Modular origami Owl. Master Class

The art of folding figurines from modules came to us from the East, where, more than ever, is appreciated manual labor... Painstaking and demanding work will fully reward you with the charm of the created volumetric figure. So let's figure out how to create crafts from modules.

Origami color schemes are required to create each model. Learning these sample patterns is a great free time activity, as well as a way to relax and relieve stress.

Origami from triangular modules: first steps

Any figure of modular technology begins with the preparation of triangular modules. Like bricks, these blanks contribute to the birth of a new paper masterpiece. The production of these modules is done according to the traditional origami scheme - from one rectangle of paper:

Step-by-step MK for making an origami vase from triangular modules

The simplest object created from modules is a vase. It will take you about 30 minutes to make it. As a result, you will get a very stylish interior detail or a great gift for loved ones or relatives.

So, for work, prepare 380 modules of any color.

We start with a row of 20 modules.

We connect the corners one after another, then closing the workpiece into a ring. We collect 15 more rows of 20 modules:

Please note that in the 16th row, the corners must be placed with a long base inside the workpiece:

Now we form the wedges of the vase. To do this, we place 4 corners every 2 modules.

In the next row we attach 3 modules on top of the previous 4x, then 2. We finish the wedges with 1 module. Bend it outward:

The vase is ready! You can add more flowers made in this or another origami technique.

After you have learned how to assemble a round vase, you can try your hand at creating other shapes that have a similar structure. For example, the figure is a cat.

Modular cat

As you can see, the body of the cat has about the same structure as the vase. The only exceptions are some details: tail and ears. For this model, we need 1000 white modules and 130 pink paper corners.

Origami owl from triangular modules

And this is what an owl looks like from triangular modules:

There are even fewer differences from the vase we have already created. Having shown imagination, you can add eyes, a colored beak, and also make wings on the right and left. For example, like this:

For this model, we need 157 purple modules, 62 white, 2 black and 7 orange.

We start with 5 white and 13 purple corners:

Having collected 3 rows in this way, we turn out the work:

In the next row, add 6 white and 12 purple corners:

The base of the owlet should be 6 rows. In the 7th row, we unfold the corners with sharp corners inside the workpiece.

In the 8th row, we again unfold the two central white modules with sharp corners inward, attach the remaining corners in the usual way:

In the next row, add an orange beak to the white “inverted” modules of the previous row:

In the next row, add black eyes:

After that, we begin to draw up the crown of the bird. Place 1 module above the beak purple, the rest of the colors are unchanged - white and purple:

Reducing the number of modules to 8 purple:

Now we form the ears, adding 3 corners symmetrically to the nose:

We finish the ears with 1m module:

The legs of a bird consist of 3 corners for each:

For the tail, we attach 2 more modules. And we glue the wings, each consisting of 3 modules, to the base of the figure:

The owlet is ready:

You can also watch video tutorials.


Earlier, we have already analyzed how a swan is made from modules.

For those who have not read that article, we attach video tutorials.

By the way, it is also based on a simple round shape.

By adding a tail, wings and a neck, we were able to give the figure the shape of a bird, the curve of the neck of which can be easily changed.

At first glance, the simple art of origami from triangular paper modules turns out to be a masterful embodiment of all kinds of shapes and silhouettes.

Combinations of the different positions of the modules relative to each other help to create fairly realistic 3D shapes. Pay attention to the figure of a dove from modules:

To create this shape, I have prepared a separate master class.

By the way, another popular Japanese figure in technique modular origami is a hare.

The hare diagram and the stages of the model are very similar to assembling a vase:

The finished bunny can be supplemented with eyes and a muzzle cut out of paper.

The owl has recently become a very popular bird: people collect photographs of owls, figurines from different materials, apply cute images of ptah to clothes, bags and other items. Many believe that, being a symbol of wisdom and prudence, it will bring peace and good luck to the house, and someone just likes huge yellow eyes and fluffy cheeks. Origami owl figurines can be a good addition to a collection or a lovely gift.

