The regional stage of the republican competition “Family of the Year” was held in Grodno (Added).

The regional stage of the republican competition “Family of the Year” will take place on June 27 in Grodno.

The “Family of the Year” competition is held as part of State program“People's health and demographic security of the Republic of Belarus” for 2016-2020. On May 22, the zonal round of the regional stage will take place in Mosty, and on May 26 - in Shchuchin. The winners of first, second and third places will take part in the regional competition.

In the Oshmyany district, seven families took part in the competition. The large Vasilevsky family won. Valery and Elena Vasilevsky are raising three children. Egor is 14 years old, Vadim is 13, and Victoria is finishing first grade this year. Children love music. The eldest Egor graduated from the Oshmyany School of Arts in the accordion class, and Vadim is just learning to play the accordion, plays in the ensemble “Vesyalushki”, and studies in the exemplary song and dance ensemble “Zvonochki” of the Oshmyany secondary school No. 1. The littlest Victoria enjoys gymnastics and singing.

In Slonim, during competitive tests, nine families shared their joy, talked about the main traditions and revealed the secrets of their well-being and happiness. The Boyarovsky family won in a bitter struggle. In the Dyatlovsky district, the Zhilyanin family won the competition. In the Volkovysk region, the friendly Rakut family from the urban village of Ross won.

The title of “Family of the Year – 2017” of Mostovshchina was won by the Sidor family from the agricultural town of Lunno. “With rhythm in the heart, with melody in the soul and music in life!” - this is the motto of Irina Ivanovna, Oleg Ivanovich and their daughters Maria and Daria. In the Berestovitsky district, the Karpovich family won. In the Svisloch region, the winner was the Stelmakh family, raising four children.

In the Zelven region, the young, active, creative Murin family demonstrated their talents and skills better than others. In the Voronovsky district, the title “Family of the Year 2017” was awarded to the large Stankevich family from the agricultural town of Konvelishki. The winner of the competition in Novogrudok is the Supranovich family. Mom, dad and four children are interested in music, singing, and travel a lot. Ten families in the Korelichi district took part in the competition. The Adamcevich family won. In the Lida region, first place was awarded to the Zavatsky family.

In the Leninsky district of Grodno, the winner was the Guk family. In the Oktyabrsky district there is a Kozlov family with three children. In the Grodno region, the victory was won by the large Zenkevich family from Skidel.

As reported by the Committee on Labor, Employment and social protection Regional Executive Committee, last year in the region 47 women who gave birth and raised five or more children were awarded the Order of the Mother, in 2017 - 17. 794 women were awarded this award in the Grodno region. Currently, more than 11 thousand large families live in the region, raising almost 36 thousand children. Last year, 13,850 children were born in the Neman region.

The competition, which is held within the framework of the State Program “People’s Health and Demographic Security of the Republic of Belarus” for 2016–2020, was first held in the districts. The winners of the regional stages took part in the zonal rounds, which took place in Mosty and Shchuchin. In Grodno, at the regional stage of the competition for the title “Family of the Year,” eight families competed - winners of the zonal stages: the Kozlovs and Guk from the regional center, the Zavatskys from the Lida district, Solovei from the Smorgon district, Supranovich from the Novogrudok district, the Murins from the Zelvensky district, Zenkevich from the Grodno region district, Sidor from Mostovsky district. The competition was organized by the regional executive committee.

Emotions overwhelmed not only the participants, but also the spectators; many came specially to support their loved ones and friends. There were chants in the hall, encouraging those who came on stage with the whole family. Each family prepared a real theatrical performance. Bright, rich, emotional competitive program consisted of two parts: the business card of the “Rodovod” family and the presentation of the socially significant project “My Country - My Family”.

