this happened in front of the “baby’s” brother, the first received an explanation that it was not worthwhile to behave this way with his sister. At home, my husband once again asked my father to influence his sister and force her to dress decently, so that she appearance didn't provoke a fight. Raising my daughter went something like this: “Daughter, your brother is complaining about you again, dress like a human being!” - “I dress like a human being, dad” - “She says she dresses like a human!” And with that educational process on the father's side it was considered complete.

The concept of honor is entirely aimed at protecting women. She must avoid ambiguous situations that threaten her honor, and other men will try to behave in such a way that her partner does not have to defend the woman’s honor. What is normal for conservative Turks may look like bad manners to us. For example, if a couple meets a friend of the husband on the street, this friend, even knowing his wife, behaves as if she is not here - he will not ask how she is doing, he will not even look in her direction. Unless he says hello, and then only if he has already met her before or was introduced to her. But this does not mean that both men do not respect the woman - one by ignoring her, and the second by allowing his friend to treat his wife in this way. Quite the opposite - out of respect for the couple, the husband’s friend will not allow a situation that compromises the woman.

A conservative friend of a brother will behave in exactly the same way towards his sister. Frankly, before, when I did not know about the reasons for this phenomenon, such situations irritated me very much, and I considered Turks who behaved this way to be boors. However, we can say that this phenomenon occurs quite rarely - mainly in small towns. More often, Turks, as true connoisseurs female beauty, behave something like this:

Namus does not prohibit a husband from being unfaithful to his wife. In addition, these days, the fidelity of one partner to another depends, first of all, on his moral principles - in this the Turks are no different from Europeans.

Many problems that tourists have on holiday in Turkey are the result of ignorance of the Turkish mentality. For Turks, a woman’s looseness in the company of unfamiliar men, as well as revealing clothing, is a direct invitation to harassment, since, in their opinion, a decent woman would never allow herself such behavior. At the same time, for some reason, many Russian girls are sure that in Turkey it is necessary to look as sexy as possible. I myself watched as some ladies came out of the plane in dresses with breathtaking necklines, which would not leave not only Turks, but also Russian men indifferent.

Each Turkish family may have its own ideas about what is considered indecent, dishonest behavior (what the Turks call “ayyp”). For a girl from a traditional family, laughter in the presence of strange men will be considered crossing the “ayyp” border, but for a modern-educated city woman, a kiss in the middle of the street will not be shameful.

Turks know that Europeans have their own ideas about morality. Therefore, a man who sits down with tourists on the beach, although he will cause disapproval from other Turks, no one will say anything to him until the woman herself declares that such behavior is inappropriate. When she does this, that is, defines the boundaries of her concept of “ayyp,” she can, if necessary, count on the help of others.

In general, any woman herself is capable of controlling her distance in relation to men with the help of clothing and her behavior. Women in Turkey are by no means as disenfranchised or victims of male power as they are believed to be in the West. If a woman behaves unambiguously, does not find herself in ambiguous situations and does not provoke their occurrence, then she gains control over the situation and is able to turn it in the right direction.

It's a shame, but Turkish women can afford to walk around in short dresses, and no one bothers them, but tourists are actually being hunted. The thing is that relations between Turks will always develop according to their own rules, with an eye on society, while with tourists everything is much simpler.

However, you should not label all Turkish men at once, just as you cannot talk about all Western women as easily accessible and vulgar, which the Turks consider them to be.

Turkish men in life

What, after all, attracts Western women so much to Turks?

Most modern European men believe that they should not show their feelings, that a real man never cries, that complimenting a woman even when she really deserves them is unnecessary, that cleaning, cooking, washing dishes and raising children is not a man’s job, and weekends are meant to be spent in the company of his friends over a glass of beer.

