Calculation of the second pension to the military pensioner year. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

The law relating to the pension provision of former military and the categories of civil servants, namely, the establishment of an additional, second pension, adopted in mid-2008, was pleased to be perceived by the "sovereign" people.

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Naturally, many have any questions at that time: everyone may claim legislative increase, what are the additional conditions, how its value is calculated, the order of registration and so on.

Since then, the calculation of the old age pension has changed, which affected the procedure for appointing the allowance. Therefore, the coverage of the topic under consideration is relevant until now.

Is it possible to

Recall that in the nearby past, military personnel and all other employees of power departments, when dismissing from the service, received only one, the public benefit, and before 60 they were usually far away.

Upon reaching this age, they could reorganize military retirement to civilian, but at the same time they should have abandoned the military. That is, at the same time getting two benefits were impossible.

It continued until a military pensioner V. V. Naumchik, who worked for a long time under an employment contract, with pension deductions to the FIU, did not file a complaint to the Constitutional Court (COP) of the Russian Federation on the refusing to accept the appointment of him Insurance pension payments.

Applicant's argument: if the employer lists cash for it in the OPS system (compulsory pension insurance), then why the employee, even if the military retirement is deprived of the opportunity to get back its money as an insurance component of a civil pension.

Such logic could not oppose 18 members of the COP, led by his chairman V. Zorkin. The result was to satisfy the claim, but the case was further developed.

The COP recognized the unconstitutional existing practice regarding the pension rights of the former military and issued a definition of the Legislative Body of the Russian Federation, which was recommended to make changes to the legislative base.

The result was the adoption of the law of July 22, 2008, which made changes to the Law on Pension Appointment, as well as the Law on Pension Provision of Servicemen.

From July 25 of the same year, the law entered into force. From now on, military retirees, reaching the retirement age established for all, have the right, subject to some requirements for obtaining a second, "civilian" pension.

The action of the law applies to legal relations arising from the beginning of 2007. This means that the insurance experience for appointing the second pension is taken into account from the specified time.

What are the necessary conditions for this

Achieving one for all established by the state, retirement age: 60 years for men and 55 for women.

At the same time, a reduced retirement age is preserved for certain categories of citizens: work in the north and equivalent locations, as well as servicemen - participants in the elimination of the Chernobyl accident, emergency emissions at the "Lighthouse" union by radioactive irradiation at the Semipalatinsky landfill.

Minimum insurance experience. For 2020, this value is 7, by 2024 it will be increased to 15 years (12 months - annually).

The smallest magnitude of the individual pension coefficient (points):

Military pension for long service or disability appointed by power departments.

Calculation of the second pension for military pensioners

In accordance with the Russian Law since 2020, a new methodology for the formation and calculation of pension in the OPS system is established. The basis of the score system is taken. Payments consist of three parts: fixed, and. "Labor" pension is replaced by "insurance".

The first part once a year is established by the state and does not depend on the results of labor activity. For example, for 2020, fixed payout is assigned in the amount of 4558.93 rubles.

The remaining two parts are formed from the pension capital of the employee who increases by the insurance deductions of the employer. These listings accumulate on a personal account of a citizen (SNILS).

The measure of assessing the contribution of the future pensioner to the insurance part of its pension is the individual retirement coefficient (score), the cost of which is established by law. In this case, the accumulative part is formed in old.

One pension score for 2020 was estimated at 74.27 rubles. Possible number of points earned during the year (annual pension coefficient - GPC) is calculated by the formula:

In addition, there are also promoting coefficients that take into account some circumstances: child care, young disabled person, disabled group I, call service and some others.

Insurance pension appointed by the military pensioner at the final retirement, is calculated by the formula: Where:

It should be clarified that the scoring system is valid from 2020. Pension rights that arose before that moment are also implemented through pension points by the formula: Where:

ATTENTION: Fixed payment of the second (insurance) pension for a former military personnel is not provided by law.

How to calculate future payments

From this amount, 6% are sent to the joint part of the pension budget, from which fixed payments are paid to today's pensioners receiving an insurance pension.

The remaining 16% at the request of the employee can be distributed over two options:
All 16% go to the formation of his future insurance pension;
10% are sent to the insurance part, and 6% - to the cumulative.

At the end of the year, contacting the local pension fund, you can learn the amount of insurance premiums received by your personal account.

Dividing it on the annually established level of insurance premiums of citizens, and multiplying the result by 10, we obtain the desired annual pension coefficient. It is expressed by a number with three digits after the comma.

