Why a man can leave the woman he loves. What should I do if my husband said he doesn’t love me anymore? Will a man leave if he loves

It's no secret that some representatives of the fair half of humanity tend to see love where there is none. It happens that a young lady idealizes her partner and is constantly looking for some signs that confirm his feelings for her, but in reality the man does not love her at all.

There are obvious signals that will help determine this. After all, most representatives of the stronger sex do not know how to pretend. Analyze your relationship with your loved one. Be honest with yourself and soberly assess the situation.

10 signs that a man doesn't love you

Psychologists name 10 main signs that a man does not love you.

  1. He doesn't say a word about love or declares that he doesn't love

This is the most obvious sign that a man does not love. Moreover, he is capable of expressing his intentions regarding you both openly and indirectly:

  • The partner directly admits that strong feelings he doesn't feel for you. Or he warns you against falling in love with him because he doesn't plan on having a long-term relationship. It is interesting that some young ladies, having heard such speeches, do not believe in the seriousness of what was said. They believe that the man is simply flirting and hiding his true feelings. However, believe me, if a man says he doesn’t love you, then he means it.
  • The fact that your partner does not love you may be evidenced by the fact that he does not call you affectionate names like “sweetheart” and “bunny”. As a rule, he frowns in response to the gentle nicknames that you come up with for him. This is a bad sign.
  • No matter how trivial these little words of endearment may sound, they are proof of love. When partners love each other, they unconsciously choose affectionate names for each other. This creates a special intimate connection between them, which is available only to the two of them.
  1. He has affairs with other women

It is safe to say that a man does not like it if he shows signs of attention to other women:

  • Not embarrassed by your presence, he looks after other ladies and flirts with them. Or corresponds with a bunch of “girlfriends” in in social networks and regularly meets up with “old friends” to “chat.” At the same time, he does not invite you to such meetings.
  • Continues to meet other girls. A person who has decided and is determined to serious relationship, it won’t do that.
  • He cheats on you, but at the same time swears his love and explains his affairs on the side by his masculine nature. Don't believe it. You shouldn’t convince yourself that all males are polygamous by nature. Normal man, if he loves his partner, he will not cheat on her. He is simply not interested in other representatives of the fairer sex.
  • Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. And in life there are men - pathological cheaters, literally addicted to sex. And yet they love only one, their “one and only”. However, such individuals, fortunately, are not common. And if you are “lucky” and your partner is one of them, think carefully - do you need this? Do you need this kind of love?

  1. Offends you and treats you carelessly

A loving person will always take care of his other half and will try not to hurt her feelings. But if a man doesn’t love, then he doesn’t bother about it:

  • Allows himself to make offensive jokes and even be rude towards you. Of course, your chosen one cannot read thoughts and does not always understand that some of his actions or words may be unpleasant and offend you. However, if you have told your partner about this, then he should try not to hurt your feelings in the future. If he continues to act as before, claiming that he is just “joking” or justifying himself with the words “well, that’s just the way I am,” then there can be no talk of any love on his part.
  • He enthusiastically tells you about his past love affairs and sometimes even compares you to his ex-girlfriends.
  • He doesn't care if it hurts you. Publicly ridicules your shortcomings.
  • Or he doesn’t try to smooth out the mistakes that you may accidentally make in society. Instead, he watches with interest how you get out of an embarrassing situation. During a quarrel, your loved one allows himself insults, blackmail or resentful, proud silence for several days. Conflicts are inevitable in any couple. But loving man
  1. always indulgent to women's whims and does not humiliate his companion. Without respect, union is impossible. Yours intimate relationships

leave much to be desired

  • It is clear that each person has his own temperament and the need for sex is different for all people. But when a man’s love begins to fade, it is the intimate side of the relationship that suffers first: The loved one avoids intimacy in every possible way and always finds excuses. Of course, excessive fatigue from hard work, some kind of trouble, or poor health can also affect the cooling of the former passion. However, if a man loves his woman, then he strives to somehow correct this situation and solve the problems that have arisen in the intimate sphere.
  • You start touching each other less often. Your loved one has practically stopped hugging you, and his kisses have become casual and cold. In response to your attempts to cuddle, he moves away and even gets irritated. And after having sex, he instantly loses interest in you and turns away.
  • To yours spicy SMS and erotic photos the man responds with complete ignorance, and does not react at all to flirtatious advances and hints on your part. This means that as a woman, he simply does not care about you. Changing your appearance or learning different seduction “techniques” is unlikely to help rekindle passion, especially if there was no love in the first place.

