How to recognize the onset of labor at home. How to understand that childbirth has begun? Lowering of the fundus of the uterus

Labor activity is a process that depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. Every responsible woman in labor should know and understand about the onset of the first harbingers of childbirth.

Women report the onset of childbirth, the so-called "harbingers". Their appearance is very easy to recognize, so it is important to remember the main symptoms. Of course, each of them can manifest itself in different ways, because everything depends only on the individual characteristics of the organism.

It was also noticed that the intensity of the sensations of "harbingers" can be felt less and more strongly, depending on the state of health of the woman, the number of births, the sex of the unborn child, the preparation of the woman in labor.


Important: Progesterone is a hormone that ruled the entire period of a woman's pregnancy, at the end of the term it declines, giving way to estrogen. The hormonal and nervous system in all ways signals the woman about the onset of childbirth.

There are several main "harbingers" that all women in labor are guided by:

  • lowering the abdomen below the usual level
  • enlargement of the pelvic bones and muscle pain in the perineum, slowing down movement and making it painful
  • cramps in the limbs, severe swelling and numbness of the arms and legs
  • training bouts
  • frequent bowel movements
  • discharge of cork and amniotic fluid

Video: Harbingers of childbirth

When, at what time should labor start?

Doctors noted that the normal prenatal period begins at 38 weeks, i.e. from 38 weeks from conception, the first harbingers can already be expected. It is from this time that an intrauterine child can be considered fully developed and full-term. Childbirth can occur at any of the weeks: 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42.

calculation of due date

Important: But do not worry too much, as the body will definitely begin to report the imminent birth by all means.

Gynecologists put the approximate date of birth at the fortieth week, since this is the most favorable time. If the gestation period lasts more than 42 weeks, then the baby is called "post-term" and this can be detrimental to his health.

Video: How to determine the due date?

How long before delivery does the training contraction start?

Nature is designed so that the child does not experience any difficulties and is fully provided with the necessary substances in the womb. This is how nature took care of the mother, giving her the opportunity to prepare her pelvic muscles for the upcoming birth. This "preparation" is called "training fights".

exercise for pregnant women

Important: Training contractions of varying intensity can accompany the entire pregnancy. As a result, by the time of delivery, the muscles become more elastic, and the cervix is \u200b\u200bsignificantly shortened, giving the baby the opportunity to be born.

Doctors often call such contractions “contractions of Breston Hicks”. They are characterized by significant muscle contraction over a period of one to two minutes. Typically, such contractions can be expected from the twentieth week of pregnancy. Many women may not even realize that it was the training contractions that they experienced. This is because the stomach at the twentieth week is small enough, which means the muscles are not too stretched.

classes in the pool

At a later date, a woman may feel:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen
  • uterine tone
  • hardening of the abdomen
  • aching pain in the lower back

breathing exercises

Important: If the pain lasts no more than two minutes and disappears imperceptibly, and you feel good, there is no cause for concern!

The human threshold for pain is varied and depends only on individual characteristics. So, women either feel them or do not notice them at all. But if you still experience discomfort, try to get rid of them:

  • take a walk in the fresh air, use other muscle groups
  • lie down, put a pillow under your feet, try to relax and unwind
  • ask a loved one to do a light lower back massage
  • try some relaxing breathing exercises
  • take a warm shower
  • brew herbal or green tea

rest and relaxation

Important: The closer the due date, the stronger and more unpleasant the sensations moving down the abdomen can be.

Be attentive and recognize labor pains accurately during training contractions. If the pain does not go away after two, maximum - three minutes, and comes after a while with greater intensity - you should consult a doctor!

Video: Training contractions

How labor begins in primiparous women: sensations

The expectation of the firstborn in every woman is associated with intense excitement and upcoming unrest. The lack of knowledge of the upcoming sensations both scares and inspires a woman. As a rule, by the end of the term, women in labor are already tired of their weight, a serious condition, reluctant to move and complain of many unpleasant sensations.

primiparous woman

Important: We can say with confidence that every primiparous woman is not ready for the pain that she will experience. but all future sensations can still be experienced if you prepare yourself and set yourself up correctly.

Excessive nervousness, fear, fear of the future and unwillingness knock a woman out of a calm and balanced state, leaving her thoughts and body in tension. Nowadays, there are many ways and modern techniques aimed at reducing discomfort:

  • breathing exercises
  • special poses and exercises
  • massages and relaxation techniques

Every primiparous mother must know that childbirth is preceded by several basic actions:

  1. Discharge of the mucous plug, which blocked the cervix from the penetration of infection. It looks different, but basically it has a size not larger than a coin and a jelly-like structure of a yellowish tint with blood splashes
  2. Irregular training contractions differing in duration and intensity. They can catch a woman at any time of the day or night. If you feel a constant return of pain with periodic interruptions, do not bother to find a piece of paper and write down each interval: pain (duration) - rest (duration). If the "rest" becomes five minutes and regular - go to the hospital
  3. Lowering the abdomen can be both noticeable and completely incomprehensible. The belly does not fall sharply and it is impossible to feel it. The symptom has its own name because the uterus tenses, hardens, becomes heavy and due to this, the fetus pulls the stomach down
  4. Decreased fetal activity often indicates that the baby is about to be born.
  5. Bowel cleansing is a clear sign of prenatal activity. The body begins to prepare and makes it easier for itself by displacing excess masses from the intestines. It often happens that women suffer from constipation, and in recent days, liquid stools rarely occur.

preparation for the first birth

Important: If you experience prenatal symptoms, do not try to ignore them. Going to the hospital, try to have a snack, even if you don't feel like it - soon you will have no time for food at all, and the energy will come in handy! Do not lift heavy or carry bags of things yourself!

Video: First birth. Training

How does labor start in multiparous women?

Multiparous mothers are distinguished by their self-confidence and sufficient baggage of knowledge, experience and skills. Such women are distinguished by self-confidence and significant restraint. Multiparous are sensitive to their even the smallest sensations. At the right time, they know for sure that it is time to go to the hospital and do not give in to panic.

multiparous woman

Symptoms of precursors of labor in those who give birth a second time are very similar to those of primiparous. The only thing is that they can be stronger or brighter only because a woman knows them and consciously feels:

  • excessive emotionality, nervousness and sudden mood swings
  • not significant weight loss, no more than three kilograms
  • drooping down the abdomen a week or a few days before the upcoming birth
  • reduction of swelling of hands and feet
  • pain due to the spread of the pelvic bones
  • cleansing the body: frequent urination, loose stools, vomiting

Why does the second birth in women start earlier?

