Abstract of a lesson on ecology in the middle group of a kindergarten on the topic: Autumn. Summary of the lesson on ecology in the middle group "Travel to the underwater kingdom-state" outline of the lesson on the world around (middle group) on the topic Outline of the lesson on

Ecology lesson in the middle group.

Topic:"Girlfriends grew up at the edge of the forest" (Acquaintance with the spruce and pine)

Target: to consolidate and deepen the knowledge of children about spruce and pine, as representatives of conifers. To form the ability to compare these trees, to see similarities and differences between them. To teach a careful and kind attitude to nature, to understand the value of each tree.


    to introduce children to conifers: spruce and pine;

    give children a new concept - conifers, their meaning for humans and animals.

    learn to recognize pine and spruce by their general appearance, twigs, needles, cones;

    broaden the horizons of children;

    to promote the education of interest in the study of natural phenomena;

    to educate children in the need for communication with nature, thanks to play activities;

    contribute to the expansion and deepening of environmental knowledge;

    to form a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor, the ability to listen to a friend;

    encourage children to physical activity (physical education), massage with the gifts of nature (cones);

    develop coherent speech;

    reinforce the ability to listen carefully and answer questions;

    activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: basket with spruce and pine branches, pictures of pine and spruce, spruce and pine cones, cards for the game "Find the Christmas tree", box, illustrations of insects and animals.

Course of the lesson:

Surprise moment "Guess what is hidden in the basket under the handkerchief?"

What do you think is under the headscarf? Feel it with your pens. These are sprigs of a fir-tree and pine.

How do they feel? Spiky.

Now, guess the riddle:

At the edge of the forest

Near the hut,

Grew up girlfriends -

Bumps on top of my head

Sharp needles

Greens and pegs (herringbone and pine)

Today we will talk about New Year's trees. Have you guessed what trees we are talking about? Why do you think I called these trees New Year's? (Answers of children). These trees are also called conifers, because instead of leaves they have needles, and the needles are always the same color both in winter and in summer.

Let's take a look at them. Pine and spruce are similar to each other. How? (Answers of children). They have needles and are green all year round. The needles are called needles. Let's compare the needles of a spruce and a pine. In a spruce, the needles are located one by one, and in a pine two - in pairs. The spruce has dark needles, and the pine has light ones. The needles ate short, while those of the pine were long. And in order to never confuse these two trees, remember the sentence:

Herringbone is a short needle.

Pine - the needle is long.

Children repeat in chorus, then 2-3 people one by one.

Take a look at these two pictures. Which one depicts a pine tree? And on which - spruce? Why do you think so? (Children show and answer).

Didactic exercise "Different Christmas trees"

Fir-trees are different. Let's show what Christmas trees are.

High - raise your arms and stand on your toes.
Low - squat down.
Wide - spread your arms to the sides.
Narrow - to press the lowered arms to the body.

Find the Christmas tree game

Look, there are many Christmas trees in front of you. They are all the same and only one of the trees is not like the others. Find this tree. How is it different from others? (Among the images of Christmas trees is a pine tree).

Children, let's look at the basket again, maybe there is something else hidden there? What is this? Correctly these are cones. Let's take a look at them.

The spruce cone is elongated. She has soft scales. The pinecone is round, with hard scales. When the buds are ripe, they fall from the trees. Seeds fall out of the fallen cones. The seeds of these trees are very similar. They are small and winged. The wind blows them away and they fly throughout the forest. Where the seeds fall, new pines and firs will grow. Christmas trees will grow from the seeds of the spruce. And from pine seeds, pine trees.

Let's see where the seeds are in the pine and spruce cones. It is very easy to get them if the cone is ripe and opened, let's try to get the seed out of the cone. (Put the seeds in a box)

Physical education on the poem "Bird tree"

By the silver path

(Hands on the belt, we walk in place - we make a forest path)

As soon as the New Year comes,

On a high thin leg

The miracle tree rises.

(Raise our hands up, flock on tiptoes)

This tree is not simple

And it's not for the guys.

(We wave our index finger to the sides)

Near the Christmas tree, flying,

Birds whistle merrily.

(We depict flying birds, wave our hands, you can whistle)

There is a woodpecker and tits,

Bullfinches and a sparrow -

Everybody wants to have fun

Near your Christmas tree!

(Spinning around)

Toys do not shine on it

(We stop, hands on the belt, gently turn our head left and right - we show that there are no toys on the Christmas tree)

And the star does not shine

(We wave our index finger)

But on the other hand there are feeders for birds

We hung there!

