Quest game “Helping hand. Quest game "day of good deeds" Scenario quest game about good deeds

Development of emotional intelligence in the smallest.

Kindness is the willingness to help the little, the needy and the weak. Children are initially (as a rule) not kind and egocentric, therefore, education of kindness, even like stereotyped behavior, is a step forward towards the socialization of the child.

In childhood and adolescence, kindness is one of the most reliable means of turning a child and adolescent to the world of another person, fostering responsiveness and willingness to cooperate.

Games that develop the moral qualities of the child!

"Piggy bank of good deeds"

Cut circles or hearts out of colored paper. At the end of each day, invite your child to put as many circles in the "piggy bank" as how many good deeds he has done today. If the baby is at a loss, help him find this good deed even in the slightest positive deeds. Such a game will stimulate the crumbs to do something good.

« We throw out anger "

Give the child black clouds or dark blots, suggest to put them in a bag. As you do this, encourage your child to share what bad things they did today. Agree with your baby that you put your anger, resentment, or other negative emotion in this bag and go to throw it away.

"Affectionate names"

A collective game that fosters a benevolent attitude of one child to another. Players must stand in a circle. One of the participants throws the ball to the other, calling him affectionately by name. For example: Seryozhenka, Bogdanchik, Olechka, etc. The second player rolls to the next. The winner is the one who called more affectionate names.


Invite the children to sit in a circle with their faces and hold hands. Each child should say something kind and pleasant to his neighbor sitting next to him. The recipient of the praise says, "Thank you, I am very pleased." And then he says a compliment to the next child. When a baby finds it difficult to say something, an adult should help him find the right words.

"Pyramid of love"

Remember with the children that we all love something. Some have a family, some have a doll, and some just like ice cream. Invite the children to build a pyramid of love. The adult begins to build it, naming what he loves and puts his hand in the center. Then each of the children names what he likes or arouses sympathy and places his hand on top. Thus, the whole pyramid has turned out.

Emotional intelligence development

in preschool children

Color therapy

Red color.

Exercise number 1


Stroke: Pour red finger paint into plastic plates. To the music with the little fingers of your left hand and right hand, put dots on a sheet of paper. Ask the child, "What the picture you have painted looks like."

Game number 2 "Red object in my palm"

Target: correction of fears, inertia, apathy.

Stroke: close your eyes and prepare your palm. When an object is in your palm, squeeze your fist.(An adult places a small red object in the child's palm.)Open your eyes, but don't open your palm. Try to guess what's in the palm of your hand.(The child expresses his guesses)... Well done! Now consider your subject. Describe who he is.(Large or small, round, oval, smooth, rough, patterned, with a hole in the middle, etc.)

Exercise number 3

Target: correction of fears, inertia, apathy.

Stroke: prepare pieces of velvet paper and red floss threads, woolen threads of the same color. Draw the outline of the flower on a piece of paper. Glue the prepared pieces of different materials on the outline of the painted flower to the music.

Orange color.

Exercise number 1


Stroke: Apply glue to thick cardboard, sprinkle millet groats, spreading over the entire sheet, wait until dry. To the music, paint millet with orange-colored finger paint.

Exercise number 2 Relaxation.

Target: correction of shyness, isolation, stiffness.

Stroke: the teacher instructs the children to cut out butterflies of two colors: red and yellow. After everyone has cut out their butterflies, we proceed to coloring the orange pattern on the butterfly with our fingers. Well done! Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a large orange butterfly. (Music turns on). Take a closer look at it. At the end of the music, open your eyes and go to the table.

You and I have just imagined ourselves as orange butterflies. Now we are going to cut a butterfly out of a sheet of white paper. See how it's done. (An adult explains and shows the cutting technology, mixing two colors: red and yellow.) After everyone has cut out their butterflies, we proceed to paint the orange pattern on the butterfly with our fingers. Well done!


Exercise number 1


Stroke: draw a branch of mimosa on a sheet of watercolor paper. Make confetti out of yellow velvet paper. To the music, stick confetti on the image of a branch, paint a branch and leaves with a green watercolor paint.

Exercise number 2

Target: correction of hyperreactivity, the formation of self-control, an increase in self-esteem.

Stroke: the child sticks his piece of paper on the paper. The leaf can be a head, a torso, a dress, or something else. With colored pencils, they finish drawing everything necessary to get a self-portrait. If the child refuses to portray himself, then he can portray what he wants.

Green color

Exercise number 1


Stroke: draw bunches of grapes on a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard. Cut a small piece from a piece of green plasticine and roll it into a ball. To the music, separate pieces from the ball and smear over the image of berries, paint the leaves with light green watercolor paint.

Game number 2 "Green inhabitants of the forest"

Target: correction of excitability, anxiety, hyperactivity.

Stroke: name the forest dwellers - animals, birds, insects - green (green lizard, green snake, frog, caterpillar, butterfly, bug, grasshopper, etc.). Now each of you will turn into any green creature, and when the music starts, you will move like your heroes. That is, a butterfly will fly, grasshoppers will jump, snakes will crawl, and a frog will jump. Show how you will move. Good! When the music stops, your character should freeze in place.(The game is repeated several times).

Exercise number 3

Target: correction of excitability, anxiety, hyperactivity.

Stroke: Cut the green velvet paper into strips 15 cm long. To music, glue the strips on a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard, paint the gaps with finger paints, mixing green and yellow paint. Show the children how to mix colors to achieve the desired shades, how to use the palette.


Exercise number 1


Stroke: glue a few pieces of cotton wool (clouds) on watercolor paper. To the music “Sounds of nature. Singing birds ”paint the sky with blue finger paint. Show the children how to mix blue and white to create the desired shade of blue.

Exercise number 2

Target: correction of anxiety, aggression, increased excitability.

Stroke: prepare 10 pieces of blue floss. On a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard, draw several wavy lines one above the other. To the music, stick the threads on the lines, trying to keep the shape.

Cards - emotions

You can cut them from a magazine or print them from the Internet. Let them have faces with a variety of emotions.

You can invite your child to: guess how the person feels in each picture; try to make the same face as in the selected picture; come up with various situations in which a person experiences certain emotions.

"Courses of acting".

Prepare flashcards describing different situations in the life of the children. The child should use gestures, sounds and facial expressions to depict how the hero of the situation feels.


Cover your face with your hands, and when you open it, it should show some kind of emotion. Invite your child to guess what you portrayed. Then switch roles with the child.

