Law on a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners. Military pensioners receive cash payments

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles for pensioners in 2019?

A one-time payment of 5,000 rubles was provided for pensioners in January 2017. The payment provided the missing indexation in 2016. The second indexation was replaced by a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles.

No payment was provided in January 2018.

Many pensioners are interested in the question: will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles for working and non-working pensioners in January 2019? No, the payment will not be provided to any categories of pensioners. Discussions on payments of 5,000 rubles and 10,000 rubles were not even raised in the State Duma.

Will there be a lump sum payment in 2018?

The payment of 5,000 rubles, which was provided to pensioners in 2017, was intended to compensate for incomplete indexation. Inflation in 2016 reached a fairly high level - 12.9%, which, due to a lack of funds in the budget, the Government was unable to cover, as a result pensions were increased by only 4%.

The question of whether there would be a one-time payment to pensioners in 2018 was not even discussed, since the compensation was of a one-time nature. Indexation in 2018 will be carried out as usual and will fully compensate for the increase in prices. The increase will be 3,7% , and inflation, according to various forecasts, about 2.5-3.2%.

The funds will be paid to citizens in in full and will not affect the calculation of benefits in the future. The thing is that payment is a form social support, provided one-time.

Making a decision on a one-time payment will provide support to pensioners and, at the same time, prevent the Pension Fund’s budget from becoming unbalanced.

On November 11, the State Duma adopted this bill in the third reading, and on November 16 it was approved by the Federation Council. On November 22, the law was signed by Russian President V.V. Putin.

Poll on the topic: 5,000 rubles: is it a worthy replacement for pre-indexation of pensions in 2016?

However, there are a number of conditions under which a citizen can receive funds. The most important requirement is for the pensioner to receive insurance part of the benefit or state pension payments.

One-time payment of 5,000 rubles is due to the following persons:

  • citizens who retired after reaching the appropriate age;
  • persons with health limitations such as;
  • citizens receiving survivor benefits.

Any pensioner included in these groups, regardless of the presence or absence of employment, will receive a one-time compensation in the amount 5 thousand rubles. In accordance with the adopted law on the payment of benefits, funds can be received without submitting an application to the Pension Fund, without visiting a fund branch and providing additional documents.

Who won't receive the payment?

The decision made initially did not envisage the provision of this type of support to two categories of citizens retirement age:

  • , since a different indexing procedure applies to their singing;
  • pensioners living abroad, since they do not live on the territory of the state and are less in need of such assistance.

Concerning military pensioners, then their benefits are calculated differently and indexed in a different manner, approved by a separate legislative act. However, Vladimir Putin expressed disagreement with such a measure and instructed to quickly make adjustments to the bill that would include military pensioners among the recipients lump sum payment.

In the second and third readings, the State Duma adopted the amendments. This means that military retirees too will receive a lump sum payment.

Amount and procedure of payment

Compensation amount will amount to 5 thousand rubles and is of a one-time nature. This step is due to the fact that the country currently has a difficult economic situation and there is no financial opportunity to carry out indexation in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation.

Last year, indexation was carried out taking into account the actual level of inflation and increasing the income of citizens by increasing the minimum living requirement. After the situation worsened, a decision was made to index benefits only for 4%, instead of 11.9%.

The decision to make a one-time payment in favor of pensioners was made as part of the pre-indexation of citizens' pensions, but with certain restrictions. Firstly, the compensation is of a one-time nature, secondly, it is not due to all groups of pensioners, and thirdly, it does not participate in the further calculation of pensions.

The size of the payment is the average amount that pensioners could receive as a result of recalculation. A one-time payment will make it possible to compensate for the increase in prices for essential goods and at the same time eliminate the complex procedure for making accruals, since the amount will be the same for all pensioners.

When will the payment be made?

In the text of the bill, the responsible persons have already indicated when the payment of 5,000 rubles will be made. In addition, this document determined the regulations for making payments. Today it is known that payment since January 2017 will be produced in without a declaration. In other words, the pensioner will not have to visit the pension fund branch and submit an application and a package of documents to receive funds. Funds will be transferred based on the data available in the Pension Fund database.

The Russian Pension Fund has established a payment delivery schedule. The funds will be paid between January 13 and January 28. For citizens receiving a pension via Russian Post couriers, it will be delivered along with the main pension. In circumstances that do not allow receipt, the pensioner can independently contact the Post Office at his place of residence on any day before January 28.

