Sorter and knitted toys from Kinder Surprises. Funny rooster crocheted from kinder (Knitted toys) Crocheted toys from kinder

Cute toys for little ones. Soft miniature rattles will attract the attention of not only babies, but will make even adults smile. And their unusual sound will captivate the baby for a long time and brighten up his “walks at home.”

To create a similar bird you will need an egg from Kinder Surprise, paper clips, two types of yarn (preferably the same color scheme, but in different shades) and a 2.00 mm crochet hook.

We place the paper clips inside the plastic base and begin decorating it.

To do this, we collect several air loops (chain loops) from the thread chosen for the base and assemble them into a ring. We create a small circle from it by knitting 5-6 circular rows with a single crochet (dc/dc). This blank should protrude slightly from under the egg, that is, be an order of magnitude larger than its diameter.

In order for the flat circle to become a tight-fitting cover for our testicle, at 4 points (equidistant from each other) you need to cut 2 columns. We choose the first and second “reduction zones” arbitrarily, and then we cut the loops opposite these selected zones.

Next we knit without changes to the very top. It is the absence of increases and decreases that helps to maintain and maintain the desired shape of the product.

Towards the end (namely in the rounding area), we gradually reduce the columns.

At the top of the head, from the remaining columns we pull out loops from all sides at once and close them.

Now we make tassels for our owl from light-colored yarn.

We cut 4 strips of 2-3 cm each and thread them through one of the side holes.

We put the two parts together and tie the entire bundle tightly with thread. We make the same brush on the opposite side of the head.

Then we knit wings from the same yarn. We dial 5 v. n and knit 5 straight rows of st./b. n.

In the next three rows we remove the outer columns, after which we close the remaining 3 loops.

We carefully attach the wings to the body using a needle and thread.

The final touch will be the eyes and beak. We will create them from white and yellow yarn. And for the eyes you will also need two small beads or large beads.

We crochet the eyes in a circular stitch. n, add beads and sew well.

We knit the beak directly from the base. To do this, it is better to take a thin hook.

Pull out 2 loops, immediately close them and cut off the protruding end. We hide these threads in the work so that the beak does not unravel and looks aesthetically pleasing.

To make it convenient for the child to take the toy, we make a small handle. The best option for this purpose is a large self-tapping screw. It will fit firmly and be firmly fixed, which will not allow the child to pull out the base or damage it in any way.

At the end, we wrap the handle with yarn 3-4 times to make it completely soft and safe for the baby.

The rattle is ready!
Important! Do not use glue under any circumstances! All parts should be sewn tightly so that the baby’s tenacious fingers do not tear them out of the base. Remember, the safety of the child comes first!

The long-awaited Easter holiday is approaching for many; believers have been preparing for such a holiday for a long time. More and more families began to decorate their holiday tables not only with Easter cakes and beautiful multi-colored eggs, but also with beautiful Easter decor (for example, hens with eggs or chickens and roosters), and you can also knit several toys for your children. Such a bright knitted Cockerel rattle toy will be interesting not only for kids, but can also decorate the festive Easter table.

To make such a Cockerel, we will need: an egg-container from children's toys (eggs of growing animals, dinosaurs), inside of which you can put some beads, a hook, 2 adhesive rhinestones for the eyes, the remains of yellow, red and other multi-colored yarn.

Using yellow thread, use a hook to cast on 6 loops and connect them into a ring. Then we knit in a circle, adding loops to the desired diameter, equal to the diameter of the container.

We tie the container, gradually decreasing the loops and closing it.

Now we knit a comb on the head, for this we attach a red thread and cast on 8-9 loops (as shown in the photo). Then we cast on 13-15 air loops, fasten the thread and again cast on the same number of loops until we get a fluffy comb.

We mark the place of the beak and with red threads we cast on several loops in a circle, with a diameter of no more than 1 cm, and knit in a circle, decreasing the loops.

Then we knit the tail of our Rooster with multi-colored threads, casting 30-35 air loops for each feather.

We knit the wings with yellow threads in the same way, casting on 23-25 ​​loops for each feather (3 pieces on each side) and gluing the eyes. Knitted Cockerel is ready.

Kinder surprise acorns. Master class for beginners.

