Modeling a frog senior group. Summary of the GCD for sculpting “The Frog Princess” in the preparatory group

Master class: “The frog princess” made of plasticine.

Master class: "Frog Princess" made of plasticine for children 5-6 years old, primary classes.

Roman Voloshin, 10 years old, studying at Krasnoyarsk School No. 4, Krasnoyarsk.
Teacher: Nepomnyashchaya Yana Vardanikovna, teacher, Krasnoyarsk School No. 4, Krasnoyarsk.
Description: The material may be useful to teachers additional education, parents, teachers in preparatory group, educators and teachers primary school with children with mild mental retardation.
Purpose: craft as a gift for mom to bring her back to childhood.
Purpose: making crafts as a gift to a loved one.
- teach how to make a Princess - a frog from plasticine;
- learn to recognize and name parts of the frog’s body;
- consolidate the ability to cut along the contour, smoothly rounding;
- cultivate a desire to do work carefully;
- develop fine motor skills, imagination, creativity at work.
Materials and tools:

- sample
- scissors

- glue stick
- plasticine
- modeling board
Safety precautions when working with scissors:
- Scissors must be well adjusted and sharpened.
- Store scissors in a specific place (box or stand).
- When using scissors, be as careful and disciplined as possible.
- When passing scissors, hold them by the closed blades.
- Place the scissors on the right with the blades closed, pointing away from you.
- When cutting, the narrow blade of the scissors should be at the bottom.

Progress of the master class:

We begin work on making the Princess - a frog from plasticine.

1. Cut out the “Frog Princess” template and glue it onto thick cardboard.

2. We roll thin sausages from yellow plasticine and glue them along the crown, then we roll a thin sausage from black plasticine and attach them along the contour of the eyes and arrows, we roll a thin red sausage and make the outline of the mouth and the tip of the arrow, then we roll the sausages from dark green plasticine and glue along the outline of the Princess - a frog and a water lily leaf.

3. Roll small balls of yellow plasticine and fill the inside of the crown, then roll five large yellow balls and attach them to the tops of the crown, fill the inside outline with blue and green plasticine.

4. Roll small balls of dark green color and fill the head of the frog princess.

5. We roll light green balls of different sizes - these are the Princess’s pimples - frogs, and attach them to the places where they are depicted.

6. Roll small balls of dark green color and fill the body of our Princess - a frog, except for the hind legs.

7. Roll six large dark green balls and attach them to the tips of the hind legs, fill the hind legs with small balls, also roll eight large dark green balls and attach them to the tips of the front legs.

8. Roll balls of light green plasticine of different sizes and fill the water lily leaf.

9. Decorate the applique: sun
A). we roll thin sausages from yellow plasticine and a ball, then flatten it, these will be our rays and the sun itself, we attach it on top of the frog on the right side.
b). roll a thin sausage out of blue color, make an outline of the cloud, roll large balls and fill the cloud inside.
V). roll thick sausages from blue plasticine, simulating water. The work is ready.

10. This is the beauty we got. I think my mother will be very pleased with this gift, since this was her favorite fairy tale as a child.

Inhabitants of lakes, rivers and swamps, green frogs really attract the attention of all children. Every child, at least once in his life, tried to pick up a frog and examine it, but few succeed because they are very nimble and real jumping champions. Therefore, we suggest you make a frog from plasticine. While sculpting, tell your baby about the structure of the amphibian, its habitat and existing types. Then the sculpting process will become not only exciting, but also very educational.

So, prepare some materials and tools for sculpting a frog:

  • plasticine;
  • stacks;
  • toothpick, piece of wire or match;
  • blade.

How to make a frog from plasticine

Step 1. Roll a green block of plasticine into a roll like this. Cut it with a plastic knife into three pieces - two large (about the same size) and one small (to create small parts).

Step 2. Roll any large piece into a ball, and then flatten it into an oval shape. This blank will later become the frog's head.

Step 3: Now roll the second large piece of green mixture into a ball. Insert a toothpick into it on top and attach the oval head.