  1. He doesn't care about you

This relationship can be expressed in different ways:

  • Man does not consider it necessary to warn you about an upcoming business trip or meeting with classmates. At the same time, he justifies such behavior as forgetfulness or being overly busy. You shouldn't believe this. If your partner cares about you, he will always find a minute to call and warn you that you won’t see each other.
  • He absolutely your preferences and hobbies are indifferent. A man who is interested in a relationship will always ask his girlfriend about what films and books she prefers, what flowers she likes, and how she spends her free time. If a man does not love, then he is not interested in this information.
  • Knowing about your poor health, he does not take the time to visit you or call you to inquire about your health.
  • Your partner regularly promises you something but then doesn't follow through. He doesn't think it's important. This means that you are not that valuable to him if he can easily break his promise to you.
  • He doesn't care about your safety. He does not consider it necessary to see you off, knowing that you are returning home alone late in the evening. Or does not react when someone in the company allows themselves to rude and aggressive attacks on you. This means the man doesn't love you. After all, protection is the basic need of a male. It is important for a loving partner to know that his partner is safe.
  • He's not jealous of you. Of course, Shakespeare's passions complicate life. However, healthy jealousy is an essential attribute of love. A loving man subconsciously strives to defend his rights to his chosen one. He is annoyed by the attentions that other males show her. If a man doesn’t love, then other people’s claims on his lady are absolutely indifferent to him. He doesn't even care why you couldn't answer his call. When a man does not love his companion, he does not seek to prove to her that he is better than other gentlemen, and he will not fight for her.
  1. He's in no hurry to become a part of your life.

Sometimes a young lady thinks that she is in a relationship, while her partner does not think so at all. How to express it:

  • Despite the fact that you have been dating for several months, he is in no hurry to introduce you to his family and friends. He is also not at all eager to meet your family. This indicates that he does not take you seriously. Perhaps the guy treats you simply as a sex partner or keeps you, as they say, “in reserve” until he meets a more worthy companion.
  • The young man does not take the initiative in meetings. It usually comes from you, and he simply agrees or finds some excuses. This should be alarming. After all, people who love each other want to spend time together. And if a man avoids spending time together, it means he is not interested in you.
  • He maintains relationships, but is in no hurry to develop them. To your questions about a future together, he answers vaguely: “I’m not sure,” “we’ll wait and see,” or “it all depends on you.” Don't believe such talk. He just doesn’t see you in his future life. A loving man will always discuss upcoming plans with you and use the pronoun “we”.
  • He doesn't want to help you. True love does not manifest itself in beautiful words, but in participation. A loving man always strives to make life easier for his chosen one. You don’t even need to ask him, he himself will offer his help. A woman should receive support and protection from her lover in difficult situations.
  • Most representatives of the stronger sex like to help young ladies. This gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your strength and toughness, to show yourself as a real male. Even if a man cannot do something himself (for example, fix a computer), he will definitely find a master who will do it. But if a man doesn’t love, he will perceive the most innocent request for help as an unbearable burden.
  • you remain been in a relationship for several years, and even live together, but to all the talk about the wedding, the beloved replies that the stamp in the passport is not the main thing, because his love for you does not at all depend on the official list. Alas, if your man categorically refuses to marry, then he most likely does not love you. Perhaps it was different at the beginning of your relationship, but now his feelings for you have faded.

  1. He doesn't want to spend money on you

A loving man is generous and strives to please his beloved pleasant little things. He is not sorry for the money if he understands that the purchase is important to her. And even without being rich, he will find an opportunity to please his soul mate.

But if a man doesn’t love, he always saves on his woman:

  • Does not consider it necessary to spend money on flowers and gifts.
  • Always splits the restaurant bill in half. Of course, in some countries this is considered normal. But in our culture it is still customary for a gentleman to pay for a lady.
  • Any, even a very small waste, makes him angry and becomes the cause of a scandal.

Of course, the power of love cannot be measured by money. However, male psychology is designed in such a way that he willingly invests in what is important to him. A normal man wants to invest in his woman. Of course, we meet in life pathological misers, however living together with such a person does not promise anything pleasant.