I would like to present to your attention a master class on tying plastic Kinder Surprise eggs. Surely everyone has those orange plastic things that are used to store small items. And I propose to decorate them so that they fulfill their function and are beautiful at the same time. On the Internet, I often saw such tied containers in the form of animals, and to be honest, at first I myself also intended to make my own variation of some animals, but somehow it didn’t work out) That’s why my containers became acorns)

Acorns, of course, don’t lend themselves to realism, but I didn’t try to achieve that. Will you try to make these yourself?

Materials and tools:

1. Alpina Sati cotton yarn, beige and light green color

2. hook No. 1.5

3. scissors, needle

4. sheet of light green felt

5. 1 wooden bead

6. glue Moment Crystal, hot glue gun (optional)

7. Kinder surprise container


It is advisable to leave the starting thread longer so that you can later attach a tail bead to it.

We knit with beige yarn.

1st row: make an amigurumi ring, cast on 6 loops (6) as in the photo below:

The photo shows the detail after knitting 6 rows. Since we have finished knitting rows with increases, the knitting fabric will begin to bend upward.

7th - 17th rows: (36 sc) (36)

We finish knitting with 1 connecting stitch, fasten the thread, and pull it to the wrong side.


We also leave a long end of the starting thread so that we can make a tail out of it later.

We knit with light green yarn.

1st row: make an amigurumi ring, cast on 6 loops (6)

2nd row: increase in each loop (12)

3rd row: (1 sc, 1p) * 6 times (18)

4th row: (2 sc, 1p) * 6 times (24)

5th row: (3 RLS, 1P) * 6 times (30)

6th row: (4 sc, 1p) * 6 times (36)

7th - 12th rows: (36 sc) (36)

Now you need to knit the side that separates the cap from the acorn itself. To do this, we knit the 8th row behind the front wall of the loop. The result is a hem that is bent towards the right side of the knitting.

If you bend this scar, you can see the back walls of the loops of the 7th row. In the photo they can be seen as small strokes. We knit the 9th row using these edges of the loops.

We finish knitting with 1 connecting stitch, secure the thread and hide it on the wrong side.

Now you need to tie the tail of the acorn. To do this, use a hook to drag the starting thread of the hat to the front side. Then we hook any nearest loop and begin to knit a chain of air loops. About 8-9 loops are enough:

And we again pull the rest of the thread to the wrong side and fasten it. This makes a hat like this:

All that remains is the assembly and decoration of the container.

We take felt, draw a silhouette of an oak leaf on it with a disappearing marker or tailor’s chalk and cut it out:

We knit a chain of air loops (I got 20 chain stitches for the size of the sheet) and knit this chain in the opposite direction.

We also sew a wooden bead to the acorn using the remainder of the starting thread. I didn’t record this process, it’s impossible to make a mistake here)

This is what all the parts look like before final assembly:

All that remains is to glue the felt leaves to the bases (I glued them using a hot-melt gun), and also coat the inside of all the parts with Moment glue and carefully glue everything. Since Moment glue takes a long time to dry, you need to periodically check whether the parts are warped and correct them. It is better to dry it open, otherwise there may be an embarrassment and the container will stick together)

Everything is ready, you can use it!

Happy creativity everyone!

Brownie from Kinder Surprise

How to make a rattle for a rattle?

I’ve been meaning to write a useful article about how to make a rattle for a long time. Little children are interested in a toy that makes sounds - rattles, rings, knocks. If you want to make a rattle, you've probably wondered how to make it easier?

I share my experience. I use the following “containers” for these purposes:

1. Kinder surprise containers. They come in a variety of sizes: from small to giant. The scope for imagination is huge!

2. containers for shoe covers, you probably have these in the house and it’s not difficult to get them - any clinic has machines that sell shoe covers :). Such a container is in the face of my giraffe Oranges

3. plastic lids from boxes of juice, bottles of milk, you need to connect two identical lids, put inside what will sound, and glue them with tape or tape.

4. ping pong balls. I recommend that you try using them! It turns out a very interesting rich sound! Especially if you put in a bell. This can be done this way: I make a cut with a utility knife, carefully (so as not to break it) bend the cut part, insert a rattle and return the bent part to its place. I tape it along the cut line.