(We stretch our arms up above our head, rise on tiptoes and stretch as high as possible, trying to "hang" the feeder high on an imaginary Christmas tree)

Bird flocks arrive

To our tree in the winter garden,

(Wave hands again)

And in the garden, without stopping,

The bells are ringing.

(We depict with handles how bells sound)

Children, and you know who is friends with a Christmas tree and a pine tree! Listen. (Demonstration of illustrations of insects and animals). Small bugs live under the bark - bark beetles. When there are few of them, they are not scary. If there are many, they bring great harm to our trees.

Pine gives ants "building material" for the anthill - needles, their needles. And ants, as we know, are useful, they destroy harmful insects.

Bears often make dens under the roots of fallen spruce trees.

A woodpecker flies to the spruce and pine to eat bark beetles. The woodpecker is called the orderly of the forest. It feeds on bark beetles and sometimes on pine seeds.

In winter, an elk comes to the pine tree. He loves to feast on young pine twigs.

The squirrel lives in hollows on spruce and pine. It feeds on seeds of cones.

Forest rodents - mice - voles can be found under coniferous trees. Voles also love to eat cone seeds.

In winter, the coniferous forest saves animals and birds not only from hunger, but also from the cold. In dense spruce branches, crossbills build nests and hatch chicks.

The hare will hide under the spruce paws from the wind and predators.

Children, now let's play with the cones. Take a pine cone in the handles and roll it a little. (Game self-massage with pine cones with elements of finger gymnastics)

Rolling bumps between the palms.

Bumps like hedgehogs

They prick slightly.

Roll in your palms

Don't forget the bump.

Squeezing and unclenching the bumps.

I am stronger than anyone in the world!

I will squeeze bumps.

I will squeeze bumps,

I will develop my hands.

Left and right

Right and left

Pine cone circular motions between palms

Like a hedgehog pricks a pine tree,

Her bump is not scary to me.

I roll a pine cone in my palms.

With a pine cone now I'm playing

Rolling the bump from fingertips to elbow and back.

Tossing cones to each other.

Squirrels joke with us

Bumps are being thrown at us.

Let's play with the squirrel

We'll catch the cones.

And guys, pine and spruce are of great benefit. Conifers kill harmful bacteria with their smell. Therefore, it is good and easy to breathe in the coniferous forest. People use pine and spruce logs to build houses. Furniture is made from spruce and pine wood. They make toys for children. Musical instruments. They also make paper and pencils. A decoction of pine buds is taken when coughing. Needles, needles, make toothpaste, soap, cream.

You see, guys, that pines and firs serve both birds, and animals, and plants, and man. And in return they ask only one thing: do not offend them, do not break branches.

Nowadays, many people refuse to use live spruces and pines during the New Year holidays. Instead of living trees, artificial, man-made trees are used. Or they decorate living trees, but not cut down, but planted in pots. During the holiday, such spruce and pine trees stand in houses dressed up, and after the holidays are over, toys are removed from these trees and planted from pots in parks, in yards, on the streets.

Now listen to Irina Tokmakova's poem "Live, herringbone!"

The poem "Live, herringbone!"

They bought me a Christmas tree!

They bought me a Christmas tree

They did not cut it down in the forest at the edge.

And they made a Christmas tree at a good factory

Good uncles, funny aunts.

Come soon

Quickly take a look

On a Christmas tree made of thin silver threads:

All hairy needles,

Shiny and lush

And it will barely ring out.

And the forest tree remained alive,

Stands at the edge

Nodding with the top of his head.

Just - to the wind, blizzards,

Just as beautiful

Not sawed down spruce!

Creative game "Tale of the Christmas tree"

Children compose a thematic fairy tale based on supporting questions, according to a given beginning of the sentence.

“Once upon a time there was a Christmas tree. She grew ... (where?) And next to the fir-tree her neighbors grew - ... (what plants?). All of them are very Christmas tree ... (how did you feel about it?). They also loved to frolic near the Christmas tree and forest animals ... (what animals?). The Christmas tree protected the bunny and the chanterelle from the snowstorm with its fluffy twigs in winter, and the Christmas tree fed the squirrel with delicious seeds from its cones.

Before the New Year's holiday, I came to the tree with an ax ... (who?). He wanted to cut down the Christmas tree. And then a miracle happened - all the inhabitants of the forest - both plants and animals suddenly started talking and began to ask (the character) ... (what to ask for?). (What did they say to him?) (How did he respond to these requests, what did he say in response?)

