Cognitive development abstract 2 junior group. Cognitive development in the second junior group on the topic "Wood and its properties

Software content:
1. To form the foundations of a cognitive attitude to the surrounding world;
2. To develop the cognitive activity of children;
3. To acquaint children with the habitat of wild animals;
4. Learn to answer problematic questions;
5. Learn to make elementary conclusions on your own;
6. To activate the speech of children by listing the external signs of animals;
7. Foster a desire to help the game character in solving a problem situation.

Toy squirrel, basket with treats, flat (drawn) dwellings of wild animals (wolf den, fox hole, bear den); white stripes that close the entrance to the dwelling of animals, a squirrel, a tree with a hollow; audio recording of music.

Preliminary work: observing natural phenomena, viewing illustrations about the life of animals in the forest, reading works of art.

GCD move:

Organizational moment: finger gymnastics:

This finger is a squirrel
Red-haired girl.
This finger is a bunny
Bunny is a bunny.
This one is a chanterelle,
Sly sister.
This one is a bear - a bear
Likes to bellow loudly.
This one is a gray top.
It turned out to be a cam.
Open your fist quickly
Let the animals out into the forest.

- Guys, you know that this morning, when I was going to kindergarten, the following story happened to me. I go to kindergarten, go up the porch, I hear someone crying. She bent over, and sits in the corner - look who (little squirrel).
- Who is it? See how small he is, scared (children pet the squirrel, examine him)... I asked what happened to him, and you know what he answered me: he was lost and now he does not know how to get home. What to do? (Children sayings).
- Guys, I knew that you could help the squirrel, I told him right away: don’t cry squirrel, our guys will definitely help you. Do you know where the squirrel lives? (Answers of children).
- Squirrel, you live in a forest, in a hollow, on a high tree. To help you, we must get into the forest. And to find yourself in the forest, close your eyes, and I will say the magic words:

Time. Two, three, four, five, we fall into the forest again.

Music sounds.

- Guys, here we are in the forest. What fresh air here, silence: no bird voices, no rustling of leaves. Only the snow crunches underfoot. Winter. Squirrel, do you remember where your house is in the forest? No guys, he doesn't remember. Look, here's someone's footprints. Let's follow these tracks, maybe they will lead us to the squirrel's house.

The children follow the teacher to the fox's hole.

- Look, here is someone's house. Squirrel, is this your house? Does not know. Guys, do you think this is a squirrel's house? ( Children saying). Why do you think so?

(Children justify their answers: the squirrel lives in a hollow, it is in a tree, and this house is on the ground).

- Yes, you guys are right. Such a house is called a burrow. Who lives there? (Children sayings)... Let's blow softly at the entrance so that the snow will fly. (Children are blowing)... Who lives in the hole? ( Children's answer: fox.) Look, fox, which one? ( Statements of children). And what are the cubs of foxes called? Where does the fox live? Until she noticed us, let's move on quietly.

Look, here's someone else's house. Squirrel, is this your house? Does not know. Guys, do you think this is a squirrel's house? ( Statements of children).
Why do you think so? ( Children justify their answers: the squirrel lives in a hollow, it is in a tree, and this house is on the ground).

Yes, you guys are right. Such a house is called a den, it is more than a hole. Who lives there? ( Statements of children). Let's blow softly at the entrance so that the snow will fly. ( Children are blowing). Who lives in the den? (Wolf). See which wolf? And what are the wolves' cubs called? Where does the wolf live? Before he noticed us, let's move on quietly. Try to follow my trail so as not to fall into a deep snowdrift.

The teacher and the children go to the next house.

- Look, what a big snowdrift, this is probably also a house. Squirrel, is this your house? Does not know. Guys, do you think this is a squirrel's house? Why do you think so? ( The squirrel lives in a hollow, it is in a tree, and this house is on the ground).

Yes, you guys are right. This large snowdrift is very similar to a den, let’s blow quietly at the entrance so that the snow will scatter and see who lives there? ( Children are blowing). Whom do you see in the den? ( Bear). What is the bear doing? ( Sleeping)... See which bear? And what are the cubs of a bear called? Where does the bear sleep in winter? Before he wakes up, let's move on quietly.

The teacher and the children go up to the tree.

Guys, look what a tall tree we have on the way, and the squirrel was somehow overjoyed. What do you think he saw? Squirrel, guys say they finally found your house. Guys, tell the squirrel what his house is called. (Hollow)... Where is the house located? And you do not notice anyone in the hollow? Yes, it's your mom, squirrel.

The teacher puts a squirrel in a hollow.

- Look how happy the squirrel and his mother were. It's good that we helped them. Oh, a squirrel from a hollow gives us something. (Consider a basket of nuts). It is she who treats us and thanks for the help, because we helped her squirrel get home. Let's thank the squirrel for the treat and say goodbye to our forest friends. And you, squirrel, try not to get lost anymore. Oh, something began to get colder, it's time for us to return home. Close your eyes.

