When is Halloween celebrated? Halloween - what kind of holiday is it, the history of the holiday and legends

Everything mysterious and mystical has always attracted and intrigued people. And when in the 90s our compatriots learned about an unusual holiday that has been celebrated in Western countries for thousands of years, it immediately found its fans. Not a single year has passed, and Halloween traditions have become familiar to many. But at the same time, this “foreign” holiday never became close to some.

What date is Halloween: Celtic traditions

Modern Halloween, having reached us through the centuries, absorbed the traditions and rituals of several ancient holidays. Traditionally, it is considered native to English-speaking countries.

Its historical homeland is the territory of modern Great Britain, Ireland and partly France. It was here that the ancient Celts lived, having their own unusual traditions. The Celtic tribes were pagans and worshiped the main deity - the Sun God. They also had their own calendar. But unlike the modern one, it had only two seasons, and winter immediately followed summer.

The day of transition from summer to winter fell on October 31 - November 1. This particular night was actually New Year's.

But the Celts celebrated not so much the arrival of the New Year as the reunification of different matters. After all, it was a turning point when light turned into darkness, day into night, living into intangible. It was on this night that the gates to the mystical worlds opened, and the dead, as well as evil spirits, had the opportunity to visit the world of the living. The holiday was named Samhain. The pagans firmly believed that life could only come after death. Any beginning is possible only after the end.

Therefore, the day when the gates of darkness opened, they considered the death of the Sun God Mac Oll, who was captured by the Prince of Darkness Samhain. But this situation did not upset the Celts at all.

After all, they had the opportunity, together with nature, which shed its leaves and died for a while, to throw off all the negativity, illnesses, and quarrels. And later there will definitely be an opportunity to be reborn, to perk up.

In order not to disturb the ghosts, the Celts left their homes and went to the hills and oak forests all night.

This is where the folk festivities began. All participants were dressed in animal skins. It was this custom that became the prototype for how people should dress up for Halloween.

Druids played a special role. They made huge fires, the purpose of such fires was different. First of all, they were placed in two rows. And everyone who walked between such ritual fires at night was cleansed of sins and bad thoughts. Used.

The Celts used livestock as sacrifices. Several goals were scored immediately before the holiday. The carcasses were thrown into the fire, and in the morning the Druids used the marks on the burnt bones to predict the future.

To ordinary people fortune telling was forbidden - it was the prerogative of the Druids. But is it really possible to scare curious girls who want to find out their future by any means with terrifying stories? And they tried in any way, secretly from the adults and experienced druids, to throw chestnuts into the fireplace, which predicted fate.

They will burn together - a girl and her beloved will be inseparable all her life, and will roll into different sides- and it’s not destined to be cute together.

The coals of such fires themselves were considered sacred. Therefore, in the morning the Druids distributed them to the Celts so that they could carry the fire into their dark homes. They put such lights in turnips. Fodder turnips were specially prepared for this purpose by cutting out the middle. This is where the custom of stirring and carrying Halloween lights in hollow vegetables came from.

Halloween: what did the Romans give it?

When the Celtic territories were captured by the Roman Empire, the pagan holiday was forgotten. But the indigenous people passed on legends and beliefs to their children and did not forget the pagan rituals of their ancestors.

However, November 1 remained a holiday. It is on this day that the Romans celebrate Pomona Day. This is the goddess of fruits, who devoted her entire life to caring for a unique garden. In fact, the Romans celebrated a harvest festival on this day, since the harvesting season was over.

Pomona was very fond of apples, which gave rise to the tradition of cooking dishes from apples for Halloween.

In what month and on what day is Halloween - All Saints' Day

With the adoption of Catholicism, the holiday received a completely new coloring.

Christian holiday All Saints' Day, when the holy martyrs are glorified, was until a certain point celebrated on May 13th. But in the 8th century, Pope Gregory III decided to postpone the holiday.

This decision was made to divert the attention of parishioners from pagan rituals.

