Gift dad on 23 paper. What gift to the kid to congratulate dad and grandfather on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

The celebration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland is an excellent occasion in order to please our expensive menGuiding our family peace and protect us from adversity and excitement. And, of course, the first on this day we try to congratulate the most expensive and native representatives of our family - our fathers, which are for us a real example and a model for imitation. Therefore, preparing for this event, we first try to acquire a gift to dad on February 23, and only then we go to buy souvenirs for friends, colleagues and other relatives.

And, of course, I really want a congratulation addressed to an expensive daddy to give him to him and delivered the "culprit of the celebration" the maximum of positive emotions and pleasures.

Therefore, we spend a considerable amount of time on the running on various shops and shopping points in the hope of finding something "seek". Sometimes these searches, indeed, end in a positive result, but sometimes it happens that all these efforts and the efforts do not lead to anything, as a result of which we experience this disappointment. It seems that today there is simply a huge number of a wide variety of goods. But how to choose from this abundance what is needed by a near person? Here is a real problem that can be resolved without much difficulty subject to some simple rules. Here they are in a brief statement:

  • If you yourself choose a gift to your father, then, most likely, he is a man enough mature age. Therefore, for him, the concepts of use and practicality have not the last meaning. Therefore, to give it preferably functional things that can be found practical application. Although, this rule has its exceptions.
  • When going to acquire a gift for February 23, always consider the interests and taste of the preferences of the person he will be handed. Then he really will deliver joy and pleasure to his recipient.
  • Selecting a gift for the dad, you should not be too "originally" and experiment. Most often, adults are distinguished by conservatism, in addition, they were quite a lot of people in their lives, so you can surprise them with something "Edakim" you can hardly succeed. Therefore, it is worth the fact that they really need.

In general, taking into account all the above moments, you can move to the choice of a suitable present. And you can start with the easiest and most unassuming gifts that have a small price.

"Cheap and angry"

When going to congratulate the native person, do not forget that the basic value and significance of this congratulations are not the contents of your gift, but in his individuality and personal attitude to his recipient. Therefore, if the money in your wallet is quite a bit, you do not need to be particularly comprehensive about this, because even from inexpensive, modest things you can choose a mass of worth and useful. For example:

  • Beautiful shirt. Despite the fact that this is a fairly predictable version of the present, most men it will have to taste, especially if you choose a thing that is good suitable to your dad in size and style.
  • Warm bathrobe. Excellent gift for cold time. Your father repeatedly remembers you with a warm word, looked at it with chilly winter evenings and comfortably settled in your favorite chair near the TV screen.
  • Eau de Toilette. Also a universal version that can be appropriate in a wide variety of cases. Choosing such a present as a gift for February 23, check in advance which aromas like your dad. Older men are well suited "strong", rich smells, with wood and spicy notes, and you can choose more fresh, light flavors.
  • Folding brand, shampoo set or grill grill. The best way Having a lovers of recreation "in nature."
  • Good thermos, folding chair or refrigerator bag. These useful and practical things can be given to an avid fisherman or a hunter, who will be able to use them correctly at the first time.

Emotional and memorable gifts

Handing your gift by one or another case, we definitely count on his recipient he caused joy and positive. That is, very often we give not some kind of certain, concrete thing, and, emotions. And it means that congratulations on February 23 should not be tangible and material. After all, pleasure and good impressions can deliver the greatest joy. The presents of this kind include:

  • Tickets for cinema, theater or concert. This option of congratulations is simply ideal for men who have "everything". But, however, it will be appropriate for both dads, living enough modestly, not allowing himself anything superfluous and most of his life spent at work. Do not doubt your offer of leisure to leisure your father will use with great pleasure and will receive positive impressions from him.
  • Visiting a massage course or physiotherapy procedures. Thus, it is possible to congratulate enough adult person of solid age. Such a present will bring a lot of benefit, leaving after a pleasant memories and good well-being.
  • Travel to the resort. A win-win version of a gift that can be handed over to the most different reasons, and February 23 is also no exception. The choice of directions will depend on your financial capabilities. If your disposal is enough - try any interesting, new routes and exotic countries, for example, Thailand, Dominican Republic or United Arab Emirates Or please your father a fascinating ride in Europe, with a visit to her beautiful and most interesting cities. Well, in the event that your income does not allow you to "to upset", "Wake up" at least for visiting the best sanatorium located in your area. Believe me, your dad will definitely not forget.

Tasty greetings

However, congratulations on February 23 can be not only serious and solid. To please dad, on this day it can be handed something delicious and pleasant. For example:

  • Set of several varieties of good tea. A good, practical and very worthy gift for a man who loving this delicious, fragrant drink. If your father is a coffeeman, then it is better for him to give a similar set consisting of several varieties of grain coffee.
  • Bottle of good alcohol. Better if it is high-quality brandy or whiskey. In addition, as a gift, you can choose any original tincture or balsam on herbs. In any case, the choice of drink will depend on flavors and the addictions of your dad.
  • Basket with delicacies. Very good version of the present for the maternity and hospitable owner. Well, he will definitely find him worthy and proper use, and will be very pleased.
  • Cake or other sweets. These "goodies" will fall to taste to any sweet tooth, especially if they are cooked by the careless hands of his beloved wife, son or daughter.

Do it yourself

Continuing the topic of "gifts made by their own hands", you can see what exactly they usually deliver to close people the greatest joy and pleasure. It would still, because the special energy comes from them. Such presents allow the recipient to feel like it is important and roads for their loved ones, and make sure that they are very valued and loved. It can be:

    • Postcards with congratulations. There are many options, you can arrange in a military style, you can in the form of a shirt with a tie. There is already your taste and fantasy. But remember that the main thing in the postcard is a congratulation, so pay great attention to him.
    • Knitted scarves and sweaters created taking into account the taste and personal style of their future owner.
    • Crafts from natural materials: skin, wood that can decorate the interior of his apartment, making it special and individual.
    • Portrait on canvas under the holiday background on February 23. You can draw on your own, but you can order a print on canvas on a widescreen printer, after preparing a photo and processing it in Photoshop. Very original and practical gift! Declaring the interior and will remind the Father about your gift for a long time.
    • Pictures made in the technique of chasing. You can make them alone by purchasing the appropriate set to create them in specialized stores, etc.

But, by the way, several ideas for designing postcards.

By buying a gift from Father on February 23, do not chase for the high cost and pathos. In the end, you do not set a goal of impressing a loved one. Show a few concerns and attention towards him, and then your gift will definitely be remembered from the best side.

Falcon in the clouds flies, over the fields he is pararit. Bird proud, big, in coming and in return it flies. In the sky, the falcons took off, above, above in the sky. This dad is my favorite melted above the clouds. Only a silver point, and the loop is solar. With my mother we stand and look like our daddy ...

