Who took phenazepam in the first trimester. Pregnancy and tranquilizers

Phenazepam is a benzodiazepine tranquilizer, one of the most effective drugs in its group. It is prescribed for mental illnesses accompanied by anxiety and insomnia. Neurologists use phenazepam for convulsive syndromes, narcologists - to treat alcohol dependence, and anesthesiologists - before administering anesthesia.

This medication is used everywhere, despite the fact that it is a rather dangerous drug. He has a large number of side effects and contraindications. The latter includes pregnancy and breastfeeding. You can read the complete list of contraindications in the instructions for the medicinal substance.

Is it possible to prescribe for pregnant women?

Pregnancy is one of the strict contraindications to the use of this tranquilizer. There are drugs that can be prescribed if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. refers to those medicinal substances that are not used even in this case.

The consequences of its use in women in early and early pregnancy later have been studied quite well. Most studies were conducted in the USA. In this country, this medicine belongs to two the last groups risk for pregnant women. All medicinal substances that are sold in pharmacies around the world belong to one of six risk categories. Category A - the most safe means, they can be assigned to everyone. Category B - products whose risk has not been proven; they can also be used. Category C - the danger is questionable, used only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the possible negative consequences.

The last two categories D and X are the most dangerous substances, the risk of which has been proven through research. The United States included phenazepam in these two groups. When used in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, the development of congenital anomalies in the child, such as cleft palate, is possible. Spontaneous abortions and stillbirths are also possible.

Phenazepam is prescribed to pregnant women only in the most desperate situations. For example, in the case of severe alcohol dependence or severe epilepsy. In this case, it is recommended to terminate the pregnancy.

Prescription of phenazepam in the third trimester

The use of the product before childbirth has a number of features. At this time, the fetus is already fully formed. He cannot experience severe developmental disorders, since the main tissues and organs are already functioning. Moreover, in this period it is impossible to attack spontaneous abortion. This process is already called premature birth. In this case, the newborn may be quite viable.

However, even despite all this, phenazepam can be used in the third trimester only in exceptional cases.

For example, if other means do not bring the desired effect, and without drugs there is a danger of losing two lives at once. As a rule, this happens with epilepsy. It should be taken into account that the medicine penetrates through the placenta to the fetus, which can cause developmental delays and heartbeat disturbances. Newborns from mothers taking phenazepam often have hypotension, bradycardia, they breathe worse and refuse to breastfeed. All this can lead to serious health problems for the baby. There are cases where children developed phenazepam withdrawal syndrome six months after birth.

Phenazepam for nursing

Pregnant women should not use phenazepam, since it passes through the placenta and affects the fetus; it is also not recommended for women after childbirth. During lactation, those drugs that penetrate into milk and affect the baby are prohibited. These substances include phenazepam.

If a mother is breastfeeding and takes this medicine, the baby receives it in her milk. In this case, children experience drowsiness, loss of appetite, and may experience nausea. The condition gradually worsens until coma and death.

Phenazepam is not prescribed to nursing mothers. In case of urgent need to use this particular product, it is recommended to switch to artificial feeding.

Pregnant and lactating women can take milder tranquilizers, for example, diazepam And elenium.

Many women are interested in the question of whether it is possible to take the drug Phenazepam during pregnancy. This medicine is a sedative that may inhibit some functions nervous system. At the same time, the medication has a hypnotic effect.

This drug is prescribed by doctors as an anticonvulsant. It can relax the muscular system as much as possible and suppress reflexes. You can buy it at any pharmacy if you have a prescription from your doctor.

Is it possible to take Phenazepam during pregnancy?

In fact, this medicine is prescribed to pregnant women extremely rarely. It is recommended to be used only in cases where there is a threat to the life of the expectant mother.

"Phenazepam" during pregnancy can have a toxic effect on the body of the unborn baby, so there is a possibility of various defects at birth. Moreover, this risk will increase significantly if the woman began treatment with this drug in the first trimester of pregnancy (that is, at the very early stages).

Thus, the use of Phenazepam during pregnancy (including the third trimester) is strongly not recommended. The components included in its composition can inhibit the functioning of the central nervous system of a newborn baby. In most cases, doctors will be able to select safer analogues for their patients.

One more nuance. If a woman uses the drug “Phenazepam” during pregnancy, from the beginning to the end of its course, then most often the child develops some kind of dependence syndrome. Therefore, after giving birth you will also have to deal with this problem.

When is the drug prescribed?