The difference between the second birth may be the untimely birth of the child ahead of time. Labor activity in multiparous can begin at 34 weeks. All this happens due to the fact that the muscles and cervix are stretched and easily tolerate the process they are familiar with. The female body tolerates hormonal surges more easily.

preparation for childbirth

Important: Each symptom proceeds with a different intensity for each woman. It all depends on sensitivity, emotional state and health.

Video: Second birth. What are the differences from the first ones?

How does preterm labor start in women?

Premature birth is always a struggle to survive. The reasons for this birth can be different:

  • endocrine diseases
  • infectious diseases
  • genital infections
  • somatic infections
  • pathologies and malformations, anomalies
  • genetic diseases
  • various complications of pregnancy
  • back and abdominal injuries
  • early age of a woman in labor (up to 18 years old)
  • destructive living conditions
  • poor nutrition
  • bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol
  • physical work
  • carrying weights
  • stress

premature baby

Each cause corresponds to a different date of premature birth. Childbirth from 22 weeks to 27 most often ends with the death of the fetus. This is because, having a weight of 500 grams or more, a child is simply not able to survive. If the child survives, he has a huge chance of being disabled for the rest of his life.

Childbirth from 28 weeks to 33rd week allows the baby to survive with proper care and support. A child's weight ranges from 1 kilogram to 1800 grams. At this age, the baby has sufficiently developed lungs and medications are able to fully support him. Childbirth from 34 weeks is almost not dangerous. Such a child born in a maternity hospital will remain completely healthy and provided with the necessary care.

premature birth

Preterm labor most often begins with unexplained pain in the abdomen and lower back. A woman cannot tolerate such sensations and they have the character of contractions. It is not uncommon for women in labor to notice the discharge of the mucous plug in the early stages of pregnancy, which also suggests that childbirth will be premature. If childbirth has begun, it will no longer be possible to stop them. Therefore, you need to urgently contact the hospital for help.

Video: Symptoms and Causes of Premature Birth

A woman's belly dropped: when will labor start?

A huge belly by the end of pregnancy gives a woman many inconveniences:

  • back and lower back pain
  • labored breathing
  • slow movement
  • heartburn
  • pinched nerves in the upper extremities due to heavy weight and stress on the spine
  • frequent urge to use the toilet
  • constipation

dropped belly

Usually the belly "sinks" slowly, he begins to do this a few weeks before the birth itself. And if this is not noticeable visually, then it can be recognized by sensations:

  • heartburn disappears or becomes less noticeable
  • it becomes easier to breathe
  • belching was eliminated
  • increased appetite decreases

Important: Abdominal prolapse is due to the placement of a child with a "presenting" head. The uterus descends and prepares for childbirth.

a lowered belly in the last month of pregnancy

If you notice a drooping belly, try to change your lifestyle:

  • do not carry bags and packages
  • get more rest and stay horizontal
  • ask loved ones to give you massages
  • relax your muscles and don't do any exercise

Important: Watch your feelings, a sagging stomach is not a sign of urgent hospitalization. Wait for regular contractions.

Video: Pregnancy. Abdominal prolapse

What to do if a pregnant woman has contractions at home?

Most often, contractions do not occur in the hospital on a comfortable bed, but in completely unforeseen situations, even in a dream. If you feel like contractions have come (you will recognize them anyway), try not to panic and find the most comfortable position for yourself. Use pillows under your head and back, and use the timer to time your contractions.

light contractions

An acceptable period is 5 minutes of rest and 2 minutes of contractions. With such a symptom, you should take a bag prepared in advance to the hospital and go to the hospital with your husband or mother. If you live far from the hospital, call a taxi or an ambulance.

strong contractions

Important: Some people are helped by the "doggy" pose, when a woman rests her elbows and knees on the bed or the floor. You can simply bend over, resting your hands on the table and wait for a favorable time for hospitalization.

Video: What to do if contractions start?

Why doesn't labor start?

The "pregnant" state very often bothers women and sometimes just drives them crazy, so many women are tormented by the question: "When will the birth come and why does it not start?" Labor is a natural process and its speed depends only on the needs of the child and your health.

waiting for childbirth

No unconventional or medical intervention is required. Helping a woman to speed up the natural process to a favorable timely delivery, if they did not come on time, will help:

  • nipple massage
  • last term sex
  • not intensive charging
  • climbing stairs
  • eat ginger
  • acupressure
  • enema

Video: How to speed up labor without harm to health?

How to determine that a woman has begun labor: advice and feedback

It is impossible to determine the time of your birth with utmost precision, you can only feel the approaching event in advance and fully prepare for the event. It is noticed that the date of birth can significantly depend on who you expect: a boy or a girl. Indeed, in most cases, girls are born earlier than the due date, and boys - later. In any situation, be attentive to your feelings and do not stop taking care of your health.

Video: 10 main harbingers of childbirth

Childbirth is an inevitable process of ending pregnancy. How they pass depends on many factors. The closer to the finish line, the more emotions a woman experiences. There are categories of questionable and reliable signs of approaching labor. It is important for an expectant mother to know about the main harbingers of the imminent birth of a child.

We determine the approach of childbirth

When pregnancy proceeds without pathology, the female body, a few days before childbirth, will definitely give signals about the outcome of the process. In very rare cases, there are no signs. It is important for a woman to learn about them in advance, if possible to prepare and carefully observe the manifestations of the body.

The harbingers of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous are almost the same. The only difference is that during the first pregnancy, signs of an early resolution may appear in 1–2 weeks. Subsequent babies are usually born faster and symptoms are noticed 1–2 days before the onset. However, despite the statistics, everything is individual.

In the pathological course of pregnancy, the process of childbirth is unpredictable.

After 37 weeks, a pregnant woman must very carefully observe the manifestations of the body in order to go to the hospital on time

Subjective signs

Since each organism is individual, a woman can notice both all the signs of the next delivery, and their absence. Even if any of the subjective symptoms do not appear, you need to know about them in order to prepare for the main event. Let's highlight the most common precursors of childbirth:

  1. Abdominal prolapse. When a woman notices that it has become easier for her to breathe, heartburn has disappeared, and digestion has improved, it means that the fetal head is closer to the exit. Relatives may notice that the pregnant woman has changed her gait. She became more like a "duck". Due to the displacement of the uterus, it is difficult for the expectant mother to fall asleep, since it is impossible to find a comfortable position. The abdomen may sink 1–4 weeks before delivery or one day. Everything is very individual, so the sign is not reliable.
  2. Bulging of the navel. The uterus drops down and protrudes slightly forward, so the navel can turn outward.
  3. Decreased fetal movements. Sometimes there is a slight decrease in fetal activity before childbirth. And sometimes, on the contrary, women notice an increase in the movements of the child before birth.
  4. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, lower back. The ailments are aching in nature, as with menstruation. If the pain acquires a cramping rhythm at regular intervals, then it's time to go to the hospital. A frequent sign of the onset of labor, but it can also talk about pathological conditions of neighboring organs.
  5. Decreased appetite, weight. A slight decrease in the amount of food consumed and the release of excess fluid contribute to weight loss up to 1–2 kg.
  6. Frequent urination and diarrhea. As the head of the fetus sank into the small pelvis, it presses on the bladder, and the urge to use the toilet increases. Before childbirth, spontaneous bowel cleansing occurs, as the production of the hormone progesterone decreases, and oxytocin begins to be produced, which increases peristalsis.
  7. The nesting instinct. A few days or weeks before giving birth, the expectant mother has a desire to clean up the house, create comfort, prepare things for the newborn, etc.
  8. Change of mood, fear. Either explosions of emotions, or a depressed state are characteristic before the start of the process. Very often, an inexplicable anxiety begins to haunt a woman. The reason for these reactions is hormonal changes.