We congratulate all the defenders of the country today. All soldiers protect the land, sky, peace and work. In order for all children happily live in the light. The holiday is approaching - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, which is noted 23 february. This is a holiday of grandparents, because they are all our ...

Crafts by February 23. Gifts for dad - master class "Notebook for Pope" by February 23

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Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

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Every year, at the end of winter, our people marked a significant date. This is a men's holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day we congratulate our fathers, brothers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers. Our kindergarten has not exceeded. My pupils and I approached this event very ...

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February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is truly a solemn, significant and courageous holiday of all grandparents, dads and boys. Today I want to offer to your attention a master class on making a postcard for your loved ones, good grandfatures. Roney like nobody deserve ...

Dad is the most beloved man in the life of every child, and no matter how old the son or daughter, the father always remains the main man and defender. In no case can you leave a favorite daddy on February 23 without a gift. Adult children can buy a useful father, and optionally dear thingAnd I want to advise children to make a gift with your own hands.

Gifts for dad do it yourself

Small children can make a beautiful bulk card for a favorite dad, using not only paints and pencils for its manufacture, but also other technicians: buttons, ribbons, fabrics. In order for the gift applique to look individually, it is recommended to supplement it with daddy and its photos.

Girls who have learned to work with felt will be able to make cozy felt slippers for the father for the Father, and if it works out, make them in the form of cute tanks. If there is no time on the slippers, you can put a small toy that dad will move in the car. It is even easier to create crafts from leather, it can be key chains for points for points or covers for documents.

In order for Dad to proudly demonstrate a gift for children at work, you need to make a stand for handles and stationery. As a basis, you can take bushings from paper towels, bottle from shampoos, cardboard boxes or plastic jars. Any available technique will suit the decor: decoupage, wrapping with colored threads or twine, lace, beads, coffee beans, denim or any other tissue.

Boys can make for dad tanks, airplanes, military ships from paper or salted dough. Any steam room forces to make a stand for mugs from cork sheet. A good gift is a chasing with a suitable pattern, it is also easy to make it from a set selling in special departments.

Cheap gifts for dad on February 23

Among the inexpensive gifts are leading shirts, toilet waters, T-shirts, warm bathrobes and shaving products. Of course, you can go in a simple way and choose something from this list, but if you want to surprise a loved one, it is worth looking for a more original surprise.

Men love festive feast and at the same time remain children. If you combine these two concepts, you can choose as a gift for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Alcohol Game, helping to avoid turning the holiday into boring alcohol consumption. The range of such sets is wide: tape measure, cross-tag, checkers, lotto, bottle and others, so please get a man with any hobbies.

If dad prefers a feast rest in nature, then a great gift for it will become folding brazier, a set of skewers, grill grill or a barbecue set. Father who loves to go fishing can be bought as a gift a new fishing rod, a metal thermos, a refrigerator bag or folding chair for a comfortable waiting for Kleva.

Emotional gifts

The purpose of each gift is to cause joy from the recipient. If you need to make a gift to a dad, who has everything, it remains to buy a movie ticket or a concert or to give him a day off tour on local attractions. Elderly man necessary gift There will be several paid massages or physiotherapy sessions, and an active and energetic man will like an equestrian walk or an exciting balloon flying.

If the financial situation does not allow you to buy a dear ticket or a ticket, and I want to surprise my native person, there is an idea easier to buy a dozen small dried fish, put them in the like of a bouquet, tie up with a ribbon or arrange a newspaper, add a bouquet with a postcard with congratulatory poems and hand the dad on the day Defender of the Fatherland. Delight and genuine joy in this case will be provided!

Gifts for health

When father - old manOne should look at those gifts that will help him preserve health. If there is still no tonometer in the house, then it is necessary to buy this necessary instrument, it is desirable to buy an electronic model - it is easy to measure pressure, without resorting to the services of other people.

A man suffering from pain in the joints is useful for home physiotherapy. Father, complaining of back pain, will deliver joy Massager or belt from camel wool. You can also buy several good ointments or creams that help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Delicious gifts

Congratulations to Pop from February 23, you can not only useful, but also delicious gifts. Excellent present for the Father - big Bank Natural honey or a bottle of healing balm on herbs. A lover of tea ceremonies is recommended to buy a set of different varieties of good tea, and a connoisseur of coffee is to give the packaging of fragrant grains or a gift can be a soluble drink.

The former military will like a gift in the form of dry soldering collected on a suitable bag. In such a package, smoked sausages, cheeses, jars with delicacy canned, juices and fruits will be appropriate.

Dad's gift on February 23 with your own hands: Surround postcards with their own hands along with children 5-6 years old, children's creativity and development of speech.

Dad's gift on February 23 with your own hands:

postcard with children 5-6 years

From this article you will learn:

- How to turn making postcards In the occupation, developing ... Speech of the child,

- what kind gifts for Pope, Grandpa, Brother, friendand you can do even with the most young kids,

as speech and drawing help each other,

How to do quickly and just with the children very Original volume postcards do it yourself.

Why do you need volume postcards - riddles?

What postcards are not now in the store now - for every taste. And even with ready-made congratulations - "common" for all and "universal" and, alas, inevitably the same type. But never such a purchase card "for all" will not be compared with the postcard, which is made by the child with their own hands, and which keeps his love and warmth, which is created individually and comes only to one of his most beloved person - dad, grandfather, mom, friend, brother.

And if you connect the manufacture of postcards with ... the development of speech, then it will be not just a pleasant stay, but also the present developing occupation. And then the lesson, which always really likes to all the children and which they are willing to do sooochen long!

How I got the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch postcards - mysteries. When I used to teach the kids speech, I noticed that they did not like to write stories. And their stories about dad, about mom on speech classes In kindergarten, the same type, sometimes even sad and are built most often in one scheme - the template. There was no light, joy, mischiefs in children's eyes when told, there was no brightness and real childhood in them, there was no individuality in the speech of every child, and this was not satisfied. I so wanted the children to tell about their most expensive people with delight, with love, and at the same time individually, brightly, figuratively. And so I found my way out and your way - we began to do with children postcards - riddles for dads and for moms. In this article, I will talk about gifts - riddles for dads that are combined fine activity and the development of children's speech.

What I will tell in this article is suitable for classes with a group of kids in kindergarten, in children's center or the club and at home, in the family.

Idea Such - we are not just telling about the dad, and we come up with a riddle story for Pope (grandfather, brother, etc.). We are inventing it in order to record in greeting postcard. But here there is a nuance - the main highlight and the main idea, what I will say a little lower.