Step 4. From the remaining small green piece of plasticine we create the base for the eyes, front and back legs. First we sculpt the hind legs. We roll two small sausages, bend them in half and attach them to the lower part of the body.

We attach flat cakes to the tips of the paws. Next we create two cakes bigger size and glue them to the bottom of the abdomen.

Step 5. Roll two balls from the remaining plasticine and fix them on the top of the head.

The base for the eyes is ready. Next, we fashion two white cakes and glue them onto the base. We complement them with small black cakes-pupils. Using a stack we draw the frog's mouth.

Step 6. We create miniature balls from light green plasticine and place them on the surface of the frog, pressing them lightly.

We also highlight the abdomen in this tone.

Step 7. Using a stack, cut fingers along the edge of the cakes. Glue mini highlights to the eyes.

Step 8. Let's add a beautiful crown to our frog. Roll out the light orange sausage into a thin ribbon and cut sharp teeth along its edge. We cut a strip with five teeth from the resulting workpiece and connect its ends.

Irina Bashkirtseva

Bashkirtseva I. A. Abstract of GCD for sculpting "Frog" ( senior group)


Goals: 1) expand children’s knowledge about amphibians

2) teach children to work with plasticine, create body parts in the form round shape head, cylindrical legs and oval body

3) learn to connect parts tightly together, smearing them against each other

4) using a stack to make fingers on the legs of a frog

5)develop imagination, creative thinking

6) develop finger motor skills

Equipment: Plasticine (green, red, white, black, multi-colored) stack, modeling board, sheet of cardboard 10*15cm, sample work, visual aid: cards with photos of a frog

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today we will go to a pond and guess who we will meet there. Listen to the riddle:

Jump and jump - I’m hurrying along the path,

I'm a little clumsy.

I sit in the pond all day,

I'm on guard duty.

Mosquitoes give me candy

I am an enemy of flies and midges.

The name of? - I’ll whisper in your ear,

I am green (frog).

Children: Frog

Educator: Right. Let's look at cards with photos of a frog.

Educator: what color is the frog (Children's answers)

Educator: What kind of head does a frog have, what are its legs, what shape are they (Children's answers)

Educator: Guys, do you know that there are many types of frogs, they live in water and on land, and therefore are called amphibians. Frogs feed on mosquitoes, midges and other insects. You and I met a frog in our area after the rain. And they looked at it very well. And today we will sculpt a frog from plasticine.

Children take their jobs.

Explanation of work steps:

1) Take green plasticine and roll out the ball

2) Take green plasticine and roll out four smaller balls

3) Take red plasticine and roll out a small ball

4) Take white, black, blue plasticine and make small balls

5) We give the largest green ball the shape of a cylinder, then we narrow the cylinder at one end, and give the larger end a rounded shape

6) use your thumb to make a depression in the head in the form of a hole

7) flatten the red ball with two fingers and give it the shape of a flat oval, this will be the tongue of the frog.

8) insert the tongue into the bottom of the hole and flatten the frog’s head. The result is a mouth with a protruding tongue

9) roll out the blue balls into cylinders, almost stripes, and decorate the frog’s eyes: white balls-eyes, black small balls-pupils, blue narrow stripes-eyebrows

10)attach the eyes to the head

11) roll out four green balls into cylinders, give them the pose of the upper and lower limbs

12)we design the fingers using stacks on all limbs

13) We connect all the parts tightly together, lubricate the parts

14) place the frog figurine on a sheet of cardboard

15) each child decorates the craft at will with different details, using creative imagination

16) during the lesson the audio recording “Sounds of Nature” is played

Lesson summary

Admiring a craft, an exhibition of works, a positive assessment

Reading the story by V. M. Garshin "The Frog Traveler"

Publications on the topic:

Outline of the modeling lesson “Swallows fly from the south” (senior group)"Swallows come from the south." (Outline of a lesson in modeling (senior group). (area: artistic creativity). Purpose: to teach how to create.

