Additive to pension for children born in the USSR. Pension allowance for retirees for pension increases

In 2017, Moscow pensions were indexed by 20%. In addition, the pension payments now have become more, the pensioners were able to issue urban surcharges that raise the amount of pension to the level of the capital's social standard. These measures have been adopted due to the fact that food in Moscow is becoming more expensive, non-manufacturing goods and utilities services, and therefore pensions are not enough for a decent life. Consider the question of how the Moscow surcharge to pensions is charged in 2020.

To whom the Moscow allowance for pension is paid

In some subjects of the Russian Federation, Russian citizens are provided with special payments intended solely for special categories of people - labor veterans, poor families, rear workers, and so on. This type of financial assistance is fixed amounts paid monthly or only once.

Under what conditions the Moscow allowance for pensions in 2020 is paid

In 2017, the subsistence minimum in Moscow was increased to 14,500 rubles for pensioners who lived in the capital at least 10.

Now that the size of the urban subsistence minimum was significantly increased, even the working pensioner can claim to pay a pension, since the pension, together with the wage, does not reach 14 thousand rubles.

The same Pension Recipients who lived in Moscow for less than 10 years, the surcharge relies in a smaller size, since there are 11,428 rubles for them for them.

What size is the Moscow allowance for retirement

The size of the Moscow surcharge to the pension payment directly depends on how long the pensioner lives in Moscow, while having a permanent registration in the capital or areas associated with it - if the recipient of the pension lives here less than 10 years, the surcharge is calculated on the basis of a subsistence minimum of 11 428 rubles, and if the time spent in the capital exceeds 10 years, the maximum allowance is paid to the subsistence minimum (social standard) at 14,500 rubles.

How is the Moscow surcharge to pension in 2020

The Moscow surcharge to pension payments is designed to reveal it to a regional subsistence minimum (social standard), and therefore it is possible to calculate it by the formula:

RMN \u003d VPM - VP,

where RMN is the size of the Moscow surcharge,

VPM - the amount of the subsistence minimum (depending on the time of living in Moscow),

VP - the magnitude of the monthly pension.

An example of calculating the Moscow allowance for pension

Ivan Fedorovich receives an old age retirement 8900 rubles. The pensioner moved to Moscow 15 years ago and registered in the capital. In addition, a subsidy is appointed 500 rubles for heating.

Lev Nikolayevich registered in Moscow 5 years ago, at the moment he is a pensioner and receive an early preferential pension in the amount of 9350 rubles, since all his life worked in harmful production.

For Ivan Fedorovich, the Moscow surcharge will be calculated on the basis of a subsistence minimum of 14,500 rubles, and the total amount of material security will be taken into account, including the state-appointed benefits:

14500 - 8900 - 500 \u003d 5100 rubles - this will be a regional social surcharge to pension.

For Leo, Nikolayevich, the metropolitan surcharge will be calculated, based on the subsistence minimum of 11,428 rubles:

11 428 - 9 350 \u003d 2078 rubles - a pensioner will receive such a social surcharge to pension.

How is the Moscow allowance for pensions in 2020

Moscow allowance for pensions in 2017 is charged to the sum of the main pension automatically, and it is not necessary to contact the Pension Fund separately.

It happens that the employees of the authorized bodies do not receive a pensioner in time to one or another category of the pension designer, and therefore the pensioner may notice that it has the right to a social surcharge on monthly payments, but for some reason they do not receive them. In such a situation, it is better to collect a certain set of documents and "remind themselves" to state institutions.