Doctors still prescribe Phenazepam during pregnancy in some cases. In fact, this drug copes well with the following pathologies:

Neurological diseases associated with insomnia, nervous irritation and constant anxiety;

The medicine works well in eliminating the withdrawal syndrome that occurs after stopping alcohol;

If a pregnant woman has epileptic and other seizures.

Do not take this medicine on your own under any circumstances! The consequences can be sad not only for you, but also for your baby. The regimen, dosage and duration of treatment can only be determined by your attending physician. The drug is usually administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Sometimes it is prescribed in tablet form.

Important nuances

"Phenazepam" during pregnancy can cause an addictive effect in a very short time. Therefore, for maximum safety of its use, the dosage should be very gradually increased, and then also gradually reduced. In this case, the course of treatment should not exceed two weeks. Otherwise, there is a very high risk of addiction.

Side effects

"Phenazepam" during pregnancy in the early stages, just like in later stages, can manifest itself with negative side. Before you start using this product, be sure to familiarize yourself with possible adverse reactions.

Please note that this remedy may cause allergic reactions, manifested in the form of itching, redness and rash on the skin.

Phenazepam can also have a negative effect on organs digestive system. Some patients noticed symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Also, the active components of the drug negatively affect the circulatory system. The number of platelets, leukocytes and red blood cells in the blood may significantly decrease.

There have also been cases of urinary incontinence or, conversely, retention.

Some women experienced very frequent mood swings - from depressive to enchanting.

Emergency cases

Such preliminary preparation will promote good relaxation before insertion general anesthesia. Thanks to this, a pregnant woman can calm down. The feeling of anxiety will disappear without a trace, and the functioning of the endocrine glands will normalize.

The use of this drug before anesthesia will enhance the effect of the latter.

"Phenazepam": instructions

During pregnancy, this drug is used, as you might understand, only in the most extreme cases. Its use in the early stages may increase the risk of birth defects. In the later stages of pregnancy, there is a possibility of depression of the nervous system of the unborn baby.

The dosage will be selected by the doctor purely individually. However, most often, experienced specialists replace this drug with safer analogues.

Reviews from patients and doctors

Of course, doctors prescribe this remedy to their pregnant patients extremely rarely. Most often, this is done with the aim of calming and relieving anxiety before the birth itself. Patients who experienced the effect of this medicine were generally satisfied. The anxiety really disappeared, and quality healthy sleep began.

When using the product during caesarean section the operation was successful. After anesthesia, the women quickly recovered and felt great. However, adverse reactions such as allergies, nausea, vomiting and dizziness were also observed.

During pregnancy, the product should be used very carefully and only under the strict supervision of a doctor.


Particular caution should be taken when taking the drug during severe depression, as the drug can be used to carry out suicidal intentions. The product should be used very carefully in weakened patients.

Persons suffering from liver and kidney failure, while undergoing a course of treatment with the drug "Phenazepam", need to undergo regular examinations and monitor the levels of liver enzymes, as well as the condition of the blood.

The frequency of side effects and their intensity depend on general condition the patient, as well as his sensitivity to the components of the drug included in the composition. Usually, when the dosage is reduced or the medication is completely discontinued, all side effects completely disappear.

Please note that if used for too long, this drug can cause addiction. Therefore, you need to start taking it and stop taking it very smoothly and carefully. If you stop treatment very abruptly, withdrawal syndrome may occur, since the body has already become accustomed to the active components.

Do not drink alcohol during pregnancy under any circumstances, especially if you are undergoing treatment with this drug. Phenazepam can significantly enhance the effect of alcohol on the body.


The drug "Phenazepam" during pregnancy (reviews about the drug are direct confirmation of this), if it is prescribed by a doctor and all risks are taken into account, it copes well with its tasks. However, it must be used extremely carefully. You should not prescribe this medication yourself. This can only be done by a doctor after conducting a special examination and passing the relevant tests.

During pregnancy, a course of treatment with Phenazepam can still be prescribed, but only if it does not pose a threat to the life of the baby or his mother.

The medicine can be used once before a cesarean section for pregnant women. In this case, the drug can provide positive effect. The level of anxiety will decrease and a state of full, healthy sleep will occur. The drug also enhances the effect of anesthesia and allows you to come out of it in a more normal state. Treat yourself correctly and lead healthy image life. Be healthy!