Most Turks are the complete opposite of Western men: they are not shy in expressing their feelings, and even with a small vocabulary foreign language, are able to say so many pleasant things to a woman that she will feel like a queen; they do not divide family work into male and female, many of them are excellent cooks, and enjoy spending their free time with their family. It is very common to see a man with two small children walking in the park on a weekend, or several Turkish families having a picnic together: while the women get together and take a break from a week spent doing housework, the men look after the children. In addition, the emancipated Western woman is surprised to discover that being cared for by a man is very pleasant. Turks do not drink as much as Russians, and almost all of them, thanks to their upbringing with an extensive list of what is “ayyp” (indecent), have a certain cultural core that will not allow them to lose face.

It is clear that all Turks are different, besides, when some positive quality is present in too much quantity, it can become negative: guardianship can turn into tyranny, sensuality into irascibility, and too much a large number of moral principles - into hypocrisy and tediousness.

To summarize, I will say once again that you should not judge the entire nation by its individual representatives, even, it would seem, by a fairly large number of them. Unfortunately, tourism is an environment that brings out the worst in human qualities. And real life in Turkey goes on as usual.

P.S. Tell us about your personal experience You can communicate with Turkish men, as well as about many other things related to Turkey, in a specially created section of the forum!

There is no arguing about tastes and colors. Turkish proverb

Türkiye like patchwork quilt, – bright and multifaceted. Over thousands of years, the culture of this country has absorbed the customs of many peoples of the Mediterranean, Middle East, Caucasus, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Modern Türkiye is a tolerant state where guests are welcome. But, like any other people, the Turks are pleased when visitors know their traditions. If they see that you observe local etiquette, rest assured that the Turks will show you the utmost respect and reverence.

Peace in the country, peace in the world

Türkiye is a Muslim country. 96% of the population professes Islam. However, Türkiye is the first Muslim country where religion is separated from the state.

However, it is worth remembering that Islam has a huge influence on culture and daily life local residents. Many rules of etiquette are dictated by the peculiarities of this religion.

If in large cities there are a lot of progressive, Europeanized youth (girls do not wear headscarves, couples can walk hand in hand, etc.), then in the Turkish outback morals are much stricter.

Turks are sensitive to their history. And the main figure in its modern segment is Mustafa Ataturk.

He made Turkey what it is now, and the Turks are grateful to him for that. To say that Ataturk is revered would be an understatement. To speak negatively about this political leader is to disrespect the Turkish people.

There are also two topics that it is better not to touch upon when communicating with Turks - the Kurds and Cyprus. In addition, you should not call Istanbul Constantinople and confuse the capital of the state (the main city of Turkey now is Ankara).


When arriving at a Turkish resort, we rarely bother to learn the local greeting and farewell phrases. But in vain! Turks are very pleased when they hear “Merhaba” from a foreigner.

“Merhaba” (“merhaba” (sometimes the “h” is not pronounced)) is a common greeting, translated as “Hello!”

You can also often hear “Selam” (“selam”), which means “Hello!” and is used in informal settings.

When leaving, they say “Iyi günler” (“Iyi gunler”), which literally translates as “Good afternoon!”, but when saying goodbye it means “All the best!” You can also say goodbye by saying:

  • Güle güle (“güle güle”) - Goodbye (say those who remain).
  • Hoşça kal (“hoshcha kal”) – Stay happily (says the one leaving).
  • Goruüşürüz (“gerüşürüz”) - See you.

As for non-verbal communication, men (!), if they are close friends or relatives, can hug and kiss each other on the cheek when they meet. Strangers greet each other with handshakes (they always give their right hand).

If during a meeting a woman offers her hand for a handshake, it looks strange. Because of this, tourists often get into trouble. For a Turk, sometimes this gesture means that the woman is ready to get to know each other very closely.

Turkish etiquette strictly regulates relations between people of different generations. Turks revere old people. When addressing elders (if they are not relatives or close friends), it is customary to add a respectful suffix to the name - “bey” (“lord”) or “hanim” (“madam”).

Relatives of the older generation are greeted by kissing the hand (the back of the hand) and applying it to the forehead.