  1. Constantly criticizes you

Love is the ability not to judge and accept your loved one for who he is. When a man doesn’t love, he always finds reasons for criticism:

  • He doesn't like yours culinary skills, hobbies, manners or wardrobe. He constantly teaches you about life: how to behave, how to dress, how to communicate with people and who to choose as friends. It’s even worse if your boyfriend criticizes you in front of strangers or discusses your shortcomings with friends. Thus, he consciously or subconsciously tries to demonstrate to others (and to himself) that only you are to blame for his dislike for you.
  • He hints what you need to go to gym, offers to do plastic surgery to enlarge your breasts or reduce your nose. Don't rush to change! If your partner is not satisfied with your appearance, it means that you yourself are not satisfied with him. For a man who loves him, his chosen one is beautiful in any situation: during illness, sleepy and without makeup. He absolutely does not notice the extra pounds or disheveled hairstyle. Even if you lose weight or decide to go under the surgeon’s knife, a man who doesn’t love you will still find something to complain about.
  1. He avoids talking to you
  • Scientists have proven that representatives of the stronger sex are not able to listen attentively for more than 10 minutes. After this time it becomes hard to concentrate. However, a sensitive partner, seeing that his beloved needs to speak out, will make an effort and listen to her attentively, even when the topic of conversation is not at all interesting to him.
  • But if a man doesn’t love you, then he your experiences are indifferent. And when you try to talk about something important to you, he switches the topic to another or simply retreats, citing business.
  • The same goes for yours tears. Everyone knows that men cannot stand women crying. They try to run away as quickly as possible so as not to see this. However, a loving partner will overcome himself. He will try to console and calm his chosen one, even if he considers the reason why she was upset to be a trifle. To him It is important that she is satisfied and happy. But if a man does not love his lady, then her tears will only irritate and anger him.
  • Of course, all people are different. And it is possible that your chosen one is simply too selfish and narcissistic by nature. However, life shows that such people are, in principle, incapable of deep feelings.

  1. He is always in an irritable state
  • When a man gets angry for no particular reason, this is a signal that he does not feel satisfied with his companion.
  • All women can have annoying habits: taking a long time in the bathroom, throwing things around in the bedroom, chatting with friends on the phone, or taking a long time to get ready. However, a loving man always tries to react calmly to this and can even joke about it.
  • But if your partner doesn’t love you, then he will get annoyed and express your complaints about any little things. Even about something that I used to be absolutely calm about. Sometimes it may seem that he Your mere presence makes you uncomfortable.
  • But this does not mean at all that you should waste your energy in order to please your loved one and please him. Believe me, if a man doesn’t love you, he will always find a reason to be angry with you.

What to do if a man doesn't love you?

  • It can be difficult to come to terms with reality. The collapse of illusions always hurts. Often a woman refuses to accept the obvious fact that the man doesn't love her. However, knowing the truth, although unpleasant, is useful, first of all, for the woman herself.
  • What to do if a man doesn't love you? It is better to understand in advance what your sincere feelings unrequited. After all, the sooner you realize that the man doesn't love you the greater the chances of meeting a worthy partner with whom you will be happy. It doesn't matter how long your relationship lasted. It is better to end a hopeless relationship now than to suffer later over the next years.

  • If you find that you are unloved by your chosen one, find the strength to part with him. Maybe he never loved you, or perhaps his feelings faded over time. Do not deceive yourself and do not flatter yourself with the hope that love will flare up as a result of his affection and habit.
  • More often than not, this leads to satiety, which will inevitably end in an even worse attitude from the man towards you.

A man doesn't love: why doesn't he let go?

  • There are situations in life when the man doesn't love his companion, treats her indifferently, but does not let her go. The woman begins to wonder how her chosen one really treats her.
  • The hope is born in her that the feelings of her beloved for her have not cooled down, and the relationship between them will improve. However, as a rule, such a union is doomed and cannot bring happiness.
  • No matter how much you would like to believe that a man does not let you go because he loves you, this is unlikely to be the case. There is no need to be deceived about this.

As a rule, the reasons for such behavior of a partner lie in the following:

  • In most cases the matter is in habit. The man is just used to you, it’s more convenient for him. He doesn't want to change the way of his life. For the sake of his own comfort, he is ready to maintain a relationship with an unloved woman for the time being.
  • The man is owner by nature. He simply cannot accept the idea that his “property” could go to someone else. He is unable to come to terms with the fact that a woman can leave him. So he doesn’t let her go, even though he hasn’t felt love for a long time.
  • The man is not confident in himself and is simply afraid to be alone. Moreover, he never admits this fact either to the woman or to himself. Most often, such a subject behaves arrogantly and demonstrates in every possible way his superiority over his companion: he constantly criticizes and tries to make her complex and unsure of herself. In fact, he simply experiences a feeling of inferiority and doubts that he can find another.

