Positive and negative aspects of home education. The problems of raising children at home

The purpose of the course work is to study the essence of home education and its problems.
The object of study is the modern family.
The subject is the problems of raising children at home.

Introduction 3
1. Theoretical aspects of studying the problems of upbringing children at home in modern conditions
1.1 Home education of the child. Concept, essence 6
1.2 Pros and Cons of Home Education 14
1.3 Problems of parenting at home 21
Conclusion 31
List of used literature 33

The work contains 1 file


The family is the most complex subsystem of society that performs various social functions. It is a small social group based on marriage and (or) consanguinity, whose members are united by cohabitation and housekeeping, emotional connection and mutual obligations towards each other.

The problems of family upbringing, the interaction of school and family in the upbringing of children were the subject of study of many teachers. So, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, creating the humanistic educational system of the Pavlysh secondary school, proceeded from the recognition of the huge role of the family in the education of students. “The subtlety of a person's sensations, emotional sensitivity, impressionability, sensitivity, sensitivity, empathy, penetration into the spiritual world of another person - all this is comprehended, first of all, in the family, in relationships with relatives,” V.A. Sukhomlinsky. “Be educators of the mind of your child, teach him to think,” he advised his parents.

Today the region family education less studied in comparison with public education. There are several reasons for this.

1. For many years in our country, a state policy was carried out, focused mainly on social education, which belittled the role of the family as a social institution, made the study of the theory and practice of family education irrelevant.

2. The family, being one of the most complex formations in the history of mankind, has many interconnected directions of its activities (functions), therefore, the study of the features of family education cannot be conducted autonomously, within the framework of one pedagogy: an interdisciplinary integrated approach is required.

3. Family life and home upbringing are difficult subjects of scientific research, since they are often a "secret with seven seals", into which people are reluctant to admit strangers, including researchers.

4. Family research requires the development and application, along with the traditional, methods other than those that are actively and quite effectively used in pedagogy in the study of the educational process in kindergarten, school, college, university.

Upbringing in a family has always been defined as home-based (sometimes - home-family). At the same time, it is taken into account that home education can be carried out by family members, as well as by specially invited persons, sometimes professionally prepared for educational activities (nanny, bonn, tutor, etc.). In modern conditions, home education is complemented by public education: children attend a preschool, studio, art school, sports section, etc.

At one time, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi noted that the family teaches life with the help of a living, vital, and not invented, surrogate deed, teaches by deed, not by word. And the word in family education, according to the great teacher, is only an addition, and falling on the soil plowed by life, it makes a completely different impression than when it sounds from the mouth of a teacher.

Thus, in every family, as the well-known Russian psychologist A.V. Petrovsky, its own, individual educational system is taking shape. Of course, in a significant part of modern families, the educational system is not as scientific as in a preschool institution, school, it is largely based on everyday ideas about the child, the means and methods of influencing him. In families where they are concerned about the upbringing of children and their future, the upbringing system is subjected to analysis, evaluation, which makes it hard-won and emotionally colored. The system of family education can be harmonious and orderly, but this is provided that the parents have a definite goal of upbringing, put it into practice, using methods and means of upbringing that take into account the characteristics of the child and the prospects for his development.

A different system of upbringing at home is taking shape in a family where adults do not bother themselves with serious thoughts about the fate of the child, do not create conditions for his full development. Ignoring the interests of the child, meeting only his most necessary needs, granting him unlimited freedom - these are also signs of a system of home education, but a system that is disorderly, conniving, cruel in relation to little child, for the full development of which love, support, care, reasonable help from adults, especially those close to him, are needed.

The purpose of the course work is to study the essence of home education and its problems.

The object of study is the modern family.

The subject is the problems of raising children at home.

  1. Study the scientific and theoretical literature on the topic of the course work;
  2. Define the concept and essence of home education;
  3. Consider the positives and negative aspects of parenting at home;
  4. To study the problems of raising children at home at the present stage.

1. Theoretical aspects of studying the problems of upbringing children at home in modern conditions

1.1 Home education of the child. Concept, essence

A family is a socio-pedagogical group of people designed to optimally meet the needs for self-preservation (procreation) and self-affirmation (self-respect) of each of its members. The family creates in a person the concept of home not as a room where he lives, but as feelings, sensations of a place where he is expected, loved, understood, protected. The family is such an education that "covers" a person as a whole in all its manifestations. All personal qualities can be formed in a family. The fateful importance of the family in the development of the personality of a growing person is well known.

