School uniforms for girls 10 years old patterns. School uniform patterns for girls

In modern Russian schools There is no single model of school uniform. A mandatory standard of dress was introduced as a rule for all students in educational institutions countries since 2013.

The style and patterns of school uniforms are developed and adopted by each school independently. Often, uniforms express the characteristics of an educational institution, referring to its history or concept.

Modern school dress code

A common school practice is to replace individual school suits with business-style clothing for children and teenagers. If a school does not have a uniform dress code, it may be introduced at the class level.

Dresses made according to Soviet standards, which were once worn by Soviet students, are worn by today's schoolgirls only on holidays. In some educational institutions brown sundresses with white aprons are considered a symbol of graduates’ farewell to school.

Modern school uniforms for girls represent a wide variety of styles and combinations of clothing items. A schoolgirl's costume can be based on a certain model of dress, sundress, trousers or skirt in combination with a blouse, badge, jumper, jacket, jacket. Taking into account some changes, one pattern of a school uniform for girls is used to make suits of the entire size range.

Sundress with two folds

The sundress consists of a sleeveless bodice with a deep neckline or boat neckline. Complemented with a “half-sun” or A-line skirt. The silhouette of a sundress is most often semi-fitting, cut-off, with a low or high waist. Two counter folds can be placed on the front skirt part. Due to this, the model sits freely on the figure and does not restrict movement.

The cut of the product consists of two parts of the central part of the back, one folded part of the central shelf, four side parts (two for the front and two for the back), as well as a pair of skirt parts. You will need six one-piece facings (for the neckline and armholes) from the main fabric and non-woven fabric.

The basis for constructing a sundress is a standard drawing of a shoulder product. The design becomes more complicated due to the modeling of the basic cut.

Algorithm for constructing a drawing

Before constructing the selected model of a dress or sundress, a standard drawing-algorithm of the product diagram is drawn.

  1. Based on the chest height measurement, draw a horizontal line - the basis of the future armhole.
  2. From one of the edges of the main rectangle, retreat half the value of the back width on the previously obtained line.
  3. Divide the half-chest girth value by 4 and add 2 cm. Set aside the resulting value from the obtained point. The result will be an outline of the armhole.
  4. Mark the neck line in the upper rectangular corners. Finish seams on shoulders and armholes.
  5. Afterwards you will need to widen the side seams downwards. The value of flare depends on the difference in the chest circumference and the volume of the child’s abdomen.
  6. A special feature of the patterns of sundresses and dresses for schoolgirls 7 years old and younger is the absence of breast darts.
  7. The drawings of all models of student sundresses are based on a rectangle. One of its sides is equal to the half-chest measurement, the other is determined by the length of the product.

Model building

  1. Draw the lines of the chest, hips and bottom of the pattern for the upper part of the product onto the paper. These lines will be combined on the front and back parts of the future sundress.
  2. From chest level, lower a horizontal segment (6-7 cm). The resulting line will unite the bodice with the skirt.
  3. Make the armhole deeper by 2 cm from the bottom edge.
  4. Reduce the length of the shoulder by stepping back 2 cm from each edge.
  5. Connect the resulting points of the new armhole with a rounded line.
  6. From the top point of construction of the back on the fold line, retreat 1 cm. Mark the new point of the beginning of the neck.
  7. Extend the garment along the shoulder seam 2 cm from the top edge of the neckline.
  8. Move down 3 cm from the bottom edge of the shelf cutout along the fold.
  9. Increase the neckline at the back by 2 cm at the shoulder seam.
  10. Cut out the neck facing, drawing a curve parallel to the neckline, 3 cm away from its edge.
  11. Combine the shoulder facings of the back and front.
  12. Create a pattern for a skirt with a counter pleat, the depth of which is 3 cm.
  13. To make a fold on the front of the skirt, move 6 cm to the right from the bottom extreme point.
  14. Set aside another 6 cm to the right along the line along which the skirt will be connected to the bodice.
  15. Connect the resulting points.
  16. Leave the back of the skirt unchanged. Or add a fold.