"How do I say?"

Try saying the same common phrase, for example, "Good morning!", With different intonations(happy, sad, angry, surprised, scared, etc.)Have the child try to guess the emotion. Come up with a different phrase and switch roles.

« Let's say hello! "

Target: the exercise continues acquaintance, creates a psychologically relaxed atmosphere.

At the beginning of the exercise, we talk about different ways of greeting, real and comic. Children are encouraged to say hello, shoulder, back, hand, nose, cheek, and to invent their own unique way of greeting for today's class and say hello to them. (For each subsequent lesson, a new, previously unused way of greeting is invented!

"Stand up those who ..."

Target: the exercise is aimed at developing attention, observation, as well as the continuation of group acquaintance.

The presenter gives the task: "Stand up, all those who ...

Loves to run

Happy about the good weather

Has a younger sister

Likes to give flowers, etc.

If desired, children can play the role of a leader.

After completing the exercise, the children are asked questions summarizing the game:

Now we will see who in our group turned out to be the most attentive. Which of the guys remembered who in our group loves sweets? Who has a younger sister? etc.

Then the questions get more complicated (involve two variables):

Who in our group loves sweets and has a younger sister? Each question is addressed to a specific child, if he cannot answer himself - the group helps him "

"Describe a friend"

Target: the development of attentiveness and the ability to describe what he saw, the continuation of the acquaintance.

The exercise is performed in pairs (by all participants at the same time). Children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing their partner's hairstyle, clothes and face.

Then the description is compared with the original and a conclusion is made about how accurate the child was.

"What changed?"

Target: development of attention and observation necessary for effective communication.

Each child takes turns driving. The driver leaves the room. During this time, several changes are made in the group's clothes, the children's hairstyle, you can move to another place (but no more than two or three changes; all changes made must be visible). The task of the driver is to correctly notice the changes that have occurred.

"How do you feel?"

Target: development of attentiveness, empathy, the ability to feel the mood of another.

The exercise is performed in a circle.

Each child looks carefully at his neighbor on the left and tries to guess how he feels, talks about it.

The child, whose state is described, listens and then agrees with what was said or does not agree, complements.

"My mood"

Target: the development of the ability to describe one's mood, to recognize the mood of others, the development of empathy.

Children are invited to tell the others about their mood: it can be drawn, can be compared with any color, animal, state, you can show it in motion - it all depends on the child's imagination and desire.

"A gift for everyone (flower - seven-flower)"

Target: development of a sense of the team, the ability to make friends, make the right choice, cooperate with peers.

Children are given the task: "If you were a magician and could work miracles, what would you give now to all of us together?" Or: "If we had a Seven-Flower Flower, what wish would you make?" Each child makes one wish, tearing off one petal from a common flower.

Fly, fly, petal, west to east

Through the north, through the south, come back in a circle

As soon as you touch the ground, be in my opinion led.

Tell me to ... At the end, you can hold a competition for the best wish for everyone.

"Portrait of the Best Friend"

Target: development of analysis and introspection.

Children are given the task of drawing a portrait of their best friend. Then the conversation is held:

Who do you consider your best, best friend? What qualities does this person have? Do you want to be considered a good friend? What to do for this, how to behave?

In the course of general discussions, the rules of joyful communication are formulated, which are drawn in a schematic form that is accessible to children, or they are written on a piece of Whatman paper in block letters (if the children already know how to read). For instance:

Help your friends.

Share with them, learn to play and practice together.

Stop your friend if he does something bad. Tell him if he's wrong about something.

Do not quarrel, do not argue over trifles; play with everyone amicably.

Do not envy.

If you did something bad, do not be afraid to admit it, apologize.

Calmly accept the advice and help of other guys.

Don't be happy when someone is losing. If you can, help him.

If you lost yourself, do not take your anger out on others, maybe you will win next time.

"Study for various positions in communication"

Target: feeling different positions in communication.

Children are given the task to pair up. Communication in pairs takes place in an interactive mode. For communication, interesting and relevant topics for children are offered: "My favorite animal", "My happiest day last month", etc.

First, the communication situation is organized when both children sit facing each other, then one child sits on a chair, and the other stands near his chair (children change places), then the children, sitting on a chair with their backs to each other, continue the conversation.

Then the children are asked about the impression, the mood that arose in the process of communication. How did you like to communicate more? Why?

"Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands reconcile"

Target: correlating a person and his tactile image, removing bodily barriers; developing the ability to express your feelings and understand the feelings of another through touch.

The exercise is performed in pairs with closed eyes, children sit opposite each other at arm's length.Adult gives tasks (each task is completed for 2-3 minutes): - Close your eyes, stretch out your hands towards each other, meet with the same hands. Get to know your neighbor better. Put your hands down "

Stretch your arms forward again, find your neighbor's arms. Your hands are fighting. Put your hands down.

Your hands are looking for each other again. They want to make up. Your hands are reconciled, they ask for forgiveness, you part as friends.

Discuss how the exercise went, what feelings arose during the exercise, what did you like more?

"Magic Means of Understanding"

Introductory conversation.

Target: the awareness that it is possible to help a person who is sad or unwell, that everyone is able to help everyone in need of it, an understanding of what exactly can be done for this.

What helps you when it is difficult for you, it is bad for you, when you have done wrong, when you have been offended?

What special things can people with whom we like to communicate, what distinguishes them? (smile, listening skills, eye contact, kind, gentle voice, soft unsharp gestures, pleasant touches, polite words, the ability to understand a person).

Why can we call these means of understanding "magic"?

Can you and I use these "magic" means when?


Target: promotes the development of an understanding of facial expressions and facial expressions.

The leader hangs various pictures, masks on the board:

Joy, surprise, interest,

Anger, anger, fear, shame,

Contempt, disgust

The task of the children is to determine what feeling the mask expresses.


Target: the ability to distinguish facial expressions, independently consciously use facial expressions to express their emotions.

Each of the participants is given a task - to express grief, joy, pain, fear, surprise with the help of facial expressions ... The rest of the participants must determine what the participant was trying to portray.

Target: the exercise is performed in pairs, it is aimed at concrete elaboration, the use of "magic" means of understanding, the development of empathy, the use of already familiar means of understanding.

Using the "magic" means of understanding, children should help:

1) a crying child, he lost a ball;

2) mom came home from work, she was very tired;

3) a friend in the class is sitting sad, his mother is ill;

4) your friend is crying, he got a bad grade;

5) the girl next door asked you to make an applique for her ... It is necessary to choose so many situations so that each child could complete the task.


