Where in Russia is Halloween banned? What is Halloween? How is it celebrated in different countries? Halloween where countries celebrate.

This holiday is celebrated cheerfully and solemnly in almost every corner of the world. But it all began at the fire on the night of Samhain, when Celts and Druids gathered around it, casting spells with fire to protect their fellow tribesmen from evil ghosts. Of course, modern halloween is already far from ancient traditions. But it is still celebrated in the world with its national characteristics, which are very interesting and original.

The birthplace of Halloween is rightfully considered Ireland. It was in this small country, according to ancient Celtic traditions, that the holiday began, which was destined to spread throughout the world. It turns out that the Irish, stern in appearance, but kind and funny at heart, carved Jack-O-Lantern from ordinary potatoes. At worst - from turnips. And on the festive night they put on whatever they could find. Just be more scary - and have fun to the fullest in the company of witches, monsters, demons.

Prim in appearance English went a little further than their neighbors. The British custom differs in that they first cut out the beets and call them punkies. With such a souvenir on Halloween night, children walk the streets, knock on the doors of houses and ask for money. According to the old tradition, lanterns carved from turnips are supposed to scare away evil spirits from the home. For the same purpose, vegetables, stones and chestnuts are thrown into the fire.

Germans Halloween is celebrated widely and on a grand scale in Darmstadt, in Frankenstein's castle. Traditionally, all the costumed “evil spirits” of Germany gather here. They say that during the holiday, the ominous shadow of the ghost of Frankenstein himself looms on the roof.

French people, as always, are full of romantic inventions. And on Halloween night, it's more about the culinary arts. Eating a candy in the shape of a chocolate skull or a cookie in the shape of a skeleton in the company of costumed monsters is a riot of taste and fun. Very tasty and soup served under the name, say, "Witch's Potion."

Small Czech begins to celebrate Halloween a week before the official, so to speak, date. Like peas, they pour out into the night streets, organizing a noisy coven, having fun and fooling around. And at the same time they treat each other with “witch fingers” - tiny cakes that are surprisingly tasty.

And in Mexico On Halloween night, crowds of people come to cemeteries. The places of the dead at this time are illuminated with thousands of candles. And those celebrating, according to a long-standing tradition, “communicate” with their deceased relatives here with a sense of humor and slight sadness. And so that they do not feel sad for the world they left behind, they bring their favorite things, beautiful flowers, to the cemetery.

IN China Halloween is also celebrated in a special way, with an oriental flavor. It is called Ancestral Remembrance Day - Teng Chieh. The festive night is filled with solemnity and vibrant ritual: Buddhist monks are working on the creation of the “Boat of Destiny”. A great many of these huge paper boats are then burned. According to legend, smoke from fires is the eyes of evil spirits, and they scatter.

Belgians Halloween is usually celebrated with the whole family. At night, holding hands, they go to the catacombs and museums for fun fears. The Belgians also organize costume shows for their children there. On Halloween night, you must definitely avoid meeting a black cat: this “rendezvous” does not bode well.

In the homeland of Arnold Schwarzenegger, in Austria Halloween is celebrated with mystical features. The Austrians believe that on this night, missing worldly life, deceased relatives stay for a while in the homes of loved ones who still love and remember them. And in almost every home a candle is lit on the table. And to make the deceased happy, treats - bread and water - are placed on an elegant tablecloth.

IN USA Halloween has long been considered national holiday. And it is traditionally held on a great scale in two cities - Los Angeles and New York. It was the Americans who came up with the usual symbol of celebration - the burning Jack, a pumpkin carved in the shape of a human head, inside which a coal glowed brightly. On the festive night, incredibly delicious pumpkin pies are baked in every home, and children in cheerful crowds go to visit their neighbors for gifts - candies and other sweets.

IN Russia Halloween began to be celebrated in 2010. And it must be said that, for various reasons, it has not yet received such a scope as in the West. But it turns out that in very distant times in Rus' the Day of Spirits was celebrated. On this day, everyone dressed up in whatever they wanted. Usually people dressed up as domestic animals. And the climax of the holiday was a performance during which a horse’s head was solemnly buried in a hole under a balalaika and volleys of gunfire.

IN Australia Halloween celebrations take place right on the beach. Fortunately, the weather at this time is simply gorgeous, no more than 30 degrees Celsius. And after running around all night as mummers, scaring a couple who had secluded themselves in a cozy cave, it’s nice to plop down into the warm ocean waves.

IN Romania The Halloween holiday is marked by the legend of Dracula. Charming vampiress hugging monsters, costumed skeletons with cardboard braids and other evil spirits joyfully walk along the night streets. And then everyone, according to the old custom, goes to restaurants where they drink “real blood” - juices, wine. And only red.