What documents are needed to make a surcharge

So, for registration of additional payments to the pension you will need to collect the next set of papers:


Where to get

Passport of the Russian Federation (original and photocopy) with a stamp on registration in Moscow or nearby territories

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Certificate of birth of a child (if the recipient of the pension is a minor under 14)

Registry Office

Family Help

Housing Passport
Certificate of pension insurance


Employment history

From the last job

Documents confirming the availability of rights to benefit:

Certificate of a large parent (those who receive a retirement

Certificate of the death of a person who had a retiree on dependency (for those who lost the only breadwin)

Registry Office

Conclusion of medical and social expertise on the assignment of the disabled group (those who receive a disability retirement)

ITU Bureau
The court decision on the recognition of a citizen of missing (those who receive a pension for the loss of the breadwinner)

At the secretary of the court

Labor book with a record of employment from harmful production (those who receive a preferential pension for harmful working conditions)

From the last job
Labor book with a record of employment in the regions of the Far North (those who receive a preferential pension)

From the last job

Where to apply for the design of the Moscow allowance

In the event that a misunderstanding arose, the Moscow surcharge to pension should be accrued to you, but you do not receive it, you need to contact the Regional Office of the Russian Pension Fund. An employee of the institution will ask you to write a statement in free form or by sample and submit documents confirming the identity and right to surcharge.

What time frames will consider the appeal to pay for pensions

Pension fund employees will study your application and submitted documents for a maximum of 10 days. If any data requires clarifications, 30 days will leave for consideration, but it rarely happens.

If a positive decision is made to accrual additional payments to the applicant's pension, the pension payment in an increased amount will arrive at the expense of the pensioner from next month (at the same time submitting documents it is necessary to 20 months).

Legislative acts on the topic

Typical errors

Error: A citizen has the right to receive a Moscow allowance for a pension. After submitting documents in the FInce of the Russian Federation, an unreasonable decision was made to refuse. He continues to receive a pension without surcharge.

In addition to the basic size of its pension, each pensioner has the right to arrange and receive a variety of surcharges. We will tell you more about them, especially the one that was the name "Luzhkovskaya allowance for a pension".

Social additional payments

When it comes to additional pension payments, there are in mind two separate categories: federal and regional (local).

The federal effects extend to all regions of the country without exception, their size and composition are appointed only by the Government. Regional are paid from the budget of this entity of the Russian Federation and to solve the local authority of self-government.

The federal includes:

  • social;
  • national pension calculations;
  • insurance pension payments.

Pension premiums

The list of a variety of premiums to insurance pension calculations is sufficiently lengthy:

  • Upon reaching a retired age of 80 years or in establishing the I group of disability, an increase in fixed payments to a pension per 100% (in 2019 - 5334.19 rubles) is assumed.
  • The list includes and increased payments to those pensioners who have ceased to work much later than the onset of retirement age, but the documents in the FIU have not been submitted. How much will the total amount becomes, depends on the time that care from work was postponed. When handling for 5 years later, the pension size increases by about 40%.
  • Its benefits are disabled I, II, III groups.
  • Third from the amount of standard pension accrual (5180, 24 r. In 2019)can be issued additionally at each dependent (minors, limitedly capable and incapable citizens), But no more than 3 disabled family members;
  • Unemployed pensioners living in rural areas and worked in agriculture in certain positions - fixed payout increases by 25%;
  • Northerners who worked at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to the districts of the Far North, and having an insurance experience of at least 25 years in men or at least 20 years in women, fixed payout increases by 30%.
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Fringe benefits

If the pensioner is a valid civil servant, then for each new year, it is supposed to be an additional 3% to the pension. Other benefits are provided to the following categories of citizens:

  • Athletes participating in the Olympic Games;
  • Military, participating in hostilities, veterans of the Second World War;
  • Children of war;
  • Heroes of Russia, as well as the USSR.

From the rest of the benefits, federals are distinguished by the fact that they are subject to index every 6 months. This is done with the aim of covering inflation for the past period. So, the incomes of pensioners remain at a stable level.

Who from Muscovites is relying Luzhkovskaya allowance for pension

To whom they pay Luzhkovskaya allowance for pensions - non-working pensioners, a total of no less living in the capital than 10 years, but their income is lower than the level of urban social standard. Due to the payment size of the income of those who are laid by the Luzhkovskaya surcharge to pension, rises to the social status of Moscow.