After 200 years, the Christian Church has not been able to finally wean the descendants of the Celtic tribes from the worship of dark forces. It was during the Middle Ages that, at the initiative of the church, the holiday was given an ominous coloring.

A repeated attempt to saturate the beginning of November not with pagan, but with Christian traditions, is connected with the establishment of All Souls Day or Remembrance Day. This day is announced as November 2nd.

According to church canons, people on this day should remember the souls of the dead. Subsequently, the customs of these two days merged and received the name “Halloween” - the pronunciation is very similar to the Celtic dialect.

In which countries and on what date is Halloween celebrated today?

The descendants of the Irish and English have preserved the traditions of their ancestors. They brought their favorite holiday, which combined the traditions of the ancient pagan Celts, the rituals of Roman myths and the customs of the Catholic Church, with them to the New Lands. This is how Halloween came to America, and later to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

It is here that Halloween has taken root like nowhere else, becoming a favorite holiday and celebrated on a grand scale.

What date does the terrible Halloween holiday begin in America - October 31st. Prepare for the celebration in advance. And on Halloween itself, despite the fact that the day is not a day off, the streets are filled with people wearing masks.

Someone goes to the graveyard to honor the memory of the dead. For some, a witch’s Sabbath is closer, allowing one to indulge in a mystical ritual.

Children especially enjoy the opportunity to have fun. After all, on Halloween they can play pranks with impunity, and also knock on any house shouting: “Treat or treat.”

The owners make sacrifices to the little “demons”, paying off with sweets. For those who refuse to take part in such a ritual, a severe punishment is provided - pens entrance doors will certainly be smeared with soot.

Interesting attractions for Halloween. There is a special atmosphere here, with mystical sounds and frightening music, feigned fog and sinister characters.

What about old Europe? She is not at all behind in the scale of the celebration. Just look at the night discos in Frankenstein's castle, where witches, demons and other evil spirits gather.

What date and month is Halloween celebrated in Russia this year?

The attitude of our compatriots towards Halloween is ambiguous.

Considering that the holiday has pagan Catholic roots, Orthodox Church does not approve of celebrating Halloween. The same opinion is shared by many Russians who willingly believe in.

Adherents mystical holidays They are trying to organize on October 31, when Halloween is celebrated in Russia. But you are unlikely to see a witch or a ghost holding a pumpkin on the streets of cities on this day.

However, for fans, Halloween is another reason to have fun and feel like you are in an unusual demonic form.

And it’s a pity that the holiday has practically lost its ancient meaning. After all, its intriguing mystery and mystical significance are inextricably linked with the transition of our world into unknown other worlds. Halloween is in fact the gate that connects them, has an entrance to each of them, but does not belong to any of the worlds.

The holiday of mysticism and everything otherworldly, Halloween is celebrated annually on October 31. This celebration is a mixture of church and pagan traditions and rituals.

According to the rules, you need to start celebrating Halloween in the second half of the day, when the day begins to draw to a close. The most solemn moment significant date- midnight. The eve of All Saints' Day is coming.

history of the holiday

The birthplace of the holiday is medieval Ireland, although some experts believe that it is located in the lands of modern Great Britain and northern France. At that time, these territories were inhabited by Celtic tribes who professed paganism. On the day when the harvest was completed, the Druids had a habit of lighting candles along the roads. This is how they directed spirits from the otherworldly realm to the world of the living. People were very afraid of the coming of a fierce winter and sincerely believed that by appeasing the spirits they would soften the harsh nature. Ignition always took place on the same day - October 31st.

The Irish called the night of lighting candles Samhain. When darkness came, they dressed in costumes made of animal skins, lit fires and sang songs. All this served one single purpose - to attract the maximum number of different spirits to the village through the doors to other worlds. However, with the advent of Christianity, the Druids began to be considered adherents of the Devil.

Personally, the Pope renamed the holiday Samhain to All Saints' Day. But make people completely forget about pagan traditions The Catholic Church could not. People stopped casting spells. But on the last day of October they continued to put on costumes, dance and have fun until dawn. The word "Halloween" literally means "Halloween's Eve."