To the question “How are you?” (“Nasılsiniz” - “Nasylsynyz”) most often answer positively - it is not customary to complain about one’s worries.

But you should definitely use “magic” words:

  • Teşekkürler (“mother-in-law”) or teşekkür ederim (“teshekkür ederim”) – thank you.
  • Lütfen (“Lyutfen”) - please (request).
  • Bir şey değil (“Bir schey deil”) - please (gratitude).

Sign language

Turks use body language that is unusual for Europeans. When coming to this country, be careful with the gestures that are familiar to you - for local residents they may have a different meaning.

So, turning your head left and right (our “no” gesture) does not mean denial at all. Most often, this is how Turks show misunderstanding - “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

A single nod of the head, like ours, means “Yes,” but the same gesture, accompanied by a click of the tongue, is a firm “No.” In general, clicking your tongue in Turkish culture is a sign of denial or disapproval of something.

Finger snapping, on the other hand, demonstrates a positive attitude. At the same time, it is impossible to replace this gesture with the familiar thumbs up - in Turkey this gesture is considered ugly.

To politely refuse an offer or thank someone for a favor in body language, you should place your hand on your chest.

On the street

The rules of behavior on the streets of Turkish cities and villages are dictated mainly by Islam. The more provincial the area, the stricter the morals and the more careful one should behave in public places.

There is no dress code as such, but remember:

You cannot approach mosques and other religious sites in shorts, short skirts, sweaters and dresses with open shoulders.

Many tourists believe that beach fashion(swimsuits, pareos) can be carried to city streets. This is wrong. Promenade in a swimsuit or only shorts (without a top) looks strange, to say the least.

As for behavior on the beach, it is again worth remembering that the majority of Turks are Muslims. Topless sunbathing is not prohibited in many hotels. But still, by local standards it is vulgar.

If, while walking around the city, you suddenly want to take a photograph of a Turkish man, you should ask his permission; but photographing Turkish women (especially if they wear a headscarf) is not at all recommended.

Islam also leaves its mark on attitudes towards alcohol. A foreigner can buy alcohol in a store (the shelves with it are closed only during Ramadan), but they should not drink it in a public place. Also, Turks rarely eat on the go.

By the way, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when believers abstain from food, water and smoking from sunrise to sunset, you should not eat or smoke in their presence. This will be your sign of respect that will not go unnoticed.

In transport

In large Turkish cities (Istanbul, Ankara) to pay for travel in the state public transport use special electronic cards.

If you run out of money on it, don't worry - the locals are very helpful. They often help visitors by paying for their travel with their card.

At the same time, it is unlikely that you will be able to thank them in return in cash - they won’t take it. If the Turks help, it is from the heart.

For a European, the Turkish transport system can seem like hell. (We are talking about large cities.) Drivers practically do not use turn signals - be careful! But they love to sound their horns. This is a way of “communication”. If in our country they honk to warn of danger, then in Turkey - for any reason (the green light does not light up for a long time, an acquaintance has passed by, someone is driving too slowly in front, etc., etc.).

When boarding the metro or tram there is a real crush. The fact is that the Turks do not wait for the arrivals to get out of the carriage, they simply climb forward, pushing everyone away.

On a bus or dolmuş (Turkish minibuses), if you have a choice of seats, do not sit next to an unknown woman if you are a man. This is not accepted. Girls, on the contrary, are better off choosing a seat next to the girls.


Hospitality (misafirperverlik) – important element Turkish culture. Especially in the provinces. The guest is always offered the best, regardless of the family’s income.

It is difficult to refuse an invitation to visit (and it is better not to do this) - it is always furnished with a number of elegant excuses. If you really cannot accept it, then it is better to say that you are busy - the Turks will understand this reason.

As for gifts for the owners of the house, there is a saying in Turkey: “If you ate sweetly, you talked sweetly.” It can be taken literally - bring sweets as a gift. A souvenir from your country will also be an excellent present.