Requirements for citizens:

  1. be a recipient of pension;
  2. lack of work (temporary or constant);
  3. confirmed accommodation in Moscow at least 10 years;
  4. low income.
Attention! Luzhkovskaya surcharge to working retirees - does not rely.

If the pensioner lives in Moscow, but less than 10 years old, then he will receive Luzhkovsky allowance, but only before the subsistence minimum level. The difference between these two values \u200b\u200bis essential.

So, the Luzhkovskaya surcharge in 2019, was repelled from the social standard of Moscow, equal to 17,500 rubles, and the size of the subsistence minimum was equal to 12115 rubles. The size of the Luzhkovsky surcharge to the pension is equal to the difference between the appointed pension and the social standard or subsistence minimum.

In 2019, the PMP in Moscow was 12115 p. Accordingly, the surcharge will be carried out by bringing the citizen's pension provision to this indicator.

Attention! Every year, the administrative and territorial boundaries of Moscow are revised. In 2018, the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative district were joined to the administrative borders of this subject of the Russian Federation. Important! The amount of Luzhkovskaya surcharge to the pension is established individually, it is possible to find out this information in its FFR office.

The indexation of Luzhkovskaya payments is carried out only 1 time per year - January 1. If the pensioner lived in the capital for less than 10 years, but at the same time it is a participant in the Second World War, or the hero of Russia or the USSR, then he will receive payment in full.

How to get a Luzhkovsky allowance for pension

The pensioner must be proved that the total time of living in Moscow (albeit with breaks) amounted to a total of 10 years or more. On other benefits, the period of residence in the capital does not have any influence.

The premium to the pension to 17 500 in Moscow is put to non-working pensioners. The essence of such a surcharge is that if the prescribed pension charges are lower than social status, then persons with the Moscow PRPUKY produce a premium from the regional budget. In 2020, the social status is 17 500 rubles. But it is important to know here that surcharge to pension is carried out automatically not to all pensioners. Therefore, to get it, you need to submit an appropriate statement.

Conditions for making a pension to 17,500 rubles

To get a surcharge to the pension calculations of the Moscow Pensioner or a person who has the right to issue an allowance must be compliance with the following conditions:

  • the amount of the pension should be lower than the social status;
  • a citizen who receives a pension should not be officially employed;
  • a person who claims to receive a surcharge must have permanent registration in Moscow at least 10 years in a row.

If the pensioner officially lives in the capital and at the same time works or retires the higher subsistence minimum, he will not be able to issue an increase.

If the term of constant registration at one place of residence is less than 10 years, he has the right to receive a surcharge to the subsistence minimum. The main thing is that for 10 years a citizen must have registration in Moscow.

An exception in this case is minor citizens who receive pension deductions.

Who is the increase in pension calculations up to 17 500 rubles?

As already mentioned above, the surcharge to the pension is based only by those pensioners who have a permanent residence in the capital of 10 years and more. If a citizen has pension deductions to be lower than the subsistence minimum, and it is registered in Moscow for less than 10 years, he has the right to claim to receive a surcharge.

Moscow increase in pension in 2020

The amount of increase in pension calculations depends on how long the pensioner is registered in the capital. If he officially lives in Moscow for less than 10 years, his pension can only be increased to 11,603 rubles, that is, the Moscow subsistence minimum. However, if the pensioner is registered in the capital for more than 10 years, he can count on the maximum allowance to the social standard at 17 500 rubles.

According to the current law No. 36 "On the social support of individual categories of Moscow citizens" of March 20, 2006, pensioners appropriate for all conditions, for obtaining a premium for pension calculations, it is necessary to send applications and a package of documents to the PF of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

Examples of calculating the allowance for pension calculations

Example number 1.

