How the tan lays down. How to get a beautiful tan at sea: effective ways, secrets and recommendations

  1. Use a delicate scrub or exfoliator daily for a week or two before your trip to the sun. Dead skin cells on the surface of the skin cause the tan to become uneven.
  2. Start drinking vitamins A and E, in combination or separately. Vitamin A stimulates the production of melanin, and you will become chocolate faster, and vitamin E softens and moisturizes the skin, which will make it look great.
  3. Drink carrot juice, which is rich in beta-carotene, which is also needed for melanin production. Remember that beta-carotene is fat-soluble, which means that fats are needed for its absorption. Add cream or a spoonful of vegetable oil to the juice.
  4. To get a tan quickly, you do not need to lie (stand) for an hour, turning one side to the sun, then the other. Tan lays down better and faster when you are on the move. Play, run, have fun, and the sun will do its job.
  5. If you remember that tanning should be not only fast, but also beautiful and healthy, stay in the sun until 11-12 o'clock in the afternoon and after 16. And be sure to use sunscreen!
  6. A bronzer can help you get a tan in the sun quickly. This is not a self-tanner, but a special lotion or cream with ingredients that stimulate the production of melatonin.
  7. While sunbathing, drink! Water, of course. Increase your daily allowance per liter, your skin will thank you and will be elastic and smooth, despite the dehydrating effect of ultraviolet radiation.
  8. Before bed, be sure to apply a nourishing cream from the "After the Sun" line or any softening and soothing cream. This will give the skin a rest and recover by the next day.
  9. When you get back from the sea, my body is coffee grounds. Don't rub! Coffee is often recommended as a scrub, which is a really great idea, but not if you want to keep your skin dark. Simply apply the coffee grounds on your body with light movements and rinse with warm water. Coffee will enhance pigmentation.
  10. Wash yourself with tea. Sleeping tea leaves are an excellent antiseptic, prevent inflammation and acne, tea extract tightens and refreshes the skin and helps to maintain its dark complexion.
  11. Apply a light auto bronzer once a week. You do not run the risk of becoming orange or spotty, because the skin is already tanned! Support her with a self-tanner and enjoy the effect for months.
  12. Do not go to the sauna and bathhouse, do not rub your skin with a towel. More careful, more tender!
  13. Eat the salmon! Fatty fish help the skin retain dark pigment for longer.
  14. Take a cool shower. By toning blood vessels and skin, you will slow down the process of exfoliation of pigmented layers.
  15. If the weather permits, you can go to nature and sunbathe in your free time or on weekends, thereby refreshing your tan and strengthening it. Tanned skin "absorbs" the sun's rays well, and an hour or two a week is enough.

Luxurious brown skin color is the dream of almost every second girl. So, how to keep a tan after the sea for a long time and not peel off is not easy, then you need to be patient and have numerous folk and professional remedies.

What not to do

The most important thing in keeping your tan safe is getting it right. If the skin is burnt, then it will certainly begin to peel off soon, this cannot be prevented. In fact, tanning is the body's defensive response to UV rays. In the surface layer of the epidermis (it is also called spiked), active cell division begins, exceeding a certain rate of which can develop into oncology. The body, in order to slow down this division, begins to produce melanin, which stains the body in pleasant shades of brown.

Therefore, the first thing you need to know in order not to peel off and maintain a tan after the sea is to try not to burn. The body will crawl when it lacks certain substances or only dead cells remain on the surface. The reasons can be distinguished by the type of peel-off layer:

  1. If the epidermis just flakes or looks dehydrated, then the problem is a lack of nutrients and moisturizers;
  2. If it slides in large pieces, then the body is freed from problem keratinized cells.

Peeling method

  1. Use products with a deep moisture index. First of all, these are special creams or after-sun creams. They are saturated with natural ingredients and chemical elements that retain moisture in the skin even in the most intense heat. Do not use glycerin - it "sucks" moisture from the deep layers of the epidermis and accelerates the process of removing the upper shell;
  2. Use mild soap or shower gel, do not use chemical or cheap detergents. In most cases, good gels contain effective moisturizers: oils, extracts, extracts. They will help nourish and protect the body from keratinization of tissues;
  3. Special masks and wraps will help keep your tan. For example, from seaweed or honey.

But, at the same time, if peeling began on the face, then the process is irreversible, you need to get rid of the cause and moisturize. At home, a sugar or coffee scrub will effectively remove scales. In no case, do not use chemical or acid peels in the summer - they can affect the natural pigmentation. Wash your face several times a day with chamomile broth or rose water and be sure to apply a cream with a good UV filter (from 25). This will help maintain a dark complexion at first. In the future, it will simply light up again. As an analogue of creams, you can make a carrot mask every morning, but this method is suitable only for swarthy girls.