The magnitude of it is limited. So, for 2020, it cannot exceed the following values:


The officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs quit from the bodies in 2001, after which she got a job on the employment contract to the civil organization. In 2020 he was 60 years old, and he receives the right to receive an old-age pension.

His insurance experience since 2007 amounted to 9 years, which exceeds the necessary for 2020 - 7 years. Middle earnings during this time are equal to 24 thousand rubles, the pension fund listed 414720 rubles.

Annual retirement coefficient is equal to (average annual deductions in the FIU):The maximum contribution to the base base in 2020 is set in the amount of 796 thousand rubles. Contributions from it are 12,7360 rubles (less than 7.83 during the deduction only on the insurance part of the pension): IPC for the entire insured period will be:Multiplying the cost of the pension score for 2020 - 74.27 rubles per number of IPC points, we get:

The second pension for the military from January 1, 2019 will be indexed on a par with the pensions of other citizens. It is also planned to introduce an annual increase in the size of the primary pension of the military. However, not everyone can claim for the second monetary allowance, but only those who fall under the terms of the program.

Features of obtaining a "double" pension

Military Service implies an earlier retirement, rather than for civilians. At the same time, people working in this area have a persistent character, they remain aged 45 years active and active, so they are not rarely continued to work on a citizen.

Normal activity means that a military pensioner (more precisely, it makes an employer for it) makes contributions to the FIU. Consequently, it is a member of the OPS system. Participation in the insurance system allows citizens to qualify for a second pension under special conditions prescribed in the Federal Law No. 400-FZ.

As in the case of ordinary citizens, the design of this pension will require submitting a certain package of documents to the district FIU. Actually, the sequence itself is not much different from the one that is happening from ordinary Russians. More differences lies in the accrual of the retirement itself.

Military pensioners receive monthly deductions from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Those of them who have the right to design a second pension may apply to this issue already in the FIU. It is very important that the work for which a person has settled after leaving the military forces was official. If the employer of deductions in the FIU did not do, then it is impossible to prove the existence of the experience - according to the law, such periods are not taken to account, since on their length, financial revenues were not produced. The only way out is to sue the negligent employer.

The presence of official work means compulsory registration in the OPS system. That is, a newly minted employee receives a personal account, which also takes into account all the money. Proof of registration is reduced - it is issued by the staff of the FIU. And to get it personally optionally. You can do everything through MFC or contact your new employer at all.

The presence of work is not the only requirement for a "civilian" pensioner-military. Additionally, it must accomplish a number of simultaneous conditions:

  1. Reach retirement age. Generally accepted figures for 2020 - 55 years for female, 60 years old - for men. This indicator can be adjusted due to the special working conditions. For example, work in the extreme north or in hazardous working conditions allows you to start getting a second pension ahead of time.
  2. Certain insurance experience. Moreover, when it is calculated, the periods of military service are not taken into account. For those who should retire in 2018, the minimum experience is 9 years old. In 2019, this figure will reach 10 years. It is planned and further gradual raising up to 15 years by 2024. The experience may be less, provided that the person worked in the extreme north or performed an increased danger.
  3. The presence of a certain amount of minimal individual retirement coefficients. Here, their size also depends on the year of retirement. For 2018, the minimum threshold is 13.8 points, and in 2019 it will increase up to 16.2 points. Until 2025, the size will increase annually up to 30 points.

It is noteworthy that the lack of a military pension makes such a citizen as well as all other persons. If he receives a manual from a disability military or service, and at the same time received the right to the "civilian" pension, then the amount of its financial income will increase, as the payments will already be 2.

For those soldiers who were subjected to technogenic harmful effects or received disability during the service, the appointment of a civil pension is also possible on more relaxing conditions. In particular, they can start getting a subsidy earlier than they are 55 and 60 years old for women and men, respectively.

Size of the second pension for the military: calculation procedure

The second retirement retirees began to charge the second retirement in 2015, after the release of the law "On Insurance Pensions". To calculate the payment, a special formula is used:

SP \u003d IPK * Sipk

where, the joint venture is an insurance pension, IPCs - individual scores, and SIPK - the cost of the pension coefficient.

The more points will be able to accumulate a military pensioner, the greater the size of the payment for him. To increase the size of the IPC, you can:

  • increase your insurance experience;
  • strive to increase your wages.

Everyone is associated with an increase in the amount of the IPC, and this is already directly affected by the amount of payment.