During pregnancy, women quite often experience feelings of anxiety, unreasonable fear, restlessness, and are tormented by prolonged insomnia and Bad mood during the day. Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question of whether pregnant women can take sleeping pills and sedatives to calm the nervous system, such as Phenazepam? Let's figure out whether Phenazepam can be taken during pregnancy.

Phenazepam is a sedative, vasoconstrictor drug that belongs to the group of tranquilizers and is available only with a prescription and as prescribed by the attending physician. It has a sedative effect and can inhibit some functions of the central nervous system. Phenazepam acts on the body as a sleeping pill, relaxes muscles, suppressing reflexes, eliminates convulsions, and relieves nervous tension. After taking the drug, fears, anxiety, and concern go away, and the person does not experience hallucinations or delusional ideas.

When is Phenazepam prescribed?

A sedative may be prescribed for the following disorders of the nervous system:

  • Insomnia, anxiety, fears and phobias.
  • Convulsions, epilepsy, nervous tics.
  • CNS disorders ( panic attacks, psychosis, obsessions, schizophrenia).
  • Alcohol withdrawal.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Release form

Phenazepam is available by prescription and is available in the form of tablets and ampoules, which are used for intramuscular injections and droppers.

Contraindications to Phenazepam

Phenazepam is a toxic drug and has a number of contraindications for use:

  1. Prohibited in case of severe alcohol poisoning, overdose of sleeping pills and sedatives that are dangerous to the patient’s life.
  2. The drug is not prescribed for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute respiratory failure.
  3. The drug can aggravate the condition of a patient with severe depression, which is accompanied by suicidal tendencies.
  4. At hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug causes allergic reactions in the form of redness and itching of the skin.
  5. It is prohibited for children under 18 years of age; it is prescribed to pregnant women in rare cases if there is a threat to the woman’s life.
  6. Should be taken with caution in case of liver and kidney failure.

Side effects of Phenazepam

Phenazepam has a depressant effect on the nervous system and causes drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue. In addition, the patient may experience disorientation, absent-mindedness, and deterioration of memory and vision. An overdose of the drug is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders, and tachycardia.

Phenazepam during pregnancy

During pregnancy, Phenazepam is prescribed extremely rarely, when strictly necessary and only under the supervision of the attending physician. The drug has a high degree of toxicity and affects the development of the fetus. Components medicinal product inhibit the work of the central nervous system of the unborn child:

  • The use of Phenazepam in the first trimester of pregnancy is especially dangerous - it increases the risk of developing various malformations in the baby.
  • Phenazepam is prescribed with caution during pregnancy in the second trimester.
  • Taking the medicine in the third trimester, before childbirth, has negative consequences for the newborn, which are expressed in a decrease in blood pressure and a decrease in the baby’s overall body temperature. Therefore, taking Phenazepam in the third trimester is extremely dangerous.

As a rule, doctors select safer analogues for pregnant patients. When prescribing Phenazepam, the attending physician selects an individual treatment regimen, dosage and determines the duration of the drug. The course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks, as the body becomes accustomed to the active substance of the drug. Self-administration of medication, such as a sleeping pill or sedative during pregnancy, unacceptable!

Important! If a woman used the drug throughout pregnancy, then Phenazepam causes addiction in the child in the womb. The fetus develops a so-called “dependency syndrome,” which will have to be dealt with after the birth of the baby.

Phenazepam during pregnancy: reviews

Most often, Phenazepam is prescribed to those patients who experience panic, causeless anxiety and nervousness before childbirth to relieve anxiety and calm the nervous system. expectant mother. Women who took Phenazepam once a week during pregnancy noted that their condition improved significantly, fears and phobias went away, and healthy and restful sleep returned to normal. Phenazepam is often prescribed before a caesarean section in order to relax the body before the introduction of anesthesia. However, in some cases, adverse reactions to the drug were observed: nausea, dizziness, vomiting.

Phenazepam – strong sedative, which is taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor. The drug is effective in removing high level anxiety, fear, phobias, calms the nervous system and allows you to fall asleep fully. If treatment is necessary, the dosage is selected individually, since the drug has a number of contraindications and undesirable side effects for the mother and fetus. Phenazepam is especially dangerous during early pregnancy, as it has a negative effect on the development of the baby, causing severe defects in the fetal nervous system. Take care of yourself and your baby!


Yes, I don't remember the dosage

What can you say about tazepam?