Photo - Creams for prolonging tanning

The most important thing for blondes and redheads is to remember how to keep your tan longer. In girls of this type, the sun most quickly "sticks" and the least keeps on the epidermis. Even an instant burn can be turned into a gorgeous tan with shea butter. It is not only a natural antioxidant, but also a great natural pigmentation enhancer. You can also use cosmetics with coconut or shea.

The Crimean southern tan is always striking, it even differs in a shade from that obtained in central Russia. It also lasts the longest, but it can be extended if you are burned, literally until the next season:

  1. Apply vitamin E, A, or beta-carotene to yourself both before and after sunbathing. These substances will not only help improve the quality of pigmentation, but also help protect the resulting pigment;
  2. Do not sweat in the bathroom and bath - otherwise the body will peel off very quickly;
  3. Bathe in herbal teas, such as nettle, string, or chamomile are excellent activators.

Photo - Vitamin E

The next rule is to compose the main menu. According to research by leading beauty companies, girls who regularly eat peaches, watermelons and carrots last longer. This is due to the presence of a certain substance in these fruits, which affects the amount of pigment produced by the body. Olives and olives have proven themselves excellently.

And the most basic rule for prolonging tanning is quality sunbathing. The fact is that if you initially sunbathed incorrectly, then the dark skin color will not last long. Therefore, prepare in advance for going to the beach.

Video: tips for keeping your tan

How to sunbathe

A southern tan can be preserved longer after a vacation if you thoroughly scrub it before going to the beach. Otherwise, dead cells will dry out and begin to take up moisture from healthy ones, this will lead to peeling and varying degrees of pigmentation (colored spots on the body). For home scrubbing, you can use:

  1. Salt or sugar;
  2. Coffee;
  3. Professional scrubs or shower gels with special additives.

If you have nothing at hand or you are already on the beach, then just wipe yourself with sand. By the way, this is an excellent prevention of cellulite and hair ingrowth after depilation. Only contraindicated for wounds and cuts.

Photo - Coffee scrub

Next, you need to choose the right cream for sunbathing. It is necessary to use cosmetics with UV filters even in winter, this will help preserve summer tan and prepare the epidermis for the new season. Olive oil is an excellent activator. It can be used for both body and face. Also, olive ether will help protect you from burns in the first months of solar activity. If you regularly apply a couple of drops of this product after a shower, then pigmentation will remain at least a couple of months longer than usual.

Tips for a proper tan and not to climb for a long time:

  1. Wash in running water without added chlorine. Chlorine is a chemical that whitens the skin;
  2. Always after sunbathing and swimming in salt water, rush to wash off in a fresh spring, otherwise the epidermis will begin to dehydrate and flake off;
  3. Proper care will help you get a beautiful tan and keep the tan. Always use sun protection creams (the factor is selected according to skin type), do not sunbathe between 11 and 14, and use moisturizing lotions after showering.

A beautiful and even tan is the dream of many girls. Usually, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity do not spare time and money, achieving the desired result. Indeed, the skin looks much better that way. How to tan quickly and beautifully? Use the available tools, sunbathe, remember a few nuances and useful tips. Perhaps you will determine the methods that suit you more than others. Then you will delight yourself and others with a spectacular and even tan even in the cold season, emphasizing the beauty of the body and skin.

A beautiful and quick tan. Your best helpers
First, let's take a look at your best mates for a quick, beautiful and even tan.
  1. Sun rays. Of course, you cannot do without the sun if you decide to sunbathe naturally, and not in a solarium. Remember that from the gentle sun you get not only benefit, but also harm. Be sure to protect your skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, use special creams. Sunbathing in the hours close to noon is also not worth it. The sun is scorching at this time and can do great harm to your body and the body as a whole.
  2. Melanin. It is this pigment that helps the skin to sunbathe evenly, without burning. You can easily increase the production of melanin by your own efforts. Include eggs, cottage cheese, cheese in your diet, eat more peaches, coconuts, melons and apricots. Then the amount of this pigment will increase, you will be able to tan quickly and beautifully.
  3. Salt. Many argue that they have already been convinced in practice - salt helps to tan faster. A tan lays down better by the sea. You can drink tomato juice with salt.
  4. Traffic. The skin really tanns faster and more beautiful when a person moves more, and not just lies in the sun. For example, people working in their summer cottages sunbathe perfectly.
  5. Special formulations and creams. It is worth visiting a pharmacy, specialty stores to stock up on the necessary creams and ointments. They protect the skin from burns, ultraviolet rays, make the tan persistent.
Sunbathe carefully, remember about your assistants, use the gifts of nature and modern cosmetology. Move more and ensure increased production of melanin.