It's up to you to decide what to do. But don't let yourself be humiliated. Life is too short to waste it on people who don't value you. You are worthy of love. Enjoying mutual feelings with a man who truly loves you is your right and vital need.

Video: What to do if he doesn’t love, but doesn’t let go?

“Love is the main value”, “love conquers everything”, “ true love doesn’t work,” I can continue this whole series of sugary phrases that we learn in childhood.

No, I'm not a cynic. I believe in true love. Moreover, I even believe that I myself married my soulmate. But I also believe that love is not everything. After all, before my eyes there are hundreds of examples where truly loving couples still got divorced. Yes, these were real feelings, but, alas, they were never able to preserve them.

As a result, the relationship ends, and every second woman in such cases asks only one question: “What went wrong?”

After all, everything was perfect, you both invested heavily in the relationship, but suddenly - bang! - and everything went wrong. Why did love end? I have seven answers.

He doesn't feel appreciated by you

If you have ever wondered in your life male psychology(at least superficially), then you probably know: men don’t just desire, they crave recognition. If they do not receive it, their existence becomes meaningless, and the soul simply dies. Well, okay, not everything is so dramatic, but, seriously, never forget: the feeling of being needed is what keeps a man in his relationship with a woman. If he understands that you don’t value him, then no matter how much he loves you, he will leave.

And it's not about just saying “thank you.” You must truly, from the bottom of your heart, appreciate everything that he does for you, support his goals, ambitions and desires. Yes, perhaps you will not agree in some ways, and it will seem to you that there is simply nothing to praise him for. But this is a mistake - because whatever the result, his original intentions were positive.

When I was working on my books or articles, I talked about this topic with countless men - and the vast majority admitted to me that they left their lovers as soon as they stopped feeling needed. They just didn't like the relationship anymore. End of story.

You've changed

Of course, when two hearts begin to beat in unison, life around them begins to change. You become family to each other, your relationship becomes more stable, but this does not mean at all that now you can not try harder.

I'll explain. If your relationship now is radically different from how it began, then it’s time to think about it. Maintaining the “memory of the past” allows you to preserve the spark in the relationship, those special feelings that you experienced when you first fell in love with each other. The brain will remember all those emotions when you were simply getting to know each other, and accordingly fuel your interest in your partner in five, ten and twenty years.

Another important sub-point here is also banal self-care - something that many of us neglect when we begin to believe that love has already survived all the trials. Of course, no one asks you to always be in full dress (relaxing is normal), but still don’t forget about yourself. Emotionally, you yourself will feel more confident, and your partner will constantly feel interested in you.

In short, of course, there is no need to go headlong into the 80s. But still, try every time to draw a parallel between how you behaved when he fell in love with you, and how you behave now. Men forgive us for aging or overweight after pregnancy. What they don't forgive is apathy.

He feels that you are unhappy with him

This is due to a man's basic need to be needed. Roughly speaking, the logic is this: if you are unhappy with him, then you don’t need him. Therefore, he will leave you - no matter how beautiful you are.

If, on the contrary, you appreciate everything he does for you, he begins to feel his own importance. Moreover, he begins to feel the need to develop in order to be even better. And this is always a good sign.

On the other hand, don't expect that making you happy is his responsibility. Then it will be a substitution of concepts. Your feelings are your feelings. His task, from his point of view, is to help ensure that his presence or any actions are significant for you in the most positive sense. In other words, if you are equally happy both with him and without him, he will leave.

Your communication is completely negative

If there is not a single good note in communication between partners, the relationship begins to seem like a complete burden. As a rule, this happens when both partners view their union as the only possible source of happiness, instead of feeding on positivity from the outside and bringing it into the house.

Believe me, a woman who deliberately waits to be made happy becomes a burden to a man.

There are almost no neurotics among men, because their logic is extremely simple: you need to avoid the bad and develop the good. Yes, everyone has difficult times - it is naive to think that your couple will never face them. But if negativity and eternal problems have become your daily reality, you need to take action. IN otherwise, you will part very soon.

You have different goals

And do not underestimate this factor. Perhaps, once upon a time, you decided that “love will survive all obstacles,” but here it is important to understand that different values ​​are one of the most insurmountable obstacles. In my lifetime, many couples have broken up, and many because of such an obvious reason that both decided to ignore. Don't doubt it: sooner or later it will make itself known.