The Zavatsky family from Lida was the first to take the stage. Parents Ruslan and Alesya are proud of the success of their three children and even showed off their numerous awards. Polina captivated the audience with her ballroom dancing, accompanied by Artem on the drums. And even little Ksenia tried to sing along into the microphone. By the way, everyone brought medals, cups and certificates of honor for their children and general awards for families to the competition. And in the hall of the Cultural Center there was an exhibition of the creativity of each of the families. There were painted icons and knitted napkins the Huk family, wicker baskets and boxes of the Sidor, Murin and Zavatsky families, embroidered paintings of the Kozlov family, knitted scarves and the caps of the Nightingale family, original trees beads and wicker baskets from the Supranovich family, beautiful paper flowers from the Zenkevich family.

The children took on the story about the Zenkevich family and coped with this task perfectly. Parents Stanislav and Christina are raising four wonderful children: Yaroslav, Vyacheslav, Valeria and Vladislav.

Alexey and Natalya Murin, as well as their children Artem and Dominika, demonstrated a sporting spirit. They also involved their children’s friends in sports, creating a neighborhood football team. By the way, the soccer ball was bought with money earned by collecting waste paper.

In big friendly family Konstantin and Lyudmila Solovey have five children: Elizaveta, Karina, Alexey, Matvey and little Snezhana. The older girls play the piano, Alexey enjoys football and has already won awards at district and regional competitions.

Gennady and Alena Supranovich have been introducing their four children Daniil, Artem, Anastasia and Varvara to Orthodox spiritual and moral culture; the children have been attending Sunday school for several years. Children enjoy table tennis, play music, and take part in sports competitions. Even little Varvara shows interest in rhythmic gymnastics and music.

The winners of the competition were Oleg and Irina Sidor with their daughters Maria and Daria from the agricultural town of Lunno. The head of the family works as a machine operator at OJSC Cherlena, the mother is a music director in Lunnenskaya high school where children study. The creative, gifted family immediately won the sympathy of the audience. Mom Irina Ivanovna is the winner of the district, regional and laureate of the republican competitions “New Names of Belarus”, winner of the district and regional stages of the competition “Zorka Has Been Over Belarus”. Daughter Maria does not lag behind her mother; she is involved in choreography at an art school and in athletics. The youngest Daria enjoys visiting the Fortuna school association. The family became the winner of the district and prize-winner of the regional project "Rodovod", a diploma winner of the regional festival "Parental home - the beginning of the beginning", winner of the district and prize-winner of the regional competition of young families "Lord of the Village", as well as the winner of the district and prize-winner of the regional stages of the republican competition "My Family - my ambition." In the fall, the Sidor family will take part in the republican round of the “Family of the Year” competition.

The Kozlov family took second place. Father Sergei works at OJSC Grodnopromstroy, and mother Nadezhda works at the enterprise of the Baranovichi branch of the Belarusian Railway. Daughter Daria and sons Alexey and Georgy showed all their Creative skills. They also talked about good deeds, which they initiated. So, together with the neighboring children, we organized a drawing competition on the asphalt, made bird houses, and collected food for animals.

The Guk family took third place. Candidate of Theological Sciences, priest of the St. Marfin Church Alexander and teacher Sunday school Elena is raising four children Nadezhda, Elisha, Sophia and Eulalia on spiritual values. They carry through life the motto of their family, “Sound only with good deeds.”

All the families who appeared on the stage of the Cultural Center were talented, beautiful, united, both adults and children tried their best,– noted the deputy chairman of the committee - head of the organization’s department social assistance Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Regional Executive Committee, chairman of the competition jury Natalya Komyshan. – Representatives of various professions, including workers in culture, agriculture, industry and other sectors, sang and read poetry, played the musical instruments. The talented and gifted children were especially pleased. It was very nice to see families growing and getting stronger. Many expressed a desire to take part in similar competitions in the future. Not a single family was left without the attention of the regional executive committee, district authorities, public organizations.