The last two points are related to the psychological state of a woman. It is impossible to determine the beginning of labor, relying only on the emotional component. The rest of the signs are reflected at the physiological level, therefore, to some extent, they can indicate the likelihood of a baby being born soon. Subjective signs cannot be considered 100% reliable predictors of immediate delivery.

Objective signs

Objective signs are classified as reliable and are considered a clear signal for the onset of labor. When the first two symptoms are found, the expectant mother needs to seek medical help.

  1. Contractions. The process is typical for the first stage of labor, when the cervix dilates. It is impossible to independently determine the disclosure, it is only available to the gynecologist when viewed on a chair. Contractions begin with small painful sensations for 10-15 seconds with a break of 10-20 minutes. Gradually, the interval is reduced to 2-3 minutes, and the contraction time is increased to 60 seconds. There is an increase in pain. During the first pregnancy, contractions can take up to a day. If necessary, doctors use medication to quickly open the cervix, since this period is very painful and very tired of the woman. Repeated labor proceeds with a reduction of the grasping period by 2–3 times. Some pregnant women experience false contractions, which, unlike real ones, do not lead to the opening of the cervix. A distinctive feature of false contractions is their irregularity and lack of increasing force.
  2. Rupture of amniotic fluid or leakage. Labor often begins with premature fluid release. Water can be released in minimal portions or in large quantities at once, and then little by little. The options may vary. The main thing is that amniotic fluid cannot be confused with other secretions, they are very difficult to miss. The liquid should be transparent and odorless. Greenish or other color of water with an unpleasant odor indicates intrauterine fetal suffering.
  3. The passage of the mucous plug is considered a relatively objective sign, since its release does not always guarantee the immediate onset of labor. The plug can come off 1-2 weeks or days before the baby is born. When the birth process begins with the discharge of amniotic fluid, cervical mucus may go unnoticed. As a rule, the cork comes out in parts within 1-3 days. The color of the mass can be different: white, yellow, brownish, streaked with blood - all this is a variant of the norm.

The mucous plug looks like a jelly-like mass, so it cannot be confused with ordinary discharge

It is necessary to urgently go to the hospital only with regular contractions and / or outpouring of amniotic fluid. Discharge of the mucous plug is a symptom that is not a reason for quick hospitalization.

Is it necessary to have signs of approaching labor

Each birth takes place according to an individual scenario. The body of any pregnant woman is rebuilt before giving birth. Someone may not notice this, while the other feels minimal changes. There may be no subjective signs at all, but without objective signs, labor will not begin.

Contractions are the main sign of the onset of labor.

In the case when the process proceeds rapidly, contractions and / or the discharge of water occurs several hours, or even minutes before the birth of the child. In some cases, amniotic fluid does not flow out against the background of active contractions, which forces doctors to puncture the bladder.

If a woman has doubts about diagnosing the precursors of childbirth, you can always call the attending gynecologist and get advice.

Video: obstetrician-gynecologist about the harbingers of childbirth

A woman's body is designed in such a way that it is impossible in principle to miss the onset of labor. Closely monitoring your own condition will allow a woman to prepare in advance. The main thing is to listen carefully and hear your own body. In this article we will talk about the signs of approaching childbirth, the so-called "harbingers", which very often cause a lot of questions for both primiparous and women who are going to give birth again.

What it is?

Long before the development of medicine, women were able to distinguish, among others, special sensations that allowed them to understand that childbirth would soon begin. For representatives of some peoples, this was a sign that ordered to leave the village, since traditions ordered to give birth far from home and return only when the baby was born. Other women were instructed to heat the bathhouse, to negotiate with the midwife, to notify relatives, and to attend church for signs of an imminent birth.

Harbingers are called a set of symptoms that directly or indirectly indicate that childbirth is approaching.For each individual woman, this "set" of sensations may be different, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of the expectant mother.

Harbingers are not a medical term, but rather a folk term. They are direct and objective, and there are subjective and indirect. The first group of symptoms includes signs that cannot be interpreted in two ways, for example, preparation and maturation of the cervix. The second group of signs is the symptoms noticed by many generations of women, which do not always have a medical explanation and are not always directly related to childbirth, but also make it possible to recognize the beginning of the preparation of the female body for the birth of a child.

Physiological Rationale - Causes

"Harbingers" do not appear just like that, out of nothing. They are always due to the global restructuring that takes place in the body of the expectant mother during pregnancy at the latest stages. The principle "external reflects internal" works. In other words, all internal changes that a woman sometimes does not even realize are one way or another manifested externally. It is these manifestations that dictate the nature of the "harbingers" as such.

The processes inside the female body preparing for childbirth are very complex and large-scale. All of them, as progress and development, lead to the onset of labor - an act of reflex, not subject to the efforts of the will. For labor to begin, sufficient readiness of the uterus is necessary. The female reproductive organ, closer to childbirth, is gaining a solid mass and size. The nerve-contractile uterine apparatus begins to prepare. By themselves, the cells of the myometrium, of which the uterus consists, are not too capable of contracting. But before giving birth, they stock up on a special protein, which they themselves produce - actomyosin. It is he who will enable the cells to contract, which will appear at the physical level as contractions.

Aging of the placenta, which inevitably begins after 34-35 weeks of gestation, reaches its peak. In the last few days of pregnancy, she, together with the pituitary gland, begins to produce the hormone oxytocin, which is necessary to ensure the contractility of the uterus. The balance of hormones in a woman's body changes. Progesterone becomes less, estrogen and oxytocin - more, which will certainly affect the work of the nervous system.

A couple of weeks before giving birth, the female reproductive organ gets rid of the excess part of the nerve fibers. This mechanism is provided by nature to reduce pain. The central nervous system is also getting ready - the excitability of the brain decreases, and the spinal cord increases. Myometrium receptors become extremely sensitive to oxytocin.