The delivery schedule for 5,000 rubles for pensioners receiving pensions through credit institutions is set within the same time frame.


Postmen will deliver a lump sum payment along with the pension for January to recipients whose home delivery date for the pension is from the 13th to the end of the payment period. Pensioners receiving a pension according to the schedule from the 3rd to the 12th of the month, payment of 5,000 rubles will be produced from January 13 to January 28, 2017, also with home delivery. The pension delivery schedule is as follows:

Through the Moscow Federal Postal Service "Russian Post":

  • January 05, 2017 - for January 05 and 07, 2017;
  • January 06, 2017 - for January 06 and 08, 2017;
  • from January 09, 2017 - according to the established schedule.

Citizens receiving pensions and other social payments through credit organizations:

  • Sberbank of Moscow - December 30, 2016;
  • Srednerussky Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation - December 30, 2016 - for January 4, 2017;
  • Bank of Moscow - December 30, 2016;
  • Bank Vozrozhdenie - December 30, 2016;
  • The rest – from January 10, 2017.

Saint Petersburg

The lump sum payment will be delivered in January 2017 in accordance with the schedule of the organization through which the pensioner receives the pension.

In St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, payments through post offices will begin on January 13 of the coming year. Delivery will be carried out until January 27, 2017 inclusive.

This means that if a pensioner receives a pension according to the schedule from the 3rd to the 12th of the month, then a lump sum payment will be delivered to him from 22 to 27 January. Citizens receiving pensions through post offices during the period from 13th to 21st, and credit organizations, the payment will be made along with the pension.

Advantages and disadvantages of replacing indexation with a lump sum payment

The actions taken in the form of replacing the recalculation of benefits with a one-time payment have both positive and negative sides. As positive points The following can be noted:

Negative factors This innovation also has:

  • the payment made will not take part in the further calculation of pension benefits;
  • the calculation of the amount of compensation was made according to the average line, and the payment will be the same for all pensioners receiving big pension and a small allowance;
  • The one-time compensation will not be taken into account during further indexation.

It is clearly visible that decision taken there are pros and cons, however, this amount will be able to fully fulfill its purpose - to provide support to pensioners in difficult economic conditions for the country and population.

Indexation of pensions in 2017

According to preliminary statements by officials, indexing pension payments s in 2017 will be made in accordance with the achieved inflation level in the current year.

Recalculation will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of current legislation. Such indexation procedure will be in effect for the next three years. According to preliminary estimates, the inflation rate this year may be 5.8%, but this figure is not accurate and may well increase. After determining the inflation rate in February 2017 there will be a recalculation pension benefits for citizens receiving insurance pension, and from the beginning of April will be recalculated social pensions. The Pension Fund budget provides for additional payments in connection with indexation 589.6 billion rubles.

A subsequent increase in pension payments is expected in October and is carried out taking into account economic indicators, execution of the state budget and the balance of the Pension Fund’s budget.

If no changes follow, then the recalculation procedure next year will be carried out in accordance with the accepted conditions and within the time limits specified in the law.


As a result, a number of conclusions can be formulated:

  1. One-time compensation in the amount 5 thousand rubles All categories of pensioners will be paid depending on the availability of another source of income and employment.
  2. A decision of this kind was made due to the difficult economic situation and the lack of financial ability to carry out the recalculation in full and in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation.
  3. The amount is the average increase that retirees could receive.
  4. Pensioners receiving insurance benefits, as well as disabled people and people who have lost their breadwinner can receive benefits.
  5. One-time payment of 5,000 rubles for working pensioners is also provided if they belong to the category of persons entitled to social assistance.
  6. Military pensioners can also count on one-time compensation.
  7. Funds will be listed in 2017 within a month from the beginning of January.
  8. The positive aspects of such a decision include payment to working and non-working persons, as well as the opportunity to receive support in difficult situation, and negative - the average amount and the lack of possibility of funds participating in further indexation of the pension.
  9. The next pension indexation will be carried out taking into account the provisions of the current law, as well as the actual inflation rate achieved by the end of the year.

In famous cinema they say: “Unfortunately, our salaries are not very large,” and this statement is still true, 40 years later. But pensions, unfortunately, are even smaller. And, as usual, there is no money to support pensioners. I am glad that not all over Russia the authorities can only offer them an increase in the retirement age. For example, in the Moscow region they found an opportunity to pay 5,000 rubles, albeit at a time.