Such a ball in the head of my Owl

5. medicine bottles. They also come in different sizes. I like the “long cylinders” (like oscillococcinum or effervescent soluble tablets)

6. Foam plastic balls with a size of 4 cm or more (a smaller ball will be harder to insert into the rattle). I cut them in half with a sharp knife, and “gouge out” the middle with a knife so that a container for shoe covers or lids fits. I connect the two parts. Now we have a rattle! This is what I do, for example, in an orange.

What can you put inside? I usually use: bells, natural fillers - peas, beans, buckwheat (if I want to get a muffled sound), plastic beads, pebbles (it makes a knock), small plastic balls, sometimes I put one wooden bead (for example, in a ping-pong ball) .

Experiment with sounding, knocking, ringing fillers!

Master Class:
Rattle flower

All small children are attracted to bright colors, rustling and rattling objects, which is why children are always bought various rattles and other educational toys that are appropriate for the age of the children. Usually stores sell plastic, rubber and sewn soft rattles, but for variety you can also knit one, especially since it will only take a couple of hours. The basis of such a rattle is a container egg from Kinder Surprise (or other similar toys with containers). It is better to choose cotton yarn, it is less fluffy and more suitable for such toys, since kids love to try everything;)

For such a toy we will need: a plastic egg from Kinder Surprise, several beads (or beads), yarn of yellow and any other bright color (I took pink), a hook.

Place the beads in the egg-container, close it and tie it with yellow threads, first constantly adding and then decreasing loops.

Then tie pink thread around the egg in a circle.

Now knit 4-5 rows in a circle, almost constantly adding loops. The more loops you add, the fluffier the flower will turn out.

The flower is ready. You can embroider eyes and a mouth on it.

Master Class:
Knitted rattle “Octopus”

Toys, rattles and various educational games and toys are very important for the development of children. Do-it-yourself toys are especially valued. After all, they are made with love, individual and unique, and we are also confident in their quality. I want to show you how to knit a bright rattle toy based on an egg from Kinder Surprise in the form of an octopus with multi-colored tentacles.

We will need: the remains of bright threads (4 colors), a container egg from Kinder Surprise (put some beads in it), a small plastic ring, 2 beads for the eyes, a hook.

We tie the ring (by threading a string through it, you can hang the rattle on a stroller or crib, and it will also be much more convenient to just take the rattle and shake it).

We sew on beads for eyes and embroider a mouth. Our octopus is ready.

Educational toys made from Kinder Surprise eggs from Zoya Belousova.

1. My daughter simply crocheted egg boxes and hung them on mobile The baby enjoyed examining, touching and testing teeth while he was little.

Now they play store with their older brother and always use these colorful eggs in addition to knitted and sewn fruits and vegetables. On one of them, mom tied the sepals
and it turned out to be a strawberry.

2. I made it simple for my eldest grandson. sorter with kinder eggs. I took a plastic container from mayonnaise and covered it with pictures of cars. I made a round slot in the lid so that the egg could easily fit in, and covered the Kinder eggs themselves with Easter stickers with a children's fairy tale theme.

I made pairs of eggs with the same designs and put the same rattles inside. This is how we are in the summer
played with it, found pairs based on sounds and pictures. It's a pity the photo didn't survive, I can't show it. But the principle is clear to everyone.

3. A few years ago I knitted little ones chicks as a gift for my grandson for Easter. I placed beads inside the kinder to make sounds.

4. I hid several kinders in a large knitted ball. In each egg I poured various rattles - cereals, beans, pebbles, beads. They sound fun when playing, so both grandchildren still enjoy playing with this ball.

5. I also knitted a caterpillar for my children with nested kinder eggs. At that time, they sold a lot of spherical kinders, so I tied the head of the caterpillar around a large ball. I sewed on eyes and a nose from beads and antennae from fishing line.

See more photos of these toys.

If you like the idea of ​​​​creating a home puppet theater, try knitting fairy-tale characters in amigurumi style using chocolate egg boxes. The child will definitely remember home performances, and even when he grows up and finds a box with a collection of such toys (which, by the way, can be stored in an egg tray), he will certainly remember with warmth the time when, together with his mother, he learned about important human qualities with the help of favorite characters made with your own hands.

We propose to knit such a chicken, having mastered it, you can easily create other animals in its likeness.

Crafts from Kinder Surprise “Chicken”. Master class on making

Having tried to knit such a toy at least once, you can easily experiment with colors and quality of yarn. For example, the next bird can be made fluffy. When knitting the “Chicken” amigurumi, I used 100% mercerized cotton with a density of 50g/280m and a hook number 1.5.