The main difference of the insurance pension for the military is that the amount of payments does not include a fixed payment, which is put on ordinary citizens.

Recall that the fixed payment of the insurance pension for 2018 is 4,982.90 rubles. And the cost of Pension 2018 is 81.49 rubles. Consequently, ordinary pensioners this year receive payments calculated by the formula:

SP \u003d IPK * 81,49 + 4 982.90

For the military amount of payments somewhat different - it does not include a fixed payment, that is:

SP \u003d IPK * 81,49

Example. Starovatov and Seliverstors are two neighbor who receive an inching pension in old age. However, Starovatov additionally receives a military retirement. In a citizen, he was able to accumulate 16 individual points, which allowed him to retire in 2018. The amount of its payment was: 16 * 81.49 \u003d 1 303.84 rubles. Seliverstov pension turned out to be more, although he retired together with Starovoitov. The size of its individual scores was 17. Hence the pension is: 17 * 81.49 + 4 982.90 \u003d 6 368.23 rubles.

Many civilians express their discontent about the double payments of military pensioners. However, these people protected their country, and not only in peacetime. In most cases, payments are completely small. It is deserved by labor experience and work. And the military retirement is at all pays the military department, and not the FIU.

The pension of the military for a long time was not indexed. In 2018, it was decided to start recalculating amounts to equalize the level of payments and inflation. However, the index itself has been postponed several times. At the moment it is planned to produce in October. But the option is not excluded that the increase will be postponed on January 1, 2019.

As for the indexation of the insurance pension, it happens annually. However, the amount of increasing is insignificant due to the small amount of the payment itself. Moreover, the cost of the score is indexed in the second military pension. The last such increase occurred at the beginning of the year. Then Sipk grew by 3.7% and reached the current value of 81.49 rubles today.

In indexing, maximum increase bounds are also taken into account. Therefore, at high growth in 2019, military pensioners, as, in fact, and civilians, should not expect.

Order order

Before proceeding with the decoration of the second pension, the military should be ensured that it falls under the conditions described by the program. If everything is true, then he needs to go to the regional department of the FIU at the place of registration or actual residence. It is noteworthy that the military officers of the Pension Fund themselves are not prescribed. The whole procedure is initiated only after submitting a written application. Moreover, to inform the superior instance in one of the following ways:

  1. personally contact the FIU or ask to represent your interests to third party, but if he has a power of attorney;
  2. contact the personnel department at the place of its work (in this case, the FIU does not have to contact the applicant with employees);
  3. send a package of documents and a mail statement;
  4. use the help of the multifunctional center (they not only clarify the entire procedure, but also help to collect documents, check their correctness and compliance with the program).

Increasingly, people use the remote communication channels with the FIU. You can submit such a statement on the official website of the service or through the Public Services portal. However, in both cases will have to pre-register in the system. Without this, apply will not work.

In the Pension Fund, the future recipient of the insurance pension submits not only a statement, but also a special package of documents, on the basis of which is solved, the payment is allowed or not. The list of papers includes:

  • identity document (most often - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • Reduss;
  • certificate confirmation of a military pension;
  • labor (original, if the pensioner has already been completed);
  • documents confirming the fact of the existence of an experience that is not displayed in the employment record for one reason or another);
  • certificate of salary over the past 5 years (needed, provided that during this period, intervals are taken until 2002);
  • information about dependents.

This list can be complemented depending on the situation. For example, if a woman changed the surname after marriage, it confirms it with appropriate papers. You can also make a certificate of disability, other documents for which you can count on additional benefits from the state.

After establishing a pension, payments are charged to it in the most convenient way. The FIU is ready to do this through Russian Post, the Bank (transfer to the bank card) and even at home or at the office of the serving organization. If desired, the method can be changed at any time by writing a statement.

Second pension of military pensioners. PFR memo:

The lawyer is ready to answer your questions.

To obtain a second pension, you need to work with official employment, where the employer will pay insurance premiums from wages.

To obtain these payments to a working military pensioner, you need to contact the PFR authority at the place of residence or registration. In the Pension Fund's Department, you will need to fill in a special questionnaire, while presenting a passport or other document confirming the identity: these actions, you will register in the system of compulsory pension insurance. In addition, the following documents will be required:

  • providing a pension in the system of the power ministry. This document should contain data that are taken into account when determining the size of pension payments for long service: the date of commencement of receipt of the pension, periods of service, before retirement, etc.;
  • Paper confirming the experience at the "Citizer": Labor book, employment agreement, etc.