Product processing

  1. Using an iron, glue the facing non-woven parts to the facing fragments of the front and back of the bodice.
  2. Connect the side part of the front bodice to the central front part using a relief seam.
  3. Pin the facings right sides to the base face and turn them inside out.
  4. Sew the shoulder sections of the product, place allowances under the facing parts.
  5. Unscrew the armhole facings.
  6. Connect side seams facings and bases. Leave space on the left for future lightning.
  7. Sew the fastener along the side seams on the left side.
  8. Fold the armhole facings down and attach them to the seams.
  9. Sew the skirt details.
  10. Combine the front side of the top edge of the skirt with the bottom edge of the front and back pieces.

  1. For first-graders and students junior classes A cut-off sundress with straps with a sun-type skirt is suitable. Typically, patterns of this style are designed for a height of 122 cm.
  2. It is recommended to measure the length of the straps directly on the child. This value sometimes includes a spare length, which can be adjusted in a year or two.
  3. Lay out the bodice and skirt patterns down the grain on the fabric.
  4. The center of the back, front part and skirt fold should be exactly on the fold of the fabric cut.
  5. Baste the bodice piece to the skirt piece.
  6. Try on the product, controlling it at the waist.
  7. Sew a zipper into the center of the back, which will extend all the way to the beginning of the skirt.
  8. Sew the straps together with right sides facing each other. Turn out.
  9. Sew the bodice areas with future straps using facings.

Sundress with wing sleeves

  1. A sundress model with cap sleeves can have a straight or pleated skirt.
  2. The pattern of a dress with a straight silhouette consists of two parts of a bodice, waist fragments and parts of a straight skirt. The front part of the bodice consists of three tuck stripes and one part with an armhole and neckline. The back detail of the top consists of two elements.
  3. Place the patterns on the fabric along the grain thread from the wrong side.
  4. Place the front strip segments in the bodice in the form of tucks and machine stitch them.
  5. At the back, on the wrong side, sew in a zipper. Align the center of the zipper with the center seam of the front of the garment. Extend the zipper almost to the very bottom of the sundress. You can also finish it at hip level.
  6. Finish the inner seams with a zigzag stitch.
  7. Decorative white guipure is used as edging for the collar and sleeves.

The pattern for a skirt with large pleats consists of:

  • 2 back parts;
  • 1 – center with a bend;
  • 2 front side fragments;
  • 2 wing-type sleeves;
  • 1 front skirt piece with fold;
  • 2 back skirt pieces;
  • 6 one-piece back and front facings;
  • basic matter;
  • non-woven dubbing.


  1. Using an iron, apply non-woven fabric to the one-piece facings of the front and back of the future sundress.
  2. Place the side part of the front part to the face of the front part. Place raised seams.
  3. Connect the sections along the shoulders.
  4. Finish the oval bottom of the sleeves.
  5. Sew on the “wing sleeves” with the pre-assembled assembly.
  6. Make front and back facings.
  7. Place the sleeve details between the facing strips and the bodice pieces.
  8. Fasten the product in the center below the zipper level.

Short sleeve dress

Based on the shoulder pattern of the standard configuration, it is carried out school dress With short sleeve. The model is slightly tapered at the waist. The detachable skirt included in this dress is equipped with several counter pleats and pockets.

School suits are equipped with decorative bibs made of strips (the bibs are complemented with buttons). Products are modeled using different configurations of collars and cuffs. In addition to the main cut, you will need a separate sleeve pattern.


  1. Transfer both configurations to paper.
  2. Adjust the sleeve length to the desired level.
  3. Mark the new bottom of the sleeve, 2 cm away from the line of the width of the part. Cut the sleeve along the drawn line.
  4. Stepping back 7-8 cm from the waist section, draw a horizontal line. Cut the pattern along this line.
  5. Leave the standard top pattern as part of the dress unchanged.
  6. Construct a drawing of a skirt in the form of two rectangular parts.
  7. The width of the skirt construction will be equal to the length of that part of the cut that is sewn to the front along with the width of the folds.
  8. Distribute the folds from the center of the front skirt to the seams located on the sides.
  9. The entry line to the pocket (if there is one) is located in the front part of the skirt.
  10. The back of the lower dress pattern is constructed in a similar manner.