Pensioner Ivan Ivanovich does not work and receives a pension of 9,000 each month. It is constantly registered in the capital from orphanage. And since he lives in Moscow for more than 10 years, it has the right to issue an increase to pension calculations, due to which to increase them to the social status. Calculation of surcharge is produced as: 17 500 - 9,000 \u003d 8 500 rubles.

Example number 2.

Peter Vasilyevich is a Moscow pensioner, officially living in the capital 5 years. He receives a monthly retirement in the amount of 10,000 rubles. And since Peter Vasilyevich lives in Moscow for less than 10 years, it has the right to increase pension calculations only to the amount of the subsistence minimum. The calculation of the increase is carried out as follows: 11 603 - 10 000 \u003d 1603 rubles.

How to make an increase in pensions in Moscow?

Before issuing a premium to retirement accruals, the applicant needs to prove its official residence in Moscow, which should be at least 10 years. In addition, the pensioner will need to submit the following documentation:

  1. passport of the Russian Federation;
  2. permanent registration in Moscow;
  3. pensioner's ID;
  4. Reduss;
  5. certificate of family composition;
  6. workbook serving evidence of the completion of employment experience;
  7. sample application.

If all the documents are in order, they can be conveyed to the PF of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

The duration of consideration of the application for the receipt of the allowance is two weeks. When making a positive decision, the FFRF assigns surcharge from next month. In case of refusal, the pensioner comes a notification with detailed explanations of the reasons. A citizen applying for an increase in pension has full right to appeal a negative decision.

Disabled pensioners who have reached an 80-year-old turn, all surcharges to pensions are carried out automatically.

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Non-working retirees. Federal Social Supplement to Pension - one of the forms of providing such a state vehicle. This type of state support has significant differences from the rest, since it covers a fairly wide range of subjects. Let us then consider what the federal social surcharge to the pension of non-working retirees is submitted.


From 01/01/2010 in the Russian Federation produced social surcharge to pension. Federal law No. 213 appropriate changes in FZ No. 178 were introduced.

The emergence of this type of surcharge was due to the insufficient material security of citizens who ceased to work.


Essence It consists in approaching the amount of pension payments to the size of the subsistence minimum. Financing is carried out at the expense of budget funds. Establishment of federal social surcharge to pensionit does not depend on the type of pension payment and the contribution of the face in its magnitude.

The main difference of this manual from conventional material assistance paid at the same time is that it is charged monthly until the citizen gets to work or its income will not reach the subsistence minimum.

The composition of payout

For establishing federal social surcharge to pensionintected:

  • Pensions of all kinds, including those provided by the former staff of power structures.
  • Monthly monetary dotation veterans, disabled, relatives of those who died in the performance of official duties. Social services are also included in these payments: payment of travel in suburban transport, to the place of treatment, stay in sanatoriums / preclactors, medicinal support, including those obtained in kind.
  • Additional payments (for merits to homeland, etc.).
  • Regional benefits, with the exception of one-time.

In determining the amount of federal social surcharge, the pension does not take into account state support measures provided in natural form, besides the above exception and monetary subsidies for payment of the phone, utilities services, fare on public transport.


Suppose a citizen is disabled and received a pension of 7400 p. Regional legislation also provides for him the opportunity to travel for free on city transport. The monetary equivalent of this benefit is 421 p.

The total amount of payments to determine the right to receive federal social surcharge to disability pension will be 7821 p.


Who is the federal social surcharge to pension? Not all pensioners may not receive state support. To do this, compliance with several conditions:

  • In the sense of definition, the surcharge is intended, firstly, exclusively non-working pensioners. Accordingly, the employment of a citizen will entail the automatic deprivation of the right to receive material assistance. In this case, the magnitude of earning value does not have.
  • A citizen must live in Russia. Pensioners living constantly abroad have no right to this help.
  • The income level of the face should be less than the subsistence minimum.

As a rule, recipients federal social surcharge to pensionare receiving payments due to disabilities, loss of breadwinner and other social benefits.