Indeed, no one was left without a gift. The winners were awarded cash prizes from the regional executive committee. All competition participants received gifts from the district executive committees. Special prizes were awarded to the competition participants by the open joint-stock companies “Molochny Mir” and “Grodnokhlebprom”, an ABC enterprise. Representatives of public organizations of the region came with gifts: the regional organization of the NGO "Belarusian Women's Union", the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, the regional branch of the NGO "Belarusian children's fund", the regional branch of the NGO "Belarusian Peace Foundation", the regional organization of the Belarusian Red Cross Society, the regional organization of the NGO "Belarusian Association of the Visually Impaired", the Grodno public association of large parents "Family". The end of the holiday was a trip to the Grodno Zoo organized for all parents and children.

On June 27, 2017 at 11-00 o’clock at the State Institution “Culture Center of Grodno” (Grodno, Dzerzhinsky str., 1) the regional stage of the republican competition “Family of the Year” will take place.
8 families-winners of zonal rounds from Grodno, Zelvensky, Lida, Novogrudok, Mostovsky, Smorgonsky, Leninsky and Oktyabrsky districts of Grodno will take part in the competition.

The winners of the qualifying stages will come to the competition “Family of the Year” - the most worthy families of our region with the history of their traditions: the Zenkevich family from the Grodno district, the Zavatsky family from the Lida district, the Guk family from the Leninsky district of Grodno, the Kozlov family from the Oktyabrsky district of Grodno , the Sidor family from the Mostovsky district, the Murin family from the Zelvensky district and the Supranovich family from the Novogrudok district.
Families will have to compete in two competitive tasks: business card“Rodovod” and presentation of the socially significant project “My Country – My Family”. The jury of the competition will have to evaluate the performing skills, originality of presentation, completeness of disclosure of social significance and place specific family in society.
The winner of the regional stage will represent our region at the republican competition in Minsk.

Information about families participating in the regional stage of the republican competition “Family of the Year”
June 27, 2017 (Grodno)

IN Sidor family raising 2 children. The children are the winners of the district and regional stages of the “Hello, World!” competition, and diploma winners of the republican festival-competition of inclusive creativity “Under the Wings of Orion.”
The father of the family, Oleg Ivanovich, a machine operator at Cherlena OJSC, was repeatedly awarded certificates of honor for conscientious work and was placed on the honor board of Cherlena OJSC.
Mom Irina Ivanovna, musical director– winner of the district, regional and laureate of the republican competition “New Names of Belarus”, winner of the district and regional stages of the competition “Zorka has seen over Belarus”.
Family - winners of the district and prize-winners of the regional project “Rodovod”; 3rd degree diploma winners of the regional festival “Parental Home - the Beginning of Beginnings”, winners of the regional and prize-winners of the regional competition for young families “Lord of the Village”; winners of the district and prize-winners of the regional stage of the republican competition “My family is my fee”.

IN the Nightingale family 5 children, parents instill in their children from childhood a love of hard work and direct efforts to develop their children’s talents.
Daughter Elizaveta graduated from a music school with a degree in piano and is an assistant animator at the church.
Daughter Karina studies piano at a music school and participates in the school KVN team.
Son Alexey is involved in the football section, awarded medals for successful performance in district and regional competitions. As the best striker among boys' teams born in 2016. awarded a valuable prize.
The younger Matvey and Snezhana are already actively participating in events held in kindergarten.
By the way, father Konstantin Nikolaevich works in military unit 2044 as deputy head of the canine center, mother Lyudmila Ivanovna is an insurance agent at the Belgosstrakh representative office in the Smorgon region.

IN Zenkevich family from the Grodno region, both parents Stanislav Iosifovich and Kristina Aleksandrovna work in the Skidelsky branch of the Skidelsky Agricultural Plant OJSC. There are 4 children in this family: Yaroslav and Vyacheslav just finished 1st grade, and the youngest Valeria and Vladislav attend kindergarten. At the same time, children are already actively attending sports clubs, studying well, and taking an active part in the life of the school. Parents make every effort to ensure that their children are talented, well-mannered, friendly and help each other from childhood.