Target: development of empathy, creativeimaginations .

Children are given the task: "Draw a kind animal and call it an affectionate name, reward it with some magical means of understanding."

Drawing is carried out to quiet calm music, paints or bright crayons, felt-tip pens on unlined white sheets. Then a competition is arranged for the kindest animal. The winner is awarded a certificate.

"Artist of the word"

Target: the development of the ability to describe the observed, the ability to highlight the details that are essential for the description, the use of acceptable, offensive words, the expansion of the active and passive vocabulary of children.

Each child in turn thinks of someone from the group and begins to draw his verbal portrait - his external features (and, if possible, internal, psychological), without specifically naming this person.

Given the level of development of children, you can offer them exercises for associative perception. (What animal does it look like? What flower? What piece of furniture? Etc.)

"Let's make a gift for each other in a circle"

Target: development in children of feeling for each other, understanding the mood of the other, development of empathy.

The presenter gives the task to everyone to give a present to his neighbor on the right, but not a specific gift, but a fictitious one: "What would you like to give to this particular person? Give the present that, in your opinion, he needs especially now."

The gift can be described in words or shown with gestures.


Target: role-playing situations, practicing the skills of effective interaction, empathy, the ability to cooperate.

The exercise is performed in pairs. One child from the couple owns a beautiful and very beloved toy with which he loves to play. Another child really wants to play with this toy. His task is to persuade the owner of the toy to let him play with it.

Important: when performing this exercise, the child, the owner of the toy, is given any toy that he must present as his most beloved.

As soon as the owner of the toy gives it to the begging child, the exercise is interrupted and the child is asked why he gave the toy.

"Role-playing situations"

Target: the task is aimed at the specific elaboration and application of "magic" means of communication, the development of empathy, the use of already familiar means of understanding.

Children are given play situations that they stage. The exercise is performed collectively (participants who act out the situation and observers are selected from the group). The task of the actors is to play the given situation as naturally as possible, while the observers analyze what they see. After a collective discussion, you can play the situation again with the same actors (if they did it unsuccessfully earlier) or with new ones (to consolidate in practice the magical means of understanding).

Examples of replayable situations:

You went out into the yard and saw two unfamiliar boys fighting there.

You really want to play with the same toy as one of the guys in your class. Ask her.

You really offended your friend. Apologize and try to make up.

"I'm good - I'm bad"

Target: development of reflection and introspection.

Children are invited to draw a drawing, a self-portrait, on which both their good and bad qualities should be drawn. If children find it difficult, then you can talk to them about what qualities they think are bad and which are good and why. How can you draw bad quality and how good? What color can they be and what shape?

" Mood"

Target: the ability to describe your mood, the development of understanding of the mood of others, the development of empathy, associative thinking.

A color painting of the group's mood is being created. For example, on a common sheet of Whatman paper, with the help of paints, each child draws his mood in the form of a strip, or a cloud, or simply in the form of a spot. Another option is possible: from a basket with multi-colored petals made of colored paper, each child chooses a petal for himself, the color of which is most suitable for the color of his mood. Then all the petals are collected into a common chamomile. You can invite children to compose a spontaneous dance of mood.

"School of smiles"

Target: development of empathy, cultural communication skills.

Introductory conversation:

When do people smile?

What kind of smiles are there?

Try to show them.

Children try to smile with restraint, sly, sincere ...

Draw a smiling person.

Smiling man, what is he?

"General mood"

Target: developing understanding, feeling the mood of the interlocutor.

Stage 1: A competition is announced for the best image of joy, fear, anger, grief (in the future, the set of emotions can be expanded). The mood is depicted using facial expressions and gestures. Then, when an expression of emotion is found, the presenter asks to come up with and make a sound that each child associates with this state. some unpleasant event happened, etc. "

If the children begin to copy the movements of each other, then the task can be done with closed eyes and open them only when the expression of the desired state is found.

Stage 2 : Work in pairs. Several basic emotions are selected, for example, fear, surprise, joy, grief. Children stand with their backs to each other, on the count of one-two-three they show the same state without saying a word. It is important to learn how to feel each other as best as possible. It is fortunate when the choice of state in a pair coincides 2-3 times in a row.

Stage 3 : A single is being developed; a universal sign for depicting basic emotions, for example, fear, grief, joy ...

At this stage, it is important to work on the discussion of visible signs expressing a certain state.

"The wind blows on ..."

With the words "The wind blows on ..." the presenter begins the game. In order for the participants in the game to learn more about each other, the questions can be as follows: "The wind blows on the one who has blonde hair" - all blonde ones are gathered in one pile. “The wind blows on the one who ... has a sister,” “who loves animals,” “who cries a lot,” “who has no friends,” etc. The leader must be changed, giving everyone the opportunity to ask around the participants.

"Find a friend"

The exercise is performed among children or between parents and children. One half is blindfolded, given the opportunity to walk around the room and offered to find and get to know a friend (or parent). You can find out with your hands, feeling your hair, clothes, hands. Then, when a friend is found, the players switch roles.


To play, you need mittens cut out of paper, the number of pairs is equal to the number of pairs of participants in the game. The presenter spreads mittens with the same ornament, but not painted, around the room. Children scatter around the hall. They look for their "pair", retreat to a corner and, with the help of three pencils of different colors, try, as quickly as possible, to color the mittens in exactly the same way. Note: The facilitator observes how the couples organize joint work, how they share pencils, how they agree. Congratulations to the winners.

"Let's write a story"

The presenter begins the story: "Once upon a time ...", the next participant continues, and so on in a circle. When it’s the leader’s turn again, he guides the plot of the story, sharpens it, makes it more meaningful, and the exercise continues.

"The Dragon"

The players stand in a line, holding the shoulders. The first participant is * the head ", the last is the" tail "of the dragon. The "head" should reach the tail and touch it. The "body" of the dragon is inseparable. As soon as the "head" grabs the "tail", it becomes the "tail". The game continues until each participant has played two roles.

"Is there or not?"

The players stand in a circle and join hands, the leader is in the center. He explains the task: if they agree with the statement, then they raise it up and shout "Yes", if they do not agree, they lower their hands and shout "No! *

Is there a firefly field? Are there fish in the sea? Does a calf have wings? Does the pig have a beak? Does the mountain have a ridge? Does a rooster have a tail? Does the violin have a key? Does the verse have a rhyme? Are there any mistakes in it?