Calculation of the subsistence minimum

The amount is determined by the cost of the consumer basket, taking into account mandatory payments. Its value is established on the basis of the provisions of FZ No. 134 at the same time next year. In the regions, the sum of the subsistence minimum is also determined once a year to 01.11 of the current period.

When determining the cost of a consumer basket, prices are taken into account only on the necessary goods and services:

  • Minimal grocery set: potatoes, bread, cereals, salt, pasta, sugar, fruits, eggs, milk, spices, vegetables.
  • Products and services included in the non-food category. Their cost is determined in the ratio of food.

The composition of the basket is revised once every 5 years, taking into account changes in the economic situation and the living standards of people.

The amount of the subsistence minimum is established depending on the category to which a citizen belongs. Groups are separated by socio-demographic basis:

  • Pensioners.
  • Food-bodied citizens.
  • Children.

It is necessary to take into account that when determining the amount of subsistence minimum for calculating federal social surcharge to pension The person believes to the group "Pensioners" does not depend on its age. For example, a minor receiving payment in connection with the disability or loss of the breadwinner, when determining the basic sums, will be considered as referring to the "Pensioners" group.

Situation in the regions

The magnitude of the federal social surcharge to pension depends on the subject of the Russian Federation, in which the citizen lives. The sums of the sum of the subsistence minimum in some regions are presented in the table.

The name of the subject of the Russian Federation

Amount (in rubles)

St. Petersburg

Voronezh region

Basic size (common country) is 8540 p.

The amount of the amount depends on the composition of the consumer basket, which is formed by regional authorities, taking into account the specifics of the region. Thus, in areas with a harsh climate, high costs are needed for life support than in areas with soft weather conditions.

Important moments

Legislation provides for the regional and federal Social Supplement to Pension. At the same time, a citizen can get only one of them.

When changing the place of residence (moving to another region), the amount is revised and is brought into line with regional standards.

Federal Social Supplement to Pension It is appointed in those entities where the subsistence minimum does not reach the base (common throughout Russia). These regions include:

  • North Caucasian - Middle PM is 7535 p.
  • South - 8171 r.
  • Volga - 7746 r.
  • Siberian - 8514 p.
  • Crimean - 8098 r.

Such amounts are due to low income and level of living of citizens.

Calculation of surcharge

Consider calculations on the example.

A citizen lives in the Kurgan region, receives a pension due to disabilities in the amount of 5400 p. He also pay a monthly 1919 r. 30 cop., Social services are provided, the cash equivalent of which is 995 p. 23 cop This amount is included in the monthly payment. In addition, the pensioner receives benefit for housing and utilities services, the cost of which is 586 p. 16 cop.

The total amount of material assistance to the citizen is:

1919,30 + 5400 + 586,16 + 7905,46.

The amount of the subsistence minimum in the Kurgan region. amounted to 8370 p. At the same time, in Russia for this year, the value of PM was equal to 8803 p. Now consider what a federal social surcharge to pension Just a citizen:

8370 - 7905,46 = 464, 54.

Order order

In accordance with the legislation, the citizen must provide only one document for establishment of federal social surcharge to pension - statement. It can be served simultaneously with papers in or later.

The application is submitted to the territorial division of the FIU at the address of the residence of the needy person.

To obtain regional payments, contact the organ of social protection. All necessary information about the pensioner structure will receive from other bodies within the framework of interdepartmental interaction.

No additional references and documents are not necessary to provide a pensioner.

When considering the application, authorized employees of the FIU division will check all the information available in the pension case. In addition, the calculation of all amounts paid to the face will be calculated. If it is higher than the subsistence minimum, a citizen may be denied an additional increase.

Responsibilities of a citizen

The pensioner should report to the authorized bodies of all events that may result in a change in the amount or cancellation of payments. A citizen is deprived of the right to receive surcharge, if:

  • Got a job.
  • Run abroad for permanent residence.
  • The payment of the pension to which the surcharge was appointed, stopped.
  • Increased income size and exceeded the subsistence minimum.