Getting ready for sunbathing in advance
When you have already decided that you just need to make your skin beautiful, get an even and beautiful tan quickly, you need to prepare. Monitor your nutrition, skin condition. Then the tan will go down faster, will be effective and natural.

  • Citruses. Include more citrus fruits on your menu. Eat tangerines, oranges, add lemon to tea. An excellent dessert can be the original grated carrot jam with the addition of lemon zest and pulp. A lot of the vitamin C you need for tanning is contained in rose hips. You can buy rosehip syrup and add a little to your tea.
  • Carrot. It is carrots that contain a lot of beta-carotene. It promotes increased melanin formation. Eat carrots, drink carrot juice. It is best to cook light salads and desserts from raw grated carrots: you will get a lot of nutrients and help your skin to tan faster.
  • Tanning cocktail. An excellent cocktail for a better tan - carrot juice with the addition of cream, ice cream. Fat will help your body absorb beta-carotene.
  • Preparing the skin. You will need to prepare your skin for tanning in advance. Around a week before your vacation, use an exfoliation to remove excess dead skin cells. Then the tan will go down noticeably smoother and faster. Body scrubs will also help. Choose them carefully, use formulations from trusted manufacturers. After cleansing your skin, do not forget to moisturize it with cream.
  • Vitamins. Start taking multivitamin complexes in a month. Vitamins A, E, B, C will help improve the condition of the skin. Thus, you will perfectly prepare the skin for tanning, strengthen it. She will remain elastic and beautiful, despite frequent exposure to the sun, loss of moisture.
Get ready for tanning in advance so that your skin becomes not only dark, but also beautiful. It should not lose its elasticity. By supporting the body with vitamins, fruits, you will avoid the appearance of wrinkles, dry skin, burns.

We sunbathe quickly and beautifully. By all the rules
Remember a few tips to tan quickly and beautifully, to make your skin look spectacular.

  1. Protecting the skin. First of all, you need to think about protecting your skin from the negative effects of the sun's rays. Tanning too quickly, which appears without the use of skin protection, will wear off very quickly. Also, you can get sunburn. Burns look ugly, do not go away immediately, and damaged skin areas tan in a different way - you cannot get an even color. Be sure to use special creams to prevent burns.
  2. We are moving. It's great if you play ball, run, do something, and not just lie in the sun. In the process of movement, the tan lays down better, it becomes more even.
  3. Tanning products. They are also worth using. It is important to choose formulations and creams that will perfectly suit your skin type. Be sure to carefully read the instructions, apply the cream correctly, otherwise the effect may be the opposite.
  4. Tanning time. From 11 am to 4 pm the sun is scorching. He still won't get a good tan, but burns are very likely, while the skin is very dry. Just sunbathe at this time in the shade. Even when you are not in direct sunlight, your skin still tan. It is best to tan after 4 pm and before 11 pm.
  5. Roll over more often. When you want to tan quickly and beautifully, you need to turn over not once an hour, but much more often. The optimal time spent in one position is 1-3 minutes. If you roll over about every 2-3 minutes, your tan will become even and beautiful.
  6. Sunbathe by the ponds. Water repeatedly reflects and refracts the sun's rays. This effect will help you tan much faster.
  7. Moisturize your skin. After tanning, remember to moisturize your skin to maintain its firmness and beauty. During the tanning process, moisture evaporates intensively, the skin dries up. The lack of fluid must be replenished.
Use creams, special tanning products. Eat more fruits, take vitamins. Better to sunbathe will help a reservoir, movement, frequent changes in body position. Moisturize and protect your skin. Tan quickly and beautifully! Some people need to spend 2-3 days on the beach to get a beautiful tan, others need several weeks. If your vacation does not allow you to count on a long beach holiday, start preparing for it in advance.

Get skin vitamins from your pharmacy and start taking them. From exposure to the sun, the skin loses much moisture, free radicals accumulate in it, which leads to aging and the appearance of new wrinkles. Vitamin complexes will help minimize the damage caused by the sun.

Include in your diet carrot juice, which contains a large amount of beta-carotene (provitamin A), which is necessary for the production of melanin, the pigment in tanning. Provitamin A is best absorbed in the presence of fats - drink carrot juice with sour cream or a little vegetable oil. In addition to carrots, beta-carotene contains apricots, peaches, melons, pumpkins, and watermelons.