The plants and animals were very happy and thanked (the character) ... (with what words they thanked) To celebrate, the forest dwellers arranged a New Year's ball near this Christmas tree. (How did they have fun at the festive ball, what did they do?) (How did this story end?)

Guys, I’ll write this story down and you’ll draw pictures for it. This will create a real book. We will give it to parents and children of other groups in our kindergarten to read it.

Now we will smile

Let's hold hands tightly

And goodbye to each other

We will make a promise:

We will be friends with the forest-

Guard it, love it!

So our lesson has come to an end. You guys are great fellows, you listened carefully and answered questions, coped with the tasks! And the seeds of the Christmas tree and pine, which we collected in a box, will be planted in the spring and we will watch how the trees will grow from them. Everyone can be free.

Explanatory note... In preschool childhood, the foundations of the personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the world around us. The kindergarten is the first link in the continuous environmental education system. Therefore, our teachers are faced with the task of forming the foundations of ecological culture in preschoolers. I have developed a summary of the educational activities of the ecological cycle.

Educational area: Cognition.

Integration: Communication, Artistic creation.

Activities: cognitive and research, communicative, motor, productive.

Form - conducting: activity - travel.

Children's age: middle group (4-5 years old)

Targets and goals:

1. Clarify the idea of ​​children that water is very important for all living things, plants, animals, people cannot live without it (people need water for eating, drinking, washing their bodies, objects that are in the room);

2. To educate children about the meaning of water in human life: water is the source of life; water is necessary to maintain and ensure human life;

3. To instill a respect for water;

4. To activate and enrich the children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives and verbs on the topic of the lesson.

5. To cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world around us, to cultivate a correct attitude towards our health.

Enrichment of the dictionary: travel, companion, water pipes, boiled water.

Material: doll "Kapitoshka", drops of water (large and small), three containers for the experiment, a funnel, a poster depicting factors confirming the need for water on Earth; ready-made templates for the aquarium, pasta - fish.

Preliminary work: memorizing poetry about water; viewing illustrations; reading fairy tales, informative literature about water; observation in a corner of nature for fish in an aquarium (water change), for flowers (watering); joint production of the collage "The sun, air and water are our best friends!"

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Hello dear guys! I'm glad to see you. Let's remember our motto: “From the blue brook

The river begins

And the game starts with a smile! "

(children speak with the teacher)

2. Game situation

Guys, someone is in a hurry to visit us! Who is this?

This is a droplet called Kapitoshka.

Our guest introduced herself to us, and now let's, and we'll give our names. (Each child picks up a doll (picture) and says his name)

And she came to visit us to visit her droplet sisters who live in our group.

Guys, let's show Kapitoshka where the droplet sisters live, what they do with us and what benefits they bring. And we will celebrate the little sisters with beautiful paper droplets.

3. Travel-search for droplets by group

(Children walk through the group making stops)

In a corner of nature: near plants.

Flowers must be watered, they are alive, without water they will dry out, wither, they need water. (Glue a big drop)

At the aquarium: the fish live in water, without it they will die, they need a lot of water to swim. (Glue a big drop)

Guys, what kind of water do fish need clean or dirty? You need to look after the fish, clean the aquarium, change the water, make sure that the fish are comfortable in it.

Near the sink (sink): the teacher's assistant needs a lot of water to wash the dishes, dust off, and clean up in the group. (Glue a big drop)

In the play corner: water is needed to wash dirty toys and to wash dolls' clothes. (Glue a big drop)

At the table on which there is a decanter of water: water is needed so that we can drink it. (Glue a big drop)

In the toilet room: water is needed so that children can wash their hands and face, and fulfill the necessary hygiene requirements. (Glue a big drop)

Guys, now let's count the droplets that live in our group room so that Kapitoshka knows how many there are.

(All together they count the droplets)

Here is Kapitoshka, how many droplet sisters live in our group, which bring us great benefit. And we promise to take care of them with the guys, and not to waste water in vain, to use it for its intended purpose.

4. Physical education

"The fish splashed merrily

In warm, sunny water.

They will shrink, unclench

They will bury themselves in the sand! "

(movements are performed with musical accompaniment)

5. Exercise for the eyes

For - For - For - keep your eyes. Follow the movements of your finger

Right left.

Zu - Zu - Zu - I saw a wasp. Draw a large circle in the air with your hand.

Sa - Sa - Sa - a wasp sits on the nose. Put your finger on the tip of your nose

Follow with a glance.