Family upbringing is a system of upbringing and education that develops in conditions a specific family by the forces of parents and relatives.

Family education is a complex system. It is influenced by heredity and biological (natural) health of children and parents, material and economic security, social status, lifestyle, number of family members, place of residence of the family (place of home), attitude towards the child. The ideal of upbringing is a versatile upbringing of children, which is carried out both in the family and in public educational institutions. But each of these social institutions has certain advantages in the upbringing of certain properties, personality traits in children, the formation of methods of behavior and activity. The family, being the first educational environment in a child's life, takes on the main work, providing one or another level of development. Studies show that the most favorable opportunities are created in the family for strengthening the child's health, developing his physical qualities, moral feelings, habits and motives of behavior, intelligence, and familiarization with culture in the broadest sense of the word.

Raising a healthy child is one of the most important tasks of a family. From the course of preschool pedagogy, you know about the close relationship between the physical and mental development of a child, that full-fledged physical development is a kind of foundation on which the personality skeleton is “built”. Meanwhile, modern statistics indicate that the physical development and the health of children and adolescents. The concept of "deceleration" is becoming more and more active in professional vocabulary, which means that the generation of modern children is distinguished by lower indicators of physical development than their peers 10-15 years ago.

It would seem that modern spouses should feel a special responsibility for the health of the unborn child. In fact, this is far from the case. Very few young people who intend to get married and who are anxious about the physical well-being of future heirs turn to the services of specialists in the medical genetic service. And this well-being may turn out to be illusory if we take into account the burden of hereditary and other diseases that burden the spouses, the peculiarities of their lifestyle, adherence to some, to put it mildly, bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drug addiction). As a result, a significant part of newborns are born with one or another deviation in physical and often mental development. Add to this the unfavorable environmental situation prevailing in many regions of the country, economic difficulties experienced by a significant part of families, and it will become clear to you why today, more than ever, it is important to focus on the tasks of physical education of children. Meanwhile, in many families this very area of ​​upbringing is “pushed back” to the last plan. No, parents are very concerned about a child's health, especially when he is often sick, but do not make special efforts to strengthen him, prevent diseases, all the more so they pay insufficient attention to the development of movements, physical (motor) qualities, cultural and hygienic skills, and involvement in sports.

Since raising a healthy child contains many aspects, let us recall the most important for modern family... The connection between child health protection and hygienic education should be especially noted. It begins with the creation of conditions for raising a child that meet the requirements of hygiene (cleanliness and order in the apartment, especially in the kitchen, in the nursery; children's furniture, adapted to his growth; individual bedding and hygiene items, dishes; clothes made of natural materials, selected according to the weather, etc.). An important responsibility of parents is to educate children in the habit of washing their hands (before eating, after walking, going to the toilet), thoroughly brushing their teeth in the morning (after breakfast) and in the evening; take a shower every day, wash yourself; use a handkerchief as needed; make the bed, take care of your clothes.

Genuine parental care for full physical and mental health is a guarantee of a rational day regimen, which provides sufficient time for adequate sleep (night and day), walks in the fresh air (at least 4 hours), eating hours, and games. It is necessary to avoid violations of the usual regime on holidays and weekends, when the child has a lot of impressions, he gets tired, as a result of which he especially needs rest, quiet activities.

The growth, development of a child, the prevention of many diseases directly depend on a balanced diet: sufficient, good-quality, varied, with the necessary amount of vitamins.

Currently, there are many families around the world, including in our country, where children are elementary malnourished, drink poor-quality water, which leads to pronounced malnutrition (weight deficit). To solve this problem, the desire and efforts of parents are not enough: serious socio-economic measures are needed.

Based on the knowledge gained in the study of natural science subjects, formulate the requirements for the organization of rational nutrition for the child in the family. Explain why these requirements are often violated in modern families.

One of the means of increasing the body's defenses is hardening. It is known that by the time a child is born, his physiological mechanisms are not fully formed, therefore, he has a higher heat transfer than older children and adults, which can lead to faster hypothermia or overheating.

