Techniques and ways to excite a man correctly. Why can't men tolerate sexual arousal? A man doesn't get aroused for a long time

Frigidity– a relatively common sexual disorder, occurring in 12% of women. There are primary and secondary frigidity.

Primary frigidity this is the sexual unawakenedness of a young woman who has recently begun sexual activity. At the beginning of sexual activity, a woman often engages in sexual intercourse at the insistence of her partner or out of curiosity, without experiencing sexual desire. Her lack of libido continues until orgasmic sensations appear.

Sexual desire never appears in women with a “cold” character, sexually incorrect and strictly brought up in childhood. This can also happen due to the rudeness of the partner at the beginning of sexual activity, disappointment as a result of rape (psychological primary frigidity). Sometimes lack of libido is a symptom of mental disorders (symptomatic primary frigidity).

Secondary frigidity noted if a woman feels a gradual or sudden, stable or temporary disappearance of sexual arousal.

Reasons for lack of arousal

The causes of secondary frigidity are varied, but most often it is provoked by a woman’s constant lack of orgasm due to her husband’s rudeness or his lack of potency. Sexual desire usually does not occur when:

  • mental and physical fatigue,
  • conflict situations,
  • long-term illnesses.

Rest and elimination of the causes of the conflict contribute to the gradual restoration of sexual desire.

Frigidity in some cases can be a symptom of mental illness, especially schizophrenia.

Symptoms of frigidity

The main symptom of frigidity is complete frigidity that does not appear even after the partner’s foreplay. As a rule, there is an absence of erotic dreams and indifference to sexual intercourse; with secondary frigidity, even aversion to it may arise. Women look for an excuse to abstain from intimacy or agree to it to please the man. Subsequently, many frigid women develop negative character traits - grumpiness, lust for power, the need for veneration.

What to do if a woman stops getting excited?

The main method of treating frigidity is hypnosuggestive therapy. The patient is told about the relationship between the sexes and physiological and psychological points vision. If the disorder is associated with a lack of sexual desire due to improper sex education, psychotherapy is aimed at removing attitudes. A psychotherapist performs suggestion in a hypnotic sleep.

If secondary frigidity has developed against the background of anorgasmia, psychoerotic training of the couple, which prepares the woman for the emergence of sexual desire, helps a lot. The doctor identifies the patient’s erogenous zones and during the conversation indicates their desired stimulation by the husband to increase sexual arousal during foreplay. Then he gives similar advice in a delicate form to the husband; it is important that the wife does not know about it.

Folk remedies for arousal

In addition to psychotherapy, vitamins and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. For sexual infantilism, endocrine diseases, disorders of the ovarian-menstrual cycle, it is prescribed hormonal drugs according to schemes generally accepted for each disease. Of the androgenic drugs that increase libido, methyltestosterone is used sublingually (injected under the tongue). It is prescribed only for normal menstrual cycles.

Among the drugs that stimulate the nervous system, tinctures of Schisandra chinensis, ginseng, eleutherococcus, and pantocrine are used.

Among the vitamins, an oil solution in combination with a solution of retinol acetate, multivitamin preparations Undevit or Decamevit are indicated.

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures, vaginal mud tampons, douching with warm mineral water, underwater and gynecological massage have a pronounced stimulating effect on sexual arousal.

For symptomatic frigidity that has developed due to illness nervous system, consultation with a neuropsychiatrist is required to treat the underlying disease.

The main indicator that a woman is ready for sex is her sexual arousal. But without knowing these characteristic features, many men receive a categorical refusal. Others, on the contrary, miss the moment and try to start sex when the woman is burned out and no longer needs anything. In order not to get into trouble, you need to know the 15 main signs of a woman’s peak sexual desire.

1. ENDING THE CONVERSATION. When a woman reaches the highest point of sexual arousal, her voice becomes quiet, she only answers questions, moreover, unambiguously - “yes” or “no”, and then falls completely silent.

2. REDENESS OF THE FACE. As a result of a huge rush of blood to the head, the woman’s whole face becomes filled with blood, as if flaring up. This is especially noticeable on glowing cheeks.

3. BREATHING. It becomes frequent and superficial, with rare deep breaths. The woman does not have enough air, which is why her nostrils widen, begin to move, and she begins to breathe through her mouth.

4. MOUTH AND LIPS. Considering that the woman breathes through her mouth, her mouth is slightly open. Her lips become dry, and she constantly tries to moisten them with the tip of her tongue.

5. DRY THROAT. A woman's throat also becomes dry, so she often swallows saliva to moisten it. Sometimes he asks for a glass of water to moisten his throat.