Family option: The child draws a dad (you can draw next to him and other items) and together with him we place his drawing in a bulk card (how to do it - you will find about it step-by-step master class below). Next, the kid dictates us your story about dad, and we record it in his postcard. Beautifully make out the cover of the postcard.

When talking:

- Senior Children can suggest a sequence of questions: What is our dad? What does he like? What does he do? What does he look like? etc.

- We help the toddles we help the beginning of the phrase, the children finish after us: "My dad is very ... (the child adds a word, and we record a proposal to a postcard). Him…. He loves…. He often ... I love when dad ... my dad is the most ... ". We write under the dictation of the child right in the postcard - not in the draft!

Why called "Postcard - Mystery"? You can describe a person without calling him, and saying "he", "this person." And then there is a mystery - description. We make a few cards for different family members and lay them on a common table. Need to grandfather, brother, uncle, dad find "your" postcard - to identify it in the drawing of the child (find out his portrait) and his text. And if the karapuzu is 2.5 years old - then this is the task of Oh as difficult, but always very pleasant! And causes a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions :).

So year after year, making such postcards, we see how a child's look changes to the world, on us - adults, that he appreciates in us, which he is waiting for us.

Note: The manufacture of such a postcard, drawing the character figurine and the dictation of the text must be held without a recipient of the gift - it must be a surprise - a mystery!

An option for a group of children. Suitable for kindergarten, club, center or for big family or family club.

The main secret here: Each child makes his postcard (the technique is given below), draws dad and dictates an adult his story about dad for a postcard. Names of children on postcards We do not subscribe - this is important! We post all postcards on a festive day for parents of the kids of our group. The task of each dad is to find your postcard! (i.e. identify yourself by the story of the child and its drawing). Usually full delight in the eyes and adults and children from such a gift.

It is very interesting for adults and for children! Interest is wonderful, but also important! In this task, children understand that it is necessary to tell about dad very individual and very, very detailed. After all, if you just say: "My dad has eyes and short hair"The dad never knows myself among other dads. Therefore, kids in a few weeks before the holiday turn into "scouts" and begin to secretly recognize all the secrets about the dad - what kind of food he loves, what color is his eyes (imagine, but 50% of the kids do not know this!), What a favorite color, What he dreams about. They try later, as canfully describe their dad and how to draw it in more detail.

And how dad are looking for themselves among all postcards - you have to see their faces! And if you compare such postcards made by a child in 3 years and in 6 years old - you know how interesting it turns out - it can be seen that the kid is already different and sees in adults already other qualities!

Together I will say: for moms, you can also use such riddles, as well as for grandparents, for friends - they always enjoy great interest in children and in adults. And the kids in such a speech task are ready to compose a lot of descriptions about different people, and they strive to describe a person consistently, brightly. Because they have a motive to tell and interest ("I need to tell you to tell the dad to like", "what would you think that he smile," I want him to know myself, otherwise if I tell me badly - how he guess him ??? ")

And now - how to make such a postcard - step by step description manufacturing.

Dad's gift on February 23 with your own hands along with children: a bulk card.

Option of volume postcard number 1.

This bulk card is easily folded and folded, it is quickly done and always causes delight and admiration and children, and the lucky addresses of their gifts. This postcard can be made not only to dad or grandfather on February 23, but also for a birthday. It can be done and mother, grandmother, sister or friend. You can use in the manufacture of postcards not only pictures or appliques of children, but also cut pictures from magazines, calendars, posters. In this technique, the postcard is a sea of \u200b\u200bopportunities for creativity, and the result always pleases, easily and quickly achieved!

You will need:

- Color double-sided cardboard - 2 sheets of A4. I use a very high-quality cardboard for children's creativity called "Set of colored toned cardboard Sunflowers" (production of Tver, Lily Holding - printing), but you can take any other quality cardboard for children's creativity,

- glue or double-sided stationery 1 cm width,

- Dense paper for drawing (appliqués) from the folder for watercolor or folder for drawing,

- Everything for drawing or for appliqués (you can choose any technique for performing a central figure)

How to make a postcard:

Step 1. Bend a leaf of double-sided cardboard in half and make two cuts perpendicular to the collar (see photo). Draw in advance for a child the line for which cuts need to be done.

Subsequently, you can no longer make lines of cuts, because Children themselves determine where they want to make cuts, what kind of magnitude and how much they need (for one bulk figure you need two nozzles).

Step 2. Bend along the line parallel to the collar (see Figure) below. Open the postcard and, bending the central detail, make a "step". Depending on the plan, the "Step" can be either horizontal or vertical.

On the "Step" we glue the figure made by a child (drawing, applique) - examples of the received postcards are given in the photo below.

Step 3. We write on the postcard the story-riddle about dad (or another postcard addressee). Be sure to put the date! The story is recorded under the dictation of the child - this is called the "Situation of Written Speech". It is very useful for the development of the child's speech, since, dictation, the baby begins to plan his speech, to build it more connected and consistently.

Step 4. We stick the resulting blank postcard to another sheet of cardboard (so that our cuts are not visible). The child makes a postcard cover in his plan.

On February 20, 2014, at my course advanced training for teachers in Mio "The use of game communicative situations in the development of the speech of children of preschool age" was a creative offset of graduates of the course. Teachers represented the gaming communicative situations created by them and decorated with the children of the stories, fairy tales, unprecedented, riddles in the form of cards, albums, folders.

Below I will give one of the examples of the work of the course teachers. This postcard by February 23, made by children in the technique described above. A figurine is used - the applique "Submarine", which is pasted on the "step". Children performed appliqué and composed a story about dad.

The work of children from the group of teacher of the Makhov Irina Vladimirovna (DOU 463 of the Western district of Moscow)

Useful tips:

First Council. For the first time, the child participates in the postcard partially: composes the story for the dad and draws figurines for a postcard (or makes an applique). In the assembly of the postcard it will need adult assistance.

Second Council. This postcard can be done even with the most young kids, giving them to paint the finished image - a coloring or an image drawn by the elder brother, let me draw a "festive salute" twitch, stick the dad or your drawing photo on the card.

Even if the drawing of the baby seems to you imperfect or non-ideal - this is his drawing at the moment, and this is the special life of such images. This is not a "showing" drawing, but a real! And you can cut a figurine from it, stick it on tight cardboard And glue it to the "step" in the postcard.

In the future, children of senior preschool age and younger school age will be able to make a postcard themselves.

Third Council. You show all actions (how to cut off, where to glue, etc.) on your sample postcard. Children's postcard is what is fully made by a child, we do not interfere with his work. All that a child can do himself, he does himself and in his postcard!

An exception is made only for the little ones. In this case, such postcards are a joint creativity of an adult and baby, as the baby himself can not fully make it.