“Roar lion, roar; getcha, train, getcha "

The host says: “We are all lions; big lion family. Let's have a competition to see who growls louder. As soon as I say: "Roar, lion, roar!", Let the loudest growl be heard "

“Who can growl louder? Roar well, lions. " You need to ask the children to growl as loudly as possible, while portraying a lion's stance.

Then everyone stands up one after the other, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. This is a steam locomotive. He puffs, whistles, the wheels work clearly, to the beat, everyone listens and adjusts to their neighbors. The locomotive drives through the room in different directions, sometimes fast, sometimes slowly, then turning, then bending, making loud sounds and whistles. The driver changes at the stations. At the end of the game, a "crash" can occur, and everyone falls to the floor.


One player walks around the room and makes different movements, unexpected turns, squats, bends over to the sides, nods his head, waves his arms, etc. All the others line up behind him at a short distance. They are his shadow and must quickly and clearly follow his movements. Then the presenter changes.

"What's the mood like?"

The participants in the game take turns talking about what time of year, a natural phenomenon, the weather their mood looks like today. Better to start comparisons for an adult: "My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in a calm blue sky, and yours?" The exercise is carried out in a circle.Adult summarizes - what is the mood of the whole group today: sad, funny, funny, angry, etc. When interpreting children's answers, keep in mind that bad weather, cold, rain, gloomy sky, aggressive elements indicate emotional distress.

"Psychological modeling"

In this matter, much depends on the imagination of an adult. He asks the children to mold one common figure out of their bodies: a "starfish" (you can lie on the carpet) - and show how it moves. A shell, a cat, a bird, a flower, a car, etc. Children not only "mold" the figure, but also "revive" it, moving smoothly and synchronously, without violating its integrity.

"Walk along the stream"

On the floor, a stream is drawn in chalk, winding, now wide, now narrow, now shallow, now deep. Tourists line up one after another in one "chain", put their hands on the shoulders of the one in front, spread their legs to the width of the stream in the place where their path begins, slowly move all together, changing the width of their legs apart, stepping along the banks of the stream. The one who stumbles falls into the stream with his foot and stands at the end of the chain.


Children are encouraged to pretend they have entered a mirror store. One half of the group is mirrors, the other is different animals.

Animals walk past mirrors, jump, make faces - mirrors should accurately reflect the movements and expressions of the animals' faces.

Development of emotional intelligence in adults

It is also worth noting some approaches and techniques that can be used to develop emotional intelligence not only with children, but also with adolescents and adults.

For the development of emotional competence and mastery of emotions, it is very important to improve the process of perception and emotional assessment of reality. There are two main ways of perceiving the surrounding reality and recreating its image - associated and dissociated.Associated approachmeans that a person is inside the experienced situation, looks at it with his own eyes and has direct access to his own emotions.Dissociated methodallows you to evaluate the event as if from the outside, as a result of which a person loses touch with feelings and experiences that took place in a real situation.

To stop experiencing negative emotions and discomfort, many experts recommend disassociating from a disturbing, unpleasant memory. To do this, you need to mentally get out of the experiencing situation and look at this event from the outside. Viewing a film about yourself in your imagination, you can reduce the brightness of the image, replace color images with black and white. As a result of such actions, an unpleasant situation gradually ceases to worry a person, which allows you to subsequently return to it and calmly analyze all your actions.

The reverse procedure is also very effective. associating with pleasant memories. Everyone can remember many events that were associated with positive emotions and high spirits. In order to regain the freshness of joyful memories, it is enough to re-enter "inside" a once pleasant event, see it with your own eyes and try to experience the same emotions as then (visualization reception). Association can also help with communication with other people. Since in the process of communication, many are associated only with unpleasant details, interaction with communication partners sometimes causes rejection. If you carry out the opposite action and associate in communication with pleasant feelings, you can find a number of pleasant interlocutors.

Thus, emotions are in direct proportion to thinking. Thanks to thinking and imagination, a person can have various images of the past and future, as well as associated emotional experiences. Therefore, the one who controls his imagination is also good at controlling his emotions.

In order to be able to control not only your states, but also the emotions of your communication partner, which will greatly increase your emotional intelligence, you can do the exercise"Help calm down."A couple of people are offered some kind of emotionally tense situation. The task of one member of the couple is to relieve the stress of his partner. Situations are usually distracted or even fantastical in order to avoid personal involvement of the participants. Time is limited to 2-3 minutes. The partner and situations change every time. At the end of the exercise, there is a discussion about what techniques the participants used to relieve tension, and which of them did it best.

To develop emotional intelligence, exercises to look for similarities with other people are also useful, which is one of the ways to learn to better understand yourself and others. For this, the task is used"Emphasizing Commonality":you need to mentally find 20 common qualities with a person whom you recognized a few days ago or even half an hour ago. This along the way develops the ability for reflection and adequate self-esteem.

To develop your knowledge of emotions and emotional states, you can develop your own Emotion Dictionary ... It should have four sections: positive, negative, neutral and ambivalent (contradictory) emotions. The dictionary needs to be replenished whenever a new term describing an emotional state is remembered.

The ability to unconditionally accept people, which, according to many authors, also refers to emotional intelligence, can be developed in a fairly simple way. To do this, you can use the exercise"Emphasizing Significance":you need to set a goal during the day at least two (three, four, five) times to emphasize the importance of those people with whom you work or communicate - to mark their successful ideas, proposals, to express respect and sympathy to them.

Thus, the range of techniques and methods for developing emotional intelligence is quite rich. The choice of a specific approach depends in each case on the goals and the people who are involved in the work. I sincerely hope that the experience presented in this article will be interesting and useful to educators and psychologists in various fields.

6 Exercises to Develop Emotional Intelligence in Children

The ability to correctly recognize and manage your emotions is the key to both professional success and a happy life. Therefore, it is important to develop emotional intelligence, and you need to start at an early age. Psychologist Victoria Shimanskaya offers 6 exercises that will be useful for your child - and for you.


It is not so important what we teach children, but what example we set. And the most important example is the ability to be happy.


It is useful to create your own box of happiness in your imagination. "Put" in it everything that you associate with happiness visually, by ear, taste, smell and touch. And then create the same box with your child, discussing his emotions in detail with him. Example:

  • Eyesight: happy smile of a child.
  • Hearing: sea wave noise.
  • Taste: sweet strawberry.
  • Smell: scents of the forest after rain.
  • Touch: the hug of a loved one.