At the energy level, there is an accumulation of glycogen, phosphorus compounds, electrolytes. Some metabolic products of a ripe baby also trigger the processes of preparation for birth in his body.

Preparatory changes cover all systems of the female body. That is why the appearance of certain symptom markers is justified and has physiological explanations. How exactly the female body should respond to internal cellular and humoral processes, no one can predict. That is why the signs in two pregnant women who are at the same gestational age may differ.

First and second births - fundamental differences

More than others, women who are about to give birth to their first child are worried about the severity of signs indicating the approach of childbirth. This concern stems from a lack of generic experience. It should be noted that in pregnant women for the first time, "harbingers" may appear earlier than in those giving birth again. All processes of preparation for childbirth in a primiparous woman proceed more slowly due to the fact that the tissues of the uterus are tighter and less elastic, the restructuring of the body for the "childbirth" mode is a novelty not only for the pregnant woman, but also for her nervous system.

During the second pregnancy, during the third or fourth birth, the expectant mother is always calmer and more balanced. She already knows the procedure, she knows the characteristics of her body and already knows how to listen to it. The period preceding childbirth in such pregnant women lasts more evenly, with smaller markers. Multiparous people know how to distinguish the symptoms of approaching labor from the mass of other sensations for which the third trimester is so rich.

The muscle tissue of the uterus, the cervix is \u200b\u200bless elastic, more stretched, elastic, so the physiological preparation proceeds less noticeably and more quickly. Therefore, signs of approaching labor should be expected later than with the first pregnancy. Feelings have a lesser emotional color, and therefore sometimes are almost indistinguishable. This can explain the situations where women claim that they did not feel any "harbingers" at all.

After the onset of symptoms of approaching labor during the first pregnancy, it may take up to a month before labor begins. With repeated pregnancy, signs may appear just a week or a few days before the development of reflex labor, and sometimes signs appear in just a few hours or together with the onset of contractions.

The birth itself also differs depending on the birth experience. In first-borns, all stages last longer. In experienced mothers, both the body as a whole, and the birth canal in particular, are better prepared for the birth of a baby, and therefore the periods of childbirth are significantly reduced.

When does the birth start and when?

This question is one of the most important for women. They are looking for an answer to it on the Internet, and in conversations with other pregnant women, and from the attending physician, but they do not receive it. There is no single standard for starting prenatal preparation. When it manifests itself, it depends on many factors, which for the most part are purely individual.

On average (so much so that it is not worth trying on these terms), in primiparous women, the first "harbingers" can appear at 35-36 or 36-37 weeks of pregnancy. In multiparous - later. The earliest is at 38 weeks, but most often at 39-40 weeks. And those and other signs may not appear at all, and a woman should also be ready for this, since in this matter everything depends on individual sensitivity.

The second no less important question is considered how many after the precursors the full-fledged labor activity will begin. Statistics say that no more than 5% of babies are born in the PDD (estimated day of birth). At the first birth, a woman can bring pregnancy and up to 42 weeks, she will not be considered postponed. The largest number of babies prefer to be born at 39-40 weeks, that is, a few days before the PDD. Thus, from the onset of symptoms - markers of readiness to the onset of labor during the first pregnancy, it can take from 3-4 to 2 weeks (the data, again, are rather average).

During the second or subsequent pregnancy, from the appearance of "precursors" to the development of labor can take a week, or maybe several hours. According to statistics, up to 70% of the second, third and subsequent children in the family are born at 38-39 weeks. Up to 40-41 weeks, no more than 2% of multiparous babies carry their babies. Every tenth baby, which is to become the second or third in a family, appears before 38 weeks. The rest of the babies, like primiparous ones, prefer 39-40 weeks.

The absence of obvious and discernible "precursors" should not be misleading - labor is not delayed. The early appearance of signs indicating that childbirth is approaching should alert a woman, especially if she is one of the multiparous - it is possible that there are precursors of premature birth. Early onset is considered the onset of symptoms up to 36 weeks in multiparous women and up to 34 weeks in first-time labor.

In any case, the appearance of two or more signs means that the birth of the baby is close. It's time to have time to finish everything that was postponed for later, buy everything you need for the baby, choose a maternity hospital and sign an exchange card, if this has not been done before, collect a bag with things in the maternity hospital and mentally tune in to an easy and positive childbirth.

Common symptoms

Especially impressionable mothers-to-be can "invent" any signs for themselves. Therefore, you should know exactly what symptoms can be a hint for a future woman in labor that it is time to prepare, and which ones appear only when health problems appear. In the later stages, pregnancy can also be complicated, because the female body is under serious stress.

Abdominal prolapse

This sign is considered quite reliable, it is one of the first to manifest itself. By the end of pregnancy, the large uterus occupies almost the entire space of the abdominal cavity, violating the territorial claims of other internal organs, their work. But one fine day it becomes noticeably easier - a woman can breathe deeply again, her ribs stop painfully aching and hurting. This means that the stomach has dropped.

At the physiological level, the following happens: under the influence of unknown factors, the child begins to take the most convenient position for the "start" - he sinks into the uterine cavity as low as possible and presses his head as tightly as possible to the internal pharynx. Immediately, as soon as after the period of contractions, the cervix opens, the baby will be able to begin his movement along the birth canal towards a new and interesting life among us.

Due to the change in the position of the crumbs' body, the uterus is somewhat stretched, it becomes more oval. The tummy, and this is in most cases quite obvious to others, looks smaller than even a week ago.

The diaphragm is released - the woman's breathing is restored again, and shortness of breath decreases. There is no more pressure on the stomach, so heartburn practically disappears. But the pressure on the pelvic bones, on the bladder and intestines increases. In this connection, after the abdominal prolapse, the perineum begins to ache quite noticeably in a woman, the pubic articulation, if there was symphysitis, its manifestations intensify. The gait changes - the pressure on the pelvic bones makes a woman very awkward and funny, she waddles from foot to foot, like a duck. There is a pulling and breaking pain in the lower back.

The woman begins to visit the toilet more often for little need, because the baby's head presses on the bladder. In some, physiological urinary incontinence begins - the contents of the bladder leak when coughing, laughing, and sudden movements. Constipation may intensify or another "attack" may appear - loose stools due to pressure on the intestines.

In primiparous women, abdominal prolapse most often occurs 2-3 weeks before childbirth, in those giving birth again - either 1-3 days, or a few hours before childbirth, or already at the beginning of the first, latent period of labor.

It should be noted that not all women preparing for childbirth have a lower stomach. So, for expectant mothers who carry two or three children at once, prolapse is physically almost impossible, or it is so indistinguishable that a woman will definitely not feel the difference.

The position of the fetus in the uterus, if it is different from the head (that is, the baby sits or lies across the cavity of the reproductive organ), will also prevent abdominal prolapse. Another common reason for the complete absence of such a marker of approaching labor is polyhydramnios.