Fourth Council: If you make cards with a group of children, it is convenient during the execution of the central figure (until the children make an application or draw, paint) approach them in turn and record the story under their dictation.

Fifth Tip: during the manufacturer of the postcard, talk with a child (with children) in a relaxed form: What will you have on a postcard at the bottom / right / left / in the middle? What color (size) will we do? What will be ...? What do you draw first, and then, and after that? Comment - call signs and actions, interest the idea of \u200b\u200ba small artist. This is also the development of speech - the ability to conduct a dialogue.

Very simple version of the gift dad on February 23 for the smallest

Another example of the integration of artistic creativity and the development of the child's speech and at the same time a very simple gift is a story for dad for kids.

This is the operation of another graduate of the same course of advanced training for teachers. The task of the child - how can you tell about dad. Each asterisk is "magic" to get it, you need to tell something about dad - good, good. That is, each phrase is an asterisk that the kid receives from an adult. All the resulting stars are glued on the background - tie. On the back side A child's story is recorded (also in the conditions of the child's dictation adult - in the situation of "written speech")

The work of Egorova Natalia Alekseevna, educator DOU 734 of the North-West District of Moscow.

When three-year children in the group of Natalia Alekseevna did such gifts, her five-year-old son, seeing their ticks with the stories, said to Mom: "And I? I also want to dad such a gift! " And they made for the dad here such a postcard with the application (see the photo below) - on the right side of the postcard under the dictation, the text of the child was recorded (specially lay out the photo so that the text cannot be read - in such tasks, the texts of children are very much - very non-standard and very - very personal)

Volume greeting card as a gift for dad. Option number 3.

You will need the same tools and materials as for the manufacture of the first postcard option.

Step 1. We fold a sheet of color double-sided cardboard in half, stroke a fold.

Step 2. Cutting rectangles cut from thick paper for watercolor or thick paper. In them, the child draws a dad figure and other card figures. Note - you can not make figurines more than specified size, because Otherwise, when folding postcards, they will go out for her edges. You can do smaller figurines!

The child in these rectangles draws in its plan (you can do the application and use any drawing techniques).

Step 3. Cut the figurine, retreating a little from their contour. If the child is small - cut out his drawings yourself.

Step 4. We glue each figure on the cardboard strip. It is desirable that the color of the strip coincides with the postcard background.

We leave at the bottom of 3 cm (below the figures), at the top - more (3 + 5 cm \u003d 8 cm). Excess you can always trim.

Bend strips on which we glued the figures. Note - the red stripe in the photo marked equal distances (they are equal to 3 cm). This means that it is at 3 cm that a person's figure will "depart" from the background postcard.

The photo shows the appearance of a person's figure on the side after sticking the strip and its bending.

Step 5. We glue figures to the left half of our postcard.

Step 6. We feed the glued figures on the right half of the postcard. We begin the strip on the opposite part of the figure (the stripes should not be seen on the front of the figure). We glue the bilateral tape strips (excess bands can be cut off). Remove the protective film from the tape. Hold the figure with a ruler or hand and close the card. Stroke it in a closed state so that the tape firmly brought the layers.

This step performs an adult.

Step 7. We open a postcard - it turned out a postcard - a panorama with bulk figures - the drawings of the child.

We write to the dictation of the child his story. And give him the opportunity to decorate the postcard and her cover as he wants.

More ideas for designing postcards for dads along with children you will find in the video below:

Pape gift on February 23 with your own hands together with children: video

1. Collection of ideas - postcards for dads together with children:

2. Postcard - shirt with your own hands in the Origami technique. Even the smallest babes will be able to participate in the creation of such a gift for dad - to paint or decorate a shirt for him 🙂

3. Tie - origami as a gift for dad.

4. Butterfly - origami as a gift for dad.

Have you already prepared another gift for dad? It is wonderful! After all, all ideas from this article will be useful not only in Pape gift on February 23, But for the birthday and for other holidays. And not only for dad, but also for all other your loved ones and friends.

I wish you pleasant and interesting minutes of creativity with the children!

More ideas for postcards with your own hands you will find here:

Surrounding card - cake, postcard - Kitty toy, postcards in the technique of torching, cardmayking.

Volumetric 3D greeting card "Bouquet of flowers", original panel of two identical cards, Corrugated cardboard flowers, a vase for flowers.

Get a new free audio course with game application

"Development of speech from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat Sheet for parents"

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Self the best gifts down below

Good day to you! Do you think and do not know what to give your father (dad) on February 23? Clear. This problem pops up almost every year. (Well, in general, it is safe in the end is solved.) Most likely you ask him: "Dad, what to give you to the 23rd?". And most likely, he answers: "I don't need anything." And still very expressive. And so from year to year: from the fact that he does not need anything, it is necessary to find that he is still needed. The task is not their lungs, but quite solved. It is now invented so much useful and inexpensive gifts for men that the fantasy of the authors just amazes imagination. Watch and think: "How cool is invented!" And the thing is that really necessary!

We will proceed from the fact that February 23 is not a birthday and the more not an anniversary. This is the question of finance. In any case, who knows your dad better than you? You know everything about him: both size, and your favorite color, and all the smells that I like and do not like. And most importantly, you know what is interesting for him and that it is not necessary for him. In general, Pope - they are versatile: smart, fondant (that is, not boring), hardworking (for the most part), well, a lot of all ... And the small disadvantages or oddities that everyone has, just nothing compared With other good qualities, that is, the advantages. Everything. Dad praised? Yes, they are good and we love them, so let's already think about the gift.

Well, let's immediately throw the things that do not need to give. And you know perfectly well. (These are the things that your father (dads) will not cause completely no interest. Dad is, first of all, a man. And the holiday is approaching a purely male. So you need to try to come up with and buy something that he exactly likes. And at the same time, the thing should not be too expensive. Dad can be given everything. No restrictions, if only he liked and came in handy. In any case, he will not be offended for anything and will be grateful to you. Maybe it's not very Need, but the fact that they have not forgotten from him and congratulated - this is most important. And yet, below you can see and, perhaps choose a gift for your dad, father on February 23.

IN last years Modern technologies go forward in such a rapid pace that we do not have time to get used to one new appliances, as others come to their place, which sometimes seem unreal. But we will quickly get used to them. It is now invented by a lot of inexpensive technical and electronic new products that are simply indispensable in our modern interesting life. And yet the usual things as they were, and remain. Only they will be much more convenient.

If you give a gift not only from yourself, but someone else from relatives will join you, most likely it can be something that is more valid, that is, more expensive.