Ay - Ay - Ay - blink your eyes. Blink your eyes quickly.

Bai - Bai - Bai - close your eyes tightly. Close your eyes tightly.

6. Experimental activity "How to make water clean"

Water from a large river flows through special pipes and goes to our kindergarten and to your homes - these pipes are called water pipes. In order for you and me to drink clean water, wash our face and wash our hands, you need to save water - not waste it. If you wash your hands or face, remember to turn off the tap.

Guys, now look: in front of you are two containers of water. Do you think the water is the same in them?

Not! In one container, the water is clean, and in the other, it is dirty.

Guys, what kind of water would you like to drink - this or this? And why?

Because the water here is clean, but in this decanter it is dirty. You need to drink clean and boiled water.

Let's all together try to purify dirty water. To do this, take a funnel, put a piece of special paper in it and start passing dirty water through the funnel. See what we get. The water became clear.

What happened to our paper? She got dirty.

7. Facial massage

Water, water, wash my face. Rub your cheeks with your palms.

To make your eyes shine. Swipe your fingers without pressing on the closed

eyes from the inner edge of the eyelid to the outer.

To make your cheeks blush. Use your fingertips to gently tap on


So that the mouth laughs. Massage your chin with your fingers.

To bite a tooth. Massage the weight with your thumbs.

8. Joint activities

Guys, what kind of water do you think fish can live in? In a clean one.

Guys, I have a little magic aquarium with clean water. And the goldfish lives in this aquarium. But she is very sad to be alone and she asks us to help her make new friends. I suggest the guys put new fish in the aquarium. Our fish from pasta, on an adhesive base. Please place them all over the aquarium.

But first, let's do gymnastics for the fingers so that they work well.

9. Finger gymnastics "Rain"

Rain, rain drip, yes drip (With the finger of your right hand, touch the palm of your left hand, imitating droplets)

Don't drip like that anymore! (With your left hand, touch the palm of your right hand, imitating droplets)

Stop watering the earth (Threatening with index finger, negative sign)

It's time for us to go for a walk! (Simulate steps with two fingers of each hand)

10. Practical activity. Children distribute the fish around the aquarium. Individual assistance. The guys work to the music.

Look what a beautiful aquarium we have, how many fish there are in it, now the goldfish will not be bored in such a wonderful aquarium. Guys, you guys did a very good job, answered questions correctly, helped the goldfish make friends.

11. Summary.

Guys, let's tell Kapitoshka again, where do the droplet sisters live with us?

What do we need water for?

How should you conserve water?

I know that some guys have learned poems for our meeting today. And now they will tell them to us and to Kapitoshka.

Have you heard of water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet.

We can't wash our face without her

Do not eat, do not get drunk!

I dare to report to you:

We cannot live without water!

You will find her in the pond

And in a damp forest swamp,

Always travels

Our companion is water!

It's boiling on the stove

The kettle's ferry hiss

Dissolves sugar in tea.

We don't notice her

We are used to the fact that water is

Our companion is always!

Guys, Kapitoshka says thank you to everyone for knowing her droplet sisters so well. And it gives us magic drops as a keepsake that will feed us with life-giving power. Just do not forget about the benefits of water and respect for it.

(Each child is given a drop)

Thank you Kapitoshka, and you guys, thank you for your active and interested work in the lesson.

Outcome: preschoolers began to consciously, attentively and more observantly relate to natural wealth - water, which is reflected in their drawings and stories. I believe that in the process of solving the problems of educational activity, I was able to cultivate the ability to love, value and rationally use natural wealth.

Used Books:

1. Gorbatenko O.F. "The system of ecological education in preschool educational institutions" Publishing house "Teacher" p. 199

2. Denisenkova N. "Your child learns the world" - №2, 2000

3. Nikolaeva S. "Formation of the beginnings of the ecological culture of younger preschool age" Preschool education No. 8, 1999

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Purpose: to foster a respect for nature, a sense of kindness, belonging and empathy for all living and beautiful things that surround us.

  • Teach children to actively participate in the conversation, to answer the questions posed.
  • To form interest and respect for nature, for animals.
  • Reinforce children's knowledge of geometric shapes (circle, rectangle, triangle).
  • Arouse interest in painting on stones.

Demo material: using a puppet theater, a circle house is a bun, a rectangle house is a locomotive, a triangle house is a hedgehog. Airplane carpet, balloons, snowdrops glade, small train, high (2) and low (1) Christmas trees. Wild animals (toys): hare, bear, fox, squirrel. Triangular gussets (4).

