Entertaining physics: experiments for children. Pneumatics

Nadezhda Lifanova
"Entertaining Physics" project

Project for older children preschool age

« Entertaining physics»

goal the project: To acquaint children with science - physics, physical phenomena on the basis of experimental and experimental activities.

Materials used: excerpts from books by Akim Milovanov « Physics for kids» , Elena Kachur "Children's encyclopedia with Chevostik "Fascinating physics» , A Kuznetsova "Conversations in the morning or physics for toddlers» , L. L. Sikoruk « Physics for toddlers» .

Working with parents: Involve parents in active participation in project.

List of prospective experiences for parents to conduct at home with children:

Experience with determining the water level.

Sugar freezing experience "Colored lollipops".

Frictional force in everyday life.

Albums for drawing with water.

Make a calendar of the child's height and weight from birth to graduation the project.

Involve children in weighing food for cooking.

Is the furniture in the house exactly worth the same?

Overcoming weight in water "Is it easy for us to swim?"


Observing fish in the aquarium.

Making and launching a kite.

Excursion to the planetarium.

To teach safe behavior in everyday life when using electrical appliances and in the sun.

Work plan for October within the project« Entertaining physics»

weeks Topic Tasks

1 Introductory lesson : "What physics Introduce children to concepts "the science", « physics» , "Scientists", famous scientists physicists... Arouse interest in this science, the desire to learn its laws.

2 "Body and Matter"... Give children practical knowledge that all subjects are in physics called the body, and the characteristics of objects (what the items are made of) - substance.

3 "Liquids, gases and solids".

To acquaint children with the properties of solids, liquid and gaseous bodies.

4 "Why is the wind blowing?" To give children practical knowledge of how the wind arises.

Work plan for November

weeks Topic Tasks

1 "Properties of solid, liquid and gaseous bodies" To acquaint children with the properties of solid, liquid and gaseous forms.

2 “Steam is also water! Or why is it raining? " To give children practical knowledge of what evaporation is. Talk about the water cycle in nature.

3 "Why is it snowing?" Give children practical knowledge of the process freezing... Introduce the water molecule.

4 "Ice is frozen or why do we need friction force?" To acquaint children with the force of friction.

Work plan for December

Topic Tasks


2 "Capillary forces and color wonders" Introduce children to the capillary forces of water. To give practical knowledge about the capillary forces of water.

Work plan for January

Topic Tasks

3 “Secrets of gravity. Weight or the law of universal gravitation " "weight" and weight value in physics - gravity... Provide practical knowledge about weight and its use in everyday life.

4 “Secrets of gravity. The center of gravity"... To give children practical knowledge of what the center of gravity is.

Work plan for February

Topic Tasks

1 “Secrets of gravity. Sustainability "... Provide children with practical knowledge of what sustainability is.

2 “Overcoming weight in water. Hydraulics"... Introduce children to the concept "hydraulics"... Provide a practical understanding of how to overcome weight in water.

3 "Overcoming weight in the air"... To give children a practical understanding of how to overcome weight in the air.

4 "Overcoming weight in space"... To give children a practical understanding of how to overcome weight in outer space.

Work plan for March

Topic Tasks

1 "Breeze's Tale of Sound" Introduce children to the concept "sound".

2 "Sound or why does Bunny need long ears?" To give children practical knowledge of the meaning of sound.

3 "As it comes around, it will respond!" Give children knowledge about what it is "echo"... Introduce the properties of sound.

4 "Radio's story about electric current"... Introduce children to concepts "electricity", "current"... Introduce the properties of the current.

Work plan for April

Topic Tasks

1 "Electricity at home" To give children practical knowledge about electricity in everyday life, to teach safety rules when using electrical appliances.

2 "What is magnetism?" To provide practical knowledge about the magnetism of objects.

3 “What is optics? Or the Secrets of the Light "... Introduce children to the section physics - optics... Provide knowledge about light reflection.

4 "I'm lying in the sun! Or why do we wear sunglasses? " To give children practical knowledge about the power of sunlight. Teach the rules of safety in the sun.

Outcome the project:

1. Arouse a stable cognitive interest in the world around, the nature of things in children and parents.

2. To give practical knowledge and teach to apply this knowledge in life about water, weight, light, sound, electricity.

Note: The third and fourth week of December and the first and second weeks of January are dedicated to the New Year mini project"New Year at the Gates and the Mystery of Christmas".