After registration of the testimony (on the form of a green laminated card) by the Pension Fund, it will be necessary in the same department where the application was filed.

After receiving the testimony with the Snovis mentioned on it, the retired military retirement will be calculated in the same way as in ordinary civil servants. All the data necessary for the payment of pension will be displayed on an individual personal account.

Important! Citizens born before 1967 may apply for participation in the fundamental system of the Pension Fund.

In addition to registering in the pension system, the retired military also needs to know additional conditions for the appointment of the second pension. What conditions should be followed in the list:

  • The law is recognized to prescribe a pension from sixty years in men and from fifty-five - in women. The appointment of payments to people under the specified age is possible when working under difficult conditions, for example, miners or people working in low-prepared regions.
  • The minimum experience is needed, which is fixed after the device for a civil position. That is, time in service in the power structures is not taken into account. In 2018, the experience is 9 years old, but annually it will become more for a year, until it reaches 15 years in 2024.
  • Minimum amount of points (individual pension coefficients). This year, this number is 13.8 points.
  • The existence of a retirement pension (or disability) from one of the powerful departments.

It should be borne in mind that these conditions must be observed at the same time: the problem in non-compliance with at least one of the conditions, relies on obtaining a second pension.

Documents in a military sanatorium for military pensioners

By law from 2011, the admission of applications from military pensioners, planning to relax in a specialized sanatorium, is engaged in a single department for providing sanatorium rest.

In the article of the year you can find all categories of servicemen entering the preferential conditions for visiting sanatoriums.

In the appropriate authority, you can contact personally or send a statement using mail, fax or email. Here you can find out all the necessary information about sanatoriums, including the number of free places and living conditions. To obtain a ticket for a military pensioner, it is necessary to submit the following list of documents:

  • Passport;
  • certificate of a pensioner, where the right to social guarantees is noted.

Also, a military pensioner can receive a ticket and on any of the family members. To do this, you must provide such documents as:

  • Passport, where Russian citizenship is indicated - for the spouse / spouse or adults without official employment;
  • Family members who arrived without a person must have benefits, it is necessary to receive a certificate that proves communication as a relative with a military pensioner. You can get it in the military unit or commissaria;
  • When making a ticket to a child, it is necessary to provide his birth certificate (under the age of 14) or a passport;
  • Also, children under the age of 14, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and provide certificates about the epidroit and the absence of skin diseases, as well as an analysis on enterobiosis.

Documents for registration of insurance pension to the military pensioner

After registering in the FIU system, you will need a written appeal for the appointment of the insurance pension. Among the mandatory documents that are necessary for paperwork, the following package is following:

  • Passport details;
  • Reduss;
  • Employment history;
  • Document on the presence of minimal experience;
  • Document on the amount of wages for 2 months of employment, following without interruptions;
  • Information on the presence of dependents;

In some cases, some other documents may be required to obtain insurance pension payments:

  • Papers confirming the change of any personal data;
  • Passport of the legal representative, if the insurance pension is issued without the personal participation of a military pensioner.

For more information about retirement of the military, you can learn from this video:

Citizens who have reached the aged age and participating in hostilities can apply for an additional pension.

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To do this, you just need to learn how to get a second retirement to military pensioners in 2020, which requirements and conditions are presented.

People who cannot continue to work due to the fact that they have reached retirement age, often need money.

Most of them are part of which goes on the purchase of medicines. The state protects the interests of citizens involved in hostilities, and the second pension may be allocated, subject to certain conditions.

Initial data

Many citizens wish to know whether the second pension is really laid by the military pensioner.

The legislation provides for that persons who carry military service can retire at the age of 45 years.

After that, the military can earn an employment experience up to 60 years, after which it is to go on.

Get a military retirement today has become somewhat more complicated, after the system of accrualing pensions on points has been adopted.

This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to translate the experience of the military in the score. Accumulate the necessary minimum points can not be enough because of the low level.

You can not get a military retirement, not all citizens, but only those that correspond to some conditions established by the legislation.

It should be noted that the second retirement retirement retirement retirement retirement may be accrued.

General definitions

When going to write a statement about the accrual of social benefits, some pension terms should be familiar with:

Pennsia government Can be appointed to persons who are employees of a power department, participants of the Second World War, as well as those who suffered as a result of a catastrophe at a nuclear power plant
Recalculation of the pensionless pension The situation in which the amount of pension varies automatically, the citizen does not need to apply to the FIU authorities
Monthly cash payment to the pensioner. Under ED, the social payment, which is appointed and paid to citizens who are veterans of the Second World War, disabled and former prisoners of concentration camps
Adjustment of its size based on the financial situation in the country, rising prices for goods and

In many ways, the process of accrualing pensions has been changed with the adoption of pension reform. A complete transition and adoption of all innovations will be required for several more years.