Handouts: potatoes of different sizes, dishes large and small, on the rectangles - pictures of pets, cut into four parts. Gouache, tassels, stones of different sizes.

Course of the lesson

Children stand near the teacher. The teacher pays attention to how beautiful and elegant all the children are. Today, children, we will go on a fabulous journey, we will fly on an airplane carpet. All children sit on the flying carpet (large puzzles). They close their eyes (music sounds).

We arrived, carpet - the plane landed.

Guess the riddle: "The snow is melting, the meadow comes to life. Day is, when does it happen?" (In the spring).

What time of year is it? (Spring).

We came with you to a forest glade, what did you see here? (Flowers are snowdrops).

What time of year do snowdrops appear? (In the spring).

Not all the snow has melted yet, but snowdrops have appeared. Why is this flower called a snowdrop? (They grow under the snow.)

What color snowdrops? (White, blue at the edges).

How many snowdrops have grown? (five).

What a beautiful meadow of snowdrops.

The child reads the poem "Snowdrop" (L. Gerasimova).

"In a forest clearing
A sea of ​​flowers
Snowdrops bloomed
After winter dreams. "

But for snowdrops to bloom, what is needed for this? (sunshine, warm).

We continue our journey. On the way, we saw a letter, and in the letter there is a riddle:

"The bunny draws for us himself,
How many important things are around.
Ball, sun, ring.
Both a watermelon and a wheel. "(Children call a circle)

We came to the house of the kolobok. A kolobok (puppet theater) appears from behind the house.

Hello children, I am glad that you came to visit me. Children, what is the shape of the bun? (Round).

The gingerbread man will ask you a riddle, and you will guess:

"Ugly, chubby, but she will come to the table. The guys will say cheerfully, well, crumbly, delicious." (Potato).

Children, where do potatoes grow? (In the garden).

What is the shape of the potato? (Round).

Are they the same in size? (Big, small).

Help arrange large potatoes on a large platter, small on a small platter. (Children's answers: 2 large, 2 small).

Kolobok liked how you completed the task. Potatoes are a very healthy vegetable. What dishes can be prepared from it? (Children call).

People put a lot of work to collect a good harvest of potatoes. What does that require? (So ​​that it was warm, the sun warmed up, the rain left). Kolobok liked how you answered and worked. We say goodbye to the kolobok and continue on our way.

I suggest going in a hot air balloon. There is a balloon attached to each child's chair. One of them has an envelope. For some reason, our balls do not rise. In the envelope, assignment: name proverbs and sayings about nature. (Answers of children).

"Forest - wealth and beauty, take care of your forests"

"Protect birds, animals and always help them"

"A lot of forest - do not destroy, a little forest - take care, not forests - plant".

Whoever destroys nature does not love his land.

He who knows how to be kind will be able to protect and love nature.

You have correctly named the proverbs and sayings. Balloons flew (Music).

Well, our balloons landed on the ground near the house. The locomotive meets the children and makes a riddle:

"The cats squeezed a square,
He is not at all happy about this,
And everyone can see how he is now,
Looks like a book and a door. "(Rectangle)

Well done children, that they have guessed the riddle of the engine. Now please help him. His wagons with passengers ran away, let's collect them. (Children collect rectangles cut into 4 pieces)

And who, children, on the rectangles? (cat, dog, cow, calf, horse, sheep, goat, pig)

What kind of animals are they? (Homemade)

Why do we say pets? (They live next to a person)

What benefits do animals bring to humans? (A cow - milk, a cat - catches mice, a dog - guards a house, a goat - wool, milk, a pig - meat).

We helped the locomotive, collected all its trailers with pets. Now the fun little train set off on a journey. And we continue on our way.

Physical minute "Forest lawn" (Walking with knees raised high)

We went out to the forest lawn.
Raising my legs higher
Through bushes and bumps
Through branches and stumps.
Who walked so high
Did not stumble, did not fall.

On the way, the children saw a letter. And in it is a riddle:

"You are at me, you are at him,
Look at all of us
We have everything, we have everything
We've only got three "(Triangle)

Well done children, you have guessed the riddle correctly. You and I came to the forest lawn. And here is the hedgehog's house. What shape is it? (Triangular)

The hedgehog appears (Puppet theater)

Are they the same in height? (Various. 2 - high, 1 - low)

What color are the Christmas trees? (Green)

What all the Christmas trees are beautiful. Animals are sitting under the trees. Name? (Hare, bear, squirrel, fox)

How many are there? (4)

What kind of animals are they? (Wild)

Why wild? (Live in the forest)

They are kind of sad. What to give them? You know, children, a hedgehog opened a sewing studio in his house. Let's ask a hedgehog to sew kerchiefs for the animals. What shape are they? Triangular. We give headscarves to the animals. Now animals feel good in the forest. You can hide from any danger under the Christmas tree and try on beautiful scarves. It's time for us to return to the d / garden. We traveled a lot with you. We have done many good deeds.