1. Program content: To consolidate the ability to convey in modeling the shape of various vegetables (carrots, beets, cucumbers, potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes.

Summary of the modeling lesson “Based on the Dymkovo toy” (senior group) Goal: Continue to introduce children to folklore Dymkovo toy, cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards objects. Show plasticity of movements.

Goal: -Continue to teach children the technique of smearing (in different directions); - Continue teaching children to pinch off small ones on their own.

Abstract of GCD modeling “Dymkovo Cockerel” Goal: - to continue to introduce children to a truly Russian craft - making clay toys;

Goal: To develop children's knowledge about the life of amphibians. Objectives: 1. Continue to introduce children to the nature of their native land. 3. Form in children.

If you have a desire to have fun with your child, then take up object modeling. This is a great way to teach your child something useful, communicate with him, observe his emotions and reasoning while working. Even psychologists, when figuring out a person’s character, give children the task of drawing something or making something out of plasticine.

Select a green frog as an object for object modeling. All children know this marsh songbird, and therefore will be happy to reproduce its plasticine sculpture with their own hands. But to make things easier, here is a detailed sculpting guide.

Materials that will be used in the master class:

Green plasticine;

A small amount of white and black plasticine;

How to make a frog from plasticine

Choose green plasticine from the set, being guided by the fact that such a block will be completely used up.

Make a green ball, knowing that it will soon become the head of a frog.

Flatten the initial part and stick 2 more balls on it, but three times smaller. Use a stack to cut through a wide mouth.

Place white and black dots on small balls. Pierce your nostrils.

Make another round piece from which to make the body. Connect the head and torso.

Attach a round yellow cake to the breast.

Starting to sculpt the front legs, stretch the green plasticine into thin sticks. Glue the fingers with balls to the ends.

Attach the resulting limbs to the spherical body.

To sculpt the hind legs, you need to roll two more sticks of green plasticine, but they should be much thicker than the previous ones. Bend your legs in a characteristic way, pressing one end with your finger against the board to create a flipper. Make stacked cuts.

OO " Artistic creativity»

Section "Modeling"

Program content.

1. Continue to introduce children various types relief plastic – high relief.

2. Show the possibility of creating high relief in a matchbox.

3. Strengthen children’s ability to sculpt miniatures.

4. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordinate the work of the eyes and hands.

5. Cultivate interest in the independent development of new visual techniques and means of artistic and figurative expressiveness.

6. Cultivate a love for Russian folk art, to fairy tales.

Preliminary work.

1. Reading Russian folk tale"Princess Frog".

2. Consideration of illustrations to the fairy tale by I. Bilibin.

3. Continue acquaintance with the art of small plastic art - bas-relief, high relief, counter-relief; viewing miniature sculptures made from different materials.

4. Drawing various miniatures on small paper 1/8 A4 sheet.

5. Staging of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”, puppet theater.


1. Boxes of plasticine for each child.

2. Matchboxes for each child.

3. Stack set.

4. Oilcloths and fabric napkins for each child.

5. Toothpicks, cocktail straws, foil, beads, beads, buttons.

6. Artificial flower.

Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, “Physical education”.

GCD move.

Children play in activity centers as they wish. The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays. The children come up and ask why this music is playing and what we are going to do today.


A good fairy tale and I are inseparable,

Well, the songs in the fairy tale are heaven-sent!

Can you imagine how boring it would be

If there were no songs, no miracles.

Educator: Children, I want to invite you to the Land of Fairy Tales. This is amazing Wonderland. Whoever visits it becomes smart, kind, sensitive and attentive. Do you want to go on a trip? Then go ahead! A magic flower will help us get to the Land of Fairy Tales.

(Children stand in a circle, take hold of a flower, close their eyes and say the words).

A magic flower, bring it into a fairy tale!

Don't let us, flower, weaken on the way!

Give us courage and light

And bring a new fairy tale to life!