One is mine good friend He left his lover a couple of days before he was going to propose to her. The girl was beautiful, but, alas, she was too fond of spending money on all sorts of little things, while my friend, on the contrary, loved to save, since he felt stable only when he had at least something in his soul. And they, of course, could have compromised - but no one wanted to give in.

The difference in life goals can manifest itself in everything: in the desire or reluctance of children, in their number, in the choice of urban or rural housing, in religion, and so on. If you don't communicate your values ​​and compromise up front, chances are you won't succeed. Be realistic and don't think that everything will resolve itself.

You're constantly trying to change him

“I will change it” is perhaps the most big mistake all women who enter into relationships. It doesn’t matter how sensitive you are, he will still feel that you are trying to judge him and mold him into someone who he by definition is not, or even worse, someone he simply does not want to be.

I don’t argue that you and I have a phenomenal ability to change our lovers. But still, do not forget to give your man his own space so that he can develop the best in himself. Don’t put pressure on him, don’t grumble or nag him - a permanent feeling of guilt has never had a good effect on a relationship.

You are not independent

If you are emotionally dependent on your man, expect trouble. As a rule, such relationships very quickly become so toxic that they simply explode. Believe me, no one will be pleased to constantly serve as your vest, and especially not a man who, as you know, values ​​his own time and space. Plus, if you depend on him for everything, he will feel too much pressure. And he will leave. It won't last.

Emotional abuse is a very great sin. Value autonomy in relationships, develop yourself in order to bring new things into your union. Men are not always able to explain that they don’t like something. They just feel it and leave.


Still, if you feel that none of these reasons apply specifically to your situation, maybe you should think about the fact that he simply did not love you enough? After all, human relationships do not always lend themselves to logic or any intelligible explanation. But what is certain is that if people truly love each other, they will fight for their union.

Just love, however, is not everything. Factors such as compatibility, characters, and values ​​cannot be deleted from relationships. You need to invest in your feelings every day. As soon as you stop doing this, everything will collapse.

Remember: men don't just leave. They leave at a moment when nothing can be saved.

Sabrina Alexis, coach, psychologist, columnist and author of He's Not That Complicated.

Women are willing to do a lot for relationships. But sometimes you have to admit that your efforts and your love are not enough. Most of us have the same reasons for leaving.


Men get stuck in routine very easily. Work, TV, belly and sofa.

Should we go somewhere together? No, I don't want to. Have some fun in an unusual way? For what?

And we're not even talking about spontaneous extravagances. He's boring and predictable, like his sock on the back of the sofa. After some time, the woman realizes that her life has turned into Groundhog Day.


It is important for a woman to feel that she matters to a man. If he is not around all the time, the relationship becomes meaningless. Men, as a rule, quickly withdraw into their concerns after achieving women.

And even if a man is nearby, he is often emotionally absent from the couple.


There is nothing more offensive to a woman than monologue conversations. Men often pretend to listen, but as soon as you ask them what was discussed, they become confused.

Be another radio that works "just for the noise"? No, it's humiliating.

It is especially important for women to be heard when they are listened to.

YOU DO NOT FEEL WANTED Moreover, desirable in every sense, and not just for sex. When a woman is not admired and given no attention or compliments in ordinary life

, she is fading away.

Men very quickly forget not only about signs of attention after a period of courtship. They even forget about intimacy and foreplay. What about sex with the man you love? Where is he?

It is difficult to want a man who perceives you not as a goddess, but as a sex doll. At least, with all his actions he pushes towards this thought. THEY DO NOT SUPPORT YOU Life is full of changes. Pleasant and not very pleasant. Sometimes you want to receive, if not direct support, then at least participation. Sometimes it's easy

a vital necessity

. Men who always pretend that the problem does not exist or brush it off “you’re there somehow” do not deserve to be loved. HE REMOVED SELF Raising children, household chores, communicating with relatives,

financial questions

. At some point, the woman notices that only she should have a headache about everything. What about my husband? For some reason he doesn't care.
Hey, we created this family together, why aren’t you in it? Why are you even here then?
If a man is able to at least listen to these questions, your relationship still has a chance. Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps. Join us on


And In contact with“A man’s love comes in three forms: he publicly declares his rights to you, he protects and provides,” says Steve Harvey, author of the acclaimed book “Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man.” One can partly argue with this - in our time, not all women need support or protection from a man. But they definitely need love if they are already having an affair. True, sometimes women tend to see love where there is none at all.