Modern girls' school uniforms are made from fabrics that tend to hold their shape - soft materials for jackets, thin classic ones for tailoring suits. For children's (teenage) dresses and sundresses, linen, cotton and mixed materials are suitable.

It is best to create school clothes from fabric that is 1/3 synthetic fibers and 2/3 natural. Such fabrics allow a sufficient amount of air to pass through, retain heat, do not wrinkle as much, and are quite durable.

Wool is excluded from this list because it has caustic properties. Velor, velvet and corduroy are also not suitable due to their ability to attract dust and small debris.

The sundress has long been part of girls' school wardrobe primary classes. Its practicality and convenience have already been appreciated by many parents and children. Few mothers know that sewing a sundress for their daughter is not so difficult.

Today sundresses are sewn in a variety of styles. We will talk about them. A little maturity in the school image of a first-grader will push her to positive emotions and good studies.

Modeling with cut-off waist

This model has a circle skirt style and straps. The pattern is designed for sizes 122-60. Any clothing size is determined by chest circumference. Chest circumference divided by 2.

The length of the strap can be taken with a small margin so that next year they could be adjusted. It's very easy to do. You need to prop up the strap and take out the extra length, then sweep it up and sew it on.

Now let's start cutting and sewing. Ready-made patterns spread on fabric. We lay out the bodice and skirt along the grain thread down.

The line of the middle of the back, front and fold of the skirt should lie in the middle (fold) of the fabric. Lay out the skirt as shown in the picture.

Trace the pattern on the fabric with chalk or a pencil along the outline and add seam allowances. The pattern on the fabric is cut along the seam allowance line.

  • Sew the bodice along the side lines. All open cuts on the product must be processed using an overlocker or zigzag stitch. With this operation, the fabric will not fray and the sundress will last a long time.
  • Attach the skirt of the product to the waist line. Pin with pins (if necessary), sweep. Trying on a sundress with basting is required. This must be done to correct any inaccuracies before sewing. Only after fitting is the machine stitching done along the waist.
  • Now you need to sew a zipper into the middle of the back. To make it convenient for a girl to take off and put on a sundress, it is recommended to take the zipper longer. The length of the zipper should also fit the skirt of the sundress.

How to sew a zipper correctly, watch the video:

  • Fold the straps right sides inward and sew. Next turn it out. The seam can be ironed onto the middle of the strap, then the front side of the straps will look neat and beautiful.
  • The place on the bodice where the straps are sewn needs to be covered with a facing.
  • We fold the hem of the sundress using a hem seam with a closed cut using a machine or manually using blind stitches on the wrong side.

How to model a sundress for a first-grader with a collar?

This model can be sewn based on this pattern. The drawing is for a height of 140 cm, the length of the product should be adjusted before cutting. The style is given without darts and folds.

It's very easy to sew:

  1. Baste and sew shoulder and side seams. If the fabric puffs up when you try it on, then there are not enough darts on the chest.
  2. Sew a zipper into the middle of the back.
  3. Fold the bottom of the product. The description of this operation is given in the previous model.

The collar, which will decorate school clothes, deserves attention. In the photo you can see what the collar looks like.

The following work needs to be done:

  • Draw the line of the back and front neckline separately on paper. This can be done at the stage when only the shoulder seams are sewn (or make a paper blank for facing). Collar width – 5 cm. Length – length of the entire neck.
  • The collar is cut out in 3 parts: 2 main and one on the interlining. Non-woven fabric will make the collar tighter. The collar will hold its shape better, and therefore lie better on the product.

Sewn along the outside. Turn the collar inside out and straighten the seam with your hands. Attention! The collar has rounded areas.

On a sewn collar, notches (in the form of small triangles) are needed in these places. Using nail scissors, carefully and evenly cut them out. This will remove excess fabric. And the collar will be even on the front side.

The collar can be decorated with beautiful narrow lace. The lace is sewn together with the collar along the outside. If you are unsure about sewing a collar, you can buy it at any sewing store (we take all the details of the product with us to the store to try on the collar).