We begin to tie the bottom part of the chocolate egg box.

Row 1: in the amigurumi ring we collect 6 single crochets (sc).

Pull first one thread of the ring, then the other, so that the ring is closed.

Row 2: make 6 increases - at the end of the row there will be 12 loops.

Row 3: (1 sc, increase) * 6 times. In this row, as in the previous one, there are 6 increases - a total of 18 loops. For convenience, it is better to highlight the first loop of the row with a marking ring or a paper clip.

Row 4: (2 sc, increase) * 6 times – a total of 24 loops.

Row 5: (4 sc, increase)* 6 times – a total of 30 loops.

Row 6: (5 sc, increase)* 6 times – a total of 36 loops.

Rows 7-17: 1 sc in each loop of the row or 11 simple circles of 36 loops.

On the last rows, it is better to periodically try on knitting on a chocolate egg box, so as not to knit less or more than necessary, because even following the recommendations for choosing yarn and hook, each of us has a different knitting density. Fasten the thread and wrap it inside.

To prevent the knitting from falling off, you need to make a stripe in a circle on the egg carton with glue.

Carefully place the knitting on the box and open the lid so that it does not stick with excess glue.

We knit the upper part of the egg case a little wider than the lower one - up to the 7th row, similar to the upper one.

Row 7: (6 sc, increase)* 6 times – a total of 42 loops.

Rows 8-14: 1 sc in each loop of the row or 7 simple circles of 42 loops.

Just like the bottom part of the knitting, glue the top one.

To make the toy look like a chicken, you need to cut out small details from orange, yellow and white felt: a beak, eyes (draw the dots with a marker or pen) and wings.

Glue the parts to the toy and the game can begin! The craft from a Kinder surprise egg in the shape of a funny chicken is ready!

For a couple of years now I have been collecting containers from Kinder Surprise toys and other souvenir eggs. I kept wanting to make rattles or toys out of them, but I finally got around to it.

If you pour some cereal (rice, peas, buckwheat, small pasta), salt, dry cherry pits or beans inside a plastic container, provided that you are at least a little friendly with a hook, you will get excellent knitted educational toys. The rattling elements provide a huge scope for the baby's imagination.

Before manufacturing, be sure to think through all the safety elements for the baby: there should be no small elements that could be bitten off; eyes, nose, etc. it is better to knit and sew well; For reliability, it is better to fix containers with fillers with glue, etc. and so on.

The toy options presented in the master class are designed for young children from 0 to 3 years old, so I hope that you will like some of the options.

In this master class I will tell you in detail how to make a fun rattling educational octopus for your baby.

We will need:

  • plastic container from a large souvenir egg,
  • leftover yarn of different colors,
  • hook,
  • rattling filler,
  • awl,
  • any glue,
  • scissors.

First, we need to tie tentacles to our octopus, we will crochet spiral, it will look very nice.

To begin, we cast on a chain of 40 air loops (Fig. 1)…

1st row – 2 loops in each loop of the previous row.

The 2nd row is similar to the first - 2 loops in each loop of the previous row.

This is how it should work out...

We knit 8 legs like this...

Now let's start tying the container.

The number of rows will depend on the thinness of the hook and, accordingly, the density of the knitting. I have a fairly large knit, so I knitted 5 rows with added stitches.

To do this, we knit a circle, making 6 increments evenly in each row, according to the pattern.

The circle should be slightly larger in diameter than the bottom of the egg.

Let's take a closer look...

To crochet a circle, in each row we will increase the number of intermediate loops between the additions of columns.

We start by closing two air loops into a circle (Fig. 5).

To knit in the round, the initial circle should consist of 6 loops or single crochets.

Thread the hook into the second loop from the hook and knit 6 single crochets (Fig. 6).

We close with a connecting stitch, which we knit into the first loop of the row.

If you count, now you can see 6 loops formed by single crochets of the first row. We do not take the connecting loop into account.

We make an air lifting loop.

Any knitting rows in the round begins and ends exactly the same. First, lifting loops must be made, and at the end a half-column is knitted from the last column of the row to the first column of the same row, thereby connecting the end and the beginning of the row. This will additionally help you avoid getting tangled in knitting and add stitches evenly.