Weight loss

Shortly before giving birth, a woman loses weight. This feature was noticed a long time ago. The average loss is 1-3 kilograms. What this is connected with is not difficult to guess. First, hormonal changes take place. There is less progesterone, and it was he who, throughout the entire period of pregnancy, was responsible for the reserves of nutrients and fluids for future use, since its role is to preserve the pregnancy and feed the baby. With a decrease in progesterone levels, excess fluid begins to be excreted from the tissues, which contributes to weight loss.

In the later stages, it is physiologically necessary to reduce the amount of amniotic fluid. The child is growing, he is actively gaining weight every day at the end of pregnancy, if the volume of amniotic fluid remains unchanged, the uterus will simply burst. Reducing the amount of water allows you to balance the intrauterine pressure. Reducing them also affects the weight of the pregnant woman.

Almost always, before childbirth, a woman's body is cleansed of everything superfluous and unnecessary in order to enter into a crucial period light. Therefore, women often begin to complain of loose stools. A few days before the birth of the child, the mother's body does everything so that nothing interferes with the uterus, including the intestines overflowing with feces.

The woman feels very good weight loss. She gets a little better. But body weight may not change or increase. It can remain unchanged in women with severe gestosis, in pregnancy with twins or triplets, with pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system.

If nausea has begun, diarrhea has appeared, a woman must inform her doctor about it. Not necessarily, this unpleasant symptom will mean the approach of labor.

Discharge and mucous plug

As the female body approaches the state of readiness before childbirth, the nature of the discharge from the genitals changes. A decrease in progesterone makes the discharge more abundant and thinner in consistency. But the main reliable sign that allows you to evaluate the preparation for childbirth and determine their early approach is the release of the so-called mucous plug.

It is a thick, jelly-like clot of mucus. Immediately after the conception of the baby, the cervical canal inside the cervix is \u200b\u200btightly closed with an accumulation of this mucus, hence its name - cork. The task of this plug is to protect the new life growing in the uterine cavity from the possible unauthorized entry of bacteria, viruses, fungal organisms into it.

When the body begins to prepare for childbirth, the cervix becomes shorter by about one and a half centimeters, the round muscle gradually softens. As a result, the walls of the cervical canal begin to expand gradually. One day the cork loses its physical ability to keep inside the canal and it goes out through the genital tract.

The discharge can be complete, in which a large clot comes out immediately, or it can be sluggish, gradual, in which jelly-like fragments will be found in the discharge. The cork looks quite recognizable - it is a clot of a milky, beige or yellowish hue with or without blood streaks.

In the first pregnancy, the plug usually comes off 5-6 days before delivery. Before repeated birth, this sign makes itself felt most often in one or two days. It is not considered something out of the ordinary if the cork leaves its rightful place already in the process of childbirth.

This "harbinger" is considered to be quite informative, but self-diagnosis can be difficult. For example, a woman may not notice a plug coming off during sex, while bathing in the shower, or during bowel movements. Such difficulties most often arise in repetitive labor, since their cervical canal expands at a faster rate. Primiparas most often notice the passage of the cork, since in more than 60% of cases it leaves gradually.

After the mucous plug leaves or the beginning of its gradual release, it is necessary not only to prepare for childbirth and hospitalization, but also to remember that the baby inside the uterus is defenseless - it is possible that viruses and bacteria, opportunistic flora, which can enter the uterine cavity through a loosely closed cervical canal, lives in large numbers in the intestines.

You can not wash away from the anus to the pubis, the movements should be exclusively reversed. You can not take a bath to prevent the penetration of an infectious agent into the uterus from tap water, and it is also not recommended to have sex.

Breast readiness

Many pregnant women notice that their breasts begin to hurt a few weeks before giving birth. More specifically, certain painful sensations in a pregnant woman are present throughout the entire gestation period, just before childbirth they increase.

The mammary glands appear swollen, large, swollen, with a pronounced venous blue mesh and enlarged areola. Before giving birth, primiparous women often begin to excrete colostrum - a special thick substance that is not yet a sign of the arrival of milk. Colostrum excretion indicates that the preparation of the mammary glands has also entered its final stage.

Multiparous women usually have a special relationship with colostrum. After breastfeeding the first child, the ducts of the glands are wider than in primiparous, additional lobules grow faster, and therefore the release of nutrient fluid from the nipples can begin almost in the first trimester and continue throughout the entire period of gestation. Therefore, for multiparous, this "harbinger" is considered not too informative.

After the appearance of colostrum, a woman should not squeeze it out. Careful attention should be paid to breast hygiene. If you ignore its requirements, it is possible that the infection will enter the milk ducts, because colostrum is a nutritious and favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. You need to wash your chest at least twice a day with warm water. If the nipples hurt, it is better to keep the water cool - this will help reduce discomfort. It is recommended to wear a special bra that will support heavy breasts.

If colostrum flows out intensively and in large quantities, you can use underwear for nursing - in the cups of such a bra there are specially provided "pockets", in which you can insert disposable absorbent pads.

It makes no sense to consider this "precursor" separately because of its considerable subjectivity. But in combination with 2-3 other symptoms, he may well suggest that childbirth is just around the corner.

The nesting instinct

A very dubious "harbinger" that has been seen since time immemorial. A syndrome or nesting instinct is a special psychological state in which the expectant mother becomes literally obsessed with cleanliness and order in her house, she is ready to engage in beauty in her home all day, and practically without feeling tired and heavy.

A similar instinct, which "turns on" shortly before the birth of offspring, is characteristic of the females of many mammals. And in some amphibians and birds, the responsibility for creating comfortable conditions for the female and offspring lies with the male.

Human males are indifferent to the arrangement of the premises before the birth of a child, to put it mildly. But in women, an ancient instinct quite often wakes up, the task of which is to create the most comfortable conditions for growth and development for the defenseless after the birth of offspring.

It is believed that the manifestation of such an instinct noticeably improves the psychological and emotional state of the future woman in labor - for household chores and arranging the nursery for the long-awaited baby, time flies by, and there is also no time for worries, anxiety and fears.

Changes in child behavior

The baby's motor activity before childbirth decreases. Usually even very mobile and active babies calm down and calm down about 4-5 days before their birth. Movements become difficult for the little man, because there is almost no free space in the uterus.

In addition, scientists suggest that the child begins to gain strength and accumulate energy in advance, because for him passing through the birth canal is also a big and serious test that will require maximum strength.

When assessing the behavior of a baby, it is important for a woman not to miss moments that indicate a possible pathology and are not a sign of approaching labor. So, you should continue to count the perturbations.

If in 12 hours 10 episodes of activity are not typed, it is imperative to consult a doctor, it is possible that the baby's condition will require early delivery or treatment.