(We learned that the first flowers appear as snowdrops, helped the bun to disassemble potatoes, the train to collect pets, gave wild animals headscarves, examined Christmas trees and you correctly named the geometric shapes)

But for everything to grow, domestic and wild animals rejoice, what is needed for this? (The sun was warming and shining).

Let's call the sun.

"Sunshine, sunshine
Look out the window
Sunshine, sunshine
Dedicate a little.
Show the sun
Red dress up. "

Every day the sun comes out to warm the earth. What is the shape of the sun? (Round)

What does the sun give us? (Rays)

Now let's go to the tables. Examine your stones, touch. (Children feel the stones). Do you think your stones are the same? (Of course they are different). What are their largest? (Big, small)

What are your stones to the touch? (Smooth)

We invited the sun to visit. Let's draw the sun on the pebbles. (Children draw. Music plays)

What a beautiful sun everyone did. The sun straightened its golden rays, breathed fresh air into itself and smiled at everyone. Children as a gift for you a sun-pendant. Let it warm you and make you happy.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten number 3« Cockerel» the village of Kushnarenkovo ​​of the municipal district

Kushnarenkovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

GCD for ecology in the middle group

"Protect the environment".

Held by: educator L.T. Nurgaleeva

Target: - to form in children the basics ecological culture.


Educational: expand and systematize children's knowledge about nature, to generate interest in the problem of security nature, to acquaint children with the rules of behavior in nature.

Developing: to develop in children the desire to make a feasible contribution to environmental education of the population, to develop horizons, thinking, connected speech.

Educational: foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Materials and equipment: ecological signs, audio recordings "Sounds of the forest", "Bus" muses. Zheleznova, game "Collect the flower", butterflies for breathing exercises, dummies of mushrooms, figures of animals and birds of the forest, trees, game "Make stocks", poster « Protect the environment

GCD move.

Educator: - Guys, let's say hello each other:

The game is being played "Hello!".

Hello palms! Clap, clap, clap!

Hello legs! Top, top, top!

Hello cheeks! Splash, splash, splash!

Hello sponges! Smack, smack, smack!

Hello teeth! Click, click, click!

Hello my spout, beep, beep, beep!

Hello guests! Hello!

So we gave our guests a piece of health!

Educator: - Guys, guess riddle:

The house is open from all sides,

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come to the green house

You will see miracles in it.


Educator: -What is a forest? What trees grow in the forest? What animals live in the forest? Remember, guys at our last meeting we talked about the rules of conduct in the forest. Let's remember what each sign means.

(the teacher shows the sign, and the children tell what it means)

(magpie appears)

Magpie:-"Attention! Attention! A big trouble can happen in our forest!

We may never see many animals and plants!

Help! Help!"

Educator: -What kind of trouble can happen in the forest? (children's answers) Guys, how can we help the forest? What we can do?

Let's go to the forest and grab the signs! How can you get to the forest? (children's answers)

Today we will go to the forest by bus. Take your seats!

(under the music of Zheleznova "Bus" children "Go" in the forest)

Well, we are in the forest. How beautiful it is in the forest!

(birdsong is heard, audio recording "Sounds of the forest")

Guys, what is the air in the forest? (Answers of children.) Do you think it is different from the air we breathe in the city? (Answers of children.) Why? (because there are many trees in the forest, they protect us from dust, dirty air, from gas pollution of cars.) Let's all breathe a breath of fresh air together!

Breathing exercises

We breathe fresh air

Raise our hands to the sun

Exhaled, lowered

And they repeated it again.

Suddenly, from behind the tree, an Old Man, a forest man, looks out.

Lesovichok:: - Who came to the forest?

Vos –l: We are children from the middle group "Droplets" of kindergarten №3 "Petushok", came to help the forest.

Lesovichok: - But how can you help the forest if you are still small?

(children's answers)

Educator: - Old man-Lesovichok, our guys are big and smart. And they will do well with any assignment. Check them out and see for yourself.

Lesovichok: -Now I'll check them.