6. CLOSED EYES. The woman is concentrated only on male caresses, receives maximum satisfaction, which is why her eyes are closed.

7. SWEATING THE BODY. As a result of a man stroking a woman’s body (back, abdomen, thighs), the superficial vessels become filled with blood, causing the woman’s body to sweat.

8. SHAKERING AND TENSION OF THE BODY. The body of a woman at the peak of desire tenses, and in some areas, mainly on the stomach and thighs, trembling is noted - frequent convulsive contractions of small muscles.

9. HUGS WITH PERIODIC STRONG SQUEES. The woman impulsively hugs the man, periodically tightly squeezing some parts of his body with her hands, sometimes driving her nails in.

10. Swelling of the nipples. The woman’s nipples come to life and swell and become hard. Although it is worth remembering that this can be a constant occurrence during pregnancy.

11. BULGING OF THE ABDOMEN. An excited woman reflexively sticks out her stomach.

12. Squeezing your thighs. The woman is no longer able to endure and, in order to give herself pleasure, tightly squeezes her thighs, thus irritating the labia majora and clitoris.

13. DIRECTING A MAN’S PAINTINGS TO HIS GENITAL ORGANS. A woman’s great desire and impatience forces her to direct the man’s caresses to her genitals.

14. INCREASED VAGINA SECRETION. At the entrance to the vagina, you can feel its moisture, and in some women this can even be felt through panties - they become wet in the vaginal area.

15. DESIRE TO TOUCH A MAN’S GENITAL ORGAN. The highest peak of a woman’s desires is manifested in her desire to touch a man’s genitals and begin to caress him.

Naturally, not all women can have all these signs at the same time. But it is believed that if more than half have appeared, then the woman is completely ready for sex.

A normal sex life is an excellent preventive measure for many organs. But sometimes it happens that it is not possible to complete sexual intercourse. In this case, the almost ready and excited male body should stop and not continue any actions. But sometimes this leads to overstimulation. In this case, the consequences may be different. After all, it all depends on the duration and frequency of overexcitation.

If a man is accustomed to a full sexual life, then overexcitation and, as a result, abstinence can lead to masturbation and cause wet dreams. The seed will involuntarily erupt, which will at least somehow alleviate the man’s condition.

But overstimulation is unpleasant in some cases and can even cause pain.

If this was an isolated incident and not for a long time, then overexcitation will not bring any consequences.

Symptoms of overexcitation

When a man is in the mood for sexual intercourse, his body works in this direction. But there are situations when it is not possible to even begin sexual intercourse, and the excitement has already turned into overstimulation. This may be as a result of prolonged foreplay, due to the woman’s reluctance to have sex.

Overexcitation is accompanied by some signs that will help identify it:

  • pain in the testicles and their possible slight swelling;
  • discomfort in the penis itself;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • There may be a slight throbbing pain in the back of the head;
  • Some may experience mild nausea.

If this happened for the first time, then these symptoms may not exist. Instead, premature ejaculation occurs. But if such “experiments” are continued, then in the future this leads to a lack of erection. And this will require contacting a urologist who will deal with the treatment. And psychological stress will gradually join physical problems.

If headache and mild nausea are not so bad, then pain in the testicles should cause some concern. In case of overexcitation, this indicates disturbances and failure. The testicles are an important male organ. In addition to producing sperm, they produce testosterone. And for men it is an important hormone.

Pain syndrome in the testicles

As mentioned above, many men experience pain in the testicles of varying intensity and duration from overexcitation. There are symptoms that require medical intervention:

  • sharp pain when touching one or both testicles;
  • the testicles have become different sizes or their density has changed (harder or softer);
  • dull, increasing pain in the scrotum area;
  • , sharply radiating to the stomach.

If you have these symptoms, be sure to visit a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. Indeed, very often in such cases diseases or dysfunction of the male reproductive system may appear. If a man is physically healthy, but when overexcited, pain occurs in the testicles, then this can be solved by continuing sexual contact or masturbation. If for some reason this is not possible, then you should just wait a while. This usually takes at least 4 hours. After this time, everything returns to normal and the pain gradually goes away.

But if a man is older and has some kind of genital disease, the pain will last longer. After all, when aroused, blood saturates the cavernous body of the genital organ. If sexual release does not occur, then “rush hour” occurs and blood does not leave the genitals as quickly as necessary. It is because of this that some swelling of the testicles, penis, pain and other unpleasant sensations occur.