It will help you not only sort out your own feelings, but also allow others to understand you better. Such communication with a partner, colleagues and especially with a child will become the basis for mutual understanding in the family and at work. To do this, enter into your speech the formula: "I feel ... because ... and I would like to ...".

Using the example of communication with a child, this formula may sound like this: “I am upset that you poured water with paints. I would like you to be more attentive. Now let's clean up together. "


The essence of the game is that every evening the child chooses the emotion of today. "Today I felt joy (sadness, curiosity, anger ...) when ...". To do this, print out all the emotions of the child's favorite character, which he will choose to indicate his experiences. This game teaches awareness and acceptance of your own feelings.


It is interesting to photograph not only in the style of "me and the sights". Try taking emotional photos: “Ah! This palm tree is like a huge cactus - you have to try it ”,“ The tower doesn't fall ?! ”,“ Zhuuuuk! ”.

Believe me, such photos are very pleasant to see with the whole family. And you can also use them to make a story about the journey. Print a few photos, shuffle and create a new story for your trip.


You can make your own gallery of emotions, where each picture is an emotion expressed by the colors and composition that the child chooses. It's great to draw at the same time and compare how you got joy, sadness, anger.


A unique game that not only introduces the child to emotions, but also shows what feelings a person feels in a given situation. The essence of the game: everyone receives a set of 8 cards: joy, fear, interest, inspiration, doubt, surprise, trust, anger. The list can be supplemented.

The guessing player comes up with a word-concept-situation and, choosing a suitable emotion for it, puts the card in a closed circle. The rest of the players have to guess what emotion the envisioned situation evokes in the player.

For example, a mother can choose a card "joy" for the concept of "September 1", and a daughter - "fear". Children find it difficult to talk about their emotions. And in the game they reveal them.

And don't forget about reading books and good music. These are timeless resources for knowing yourself, those around you and the whole world.

Extracurricular activity:

quest game "Kindness will save the world"

Developed and carried out:

educator Shmonova N.N.

PURPOSE: Generalization of children's ideas about kindness as a valuable quality of a person, the development of social feelings, mutual assistance.
1. to form an idea of ​​kindness in children, to foster good feelings for the people around them, to help children understand that everyone needs love and a benevolent attitude.

2. to reveal the essence of the concepts of "good" and "kindness", "good deeds";
3. to develop in children logical thinking, imagination and attention, to instill interest in a new form of game activity quest-game.

Main part

A teacher comes to the children - she lost the key to the elementary school, and Vova found it and gave it to us. He did a good deed.

Comes from Friendship child - brings a message for the Lesakovs, look.


The note says: “I don’t want you to be kind and help other people, look for a signal” (note is written on red paper).

Children should think about the written text in the note and refute this inscription.

Educator: Do you guys want to be kind ???

Children: answer in unison - "YES"

Educator: then we go to prove that we are good.

In the Lesakov family, balls are hung (red, yellow, green), you need to find a red ball. The teacher reminds that the note is a signal.

  • First task: There is a computer in the found room, you need to pass the Kindness test. After passing, they get the word - kindness but in order to move to the next level, children must find a signal. This is a note on yellow paper that says "You will never be kind."

Children should think about the written text in the note and refute this inscription. They are looking for where the 2nd task will take place (a room on the door of which a yellow ball weighs).

Look in the app - test "Kindness"

  • The second task: In the found room you need to guess riddles about kindness and from them make a crossword puzzle. After passing, they get the word - peace ... In the room they find a note on green paper that says "Evil will win."

Look in the app - riddles

  • Third assignment: Book

You need to find a word in the book.

Educator: Guys, there are books in front of you. We need to find the book of Krylov I.A. "Fables".

P. 60 1 letter in the 2nd word of the title, page 35 4 word 1 letter, page 103 5 letter in the 2nd word of the title, page 162 last letter of the 2nd word of the title, page 113 title of the picture 1 word 3 letter, page 16 10 word 1 letter.

(word - will save)

In the room they find a note on blue paper that says "Collect the expression."

The children return to the playroom and collect the expression “Kindness will save the world” and ponder on that expression.


Equipment: computer, books, balloons, crossword


  1. Nikolaeva N.V. "Educational quest projects as a method and means of developing students' information activity skills."
  2. Panfilova A.P. Innovative pedagogical technologies: Active learning: textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. institutions / A.P. Panfilov. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", - 2009. - 192 p.


Don't blame each other

Better soon ... (sorry).

How beautiful it is

Kind word ... (thank you).

The boy is polite and developed

Says, meeting ... (hello).

On the test he will write off,

It's always easy to chat with him.

If necessary, he will give advice,

Knows my every secret.

He shares his joy with me,

Always a mountain for me.

If trouble happens suddenly,

A faithful one will help me ... (friend)

We will help each other in trouble,

We do our homework and play together

Together we go for a walk, to the store.

When you are not there, then I am alone.

Come soon, I miss you

I don't even play with my favorite tank.

I really need communication with you,

And you also need a man's ... (friendship)

Everyone has it

Who forgets about adversity.

You want to sing and have fun

She is loved, like sweetness.

She is our joy, ... (JOY).

Pimenova Evgeniya Alexandrovna
Position: educator of the 1st qualification category
Educational institution: MDOU "Ust-Kulomsk kindergarten number 7" Golubok "
Locality: With. Ust-Kulom
Material name: methodical development
Topic: Quest game "On the road of good"
Date of publication: 14.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Quest game in the preparatory group "By the Way of Good"

Compiled by: Pimenova Evgeniya Aleksandrovna, MDOU "Ust-Kulomsk kindergarten № 7" Golubok "



Learn to properly assess your own behavior and the behavior of others;

Reinforce with children the concepts of "positive" and "negative" actions, as well as the ability

analyze them;

Learn to express your thoughts and defend your point of view.

Introducing children to the new concept of tolerance and its meaning


Develop the ability to analyze the actions of the characters from the material read, speech, teach clearly

answer the questions


To cultivate a friendly, tolerant attitude towards each other;

Arouse the desire to do good deeds.


Controlling motor activity

Removal of emotional and nervous tension through physical minutes.


Matryoshka with a letter, a seven-color flower, musical accompaniment, schematic cards, TV, laptop,

tray with ice cubes, polar bear, baseball cap, baked goods, cinema, presentation


Integration: in all areas of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Organized activity progress:

Music from the cartoon "Seven-color flower" is played.