Children close their eyes, the teacher says magic words:

We close our eyes tightly
And now: one, two, three -
We all returned to the group.
Look around and see!

Here we are with you again in our group. Are you warm?
Where have we been? Whom have you seen? Where does the fox live (wolf, bear, squirrel)? What does a bear do in winter? You, well done, helped the squirrel find his house. And the squirrel mom sent you a treat from her reserves for this - nuts. Help yourself.

Software content

1. Teach children to distinguish between parts of the day (morning, evening, day, night) to fix the name.

2. Improve the ability to distinguish, name geometric shapes (square, circle), classify shapes by shape.

4. Continue to learn to define equality of objects (long, short)

5. Develop logical thinking, foster interest in mathematical knowledge.

Vocabulary: morning, afternoon, evening, night, circle, square, long, short.

Methods and techniques: TCO, artistic word, questions, didactic game "Mend your clothes", explanation, clarity.

Equipment: a suit for sensory education for the teacher: a hat with geometric shapes, a skirt with patch pockets "houses for a square and a circle", an image of parts of the day: day, night in the form of appliqués on a skirt, arm ruffles with ribbons (50cm and 20cm ribbons), demonstration paintings depicting parts of the day - 4 pcs. (night, morning, afternoon, evening), a set of pictures and cards to determine the parts of the day for each child, geometric shapes (squares and circles of 4 pcs.), ribbons (red 50cm, blue 20cm), toy "Cat", didactic the game "Mend your clothes", a card with painted clothes of different colors and a set of various geometric shapes - patches (for each child).

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Children! Today we will go on a visit to Mathematics. (Music sounds, children come to the house, the teacher enters the house and changes into a suit by sensing, the children are waiting)


Hello children!

Here I am in front of you

Call me yourself

Into me completely free

Anything fits

What's in the sleeves

It will be very useful to us

The hat is big here

It will come in handy if you suddenly get bored

And here (shows her skirt)

Guess the riddle:

"One after another in succession

Brother and sister walk peacefully

Brother wakes up all the people

And the sister, on the contrary, calls to sleep immediately "

(Day Night)

Educator: and children go to the easel

Educator: hangs up a picture of the night.

What part of the day do you think is shown here?

Children Night Answers

Educator: Why do you think it's night here?

Children's answers: the girl is asleep, the moon is shining, it is dark outside.

Educator: Our Katya fell asleep,

Sleeps soundly on the bed

In the forests, groves, on the edges, both birds and animals sleep

People sleep in their homes in villages and towns

Only the poor moon walks across the sky alone

This part of the day is night, we will mark it with a black card.

Educator: Hangs out a picture depicting part of the day - morning.

Educator: This picture shows morning.

After the night comes morning.

Let's all say morning together.

A ray jumped on the bed

"It's time for Katya to get up"

Look out your window

Morning in the yard for a long time! "

Educator: What do people do in the morning?

O.D. wash, do exercises, have breakfast, children go to kindergarten.

Q. Yes, guys, in the morning people wake up, wash, do exercises, have breakfast, children go to kindergarten.

We will mark the morning with a yellow card.

Educator: Hangs up a picture of the day.

What part of the day is shown here?

O.D. day.

Educator: What do people do during the day?

O.D. Children play, walk, moms and dads go to work

Educator: The sun rises in the sky

The day follows the morning

People in the park are walking

Children in the kindergarten are playing

Everything is in place! The day is shining!

We will mark the day with a white card

Educator: Hangs out a picture of the evening.

Here, guys, is the evening.

Let's all say "evening" together

In the evening, the children take you home from the kindergarten, mom and dad come home from work, watch TV, get ready for bed, mom reads a fairy tale.

So the sun is setting

Evening to replace day comes Mom picks us up from the garden

Reads a fairy tale to us in the evening

We will mark the evening with a blue card.

Educator: Generalizes. Night, morning, day, evening - parts of the day following each other.

Night is part of the day from evening to morning.

we marked with a black card

Morning is the beginning of the day - we marked with a yellow card.

Day - part of the day from morning to evening. Marked with a white card.

Evening is the part of the day before the onset of the night following the end of the day.

We marked with a blue card.

Work at tables.

You children have cards of different colors and pictures depicting morning afternoon evening night.

Arrange these cards in order and place the corresponding picture on them.

Educator: Looks, helps if someone is at a loss.

Praises the children and offers to put the pictures on the tray.

The teacher invites the children to his table, takes off his hat, here my figures are confused. And they should live in their homes. Here - the teacher shows his pockets.

I have no corners and I look like a saucer

On a plate and on a lid, on a ring, on a wheel

I am an old friend to people, they call me a circle.

Since childhood I am your acquaintance

Every corner here is straight

All four sides are the same length.

I'm glad to introduce myself to you, but my name is square.

Children choose figures and take them to the houses.

Educator: I will now check if you laid them out correctly, (takes out the figures, puts them on the easel)

Well done guys, they correctly arranged the circles and squares in the houses. Now let's count them.