Did you see a pile of shoes in the entrance or in front of the house? Do not be surprised! This is a sure sign that Turks live here. In Turkey, it is not customary to take off your shoes in the house (Turkish housewives monitor cleanliness); shoes are left outside the doorstep.

You will be offered slippers inside. In Turkish families, as a rule, there are special ones - “guests”. Don't like walking in other people's slippers? Bring your own. In Turkey, this act will be absolutely normal.

Turkish houses are usually divided into guest and private areas. Don't try to look behind closed doors or ask for a tour of the house - it's rude.

Also, in some conservative families it is not customary to start eating without the permission of an elder and even to smoke without his approval. By the way, many Turks smoke.

A visit is unlikely to last less than two hours. You will not only be given tea or coffee, but also deliciously fed. But it is not recommended to stay late.

At the table

It is worth distinguishing between a home meal and a meal in a restaurant.

In the first case, traditional Turkish lunch, as a rule, takes place in the presence of all family members. They eat at a low table, sitting cross-legged on the floor on pillows or mats. Feet are hidden under the table.

Dishes (usually three or more) are placed on a large tray and served on the table. From this tray you can put food on your plate (with your hands or with a shared spoon). But you only need to do this right hand and under no circumstances choose a better piece. This is the height of disrespect for the owners of the house.

On holidays, the national aniseed vodka raki (aka raki, aka rakia) is often placed on the table. After making a toast, clink only the bottoms of the glasses, and when placing the glass on the table, you need to think about those who could not be present with you.

At the table it is considered uncivil to talk without the permission of an elder, as well as to open your mouth wide (for example, to use a toothpick).

If you are offered to try some dish (the hostess’s signature dolma), you should not refuse, even if you are not hungry. Otherwise, you can offend the owners, and the questions “Isn’t it tasty?”, “Don’t you like it?” - cannot be avoided. You don't have to finish it all, but you should try.

As for lunch in a restaurant, here, most often, you can find a European style - ordinary tables, chairs, serving.

Turks, like us, love tea. It is drunk many times a day. This is done from special pear-shaped glass glasses without a handle. This shape allows you to keep the drink hot longer and admire its beautiful rich color.

Turks probably only like sweets more than tea. They eat sweets whenever they want: before lunch, after lunch, before tea, after tea. But never with tea. If you start eating, for example, Turkish delight as a snack with tea, they will look at you askance. Also, don't order tea at the same time as your main course (instead of soda to wash down your meal).

In cafes and other establishments it is customary to leave a tip.

Business Etiquette

Turkish business culture is dual: on the one hand, the Turks try to do everything in a European way ( business suits, business cards, handshakes), on the other hand, they cannot distance themselves from their roots.

In communication with business partners Personal relationships play an important role. It is customary to strengthen them during negotiations, which are often informal.

Lunch or dinner is always paid by the host. You should not ask the size of the bill, or disclose it to your Turkish guests - this is a violation of etiquette.

Turkish businessmen are not always distinguished by German punctuality and straightforwardness. If possible, avoid strict deadlines and do not say categorically “No”. In Turkey, a polite refusal is a soft refusal.

At the beginning of a business meeting, it is customary to make compliments (for example, to the country, culture or company) and give souvenirs. During negotiations, Turkish partners can easily be distracted by their phones. Don't take it personally - this is just one of the features of Turkish.

In general, Turks are emphatically polite in business and expect this in return.

Bilmemek ayıp değil, sormamak öğrenmemek ayıp (It is shameful not to know - it is shameful not to learn. Turkish proverb)

Now you know how to behave in Turkey. Anything to add? Welcome to the comments.

Replies to Olga

Olga, hello.

The big disadvantage is that your education is not completed; in any case, you need to figure out a way to get it. Maybe transfer for a point, or live with your loved one in Russia. As for what I encountered or not, this is an individual question. Ask your loved one openly, without fear, what awaits you. From clothes, starting and ending, whether you work or always stay at home.