It happens that the partner does not say anything, but the woman feels that something is wrong. We are in

The language of love is gentle words, touches, hugs and kisses. When we call our partner “bunny”, “sunshine” or “babe”, we create a special intimate atmosphere that is accessible only to two. The choice of a pet name occurs unconsciously and shows how one partner treats the other, who dominates the relationship and how balanced it is.

By the way, Men need “calf tenderness” no less than women. Researchers from the United States surveyed a thousand married couples and found that those husbands who often kiss and hug their wives feel 3 times happier in their marriage than those who do not kiss. So, if your man winces when you hug him and call him “my cat,” the reason is not due to innate male severity.

As sad as it is, most likely he just lost interest in you.

Criticism of appearance There is such a thing wise saying Omar Khayyam: “Even the shortcomings in a loved one are liked, and even the virtues in an unloved one are annoying.” For a truly loving man, you are always beautiful, even disheveled and in pajamas inherited from your grandmother. He won't even notice that you've gained a couple of extra pounds after winter holidays , unless you say so yourself. But if a man constantly drives you to the gym or hints that you need Plastic surgery , do not rush to indulge him. More likely, if he is not satisfied with your appearance, he is not satisfied with you yourself.

And even if you lose weight, he will still find something to complain about.

Discussing your shortcomings with friends Women often tend to discuss problems in relationships or their partner's shortcomings with their friends, but men try not to air their dirty laundry in public. None of us are perfect, but truly loving people

They focus on their partner’s strengths rather than their weaknesses.

If your partner allows himself to publicly humiliate you and laugh at your mistakes, do not expect anything good from such a relationship. Your partner does not respect you, and without respect, a reliable, strong union is impossible. By criticizing you in front of other people, he unconsciously tries to prove to others (and himself) that you yourself are to blame for the fact that he stopped loving you.

Women love to complain about men's socks scattered around the house, but they themselves sometimes have unnerving or strange habits. We love to occupy the bathroom for 2 hours and chat with mom on Skype for the same amount of time; fill the entire closet with your things, climb into a guy’s plate in a restaurant to try his dish; singing the same stupid song all day. At the same time, loving men, as a rule, endure all this steadfastly and remain silent or react with humor. If a man begins to constantly make comments to you on any little things, then the only feeling he has left for you is irritation.

Pay attention to what you say

Men absolutely cannot stand the sight of women's tears. And recently a scientific explanation was found for this: it turns out that women’s tears contain special volatile substances that reduce the level of testosterone in the blood of men (accordingly, sexual desire decreases). So you shouldn’t often use crying as a way to influence your chosen one.

In fact, when you cry, a man wants to run away and not see it. But, if he loves, he will pull himself together and try with all his might to console you, even if the reason for tears seems trivial to him. He will be calm only when a smile shines on your face again. But if he doesn’t love you, then your tears will be just another reason to get angry with you.

Flirting, flirting, love correspondence

For a loving man, the requests and desires of his beloved girl (and not his friends or distant relatives) will always come first. In fact, men like to help women - it gives them the opportunity to demonstrate how tough, strong and responsible they are. Of course, there are situations when a man is not able to help himself, for example, he does not know how to fix a leaking faucet, but he definitely should not leave you alone to deal with this problem, he will call a plumber. If the most innocent request like “honey, please screw in the light bulb” is perceived with grumbling as another impossible task, it’s worth thinking about whether your man is helping some other woman, and with much more enthusiasm? . Therefore, it is quite natural that your man begins to get nervous when another “male” pays attention to you. Another thing is that people, of course, are not monkeys, and attacks of overly violent jealousy will only harm relationships.

But when a man is absolutely indifferent to the signs of attention that other men show his lady, this is an alarming sign.

He no longer wants to fight for her, try to become better so that she doesn’t leave for someone else.

Protection from dangers The need to protect their loved ones is also basic for a man. And to be protected is a woman’s natural need. And although modern men we no longer have to protect the fairer sex from predators and wild tribes; there are still plenty of dangers in our troubled world. Therefore, it is quite natural that a loving man worries when his significant other returns late from work or is alone in an unfamiliar place or company. If he can't be there, he'll at least call her and make sure she's okay.

By protecting a woman from threats (no matter real or imaginary), a man feels like a superhero. Therefore, if you do not receive protection and support from a man in difficult situations (for example, you get home alone at night or get lost in a strange city, or your boss yelled at you, but the man doesn’t care), this is a very bad sign.

Your chosen one is either a coward or simply doesn’t love you. Why do you need this?