Pope gift, father on February 23

Pedometer. Unusual inexpensive gift for your father. Do you know that adult man per day should take at least 10,000 steps? Not everyone knows even about how many steps today they passed. It is even interesting. The pedometer is very convenient: it can be worn on the wrist, on the belt or in your pocket. In addition, it measures energy consumption. With our sedentary lifestyle, it would not hurt to know what distances we pass throughout the day. And then: it's just curious! And if your dad leads a moving lifestyle, that is, does not like to sit still, then this is such a gift He will like it.

Mug - Meshler. An unusual and unusual thing that can not do not like. No longer need small spoons! Pressed a button on the handle and the process went! Everything stirled B. best of sightBecause at the bottom of the circle there is a propeller. It works such a mug from two mizinechiki batteries. Daddy love their circles and touch them with anyone. And if he has such an unusual, then no one has confused.

Leather belts. A good belt will never be superfluous for any man. If your father wears belts, give another one. And before him, the queue will necessarily happen if he doesn't immediately wear it. When choosing a belt, keep in mind that they are different: for jeans and for trousers. Well, naturally, different in length. There is a waist girth. The main thing is that it was not small. Good belt - only leather. And pay attention to what the clashes more like your father: buckle or "track".

Mini shovel multifunctional "scout". Length 30 cm. In the case. Although your father has long come out of the scout age, it does not change the essence. A small assistant will come to the rescue. Unforeseen trips situations happen often enough. And sometimes there is not enough some little things to cope with the problem. And the blade is simply magic: she and a hammer, she and a nail, she is a opener. And in the cavity of the handle lie a set of fishing hooks, fishing line, folding blade, matches and carnations. The compass is in the handle cover. Such an indispensable thing without a doubt should lie in the car trunk. Yes, you never know what can happen?

Terry gown "Golden Dad". Dads need to say more often, they become even kinder. And if such an inscription will turn on the coat, the dad will try more often to turn to all their backs. To see everyone. A bathrobe, presented by you, will fight the most beloved. And no bath or hike in the shower will not cost him. Advantages: 100% cotton. And Pope, like people wise, prefer everything natural. Dimensions from 48 to 60th.

Watch from vinyl record. More than 50 exclusive copyright works.Some models cause special admiration, because it is the top of skill. Practically, jewelry. Small details have been worked out to the smallest detail, the fantasy of the authors has no boundaries, and the skill of execution is the highest level. This is how vinyl records, to pain familiar to the older generation, have gained the second life. The clock is enjoyed in great demand. The gift is unusual and very original.

Purse with engraving. From 1600 rubles. Ecocked. Comfortable, stylish and multifunctional. Evoid in great demand. Eco-house artificial leathernot causeing allergic reactions. Accordingly, the price of such wallets is much lower than that of the analogues from genuine leather. So, that represent the purses presented: style, convenience, many departments and pockets. Practically, this is a mini bissue with a strap-handle. Choose your favorite model and learn more.

Gift set "Cufflinks + clamp for a tie". Italy. Several variants. Pope prefer classics. Good men's suit Nobody canceled. And accessories to it must be appropriate. The presented accessories are elegant simplicity and luxury at the same time. Stylish set will be an excellent gift from Father.

Gift set "Belt + Cufflinks". Famous Italian brand La Geer. Known from the 18th century. It all started with a romantic and touching story. "Search a woman". Lageer is the name of the French Aristocrat Girl, in which a poor jeweler from Italy, who came to learn to his craft was hopeless. He did the decoration from cheap materials, because not expensive there was no money. And every new product he called her name. Alas, love remained unrequited. The young man married another girl. They had children who continued their father's business. And the beautiful name remains and left. Now it is a world famous brand.

Portrait on canvas in photography. Frame size 35 x 47 cm. Many military images. From you only the photo, the rest of the professionals who will do everything in the best form. All who received their portraits first were shocked by surprise. For all Men of the Older Generation on February 23 - this day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Without options. The path your father will be in general uniform! It's so great when parents rejoice like children!

Salurative healing lamps. From 800 rubles. Move from red salt, mined in Himalayas. When heated, salt produces negatively charged ions that destroy pathogenic bacteria. The air in the room acquires freshness of the sea breeze. Salt treatment is known with deep antiquity. Elderly people who have immunity, saline lamps are particularly useful. Outgoing light creates in the room atmosphere of rest and coziness. At the same time, the sleep is normalized and the overall body tone increases.

Slippers. Participated in the top 10 most popular gifts on the 23rd dad. And who else besides his wife or children take care of him? He himself is unlikely to spend his precious time to search for household slippers. "And these are still normal!" He will say. In general, you look. Slippers are a lot. They are high-quality and comfortable. From 250 and up to 5000 rubles. Material: leather, suede, textiles, cotton, wool, sheepskin and others. Choose not beauty, but convenience. Most importantly comfort.

Flags I. gift Baskets. Many, inexpensive and very different. From small to large. If he has no flakes, then it needs to be given. The item is absolutely necessary for every robust man. Sometimes only one sip of a strong drink can help out in a difficult moment. Dad can anything! On fishing, in the forest, the picnic will be useful for all 100. It will not break, which means that it will serve as faithfully for many years. In short, look.

Sets of socks "on February 23". 4-6 pairs in a pretty box. Cotton 80%. Standard gift in non-standard design. Socks are not superfluous. If there are, it is short. Even the dad is sometimes lost. In short, buy. Who except his wife or daughter will make him such a necessary and expected surprise? Dad can and you need to give absolutely everything. And what are all illegitable about the sock or foam for shaving? A good option. For Pope, it is much better than a stupid souvenir.

Gifts for hobbies. What are we here? Fishing, hunting, cottage, car, motorcycle, in the forest for mushrooms, travel and even smoking (good hobby! And most importantly, stable!). Joke. Most of all pleasant surprises for fishermen, because according to statistics we have in Russia every 10th man-fisherman. Moreover, most of them consider themselves professionals. We will not doubt this, but please support. Oh, how he will be pleased with his merit! Every friend will show that he has. (And they are not!). Dad-he is all the best. Without options. Therefore, we will try to please him with something like that ... unusual.

Gifts on car brake. What if there is a dad's car? The largest assortment of pillows with a logo. Many I. of different shapesBut the best can be seen immediately. On the worst even the brand is written incorrectly. They are in the stove. And there are towels and bath sets, covers for documents and instruments, thermosums. The older generation towards any things relates carefully, especially as expensive. The car is the second home. It takes attention no less than your favorite woman. And expenses too. In general, choose. Please will be pleased with a surprise.

Leather visits.Desktop and pocket. From 880 rubles. Excellent leather, clear embossing, flawless strip and smooth seams. The actual option for a business father, which has many partners. And if he has his own office, then he will be more suitable for a desktop business card holder. It has a discerning mechanism, so the number of liners without problems can be increased. For dad only the best. Accessories are also involved in success. Convenience I. appearance matter. Look at this category. The idea is good.