How many circles? (children count)

How many squares?

Are there equal circles and squares?

How many circles and squares?

There are as many circles as there are squares?

Result: 4 circles, 4 squares.

Equally divided circles and squares, 4 each.

How many circles, so many squares.

The cat meows. Comes, greets.

Educator: The cat has kittens

They played naughty, dabbled and tore their clothes.

Let's help the cat mend clothes for the kittens.

Finger gymnastics: a little hedgehog froze and curled up into a ball.

The hedgehog's sun warmed up, the hedgehog turned around.

Children sit at tables

Educator: Explains the rules of the didactic game "Mash up the clothes" (choose a patch in color and shape for each thing).

The children do it, the cat thanks everyone.

She likes long ribbons.

Educator: Children! Our cat Alice is a fashionista.

See what's up the sleeves here?

Ribbons! (shows)

We need a long ribbon.

The children on the table compare two ribbons in length.

Determine which is longer.

Educator: Offers to spin the ribbons.

Two children spin and find out that the short ribbon has spun faster. This means that we will present a long ribbon to Alice the cat. The cat thanks the children and leaves. Children come with a teacher to the house, the teacher changes clothes, and return to the group.

Synopsis of a cognitive lesson (social world) in the 2nd junior group.

Subject: Toys of our group

Tasks: 1) introduce the names of the toys in the group room, encourage children to carry out an elementary classification of toys by purpose, color, shape.

2) Develop curiosity.

3) To cultivate a respect for toys, accuracy.

Equipment: Dunno doll, group room toys: dolls, cars, cubes, balls, dishes.

Course of the lesson:

    Introductory part

Educator: Reading the poem by E. Monosova "In our kindergarten".

Educator: Who is waiting for the children in kindergarten?

Children: Toys. (Knock on the door).

Educator: Oh, who came to us? Brings the toy Dunno. Who is this guys?

Children: Dunno.

Educator: What happened to you, Dunno?

Dunno: (the teacher speaks on his behalf in a different voice): Guys, please tell me about your favorite toys. And then I know very little about them. You help me, do the tasks.

Educator: Guys, let's tell Dunno about toys, are we going to carry out his tasks? Then go ahead.

    Main part

Educator: (speaks on behalf of Dunno, holds a toy in his hands)

1 task: Guys, tell me about your favorite toys that live in your home.

What is Kira's favorite toy at home? At Andryusha's? Sasha's? At Masha's?

Educator: You see, Dunno, what favorite toys our children have at home.

But we have different toys in the group. We will tell you about them now.

(The teacher begins the story first):

Friends, look how many toys we have, they all have their own houses:

Cars are in our garage. They are different. What kind of guys do we have cars? / The teacher helps with leading questions / (Large and small, trucks and cars)

Cubes are in boxes. Our cubes are also different: See how they differ? (Show 2 dice)

These cubes vary in size. How?

Children: one big, the other small.

Educator: But these differ in color. Tell Dunno and show us what kind of flowers we have cubes.

Children: blue, red, yellow, green.

Educator: These cubes differ from each other by the material they are made of. Feel this cube, what is it?

Children: wood.

Educator: And what is this cube?

Children: plastic.

Educator: Dunno on this shelf, we have dolls. Tell the dunno guys how many dolls we have?

Children: lot.

Educator: What is the difference between the Masha doll and Katya's doll? (Shows two dolls)

Children: One is large, the other is small.

Educator: What is the difference between the Olya doll and Tanya's doll?

Children: Olya is dressed. Tanya is naked, undressed, naked.

Educator: Show Dunno what toy helps us roll our dolls. Children This is a stroller.

Educator: Dunno, the stroller is made of iron, fabric, plastic.

Educator: we have balls on this shelf. Tell me guys what they are.

Children: big and small

Educator: featuring: prickly, smooth, multicolored, soft - woven, knitted, rubber.

Children: And where are our dishes. Tell us about her.

Children: we have a kettle, pots, plates, saucers, tea cups, glasses, spoons, forks, knives

2nd task from Dunno: "Physical culture minute"

Here's a big pyramid (reach up)

And a cheerful ringing ball (jumping in place)

Soft teddy bear (steps in place, on the outside of the foot)

Everyone lives in a big box (show a big square)

But when I go to bed (hands under my cheek, close my eyes)

Everybody starts to play (to portray any movement)

3 task from Dunno:

Educator: guys, the dunno says that he, like you, also has his favorite toys. He wants you to guess riddles and find out what toys he likes:

1) Hiding from you and me

One doll in another.

There are peas on the kerchiefs.

What kind of dolls? (Matryoshka)

2) Dunno has a lot of them:

Passenger, cargo and special such.

In this one I open the door

Sand is loaded into this ...

Me guys to be honest

I play them all day.

What am I playing with, tell me, friends? (Cars)

4 task from Dunno: "Name a toy affectionately"

A car is a typewriter, a ball is a ball, a hare is a bunny, a bear is a bear cub, a bear, a squirrel is a squirrel, a cat is a kitty, a stroller is a stroller.