Issue 6

In the sixth video lesson of physics from the Academy of Entertaining Sciences, Professor Kvark will talk about the law of gravity, as well as another law - the law of universal attraction. These laws affect many phenomena in the world, for example, the shape of our planet, the movement and interaction of bodies. You will learn about the manifestations of these forces and what they depend on by watching a video physics tutorial from the Academy of Entertaining Sciences.

The law of gravity

The law of gravity affects all bodies on our planet. We owe the discovery of this law to Sir Isaac Newton, the world famous English scientist who lived in the 17th century. According to legend, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe law of gravity came to Newton's mind when he saw an apple falling from a branch. The law of gravity is a special case of another law - the law of universal attraction of objects to each other. According to this law, everything is attracted to everyone. The heavier the thing, the more it attracts the surrounding objects. Also, the force of attraction depends on the distance between objects. But why do some objects fall to the ground faster than others? It's about air resistance. So, a sheet of paper falls more slowly than a small pebble because its surface rests on air. Oddly enough, both for light objects and for heavy ones, the force of gravity is the same. Thanks to the law of gravity, people anywhere in the world walk on their feet, and not upside down. After all, the force of gravity acts in the direction of the center of the Earth and it does not matter at what point on the earth's surface we are. By the way, the Earth, other planets and stars owe their form to the force of gravity. This force gives them the shape of a ball, because every planet has a center, to which all the matter of which it consists is attracted. Moreover, it is attracted with the same force. This force depends on the strength of the gravitational field of the planet or star. So, on the Moon, the force of gravity is less and people can move along its surface with huge jumps. This is because the Moon's gravitational field is much weaker than Earth's. The strength of the gravitational field depends on the mass of the planet or star: the greater the mass, the stronger the gravitational field. Thanks to the force of gravity, the planets take their places, revolving in orbits around the Sun.

Many people think that science is boring and dreary. This is the opinion of those who have not seen the science shows from "Eureka". What happens in our "lessons"? No cramming, boring formulas and a sour expression on the face of a neighbor on a desk. Children like our science, all experiments and experiments, they love our science, our science gives joy and stimulates further knowledge of complex subjects.

Try it yourself, to conduct entertaining experiments in physics for children at home. It will be fun, and most importantly, very educational. Your child will get acquainted with the laws of physics in a playful way, and it has been proven: in the game, children learn the material faster and easier and remember for a long time.

Fun physics experiments worth showing kids at home

Simple fun physics experiments that kids will remember for a lifetime. Everything you need to conduct these experiments is at your fingertips. So, forward to scientific discoveries!

A ball that doesn't burn!

Props: 2 balloons, candle, matches, water.

Interesting experience: Inflate the first balloon and hold it over the candle to demonstrate to the children that the balloon will burst from the fire.

Pour plain tap water into the second ball, tie and again bring candles to the fire. And lo and behold! What do we see? The ball won't burst!

The water in the ball absorbs the heat generated by the candle, and therefore the ball does not burn, therefore, does not burst.

Miracle pencils

Requisites: plastic bag, regular sharpened pencils, water.

Interesting experience: Pour water into a plastic bag - not full, half.

In the place where the bag is filled with water, we pierce the bag through and through with pencils. What do we see? At the puncture sites, the bag does not leak. Why? And if you do the opposite: first pierce the bag, and then pour water into it, the water will flow through the holes.

How the "miracle" happens: explanation: When polyethylene ruptures, its molecules are attracted closer to each other. In our experiment, the polyethylene is tightened around the pencils and prevents water from leaking.

Unbreakable ball

Requisites: a balloon, wooden skewer and dishwashing liquid.

Interesting experience: Lubricate the top and bottom of the ball with dishwashing liquid, pierce with a skewer, starting from the bottom.

How the "miracle" happens: explanation: And the secret of this "trick" is simple. To preserve a whole ball, you need to know where to pierce - at the points of least tension, which are located at the bottom and top of the ball.


Requisites: 4 ordinary glasses of water, bright food colors, cabbage leaves or white flowers.

Interesting experience: Add food coloring of any color to each glass and put one cabbage leaf or flower in colored water. We leave the "bouquet" for the night. And in the morning ... we will see that the cabbage leaves or flowers have become different colors.

How the "miracle" happens: explanation: Plants absorb water by nourishing their flowers and leaves. This is due to the capillary effect, in which the water itself fills the thin tubes inside the plants. By sucking in the colored water, the leaves and color change their color.

The egg that swims skillfully

Requisites: 2 eggs, 2 glasses of water, salt.