  1. Sew the collar into the neck. Cover the open cut with bias tape.
  2. Finish the armhole with a facing or bias tape. The bias tape can be used to match the sundress or contrast the item. This is done at the discretion of the seamstress. The photo shows examples of processing the neckline and armhole.

Sundress with pleated skirt

Very beautiful and interesting model It turns out with folds. You can sew such a sundress using a pattern with a collar. But the drawing needs to be changed.

It needs to be cut along the waistline, and the skirt needs to be modified to take into account the folds. Take double width for each fold. Example: fold width – 1.5 cm (1.5 cm x2 = 3 cm). Starting from the middle of the front and back, set aside the width of the fold. There may be several folds. When finished, the skirt pattern should look like this: an additional part of the folds is glued into the skirt drawing.

The photo shows an example of how to modify the pattern for folds. Today school uniform

so diverse that, willy-nilly, you begin to envy modern boys and girls. During my childhood, the choice was small: a jacket and a pleated skirt. Now there is such a variety of models of dresses, three-piece suits, etc. that by looking through them you can get some ideas for everyday office wear. Today So, may have different configurations, for example: for girls one day you can choose a blouse and a skirt, the next - a jacket and pants. The choice is also not limited to just a classic-cut shirt and trousers; a stylish vest can easily brighten up your everyday look. For the little ones, you can adopt the tradition of the English royal court: boys are not allowed to wear trousers, only shorts.

A little earlier we did a review article on jackets, where we highlighted their main types. There you can also find three patterns for different women's jackets: Jacket pattern

Today we will devote more time to unusual models, look at their features and aspects that set them apart from other similar things.

In the archive you will find a jacket, which we examined in detail earlier in the article Sew a jacket. PATTERN for 130 cm

and a sundress made from the same fabric.

The school uniform set can be successfully divided into independent items and combined with other clothes, creating every day new image for your girl.

When it comes to children's clothes, the most important thing to pay attention to is practicality and ease of wear. The child simply will not like clothes that restrict movement too much, and without taking this into account, you risk getting something that will simply take up space in the closet.

Jacket in school uniform

What is distinctive about the jacket model we sewed:

1. Real pockets.

Pockets can be either functional or decoy. In my opinion, it is better to give preference to the first option, especially in children's jackets, because boys and girls junior school They value functionality first and only then pay attention to style.

2. No collar.

It is quite problematic to talk about the pros or cons of this point. A jacket without lapels and buttoned up to the level of the collarbone has a less “official look”, if such a concept is even applicable to a children's school uniform. Also, the closed top allows us to classify this model as a winter one.

More models of jackets in school uniforms

What other models did we find interesting?

Classic single-breasted jacket with lapels. Despite its visual simplicity, it is quite complex to construct.

A bold double-breasted jacket with a fold-over flap that creates the illusion of a collar.

Sundress in school uniform

To be honest, the sundress in school uniform became a discovery for me. Before that, I could imagine a variety of combinations: jeans and blazer in dark shades like a school uniform, a classic brown school dress, only made in a different color, which our mothers and grandmothers wore. However, in a winter school uniform, a sleeveless dress, under which you can wear a light sweater, pays off. This is a convenient and practical solution.

In this article “Sewing a school sundress pattern” we looked in detail at sewing a sundress for a girl.

The following details are notable in this model:

A skirt cut at the waist with a bow pleat is most often found in school uniform items. It allows you to highlight a fragile girl’s figure. These skirts suit almost everyone, you just have to choose the right length. Another important point— the folds go from the center to the side seams.

Belt on a sundress school uniform- the attribute is quite rare, it seems to demonstrate the waistline, emphasizing the difference between a strict top and a more playful bottom, which is perfect for a young schoolgirl. In addition, the belt also performs a decorative and practical function - it covers the seam line. Also, a low waist visually lengthens the child’s height.

School uniform models

For us, as for most seamstresses, the Internet is the main source of inspiration; we will show several models of school uniforms that interested us. And each in its own way. Some kind of Today was noticed for its practicality, another for its tenderness, and the third for its showiness. So, enjoy and don’t forget to notice the details:

In appearance classic dress with removable cuffs and collar, but here the top is complex in construction and decorated with reliefs emphasizing the figure.