Halloween is traditionally celebrated October 31, on All Saints' Eve, which falls on November 1st. The date of Halloween celebration does not differ depending on the country and is tied only to the modern calendar. Find out the history of Halloween, its true meaning and the reasons for the prejudiced attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards it.

In the article:

Where Halloween was first celebrated - history

Halloween initially gained popularity in English-speaking countries, but is now celebrated all over the world. Its history began in the territories now occupied by Great Britain. This holiday has Celtic as well as Christian roots.

Celtic tribes once lived in Scotland and Ireland, and they were the first to celebrate the last day of autumn. The ancient Celts even began a new calendar countdown on November 1st. In this area, ancient traditions have survived practically unchanged to this day.

In America, the fashion for it appeared after the influx of Irish and Scottish emigrants at the end of the 19th century. With the Internet boom, it has spread to non-English speaking countries. For example, it is now celebrated in Japan, Australia, and South Korea.

In some countries, such a holiday does not officially exist, but residents of the state celebrate it. This is the situation in Japan and Russia - among our compatriots there are many adherents of Halloween.

Modern neo-pagans call the most terrible autumn holiday - named after the Celtic deity who dies on this day.

The history of the Halloween holiday begins in the 16th century - before that time it was called exclusively Samhain, and during the fight against heresy its celebration was banned. The name comes from the English translation of the phrase “All Hallows' Eve” - “All Hollows Even” (the latter is an abbreviation of the word evening). November 1st is the Catholic holiday dedicated to All Saints, and Halloween is the evening before it.

The essence and symbols of Halloween

Samhain, or Halloween, can be called the witchcraft New Year. When Halloween knocks on the window with tree branches that look like the hook hands of an old witch, few people think about the meaning of the holiday and its attributes.

Its essence is much deeper than gothic style parties and gatherings at the festive table.

The prototype for the festival in his modern form became the pagan Celtic Samhain, which acts as a special day for every magician. This time is one of the best times of the year for rituals, usually related to family, deceased ancestors, death and getting rid of unnecessary things.

For the ancient Celts, the last day of October was a celebration of the end of summer and summing up the year, as well as the harvest. Therefore, constant symbols of celebration even in modern world are village attributes - scarecrows made of straw and collected fruits. Traditional dishes for festive table also associated with vegetables and fruits that ripen by this time period.

Halloween is also a day of remembrance of deceased ancestors, honoring their memory and most the right time to tell new generations about their exploits.

It is commonly believed that Halloween is a holiday of death, but in reality it is a holiday dedicated to deceased relatives and paying their respects to them. On Halloween, spirits leave the afterlife until the morning of November 1st. In the early 2000s in Kuban and Karelia, Halloween was banned by a number of regional government officials. However, the initiative to officially ban the celebration quickly exhausted itself, as its popularity in Russia continues to gain momentum every year. It is supported commercially by shopping centers and entertainment venues.

Most likely, in the next few decades this holiday will take root in Russian-speaking countries.

In general, the most mystical holiday of the year has a rich history. It's not just for those who want to have fun at a slightly scary party or get a little closer to the unknown. Halloween, or Samhain, is a kind of witchcraft New Year, one of the most important holidays of the year for a magician. Despite the wary attitude of church ministers, it is gaining popularity in Russia.

In contact with We started celebrating this holiday relatively recently. What is it remarkable for, what traditions are associated with it, what kind of holiday is Halloween? What date does Halloween start, and why is its symbol a pumpkin? We will tell you the most Interesting Facts

from the history of this holiday, so quickly read all the details of All Saints Day!

How Halloween began to be celebrated, the history of the holiday Why did they start celebrating Halloween, what is the essence of the holiday? Want to know where Halloween came from? This day was called All Saints' Day. What date is Halloween celebrated around the world? October 31. Autumn holiday

Halloween has traditions. When Halloween is celebrated, people wear costumes of all kinds of evil spirits: zombies, vampires and demons. On this day it is believed that the spirits of the dead return. We'll tell you where the Halloween holiday came from.