Interesting experience: Place the egg carefully in a glass of plain clean water. We see: it drowned, sank to the bottom (if not, the egg is rotten and it is better to throw it away).
But pour warm water into the second glass and stir 4-5 tablespoons of salt in it. We wait until the water cools down, then lower the second egg into salt water. And what do we see now? The egg floats on the surface and does not sink! Why?

How the "miracle" happens: explanation: And it's all about density! The average density of an egg is much greater than that of plain water, so the egg sinks. And the density of the saline solution is higher, and therefore the egg "floats".

Delicious Experiment: Crystal Lollipops

Requisites: 2 glasses of water, 5 glasses of sugar, wooden sticks for mini-kebabs, thick paper, transparent glasses, a saucepan, food coloring.

Interesting experience: We take a quarter glass of water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, and cook the syrup. At the same time, pour a little sugar onto thick paper. Then we dip a wooden skewer in syrup and collect saccharins with it.

Leave the sticks to dry overnight.

In the morning, dissolve 5 glasses of sugar in two glasses of water, leave the syrup to cool for 15 minutes, but not much, otherwise the crystals will not "grow". Then pour the syrup into the jars and add colorful food colors. We put the skewers with sugar into the jars so that they do not touch either the walls or the bottom (you can use a clothespin). What's next? And then we observe the process of crystal growth, wait for the result in order to ... eat it!

How the “miracle” happens: explanation: As soon as the water begins to cool, the solubility of sugar decreases and it precipitates, settling on the walls of the vessel and on a skewer with a seed of sugar grains.

"Eureka"! Science without boredom!

There is another option to motivate children to study science - to order a science show at the Eureka Development Center. Oh, what is not here!

Show program "Merry Kitchen"

Here kids will have fun experiments with those things and products that are available in any kitchen. The kids will try to drown the tangerine; make drawings on milk, check the freshness of the egg, and also find out why milk is useful.


This program contains experiments that at first glance seem to be real magic tricks, but in fact they are all explained with the help of science. The kids will learn: why the balloon over the candle does not burst; what makes the egg float, why the balloon sticks to the wall ... and other interesting experiences.

"Entertaining physics"

Does the air weigh, why does the fur coat warm, what is common between the experiment with a candle and the shape of a wing in birds and planes, can a piece of cloth hold water, can the eggshell of a whole elephant withstand these and other questions, the kids will receive an answer by becoming a participant in the show " Entertaining physics "from" Eureka ".

These entertaining experiments in physics for schoolchildren can be carried out in the classroom in order to draw the attention of students to the phenomenon being studied, while repeating and consolidating the educational material: they deepen and expand the knowledge of students, contribute to the development of logical thinking, instill interest in the subject.

Important: Science Show Safety

  • Most of the props and consumables are purchased directly from specialized stores of manufacturing firms in the United States, and therefore you can be sure of their quality and safety;
  • Center child development "Eureka" is not a scientific show of toxic or other materials harmful to the health of children, easily breakable objects, lighters and other "harmful and dangerous";
  • Before ordering scientific shows, each client can find out detailed description conducted experiments, and, if necessary, explanatory explanations;
  • Before the start of scientific shows, children are instructed on the rules of behavior at the Show, and professional Presenters make sure that these rules are not violated during the show.

Good afternoon, dear parents! You probably know that the whole world is arranged according to physical laws, and we, without noticing it, every day meet with their manifestations. Is the kid already throwing hundreds of questions about the world around you? Entertaining physics for children is your magic wand, with which it is important to introduce the child at the peak of his interest. Then this subject in the future will never become boring and difficult for a child.

We will tell you about what physics is through the eyes of a child, what it gives to a child and how to answer the most tricky questions. We will also dispel the myth that this is a very complex and incomprehensible science.

What physics gives to children?

Getting acquainted with the laws of nature from an early age, the kid will be able to:

  • satisfy your boundless curiosity;
  • open the mind;
  • understand the regularity and consistency of natural phenomena;
  • get basic knowledge for the further development of their abilities;
  • love the subject "physics" at school, or at least not consider it too difficult.