Let's move on to the second row...

We knit two single crochets into the first loop of the previous row (! Not into the chain lifting loop). So we knit two single crochets in each loop to the end of the row. A total of 12 columns (lifting does not count).

We close the connecting column into the loop of the first column of the second row and make an air lifting loop.

Single crochet in the first stitch of the row, then two single crochets in the next stitch. We knit alternating until the end of the row - single crochet in a loop, two single crochets in one loop. Total 18 columns.

We close the circle with a connecting post and a lifting air loop.

A single crochet in each of the next two stitches and two single crochets in the next stitch. So alternately we knit until the end of the row. In total you will get 24 columns.

A single crochet in each of the next three stitches and two single crochets in the next stitch. So alternately we knit until the end of the row. The total will be 30 columns.

Once again, the number of rows will depend on the density of the knitting. If necessary, we knit more rows, each time with a new row, evenly increasing the number of intermediate loops between the additions of stitches, until you get a circle with a diameter slightly larger than the base of the egg.

We alternate yarn of different shades, knit without increments in the round to cover the “walls” of the container. That is, a single crochet in each column of the previous row, a total of 30 columns.

Here you should not miss the moment to secure the legs and fill in the filler.

Using an awl from below, we make a hole and insert all the tails from our spiral legs into it.

I previously tied them together in pairs for reliability.

We thread the threads through the hole and make a strong knot, preferably two. 🙂

We fill in the filler, apply glue along the perimeter of the egg to securely fix it, and close it.

We continue to knit, covering the walls of the container with 2 rows of each color. I have rows 6 to 14.

We will reduce it gradually, making 6 decreases each, but after two rows, until we have completely tied the egg.

Row 15: Single crochet in each of the next three stitches and one single crochet in two adjacent stitches. So, alternating, we knit to the end of the row. In total you will get 24 columns.

Row 16-17 is knitted in a single crochet in each stitch of the previous row. In total you will get 24 columns.

Row 18: Single crochet in each of the next two stitches and one single crochet in two adjacent stitches. So, alternating, we knit to the end of the row. In total you will get 18 columns.

We knit the 19th row in a single crochet in each column of the previous row. In total you will get 18 columns.

Row 20: single crochet in the loop of the previous row and one single crochet in two adjacent loops. So, alternating, we knit to the end of the row. In total you will get 12 columns.

21 rows single crochet in the loop of the previous row and one single crochet in two adjacent loops. So, alternating, we knit to the end of the row. In total you will get 6 columns.

We tighten the loops, cut off the excess thread, fasten and hide it.

I knitted the eyes separately, then fixed them with hot glue. I knitted the nose in place, first 2 loops in each in a circle, increasing the number of loops, then also reducing evenly.

You can make a Kinder Surprise with your own hands from small containers of Kinder Surprise eggs.original developing caterpillar.

For making, I do not recommend using a regular underwear elastic; it will wear out very quickly; it is better to take a round braided elastic band.

  • we make one hole with an awl, fasten one egg tightly with an elastic band, fill it with filler and tie it with colored yarn;

A small container from a kinder is tied in the same way as a large one, we only reduce the number of rows with the addition of columns. We reduce as symmetrically as we add.

  • Next we string the second egg, having previously made two holes in it, and also tie it;
  • do this with the number of eggs you need (you can put cereal or beads in some of them so that the toy is not silent, but makes a variety of noises);
  • make a muzzle and horns-antennas (the horns are made of the same thick elastic band, with large wooden beads attached to them, everything is tied with a continuous thread).

From simpler toys, if you have imagination and patience, you can move on to more complex ones, for example, make giraffe from Kinder Surprise containers and two large souvenir eggs.

Or cheerful bright ones elephants from plastic containers from souvenir eggs. The trunk and head are made of foam rubber.


With the help of such toys, you can not only develop your child’s imagination, but also teach colors and learn counting in the future.

If your child already knows how to draw or do independent crafts, invite him to come up with his own fun toy.

For older children, you can make a toy-trap for outdoor games from an ordinary plastic bottle and a Kinder Surprise container.

Decorations are made of foamiran, all sharp edges are covered with it. Fixed it with hot glue.

I hope you like my options, however, I am sure that you will definitely come up with something of your own!

Have fun creating!

I was glad to help!