Educator: We ended up in the Camp of Fairy Tales. This country does not accept gloomy and angry people! Let's smile like the spring sun and tell each other sweet words. (children give compliments).

Educator: Do you feel like kind words we felt good, warm and cozy. Children, guess the riddle, and you will find out what fairy tale we find ourselves in.

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in that swamp someone caught her.

Who, having said goodbye to green skin,

She instantly became beautiful and comely.

The young man's arrow landed in a swamp,

Well, where is the bride? I'm eager to get married!

And here is the bride, eyes on the top of her head.

The bride's name is... (Frog Princess.)

Educator: Who is the main character of the fairy tale? (Ivan Tsarevich)

Educator: How did Ivan Tsarevich look for a bride, at the insistence of his father - priest? (Launched an arrow.)

Educator: Who was his bride? (Frog.)

Educator: Where did the frog live? (In the swamp.)

Educator: What is the real name of the frog? (Vasilisa the Wise.)

Educator: Who was Vasilisa - the Wise One and why was she a frog? (She was a princess who was bewitched by Koschey the Immortal.)

Educator: What orders did the Frog Princess carry out from her father? (Sew a shirt, bake bread for the king, come to the priest for a feast.)

Educator: When did Ivan the Tsarevich first see the frog in the guise of Vasilisa the Wise? (At the feast.)

Educator: What words did she ask Ivan Tsarevich to say when everyone at the feast heard knocking and thunder? (When you hear knocking and thunder, don’t be scared, say: “It’s apparently my little frog riding in the box!”)

Educator: Now children, I invite you to a fairy-tale workshop. Today I want to invite you to make a little frog in a box, but not in a simple way, and in miniature using relief plastic. Now I will show you a miniature (shows). If you want, I’ll teach you how we’ll do it.

Educator: Children, you and I are already well acquainted with the technique of relief plastic. What kind of paintings did we do? (“Dancing Trees”, “The Wind Walks on the Sea...”, “Beautiful Butterflies.”)

Educator: What techniques did we use to perform them? (bas-relief, counter-relief, high relief).

Educator: Children, remember that in relief paintings the image can protrude differently above the surface of the base. But as?

Children: The image can protrude onto the surface of the base, or it can go deeper into it.

Educator: That's right children, well done! But before we start working, let's take a little rest.

Physical education minute.

Ivan Tsarevich, what a hero!

He bravely enters the battle,

He will wave his sword magically -

And Zmey-Gorynych doesn’t care.

Lunged once and twice -

The head flew off.

Another lunge - three or four -

The rest flew away. (Lunges.)

Educator: Come to the table, get comfortable and carefully look at our miniature “Frog in a Box.”

Educator: Where is the frog? (In a box.)

What is it made of? (Ordinary matchbox).

Educator: Pay attention to the frog, she is holding an arrow, a crown is shining on her head.

Educator: Children, look, a frog can be molded in different ways. Make it a toy so it looks more like three-dimensional figurine, attach it to the walls matchbox only paws and back. Or you can make not a toy, but a flat figurine and more like a painting.

Educator: Let's now look at the diagram for sculpting a frog. The body can be molded from a cone or oval, the head can be rolled out into a ball shape and slightly flattened, and large eyes can be stuck on.

Educator: Remember that you need to make a small frog, the size of a matchbox. Now come in and take a seat in our fabulous workshop.

Educator: Before we start working, think and tell us why we need various waste materials? (buttons - make carriage wheels, beads - eyes, tubes - arrow).

Educator: Who can remind us once again how we will sculpt a frog. (One child tells how to sculpt a frog.)

Educator: Let's do some finger exercises.

Finger gymnastics.

Children make miniatures and decorate them themselves. Whoever blinds quickly can blind Ivan Tsarevich if he wishes.

Educator: Children, look what wonderful little frogs we got in boxes.

Which frog did you like best? Why?

What waste material complemented this frog princess?

Educator: Children, now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Today we will make an exhibition of our works, tell our parents where we visited and show what wonderful frogs Ivan Tsarevich could choose as his bride.