The amino acid tyrosine also plays an important role in the production of melanin. It is found in animal products: meat, fish, liver, as well as in avocados, beans, almonds.

Use body and face scrubs twice a week. Since skin cells are constantly dying off, tanning can be uneven and unstable, and when using a scrub, young skin becomes more beautiful and uniform. Be sure to use moisturizers or lotions after your procedure.

If possible, visit the solarium several times before your vacation. Start with short sessions of 1–2 minutes. Then on the beach you will be able to sunbathe a little longer in the first days.

How to quickly tan in the sun

In the first days on vacation in the open sun, you can stay no more than 15-20 minutes. Then the time can be gradually increased up to 1 hour. In the period from 11 to 16 hours you cannot sunbathe - at this time the sun is most active. Remember to use sunscreen. When choosing this remedy, remember that the lighter the skin, the higher the protection factor should be.

You can speed up the process of melanin production and darkening of the skin with the help of tanning creams. These products help reduce sun exposure, moisturize the skin and help develop an even golden tone quickly.

Natural cosmetic oils also help to tan faster. They nourish the skin, moisturize it, enhance the production of melanin and protect the skin from premature aging. Some tanning oils come with sunscreens to suit fair skin. Oils without UV filters can only be used by dark-skinned women.

A beautiful and lasting tan is what thousands of women occupy the beaches and other sunny places for in summer. But not everything is so simple! To get the skin tone you want and avoid burns, you need to know a few things. Here is a small guide for those who dream of an even golden tan that will last until autumn.

Find a "place in the sun"

We know from our own experience that the best place to sunbathe is on the seashore. The surface of the water reflects the sun's rays, and their effect is intensified several times. They also penetrate the water, so we sunbathe even while swimming. But you don't have to go to overseas resorts! Moreover: the tan obtained in the native land lasts longer than the “imported” one. The southern sun acts on the skin more aggressively, which is why it quickly begins to peel and peel off. In our usual climate, this does not happen.

The best place to get a good tan is by the sea or lake

Prepare for sunbathing

The tan will last longer if you peel before rest. The scrub will remove dead skin cells, make it smoother and more susceptible to sunlight. It is advisable to use a natural remedy. Sunbathing is not advised after chemical peeling in the salon. Before going to the beach, you can use scrubs based on coffee grounds or sea salt.

Sunbathe in the morning and evening

The best time to sunbathe is from 7 am to 10 am and from 4 pm to 20. At this time, the sun is not very hot and the risk of sunburn is low. If you are relaxing in a resort with a tropical climate (for example, in Turkey or in the Arab countries), do not sit on the beach from 9 to 17 hours. The peak of solar activity occurs at lunchtime. In southern resorts, these hours are best spent indoors.

Determine the phototype of your skin

This parameter characterizes your sensitivity to sunlight and the sun protection factor (SPF) that you need.

  1. Scandinavian (Celtic): very pale skin, red or white hair, freckles. Found in Europeans. People with this type of appearance are most susceptible to burns. They need cosmetics with a maximum SPF of 30-50. If there is a lot of pigmentation and large moles on the skin, it is better to give up long exposure to the sun altogether.
  2. Light European: pale skin and blonde hair, blue, gray, or green eyes, possibly a few freckles. This includes most of the inhabitants of the CIS. "Europeans" burn almost as quickly as representatives of the first type. The SPF indicator is 15-30.
  3. Dark European: the skin is a little dark, hair of different shades of brown, the iris of the eyes is gray or light brown. The type is common in Eastern and Southern Europe. Its representatives are not prone to quick burns, but they can burn during prolonged sunbathing. Use products with an SPF between 10 and 20.
  4. Mediterranean: olive skin, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. The tan appears quickly and lasts for a long time. Sunscreen cosmetics are needed not so much to avoid burns as to preserve youthful skin. SPF is 10-4.
  5. Oriental: skin tone is very dark, sometimes with a yellowish tint, eyes and hair are black. Skin of this type is not susceptible to burns, but during sunbathing it needs hydration.
  6. African: brown, almost black skin, dark hair and eyes. Like representatives of the oriental type, dark-skinned people do not get burned. But their skin also loses moisture in the sun and needs nourishment.

In the first days at the resort, use the product with the maximum SPF number for your phenotype, then with a slightly lower one. Children are especially sensitive to ultraviolet rays. The SPF level in their sunscreens should be 30-50 (or at least 15 if the skin is very dark). Elderly people also require special protection. To calculate the amount of SPF they need, add 15 to the number that matches their phototype.