Gift multitoles and knives. A small perochy knife in the form of a key fob is what is needed. A good real multitool is expensive, but such a miniature can well be used as " emergency help"To eliminate small troubles. All presented sets are equipped with different objects. The handle is useful too. If you are tormented by vague doubts about the fact that you can give the knives", then such nonsense will never come to my head. Definitely it is possible. In the end , Recall the gift sets of cutlery with knives that give a wedding.

Gift Baskets. Many sets from 700 rubles. Only for men. Flats in designer decoration with cups, folding knives, clamps for a tie and cufflinks of Italy, reliable key rings, good pens, carbines, lighters, lights and a purse. And all this in stylish boxes. How I want to buy something like that ... useful and pleasant and touching. Although ... whatever you gave, he will still be happy. Even a postcard. And I still look at the sets! There is exactly what will be interested in you.

Road and shoe sets from 1200 rubles. On 1, 2, 3, 4 persons. The option is not from cheap on the 23rd, but very attractive. He will definitely like him because it is necessary. You can, of course, and in the bag, carry with you everything you need, but if there is an opportunity ... especially relevant for business trips or long journeys. Fork, spoon, knife, cup, -Where without them? Will he need this shaver? Unlikely. He got used to his own. Although it will be replaced without any problems with his own. In short, carefully examine the package.

Flags and thermoses from 400 rubles.In the original design and gift Packaging. Even inexpensive sets look very festively. More solid variants of "hidden" in leather coversAs a rule, have long belts, less frequently pockets. Such flakes and thermoses are especially convenient for long-term rods on nature (fishing, hunting, mushrooms). Flags one of the most popular options on the 23rd. Burpen actively. If he still has no good flask (you should know about it), it means it should be.

Konestics from 700 rubles. There are female, but there are truly men. The most expensive are made of valuable wood species like imitation of paintings. You can prevent such an anniversary. In general, the key is a very comfortable thing, especially for those who love order through everything. "For sure, this is a father!" - Everyone will think. If there is no such thing in the house, it means ... you need to think. The main criterion by which we estimate the gift of dad is the benefit. More, perhaps, nothing. To wore, I put it, I was smeared, in general, I used.

Sets for alcohol gift. Designer execution. Lands of unusual shape and, of course, a glass. For dad, which is not an Yazzennik, and not a trustee. It is too late to call for a call. In general, you look. Maybe he is soon? Then there are excellent sets, which is not ashamed of the anniversary. Such things are usually put on a prominent place, and enjoy them in exceptional cases. A special charm gives state symbolism. Well, very solid looks!

Gifts to your favorite dad with engraving

Note! Engraving is created by you online. The result you will see immediately. Try it's interesting!

Automotive mug with engraving.As many as 4 lines for your favorite dad. There is a mug from a car cigarette lighter. Water heats up to 70 degrees. It has a dense cover. Universal assistant for any motorist in any situation. If your father is active, often happens in the road, the car service will be an excellent gift. If hot tea or coffee, he will not drink not often, then the kind words written by you, he will see constantly. And it stands dear.

Lighter with Zippo engraving. Of course, I would like to wish your father as soon as possible to quit smoking. But if it is useless, you can give it a branded lighter. Yes, and also personal. Your gift, of course, will delight, because the older generation knows and appreciates quality things. Dad do not need to talk about the benefits of Zippo. He himself knows it perfectly well. American reliability and style are known to the world since 1933. Many engraving options.

Apron named. Real male apron: "dimensionless" size, durable dirt-repellent fabric, two large pockets, and most importantly inscription! And without apron, the dad is getting the best ear and kebabs. And what can we talk about when such a cool inscription will be born on the chest? And already nobody will say exactly that meat did not spare. This is, of course, lyrics. But very kind. You know your father better than everyone. Give me what he exactly will like to do. And how can he not like this inscription?

Clock with any of your photo. Designs from Couture. You will act in the threshing couture. Think what kind of photo most like your father, and create hours out of it. People of the older generation to such things are not yet accustomed. They are easy to surprise and delight. What has become ordinary and familiar to us, for them is a divine. Quartz watch mechanism. Palching battery. Warranty 5 years. Packaging: branded cardboard box.

Box for wine "favorite dad". Alas, only a box. But on it you can write short quatrain or other good words for the most native person. How not to raise a glass of wine for the health of the most important defender of the family and do not say good toast? Beautiful personal box and after the holiday will not empty. Father always finds what to remove in such beauty. When ordering, pay your attention: there are two of them. For different bottles.

Name beer mug. Product with quality sign, as in the USSR. And the dad with the mark of quality, because it was raised correctly, worked honestly and loved sincerely. Now it is a big rarity. The beer mug is made in the best Soviet traditions: thick bottom, transparent glass, comfortable handle and impressive weight. Laser engraving is not erased and does not fade. Weight of a mug of 1 kg. Heavy! Try to make an inscription now and look at the result.

Personal glass for beer. Continuation of the beer theme. Volume of 570 ml. A comfortable big glass with a vintage capital letter and name. Each man in the house has inviolable things that are not allowed. For example, tools. Personal glass will also enter the category "This is mine." Let it go! The dadgets should grow and multiply! February 23, a good reason for a personal gift.

Set of the name "Shtof and 4 glasses". Inexpensive, but very beautiful. Engraving will be performed on the face in the form of a heart. As a rule, such a counters pour strong home cooking drinks. Not once proven and very high quality, like all natural. The set also includes 4 small glasses of 50 ml. And the volume of the SCOF-500 ml. Write the full name of your father and see how wonderful you have happened.

Named set of candies "Thank you, dad!". Belgian chocolate. Weight 0.5 kg. . Quality, tested by time and satisfied buyers. Have you ever gave your father something like that? Most probably not. Always a box of chocolates was considered an exceptional female option. But this box is unusual! She is solely personal. Two lines of text will be written specifically for it. It will be easy to be honest: he will give his house with his house, and the box will leave himself. These dads are such. For this and thanks!

Universal knife with engraving. Leather case. Dad and so everything can: swim by Bras, fry meat, arguing bass, build (all and everyone), repair and even at least 20 verbs. Universal knife to help him! An important difference from the usual multitilities: the presence of a filtering key. This means that any nut will be unscrewed quickly and without problems. And there are two screwdrivers, pliers, saw and knife. And this entire wonderful set of mini tools will be his personal. This is cool. He will like it!