Who will receive 5,000 rubles in the Moscow region

The authorities of the Moscow region are going to pay one-time assistance to persons of retirement age in the amount of 5,000 rubles during June 2018. The basis for this is the Law of the Moscow Region dated April 12, 2018 No. 35/2018-OZ “On a one-time cash payment in 2018 to citizens aged 70 years and older who receive a pension in accordance with the law Russian Federation", adopted by the regional parliament on the initiative of the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov.

True, the money is allocated only to those pensioners who:

  • permanently reside in the Moscow region and have registration at the place of residence (temporary registration or at the place of stay is not suitable);
  • are 70 years of age (including those who turn 70 during 2018);
  • receive a pension (social or ) in Russia.

If all conditions are met, then you can expect to receive a payment. By the way, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region Olga Zabralova said that there are approximately 700 thousand such pensioners in the Moscow region. Officials believe that in this way they will provide tangible financial support to older people. In addition, regional authorities note that such an action became possible due to the good economic results that the region showed in 2017. This is exactly what they wrote in the informational and congratulatory letters that some pensioners recently received. Officials expect that such an event will become an annual event in the Moscow region.

What is needed to receive 5,000 rubles

The government of the Moscow region notes that most pensioners do not have to submit any additional documents or applications to the government authorities social protection the population of the region, which together with the territorial branches of the Pension Fund of Russia are engaged in calculating one-time assistance, is not necessary. Officials have all the necessary information.

The only exception is reaching the age of 70 in 2018. Those whose anniversary fell between 01.01.2018 and 31.12.2018 are also entitled to a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. But to receive it, such pensioners will have to write an application and send it to the social security authorities in one of four ways:

  • carry it personally;
  • send by mail;
  • fill in the MFC;
  • fill out on the government services portal.

The document can be drawn up in any form. After receiving such an application, payment in favor of the pensioner will be assigned on a general basis.

Payment deadline

Officials promise to pay 5,000 rubles by July 1, 2018. Payments will begin on June 1, so officials will have a month to distribute all funds between recipients.

How to receive the money

To receive a payment of 5,000 rubles, a pensioner will not have to go anywhere or open separate accounts. The money will be delivered to him in the way he usually receives his pension:

  • to the post office at your place of residence;
  • to a bank account or .

Most likely, the funds will be paid along with the pension for June 2018.

Benefits for pensioners

Officials emphasize that one-time assistance in the amount of 5,000 rubles will not in any way affect other benefits and preferences that people of retirement age have. In particular, it will not be taken into account when calculating the amount of a citizen’s income to determine his right to receive any measures of social support and assistance provided for by law. Therefore, all subsidies and additional payments to the pension that the pensioner receives will be received in the same amounts.

In addition to such assistance from the budget of the Moscow region, pensioners of the region have the right to:

  • compensation of monetary costs for telephone communications within the city;
  • discounts on medicines of 50% of the cost;
  • sanatorium-resort treatment once a year with a medical certificate;
  • social services, including assistance in purchasing food and medicines;
  • free dental prosthetics;
  • 50% discount on fees for major renovations of a residential building;
  • cancellation of garbage collection fees.

The disseminated information about a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners in January 2018 does not correspond to reality. Recently in in social networks and messengers, messages are being circulated that pensioners urgently need to apply for payment of 5,000 rubles. V Pension Fund. In this case, the deadline is December 20. In this regard, the Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for North Ossetia declares that this information is unreliable.

Let us remind you that a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. was issued to all pensioners in January 2017. In 2018 this payment not provided for by law. We also appeal to pensioners with a request to check information about pension payments posted on the Internet or received via SMS messages on the official website of the Pension Fund ( or by phone “ hotline» Branches 51-80-92 .

In 2018, insurance pensions, including fixed payments, for non-working pensioners will be increased by 3.7% from January 1, which is higher than the forecast inflation rate. The size of the fixed payment after indexation will be 4,982.9 rubles per month, the cost of the pension point will be 81.49 rubles (in 2017 - 78.58 rubles). Pensions for state pension provision, including social ones, will be increased from April 1, 2018 for working and non-working pensioners by 4.1%.