So what date does Halloween start? On the last day of October - the 31st. As you can see, based on when Halloween is celebrated, the date of the holiday falls on cold days when you want to stay at home. And this is a wonderful opportunity to decorate the house with a pumpkin and have a wonderful party, to which everyone will come dressed as an evil spirit. This holiday is fun. It doesn't matter that depending on what date Halloween is celebrated, the weather may already be cold. We offer you several options for how to celebrate this holiday at home with all members of your family. Well, those who don’t have their own family can celebrate this day in a cheerful company of friends. If any of them still don't know what date Halloween is celebrated, share this information with them and celebrate together. Let this become a wonderful tradition of yours year after year.

All you need is a lot of pumpkins, costumes and makeup. The scarier the better :) Organize a procession with torches, and at night tell each other horror stories.

The story according to which this day is associated with pumpkin

A man named Jack led a life full of sins and after his death was not allowed into Heaven. And now he is forced to wander the earth in anticipation of the Day of Judgment, lighting his way with a jack-o-lantern. This is the story.

But we found a video about how this day is celebrated on Youtube. Let the children also participate in the holiday, go from house to house and beg for candy, and if someone doesn’t give it, play petty pranks. It's so fun! Make a jack-o'-lantern with them.

Share this article, because it contains so many ideas for celebrating this mysterious day. Have you already come up with your image, costume and makeup? If you haven’t already, come take a look! Share information with friends on in social networks, put the stars below, write your comments on celebration ideas, and may the power of All Saints be with you!

Good day, magician Azal is with you. Today we are discussing the holiday Halloween - the eve of All Hallows' Day. I will tell you what Halloween is, what kind of holiday it is, whose, what its history is, when, how and why it is celebrated. You will learn about the legends of Halloween, why candles are lit in a carved pumpkin on Halloween.

What kind of holiday is Halloween? This is one of the eight holidays of the Wheel of the Year. And although it does not belong to the 4 main holidays, this day is still very important and respected among different nations, which rely on the wisdom of ancestors and traditions.

Halloween is also known as Samhain. The date when Samhain is celebrated is not accidental and is not “floating” - it is always celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1, on the eve of All Saints' Day.

The essence of the Halloween holiday is not at all familiar to many. It can be summed up in a few words - this is the night of all the dead. Essentially, this is the time when the world of the living and the world of the dead come into maximum contact and interact. The boundaries between these worlds are very thin, and practically no one limits the dead in their manifestations on this night.

The celebration of this night is intended to influence relationships with the dead - to honor and appease them, as well as to hide yourself or scare away the unkind dead.

Holiday attributes, an image, a costume, a mask or makeup of people, a pumpkin for Halloween - all this is not accidental, it has a deep meaning and is not a carnival. We'll talk about this further.

History of Halloween

The history of Halloween goes back a long way. Samhain has been celebrated regularly since the times of the ancient Celts - the Scots and Irish.

From the territory of Great Britain, Scotland and Ireland, this holiday spreads to the American, almost all English-speaking culture, Africa and some other territories.

Halloween is celebrated in many countries, but in none is it an official holiday.

It should be noted that in each country it is celebrated in its own way. The customs of celebrating the eve of All Saints' Day and legends vary from nation to nation. I will discuss with you only those points that make sense and are of practical importance.

How to celebrate All Hallows' Eve

So, on the eve of All Saints' Day, the lines between our world of the living and the world of the dead are thinning. This happens especially clearly in foggy conditions. The dead can easily enter our world, often appearing as dense shadows, partially assembled ghosts, and sometimes even temporarily collecting their own body or occupying someone else's.

If the dead is calm and satisfied, then he can help the living, give necessary advice or a hint to solve his problems. If the deceased is angry and enraged, he may play a bad joke on the living or even take it with him.