Four children are being raised and in the Guk family.
Father Alexander Ivanovich is a candidate of theological sciences, serves as a priest of St. Marfin's Church, mother Elena Anatolyevna teaches the Law of God at Sunday school.
Parents pay Special attention strengthening the health of their children, instilling in children spiritual values, a responsible and conscientious attitude to school. Daughter Nadezhda studies piano at a music school and attends the Pokrov studio. Nadezhda is a talented person, awarded: a diploma of the winner of the II Moscow City Competition children's creativity"Trip to Ancient Rus'" - Moscow, 2016; II degree diploma in the competition of Children's icon-painting works dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saints Boris and Gleb - Grodno, 2015 and others. Son Elisha is actively involved in hockey.
Younger daughters Sofia and Eulalia in preschool institution attend choreography clubs and a creative workshop.
Alexander Ivanovich and Elena Anatolyevna have a number of thanks for their active position in the education and upbringing of their children. Alexander Ivanovich heads the club of large families “Vozrozhdenie”.

Kozlov family Sergei Igorevich and Nadezhda Mikhailovna take an active life position, their three children participate in many cultural and sporting events schools.
The family is the winner of the “Best School Family -2017” competition, the children are participants and winners of the “Minute of Fame” competition in School No. 38 in Grodno.
Dad works as the head of the mechanization department of OJSC Grodnopromstroy, mother is a transport technician at the Republican Unitary Enterprise of the Baranovichi branch of the Belarusian Railway.
How best family Oktyabrsky district of Grodno will be included on the administration’s Honor Board this year.

IN large family Supranovich raising four children.
Son Daniil attends the table tennis section at the school, loves to design, for participating in the school subject Olympiad in chemistry in 2016/2017 academic year was awarded a 2nd degree diploma.
Artem attends the Novogrudok Children's Art School, trumpet class, April 27, 2017. took part in the XVII open regional competition of young performers on wind and percussion instruments in memory of the Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Belarus I. Yankovsky “Golden Trumpet”, where he received a third degree diploma.
Daughter Anastasia attends the Novogrudok Children's Art School to study saxophone, and also takes an active part in regional and regional sports competitions.
At five years old, Varvara is also a very versatile person: she loves photography, knows a lot of poetry, and is interested in rhythmic gymnastics and music.
Father Gennady Mikhailovich is the driver of the Center for Training, Advanced Training and Retraining of Workers of the Novogrudok District Agricultural Products, mother Alena Vladimirovna works in a kindergarten in Novogrudok.

They make a great contribution to the upbringing of their three children Ruslan Borisovich and Alesya Alfredovna Zavatsky from Lida.
Their eldest son Ruslan studies music in the percussion class at the Lida Children's School of Arts, attends the swimming section, and enjoys playing checkers and chess. Takes part in regional sports competitions.
Daughter Polina has been studying vocal singing at the sports ballroom dance studio “Feriya Dance” and at the State Educational Institution “Lida Children's Art School” since 2010.
Her achieve- "(1st place), Minsk championship in sports dancing (4th place), international tournament in sports dancing "Capital Lights - 2015" (3rd place), 17th open regional festival-competition of children's vocal and pop creativity "Starry Rain" ( finalist in the category “Soloist-Vocalist”). Polina is included in the list of gifted children of Lidchina.

In an atmosphere of love, mutual understanding, kindness, two children are raised in the Murin family.
Alexey Gennadievich Murin, an electrician in the Zelvensky district of electrical networks of the Volkovysk Electric Networks branch, in 2016 was awarded a Diploma for active participation in cultural events of the Year of Culture and Trade Union Movement in the region, in 2017 - a 1st degree Diploma in the category soloist-vocalist of the district show- amateur art competition among organizations and institutions of the town of Zelva “Talents of the Zelva region-2017”.
Mom Natalya Anatolyevna works as a junior nurse at the Zelva Central District Hospital health care institution, she puts all her efforts into raising her son Artem and daughter Dominica.
Artem graduated from the 2nd grade of secondary school No. 2 in the town of Zelva, attends the State Educational Institution "Zelva Children's Art School" to take a piano class.
Despite her small age (4 years old), Dominica attends Preschool Child Development Center No. 1 in the city. Zelva. Trying his hand at drawing