Preschool age, according to A.N. Leont'ev, represents the period of the "initial actual folding" of the personality. It was during these years that the formation of the main personal mechanisms and formations took place. The core of the personality is the moral position of a person, in the formation of which the family plays a decisive role.

It is known that over the entire centuries-old history, mankind has developed morality, i.e. a set of norms, requirements, prohibitions, rules of conduct and interpersonal communication imposed by society on each of its members. The pedagogical function of morality is that with its help children master the complex world of social relations.

A child begins to become familiar with the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society from an early age in the process of interacting with family members who make up the first reference group in his life (A.V. Petrovsky). The reference group is the most significant for the child in comparison with the rest, he accepts precisely its values, moral norms and forms of behavior. It is the family that lays the foundation for the formation of the child's moral position due to the constancy, duration, emotional coloring of educational influences, their diversity, and the timely use of the reinforcement mechanism. Therefore, all deviations in the family moral education a child can seriously complicate his future life when he is faced with other moral values ​​and requirements - in kindergarten, school, in life.

Every year homeschooling becomes more popular not only abroad, but also in Russia. However, before transferring a child to home schooling, it is better to carefully weigh all the positive and negative aspects of this type of education.


freedom of choice

In this case, you can choose the subjects and the number of hours that need to be spent on studying them. In no case is it said here that the child will not study basic general education subjects. It will simply be possible to focus on the possibilities and on the unique learning abilities of the child, and therefore choose which subjects at what age and in what volume can be studied.

Physical freedom

After having managed to cope with some prostration after voluntarily leaving school, many parents of homeschooled children experience a genuine sense of freedom. Family life is no longer centered around school schedules, homework assignments, and extra school activities. These families can now plan off-season vacations, visit parks and museums on weekdays, and live in a mode that is most convenient for them.

Emotional freedom

It must not be forgotten that, unfortunately, peer pressure, competition and boredom are an integral part of the school day... This, of course, can turn into a huge problem for a child, especially a girl. Studies have shown that the level of self-esteem of girls who are homeschooled is significantly higher than the level of self-esteem of girls from mainstream schools. Homeschoolers can dress, behave and think the way they want without fear of peer ridicule and the need to "fit in." These children live in the real world, where nothing is dictated by the next teenage trends.

Religious freedom

In many families, religious life is an integral part of everyday life and school introduces some dissonance. And homeschooling provides an opportunity to integrate their beliefs into everyday life.

Closer family ties

Every family that has gone through a homeschooling experience can no doubt say that this type of homeschooling helps to strengthen bonds between all family members. Teenagers and their parents benefit enormously as soon as home education begins, the teenager's rebellious and destructive behavior diminishes markedly.

Well-rested children

More and more research shows that sleep is vital to the emotional and physical well-being of children, especially teenagers and toddlers. The effects of early morning activities can be devastating for many children, especially those whose body clock is not active in the morning.

Work is not in a rush

Homeschoolers can accomplish in a few hours what typical schoolchildren in mainstream schools do for weeks. This is due to the fact that children are not required to follow certain patterns at home and can learn the subject exactly the way they want. It is not surprising that in general education schools children have such a huge number of homework, most of which they simply do not have time to complete, while at home the child does not have a formal "homework", which results in a more effective and measured study of the subject

Huge range of items

Once you choose a home education system, you don't have to work with a pre-set schedule. There are many things that can be learned that are not in the general education curriculum - Latin, gardening, sewing, painting, music, design ... the list goes on and on. Every year you can find something new and very interesting for you and your child.

Effective training schedule

Homeschooling is a great chance to adjust to your child's biological clock. You can determine the peak of his activity and draw up such a schedule in which the training will take place as efficiently as possible.


Time constraints

You can't argue with that - learning outside of a typical school will take a long time. Some people think that most of the home schooling takes place just behind the textbooks. But in reality, preparing each lesson requires a lot of effort - you need to find material, create a schedule and draw up a lesson plan. And in order to study at home in an interesting and effective way, you should attend many events, make cultural trips, and this will undoubtedly take up almost all of your time.

Financial constraints

Often, in order to educate children at home, one parent has to sacrifice his career. This can be very difficult for families trying to balance their budget. But it is surprising that most families who do decide to educate their children at home believe that such sacrifices are worth the ultimate goal of learning and developing their children in freedom.