How to make modules

Before you make an owl out of paper, you need to prepare the modules so that you will not be distracted later. They are made from rectangles with an aspect ratio of 1: 1.5. In order not to spend a lot of time on calculations, you can take a sheet of A4 paper and divide it into parts in one of two ways, depending on whether what size modules do you need:

  1. Both horizontally and vertically in 4 equal parts. You need to make marks, draw lines and cut along them, then you get 16 rectangles measuring about 53 by 74 mm.
  2. Divide the long side into 8 parts, the short side by 4. You get 32 ​​rectangles with sides 37 by 53 mm.

You can also use square blocks for your notes, dividing them in half.

After the rectangles are ready, you can start folding the triangular modules. Here's a step-by-step description:

You can connect modules in many different ways due to the fact that they have two pockets. It is recommended to use heavyweight paper to prevent tearing.

With careful handling, the modules can be used as a constructor, because the figures from it are easy to assemble and disassemble back. It develops motor skills well in school-age children.

Assembly diagrams

There are a lot of origami owl patterns, you can change them or supplement them at your discretion. The descriptions are quite detailed, so even a beginner can cope with the task, some of the most simple schemes can be collected with children.

Little owl

It's simple step-by-step instruction owls from origami modules. You will need 228 modules: 157 for the main color, 62 white for the breast, 7 orange for the legs and beak, 2 black for the eyes.

Number of modules in each row:

Quantity different colors up to the eighth row alternates, so the breast is obtained in a zigzag. If you want to make it even, then you can not change the number of modules of different colors:

The owl figurine is ready!

Second option

A cute owlet is also obtained according to a simpler assembly scheme. This modular origami owl is made from one color, but by connecting imagination, you can make a colored breast or speckled feathers, for example. You will need 107 modules of the main color, for example, gray, 2 blue for the eyes and orange for the beak..

An origami craft - an owl - can be done in two ways. The first is simple, using one piece of paper. The second is more complicated. As a result, you will get an owl from modules. We suggest you familiarize yourself with these two methods.

One-leaf square owl

Master class on how to make an origami owl from one leaf:

  1. Prepare a square piece of paper and fold it diagonally twice (Figure 1).
  2. Straighten the paper.
  3. Fold the top corner by one third of the half of the sheet (Figure 2).
  4. Tuck the bottom corner to the bent one so that their tops touch (Figure 3).
  5. Wrap the right and left parts of the figure (Figure 4).
  6. Unscrew the corner of the inner triangle (Figure 5).
  7. Draw the eyes and feathers on the "wings" (Figure 6).

Highly simple craft ready!

Origami owl: diagram with a wing

Instructions on how to create an owl with wings using the origami technique:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper two times diagonally across the floor (picture 1).
  2. Fold the top corner one half of the shape (picture 2).
  3. and fold it in half (picture 3).
  4. Right and left side tuck in a few millimeters (picture 4).
  5. Turn the bottom corner so that its top reaches the top triangle (picture 5).
  6. Unscrew the small tip of the large triangle (picture 6).
  7. Connect the right corner to the center fold (picture 7). Spread out the corner.
  8. Fold the right corner to the fold line formed (picture 8).
  9. Tuck the right side again (picture 9).
  10. Flip on reverse side figure (picture 10).
  11. Unscrew the right side (picture 11).
  12. Turn the left corner of the figure (picture 12).
  13. Wrap a half of the rolled-up piece (picture 13).
  14. Hide part of the figure (picture 14).
  15. Flip the craft back over (picture 15).
  16. Carefully fold the right corner back (picture 16).
  17. Draw the craft, make the plumage and muzzle.

The origami owl is ready!

Making modules for an owl 3D

To make a volumetric owl using the origami technique, you need to prepare blanks, which are called modules.

How to assemble a module (master class):

  1. Take a small piece of paper.
  2. Fold the sheet in half lengthwise (Figure 1).
  3. Fold the rectangle in half again (Figure 2).
  4. Spread out the shape.
  5. Fold the right and left parts of the rectangle to the formed fold line (Figure 3).
  6. Turn the part over (Figure 4).
  7. Cut off the bottom edges.
  8. Fold the edges as shown in illustration 5.
  9. Fold the shape in half (Figure 6).