Kid and physics: acquaintance is inevitable

Seeing a lot of interesting things around, the child seeks to satisfy his curiosity. Often preschool children ask similar questions:

  • "What is a rainbow?" Explain to the baby that after rain, small droplets of water remain in the air. The sun's rays that pass through them divide the white color of the rays into 7 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue and purple.
  • Why doesn't the plane crash? Tell us that the plane flies because it has wings like birds. It also has an engine that creates strong winds. And the wind pushes the plane forward. Show by example paper airplane: The harder you push it, the further it can fly.
  • "Why did the water turn to ice?" Tell your child that water can turn into steam and ice. It all depends on whether she's hot or cold. If you place a spoon in a stream of steam emanating from the spout of a boiling kettle, the baby will see water droplets on it. He will make sure that it is the same substance. Fill water in a small tray, or better place a small toy in there and put it in the freezer. While bathing, take out an ice cube and give it to your baby. Say that the water was so cold that it shrank and became hard. And in order for it to become the same, it needs to be warmed up again. Let the child put ice in a warm bath and make sure of this.
  • "Why did the apple fall and not fly into the sky?" Explain that our planet Earth has magic power... It attracts everything that is on it: people, houses, cars, and any other objects. If you throw the ball high, high, then the Earth will still pull it back.
  • "Why do we hear an echo?" Because sound is an invisible wave. It spreads through the air. If an obstacle is encountered on its way, then the wave hits it and returns back. Therefore, we hear a sound that we did not utter.
  • "Why doesn't the paper boat sink, but the coin sinks?" Because all objects and substances are composed of small particles - molecules. If the molecules are close to each other, then the object has a higher density, and if the molecules are farther from each other, then the density will be less. The density of water is greater than the density of paper, so the water holds the boat on its surface. With a coin, the opposite is true.
  • Why does water put out fire? Because air is needed for combustion, and water blocks the access of air to the burning object. Water from contact with a hot object quickly heats up and turns into steam. It takes heat from the fire, thereby depriving it of its strength. You can also put out the fire with sand.

We hear hundreds and thousands of similar questions. This means that the child's desire to learn physical laws is natural and inevitable.

How to keep interest?

Physics is the science that will interest the kid itself, because it is everywhere. We can only maintain his curiosity and introduce him better. How to do it?

Tell your kid that physics is:

  • A science that has attracted many scientists around the world over the years. Thanks to their discoveries, we humans have performed a variety of miracles, which until recently seemed to be real fantasy. Cars and ships, airplanes and computers, mobile communications and the Internet - all this and much more were invented thanks to physics.
  • The most important science. Many other sciences are based on it: chemistry, biology, psychology and others. Physics studies the properties of solids, liquids and vapors so that people can use them for their own good.
  • Science about nature. You are also a part of this world. Do you want to know more about yourself and the environment in which you live?

Don't worry if you don’t remember the physical laws or don’t know how to tell your baby about them in accessible form... There is a mass of literature for children that explains the basic concepts of physics in understandable language:

  • Ya. Perelman "Entertaining physics". For children from 6 years old.
  • L. Sikoruk "Physics for Kids". For children 5–8 years old.
  • D. Makoli "How everything works." For children from 6 to 12 years old.
  • E. Kachur. "Fascinating physics" For children 5–8 years old.
  • A. Nikonov “Physics on the fingers. For children and parents who want to explain to children. " For junior and middle school students.

Don't wait for your student to bring a physics textbook from school. Introduce him to this science earlier in a relaxed atmosphere. Educational cartoons will help you with this:

  • "Fixies";
  • Physics for the little ones;
  • "Hello, atom!"

To understand physics is to understand life itself

So, down with the stereotypes that physics can obey only a few. Let's answer briefly how to instill a kid's interest in this science:

  • Answer all questions about the environment in clear language. If you are not ready to answer right now, tell me about this little and take the time to look for an answer.
  • Do not be afraid of the concepts "molecule", "atom", "weight", "mass", "friction force" and so on.
  • Tell your kid that until recently people lived without telephones, computers and other achievements of civilization. All this became possible thanks to scientists who worked hard on sensational discoveries in the field of physics.
  • Read special literature, watch educational cartoons and videos with your child.
  • Reinforce your conversations with engaging ones.

We believe that even if you did not like physics at school, you can change your attitude towards this science and interest your child. We wish you good luck in this business, and see you soon!


Tanya was preparing dinner in the kitchen, Irishka was reading a book, and Lena had nothing to do. He walked over to the drafting table. On it lay the bus - long

and a thin ruler for sketching. Lyonya shifted the bus so that one end of it hung over the table, and pulled it - the bus swayed. Lyonya made the end shorter and pulled again - the bus shook faster. Lyonya made the end even shorter, pulled, and how the bus hummed!

Tanya came from the kitchen, went to the table, turned the bus in her hands. Then she put it to the edge of the table, pressed it with her palm and tugged at the tip - the bus hummed.