Changes in mood and psychological state

A few days before giving birth, according to the reviews of women in labor, the mood changes almost uncontrollably. A woman can be funny and positive, but after half an hour she will feel unhappy and experience severe anxiety. Night sleep is disturbed - the pregnant woman is tormented by insomnia. Such changes in the emotional background are due to hormonal changes, which were mentioned above.

Sleep problems have additional prerequisites - it is difficult to find a position in which it would be convenient to fall asleep and not wake up, because the uterus is large and strongly presses on the pelvic bones.

No matter how difficult it was, you need to get enough sleep and put your nerves in order at any cost. For childbirth, a woman needs a lot of strength and energy, blood pressure must be stable. Therefore, it is imperative to ask the doctor to prescribe light herbal sedatives, as well as walk in the air before going to bed and ventilate the bedroom well.

Maturation of the cervix

This is the most reliable sign of the onset of labor. It's just at home, it's impossible to assess on your own how the cervix has prepared for the onset of labor. I need an obstetrician-gynecologist's examination.

The mature neck is shortened to 1-1.5 centimeters, it is quite soft and its contours are somewhat “blurred”. So she prepares for the subsequent disclosure, which starts with the first labor contraction.

Sometimes, when the cervix ripens, women feel tingling inside, discharge from the genital tract becomes more abundant. If 39-40 weeks of pregnancy is suitable, and the cervix is \u200b\u200bimmature and there are no signs of the onset of maturation, the woman is recommended to be admitted to a hospital, where the cervix is \u200b\u200bprepared for childbirth using various medications and medical techniques.

Changing the nature of false contractions

Not all women experience false contractions during pregnancy. But those who know firsthand what training contractions are may notice a week before childbirth that short-term tension of the uterine walls has increased. If during the entire period the woman did not experience anything like this, then 7-10 days before delivery, the preparatory contractions can start for the first time.

It is felt like a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, the uterus strains, becomes like a stone, and then the tension subsides. Overcoming possible discomfort is quite simple - you can take a shower, drink an antispasmodic drug, walk, change your position, breathe deeply and measuredly as taught in the courses for expectant mothers.

When labor pains begin, all these tips will not take effect, since they will be repeated at regular intervals and intensified over time.

Other symptoms

Prenatal forerunners can be multifaceted. According to the reviews of women, some have a fever a couple of days before giving birth, while no signs of ARVI or any other disease will appear. For some, appetite increases, while for some, on the contrary, it disappears. According to reviews, itchy skin on nerves may even appear.

Howbeit, Two events can be considered reliable signs of childbirth - the discharge of water and the onset of labor pains.In the first case, a woman needs to immediately go to the hospital. In the second, you can stay at home until the interval between contractions is reduced to 5-10 minutes for primiparous and 10-15 minutes for multiparous. At this point, you should call an ambulance and go to the obstetric institution.

For information on how to understand that labor has begun and identify contractions, see the next video.

The moment of childbirth is exciting for every pregnant woman. Primiparas are especially worried. Patients worry that they will miss the symptoms and will not be able to distinguish between labor. To avoid doubts, it is important to know the main signs of this process.

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Onset of labor: signs and symptoms

The onset of labor has certain signs and symptoms. In primiparas, the symptoms are no different from multiparous.

It is quite easy to determine the beginning of the generic process. The signs and symptoms of the new stage are almost identical for every female body. The only difference is in the power of manifestation. It is determined by the number of previous births, the state of health of the woman in labor.

Note! A common feature is the harbingers of labor.

These sensations before childbirth in women giving birth for the first time result from hormonal and neurologicalchanges.

Feelings before childbirth

Before the onset of labor, primiparous women experience characteristic sensations.

Their appearance indicates the preparation of the body for delivery.

Before giving birth, pregnant women experience various phenomena.

  • it has jelly-like texture;
  • marked with a yellowish tint;
  • may contain bloody;
  • protects the cervix from infections;
  • departs completely or in parts.

Education training fights:

  • do not have clear regularity;
  • characterized by varying intensity and duration;
  • disappear on their own;
  • occur at night and daytime.

Abdominal prolapsedown:

  • is individual for each organism;
  • not accompanied by tangible movement;
  • occurs as a result of a change in the state of the uterus under the influence fetal weight;
  • may appear as for 2-4 weeks, and on the eve of childbirth.

Due to the abdominal prolapse, the gait changes.

Changes in the nature of vaginal discharge:

  • their intensity and frequency increase;
  • supposed analysis .

Reducing the weight parameter of a pregnant woman:

  • manifests itself as a difference in 1-2 kilograms;
  • occurs against the background of the excretion of excess fluid.

Also happens:

  • decrease in fetal movements;
  • the appearance of cramps in the upper and lower extremities;
  • increased swelling of certain parts of the body;
  • changes in the urinary process and cleansing of the intestinal space: it is clearly manifested in pregnant women who suffered from systematic constipation.

The emergence of the desire for "nesting": manifests itself in the form of cleaning the premises, repair work, changing the interior.

Changes in the length and structure of the neck: can only be determined by a specialist when viewed.

Changes in the state of the pelvic bones: accompanied painful sensationsin the crotch.

How natural childbirth can begin depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the state of health, the number of previous births and the readiness of the reproductive system for delivery.

Labor activity can begin in the form of a mucous plug or discharge of amniotic fluid. These processes are individual for each organism.

How does childbirth begin?

Highlights from which labor begins in those giving birth for the first time, are contractions and outpouring of amniotic fluid.

The peculiarity of the contractions lies in the complexity of their definition. It can be difficult for a pregnant woman to distinguish false contractions from real ones. Nevertheless, true contractions have growing effectand do not disappear under the influence of anesthetic. Painful sensations may occur. Discomfort manifests itself in the lumbar region, thighs, calves, rectum.

The stage from which natural childbirth begins in primiparous may be accompanied by chills... This reaction is normal for the body.

Rupture of amniotic fluid occurs in the form of release of amniotic fluid. The condition for starting the process is an open cervix. In the absence of effusion, medication or instrumental stimulation is used.

How to understand that labor is starting

The onset of labor is associated with the appearance characteristic symptoms... Harbingers of childbirth allow you to timely prepare for physical activity that was not previously present in a woman's life.

There is no single algorithm for how to understand that childbirth begins in primiparous. Signs of entering into generic activity are individual.

In one case, the symptoms can be massive. Another patient may be characterized by the presence of only a few precursors or one.

However, there is a general trend. Women expecting firstborns more emotional... This is due to a lack of experience in delivery.

Ignoring obvious symptoms is possible. Pregnant women often mistake them for malaise. The planned date of delivery and the date of occurrence of precursors also differ.