High-waisted sundress accentuated by trim; with a clever bow pleat on the skirt, which gives expansion at the bottom and ruffles in the armhole area.

Also a sundress with an unusual cut. From afar it looks like long jacket due to the shelves diverging in front, buttons imitating a fastener and low V-neck. There is a hidden snake sewn into the back.

Double-breasted sundress with a functional top shelf. Also imitates a long jacket.

Fantasy cut of the vest with reliefs and ruffles, which are sewn not into the armhole, but into the central reliefs of the front. The skirt is gathered with elastic and the lining helps keep its shape.

The models are distinctive in their finish and color scheme.

Traditional Japanese school uniform, also known as “sailor suit”. Very loose due to the pleated skirt and straight silhouette cut of the jacket. Universal for any age.

A wonderful vintage girl's dress, with lace trim, which, if desired, can be replaced with national embroidery or something even more daring.

That's all for today. Leave your feedback in the comments. Perhaps soon we will tell you how to sew one of the presented models.
Article written by Nitasha Eraclier
School uniform patterns provided by M.Y. CODe. Groups in

Young fashionistas with early age they like to dress beautifully. In order to choose a sundress for a girl, you have to spend a lot of time and money. It turns out that almost every woman can sew a beautiful outfit. Nowadays it is very popular to sew with your own hands. It's better to start with a simple pattern.

The finished element of a children's wardrobe will look original. Even if the sundress is sewn according to one pattern, you will not find a second one like it. Using ready-made ideas, you can please girls with stunning outfits. If you use the tips, this process will seem easy and fun.

What do you need to sew a sundress?

Sewing any product begins with thinking through the design, color, and style. For sewing you will need:

  • centimeter;
  • pencil;
  • measurements taken;
  • pattern;
  • fabric and accessories;
  • threads with a needle;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

Additionally you may need:

  • lining for a warm sundress;
  • iron for smoothing parts;
  • long ruler for creating a pattern.

Particular attention is paid to the choice of fabric; its structure must correspond to the season. IN summer period They prefer light, flowing fabrics: cotton, chiffon, cambric, linen, viscose. In autumn or winter - warm polyester-based fabrics: corduroy, velor, wool, fulee, twill

Based on the concept desired result, a pattern is selected. You can use any pattern, you just need to adjust it to the child’s measurements. The enlarged pattern is transferred to a paper base. Experienced seamstresses often make the pattern directly onto the fabric. If you have no experience, it is better to use a paper drawing.

Threads for basting are selected in contract colors, for sewing - to match the sundress. Recently, in fashionable models you can find things with multi-colored stitching. The main thing is that the completed result corresponds to the idea. Buttons, zippers, and accessories are carefully selected.

School sundress for girls: styles and patterns for 7, 8, 9, 10-12 years

School uniform disciplines girls, teaches them order and a sense of style. In school sundresses, which are usually worn under blouses or turtlenecks, girls look very well-groomed. Sometimes not everyone can afford to buy such a sundress. And those mothers who like to dress their girls in original things try to sew them themselves.

When it comes to thrifty moms, they know how to alter things. There are many reasons why you should sew a sundress with your own hands. The choice in favor of one model or another should not contradict general rules: light top and dark bottom. An element of a school uniform for girls should be comfortable and practical.

Styles for girls should not look quite democratic; they should contain fashionable accents. What exactly the form should be is decided school board. Since there is no uniform standard for sewing a sundress, you can use your imagination. Using the styles presented below, girls can look beautiful even in school uniform.

Sundress dress

The one-piece model has no obvious straps. There may be more ahead deep cut. Usually worn under a blouse or golf shirt. Suitable for girls aged 7-10 years. The pattern consists of two parts. This option is considered the simplest and does not require special sewing skills.

Sundress with pleated skirt

I really like the model with the pleated skirt young fashionistas as a school fashion trend. The style of the sundress can be modified depending on the number of folds. Small or large folds allow you to change the style of clothing. This model looks serious. Suitable for schoolgirls 8-12 years old. The pattern consists of a bottom, front and back.