5 task from Dunno: Guys, tell us how you should treat your toys?

Children: they must be protected, they must not be broken, thrown, they must be removed

Dunno: That's right, toys are our faithful friends

How many toys there are in the world

And they all love them, of course

All children in the world.

You gotta play

Have fun, make friends

And cherish each toy!

Love them children

Appreciate, store,

They love to play with you

But they don't like

When they get dirty, bite,

Throw, tear and break.

Take care of their children!

Dunno: Now it's time to play with them, kids. I have to go. Goodbye, guys, you helped me a lot, now I know a lot about toys. I am leaving, but I will also come to visit you. And at parting I leave you with the “Coloring Toys” prizes.

    Final part

Educator: Guys, did you like helping Dunno? What good fellows you are.

After the lesson: "Role-playing game" Let's treat friends to tea "

The teacher distributes roles among children:

Who will put the tablecloth on the table?

Who will put the teacups on the table?

Who will lay out the spoons?

Who will put the cookies and sweets on the table?

Who will put the napkins on the table?

Who will invite guests to the table, what words should he say?

Game "Tell about your favorite toy"

1) This is a car. She's red. This vehicle is a fire engine, it extinguishes a fire.

2) This is a doll. She's beautiful. She has a bow on her head. There is a beautiful dress, shoes on my feet.

Cognitive development in the second junior group on the topic "Wood and its properties"

Educational areas:

"Social and communicative development",

"Cognitive development",

"Speech development".

Activities: play, communicative, productive.

Purpose: development of children's skills for cognitive and research activities.


    To form in children ways of examining various materials and objects (stone, napkin, wooden block), using the example of their interaction with water; to acquaint with the properties of water (transparent, odorless).

    Develop fine motor skills, form manual dexterity.

    To foster the desire in children to help the heroes of the fairy tale on the basis of active empathy for them.

    To activate the speech of children with verbs (swim, drown).

Demo material: toys (frog, ant, bug, butterfly)

Handout: a block of wood, a napkin, a stone, a ladybug, a wooden stick, a piece of paper for each child.

Preliminary work: reading V. Suteev's fairy tale "The Ship", learning emotional greetings.

GCD move.

Teacher and children in a round dance:

Girls and boys are friends in our group

We will make friends with you little fingers

Hold hands tight

And smile at each other!

Guys, someone came to visit us. Look at them, do you recognize them? (draws attention to the table)

That's right, well done. A frog, an ant, a bug, a butterfly came to us. Do you want me to tell you a story about our guests? (children sit in a semicircle around the table, on the table there is a frog, an ant, a bug and a butterfly.

Once a frog, an ant, a bug and a butterfly went for a walk. We came to the river.

Let's swim! ”Said the frog and jumped into the water.

We do not know how to swim, said the bug, the ant and the butterfly.

Kwa ha ha! Kwa ha ha! The frog laughed. Where do you fit! And he began to laugh so hard that he almost choked. The ant, the bug and the butterfly took offense and began to think. Thought, thought and came up with. And they decided to build a boat.

Or maybe we will build a boat too? To cross the river. Come to the tables, there is a basin in front of you, what's in it? (children's answers)

That's right, water. What color is it? (She is colorless, transparent)

How does it smell? (Water is odorless)

Solid or liquid water? (Children touch the water with their fingers)

What form does water take? (Vessel shape)

This will be our river. What can you use to swim across it? (kids options)

See what's on the plate? (Paper napkin)

Is it possible to sail on paper like on a boat?

Let's try it, take a napkin and put it in water. Guys, do you think the napkin will sink if I put it on someone? (Children watch as the napkin gets wet and goes to the bottom)

Now give it a try, take your napkins and dip them in the water. See if your paper boat is sailing? (The napkin sinks, the children come to the conclusion that it is impossible to build a boat from the napkin)

The teacher draws attention to the second plate on which the stones lie.

What's in this plate? Let's try to build a boat out of stone. (Children take pebbles and put them in the water)

What's happening? Yes, the stones are sinking. Can you build a ship out of stone? (Not)

Why? (He's drowning.)

And what is in the third plate? (Wooden block)

Guys, is it possible to build a boat from a wooden block? Let's put a block of wood in the water, what happens? That's right, the block does not sink, it floats.

What can you build a boat from? From a wooden block.

Guys, let's get back to our tale. A butterfly flew by, brought a leaf, a bug-board, an ant-stick. And work began: they stuck a stick into the board, put a leaf on the stick, and it turned out to be a boat. They pushed the boat into the water. They sat on it and swam. The frog stuck its head out of the water, wanted to laugh some more, but the boat had already sailed far away and could not catch up.

Physical education.

Guys, let's rest, lie down on the mat with your back down. Imagine that you have turned into little bugs.