Do you think it is more toxic than phenazepam? I can’t find categories for phenazepam on foreign websites, because... He is Russian. But oxazepam seems to be used during pregnancy, as the drug of choice among benzodiazepines in Europe...
I looked at the molecules on Wikipedia, I’m not a chemist, correct me if I’m wrong, but phenazepam’s composition is more similar to bromazepam; on European websites bromazepam is considered more toxic.

At the same time, I found information on Russian websites that phenazepam cannot be compared with bromazepam, and phenazepam is less toxic... What do you think?
I'm going completely crazy because of the inability to compare these drugs, the lack of real information, I even have insomnia.

We really want a child, but it’s so scary, and I don’t know if I can do it without pills at all, at least for the 1st trimester...
It is very undesirable to become pregnant while on phenazepam.

Theoretically, you can get pregnant with anything, but will you get a normal baby, that is the question. I think so too. You can definitely do it without pills; your whole worldview changes, you already have a different perspective on things. True, only during pregnancy. And then, when you worry about the baby, your panic goes away, believe me. In addition, it helps to realize that you are pregnant, this is a hormonal change, roughly speaking, I blamed many things on it and didn’t worry about it anymore. Buy a big one good book
like “Waiting for the Baby,” which describes, among other things, the well-being of a pregnant woman week by week. It helped me a lot. You read and understand that the same thing is happening to you as with all pregnant women, and you are no longer afraid of tachycardia, blood pressure, or anxiety, because... the reason is clear.

As for tazepam, I heard that it is more toxic, I try not to drink it, and for me, for example, it is weaker.
Lenusik, thank you for your support. I will hope!
The forum also helps, I’ve read a lot here, I feel like I’m not the only one....
It’s also good that people don’t write all sorts of horror stories, but simply support each other and give advice.
As for tazepam, I also heard that it is more toxic, but also “lighter” in action.

I took phenozepam very often in the first half of pregnancy. 1 mg sublingually. plus I drank the banned amitriptyline. I tried to refuse, but it happened that I returned to them. And at 20 weeks, the gynecologist himself prescribed me phenozepam. and as much as 2 mg per day. I have about the same condition as you.
Now I’m sitting with my daughter in my arms and writing this message to you. we are 2.5 months old. we have no vices. We are developing according to age and everything is normal!!!

Oh, thank you very much for this message! I even felt a little better, although I’m not pregnant yet. Besides the first trimester, did you probably also take phenazepam during pregnancy?

yes throughout pregnancy


I understand that I’m comparing my butt to a finger... But... I put vasoconstrictor drops into my nose throughout my pregnancy. that my miscarriage is 100% guaranteed...

There has only been one pregnancy in my life... Because... I have serious hormonal disorders, early pathological menopause... My child is just a miracle, one chance... What would happen to me now if I had decided to have an abortion at one time...


Vasoconstrictor drops, yes, are not recommended... Do they affect the entire body? But I also dripped several times, because... I can’t survive sinusitis without them.
I’ve never even heard of such a hormone.

Message from Veronica
I understand that I’m comparing my butt to a finger... But... I put vasoconstrictor drops into my nose throughout my pregnancy. that my miscarriage is 100% guaranteed...
My son will soon be 18.. Due to the constant threat of miscarriage (theoretical!), at 20-23 weeks I was prescribed the hormone turinal.. After giving birth, I came across information about the dangers of this hormone.. Tough.. There is even the term turinal children.. As far as I I know, now it is generally prohibited during pregnancy..
I think no one will give you a guaranteed answer to this question.. No doctor, no medical information.. This is your responsibility and your risk..
And..I know what a depressive-anxious nightmare is in dry conditions..without trunks..It’s very difficult..But it’s possible to endure it for the first 3 months..It’s another matter what is “better”: trunks or this terrifying state ..
There has only been one pregnancy in my life... Because... I have serious hormonal disorders, early pathological menopause... My child is just a miracle, one chance... What would happen to me now if I had decided to have an abortion at one time...

What's wrong with vasoconstrictor drops? Well, it’s harmful, but not as bad. Fortunately, I did not come across such information. I had dripping throughout my pregnancy, what can you do - vasomotor-allergic rhinitis all my life. By the way, how do you plan to get rid of them? Still, it is harmful both for the mucous membrane and for the blood vessels. And for pregnancy it is much more harmful to breathe poorly, because then the fetus will be oxygen starved, and this is really good.