The system is not perfect and has many advantages and disadvantages, but its adoption has made it possible to improve the situation with pensions and distribute funds in the best possible way.

How it is calculated

According to the latest innovations, citizens who have developed a certain amount of time in a military unit or commissionariate, in 45 years old may receive the first pension.

Some prefer to continue their career and work the experience required to accrual a common insurance pension.

Basic rules of accrual:

When calculating into account, the size of the accumulated pension capital, established for the military retirement coefficient, the size of the insurance part and the coefficient calculated for the working experience is incomplete.

Photo: Credit Calculator on the Pension Fund's website of Russia. Part 1

On the website of the Pension Fund, a citizen can take advantage of a special calculator and conduct preliminary calculations, in order to find out, the pension of which size is supposed to him.

Photo: Credit Calculator on the Pension Fund website

What regulatory acts are regulated

The procedure for calculating the second pension and payment is established and regulated by the following legislative acts:

These regulations are applicable when protecting the rights of a citizen, which is a serviceman, in the event of a second pension.

Features of destination

Considerable importance in the accrual and calculation of the size of the first and second pension has the experience of a serviceman, as well as the size of the wage received by them.

When calculating the amount of pension, the information specified in the document issued by the military commissariat and a citizen is taken into account.

To get the first, military pension, a citizen applies to the department. For registration of the second - labor, an application is applied to the FIU.

The first and second pension can be appointed only when performing certain conditions - achieving a citizen of the retirement age, the development of the minimum experience, the presence of all the necessary documents that are presented to the Commissariat and the FIU.

Terms of registration

To get insurance-pension payments, a citizen must make sure that the following conditions are followed:

  1. Get a retirement, put in old age, the applicant can only when the age reaches the age of 60.
  2. It is necessary to have at least minimal employment experience.
  3. An individual pension coefficient cannot be less than 6.6.
  4. Until the citizen was registered in a single insurance system, it can confirm his experience with relevant entries taken in the employment record.

Protocols compiled upon interrogation of witnesses can also be used.

To which the time applies when a citizen has studied in a higher or middle-special educational institution at full-time department or cared for children, disabled relatives.

The application submitted to the Pension Fund to calculate the second pension may be considered within ten working days.

It should also be considered that the persons on the dependency of the serviceman are entitled to receive its pension, but only if the payments obtained are least beneficial.

Pension calculation principles

In the case of the calculation of the pension of the military personnel, those that were accumulated during the military service are taken into account.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that if a citizen has finished carrying a service until 2002, the payroll received monthly, received monthly, for any five years to 2002, can be used.

Thus, the size of the second pension directly depends on how many points managed to accumulate the future retirement.

When calculating the second pension, an employee of the FIU adheres to the following principles.

The calculation is carried out by the formula:

When the second pension is accrued, the serviceman in the FIU is taken into account only the experience, which was accompanied by him after retirement at 45 years old.

Find out how many pension points were accumulated, the pensioner may, submitting an appropriate request to the FIU.

Citizens who served in a military unit can get a pension taking into account the main part without adding a fixed payment.

The correctness of filling out the application for the second pension of military pensioners

For the application to be taken, it must be filled out, following the following rules:

The statement should clearly state that a citizen who serves it is a soldier in the past and receives an appropriate pension.

Necessary documents to be provided

Documents that will be required to accrue the second old-age pension in addition to payments for servicemen:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Document confirming the fact of registration of a citizen in the OPS.
  3. Script workbook.
  4. which displays a citizen's income level - former military personnel over the past five years.
  5. If for any reason, the name was changed, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate help.
  6. If a pensioner on dependency is children who have not reached the age of 18, it is necessary to note them in the help.

Most documents are presented in the form of a script. If a photocopy is supplied, it should be high quality, and if possible, certified by the notary.

Where to apply for the appointment

The appointment of insurance (not military) pension is carried out by the Pension Fund of Russia.

The only condition is to achieve a certain age and the design of the necessary documents confirming the work experience. Get this experience can be only after 45 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

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It should also be borne in mind that the procedure for calculating the second payment by military pensioners implies the exception of the following periods:

  • service, work and other periods of labor activity, taken into account when determining the size of a military pension for long service;
  • services that took place before the appointment of disability payments.