- "The beetle fell and cannot get up

He's waiting, well, who will help him. "

Children wave their arms and legs, and the teacher helps them to stand up one by one

And a bug with his friends came to visit us from a fairy tale. Let us also build boats and ride small bugs.

What did we decide to build a boat from? (Bar)

Guys, take a block, insert a stick into the hole of the block and put on a sail.

Well done, you've got boats

Guys, what did we want to build a boat from, but we didn't succeed? (Stone, napkin)

Why didn't it work, what happened to the napkin and the stone? (Drowned)

After class, children play with boats.

2.2 Educational area


“Cognitive development involves the development of the interests of children,

curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and effects, etc.), about a small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world. "

Main goals and objectives

The development of the cognitive interests of children, the expansion of the experience of orientation in the environment, sensory development, the development of curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, causes and effects, etc.).

Development of perception, attention, memory, observation, the ability to analyze, compare, highlight the characteristic, essential features of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; the ability to establish the simplest connections between objects and phenomena, to make the simplest generalizations.

Acquaintance with the surrounding social world, broadening the horizons of children, the formation of a holistic picture of the world. Formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays. Formation of elementary ideas about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.Acquaintance with nature and natural phenomena. Development of the ability to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena. Formation of primary ideas about the natural diversity of the planet Earth. Formation of elementary ecological concepts. Formation of an understanding that a person is a part of nature, that he must cherish, protect and protect it, that everything in nature is interconnected, that human life on Earth largely depends on the environment. Education of the ability to behave correctly in nature. Raising love for nature, the desire to protect it.

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts, primary ideas about the basic properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world: shape, color, size, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time.

2.2.1. The content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of cognitive and research activities of preschoolers, their introduction to socio-cultural values ​​and familiarization with the natural world.

Development of cognitive and research activities.

Primary understanding of the objects of the surrounding world.

To form the ability to focus on objects and phenomena of the subject-spatial developmental environment; establish the simplest connections between objects and phenomena, make the simplest generalizations.

Learn to determine the color, size, shape, weight (light, heavy) of objects; their location in relation to the child (far, close, high). Introduce materials (wood, paper, fabric, clay), their properties (strength, hardness, softness).

Encourage research interest, make basic observations. To teach methods of examining objects, including the simplest experiments (drowning - not drowning, torn - not torn). Learn to group and classify familiar objects (shoes, clothes; tea, dining, kitchen utensils).

Sensory development.

Enrich the sensory experience of children, develop the ability to capture it in speech. Improve perception (actively involving all senses). Develop imaginative representations (using epithets and comparisons when characterizing objects).

Create conditions for acquainting children with the color, shape, size, tangible properties of objects (warm, cold, hard, soft, fluffy, etc.); develop the ability to perceive the sound of various musical instruments, native speech.

To consolidate the ability to highlight color, shape, size as special properties of objects; group homogeneous objects according to several sensory features; size, shape, color. To improve the skills of establishing the identity and difference of objects according to their properties: size, shape, color. Tell the children the names of the shapes (round, triangular, rectangular, and square).

Didactic games.

Select objects by color and size (large, medium and small; 2-3 colors), assemble a pyramid of decreasing rings, alternating 2-3 colors in a certain sequence; collect a picture from 4-6 parts.

In joint didactic games, teach children to follow gradually more complex rules.

Introduction to socio-cultural values.

Continue to acquaint children with the objects of the immediate environment, their purpose. To acquaint children with the theater through mini-performances and performances, as well as through dramatization games based on works of children's literature. To acquaint with the immediate environment (the main objects of urban / village infrastructure): house, street, shop, clinic, hairdresser. Tell children about professions they understand (educator, assistant educator, music director, doctor, salesman, cook, chauffeur, builder), expand and enrich ideas about labor actions, labor results.

Acquaintance with the natural world.

Expand children's understanding of plants and animals. Continue to acquaint with pets and their cubs, the peculiarities of their behavior and nutrition. To acquaint children with aquarium fish and decorative birds (budgerigars, canaries, etc.).

Expand ideas about wild animals (bear, fox, squirrel, hedgehog, etc.), about amphibians (for example, a frog).

Learn to watch birds arriving at the site (crow, pigeon, tit, sparrow, bullfinch, etc.), feed them in winter.

Expand children's ideas about insects (butterfly, beetle, ladybug, dragonfly, etc.).

Learn to distinguish and name by appearance: vegetables (cucumber, tomato,carrot, turnips, etc.), fruits (apple, pear, peaches, etc.), berries (raspberries, currants, etc.).

To give elementary ideas about the plants of a given area: trees, flowering herbaceous plants (dandelion, coltsfoot, etc.). Show how indoor plants grow (ficus, geranium, etc.). Provide an idea that plants need land, water and air to grow.

To acquaint with the characteristic features of the seasons following each other and the changes that occur in connection with this in the life and activities of adults and children.

To give an idea of ​​the properties of water (pours, pours, heats up, cools), sand (dry - crumbles, wet - sticks), snow (cold, white, melts from heat).