Social constraints

It is obvious that by choosing the path of home education, parents severely limit their child's social ties. After all, it is at school that the child learns how our society works and gets acquainted with the elementary social hierarchy. And even if you manage to involve your child in various circles and clubs, this will not always be enough - the child must spend most of his time with peers in order to learn how to behave.

Personal restrictions

It may turn out that you will spend all your time with your child, you will get tired, and you have absolutely no time for yourself. Almost all parents go through this. Therefore, do not forget about your needs, and you need a weekend in any business, even in the education of your children.

The fact that you need to be near children 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

There is no denying that if you do choose the homeschooling route, you will have to spend a lot of time with your child. And if you don't like it, then home education is not for you. And while it may seem overwhelming at times, most homeschooling parents find their daily relationships with their children, positive and negative, to be a tremendous opportunity for both personal and family growth.

Living outside the "norm"

As with any activity that challenges the “normal” way of thinking, home education can be perceived as odd at best, and most people will disagree that the average parent can do well where trained professionals do not. If you are not ready to cross the boundaries of the "norm", then home education is not for you.

All responsibility for your child lies with you.

And this is a very big responsibility. If when your child visited regular school, you could always accuse the teacher of not explaining the subject clearly enough, now there will be no one to blame but himself. If your child cannot read, write or speak correctly, then this will be your only fault and will be evidence that you are not a good teacher and parent.

Standardized tests

A homeschooled child usually does not do well on standardized tests, which are very important when entering college. Of course, it is possible to incorporate a school grading system into your home teaching method and take many tests, but in most cases this does not help. So, be prepared for the fact that even if your child is very good on the subject, he will not be able to show all his knowledge when passing the standardized tests.

Complex reverse adaptation

Of course, your child, one way or another, will have to go back to the education system, be it last years schools, or university. And believe me, it will not be easy at all - the adaptation period can take from a week to a whole year, and throughout this time, the child will feel out of place.

And if, after familiarizing yourself with all the positive and negative aspects of home education, you want to try it - go for it, because there is nothing better than personally shaping who your child will be in the future.

Based on materials from the site "Planet of Schools"

Educational science claims that it is up to the parents and their parenting style to determine how their child grows up. His behavior, attitude to the world around him and society, his formation as a person mainly depends on the situation in the family. In this case, we will consider one style - this is an authoritarian upbringing. How does it affect the formation of the child's personality and what results it leads to.

Definition of the term

Authoritarian education - actions aimed at the complete and unquestioning subordination of the pupil (child, pupil, student) to the educator (parent, nanny, teacher, etc.). This style has both pros and cons.

The concept comes from the Latin word auctoritas - authority, respect, power or influence. The current originated in ancient times.

That is, authoritarian education is a method of influence with the help of which an adult completely subjugates a child to himself. He develops lack of initiative in him, suppresses his independence, prevents the expression of individuality.

Authoritarian parenting theory

This style means complete dictatorship. The child is kept under very strict control, so to speak, "with an iron grip", prohibiting almost everything that can bring him joy.

If you imagine that in this style of authoritarian education there is no carrot at all, only a stick. In fact, the only thing that parents take is punishment, which the child is terribly afraid of.

This method has always caused heated debate among pedagogical leaders, dividing scientists into two camps. In the first, they proved that this brings positive results, developing obedience, integrity and organization in the offspring. The latter, on the contrary, spoke out categorically against the authoritarian type of upbringing, explaining this by the fact that such children grow up with certain mental deviations and a completely suppressed will.

So what are the really positive and negative aspects of this method?

The advantages of such upbringing

Of course, the first positive result of this style will be discipline and responsibility for their actions. Such children grow up obedient. So to speak, robots who have been given a command, and they carry it out without any wrangling.

The second plus is expressed in the fact that such children are completely early age they will not seek solutions for any reason, which will not allow a nervous breakdown to occur.

Cons of authoritarian parenting

The disadvantages of this method are that:

  1. The baby develops complexes - these are low self-esteem, cowardice, inactivity and insecurity.
  2. The personality of the child practically does not develop. He automatically obeys the orders and advice of his parents, even as an adult. And sometimes he does not notice at all that these actions are contrary to his by their own desires.
  3. A huge inferiority complex develops. The psyche of a child suffers if he is constantly afraid of punishment.
  4. An important factor is the fact that more mature age he can just break loose and go all bad, making up for everything that was forbidden to him.