Knowing the full process is required to understand what has begun. The moment the child is born is preceded by a period of disclosure, expulsion of the fetus and the appearance of the placenta.

The longest is the stage of cervical opening. The body's readiness is determined by the length and structure of the organ. The coherence of the actions of the woman in labor at the time of labor depends on how to understand the state of the body.

The onset of labor in multiparous

Childbirth in multiparous women is noted with greater confidence in women in labor. This is due not only to theoretical knowledge, but also skills. Despite the break between childbirth, women especially react carefullyto any changes in the body. There are no attacks of panic or hysteria.

Often childbirth begins in multiparous an order of magnitude earlierthan primiparous. This feature can provoke premature childbirth. From 34 weeks, women should be prepared that the process of having a baby can begin at any time. The term is determined by the muscular elongation of the neck from a previously transferred labor.

How to understand that natural childbirth has begun in multiparous, you can use the harbingers. It is important to remember that the manifestation of symptoms will be much stronger... This occurs due to the awareness of the experienced state.

As a result of the preparedness of the body, childbirth in multiparous pass rapidly... The period of disclosure and outpouring of amniotic fluid is reduced.

How long does labor start

In obstetric practice, an indicator of a normal prenatal period is term of 38 weeks. This is the period when the fetus has reached its final development.

The stage when the first signs of labor may begin includes 38 - 42 weeks... The recommended time for delivery is considered to be 40 weeks.

In the event that the pregnancy exceeds the 42-week period, a detrimental effect on the child's body is expected. maybe development of pathologiesand the oppression of his life.

Experts do not give an unambiguous answer for how long usually give birth to primiparous. On average, delivery occurs from 40 to 42 weeks. But there are cases of the birth of first-borns and after a 42-week period. This feature is associated with a possible inaccuracy in determining the date of conception. Also, at the birth of the first children, the body of the expectant mother is not so worn out. There are no pathologies of the reproductive system, provoked by previous labor.

The topic of how long primiparas usually give birth can be considered by the sex of the fetus. There is a tendency early birth of girls, compared to boys. The pattern is due to their earlier maturation and rapid development. As a result, girls are more likely to survive premature births than boys.

How long do contractions last

How long contractions last for first-time labor is influenced by the degree of preparedness of the cervix.

The disclosure process includes several phases.

Latent phase (or latent / initial):

  • duration - 7-8 hours;
  • bout duration - 30-45 seconds;
  • frequency - every 4-5 minutes;
  • the end of the phase is represented by an opening up to 3 cm.

Active phase:

  • duration - 3-5 hours;
  • fight duration - 60 seconds;
  • frequency - 2-4 minutes;
  • the end of the phase is represented by an opening from 3 to 7 cm.

Deceleration phase (or transient / transient):

  • duration - 30 minutes - 1.5 hours;
  • fight duration - up to 1.5 seconds;
  • frequency - 30 seconds - 1 minute;
  • the end of the phase is represented by an opening from 7 to 10 cm.

In general, the opening can take a long time - until 10 o'clock.

It should be understood that the preparedness of the cervix determines how the contractions last in primiparous.

The duration of contractions in primiparas allows you to determine the true contractions from training.

On average, there is a 10-hour duration.

If labor activity was preceded by false contractions, then the duration of contractions in primiparas will exceed the specified value.

note! In order for the training process not to exhaust the body, it is recommended to take an anesthetic.

The tablet form is often used. The action of the drug will distract from the source of the pain. As a result, false contractions will disappear. You can only take pills on the recommendation of a doctor.

A pregnant woman should not be afraid of labor. It's important to listen to your body. Any changes in the state will be a signal to go to the hospital.

Useful video: how to determine the onset of labor

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New sensations in the body during pregnancy are natural and normal. It is important to figure out in time whether the sensation that has appeared is a symptom of a pathological condition, such as the threat of termination of pregnancy, or is it a natural sign of the development of pregnancy itself.
Such signs at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy are the so-called precursors of childbirth - markers, the readiness of the woman's body for childbirth. Listen carefully to the word "harbingers". What is its meaning? These are heralds, foreshadowing any upcoming important event, preceding it. Harbingers appear a few days before the onset of childbirth, when the pregnancy is considered full-term, and the baby is fully matured and ready for extrauterine existence, i.e. after the 37th week of pregnancy.
The baby's lungs are already developed so much that he can breathe atmospheric air. special cells of his lungs begin to produce biologically active substances - this is a signal for the mother's body. In the parent "control center", a planned redeployment takes place, an exit directive is given. The expectant mother experiences syndromes that are very similar to those of birth.
However, harbingers are recognized for more than just alerting. Each harbinger arises in connection with changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Moreover, the change is characterized by the suddenness of the occurrence, spasmodic, sharpness, therefore it attracts the attention of a woman.

The main signs of precursors of childbirth

1. The earliest harbinger is the abdominal prolapse of a pregnant woman.

What does it look like? About 2-3 weeks before giving birth, you will find that your belly has dropped. Often it happens suddenly, somehow suddenly. Still, the height of the bottom of the uterus, weekly increasing by 1 cm and by the 37th week is about 37-40 cm (if the baby is alone in the uterus), suddenly decreases by 2-3 cm in a few hours.
Of course, this does not go unnoticed: breathing becomes easier, the shape of the abdomen changes - it becomes shallow, sloping from above. In the words of one of the pregnant women, first, when the belly is high, "at least put a cup and saucer and drink tea." And at the moment of realization of the precursor, which we called "abdominal ptosis", the uterus becomes lower at once by 2-3 cm. You cannot put a cup and saucer. The palm now fits easily between the chest and stomach. Why is this happening? The lower segment of the uterus becomes softer and stretches before delivery. The child descends, pressing the head tightly against the bone rim of the small pelvis, and the abdomen becomes lower.

Signs of a harbinger:
the appearance of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. Shooting pains in the perineum and legs may appear, because with all its weight the child presses on the muscles, ligaments and nerves.
relief of breathing (the pregnant uterus no longer puts so much pressure on the lungs)
decreased motor activity of the baby.
It is likely that your child's decreased physical activity may puzzle or scare you. The child is pressed against the bone ring of the small pelvis with his head, as a result of which he stops turning and can only move his arms and legs. So the decrease in perturbations is understandable and normal.
And the purpose of the harbinger is clear: fixing the head prevents the baby from turning over and makes it easier to start the birth process. The birth canal for the child is already covered by three centimeters! And only ten will remain in labor.
In the case of the pelvic position, the lowering of the presenting part does not occur. Due to its large size and softness, the baby's bottom cannot be inserted into the bone ring of the mother's pelvis.