Learn to reflect received impressions in speech and productive activities.

To form the ability to understand the simplest relationships in nature (for a plant to grow, you need to water it, etc.).

Introduce the rules of behavior in nature (do not tear plants unnecessarily, do not break tree branches, do not touch animals, etc.).

Seasonal observations

Fall. Learn to notice changes in nature: it gets colder, it rains, people put on warm clothes, leaves begin to change color and fall off, birds fly away to warmer regions.

Expand the notion that fruits and vegetables are harvested in the fall. Learn to distinguish the most common vegetables and fruits by appearance, taste, shape and name them.

Winter. Expand ideas about the characteristics of winter nature (cold, snowing; people wear winter clothes).

Organize observations of birds arriving at the site, feed them. Learn to notice the beauty of winter nature: snow-covered trees, fluffy snow, transparent ice, etc.; participate in sledding downhill, modeling snow crafts, decorating snowbuildings.

Spring. Continue to introduce the characteristics of the veSenney of nature: the sun is shining brighter, the snow begins to melt, becomes loose, the grass has grown, the leaves have blossomed on the trees, butterflies and May beetles appear.

To expand children's ideas about the simplest connections in nature: the sun began to warm up - it got warmer - grass appeared, birds began to sing, people replaced warm clothes with lightweight ones.

Show how large seeds of flowers and vegetables are plantedto the beds.

Summer. Expand your understanding of summer changes in nature:

hot, bright sun, plants are blooming, people are swimming, butterflies are flying,

chicks appear in nests.

To give basic knowledge about garden and vegetable garden plants. Anchoredlto know that many fruits, vegetables and berries ripen in summer.

Appendix No. 4

A long-term work plan for the cognitive development of preschoolers.

Development of cognitive and research activities, familiarization with socio-cultural values, familiarization with the natural world.




DOW component


2 week

(O. V. Dybina Topic 11)

Teach children to navigate in some premises of the preschool institution; to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards employees of a preschool institution.


3 week

"My native city"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 17)

Teach children to name their hometown; give basic ideas about your hometown; bring children to the understanding that there are many streets, multi-storey buildings, different cars in the city; to cultivate love for the hometown.


4 week


(O. V. Dybina Topic 8)

To acquaint children with the properties of wood, with the structure of its surface.


5 week

"Vegetables from the garden"

(O. A. Solomennikova 1)

To form the ability of children to distinguish vegetables in appearance and taste, to name them (cucumber, tomato, carrot, turnip); to expand understanding of the cultivation of vegetable crops; arouse the desire to participate in the dramatization of the Russian folk tale "The Turnip".


1 Week

"Travel to Autumn"

(O. A. Solomennikova 8)

Help to see the many colors of autumn, to learn to feel and understand the beauty of the surrounding world, to form ideas about the seasons, about the main signs of autumn; clarify and consolidate the names of colors.


2 week

"For mushrooms, for berries ..."

To form ideas about mushrooms and berries; teach to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms; develop skills for environmentally competent and safe behavior in nature; to form an interest in nature; to activate the speech of children; develop fine motor skills; orientation in space.


3 week


(O. V. Dybina Topic 1)

Teach children to identify and distinguish transport, types of transport, highlight the main features (color, shape, size, structure, function), continue to teach safe behavior on the streets and roads; foster a culture of pedestrians and passengers, a desire to take care of their safety; to acquaint with the importance of transport in human life.


4 week

"Colorful trees"

To form children's ideas about the trees of our region, about seasonal changes in nature with the onset of autumn, to teach how to recognize different tree species by their leaves.


1 Week

"Find out what kind of water"

(O. V. Dybina)

Help to identify the properties of water: transparent, odorless, pouring, some substances dissolve in it, has weight.


2 week

"Looking for air"

(O. V. Dybina)

Help detect air in the surrounding area; to acquaint with the fact that there is air inside a person, and help to discover it; teach how to blow bubbles; to acquaint with the fact that when air enters a drop of soapy water, a bubble is formed.


3 week

"Journey to the Forest"

Form ideas about wild animals and their cubs; develop observation, attentiveness, cognitive interests; to cultivate love for nature, animals, respect for them.


4 week

"Visiting grandmother"

(O. A. Solomennikova 12)

Continue to introduce children to pets and their babies; teach how to properly handle pets; to form a caring attitude towards pets; bring up activity, independence.


5 week


(O. V. Dybina Topic 2)

Teach children to identify and distinguish furniture, types of furniture, highlight the main features of furniture items (color, shape, size, structure, function, etc.); group items according to features.


1 Week

"Wonderful bag"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 7 and 5)

To give children the idea that some objects are made by human hands, other objects are created by nature; encourage children to identify, distinguish and describe objects of the natural and man-made world.


2 week

(O. A. Solomennikova 17)

To clarify the knowledge of children about winter natural phenomena; to form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding nature; enrich and activate vocabulary.