IN Nepal The traditional Cow Festival serves as a unique copy of the Halloween holiday. Festive and slightly frighteningly dressed Nepalese solemnly parade through the streets, accompanied by a cow. In this way they pay tribute to the memory and respect of relatives who died in the previous year. It is believed that the participation of a cow in the procession will send the souls of the dead to heaven.

And in South Korea Halloween coincides with a three-day harvest festival. And every Korean at this time must necessarily return to his native land so that the spirit of his origin is satisfied.

On the night of October 31 to November 1, Halloween is celebrated in the USA and Canada - an ancient Celtic holiday, also called All Hallows' Eve. Over the past ten years, the holiday has also been celebrated in Russia and Europe.

10 most popular images of Halloween 2013Judging by the photos of Halloween costumes that the most impatient users have already posted on social networks, this year the current trends are inspired, among other things, by the latest cinema and have eclipsed the theme of evil spirits.

At the beginning of our era, the Romans conquered Celtic territory, bringing with them their traditions and festivals. Thus, over the following centuries, the traditions of the Celtic holiday and two Latin holidays were mixed - Feralia (which occurred at the end of October; on this day the Romans commemorated the deceased) and the day of Pomona, the goddess of tree fruits.

In 313, Christianity gained equality with paganism and soon became the dominant religion of the Roman Empire, and after its fall it gradually spread throughout Europe. On May 13, 609 (according to other sources - 610) in Rome, Pope Boniface IV consecrated the former pagan temple of the Pantheon in honor of the Virgin Mary and all the martyrs. This day began to be celebrated as the Feast of All Saints. In the mid-8th century, Pope Gregory III consecrated one of the chapels of St. Peter's Basilica in honor of All Saints on November 1 and, in honor of this event, moved the date of the celebration of All Saints' Day to November 1. A century later, Pope Gregory IV made November 1 a common holiday for the entire Catholic Church in honor of All Saints.

Initially, the holiday was called All Hallows Even, or All Hallows Eve (Mass of All Saints); later it began to be called Hallowe"en, and, in the end, Halloween. And although the church struggled for a long time with the custom of frightening and appeasing evil spirits on this day, the pagan holiday not only survived, but also inextricably merged in the popular consciousness with the church holiday .

Halloween is celebrated on the greatest scale in the USA and Canada, where it is most popular. In the 19th century, a huge number of Irish emigrated to the New World, bringing with them the traditions of Halloween. In the United States, Halloween is the holiday when the most candy is sold, and the second holiday, after Christmas, in terms of total pre-holiday sales. It even has its own capitals - Los Angeles and New York, where the most vibrant and colorful festivities and carnivals take place on this day.

Attributes of American Halloween: Jack-o-lanterns and begging for sweets - Trik or trak. The ancient ritual of Trik or trak (“Treat or treat”) has become a favorite game of children, who dress up in monster costumes and go to neighbors’ houses, scaring adults, who, in order to appease the “ghosts,” pay them off with sweets.

Even though Americans have been celebrating Halloween for more than two centuries, the holiday is not official. However, this does not stop New World residents from spending a lot of money every year on pumpkins, decorations, candles and greeting cards.

In Germany, Halloween is celebrated no less colorfully. Frankenstein's Castle in Darmstadt (Hesse) attracts thousands of people dressed in monster costumes on the night of November 1, and local residents believe that it is on this night that the owner's ghost appears on the castle roof.

In France, the most impressive processions take place in the Paris suburb of Disneyland and in the city of Limoges, where more than 30 thousand people come annually. This is where the most memorable parades of goblins, vampires and ghosts take place, lighting their path with jack-o’-lanterns.

In China, Halloween is known as Teng Chieh - the day of remembrance of ancestors. On this day, the Chinese place food and water in front of photographs of deceased relatives, as well as a lantern to illuminate the path for the souls of ancestors traveling on Halloween night.

In Russia, Halloween appeared quite recently and its popularity does not yet compare with the popularity of the American holiday, but it has already acquired its own traditions and its fans. There are many of them among young people who celebrate it noisily and cheerfully in clubs and discos. Many club-type entertainment establishments prepare various Halloween parties for their guests on the last day of October.

According to a Levada Center survey conducted in October 2012, (64%) have an idea about the Halloween holiday, but do not celebrate it. According to the study, only 9% of Russians intended to celebrate Halloween, and 27% of respondents know nothing about All Saints' Day.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Good afternoon, dear Readers. In this article we will tell you about the most mystical and interesting holiday. We will tell you how to celebrate Halloween in different countries Mira.

The first thing you need to know about Halloween is that it is a pagan holiday with roots going back centuries. Before the advent of Christianity, the lands from modern Ireland to northern France were inhabited by Celts.

According to the Celtic calendar, the New Year was considered the day of transition from summer to winter - October 31.

According to Celtic legends, on the night of November 1, which was called Samhain, the border between our and the other worlds disappeared and ghosts could freely walk the streets. To protect themselves, residents placed treats for the spirits in front of their houses, turned off the lights, and wandered the streets dressed in frightening outfits.