To create an owl using the modular origami technique, you need a lot of such blanks. You also need to consider what color your craft will be. Maybe you want to make it not monochromatic and highlight the muzzle and tummy.

Owl: modular origami

Any such craft begins with the fact that the first row is going:

  1. Place the two modules in the same way as in picture 1. That is, they must touch each other.
  2. Put on the third module from above on two sides (picture 2).
  3. Add one more module down and put the fifth on top (picture 3).
  4. Gradually, this way you can make two rows of the basis of any origami craft (picture 4).
  5. When the row is completed, secure the first and last blanks with the module (picture 5).
  6. The next row is put on the modules of the second (picture 6).
  7. Then the craft is turned over and all subsequent modules are put on top (picture 7).

This is how a modular owl is assembled.


Where your imagination and possibilities lead, this is how the owl will turn out. the assembly scheme of which can be very simple or vice versa - very complex, gives unlimited possibilities for creativity.

For example, you can make such a craft - an owl with ears, as in the picture above. To do this, take only two colors to create the modules. When creating the first two rows, keep in mind that your craft will have a tummy highlighted. Therefore, first collect several modules of color A, and then complement with color B. So completely connect the shape that resembles an egg. On the sides at the top at the end, attach a couple of models that will represent the ears. And cut out the eyes from paper and glue on the finished craft.

Take a look at the picture below.

As you can see, you can make a more complex owl, which will have a separate torso and head. First you need to make modules of different colors. For example, black, white, brown, orange and red shades. Then collect the lower part of the owl - the body. Alternate modules by color. White is the tummy, brown is the plumage, and orange is the edge of the wings.

When the torso is ready, you need to collect the head. Here you need to highlight the eyes with white and black modules, and make a beak out of three red ones. Then just put your head on the body. Everything! Modular craft ready!

You can also make a 3D owl with spread wings. But this is a more difficult job, since during the assembly of the main part, you need to make projections on the sides. Wings are then assembled on them from additional modules.

The owl is a cunning bird of prey. Many believe that if you make an owl origami yourself, then this symbol will bring wisdom and good luck.

Before starting work, it is necessary to make a certain number of triangular modules. Just enough for a large bird or owlet.

It is always better to use high-quality A4 office paper for such an activity.

Origami technique in modern world very popular. The essence of the work is that one module is embedded in another. To do great craft or several small ones, it is necessary to add many multi-colored elements.

The owlet can be done with the whole family. Then present it as a gift for those who like to collect various items.

And also it can be put as a decoration of a children's room. The craft can be made in black and white, but the color one looks brighter and more interesting.

Smart bird circuit

To make an owl out of paper, you need to take a sheet and cut rectangles to create triangular modules. The size of the modules can be made 9.28 cm of A4 sheet.


For such a bird, 464 elements are needed.

You can choose the color scheme according to your taste. The parts will need to be fastened with the short side outward, then the long, and the wings will need to be positioned at the same height.

The assembly diagram is divided into several stages.

Stage 1.

Making the body of a bird:

Stage 2.

Owl ears:

Stage 3 - wing assembly:

  • In the first row there is 1 blue element.
  • In the second - 2 blue.
  • In the third - 1 blue.

Stage 4- combine all triangular modules.

Attaching the wings to the torso, add one blue element at a time.

The final touch is to glue the doll's eyes, and if you wish, you can decorate with a ribbon. For safety when inserting the modules, you can use glue.

For a small bird, you need to make 228 triangular modules in advance of the same size as in the previous diagram. According to the scheme, making an owl from modules in origami is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. And it is much easier to create modular origami "Owl" according to the assembly scheme together with relatives or friends.

Necessary prepare the following number of modules:

To make such an origami bird, you need to prepare a square sheet and scissors.