Well, of course, since it is trembling, it means it is buzzing, - said Tanya. She made the tip shorter, yanked - the flight tire trembled very quickly and hummed in a thin voice. Made the tip longer - the bus shook more slowly and hummed with an angry voice.

Lyonya and Irishka very closely followed what Tanya was doing, finally Lyonya said:

It turns out that the shorter the tip of the bus, the thinner the sound, and the longer the tip, the angrier the sound?

It turns out so, - Tanya agreed. - And here's what you can think of ... Is there a wire?

Yes, - said Lyonya and brought a thin wire. Tanya hooked one end of the wire into the box writing desk and pulled it slightly. After that, she pulled the wire in the middle - the wire hummed. Tanya pulled the wire tighter and pulled again - the wire squeaked thinly. Tanya began to pull the wire harder, sometimes weaker, and this made the wire squeak in a thin or angry voice. Suddenly Irishka ran to the children's room. From there she returned with a violin bow. Irishka began to lead the bow along the wire, and Tanya began to pull the wire harder and sometimes weaker. And everyone heard that they got a song: "Chizhik-fawn, where ... have you ... been? .."

That was what laughter and joy was! And when they calmed down, Tanya said to the children:

Place your fingers lightly on your neck. Now scream!

And the children screamed loudly and loudly. They scream and feel that the throat is trembling.

By the way, you can also do everything that Tanya, Irishka and Lyonya did.

When conducting the experiments described in the story, be sure to draw the child's attention to the fact that only trembling objects sound. The child may ask: why do not all trembling objects sound? For example, if you shake your hand, you will not hear anything. The fact is that our ear hears sound only if the object's vibration frequency is more than 20, but less than 16 thousand vibrations per second. Moreover, the higher the vibration frequency, the higher the sound that we hear. It is necessary to explain to the children that thick "angry" voices are called low. Low voices in bears, hippos, tigers ... The lowest male voice is called bass. The lowest female voice is contralto.

The bus experience can be replaced by the student ruler experience. It is necessary to press the ruler firmly against the table so that the pressed end does not knock on the table when trembling, otherwise this may create a wrong idea in the child about the causes of the sound. It is necessary to ensure that the ruler produces a velvety sound, reminiscent of the sound of a double bass, when played with a pizzicato (pinch).

The experiment with a wire and a bow can be performed without a bow by playing pizzicato on it. In order for the wire to make sounds of different heights, it must be pulled with different strengths. After some practice, you can probably play some simple melodies. It is very important that the children repeat this experience.


One day a fitter came and began to install the telephone. When he finished work, Lenya said, looking at the brand new phone:

We wish we had one!

And to whom did I put this phone? This phone is now yours.

We do not need that, we need our own, so that I can call Irishka from the factory to the hospital.

Where is the hospital and the factory? - asked the fitter. The hospital is on the couch, - said Lyonya, - and the plant is in our room. u

Well, well ... - thought the fitter. - Do you have any matches?

And the threads?

There are threads too.

The electrician put a thread into the needle, then emptied the matches from the box and pierced the bottom of it with the needle. After that, he pulled the thread out of the needle. And to

the end of the thread did not jump out of the box, he tied a match to it. To the second end of the thread, the fitter attached a second matchbox in the same way. When he finished this work, he handed both boxes to the children and said:

You, Irinushka, stay here,

Lyonya, run to your factory.

Irishka took her box and waits, and Lyonya ran to the nursery. There he stopped, and the thread between the boxes was taut like a string. Lyonya put the box to his lips, and Irishka put his to his ear.

Irishka, can you hear me?

I can hear you well even without a phone.

And you cover the other ear with your hand, - said the fitter.

Irishka covered her other ear with her palm.

Irishka! - Lyonya shouted again.

Now you can hear it well on the phone, - said Irishka and put her box to her lips.

Lyonya! .. Oh!

What is "oh"? asked the fitter.

It tickles your finger, - said Irishka.

What tickles him?

The bottom of the box, - says Irishka.

So it is trembling? - asked the fitter.

Yes, - agreed Irishka.

The bottom trembles and makes the thread tremble, - added the fitter.

I know! - Lyonya shouted.

What do you know? - asked the fitter.

A tremor runs along the thread to my box and makes its bottom tremble, and this makes a sound again.

Right. Well, when we talk without a match phone, how does the sound of my voice reach your ear? After all, there is no thread, what is trembling?

The children thought. We thought, we thought, and here Irishka says: You know, the air is trembling. Place your fingers on your throat. The fitter attached.

Now say "ah".

Ah-ah-ah, - said the fitter.