In January 2019, pensioners received an additional amount of 5,000 rubles to their pension. Let’s figure out what this amount was and whether it’s worth waiting for the next payment in 2020.

To begin with, you should understand that this payment was not a gift for pensioners for the New Year. It represents compensation for failure to index in the previous year. Every year, the government of our country carries out indexation of pension payments. In 2016, it was held only once. No funds were found for the second indexation. Therefore, it was decided to somehow compensate for her absence. This compensation was the payment of 5,000 rubles. It was paid to all pensioners who were recipients of an insurance pension by the date of payment. Moreover, the amount was paid to both working and non-working pensioners without a special application.

Pension indexation

Inflation in 2015 was 12.9%, which should have led to the indexation of the amount of the 2016 pension payment by the same percentage. This was previously stated in the law “On Insurance Pensions”. However, in 2016 this article was revised and indexing was carried out by only 4%. This affected the pension amount as follows:

  • one pension point from February 1, 2016 amounted to 74.27 rubles;
  • the fixed payment increased to 4558.93 rubles.

Such a slight increase caused indignation among pensioners and the government promised to carry out additional indexation based on the results of six months. However, lack budget funds didn't allow me to do this. Carrying out additional indexation would entail additional expenses from the budget in the amount of up to 200 billion rubles. The Pension Fund budget did not have such funds; it was repeatedly announced that the budget deficit already exceeded 174 billion rubles.

A meeting regarding the pre-indexation of pensions was held on August 23, 2016. It was tentatively planned for August 2016 to carry out another indexation for the remaining 8.9%. But at the meeting it was decided to replace the pension increase with a one-time compensation payment. According to the government, a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles per pensioner will not cause serious problems to the fund’s budget, but will help to somehow compensate for the cancellation of the pension increase.

Who became the recipient of the payment

All citizens who were pensioners as of December 31, 2016 were able to receive 5,000 rubles. The Ministry of Labor reports that the number of pensioners entitled to this payment amounted to more than 44 million rubles. Moreover, pensioners who are entitled to payments for several reasons at once received this amount only for one type of pension provision, that is, once. Thus, the recipients of the payment were:

  • citizens receiving insurance pensions. These include citizens who have registered with the OPS and have earned enough to receive a pension. seniority, as well as for which payments were made for the insurance pension. That is, these are recipients of old-age, disability and survivors' pensions;
  • citizens receiving government pension provision. These include citizens who are civil servants, cosmonauts, flight test personnel, military personnel affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as recipients of social pensions.

Who didn't receive the payment?

Not all pensioners were able to receive 5,000 rubles. The exception was citizens who left the Russian Federation, permanently reside abroad, but receive a pension in the Russian Federation. The government explained the limitation of this category of citizens in a one-time payment by the fact that pensioners permanently residing abroad do not depend in any way on the level of inflation in the Russian Federation. Thus, they do not need additional assistance in the form of a one-time payment.

Pension provision for the listed citizens is not made through the Pension Fund; in addition, the procedure for calculating military pensions is different.

As for working citizens, annual indexation of pensions is not provided for them. They can receive a recalculation of their pension only upon dismissal from work. Accordingly, they could not be included in the payment of lump sum compensation.

However, it was decided to include these categories of citizens in the law on a one-time payment. According to the government, for working pensioners this will be a kind of compensation for the complete abolition of indexation during employment. And for military pensioners - compensation for damage caused during service.

Pros and cons of a lump sum payment

Recipients of the lump sum payment are still actively discussing this issue. For those who do not follow the inflation rate, 5,000 rubles became a kind of gift, but for other citizens it raised a number of questions. Citizens began to wonder how much they lost or gained by receiving this amount.

First, let's look at positive sides lump sum payment:

  • providing additional financial assistance to pensioners;
  • payment of compensation to working pensioners, for whom indexation is not provided;
  • deductions cannot be made from this amount (by court decision or other executive documents, including for alimony obligations);
  • the listed 5,000 cannot be taken into account when determining additional social support measures for low-income citizens, disabled people, etc.
  • saving money from the state budget.

However, there are also negative aspects to a lump sum payment:

  • the inflation rate did not cover this amount;
  • citizens received payment in fixed size, independent of the size of the pension;
  • this amount will not be taken into account in subsequent indexations.

Thus, the abolition of indexation of course led to a lower pension than expected. But, according to the government, the lump sum payment almost completely covered the under-indexation. This is a forced measure that our government considered necessary. And this amount was paid to pensioners as compensation.