Lesovichok: What time of year is it? Arrange these pictures in the desired sequence, starting with the time of year that is now.

The game "Seasons"

(children arrange the pictures correctly, and Lesovichok lets them into the forest)

Lesovichok: - Now I am convinced that you are already big and know a lot! I hope you can help the forest and its inhabitants. Follow this path and you will find yourself in a clearing. Bon Voyage!

(children go and go out into a clearing where nothing grows)

Educator: -The guys in this meadow once grew beautiful flowers. What happened to her? Why does she look like this? Do you like this clearing? What can be done to make her beautiful (answers) Let's plant flowers on it.

The game "Collect the flower"

Guys, what can we do to prevent such a disaster from happening in the forest? (answers) Let's put a sign (the child comes up to the table and chooses the desired sign).

Educator: -Guys, look at our beautiful meadow butterflies have arrived. Let's blow on them and see how beautifully they circle over our clearing!

Game for the development of speech breathing "Butterfly fly!"

Educator: - Guys, look how many mushrooms grow in the forest. What mushrooms can you pick? (answers) What edible mushrooms do you know! How should you pick mushrooms? What kind of mushrooms can not be picked? Why?

Educator: - Guys, why can't you trample and break poisonous mushrooms? (children's answers)

What sign can we put here?

Educator. - Guys, what trees grow in the forest (Answers of children)... Why do you think trees are needed (Answers children: They purify the air. There are animal burrows under them, they live there. Birds build nests on trees.)

Many different trees grow in the forest. How many knows how a tree appears? (answers) At first they, like you, are small and weak, especially in need of protection and respectful attitude... Let's pretend to you that we are small seeds that have fallen into the ground.

It takes a lot of time for the tree to grow and become large. Unfortunately, people do not cherish trees and cut them down with an ax. There are fewer and fewer of them.

What sign should be put here (the child, at the choice of the teacher, goes to the table and chooses the desired sign, explaining his choice)

Educator: -Guys, look carefully at the tree that you see (nest) What kind of birds do you know? (answers) Now I will call you different words, and as soon as you hear the name of the birds, clap your hands, and if I name other words, stomp.

Attention game "Birds"

Why do birds build nests? (answers) What rule do we know about birds? (child chooses a sign, explaining what it means)

Educator: -Guys, what is it on the tree? (draws attention to the hollow) Who built it? (answers) Who do you think lives in the hollow? (answers) What does the squirrel eat? What other animals live in the forest (answers) What do they eat? Let's prepare a surprise for the animals, collect supplies for them and treat them.

The game "Make stocks"

(there are cones, mushrooms, berries in the clearing; children collect supplies for a hedgehog, a squirrel and a bear cub in different baskets, saying "I will treat the squirrel with nuts!" etc.)

How should one behave in the forest? (keep quiet) Why? Let's put up a sign. (child chooses and puts a sign)

-(speaking to the child) Tell us why you chose this sign. What does it mean?

(the child explains his choice)

Educator: - Well done! Do you guys think we helped the forest? (answers) What have we done? It's good in the forest, but it's time for us to return to group!

(Lesovichok appears)

Lesovichok: -Well done boys! You are the real protectors nature! I hope, thanks to you, people will take good care of nature... And as a keepsake, I give you this poster that will tell people what they need protect nature and take care of it... Hang it up in kindergarten!

Educator: -Thank you, Lesovichok! Goodbye!

Guys, stand in a circle and close your eyes. One, two, three - turn and in find yourself in the group.

(children return togroup )

Educator: -Here we are in group.

Did you guys enjoy the trip?

What rules of conduct in the forest do you know? Let's talk about this.

And now we will smile, hold hands tightly,

and we will give each other goodbye Promise:


Oksana Lebedeva
MBDOU "Kindergarten number 67" compensating type Dzerzhinsk

Synopsis of a lesson on environmental education in the middle group on the topic "Who lives in the forest?"

Target: Consolidation of children's ideas about the life of forest animals (bear, squirrel, hare, fox), their habitats, preparation for the winter season.


Educational: improve the ability of children to classify objects.

Developing: Develop a cognitive interest in nature, creative imagination, thinking.

Educational: Instill a sense of responsibility for the lives of the surrounding animals.

Facilities: hats-masks: bear, hare, squirrel, fox; images of large animal dwellings, “Collect a picture”, materials for application, glue, napkins, presentation “Name in one word”, audio recording “Sounds of nature”.


Verbal: Questions to children, riddles about forest dwellers.