Positive result

And now you can consider what the child will eventually become, who received an authoritarian family upbringing.

At best, a person will grow up like that.

  1. Timid, calm, very obedient.
  2. Without thinking about the consequences, he will fulfill any wish emanating from his parents or those who are older than him.
  3. He will try to study very well, and possibly graduate with honors.
  4. He can become a good employee who always and on time fulfills the task assigned to him.
  5. From a male point of view, girls raised in this way make good wives.

Negative result

  1. A despot who will project his difficult childhood onto those around him.
  2. In adulthood, the child will lose respect for his parents. In its place will come hatred and their reduced authority.
  3. The person will become aggressive, cynical and conflictual. All problems will be solved by force.
  4. It will be practically unrealistic to find a job under someone's leadership and in a team, since he will enter into disputes with everyone.
  5. All his life he will fight for something, against something and with someone. The main goal will be to fight.

Parental behavior

If we talk in simple words, then the behavior of the parents can be divided into 2 options:

  1. I said so, so it will be so.
  2. I am a parent, I am an adult, so I am right.

That is, parents do not compromise, forcing the child to fulfill their requirements inside and out. Their frequent phrases are: "you must", "you are an idiot", "you are obliged", "you are lazy, stupid, fool", etc.

As a rule, such parents punish the child for every offense, most often resorting to physical punishment. Any manifestation of Desire and requests are not heard and are completely ignored.

Real examples

The most striking example of a child who received an authoritarian upbringing is Adolf Hitler himself. His father, having retired from the customs service, left unflattering reviews about himself, he is characterized as a very conflicted and arrogant person.

His tyrannical inclinations forced his eldest son, Hitler's brother, to run away from home. Adolf himself graduated with honors from school in Lambach.

After the flight of his son, Adolf's father began to drill him, which led Hitler to the same thoughts about escape as his brother, but he did not do it.

However, he directed his rage and wrestling traits to form himself as a leader. Already at school, he was very different from his classmates, which can be seen even from photographs. And, as one of them said, Hitler was a calm fanatic.

The tyrannical method of upbringing affected the further fate of the German teenager, who later became one of the brightest dictators in the world, who killed millions of human lives.

Another boy who was brought up in this mode was again a German. It was Hans Müller. Despite the fact that he was the only child in the family, his parents kept him in strict discipline. Any violation of the rules was punished physically.

On orders from his parents, Hans joined the armed forces of Nazi Germany and the National Socialist Party. At the age of 25, he was admitted to a special unit that was responsible for guarding the Death's Head concentration camps.

When the Soviet army liberated Auschwitz, they got their hands on all the documentation, which described in detail all the atrocities and horrors that G. Müller did with the prisoners.

Final conclusions

The method of such upbringing can lead to irreversible, harmful consequences for the child. The violence and pressure that parents put on their child may forever deprive them of a quiet old age. And, unfortunately, there will be no one to serve a mug of water.

Therefore, when choosing how to raise a child, it is worth maintaining balance and equally often praising and fostering discipline in him. The kid should feel the support and love of his parents, then only he will become a successful and kind person.

Aleksey ENIN, Candidate of Pedagogy, talks about the possibilities of provocative pedagogy

One of the typical pedagogical mistakes is an attempt to educate children exclusively on positive examples and socially approved actions. At first glance, there is nothing dangerous in this, since such a practice orients the child to imitate certain positive models. What is wrong if the child begins to identify with the ideal image offered to him? But not everything is so simple ...

Where do negative qualities "disappear"?

The problem is that in addition to positive traits, each of us also has negative qualities that cause corresponding desires and stimulate certain behavior. And the reaction of adults, including teachers, often comes down to prohibitions and moralizing. As a result, many children have a conflict between an idealized self-image and real aspirations. The consequences of such a conflict are: a decrease in self-esteem, internal confusion, increased irritability and other negative experiences. In the longer term, this can lead to problems in the development of the child, for example in development emotional sphere... It also happens that a child rejects a positive model of behavior and turns to other asocial or even criminal models. In general, the loss of connection with the negative part of yourself is fraught with very unpleasant consequences. How to be? Here provocative pedagogy comes to the aid of the teacher.