Sun protection products for children are selected with great care

Find your tanning products

You will find UVA and UVB on the packaging of sunscreen products. They indicate the types of rays that cosmetics neutralize. Some products are formulated for tanning in tanning beds and do not protect against ultraviolet radiation and sunburn. Of course they are not suitable for the beach. Also, keep in mind that each type of sunscreen has its own characteristics and uses. Choose the right one based on your skin type, the intensity of the upcoming rest and the desired result.

  • Sun lotion, oil or milk. Nourishes the skin and accelerates tanning. Poorly protects against harmful radiation. Such a remedy is intended for those who take sun baths for a long time or have naturally dark skin.
  • Sunscreen. Prevents burns and prolongs tanning life. When using one cream, the skin will acquire a bronze tone no earlier than a week later.
  • After sun cream or milk. Saturates dry skin with moisture. Thanks to it, the tan lays down evenly and lasts longer.
  • Tanning prolonger. Moisturizers that soften the effects of the sun and salty sea water. Apply before going to bed on dry, clean skin.

All these tools will be useful to you on vacation. Add to the kit a special face cream, nourishing shampoo and hygienic lipstick - you can't do without them either.

Tanning rules

In the early days, spend 10-15 minutes in the sun, or less if it's very hot outside. Then increase the duration of sunbathing to an hour. Try to spend the rest of the time under a beach umbrella. Apply sunscreen before going out. Moisturize the most sensitive areas of your skin every 30 minutes: nose, shoulders and décolleté. Cover your head with a hat, wear glasses. Change your position every 10 minutes to keep your tan evenly. Better yet, take a walk or run in the sun.

For an even tan, you can run or play games with the whole family

Keep in mind that you sunbathe while swimming. Use sunscreen before entering water. Drops left after bathing also absorb ultraviolet rays and can cause burns. After sunbathing, shower and lubricate your body with moisturizer. Instead of cream, you can use a tanning enhancer to fix darker skin tone.

A varied menu to help tan

Stock up on foods that accelerate the formation of melanin, the pigment that gives skin a brown tint. It is an orange and red plant food rich in beta-carotene. Add apples, peaches, apricots, watermelons, red peppers, eggplants to the diet. Fresh carrots and citrus fruits with the addition of honey are very useful.

Load up on foods that contain tyrosine. This is food of animal origin: liver, red meat, fatty fish. Tyrosine is also found in beans, avocados, and almond nuts. Some fats also strengthen the tan. They are rich in seafood and vegetable oils. If you are going on vacation for a long time, a complex with vitamins E, A and C will come in handy. They will prevent drying and aging of the skin under the influence of the sun.

Apply a ground coffee and peanut butter scrub before going out in the sun

Folk remedies for a good tan

To speed up the transformation into a dark skin, apply natural cosmetics.

  • A coffee grounds and peanut butter scrub will help you get ready for the start of the holiday season. Grind 50 grams of coffee and dilute the powder with 100 ml of nut butter. Fill a glass container with the mixture, put it in a dark place for a week and shake it occasionally. When the mass is infused, pass it through a filter and use it as a body scrub. Rub the product into your skin half an hour before going out into the sun and then wash off. Dilute with cream if desired.
  • You can simply apply peanut butter to your skin. However, the duration of the sunbath should not exceed 20 minutes. Otherwise, the skin will burn.
  • As we said before, carrots contribute to tanning. The juice of this vegetable can not only be drunk, but also used as a skin lotion. Lubricate the body with fresh water, wait a quarter of an hour and take a shower. Watch the time carefully. If you overexpose the juice on the skin, it will get an unpleasant carrot tint.
  • Take baths with black tea. Pour 3 tablespoons of the leaves with 0.5 liters of hot water. Let the tea brew and then pour it into the bathroom with water. Leave a little drink on your face and décolleté. Repeat the procedure once a week.
  • A bath with an infusion of walnut leaves will give no less effect. Boil the dried plant and add the solution to the water. Two or three baths will enhance the dark skin tone. Alas, the result will last no more than a week.

A natural tan is more difficult to obtain than in a solarium. But it also lasts longer!

Avoid lightening products

Lemon juice, cucumbers, tomatoes, dairy products are good for skin health, but destroy melanin and whiten it. If you want to keep your tan, skip cosmetics that contain these ingredients.


A long-lasting bronze tan takes effort. In order for the skin to acquire a dark complexion, you need to use a whole arsenal of cosmetics and folk remedies, consume a lot of vitamins and limit the time spent in the sun. Don't expect instant results! You can only become a "chocolate bar" in half a day in the solarium. But a natural tan lasts longer and looks natural, which will undoubtedly delight you after your vacation.