3 week

"Feeding birds in winter"

(O. A. Solomennikova 15)

Strengthen children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena; show the children the bird feeder; form a desire to feed the birds in winter; to expand ideas about wintering birds.


4 week

"New Year's Riddles"

Form children's ideas about the New Year's holiday; tell about the custom of decorating the Christmas tree, where he came from, about the traditions of celebrating the New Year; foster a love of history; shapechildren's ideas about the image and appearance of Santa Claus; cultivate interest, curiosity; activate imagination.


2 week

"Quietly, quietly it snows ..."

Form an idea of ​​the seasons, the main signs of winter; to form ideas about the rules of safe behavior in winter; teach to see the beauty of Russian winter; to form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200b winter entertainment and fun; to form an idea of ​​the value of health, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.


3 week

"Our bunny got sick"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 12)

Give children an idea that a mother takes care of her family, her beloved child; Mom can examine the throat, skin, put a thermometer, measure temperature, put mustard plasters. Build respect for mom.


4 week

"Dad, mom, I am a family"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 3)

Form initial ideas about the family; to instill in the child an interest in his own name.


1 Week

"Funny drawing"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 16)

To acquaint children with the properties of paper, with the structure of its surface.


2 week


(O. V. Dybina Topic 4)

Exercise children in the ability to identify and distinguish clothes, highlight the main features of clothing items (color, shape, structure, size); group items according to features.


3 week

"Golden Mom"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 9)

To acquaint children with the properties of fabric, with the structure of its surface.


4 week

"Our dads"

To form primary gender ideas in children (to bring up in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, to become defenders of the Motherland); develop the ability to tell short stories from personal experience; foster love for the Motherland; to bring up in children a kind attitude towards their dad, to evoke a sense of pride and joy for the noble deeds of a loved one.


1 Week

(O. V. Dybina Topic 18)

Continue to acquaint children with the work of mothers and grandmothers, show their business qualities; to form respect for mom and grandmother, a desire to talk about them.


2 week

"Walk in the spring forest"

(O. A. Solomennikova 23)

To acquaint children with the characteristic features of spring weather; to expand the understanding of forest plants and animals; to form elementary ideas about the simplest connections in nature; foster a sense of empathy for native nature.


3 week

"An invitation to dinner"

Form children's ideas about the dishes and their parts; expand a quality vocabulary.


4 week

"Journey to the Theater"

Form children's ideas about theater as an art form; to form ideas about the features of various theaters; tell children about some theaters in Saratov; to give an idea of ​​the rules of conduct in the theater; to promote the development of interest in the performing arts as a source of joy and experience.


1 Week

(O. A. Solomennikova 20)

Clarify and expand the existing ideas of children about indoor plants, their role for humans;
to form ideas about the structure and living conditions of plants;
develop memory, coherent speech, the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions;
develop aesthetic taste.


2 week

Give an idea of ​​the Russian hut - the dwelling of a peasant family, with objects of old Russian everyday life (stove, cast iron pot, grasp, chest, etc.); expand horizons; to educate morality on the basis of folk art and crafts (painting scarves, embroidery, knitting, thread yarn, etc.)


3 week

(O. V. Dybina

Topic 10)

Encourage children to identify, distinguish and describe objects of the natural and man-made world; to introduce children to Russian national culture; foster respect for the culture of their people; develop aesthetic taste.


4 week

"The nanny washes the dishes"

(O. V. Dybina

Topic 23)

Continue to acquaint children with the work of preschool workers - teacher assistants; learn to call them by name, patronymic, address them on "you"; show the attitude of an adult to work; foster respect for the teacher's assistant and for his work.


1 Week

(O. V. Dybina

Topic 24)

Strengthen children's knowledge about paper and fabric, their properties and qualities; teach to establish relationships between the material from which the object is made and the way the object is used.

2 week

"I have a kitten"

(O. A. Solomennikova 18)

    Form a positive - emotional attitude and the ability to properly handle the animal; continue to acquaint children with a pet - a kitten, with distinctive features of appearance, what it eats, which is dangerous for a kitten; teach children to use model cards; develop a desire to watch the kitten; to teach to share the received impressions.


3 week

"Adventure in the Room"

(O. V. Dybina

Topic 14)

Continue to acquaint children with the work of a mother at home (cleans, washes dishes, cleans carpets, takes care of indoor plants, wipes off dust, washes and ironed linen); foster respect for mom, a desire to help her.


4 week

"Ecological trail"

(O. A. Solomennikova 25)

Expand children's knowledge of plants; to form a respectful attitude towards them; give an idea of ​​planting trees; to form labor skills.


5 week

"Summer Walk"

Form ideas about the seasons, about the main signs of summer; to form ideas about the rules of safe behavior in the summer; teach to see the beauty of summer; to form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe summer entertainment and fun; to form an idea of ​​the value of health, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Complex - thematic planning for the development by children of the educational area "Cognitive development".

Cognitive and research activities of preschoolers, introducing them to socio-cultural values ​​and familiarization with the natural world.