Visual: Consideration of images of forest animals and their dwellings.

Practical: Respiratory gymnastics, d / and "Name in one word", d / and "Collect the picture", p / and "Gray bunny sits."

Game: Game situation.

Vocabulary work: Hollow, den, burrow, den.

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations of wild animals.

Introductory part:

(Children go to the group, the teacher puts on each child a hat of a forest animal: bear, squirrel, hare, fox. Forest music sounds.)

Educator: Hello, forest dwellers! Cubs, hares, squirrels, foxes!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Guys, listen, I'll guess riddles for you, and you try to guess them.

He loves to eat raspberries

And sleep in a den all winter.

He may be scary to roar,

And his name is ... (bear)

Fluffy and redhead

Lives on a tree.

Strong teeth

Nuts are gnawing at everything.


This redhead cheat

Can get into the chicken coop deftly,

With the cockerel he will rush into the woods.

What is her name? (Fox)

What kind of animal is such a forest?

He wears a white fur coat in winter.

The cowardly beast is afraid of everyone.

What's his name? (Bunny)

Main part:

Educator: Today I came to visit you in the forest. Can you tell me how you live in the forest?

Children: We'll tell you.

Educator: Squirrels, what is the name of your house?

Children: hollow.

Educator: Hares, where do you live?

Children: We live under a bush.

Educator: Foxes, what is the name of your home?

Children: We live in a burrow.

Educator: Bear cubs, where do you live?

Children: In the den.

Educator: Lovely forest animals, tell me what you do in the fall?

Children: storing food, gaining fat, etc.

Educator: How many worries you have in the fall! There is not even time to rest. I suggest you perform a fun exercise (music sounds, children perform movements to the music).

An outdoor game "Gray bunny sits"

(Children are standing)

Gray bunny sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this and like that

He wiggles his ears.

(The children sat down, raised their arms, like the ears of a bunny and move them)

Bunny is cold to sit

You need to warm your paws.

Like this and like that

You need to warm your paws.

(Children get up and clap their hands)

The bunny must stand cold and the bunny must jump.

Like this and like that

The bunny must jump.

(Children jump in place)

The wolf scared the hare,

Bunny jumped and ran away.

(Children run and sit on their chairs)

Didactic game "Call in one word"

Educator: Look at the screen (presentation starts). Let's call everything we see in one word.

1.a butterfly, beetle, mosquito, fly, bee, dragonfly are ... (insects);

2. birch, oak, spruce - these are ... (trees);

3. starling, bullfinch, owl, magpie - these are ... (birds);

4. lingonberries, strawberries, raspberries, currants - these are ... (berries).

Breathing exercises.

Educator: Attention, attention! I announce a competition among forest animals! There are non-wilderness birds on the table, you need to make them fly. (Children line up in two columns, approach the table, each child blows on the bird only once. Result: whose bird will fly further.)

Didactic game "Collect the picture"

Educator: The next task, each group of forest animals must collect a picture of other animals. (Squirrels collect images of hares, hares - bears, bears - foxes, foxes - squirrels). The one who copes first will raise his hands up.

Educator: Forest guys, animals, you told me very interesting about yourself, showed what you do in the fall. And now I propose to remember those animals that today could not come to our meadow. What animals are missing?

Educator: Listen to riddles.

Who in the cold winter

Is he walking angry, hungry?

He has needles

As in the forest on a Christmas tree.

Better not disturb the beast!

It is prickly. This...

Children: Wolf, hedgehog.

Educator: Right, look at the picture. The wolf has a dwelling - a den. And the cubs are wolf cubs. A hedgehog burrows into a burrow for the winter and hibernates. And now forest animals can turn into children again. (Children take off their masks)

Final part:

Educator: Children, did you like visiting me today? If we liked it, then we will pat ourselves, and if we don’t like something, then we will sit quietly. Who were you today?

Children: We were forest animals.

Educator: What is the name of the bear's dwelling?

Children: Den.

Educator: Right, what about squirrels?

Children: Duplo.

Educator: And the Foxes?

Children: Mink.

Educator: Who will remember the wolf's dwelling?

Children: Lair.

Educator: And the hare?

Children: Bush.

Educator: And how does the hedgehog winters?

Children: The hedgehog burrows into a burrow.

Educator: Well done, they remembered everything.

Educator: Do you like animals?

Children: We love.

Educator: Animals are our smaller brothers. They need to be loved and cherished! It is not worth bringing animals from the forest, because now you know that every animal has a house in the forest and its own mothers, fathers or children!