The recalculation of the amount of surcharge is made if the citizen moved to the region in which another subsistence minimum is established.

On notifying authorized bodies on the occurrence of the above circumstances, 5 days are given. If a citizen does not send a notice, the paid amounts paid overly in court may be charged.

Federal social surcharge to pension for children

In July 2017, the regional divisions of the FIU began to be published by explanations on issues relating to pension gains for children. Before that, there were many contradictory rumors around the country. In particular, it was believed that female pensioners can contact the FIU with a statement and get a surcharge for children who were born until 1990. Some said that the payment was made on all children who appeared in Soviet times until 1980 in July The FIU dispelled all the rumors and provided reliable information.

It is worth saying right away that we are not talking about independent payment. Supplement is obtained by recalculation of the already appointed pension. The new order was introduced in 2015. From this year, "non-persecutive" periods, i.e., for example, 1.5 years used as a child care vacation are taken.

Nuances payout

Women retired after 01.01.2015, no need to contact the FIU for recalculation. The fact is that the most profitable amount of pension is already calculated. It is advisable to recalculate if a woman has periods that have not previously been taken into account or were taken into account, but according to the rules in force. For non-breakdown periods are currently accrued

Terms in which a woman can apply, the legislation does not limit. To seek a pensioner in the FIU at any convenient time. This can be done directly to the Department of Fund or through MFC, as well as online on the Public Services portal.

A premium that will turn out when recalculating is not always beneficial. As practice shows, only 20-30% of all cases the amount of security increases. At the same time, the amount of surcharge is from several rubles to the pair of hundreds. Only in some cases the magnitude washes to exceed 1 thousand rubles.

It also happens that when recalled, a negative amount is obtained. In such situations, the prescribed pension is not reduced, since this will lead to a deterioration in the position of the pensioner, which is directly prohibited by the current norms.

Who can count on recalculation

According to representatives of the FIU, the age of children value when revising the amount of payment does not have. The child can be born until 1990 and later.

The view that recalculation is made only on children who have appeared to 1990 are due to the fact that the new order introduced in 2015 provided a significant increase in retirement to persons who have worked mainly in Soviet times. Now it practically does not affect the amount of payments, but can be taken into account on more favorable conditions in the form of pension points. It is these people that it is recommended to contact the FIU in the first place. As practice shows, such citizens became pensioners until 01.01.2015

Meanwhile, the birth of children after the collapse of the Union does not mean that the woman automatically loses the right to recalculate. The right is preserved, but the retirement may be unprofitable. In particular, it is inappropriate to revise the amount of pension providing women who have gained experience after 1990

It should also be taken into account that periods used for child care are up to 1.5 liters., In itself, do not provide for automatic raising pension. The fact is that when it is prescribed, working periods can provide a higher increase than their replacement for "non-trap" periods.


To recalculate the pension provision on the new rules, only those citizens who have been appointed until 2015 can write an appropriate statement, regardless of the type of pension. You can contact a citizen receiving old-age pay, for disability, etc.

The application is submitted to the territorial division of the FIU, in which the pension case is open to the citizen. Additional references are not necessary. The necessary information is already contained in the pension case, and can be obtained upon request in the order of interdepartmental interaction.

Citizens fill out a statement of typical form to recalculate pensions. Its blank approved by order of Mintrud No. 14n from 2016.

Filling out the application, as a rule, does not cause difficulties. It indicates basic information about the person with the right to pay. Signed by a personally by a citizen.


Despite the fairly unstable economic situation in the country, the state is trying to fulfill its obligations to the population. Special attention is paid to people who stopped labor activity.

As you know, retirees have to be quite difficult today. Often there are not enough funds for the purchase of drugs worthy of treatment. The program developed at the federal level is intended to provide material support to such people. Social surcharges allow us to bring the amounts received by pensioners to the size of the subsistence minimum.