Turkish men are generally good, the fact that he will control you, call you constantly, ask everything in detail, perceive this as caring about you... and not that he wants to deprive you of your freedom. There are many Russians in Antalya, very many... there is a great opportunity to realize oneself, to find friends. Izmir, Istanbul too good options for the life of a Russian girl. But to be honest, I personally would not go to live in other places in Turkey in my life. If a man loves you, he must create favorable conditions for you; under no circumstances agree to live with your parents in a small town. It will be very difficult for you; you will run back to your mother in half a year. And if the goal is to be together, start learning Turkish intensively, you will simply need it like air

Good luck to you.

Thank you very much for your answer. Unfortunately, with my education everything is not so simple. I will be able to transfer to part-time in at least (!) in a year, but to live in Russia my beloved needs a job. He had already called all possible Turkish companies in Moscow (I didn’t even know they existed), and at the moment all the places with his specialty were occupied. Moreover, in Turkey they offer him a lucrative contract for six months, he sees no other job options... And this means that I won’t see him for at least another six months.

All his brothers contact me and say that his beloved is in a terribly depressed state. All these long-distance relationships affect him especially noticeably, because he takes on any job to ensure future family. We talked about clothes and work - all his conditions were acceptable to me. Speaking about Turkish traditions, I meant such a tradition as, for example, kissing his mother’s hand when meeting. Regarding this, I’m not very comfortable talking to him, maybe you can tell me?

Anita, why do you say it's not worth living with his family? They have a very large house in which some of them live cousins with our families, and as far as I understand, for the first years we will live this way. He lives in Istanbul, in this regard I am lucky. The goal has been set, but there are so many various obstacles on the way to it that, out of helplessness, you begin to look for answers on forums strangers. Thank you for your support and understanding. Waiting for an answer.


Olechka, this is what I’m writing to you can it be inconvenient to know if you decide to connect your life with a man from another country and mentality, ask him everything. So that there won't be a lot of tears and disappointment later. I don’t kiss my hand, because it’s not important in my husband’s family, and plus I said that I won’t do it. because my family...for example, my grandmother, if she sees this ritual, she will faint, and will think that I am being tortured and humiliated. I told my husband if you don’t want to be an enemy for my family, you need to make compromises. Why is it bad to live with your parents, first of all, you listen to their gibberish for days, it’s not customary for them to sit in their rooms... everyone goes into a large room and starts... half a day of cleaning, half a day of drinking tea together. Secondly, don’t relax, don’t dress the way you want, don’t sit down the way you want, don’t cook what you want... Thirdly, with love, it’s not even normal time to put your ears everywhere. Fourthly, most likely they will make fun of you... Russian gel, etc. The mentality is completely different in everyday life, it will be very difficult for you. Plus you are without friends, without family... you will definitely have breakdowns, tears and depression. Believe me, there is the same picture before your eyes, millions of girls are running away from such a life when the euphoria of falling in love subsides. Well, dropping out of college is very dangerous. You may live together for a couple of years and then run away, and you have zero behind you. I wouldn’t risk it, we can fly each other for a year...there are a lot of such examples by the way. My closest friend flew for three years now, her husband was waiting for her to graduate from college. If there is love, it will not go anywhere, but you need to respect yourself and achieve your goals.
I think maybe I’m writing something rude, but it’s the honest truth. Everything is wonderful that you have feelings... but everyday life will eat everything up. Don't be discouraged, figure everything out. Think everything over with a cool head.


Türkiye– a paradise for foreign tourists. Good service and reasonable prices make Russian women want to visit this country again and again. But the shores of the sunny peninsula give memories not only of a pleasant holiday, but also of local temperamental men. It's hard to resist the beauty of these hot and tanned brunettes. But it’s one thing to have a holiday romance, and quite another to build a serious relationship with a Turk.

How to please a Turkish man?