(Appendix No. 4)

p / p



at hours



on the implementation

"It's good in our kindergarten" (O. V. Dybina Topic 11)

Introduction to sociocultural values

"My native city"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 17)


(O. V. Dybina Topic 8)

Acquaintance with the natural world

"Vegetables from the garden"

(O. A. Solomennikova 1)

Acquaintance with the natural world"Travel to Autumn"

(O. A. Solomennikova 8)

"For mushrooms, for berries ..."

Introduction to sociocultural values"Transport"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 1)

Acquaintance with the natural world"Colorful trees"


"Find out what kind of water"

(O. V. Dybina)


"Looking for air"

(O. V. Dybina)

Acquaintance with the natural world, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Journey to the Forest"

Acquaintance with the natural world, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Visiting grandmother"

(O. A. Solomennikova 12)

Introduction to sociocultural values"Furniture"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 2)

PID, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Wonderful bag"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 7 and 5)

Acquaintance with the natural world, introduction to socio-cultural values

"In December, in December, there is a lot of snow in the yard"

(O. A. Solomennikova 17)

Acquaintance with the natural world, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Feeding birds in winter"

(O. A. Solomennikova 15)

Introduction to sociocultural values"New Year's Riddles"

Acquaintance with the natural world, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Quietly, quietly it snows ..."

Introduction to sociocultural values"Our bunny got sick"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 12)

Introduction to sociocultural values"Dad, mom, I am a family"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 3)



PID, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Funny drawing"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 16)



Introduction to sociocultural values"Clothing"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 4)



PID, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Golden Mom"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 9)



Introduction to sociocultural values"Our dads"



Introduction to sociocultural values"That's what kind of mom, gold right"

(O. V. Dybina Topic 18)



Acquaintance with the natural world, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Walk in the spring forest"

(O. A. Solomennikova 23)



Introduction to sociocultural values"An invitation to dinner"



Introduction to sociocultural values"Journey to the Theater"



Acquaintance with the natural world, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Caring for indoor plants"

(O. A. Solomennikova 20)



Introduction to sociocultural values "Visit grandmother Varvarushka for pancakes"



PID, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Find the objects of the man-made world"

(O. V. Dybina

Topic 10)



Introduction to sociocultural values

"The nanny washes the dishes"

(O. V. Dybina

Topic 23)



PID, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Which is better: paper or cloth?"

(O. V. Dybina

Topic 24)



Acquaintance with the natural world, introduction to socio-cultural values

"I have a kitten"

(O. A. Solomennikova 18)



Introduction to sociocultural values"Adventure in the Room"

(O. V. Dybina

Topic 14)



Acquaintance with the natural world, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Ecological trail"

(O. A. Solomennikova 25)



Acquaintance with the natural world, introduction to socio-cultural values

"Summer Walk"


2.2.2. The content of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.


To develop the ability to see the general feature of the objects of the group (all balls are round, these are all red, these are all large, etc.).

Learn to make groups of the same objects and select individual objects from them; distinguish between the concepts of "many", "one", "one at a time", "none"; find one or several identical objects in the environment; understand the question “How much?”; when answering, use the words "many", "one", "none".

Compare two equal (unequal) groups of objects based on the mutual comparison of elements (objects). To acquaint with the techniques of sequential imposition and application of objects of one group to objects of another; to learn to understand the questions: “Is it equal?”, “What is more (less)?”, to answer questions using sentences like: “I put a fungus on each circle. There are more circles, but fewer mushrooms "or" There are as many circles as mushrooms. " Learn to establish equality between groups of objects that are unequal in number by adding one object or objects to a smaller group or subtracting one object from a larger group.

The magnitude.

Compare objects of contrasting and similar sizes; when comparing objects, measure one object with others according to a given criterion of size (length, width, height, size in general), using the techniques of imposition and application; denote the result of the comparison with words (long-short, equal (equal) in width, high-low, equal (equal) in height, large-small, equal (equal) in size).

The form.

To acquaint children with geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a triangle. Learn to examine the shape of these figures using sight and touch.

Orientation in space.

RTo develop the ability to navigate in the location of parts of your body and, in accordance with them, to distinguish spatial directions from yourself: top-bottom, front-back (behind), right-left. Distinguish between right and left hands.

Time orientation.

Learn to navigate in contrasting parts of the day: day-night, morning-evening.

Complex thematic planning for the development by children of the educational area "Cognitive development"

"Formation of elementary mathematical concepts"





Completion mark













Shades of colors.



Shades of colors.



Shades of colors.



Big and small.



Big and small.



Color and shape



One, many.



Color and shape.



One, many.



The same, more, less




The same amount, more, less.



The same amount, more




The same amount, more




Count to two.



Numbers and numbers

1 and 2.



Longer, shorter.



A circle






Count to three.






Number and digit 3.



On, above, below.



Higher lower.



Left, right.



Longer, shorter.



Count to three.



Size, shape, color.



Parts of the day.



One is a lot.



Orientation in