Therefore, the celebration of this night has two main purposes:

  1. appease the dead, make their presence less dangerous, and their interaction more supportive;
  2. hide in the crowd or scare away the harmful dead.

Let's consider the traditions of celebrating All Hallows' Eve based on these goals.

Commemoration and refreshment of the dead

In order to appease the dead during the day before sunset on October 31, they visit the graves of their ancestors, cemeteries, commemorate the dead, and leave them treats. This is done to show that the dead are remembered and cared for.

Crossing the line between a dead and hungry world, the deceased immediately has the opportunity to refresh himself. Having been fed, he is no longer so angry and ferocious, he feels nourished and pleasant.

Halloween sacrifices used to be common, but nowadays bloodless sacrifices are accepted. The blood is replaced with red garnet. In addition, the dead are treated to bread, honey, candies and other sweets, and fresh water is also left for them.

Very good to bring dead alive fire is an opportunity for them to warm up a little; it is very cold in their world. For this purpose, leave a lit candle, which should burn all night.

Treats for the dead are prepared separately from food for oneself; food is made bright, vital and more attractive than for oneself. It is customary to make your food more gloomy - for this purpose they prepare dishes and cakes in the form of unattractive dead body parts, insects, etc.

Most peoples leave treats for all the dead, not just their own. This is often done not only in the cemetery, but also on bridges, near forests and roads near one’s home, as well as near “black spots”. This is done before sunset, because after sunset it is dangerous - the activity of the dead is very high.

Night festivities

From sunset to dawn on the eve of All Saints' Day, folk festivities are organized with treats, games, bonfires, fun, etc. This is done in order to appease the wandering dead and create a festive atmosphere for them. This is what the dead lack in their world.

The villages went to a large communal fire for the whole night. It was not customary to walk alone - it would be so easy to become a victim of an attack by an evil dead person.

Around the fire, travelers were warmly received with attention and treats - they could be the dead. The rules of communication with the dead are that you cannot offend them, you must respect them, you cannot look them in the eyes.

There was also a custom of telling scary stories on this night. Every traveler who came to the fire had to tell one. This was done with the aim of helping the dead person to ease his soul, to give him the opportunity to tell his story under the guise of a horror story, as if to confess.

It was not customary to drink alcohol that night, either at all, or a few low-alcohol drinks were allowed “to warm up.” But in all celebration traditions it was considered dangerous to be drunk - the dead do not like drunk people.

Hide from pursuit or scare away the dead

To prevent the evil dead from trying to haunt the living, they came up with dressing up in costumes of the dead or witches, scary masks and special “afterlife” makeup for Halloween.

IN simple version the face was simply whitened with flour. Sometimes they wore scary masks or painted pictures on their faces to make themselves look like the deceased. This is done to show the deceased that I am just like you.

Often, for Halloween outfits and makeup, they took the image of some other evil spirit to scare away - vampires, zombies, etc. They also dressed up, taking on the image of a sorcerer or witch, to scare away the dead. This seemed to show him that I knowledgeable person, I can fight with you and find justice for you.

The primary colors in Halloween costumes and makeup are white and black because these are the primary colors of the dead.

To scare away the evil dead who were trying to attack, they lit fires and gathered in crowds. A dead man will not attack a crowd; he will lie in wait for a lonely, sleeping, sick or weakened person.

To protect the house, a lighted candle was placed at each window throughout the night. Later they simply turned on the lights and music to show that no one was sleeping in the house, everyone was awake, walking, having fun.

Additionally, they made a Jack-o'-lantern out of a pumpkin for Halloween - they cut out a scary face and placed a lit candle inside. These pumpkins were made to scare away uninvited guests and placed them near the entrances to the house and on their territory near the gate.

They scared away the dead with special protective measures for the house and for the person. To do this, herbs that have protective properties were hung at the entrance to the house and worn in a bag around the neck.

Somehow we discussed the Halloween holiday briefly and simply. Ask your questions on the topic in the comments, subscribe to updates and happy Halloween! Sincerely, magician Azal, author of articles and owner of the site “