The solution to overstimulation is very simple. To do this, it is enough just to continue sexual contact with your partner. You may feel some mild pain. In a few hours everything will go unnoticed. male body. You cannot bring your body to such a state. When a feeling of overstimulation appears, you need to stop caresses and simply move on to sexual intercourse or masturbation.

Sex life for a woman as important as for a man. But it is very difficult for a beautiful woman to escape from her everyday worries and tune in to a romantic manner. There are a lot of solutions to this problem, and we will consider the most popular of them in our article.

Why is it important to be able to get excited and have fun?

Unfortunately, most representatives of the fair half of humanity cannot abstract themselves from the everyday bustle and accumulated problems. And this does not happen even during lovemaking.

Our women are constantly worried about something: about children, about husbands, about parents, about loved ones, and even about work. They don’t give themselves the opportunity to just relax and have fun, and neither do their partners.

To answer the question why it is so important to be able to get excited, it is worth considering in more detail the psychological and physiological aspects of the problem. Female physiology is as follows: at the moment of blood flow to the female genital organs, the muscles relax, while the uterus produces a clear liquid (secret) with increased intensity. It is she who moisturizes the vagina.

Psychology for women is somewhat more complicated. To really enjoy it, a beautiful woman needs to completely forget about all her problems and hardships, switching her mood to a positive and romantic manner. Here you must use your imagination and all your wildest desires.

Unfortunately, not all men are able to set their partner in the right way. That is why a woman is recommended to take the reins of power into her own hands. Let’s talk further about how you can do this yourself.

The situation with the issue of self-excitement can be easily resolved on your own. But to do this, it’s important to understand that it’s all about the brain. And if during intercourse you constantly think about something else, you can forget about orgasm.

Sexual mood may dissipate due to thoughts about cooking dinner, preparing the kids for school, problems and difficulties at work, and much more. The process of self-arousal depends entirely on your ability to get rid of stereotypes.

Although there is one more point: some women identify having sex with something dirty and indecent. But in this case, it is simply contraindicated to show shyness during frank conversations and sexual poses.

Don’t give up experimenting in this area, be constantly open to new things and never close yourself off. Seize every moment and enjoy making love.

Some tips on how to arouse yourself:

What turns a woman on the most?

Most women love with their ears. Therefore, a skillful compliment from a lover, and “it’s in the bag.”

It is the brain that the beautiful woman considers to be the most sexual organ of a man.

But we are all individual. And before you make jokes, tell tall tales and write out compliments, you should be well prepared. It is important to understand what exactly your partner wants to hear.

How to excite yourself very much and how to do it

It will not be news to anyone that the process of self-excitation is difficult to regulate and control. That is why it is very important to know how you can get excited very quickly and adapt to your partner’s desires.


It is very difficult to become instantly aroused in the absence of comfortable and intimate conditions. Therefore, it is important to approach special attention to prepare the room where lovemaking is expected. Eg:

  • if the room is very cold, it is even difficult to imagine that it is necessary to be naked. It is recommended to take care of the warmth of the room, install heaters or light a fireplace, if there is one;
  • For women, the cleanliness and freshness of bed linen is very important. After all, during lovemaking, such a pure and special moment, you wouldn’t want to darken everything with dirty sheets. It's not even hygienic somehow. Dirty and spontaneous sex is more of a man's element;
  • It’s great to take a shower and feel well-groomed and clean. Especially if the meeting takes place after work and you don’t have to go home. It is very difficult to tune into an intimate mood when you feel unclean. And that same shaving of legs is most often a ritual specifically for women, rather than the requests of men.

Important! To be beautiful, you most often need comfort and safety.

This strong of the world I want risk and extreme sports.

Most women in this case simply succumb to the impulses of their partners, rather than what they themselves desire.

The girl is afraid of being “caught in the act.” And in the end, she just wants to relax and not worry about anything.

The right attitude

A woman is most often aroused by the “head” rather than by tactile caresses. An experienced man always knows what to do.

He showers his partner with a lot of compliments, which makes her forget about everything in the world. Whereas you can get aroused on your own with the help of an erotic film and even suitable music. And what you like, pornography or erotica, the choice is yours.

Special surroundings

For women, a lot is in the details. Therefore, some objects may resemble and be associated by a beautiful woman with good sex.

Some people prefer to simply light candles.

Hot bath

In this case, a very understandable mechanism is at work. Arousal is a certain rush of blood to the female genital organs.

And hot water actively contributes to this, especially if you decide to take a bath with your lover.