In Turkey there is an opinion that everything Slavic women prostitute. This is due to the fact that in the 90s of the last century a stream of Russian “night butterflies” poured there. There were probably many Natashas among them, because Turks They are used to calling all Slavic tourists Natashas. Naturally, such treatment has a disparaging connotation. In addition, real propaganda against Russian girls has unfolded in the Turkish media.

However, not all Turks have a bad opinion of foreign women. Many of them dream of meeting a good Russian girl. But in order to do so, you need to show all your best qualities and hide imperfections as much as possible. Remember that Turkish men only have fun with easily accessible young ladies.

Where a Turkish guy was born and what kind of upbringing he had is of great importance. Türkiye is a unique country located on the border of European and Asian civilizations. Residents of large cities are strongly influenced by Western culture, so they can be considered modern people. It is better to look for just such a Turkish man. But if your friend comes from a small town or village in the east of the country, you will have a hard time. In the Turkish hinterland, people are still faithful to the old strict customs.

If you want to please a Turkish man, do not dress too provocatively, do not expose your chest and legs above the knee. Of course, the exception is the beach, where everyone relaxes in swimsuits. A Turk will not judge you for such an “outfit,” but when you go on a date with him, dress more decently. Even at the beginning of dating, it is important to show your good side, as well as find out the true intentions of the gentleman. After all, many Turks are simply looking for beautiful mistresses.

Turkish men in relationships

Turks- they are still storytellers. They know how to talk shit and give compliments. But everything you heard from the Turkish guy must be divided by eight. It’s better to find out the real level of his income, because if a man is not rich and does not have his own home, then you will most likely have to live with his parents.

There is a big gap between rich and poor in Turkey, but every Turk tries to appear richer than he really is. In addition, Muslim men look older than their age. For example, a school graduate may look like a senior student, and a young specialist after university may look like a respectable groom. Turks often use this fact to seduce foreign girls.

Turkish men They know how to look after beautifully, love to give gifts and treat them with sweets. In Asia, relationships are dominated by men, but if you compare Turkey with other Muslim countries, it is by far the most democratic. No one will force you to wear a burqa, but get ready for the fact that your boyfriend, and in the future, your husband, will accompany you everywhere. Of course, no one will forbid a girl to go shopping or walk around the city on her own, but in Turkey it is not customary for women to visit restaurants or entertainment centers without their men. Therefore, you will have to change some habits.

Are Turks jealous?? Very! But if you don't give rise to suspicion, your man will worry less. It is important not to stumble upon a family despot, because it is in the Turks’ genes to dominate a woman. Therefore, study your chosen one well before tying the knot. Keep in mind that Turks are very persistent. If a Turkish man sets out to win your affection, he will definitely achieve this. But it will be extremely difficult to get rid of the advances of an annoying gentleman. Sometimes Russian girls have to literally flee from a sunny country.

Turkish family

As mentioned above, best option for you - wealthy man, who saved up for his apartment. Getting along with your Turkish husband's relative will not be easy. In the parental home, not only the father and mother often live, but also the guy’s unmarried sisters and his younger brothers and their wives. Although Turkish women behave with restraint when communicating with men, they still love to sort things out among themselves. Their “intra-harem” passions can easily be compared with those that seethed in the series “ Magnificent century" Be prepared for the worst - your husband's relatives can boycott you and literally survive from home.

Your boyfriend must be a bachelor. This is another important condition happy relationship with a Turkish man. Many married Turks promise naive foreign women fairy-tale love and a carefree family life. That's just under " family life“They mean maintaining a woman, and not legally marrying her. Turks rarely get divorced, because it’s... unprofitable. The fact is that according to the law, a Turkish man is obliged to pay child support not only for children, but also for the unemployed ex-wife. And most women do not work in Turkey.

A Turk can even buy a separate apartment for a beautiful Russian mistress. He will visit from time to time to satisfy his romantic and passionate desires. And of course, he will provide the woman with money. Many Russian girls are quite happy with such relationships.