Indexation of insurance pension

The second pension for the military, as well as appointed for ordinary citizens, is subject to state. The size of the increase is set in the size of the inflation rate of last year in accordance with paragraph 10, Art. 18 of the Law "On insurance pensions".

In 2019, insurance payments were indexed by 7.05% - such an increase exceeds the inflation of the previous year. In addition, the index itself was transferred from February 1 to the 1st of January. The cost of the IPC is currently 87.24 rubles.

A further increase in the second pension of the military personnel () can occur in August of the current year and it will be connected with the addition of those pensioners who worked last year. The time of such recalculation is August 1. But do not forget that the maximum increase in this case will be limited by three ballasexpressed in money equivalent.

When should I see the appointment of a civil pension?

Contact military retirees anytime Without restriction, any term but no earlier law on her.

It should be remembered that the right to the second payment arises when complying with all necessary for the appointment of the insurance pension. In 2019. General requirements look like this:

  • achievement of age of 60.5 years for men and 55.5 years for women;
  • the minimum insurance experience, not taken into account when prescribing a military pension, should be 10 years;
  • the minimum amount of individual scores should be equal to 16.2;
  • the fact of the appointment of pension on the line of power departments.

The general procedure for applying for the insurance pension, applicable and in this case, implies a written appeal for the purpose of payment.

According to paragraph 1, Art. 22 FZ No. 400 "On insurance pensions" Civilian pay assigned from the date of appeal to her Subject to this moment of law.

In order not to miss the appointment of the second pension, the documents can be submitted before the date of the appearance of rights on it, but not more than a month before the onset of the sixty years.

Where to apply for the appointment of a civil pension?

Civilian pension follows to the territorial administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

  • at the place of registration;
  • at the place of stay (in the absence of a place of residence confirmed by registration);
  • at the place of actual residence (in the absence of a registered place of residence and place of stay in our country).

Appeal for the second pension provision is strictly applicable, that is, it must be issued as a written notice.

You can apply in several ways:

  • independently or through the legal representative to the client service of the regional department of the FIU;
  • through the personnel service of his employer;
  • sending the necessary documents by mail;
  • personally or through the representative, contacting the MFC specialists.

In addition, recently becomes increasingly popular new way Document filing electronic. This can be done with the help of such a system on the Internet as a single portal of public services. This requires preliminary registration in the system, but in the future the opportunity to use the portal will save the strength and time.

What documents are needed for registration of the second pension to the military pensioner

For a written appeal for the appointment of the second pension, the military pensioner will need to be prepared. General requirements for them practically do not differ from the rules for filing the necessary securities for an ordinary citizen.

TO mandatory documentswhen appointing a second payment relate to the following:

  1. passport (or other registration document);
  2. insurance certificate (SNILS);
  3. a document confirming the fact of the appointment of a military pension;
  4. employment history;
  5. certificates about the presence of an experience, not taken into account in the workbook before the date of registration in (from the employer, and in the case of its liquidation from the archive);
  6. certificate of wages for 60 months of work, the following in a row (if there are periods of work until 2002);
  7. information about the presence of dependents (children under 18, and in the case of their study at the day office, this age is lasting up to 23 years).

In addition, due to certain circumstances, military pensioners may also be required additional documents, eg:

  1. documents about changing the name (or other personal data);
  2. data on the presence of disability (extract from the conclusion of the expert commission, indicating the term);
  3. prefering-clarifying references, indicating the special nature of the performance of work, in the presence of preferential experience;
  4. documents confirming the identity of the legal representative if the application is carried out through it.

The procedure for obtaining a second pension payout servicemen to achieve 60 years

Deliverythe second accrued pension payments to the servicemen is carried out under the general rules for the current month. The method of obtaining a pension a military pensioner chooses independently when applying for a written application for appointment.

Among the following:

  • russian Post (at the office of the institution itself or receiving at home);
  • bank (at the box office of one of the bank branches or registration of the payment for a bank card)
  • an organization engaged in the delivery of a pension (a full list of such institutions is contained from specialists of the FIU and is represented by a military pensioner when choosing this method; here you can also make a payment at the office or at home).

It should be remembered that the selected one day method of receipt Insurance you can always change In case of its inconvenience after time. To do this, the serviceman will need to re-apply to the regional administration of the FIU at the place of finding its payment and submit statements about changing the delivery method.