An owl from modules in origami will turn out perfectly if you carefully follow the step-by-step instructions.

From 1 to 9 levels, a smaller number will mean that the part is pink, and a large number indicates the need to use a lilac color.

Build process:

To create ears, you need to insert into 8 modules 12 rows of 3 parts on the sides.

In addition, you need to add 1 element for each ear.

It remains to make the paws of the bird. At this stage, you need to put 3 white elements each. To create a tail, you need to insert 2 lilac modules. To collect the wings, you need to place 3 lilac elements on the sides.

Such an interesting activity is perfect for active children. And also modular origami develops Creative skills and fine motor skills hands.

Before starting work, you need to prepare the modules. You can make any size and color.

But the more layers are used to build a structure, the more magnificent it turns out.

It is not necessary to glue the entire craft, but the wings are worth it. Eyes can also be made from paper.

If there is a desire to create a few more owls, then you can schematically draw the entire sequence of assembly actions so as not to forget. It is not recommended to use thin paper as it tears easily.

An owl made in origami is a pleasure to give to someone. And also the craft can become an ornament. children's party... In addition, using this technique, you can conduct a lesson with children from 5 years old.

How to make an owl out of paper with your own hands

Owl from modules. Master Class

We will tell you how to make an owl from modules.

This craft can be made by children over 6 years old. This craft is simple and good for those who are just starting out in the art of origami. Wise Owl will be a great decoration for a child's or child's room

DIY paper owl. Manufacturing

For the creation of the owl, we will use two paper colors: black and white. The size of one module in our case is 7.5 by 5 cm. (Modules can be made in a different size and in a different color)

Collect the black and white modules according to the diagram. You will find diagrams for assembling modules.

1. The first, second and third rows will require 24 black modules. Connect the first and second row using Method 3 ( see module fixing) by closing the chain of modules into a ring. Then put on the third row of modules with the long side up (see photo).

2. Turn the workpiece over and press slightly in the middle to shape it into a bowl.

4. Eighth row: 3 white modules (starting to collect the breast) and 21 black. We continue to put the modules on with the long side out.

5. In each subsequent row, add 1 white module. In this case, the number of blacks, on the contrary, will decrease by 1 module. Thus, collect five rows. The twelfth row of white modules should already have 7.

6. In the thirteenth row, put on 8 white modules and 16 black ones, turning them short side out (see photo).

7. In the next row, the modules must again be put on with the long side out. On the two central white corners of the previous row, put on a black module (this will be the owlet's beak), put on 4 white modules on each side of it and end the row with black modules.

8. To assemble the fifteenth row, put 8 white modules on the white modules of the previous row and the central black one with the short side out. The rest of the modules (16 black) should be put on with the short side inward (see photo).

9. Assembling the sixteenth row, put 1 black module on the two central white corners with the long side outward, on each side of it - 4 white modules each with the short side outward. Finish the row with black modules worn long side out.

10. Then on the central black module and adjacent white modules, slide 2 black modules with the short side out, on the sides of the black modules - 4 white modules each with the short side out. End the row with black modules, worn with the long side out.

11. In the eighteenth row, slide 1 black module with the long side out on the two center corners. On both sides of it, put on (short side out) 1 black module and 4 white modules. Finish the row again with black modules, put on with the long side out.

12. In the next row, start making the owlet's ears, leaving the 4 center corners free.

Owlet's ear

1st row: 6 black modules, short side out;

2nd row: leave 1 outer corner free and put on with the short side outward 1 black module, 3 white, 1 black;

3rd row: 4 black modules, short side out.

1. Now you need to collect two wings... Take 3 black modules and 2 white ones and insert them into each other with one corner in one pocket (see photo). The right wing is now complete.

The left one is going symmetrically.

2. To attach both wings to the owlet, on both sides (approximately 9th row) glue 1 white module with two corners outward and put the prepared wings on them.

3. Glue the eyes on the circles cut out of white paper, and the circles themselves on the blank (see photo).

Note: for a stronger connection of parts, use PVA glue.