2. Mucous plug

An equally important criterion of the body's readiness for childbirth is the release of the mucous plug from the genital tract. Throughout pregnancy, thick cervical mucus in the form of a plug prevented harmful microorganisms from entering the uterus, and by the time of delivery it liquefies and flows out of the genital tract.
The dilution of mucus is facilitated by estrogens, the level of which rises before childbirth. This happens 3-5 days before delivery. You will find on the pad a mucous-watery discharge of beige or brown color, sometimes streaked with blood, in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons. This usually happens in the morning, at the same time, the next morning, the discharge may recur. At this stage, the question may arise: is it not amniotic fluid?

After all, both those and other secretions are liquid, and at first observation they seem to be similar. (By the way, water is normally poured out at the end of the 1st stage of labor, and prenatal effusion is rare.) Compare:

Departure time:

cork - 3-5 days before delivery
water - At the end of the 1st stage of labor, sometimes before labor or at the beginning

cork - Mucous beige, brown, may be streaked with blood
water - Transparent, can be light pink, light green

cork - Liquid, slimy
water - Watery

cork - in portions of 1-2 tablespoons, several days in a row
water - Constant leakage, positive symptom of "cough push"

What to do:
cork - Observe
water - Go to the hospital

The water, unlike the mucous plug, is transparent, warm and constantly leaking. A simple cough can be used as a diagnostic criterion. When the abdominal wall is strained, the water will flow more strongly, and the amount of mucous plug will not change.

3. Changes in the state of health and mood of the pregnant woman

The next harbinger that occurs a few days before childbirth is a change in the well-being and mood of the pregnant woman. Emotional uplift, sudden euphoria, unreasonable sadness, tearfulness can be observed. For the third trimester, childbirth and the postpartum period, they are most characteristic. Sometimes these feelings quickly replace each other during the day. Sweating, hot flashes to the head, mild dizziness, chills may occur. These manifestations are associated with pronounced hormonal changes before childbirth.
4. Protrusion of the navel

A protrusion of the navel may appear in the third trimester of pregnancy (before the 37th week) and is probably associated with a general softening of the connective tissues of the body and an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, as well as with overstretching of the anterior abdominal wall and abdominal skin.
5. "Duck walk"

The center of gravity shifts, and the woman, when walking, compensatory deflects her shoulders back. When a pregnant woman walks, she puts her legs not in one line, as it was before pregnancy, but slightly apart, thereby increasing the area of \u200b\u200bsupport. This is important in order to better contain the increased volumes. There is nothing wrong with that, this is a typical gait of a woman before childbirth. if this is the first pregnancy, then the woman will walk like this for 2-4 weeks. During subsequent pregnancies, the belly sinks literally on the eve of childbirth.

6. Weight loss

2-3 days before giving birth, a woman may lose a little weight (1-2 kg). How can body weight change so quickly? Of course, by freeing the body from excess fluid in the form of urine. The usefulness (physiological) of this precursor lies in the fact that as a result of a decrease in the liquid component of the blood (recall that urine is formed from blood), the blood thickens, its coagulability increases, which helps to reduce blood loss during childbirth. In addition, the additional volume of fluid that was previously used to produce amniotic fluid, increasing the volume of blood circulating in the body of the mother and child, is no longer needed - and the excess water is excreted from the body. Sometimes this period is characterized not only by frequent urination, but also by diarrhea. The intestines also need to be cleaned before childbirth.
Perhaps the most significant and tangible precursors of childbirth are precursor contractions and cervical maturity.

7. Harbinger bouts

Harbinger contractions are irregular contractions of the uterus that appear several days before birth, usually in the evenings. Women often call them test fights, which makes sense. The purpose of prevestikal contractions is to prepare the birth canal, and specifically, to promote the ripening of the cervix - its shortening and expansion.

Harbinger contractions are well felt. How do you recognize them?

First, let's figure out what a contraction is and whether there is a fundamental difference between precursor, labor pains, normal contractile activity and increased uterine tone.
The mechanism of occurrence of all the listed conditions is the same.
This is an increase in the contractility of the uterus, the tension of its muscle layer. And since the uterus is a completely muscular organ (plus the mucous membrane from the inside and the connective tissue base of the peritoneum on the outer surface), we say that the contraction is the contraction of the uterus, meaning by this its muscle. At the same time, the uterus for some time (usually up to a minute) becomes dense, tense, well-contoured, there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum.

The differences are as follows:

Normal contractions of a contraction (doctors call it Braxton Hicks contractions) are natural, short and painless contractions of the uterus, usually noticeable after 24 weeks of pregnancy. They appear 4-6 times a day and are considered a normal manifestation of the contractile activity of the uterus, which demonstrates its ability to exert itself, reminds of itself. In addition, at the time of a change in tone, blood circulation improves, which allows you to deliver more nutrients to the child.
We are talking about an increased tone of the uterus with frequent and prolonged tensions of the uterus, exceeding in frequency and intensity of the Braxton-Hicks contractions. In the event of increased tone before the 37th week of pregnancy, this is a sign of a threat of premature birth.
The same contractions, but after the 37th week of pregnancy, are already called harbingers. They have their own characteristics. The main distinguishing feature of precursor contractions is their irregularity. The contractions themselves are short-lived - only a few seconds, rarely - up to a minute. The pauses between such contractions are very variable and can be from 10-15 to 20-30 minutes.
Harbinger contractions usually appear 5-7 days before childbirth, in the evenings or at the beginning of the night, preventing a woman from falling asleep for several hours. Then they go away by themselves or after a massage, a warm bath, or a soothing tea. A few hours before delivery, mild uterine strains may be accompanied by loose stools. Sometimes contractions are presented only by pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and aching pains in the lower back and sacrum. It's uncomfortable. You can relieve the condition by breathing exercises, stroking the abdomen clockwise, gently and gently, with the entire palm.
Labor pains differ from the forerunners in their regularity and a gradual increase in frequency and intensity.
As soon as the contractions begin, note the time between them on the clock. Within two hours you will have no doubt about the nature of these contractions. Labor pains will regularly and gradually increase, and you cannot say this about the forerunners - they are incomprehensible, sluggish, irregular.

8. Ripening of the cervix

The cervix is \u200b\u200ba muscle formation with circular muscle fibers that form the entrance and exit from the uterus. In this case, we are interested in the exit function. Opening slightly in the prenatal period, the cervix becomes soft, pliable, short (1-1.5 cm versus 3 cm during pregnancy), which facilitates its further disclosure during childbirth. Such a cervix is \u200b\u200bmature, which means ready for the onset of labor.
This harbinger is more visible to the obstetrician during examination than to the woman herself. The maturity of the cervix is \u200b\u200ban important criterion of the body's readiness for childbirth. Willingness corresponds to a certain state of the nervous system (the inclusion of the generic dominant), the hormonal background corresponding to the end of pregnancy and has reached the threshold level necessary to start the generic process.