Socks in Cases. From 6 to 100 pairs. Cotton from 88% to 100%. For every taste and color. This is really a strategic reserve. About the problem of new socks can be forgotten by several years. The bigger, the better. The quality is excellent. Cases are in great demand, especially before the holidays. Such a gift and a dad can be boldly to buy, well, on the 23rd, especially. And let those who do not give such a beautiful case. Reviews of the organization of service and delivery are only positive. You just have to choose.

Socks in a gift bag. 20 pairs. For dad there are three options for inscriptions. The set in the case, of course, looks more solid, but the dad who loves to joke and laugh, the bag with socks will be an excellent option. Then he will definitely find where it can be applied. There will be no empty. The bag is more reminded by a cat with which wanderers went. This is what you can beat with humor. In the end, you can add anything anything.

Named calendar "Golden Man". Just enter any name, and the designer in a matter of seconds will "embed" the inscription in the ready-made pictures. Everything will happen in your eyes. Browse every month. And on the cover it will be possible to make a short inscription. You can start the calendar from any month. The format is also any. The calendar will be packed in a cardboard box.

Personal set of honey "best in the world of dad". Tasty, sweet, useful. On health! In the original wooden box are 4 jars of honey. Moreover, honey is different: classic floral, new cream honey, with the addition of mint and with walnuts. Try the whole family! He will share? But the case, of course, is at all in the honey. All 200% will like a wooden box made specifically for him. And after, when the contents are eaten, the father will find that it is put in it. Empty stand will not be. Did you like the idea? Write a name.

T-shirts for dad

T-shirts and sets of "best dad". Briefly and clearly. Men love concretps. A presented T-shirt will become one of the most beloved. When we were young children, we tried to express our love in the drawings: we painted the little one with ordinary colored pencils, very similar to dad. And, of course, the ones signed their own work. By the way, Picasso rests. And dad, taking this piece of leafle, the father was just happy. We grew up! Modern technologies have gone far forward, and it gives us, children, other opportunities. Now you can write the name of your favorite Father on T-shirt! Everything is simple!

T-shirt family "Commander-in-Chief Family." With the pursuit of the most general Colonel-General. kind comic gift For the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. As soon as Dad will put on the T-shirt, immediately the whole family is built up at the rack "Smirno", gives the honor and screaming "to the health", Comrade Comrade Family (surname)! " And let it pound on this day! No one will be offended? If the commander is good, then the army is strong!

T-shirt and sets for fishermen and hunters. T-shirts and sets for fishermen and hunters. Cool and fun. Fishermen-people with humor. For them, it does not matter what to peck will be yesterday, tomorrow and won there, away. The main process. Black and spinning they buy themselves. Amateurs do not even try to buy something from the gear and accessories. But a cool T-shirt is a super gift. Not everyone has such things. A t-shirt will be put on every fishing, but it will not be to root.

Cool author t-shirts. Qualitative and unusual. Very interesting T-shirts from the "President", "USSR", "Soviet cartoons", Russian army"And others. Material: 100% cotton, the print applied by direct printing method does not crack, does not fade. Observe the rules of washing and ironing, and the T-shirt will serve not one year. All size range. Packaging: Cardboard branded box.

Gift set dad "Order, mug, T-shirt". Whole kit! By the way, T-shirt is registered. Immediately give everything. It is better to issue alternately for more effect. Imagine the happy face of the Father, when he puts on a T-shirt, fastens the order and takes a mug in his hands, it needs to be sent for history. As, in essence, it is not enough for our parents: a bit of attention and a little concern. They know how to rejoice in any trifles! Triple gift is great!

Gifts with symbols February 23

Mug "February 23". Bright, with traditional symbolism. Volume of 300 ml. Mug, as an option of an inexpensive gift, perfectly suitable any man. And to those who served in the Soviet army, especially. The usual symbols are not against the background of the Red Flag, and against the background of the Russian tricolor. And it is not so important what a gift. It is important that I did not forget about his holiday.

Photo Congratulations. If there is a good father's photo close-up, make it an unexpected surprise. See your face on a circle, he does not quite expect. In addition, you have a good opportunity to write a few good Words. The effect can be doubled if you order a chameleon model. That is, your father will see the inscription and the photo only when it starts to pour hot tea. In the usual cold condition, the mug is just black. Organize a small draw, and dad will be delighted.

Personal Mug "Defender of the Fatherland". Without photo. Only personal inscription in length in three lines. This is how the ordinary nameless mug turns into one single and unique. Why is such a thing to get especially nice? And because it is made to order specifically for one person. Father, probably, there are many things and items in the status of "this is mine." And the mirrling presented by you immediately goes into their number. Try you write the text right now.

Personal beer mug "February 23". You can write "Pape from the daughter (son)." And you can not doubt that this circle will become one of their most beloved. Parents are very little from us: a little attention and love. And we, children, I want to give them good gifts to please and make their lives a little more comfortable and easier. Surprise them easily, because many things used to simo before. And a simple classic beer mug with a personal inscription will certainly become a pleasant surprise for him. Try! Write two lines

Thermostan is registered.Several options for the 23rd February. Bright outside and high-quality inside. For your favorite dad, nothing sorry. Men generally prefer merchant things. Well, all that is donated by children, it cannot be useless by definition. A cup is comfortable! On the lid valve, two-layer design, inside food stainless steel. Hired hot tea or coffee cool slowly. For a few hours enough. In short, choose the most beautiful thermostan, create an inscription and order. By the way, maybe not only the Father?

A set of name "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day." 690 rubles. Zatof and 4 glasses. An excellent gift to the Father, who knows the lot in good alcoholic beverages, including homely. Personal slope will definitely be put on the table. Such gifts-pride. And at all is not the cost determines the value. It is invalid that the children really wanted to please dad on February 23 by a personalized gift. 23rd is a good reason to update the presented set. And toasts on this day are mandatory.

Box for wine with engraving "February 23". (Without a bottle, unfortunately). Holding with a retractable lid. Inside the case there is a lock for the neck. There is a handle lace for transfer. On the box there is already an inscription "Incomprehensible Stock". And then you will write whose. It is not known how much this stock will last, but you need to wish that this stock is constantly updated. A bottle of good wine on February 23, not a single defender of Fatherland disappointed.

Name tea (black) "Infusion of courage". Weight of 100 g. Ceylon black sheet with bergamot. Not in tea. Rather, not in what inside, but in the fact that outside. And outside a beautiful label made by special. Orders for the best father in the world. It is worth noting! First, by tradition, strong drinks. For health. And then, of course, tea. On health. And Papula's bag will not throw anything. This is a memory.