Do I need to move the border of what is permissible?

At the heart of provocative pedagogy is a challenge to the pupil, prompting him to take certain actions in the direction of his own development. Often this challenge is associated with a proposal to do something that goes beyond the stereotypes of what is acceptable and forbidden, right and false, encouraged and punishable. That is, children are allowed and offered what, according to the logic of things, should not be encouraged by adults. Standard norms and boundaries seem to shift, and the child is given the opportunity to decide for himself how far he should go in following the new "anti-pedagogical" attitudes and principles. In extracurricular work, for this purpose, the technique of role-playing or imitation games can be used. For example, the game "The Day of Nasty", in which children are allowed to do "dirty tricks" to each other, or "Day of Laziness", where the children have only one duty - "doing nothing". As a rule, living such a “negative experience” causes a reverse reaction in children: a desire to act contrary to the “negative” instructions of adults. This effect, in fact, is the basis of the calculation in provocative pedagogy. Agree, it's one thing when moral norms of behavior are introduced by adults, and quite another when children come to them themselves. In the latter case, ideal positive traits cease to be perceived by the child as imposed from the outside; there is an awareness of their necessity, and the person himself begins to feel real freedom and responsibility.
In addition, the methods of provocative teachers allow children, as they say, to “let off steam”, to realize some of their negative desires in a “soft” and safe form for others.
But that's not all. In culture, provocativeness acts as one of the mechanisms for "generating uncertainty." That is, such a loosening of cultural and personal stereotypes, which leads to change, renewal, and development of both individuals and society as a whole. How does this “loosening” manifest itself in the practice of provocative pedagogy? For example, a child's attitude towards certain things changes, he begins to understand that some qualities that he previously considered negative should not be assessed so unambiguously. That it is possible to find ways to turn the potential of “negative” desires and interests “into positive”. Thus, provocative methods release latent energy in the child, activating and strengthening the resources of his self-development. And at the same time they help to integrate the positive and “negative” aspects of the personality into a holistic, adequate and positive self-image.
As you can see, provocative pedagogy has enormous potential, which is worth using. But!..

Maybe it's better to abstain? ..

In conclusion, it is necessary to say about the limitations in the application of the methods of provocative pedagogy. First of all, it should be noted that provocative methods are a double-edged tool. Illiterate handling of it can lead to the exact opposite effect.
Therefore, these methods can only be used by those teachers who are familiar with the basics of psychology and have the skills to apply play techniques... In this case, the teacher should be guided by the principle of openness in communication with children, as well as the principle of "pedagogical participation". That is, the teacher himself must participate in the games, setting a certain “style” of going beyond the boundaries of the usual norms.
And of course, the degree of trust that has been established between the teacher and other participants in the game process is of paramount importance. It is also important to understand that some children feel extremely uncomfortable with provocative influences. Therefore, participation in this kind of games should be purely voluntary - only at the request of the child.

Prepared by Anatoly VITKOVSKY

Is it possible for a teenager to lose weight without dieting? And why exactly without diets? V adolescence the child's body, more than ever, needs not only a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, but also calories. This is an intense phase of growth and physical formation. And of course, it implies the passage of puberty. Therefore, harsh and exhausting diets are not only undesirable, but also extremely contraindicated in adolescence.

If a child is allowed everything and there are no prohibitions, he will gradually turn into a little devil. And if you constantly reprimand or forbid something, you will grow up a notorious creature with a lack of will. Therefore, in raising children, stick to the golden mean.

The child's closest and dearest person is the mother. Dads play, so to speak, a "second role" in the life of the baby. It is the father who can direct his son or daughter on the right path. Parents have different functions in raising a child, which complement each other. In other words, the dad can give in the upbringing of the baby what the mother cannot and vice versa.

How often the joy of having a child is replaced by irritation and anger as a new family member grows up. A heavy load of grievances, claims, misunderstandings is accumulating. Imperceptibly alienation turns into an insurmountable abyss.

Behind the difficult periods of infancy, when you did not sleep, watching the development of the child by months, behind Kindergarten, ahead of entering the 1st grade, an exciting student life. The task of the parents is to ensure that preschool preparation for school provides him with comfortable learning, joining the student body.