Q: Children, This morning, when I was going to work, I saw such a picture in the yard.

Two boys-brawlers

Not played in any way

Not football, not a ball

Not with a book

Don't want to be friends

They swung their fists,

Tears smear on my face

And they shout: "Now I will beat you"

Q: This is not from our group, what do you think?

D: (children's answers ..)

Q: Can you call them friends?

Q: How should friends relate to each other?

Q: now, after listening to you, I realized that really in our group girls and boys can

Suddenly, a balloon with a letter flies into the group. Educator: Wow! What a surprise!

The ball is bursting, and there is a note inside.

"Dear Guys!

I know that you love fairy tales. But in my Kingdom of fairy tales, a disaster struck. Strong north

the wind scattered all the petals of the flower - the seven-flower. Help me find them, otherwise trouble will happen in the world

fairy tales, all the evil heroes will defeat the good ones and destroy our world. If you agree to help, then the hint

on cards with pictures. Arrange them in the same order as in a fairy tale. This will be

your card. She will help you find 7 stations. If you do it right and collect all 7

petals, then you will guess the magic word that hides the flower - the seven-flower.

With gratitude, King of the Kingdom of Fairy Tales "

Educator: Let's help the Kingdom of Fairy Tales.

Educator: Then let's remember the fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower", we recently read it with you, and rightly so

we will arrange cards with pictures.

Where do you think we will go first?

Children: To the Bakery!

Educator: Right!

1 station. For us here is the task "Fairy-tale characters".

I will read you excerpts from fairy tales familiar to you, and you say what actions you have done

this or that hero.

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

Hearing all this noise, a man leaned out from behind the stage, so terrible in appearance that it was possible

stiff with horror at the very sight of him.

His thick, unkempt beard dragged across the floor, his bulging eyes rotated, his huge mouth clanged

teeth, as if it were not a man, but a crocodile. In his hand he held a seven-tailed whip.

It was the owner of the puppet theater, Doctor of Puppet Science Signor Karabas Barabas.

- Ha-ha-ha, gu-gu-gu! - he roared at Buratino. - So it was you who interfered with the presentation of my beautiful

He grabbed Buratino, carried him to the pantry of the theater and hung him on a nail. When he returned, he threatened the dolls

a seven-tailed whip to continue the show.

We draw a conclusion with children.

Sergey Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower"

The honest merchant called his other daughter, the middle one, told her everything that happened to him, everything from

word to word, and asked if she wanted to save him from fierce death and go live with the forest beast,

miracle of the sea.

The middle daughter flatly refused and said:

Let that daughter help out her father, for whom he got the scarlet flower.

The honest merchant called his younger daughter and began to tell her everything, everything from word to word, and did not have time

to finish her speech, as her younger daughter, beloved, knelt before him, and said:

Bless me, my dear sir, my dear father: I will go to the forest beast, the miracle of the sea, and I will become

live with him. For me you got a scarlet flower, and I need to help you out.

V: Guys, what are the bad things?

Children: Bad deeds - calling names, scaring, talking rudely, being greedy, being capricious,

V: Why not do bad things?

Children: Others do not like them, upset them. You yourself become angrier.

Q: How do you understand what good deeds are?

Good deeds are helping each other, people, calling them by name, saying kind words,

take care of them, say hello when they meet, say goodbye when parting, thank for their help,

take good care of toys, furniture.

V; Why should you strive to do good deeds?

Children: Other people like them, make them happy. By doing good deeds, a person does good, and

he himself becomes kinder.

V: Well done boys!

A petal with the letter "is glued under the table. D")

Educator: Where do we go now?

2 station. Home to the girl Zhenya.

(Children go to the table with a vase)

Educator: What do you think, what task should we complete? (evaluate the actions of children .)

On a magnetic board, you need to pick up pictures for them and come up with rules.

(A petal with the letter " O". Children find it and put it on an easel)

Educator: To what next station are we heading?

3 station. To the North Pole (on the floor where there is snow on the tray)

Educator: Tell, guys, that the most bitter thing can be heard from friends, adults.

Children speak up.

Q: Trust me again -

More offensive, rude word. (R. Talipov). But we will not speak evil words, but remember the proverbs about

good and evil. want to play Game "Say a word". ... I'll start, and you end, in unison together


1. A cruel person is cruel and punishes.

2. A cruel temper will not be right.

3. Follow the evil - slide into the abyss, follow the good - climb the mountain.

4. The evil one cries with envy, and the good one with joy.

5. The evil one disappears, but the good does not die

6. The wicked teach the evil, and the good teach the good.

Well done, you liked the proverbs and sayings. What are they about? What are they teaching us? And where is hidden

next petal?

Children: We think under a tray. (Find a petal with a letter " B"and put on an easel)


4 station... Where do you think we will go?

Children: answer to the station "polar bear"

Educator: Let's see what task awaits us here.

Fizminutka- "Mirilka"

Stop fighting and getting angry (children have their backs to each other)

Well, let's put up soon! (turns, joins hands)

Away, resentment, go away (wave their hands)

Friendship awaits us ahead! (hold hands)

Educator: Where can the petal be hidden?

(Children look under the chairs and find a petal with a letter " R". Children attach a letter to


Where are we going now?

5 station. To toys! 1 presentation slide is posted on the screen (read immediately


Educator (explains the meaning of the word "tolerance) 2 slide and further,

Q: Do you understand what tolerance is? Let's let's play and check: "Are you tolerant?"

How are you at home ... For example: Little brother broke your toy ...

You forgive him, he did it inadvertently ...

You hit him ...

What will you do?

You quarreled with your sister ...

You are trying to explain to her ...

You take offense and take revenge on her for this ...

What will you do?

Educator: Let's make a wish for all children in the world. (For all children to smile, be

healthy, all their dreams come true)

Fly, fly petal.

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground

Be in my opinion led!

O"under the toys and attach the letter to the easel)

Educator: Look, we have two trials left. What will we choose?

6 station. Empty table. Because Zhenya refused toys, she had to spend on it

desire is another petal.

Educator: Here is the game "Yes, no". I will ask questions, and you answer "yes-yes-yes" or "no-no-

Will we be good friends? Yes

To cherish our friendship? Yes

Will we learn to play? Yes

Will we help a friend? Yes

Do you need to piss a friend off? No

And give a smile? Yes

Is a friend worth offending? No

Do you need to support a friend? Yes

And will we live together? Yes

Educator: Well done! Very friendly guys! How many petals we still need to find.