But! Experts strictly prohibit making love in hot water. This has a detrimental effect on the heart. It’s better to move to another place in time. Both pleasant and harmless.

Perfume with pheromones

It's not new to anyone that some fragrances can increase sexual desire. And if a man uses such perfume, his partner will be able to get aroused as quickly as possible.

Moreover, there are even aromatic oils that contain the pheromones we need, for example, ylang-ylang.

But this method is very individual and you should not get used to it. And for some women it does not work at all.

Alcoholic drinks

A little alcohol can always relax and put a woman in the right mood. But you can’t overdo it in this matter. One or two glasses of red wine or fifty grams of something stronger.

IN otherwise You will begin to feel dizzy, sensitivity will decrease, and you may even feel sleepy. Do we need it?

Important! None of the drugs will ever help you get aroused. Their action is rather opposite, and such a state is unnatural.

How to get a woman excited quickly: drugs

There are a huge number of special drugs that will help a woman get aroused quickly. But please note that this remedy will only work correctly when the appropriate circumstances occur.

These are the ones we talked about earlier. Plus, a beautiful woman should have a regular intimate life. Even if you really want it, and your loved one will be nearby, it’s not a fact that you will get aroused quickly. On the contrary, girls who do not experience a lack of lovemaking can quickly and easily tune in to the desired mood.

List of the most popular drugs:

  1. "Cialis" - medicine, which helps to increase blood flow to the genitals female organs and significantly increases the chances of getting an orgasm;
  2. "Female Viagra" are tablets developed exclusively with female body, which work effectively during menopause and when there is insufficient lubrication in the genital area;
  3. "Laveron" is a medicine based on natural ingredients that activates the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

How to increase sexual desire

  • variety in sex. It is important not to let lovemaking become monotonous. Add to your intimate life a little adrenaline and experimentation. For example, try to have sex in the most unintended and unusual places;
  • Be a little open with your partner. New daring thoughts and fantasies will definitely help increase your libido;
  • Proper food also helps solve many problems, even those related to intimacy. Pay attention to aphrodisiac products. This can be seafood, most often shellfish, oysters and salmon.

There are many ways to get a woman excited very quickly. To do this, you need to constantly experiment and find more and more new options on how to tune yourself into an erotic mood. Go for it! It's worth it!

And more additional information on the topic is in the next video.


The emotional component plays a key role in a woman’s arousal. Don't rush, don't try to quickly seduce your chosen one, even if you both guess that you will have sex today. Be gallant, kind, you can allow yourself a couple of witty jokes of an intimate nature, but no more. This will leave the woman wondering - why aren't you trying to seduce her? This behavior will help you break the pattern in her head and arouse curiosity. Most likely, she will give out the first hints of a desire for intimacy, moving the conversation into a more intimate direction or trying to reduce the distance between you.

Many men underestimate the role of decorations in arousing women. Women dream of being loved beautifully. Consider this and prepare everything in advance. It doesn’t matter where it will be - on the roof, in the park with beautiful view, in a hotel or at your home - everything, including you, should be pleasing to the eye.

The ideal seduction of women begins in her thoughts. Make her fantasize about sex with you and become impatient. Thinking about intimacy with you, she will begin to get excited long before your touch, and perhaps she will be the first to attack you.

At this stage, it is important to seize the right moment and move on to the first physical contact. Touch her hand, stroke her hair, say something in her ear so that your lips almost touch hers. This will give him the opportunity to get used to you. Carefully monitor her reaction - if she doesn’t push you away, then you are moving in the right direction. If not, take a step back and start over. It is important to learn to distinguish between false resistance, the fear of appearing too accessible or the desire to be conquered, with a real negative reaction.

Start whispering mild obscenities to her, lightly touching her cheeks with your lips and hugging her waist. If the girl blushes and her breathing quickens, it means she is already excited enough for more persistent caresses. Try to kiss a girl, slow down slightly and wait for her reaction. If you did everything right, she will kiss you first.

You can tell the girl how it will be, while simultaneously caressing her entire body. Fantasize out loud about exactly how you will have sex, forcing her to join in the dialogue. Alternate tenderness with slight rudeness; this really turns on many women. Do not be afraid to be tough if it is appropriate for the situation and matches the temperament of your chosen one.

By this moment, the woman will already be quite excited, which can be finally confirmed by feeling moisture in the right place. If this does not happen, go through again erogenous zones. Start from the neck, go down to the collarbones, going lower and lower. Or vice versa, rise from the feet, to the inner thighs and further to the goal. Sex after such foreplay will be very vivid and will be remembered for a long time by both you and your chosen one.