Candy names handmade "General Non-Fund for February 23". "Paj" is made exclusively from natural ingredients, quality is guaranteed. "General" in the family is only the best. If you retreat from the generally accepted rules, the personal box with delicious candy for dad will become a real surprise for him. He does not expect anything like that! The option is profitable, because all homemade will be treated with candy. But the name box will be removed away. Children's gifts are guarded very carefully.

Flask with name engraving "February 23" steel. Volume 270 ml. Engraving will not sweat and will not sweep. Dovned at work the flask will last long. Not often, men give birth gifts. But once a year there is a good reason to fix the situation. If the assembled amount of money allows, -pill will be flasks. Exceptionally male option. For long-range trips and new victories. All defenders of the fatherland on the personal flask!

Name diary in a corporate box. Undated. Metal connecting mechanism. On the inside of the cover there are pockets for plastic cards and business cards. If your dad uses diaries, order personal. Such things even adult people are not so much. Male holiday is a good reason to make a native person a pleasant surprise.

Unusual registered diaries. Inexpensive, but very original. An important detail: if your father does not use diaries, then do not buy. Money for wind. Your gift will lie down, and then in the end, someone is given. But if he already has a diary and he needs him, then order. Engraving will be made either on a metal shield, fixed on the cover, or on the cover itself. All diaries are undated. You can also order a nominal handle for completeness of the kit.

Inexpensive utensils with engraving. For brandy, beer, whiskey, vodka and not only for alcohol. There are comfortable thermostacares, funny mugs, flakes and gift sets. In general, any items with name engraving are immediately transferred to the discharge of inviolable property. Men relate to such subjects with a special trepidation, especially if children were presented. The price value does not have. Many dishes, see necessarily. Engraving you will apply. Ready layout Evaluate and accept the solution.

Name multitool.6 Tools: Knife, Saw, Pillet, Scissors, Opener and Shrew Cross. Case length: 9 cm. The name will be engraved on the metal insert. Pros: No one will take it without permission, it is useful and more than once, the thing is memorable, even if it is small. No trip without your gift will cost. How often we are looking for something hot to solve some problem. And then the whole set of "sharp".

Best Men's Accessories from A.Valentino / Calvinklein / Prada And many famous brands. Many youth accessories, but also for the dad something will be found. Surely, you know that he would have time to replace it with a new one. Maybe an old purse was painted or a bag? In general, you know better. In general, men of the older generation to things are believed to be carefully worn to the last. Contact buy a new thing myself is useless. There is no time to engage in such nonsense. So I have to take care of my daughter or wife. And he is not against!

Honey and jam with personal labels. The most attractive sets of honey, consisting of 4 jars. In addition to classic flower and buckwheat, the set includes two cans of cream honey. One with raspberry taste, another with orange. This delicious novelty must be trying. And to try, you need to give such a set of dad on 23-0. Satisfied not only he, but also the whole family. Pope, of course, please and surprise registered jars. Even after the whole honey is eaten, empty banks are useful in the farm.

Tea and coffee registered.If dad does not like bags, then this option is suitable for him. Sheet tea: green or black, cereal fried coffee. But not even in this case. Packaging! How nice it will see his name on a beautiful label! And more pleasant to realize that this is a beloved daughter specifically for him tried. By the way, such gifts are popular, despite the fact that men are awarded. You can order and registered coffee or tea. Original and inexpensive.

Towels terry nominal.For your favorite dad, the best option. First, the towel is large (140 x 70 cm.), Secondly, natural cotton (100%), thirdly, most importantly, is nimble! He will be able to be proud of friends and relatives. Such a thing is not anyone! And he has! In general, useful with pleasant. If we take into account the great life experience and the rationality of all fathers (almost), then your gift will be the most successful for the upcoming holiday.

Cognac glasses with engraving. Almost 400 ml volume. If dad loves a good brandy, the gift will certainly be used for its intended purpose. Alcohol etiquette science ancient. Drinking brandy also need to be able to. It turns out not so simple. To determine the age, it is just such a glass called "Sniffer". (translated as "sniff"). In general, we will not deepen in subtleties, but just think about it and resolve: it a good idea or not? And the glasses are very beautiful. You can buy a glass to the glass in honor of the holiday.

Nominal sweet postcards, That is chocolate. Classic milk "Alenka" only in another wrapper. It is for the better. Pope unconditionally trust the old kind chocolate factory "Red October". By the way, the first "Alenka" appeared in 1966. Your attention is presented a huge number of most interesting wrappers. Choose the best, write the name, rate the layout and order. On the 23rd, it is quite possible to change roles: not dad to you chocolate, and you. Equally share!

All for a car. (Do not spare parts!).Frames nominal numbers, car mugs, tool sets, engraving documents and a lot of all cool. A cool option for a cheerful and positive dad who loves all sorts of unusual things. The car, by the way, for a man takes in his life not the most recent place. He chose himself, as well as his wife many years ago. Intuition did not fail! In short, see. Orders are performed very quickly.

AND inexpensive gifts for have a good mood

Order "best dad" in a velvety gift case. Any reward for a man is pride. The Order, handed to children, is not just pride. This is joy, surprise, gratitude, the desire to hug and kiss, and, of course, incentive to further good deeds. The gift for a rarity touching. Especially in such a holiday. The case is made in such a way that it can serve as a stand. And this means that the Order will always be in sight.

Mug "Golden Dad". Royal gift!) Not everyone is given to drink from the Golden Mugs with such an inscription! The fact that a mug is a boring and uninteresting gift, the question is controversial. Watching what. This immediately rushes into the eyes. Bright, beautiful and comfortable. The inscription is not discussed in large letters. The fact that dad is Golden-indisputable truth. Everyone knows about it, they think and say, but nowhere it is written. So let these words be perpetuated on the Golden Mug.

Named set "Put the tree". Good incentive! If the tree is already planted, one more will be to overfulfilding a plan for landings. If the house is not yet completed, let it be drawing. If the son is not yet grown, let it grown. Joke!) And surprise on February 23-cool. A real male set of important cases. Smile and joking over the dad there will be the whole family. Double, of course.

Mug "Tree put". And try the dad to shoot for some kind of business if he drinks tea from this mise. He will immediately give to read what is written there! A long inscription is translated as "leaving". In general, the circle will cause a lot of good jokes. If the father has not yet completed something from three affairs, then you can tell him that "in the morning money-in the evening chairs." That is, first completing. In friendly loving family Without laughter, smiles and small draws do not do. Therefore, everything will be fine.

Mug "Milk for Harmfulness". Good comic gift. And for what harm is interesting? Options Two: either for the fact that the Father has such life and harmful work, or for the fact that he is harmful? Well, it happens ... not without it. And the drawing on the circle-exact copy of the native Soviet condesceca, which was the most delicious. And she was cooked straight in the bank. Long. And such a yummy was obtained! Real jam.