Comparative analysis

In order to understand how much a pensioner receiving the average pension in the country has lost in payment, let’s make a comparison using the average old-age insurance pension.

Ivanov I.I. in January 2016 I received a pension of 13,120 rubles.

Option 1: From February 1, pensions were indexed by 4% and Ivanov began to receive 13,645 rubles, until December 2016. In January 2017, he was paid a lump sum of 5,000 rubles.

13120 + 13645 x 11 + 5000 = 168,215 rubles.

Option 2: From February 1, pensions were indexed by 4% and Ivanov began to receive 13,645 rubles until August inclusive. Since September, pensions were indexed for the second time by 8.9% and Ivanov began to receive 14,859 rubles.

The total amount of pension payments for 2016 was:

13120 + 13645 x 7 + 14,859 x 4 = 168,071 rubles.

Comparing the 2 options, we can conclude that for recipients of an average pension, compensation in the amount of 5,000 covered possible losses. But for those pensioners whose pension size is significantly higher than the average, a lump sum payment could not cover the planned indexation.

Payments in 2020

Pensioners who received compensation of 5,000 rubles in 2017 began to worry about whether such a payment would be made in 2018. From the above, we can already conclude that this was not a gift, but a one-time compensation. For 2018, the government plans to index to the 2017 inflation rate of 3.7%. This is higher than the expected inflation rate of 3.2% based on preliminary results for the current year and promises an average increase in pensions of 400 rubles. This increase will increase the average pension in 2018 to 14,045 rubles.

For old-age insurance pensions, this indexation will be carried out not from February 1, as before, but from January 1. The disability pension will be indexed only in April 2018 by 4.1%.

However, this indexation will not affect all pensioners. Pensions of working citizens will not be indexed to the level of inflation. But once they are reassured, in August the pensions of working pensioners will be recalculated and, based on the contributions to the Pension Fund transferred by the employer, pension points will be added to them (

According to the latest information, which is actively disseminated on the Internet, pensioners in 2019 will receive a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles.

The reason for such a payment may be quite understandable - compensation for the indexation of pension payments for the past year. However, it is worth recalling that there were similar conversations in 2018, but nothing like this happened.

As for the situation with 2019, the state portals have not yet given official confirmation.

Who can be paid 5000 rubles?

According to available data, a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles. previously paid to pensioners who receive pensions from the Pension Fund. In addition, to receive it you did not need to go anywhere, since the Russian Pension Fund makes payments automatically. If we talk about specific categories of citizens who could receive the payment, they are as follows:

  • pensioners from the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • military pensioners;
  • pensioners receiving old-age payments;
  • disabled people of all categories;
  • citizens receiving survivor's pensions.

There is also information that even working citizens will be able to receive this kind of lump sum payment old age. If we talk about pensioners who live outside the Russian Federation, then they will not be entitled to this payment. The reason here is very simple - pensioners who live abroad have renounced Russian citizenship, so their pension provision is the concern of the country where they live.

Amount of lump sum payment to pensioners in 2019

According to unofficial data, the government of the Russian Federation has decided to pay all elderly citizens 5 thousand rubles. As for the reason for making this kind of payment, it is supposedly an improvement in the financial situation of pensioners. It’s no secret that life is very difficult for such citizens at the present time. However, it is not yet possible to verify the veracity of the information about the lump sum payment.

Previously, this money was paid due to the fact that it was impossible to carry out additional indexation, that is, 5,000 rubles. were a kind of compensation for debt to pensioners.

When is it possible to make a lump sum payment?

Let us remind you that in 2017 an additional payment was made to elderly citizens. Experts believe that this is why unscrupulous media are publishing similar information about this year. This year, 2018, was no exception, when unverified data began to appear back in January, which was never confirmed.

Now they are actively publishing information on the Internet about the next payment of 5 thousand rubles to pensioners. Allegedly, the government decided to make the payment no later than February 2019.

Only one thing is known for certain: from January 1, 2019, pensions will be indexed with a coefficient of 7.5%. This means that the pension for citizens will increase by 1,000 rubles per month. Apart from this, there is no information on the official portals regarding any other payments or accruals. Therefore, Russians should not rely on a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. early next year.

Currently, all pensioners are most interested in pension legislation, which comes into force on January 1, 2019.