(Children find a petal with a letter under the table "T"

Educator :

7 station. Guys, how does the fairy tale end? How does the tale end? Who can

belong this baseball cap?

Children: How Zhenya spends his last petal on a lame boy

Children: Therefore, we think that the baseball cap belongs to the boy Vita

(Children find a petal with a letter " A"and are attached to the easel. They compose the word" Kindness ")

Educator: There are some emoticons here, but they are empty. Let's try to figure it out.

(Children are encouraged to take two emoticons and draw a smile and sadness.

I ask questions, and the children evaluate themselves.

How do you think you coped with the assignment?

From which emoticon was raised, I ask a question

Q: Why did you bring up a sad face emoticon? Why did you bring up an emoticon with a smile?

Q: Why did we succeed?

Children: Because we were all together.

We coped with the tasks correctly: we collected all the petals and made up the word "Kindness") and helped

To the king of the kingdom of fairy tales. What topic do you think our trip was devoted to?

People need to be kinder, never swear, because the most important thing in the world in this world is kindness "

To be kind is to give

Warmth to others.

To be kind is to understand

And loved ones and strangers

And sometimes you don't know the joy

Taking care of others.

The game "Pyramid" from the hands fold the pyramid and say the motto "Hurry to do good!"

Oksana Vizirova
Scenario of the quest "Day of Kindness" for senior and preparatory groups



Motivate children to commit good deeds, kind deeds for the benefit of other people.


1. To educate kindness, responsiveness, friendliness, desire to do something for other people, to benefit them.

2. Improve communication skills: the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express their opinion, show benevolence.

3. Contribute to emotional, spiritual, moral and intellectual development.

4. Develop self-confidence and self-confidence.

5. To form in children a positive attitude towards all people.

Leading: Invented by someone simply and wisely when meeting greet: « Good morning Good morning! The sun and the birds. Good morning! Smiling faces. And everyone becomes Kind, let the gullible Kind morning lasts until evening. - good day,

dear children and adults! Hello!

Leading: Do you know what « kindness» ?

What is the opposite word? Right "evil"... And what kind of evil children are there? What are they doing?

Leading: What do you want to be? And for this you need to complete tasks and go QUEST Is a quest adventure game. Do you want to travel? And what tasks we learn from this magic envelope. the game " Good words".

We stand in a circle, pass the ball in a circle and look into the eyes say: « good morning… etc.

The game "Tell me a word".

Leading: I'll start, and you finish, answer in unison in chorus.

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word (Thank you)... Will turn green old tree stump when he hears ... (good day) .

The boy, polite and developed, speaks when meeting ... (Hello)

When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (I'm sorry)

And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (goodbye)

Leading: And I want to politely to ask: please play a game "To everyone who grows polite"... All children stand in a circle. One goes round and round. Together they say: Anyone who grows polite will not pass by a friend. Even in the worst haste "Hello!" he will pronounce. The one behind whose back the presenter stops, leaves the circle. They run in different directions, when they meet, they quickly shake hands.

2. task: « Good deeds»

Leading: guess the riddle

At the Paper Birds

One hundred wings - pages.


Leading: Right, guys, this is a book and now we will go….

If you want to become smart

To find all the books of the century

Come to. The library

Leading: Right! We will go to fulfill Kind business in our children's library!

Here is the task we will help to fix the books.

Manual labor "Glue the pages of books"

Leading: Well done! We did an excellent job and helped the books. And here is another book asking for our help. Collected here good heroes and evil, only they are mixed and it is necessary to decompose them according to fairy tales.

3. Assignment: "Guess good heroes

A fairy tale to us good, the one who knows - he will understand!

Guess the riddles

Heals small children

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Kind doctor. (Aibolit)

He's just a villain

This (Barmaley)

Wooden boy

It makes a noise like a drum

A favorite of adults and children,

Any inventor of inventions,

A long nose will deftly show

Instead of a nose, not a carrot!

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Middle-aged man

Very long beard!

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina,

Does any of you know

Who is this? (Karabas)

I fly in a mortar - kidnap children

In a hut on a chicken

I live on my leg

Crochet nose, upright eyes

Who am I? (Baba Yaga)

Everyone is waiting for him in winter

They kind, he is not evil,

Overgrown with a beard up to the eyes.

Red-cheeked (Father Frost)

In a fairy tale he was born gray,

Everyone is afraid - like fire!

All the animals scattered

They hid from me in the house!

Suddenly there was a snapping sound with his teeth.

Angry, terrible, gray…. (Wolf)

Of these little children

The wolf offended - ate it, the villain!

Only one survived

The wolf didn't get caught in the teeth.

He told his mother everything

he showed all his brothers

Who are they gray?

If you know, name (Kids)

He lived in a poultry house, he was afraid

That the turkey laughed at him,

After all, no one knew that he

Born as a white swan. (Ugly duck)

This girl is hardworking

Very kind and very beautiful,

Suddenly she got to the ball,

I lost my shoe on the step. (Cinderella).

Well done, guys, they answered the riddles, and you all know fairy tales!

Leading: I propose to warm up a little.

The game "Don't be mistaken, please!"- I will ask you to complete the tasks, but you need to complete them only when I call "Magic" word. -Stand up please! -Hands up! -Be kind, clap your hands! -Sit down! -Jump, please! - Bend over! - Trample, please! -Hands forward! -Please smile at each other! -Be kind, sit down!

4. Assignment: "Let's help the kids"

Let everyone in the world know, we good all children, we are in the kindergarten we live: we play and draw, count and dance, laugh and sing. We live merrily!

Leading: Let's give the kids the crafts that we made for them! (applique "Chamomile")

5. Assignment: "Let's help the birds"

Leading: And we will complete the next task on the street, we will carry and fill all the feeders on our site with food for the birds.

6. Task: "Let's help the janitor clear the snow."


Kindness is needed for all people,

Let more kind will be.

They don't say in vain when they meet

« good day» and « good evening» .

And it's not for nothing that we have

Wish "V good hour» .

Kindness - it is from the century

Human decoration ...

Leading: Very much we are today tried have time to do a lot kind deeds and as a reward you all get a medal kindness!

Let's do good deeds more often! Each day!

And if you come up with your own good deeds... Share with us!

Related publications:

The song "Day of Knowledge" sounds. The grain. Children go to the hall. Host: Hello, my friends, How glad I am to meet you! You have grown up.