Undoubtedly, this is not always enough to ensure a decent life of people. The government, however, is constantly looking for new ways to provide material assistance to unprotected categories of citizens. At the same time, state bodies simplify the procedure for obtaining state support.

Urban surcharge to pension in Moscow is put to those who have the right to her. Such payment is enshrined by the pension reform conducted in the Russian Federation in recent years, and is aimed at regional promotion of people of retirement age. And then we will talk about the size of such a surcharge and those categories of citizens to whom it relies.

Social surcharge

Each pensioner who watches his payments, knows that his pension consists not only from the main part of the pension, but also from additional - allowances and surcharges that rely on the law. At the same time there are surcharges of two levels:

  1. Federals, which are established exclusively by the Government of the Russian Federation and are paid to certain categories of citizens, but in the whole country;
  2. Regional size them are established depending on what the regional budget can afford at the moment. The categories of citizens eligible for such surcharges approves not the government, but exclusively local authorities.

For a better understanding, we give a few examples of federal allowances:

  • Surcharge to all people who have reached the age of 80;
  • People with the first group of disabilities;
  • Citizens who have reached a well-deserved vacation a lot later than the laid period, that is, not on the fact of achieving retirement age.

Regional allowances can be a wide variety, since they have their own in each separate region. For example, there is a surcharge for pensioners who worked in the extreme north, there are special allowances for pensioners living in the village (surcharge entered only since 2018), etc.

It's no secret that in the capital is a rather high standard of living, allowing many to buy roads and services. There is a demand for any goods with at any cost, so life in Moscow and the region is not cheaper. But if a able-bodied person somehow can somehow improve its well-being, then the pensioner does not have such an opportunity. That is why even somehow protect such a category of people, in Moscow local authorities introduced two standards or two positions (who like best):

  1. Subsistence minimum for a pensioner living in Moscow;
  2. Moscow Social Standard Pensioner-Muscovite.

And, depending on which standard is put on a specific pensioner, he will receive such a surcharge.

Let's start with the end, let's talk about the Moscow Standard. Such an indicator was introduced at all for a long time, since 2018. Standard it is on the standard that standardizes some norms. So, this indicator is the minimum permissible pension size, below which the Muscovite cannot and does not have the right to receive. In other words, if the pension is lower than the standard, then such a person the regional budget must pay the Moscow allowance for the pension.

For 2020, such a standard for the region is 17,500 rubles. Many pensioners will immediately be surprised, and they will say that they do not pay a pension to this size. But it should be noted that by law not all have the right to such a surcharge.

At surchant to the social standard in Moscow have the right to:

  • Persons who at the time of receipt of the pension are not working. Working a pensioner even with all other criteria for such an allowance will not receive such a surcharge;
  • Persons with Moscow registration for more than 10 years. In principle, such a dumping and is made in order to support indigenous Muscovites or those who have become over the time;
  • Those whose pension with all the allowances and indexation does not reach up to 17 500 rubles.

This three criteria must be configured so that it is possible to receive a pension in Moscow at least 17 500 rubles. All other subjects should be equal to the subsistence minimum for pensioners, which differs from the size of the social standard.

The size of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in Moscow is lower than the social standard and is 11,816 rubles. But to say that everyone gets extra charge to such a level, too, it is also impossible, because it is at least for a non-working pensioner. If the person is still officially employed, then there can be no talk about any speech.

By the way, it is necessary to note the fact that if the pensioner is fully in public security, then it automatically loses the right to social spending to the standard. For example, these are disabled children who are orphans. Unfortunately, the budget is limited, and paying the allowance to such categories does not rely.

Thus, Moscow, of course, an expensive city, where the level of expenditures is higher than anywhere else, but the authorities are not allowed to be all on samothek, but trying to socially protect their pensioners in any ways. The size of the social standard is not so small, and allows at least at the minimum level, but to secure a decent life in old age.

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