After Europe converted to Christianity, the holiday ceased to exist for some time, but the memory of it did not disappear.

At the beginning of the 9th century, Pope Gregory III announced the postponement of All Hallow's Eve, the name of which was later transformed into Halloween - Halloween, to November 1. From that time on, the Catholic holiday was celebrated according to all Samhain traditions. Most likely, the Catholic Church did not intend to revive the traditions of the pagans, but the coincidence of the dates of the two holidays contributed to this.

Today, Halloween is celebrated colorfully and cheerfully in many countries around the world.

In France October 31st Stunning processions of many thousands of all kinds of evil spirits take place, lighting their way with jack-o'-lanterns; each year there are more than 30,000 participants. On this night, local restaurants offer themed “witch” dishes, and costumed visitors come to taste them.

In Germany A big Halloween costume party takes place in Darmstadt at Frankenstein's castle. For tourists, this is an excellent reason to have fun in costumes of evil spirits, and locals believe in the legend about the ghost of the owner of this castle.

Halloween in China known as Teng Chieh - the day when ancestors are remembered. The Chinese place food, water and a lamp, which is supposed to show the way to wandering souls, in front of the images of dead relatives.

In Buddhist monasteries, paper “boats of fate” are set on fire, sometimes reaching enormous proportions. Buddhists believe that the smoke from the burned “boats” will show the souls of their ancestors the way to heaven.

And of course, the most colorful celebration can be seen in the USA and Canada. More than half of all residents of these countries decorate their offices, shops and homes for Halloween. A popular pastime is begging for candy and chocolate (trick or treating). Costumed children and adults go from house to house and knock on all doors.

The owners of the house must decide how to pay off the carolers - with a trick or a treat.

Halloween has come to Russia relatively recently and has not yet gained such widespread popularity as in Europe and North America. The celebration of All Saints' Day in our country usually comes down to themed parties in clubs and bars, where visitors dressed as evil spirits can try cocktails with holiday names, take part in competitions and have fun from the heart.

Official attitude Orthodox Church the holiday in Russia is negative, however, this does not prevent young people from celebrating a foreign holiday on a grand scale.

We hope this is short, but very interesting article"to your liking." Be sure to tell your friends about it. Halloween is gaining popularity, so everyone should already know how to celebrate Halloween and where it came from.

Have a fun evening *crazy2*

The Celtic holiday Halloween is popular all over the world today. It is celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1. According to legend, on this night the souls of dead people descend to earth again. During Halloween celebrations, the Druids made blood sacrifices to the pagan god Samhain, the lord of death, so that he would allow the souls of the dead to visit their homes.

The Celtic holiday is now popular all over the world. It is celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1. According to legend, on this night the souls of dead people descend to earth again. During Halloween celebrations, the Druids made blood sacrifices to the pagan god Samhain, the lord of death, so that he would allow the souls of the dead to visit their homes.

In Russia, Halloween began to be celebrated several years ago, but during this time it has become popular in our country. True, the popularity of the holiday is very twofold. On the one hand, the youth of large cities noisily celebrate Halloween on this day, organizing costume parties. On this day, the walls of clubs are decorated in red, black and orange colors, Jack-o'-lanterns are hung from the ceiling, and customers who come to the fancy dress, give a discount on entry or treat you to free drinks. But the authorities and the church did not like this holiday. Officials in a number of regions are trying to ban masquerade processions and parties. We decided to figure out which regions of Russia, besides the two capitals, will celebrate Halloween this year and which will ban it.

For example, they will celebrate Halloween in Vladivostok. Presumably, this holiday became popular in the most distant city of Russia due to the proximity of Japan and South Korea. In these Asian countries, All Saints' Day has been celebrated for quite some time. In addition to the standard masquerades, on Halloween in Vladivostok there will be a cat exhibition “Halloween Show”. The first Halloween Fest will be organized in Yekaterinburg. Several years ago, a similar festival was held in Rostov-on-Don. The holiday is actively celebrated in Krasnodar and Sochi.

As for the opposition of the authorities, for example, the administration of Tyumen banned the holding of a zombie parade in the city on October 31. True, the organizers do not despair, having decided that if they do not receive permission, they will hold a masquerade procession “outside the law.” There are various prohibitions on celebrating Halloween in Belgorod and. Karelia officials are also trying to ban the holiday. In the summer of 2011, the regional Ministry of Education sent a letter of recommendation to all educational establishments with a recommendation to ban Halloween celebrations. The church also actively supports the ban. In particular, according to representatives of the Annunciation diocese, the celebration of Halloween can lead to a mutation of the genetic code of the Russian people.

The opinion is extremely controversial. Still, for most Russians, All Saints' Day is just an excuse to go to a club and drink beer with friends.

Correspondent of GdeEtoDom.RU Daria Truman