But let's return to legal marriage. Turkish husband– a real provider and protector. But part of his income will go to help his relatives. Turks love children, especially girls. In Turkey, boys are more attached to their mothers, and daughters are more attached to their fathers. If it comes to divorce, the children will be given to the mother. But if the husband proves that she behaved unworthily, the court will side with him. After a divorce, a Turk will help the children, even if they leave with their mother to another country. Turkish men cherish family traditions, giving up a child is low and shameful for them.


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1.1.1. “Site Administration” - authorized employees to manage the site, acting on behalf of the company “Marka-Is ÖU”, who organize and (or) process personal data.

1.1.2. “Personal data” - any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

1.1.3. “Processing of personal data” - any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

1.1.4. “Confidentiality of personal data” is a requirement for the Operator or other person who has access to personal data to comply with the requirement not to allow their distribution without the consent of the subject of personal data or the presence of another legal basis.

1.1.5. “Site User” is a person who has access to the Site via the Internet and uses the Site.

1.1.6. “Cookies” are a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored on the user’s computer, which a web client or web browser sends to the web server each time in an HTTP request when an attempt is made to open a page on the corresponding site.


2.1. The User's use of the site constitutes agreement with this Privacy Policy and the terms of processing of the User's personal data.

2.2. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Privacy Policy, the User must stop using the site. The Company does not control and is not responsible for third party sites that the User can access via links available on the site.

2.4. The site administration does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the site user.


3.1. This Privacy Policy establishes the obligations of the Site Administration to non-disclose and ensure a regime for protecting the confidentiality of personal data that the User provides at the request of the Site Administration when placing an order to use the company’s services through online forms or other means of online communication.

3.2. Personal data permitted for processing under this Privacy Policy is provided by the User by filling out application forms (registration and subscription) on the Site and includes the following information:

3.2.1. Username;

3.2.2. User contact phone number;

3.2.3. Email address (e-mail).


When you visit the Site, your IP address, domain name, and country of IP registration are automatically determined. We also record the facts of navigation through the pages of the Site, as well as other information that your browser provides openly and voluntarily. This information helps to significantly simplify the use of the Site, making the search for materials you need or are interesting to you much faster and more comfortable.

The Site implements standard technology for personalizing the display styles of pages and the content posted on them to the parameters of your specific “cookies” monitor. “Cookies” are data stored on the hard drive about websites visited, user settings, and personal settings for viewing content. The “cookies” technology implemented on the Site provides information about which third-party resource the transition to the Site was made from, the domain name of your provider, the country of the visitor, data on downloaded materials from the Site. This technology is also used by browser counters from Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.

“Cookies” do not collect personal or confidential information about the user; this technology can be blocked during personal work with the Site using the settings of your browser or by setting a mandatory notification about the sending of “cookies”.

Any personal information, including identification, is provided by users of the Site solely voluntarily. All data that you leave on the Site with your own hand when registering or while filling out forms (full name, contact phone number, email) is kept secret and not disclosed.


5.1. The Site Administration may use the User’s personal data for the following purposes:

5.1.1. Filling out an application for company services remotely.

5.1.2. Establishing feedback with the User, including sending notifications, requests regarding the use of the Site, provision of services, processing applications from the User, as well as sending newsletters.


6.1. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out without a time limit, in any legal way, including in personal data information systems using automation tools or without the use of such tools.

6.2. The site administration does not transfer personal data to third parties.

6.3. The site administration and the company “Marka-Is ÖU” do not bear any responsibility if the User’s personal data (full name, contact phone number, email, delivery address) becomes publicly available as a result of his use of other Sites or electronic means that do not belong to the company. communications.


Use of this Site confirms your acceptance of the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions stated here, please leave the Site and do not use the content presented. Any use of the Site and the materials presented on it is considered as your unconditional acceptance of the above terms and conditions.


The site does not take responsibility for the actions of other sites and resources, third parties and third-party visitors.


9.1. The site administration has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without the consent of the User.

9.2. The new Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Site, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Privacy Policy.

9.3. The current Privacy Policy is located on the page at