Girls, a very effective method to get off naphthyzin and the like. Take a bottle (15 ml) of the same naphthyzine. And then mix naphthyzin 3 ml and Pinosol 10 ml (one bottle) in it and drip calmly. There is no addiction to this mixture; it is prescribed when people are forced to drip for a very long time. It works great, just like pure naphthyzine, but the concentration is completely different. Apparently, due to the oil, it is not strongly absorbed into the blood, but it is enough for the blood vessels to narrow on the surface and relieve swelling. Give it a try. Lately, when I get snotty, I generally mix just 1 ml of naphthyzine + 1 ml of water + 10 Pinosol and still have the same effect. And Pinosol is a herbal drug that is not a vasodilator. There was a time when I sat so tightly on naphthyzine that my nose couldn’t breathe without it.

I know that this is my responsibility and risk, i.e. my husband and I. I don't have children and I want at least one, I don't even think about a second pregnancy. I'm already 30 years old.
I may not have explained it well above, but I DO NOT have depression, I have agoraphobia with panic attacks, depersonalization and various phobias. I can’t leave the house without taking pills... and I feel bad at home, plus the whole bouquet of vegetarians. Phenazepam relieves this condition and normalizes autonomics... I think that’s why my blood pressure doesn’t go down, it’s still more of a depression.
I registered on the forum and want to find out as much information as possible, real stories(statistics or something, not in theory), this is important to me, because I am sure that there are a lot of girls who have similar problems, and want a child, and pills... but there is no guarantee, even for healthy girls without pills .....
And I am very grateful to everyone who answers my message. Believe me, when you read that another girl gave birth to a healthy baby and took the same pills as me, it gives incentive and motivation.... Because... a few months ago I was only thinking about the Baby House...And now I see (having studied a bunch of sites and articles) that there are girls in Russia, and in Europe, and in the States who give birth on benzodiazepines...Thus for I got a chance.
Perhaps these messages will also help someone else...
Because When I first started looking for this exact topic, I couldn’t find it...

Most patients can take phenazepam only in really difficult situations, since the drug is in fact the most powerful tranquilizer from the group of benzodiazepine drugs. Basic recommendations for taking the drug: panic attacks, deep depression (in combination with antidepressants), neuroses, severe insomnia, some forms of schizophrenia. during pregnancy it can be used in exceptional situations, because not only completely healthy people have children. It happens that many expectant mothers need good pharmacological support aimed at normalizing their mental state, because psychosis affects not only the health of the patient, but also the unborn child. Severe panic attacks often lead to miscarriage. You should find out exactly when this drug can be prescribed during pregnancy.

When is phenazepam prescribed to pregnant women?

Usually, they try not to prescribe such drugs during pregnancy, except when the patient was given phenazepam along with similar medications before conceiving a child. The only exception when phenazepam can be prescribed is seizures of epilepsy in a expectant mother or severe mental condition, requiring the use of this drug. This antipsychotic has teratogenic properties and can potentiate the occurrence of fetal deformities and congenital defects, which is especially important in the first trimester, when the formation of organs of the unborn child occurs.

The third trimester is also a temporary taboo for the use of phenazepam, otherwise the activity of the central nervous system of the fetus is greatly inhibited from the harmful effects of the drug, so it is better to prescribe safer analogues such as Relanium or clonazepam. The biggest danger for a child is not only possible damage internal organs fetus, but also that drug dependence quickly develops from the medication. As a result, the newborn becomes dependent on phenazepam in the womb, so not only the mother has to deal with the consequences of taking the medicine.

The main reasons when phenazepam is prescribed are: severe alcohol poisoning, convulsive seizures, status epilepticus, a history of schizophrenia, severe neurological disorders.

Method of use of the medicine

Pregnant women can take phenazepam only occasionally and for short periods of time, otherwise they will have to fight drug addiction. The duration of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks. First, the maximum permissible suitable dosage is prescribed, and then it is gradually reduced. Do not throw the product away suddenly. Another method of use is purely episodic, when acute attacks of psychosis occur. Preferably used during pregnancy for episodic use. For more permanent use, it is better to prescribe weaker analogues from a number of benzodiazepines. There are even mild and safe tranquilizers that do not cause much harm to the mother or child. Examples of trade names: gidazepam, mebicar, afobazole.

Side effects and overdose

In addition to drug dependence, phenazepam has a number of significant side effects. The drug is not used for liver dysfunction, because it puts a lot of stress on it. Often provokes allergic reactions in the form of itching, hives or swelling. It also worsens OBC levels and the functioning of the digestive system. A possible overdose provokes a coma.