Feel your throat trembling?

I feel.

Well, when we talk, the throat trembles, and the air begins to tremble from it, from this the waves run through the air, like water, only they are not visible in the air, but you can hear them.

Well, well done, - said the mechanic and smiled at the children goodbye.

Make a phone from thread and matchboxes too. Talk to someone on this phone, and then put your finger on the thread. Will they hear you?

Why, if you touch the thread with your finger, the sound does not reach the second box?

When making a toy phone, you need to keep in mind that the thread stretched between two boxes should not touch any objects, including the fingers that hold the box. It is necessary to explain to the children that if a thread touches an object, then the trembling of the thread is transmitted to this object and does not spread further. Therefore, no sound is heard in the second box.

Instead of matchboxes, you can take any other boxes of suitable sizes: from powder, tooth powder, paper clips. One boy wrote to me that instead of a string, he used a thin wire without soft insulation, forty steps long. He made this experience with friends on the street, and it was very well heard.

You can show children that sound travels not only along a string, but also in other objects. If, while swimming in the river, you lower your head into the water so that your ears are immersed, then you can hear the sound of people splashing nearby, a motor boat running far away, etc.

Sound propagates well in metals. To verify this, you can knock on the heating battery. In the next apartment, this sound will be heard very well. Of course, this experience should not be abused, since sound is transmitted through the pipes not only to the apartment where you need it, but to all other apartments too.

An interesting experience was described in a letter from one girl. Her mother threw a pebble into the bathtub filled with water, and the girl, putting her ear to the wall of the bath, listened to the waves spreading in circles begin to splash against the wall of the bath. The result was a visual picture explaining how the sound waves propagate and reach the ear.

It must be borne in mind that in this experience the child will hear the sound of a falling stone twice. First, he will hear a sound that was transmitted using sound waves, which in water, as well as in air, are invisible and propagate at high speed. Then the child will see ordinary waves on the surface of the water, which spread in circles in all directions from the place of fall, and, finally, when these waves reach the wall of the bath, he will hear them. You need to explain to the child that real sound waves in water, as well as in air, are not visible, and you did the experiment with waves on the surface of the water in order to better understand how sound propagates in all directions in air, in water and other substances.


One day Lenya invented a new "trembling". It was a hairbrush. You pull the clove, and the comb will squeak. Only it was painfully quiet. He brought Lenya the comb to his ear, now you can hear it well and loudly, but here's the trouble: Lenya hears well, but Irishka, who draws at the table, does not hear at all. I put Lenya comb to his forehead, again only he hears well. Finally, I thought to put the comb to the table. I pulled a clove, and the comb clinks loudly. Irishka looks up from the drawing and looks at what Lenya is doing. And Lyonya, let's put the comb to everything that falls into the eye: to the window, to the door, to the piano ... And every time he puts the comb to a solid object, the comb squeaks loudly, but as it lifts it into the air, it squeaks weakly.

Tanya became interested in this discovery. She rolled a megaphone from a sheet of paper and says to Lena:

Put the hairbrush on the horn.

Lenya put the comb to the speaker, pulled the tooth, and the comb squeaked loudly.

Why is it louder with a horn? - asked Tanya.

Children don't know.

Here is Tanya and says:

When a clove trembles, it sways the air around itself, but the clove is small and does not sway enough air, so the sound is quiet.

Then Irishka said:

When we put the comb to the horn and pulled on the clove, the horn also trembled, but it is large and sways a lot of air, so the sound turns out louder.

Well, and the table trembles when we put a comb to it? - asked Lenya.

Put your finger on the table, - asked Tanya.

Lyonya put it in, and Tanya put a comb next to it.

fnula Tanya for a clove and asks:

Well? Is the table trembling or not?

Shivers a little! - Leon was surprised.

Irishka, of course, immediately began to explain:

Although the table trembled weakly from the comb, it is large and the air sways much more than the tooth of the comb, so the sound is loud.

After everyone understood why the sound is loud, the children took a stick and nailed a clove at the ends. A wire was pulled over the studs, to the lower end of which a horn was attached. Tanya brought a violin bow, gave it to Irishka and said:

The result is an amazing cello.

Tanya sat at the piano; Irishka took the bow in her hand, and with the fingers of her other hand began to press the wire-string; Lyonya held the megaphone so that it would not fall to the floor. And all together began to play the song "Chizhik-Pyzhik". The sound of a homemade cello is like the roar of a hungry bear woken up in winter. The cello roars, but still it turns out well - loud and funny!