Scenario of initiation into volunteers "By the Way of Kindness" for children of senior and preparatory groups The scenario of initiation into volunteers with the presentation of ties "By the Way of Good" The scenario is intended for children of senior and preparatory groups p.

Synopsis of the quest-lesson "In the footsteps of a tourist" for children of the preparatory and senior groups Purpose: the formation of self-service skills and independence in the course of play activities Objectives: to maintain and strengthen the health of preschoolers;

Entertainment scenario for senior, preparatory groups "Knowledge Day with Fixies" Entertainment "Knowledge Day with Fixies" The hall is decorated with balloons and autumn leaves. The wall is decorated with the inscription "September 1", a school bell.

Svetlana Boychenko
Quest of good deeds in kindergarten, timed to coincide with the Day of spontaneous acts of kindness

QUEST OF GOOD WORKS in kindergarten

Lesson in the form of an adventure game - quest(with back execution) for children of middle and senior preschool age, dedicated to the Day of spontaneous manifestation of KIND.

Participants: children of the middle group No. 5 MBDOU No. 121, Rostov-on-Don, group educator S. N. Boychenko

PURPOSE: To summarize children's ideas about kindness as a valuable quality of a person, to develop social feelings, mutual assistance. To form friendly relationships, a conscious attitude to social norms of behavior, to develop the skills of cooperation, communication in everyday life. Improve the skills of cultural communication with peers, following speech etiquette. Create a positive emotional background in children's team.


Educational: to reveal the essence of concepts « good» and « kindness» , « good deeds» ;

Speech: activate the children's vocabulary (good, joy, happiness, care, attention);

Developing: develop in children logical thinking, imagination and attention, instill interest in a new form of play activity (quest game) .

Educational: to form an idea in children about kindness, bring up kind feelings for people around, help children understand that everyone needs love and benevolent attitude.



Do not be afraid to give warming words,

AND do good deeds!

The more wood you put in the fire,

The more heat you take.

Educator: Today is not an easy day for us, we will fulfill good assignments... Do you know what it is « kindness» ?

Children's answers: these are actions, this behavior, these are smiles on their faces.

Educator: What is the opposite word? Right "evil"... And what kind of evil children are there? What are they doing?

Children's answers: they fight, break toys, they have bad behavior, do not obey….

Educator: Who do you want to be? And for this you need to complete tasks and go QUEST Is a quest adventure game. Do you want to travel? And what tasks we learn from this magic envelope.


« Kind the sun is up again: Kind morning we must say! "

Educator: And who knows the proverbs about kindness:


A kind word heals, evil cripples.

Kind words are more valuable than wealth.

Per good deeds pay with good.

Clothes do not paint a person, but him good deeds.

Do not boast in silver, but boast good.

Who doing good God will repay that.


Purify the air

They create coziness,

They turn green on the windows

Bloom all year round.

Educator: That's right, these are flowers and we will go to a natural corner to do Kind business - we will take care of flowers.

Labor activity in a natural corner.


Let everyone in the world know, we good all children, we are in the kindergarten we live: we play and draw, count and dance, laugh and sing. We live merrily!

Gift for toddlers "Ladybug"


We will open the wonderland

And meet the heroes

In lines

On the pieces of paper

Where are the stations on the points.


Educator: Right, guys, this is a book and now we will go….

If you want to become smart

To find all the books of the century

Come to. The library

Educator: Right! We will go to fulfill good deed to our children's library!

Educator: Here is the task, we will help to heal books for kids.

Manual labor "Glue the pages of books"

Librarian: I thank you for your Kind business and I suggest you get acquainted with the new book, but it is not simple.

Educator: Thank you, but what is its mystery?

Librarian: Collected here good heroes and evil, only they are mixed and it is necessary to decompose them according to fairy tales.


A fairy tale to us good, the one who knows - he will understand!

Guess the riddles

Heals small children

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Kind doctor. (Aibolit)

He's just a villain

This (Barmaley)

Wooden boy

It makes a noise like a drum

A favorite of adults and children,

Any inventor of inventions,

A long nose will deftly show

Instead of a nose, not a carrot!

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Middle-aged man

Very long beard!

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina,

Does any of you know

Who is this? (Karabas)

I fly in a mortar - kidnap children

In a hut on a chicken

I live on my leg

Crochet nose, upright eyes

Who am I? (Baba Yaga)

Everyone is waiting for him in winter

They kind, he is not evil,

Overgrown with a beard up to the eyes.

Red-cheeked (Father Frost)

In a fairy tale he was born gray,

Everyone is afraid - like fire!

All the animals scattered

They hid from me in the house!

Suddenly there was a snapping sound with his teeth.

Angry, terrible, gray…. (Wolf)

Of these little children

The wolf offended - ate it, the villain!

Only one survived

The wolf didn't get caught in the teeth.

He told his mother everything

he showed all his brothers

Who are they gray?

If you know, name (Kids)

He lived in a poultry house, he was afraid

That the turkey laughed at him,

After all, no one knew that he

Born as a white swan. (Ugly duck)

This girl is hardworking

Very kind and very beautiful,

Suddenly she got to the ball,

I lost my shoe on the step. (Cinderella).

Well done, guys, they answered the riddles, and you all know fairy tales!

Educator: I propose to warm up a little.

We spend physical minutes E. Zheleznova

"Come on, get down to business sooner, work will go more fun,

Adults will now see how each of us works.

We wipe dust everywhere, we even crawl under the table,

And then we wipe it, and there we wipe it, we'll find it under the sofa.

Together we water the flowers, and we are not forget:

There is one flower, we will pour the second flower with cool water.

We love to sweep the floor and we sweep it twice a day,

We sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep, we do not get tired a bit.

Mom said: “I will wash the dishes without help,

Like this, like this, like this, like this, I can't wait in any way. "


Labor activity on the street

To be kind at all, it's not easy at all,

Does not depend kindness from growth,

Does not depend kindness from color.

Kindness is not a carrot, not candy.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness from the cold will warm you,

You just need be kind

And in trouble do not forget each other.

If kindness like the sun shines

Adults and Children are happy.


Educator: Everything that we did today, we will issue in "Collage good deeds» and get these medals kindness for participating in the game!


Kindness is needed for all people,

Let more kind will be.

They don't say in vain when they meet

« good day» and « good evening» .

And it's not for nothing that we have

Wish "V good hour» .

Kindness - it is from the century

Human decoration ...