School sundress with sun skirt

The style flowing at the bottom is loved by first-graders and older schoolgirls. Lush skirt looks very elegant, it does not hinder movements. Unlike straight models, it does not cause discomfort. Due to the fact that a flared skirt is considered quite easy to cut, sewing such a model is not difficult.

Sundress for a schoolgirl in a checkered pattern

Analyzing fashion trends for a school uniform, it’s impossible not to mention checkered sundresses. Unlike plain models, check is considered an interesting and attractive option among girls over 12 years old. The cage looks great on thin and plump girls. The cage is especially suitable for sundresses with buttons.

Step-by-step technology for cutting and sewing a school sundress for a girl

  1. Using the measurements taken, prepare a pattern for the chosen style. Draw the main lines on the pattern.
  2. Mark the dart locations on the front and back. Make seam allowances. Leave 5 cm for the hem of the skirt.
  3. Connect the resulting points. Highlight the places of fasteners, straps or neckline. For the fastener, make an allowance of 2 cm. If the fastening is supposed to be done with buttons, the distance between them should be 5-6 cm.
  4. The one-piece sundress has one piece. In the case of cut-off models, you need to additionally number each part.
  5. Before transferring the pattern onto the fabric, you should make sure that the drawing is correct according to the measurements.
  6. The paper pattern is applied to the pre-ironed fabric. Outline with chalk and cut out.
  7. After cutting, the parts are swept away by hand. They do a test fitting.
  8. Trying on allows you to work on mistakes. When the style fits your figure perfectly, the sundress is sewn on a machine.
  9. Remove the basting. Design fasteners, straps (neck).
  10. Overcast internal seams, trim knots and unnecessary threads.
  11. Steam iron according to fabric specifications.

Denim sundress for school for a teenage girl: pattern and sewing with your own hands

Older girls will appreciate elegant denim sundresses with lace trim. This option looks elegant, restrained and at the same time flirty. You can sew this style using the pattern of a sundress with a two-tiered skirt. Moreover, the number of tiers can be any. 5-6 tiers make very lush sundresses.

  1. Fold the denim in half. Attach the pattern, trace the edges, not forgetting to add 1.5-2 cm to the seams.
  2. Cut out the details. Sweep them by hand. Secure the seams so that the product holds its shape during fitting.
  3. For beginner seamstresses, it is better to adjust the product from the inside out. Dressed inside out, the sundress is sewn in place with pins where necessary.
  4. Start assembling from the skirt. All tiers need to be stitched together.
  5. Then they are machine stitched together at the front and back. If necessary, sew in a zipper or button fastener.
  6. Sew a skirt with a top. The final step is finishing with lace, bows and other decor. White lace is sewn with threads of the same color.
  7. In order for the sewn product to take its shape well, it is recommended to wash it and then iron it.

Pattern and sewing of a summer sundress for a girl with your own hands

An elegant option for girls is a sundress with wings. Sew summer style, which has wings sewn on instead of straps, will not take much time. As decoration you can use any type of lace, braid, bows. The pattern is designed for girls 3-5 years old. For sewing you will need:

  • cotton fabric;
  • lace about 50 cm;
  • rubber;
  • paper pattern;

Sewing sequence summer sundress for a girl with your own hands:

  1. Measure the child's height and cut out 2 parts (front and back). Don't forget about seam allowances and hem finishing.
  2. Place the pieces right sides inward. Baste the side seams.
  3. Sew on as shown in the lace pattern. To add volume, you can sew on frills.
  4. Finish the edges of the armhole with a hem stitch. Topstitch using a sewing machine.
  5. Insert the elastic or stitch it from the inside. You can hide the seam under satin ribbon, which will imitate a belt.
  6. Decorate the wings and bottom with lace. Sew seams inside.

A light summer dress with lace looks very romantic. It can be sewn in a matter of hours; instead of fabric, you can use an unnecessary dress. The altered product will look no worse than the store-bought version.

Pattern and sewing of a sundress for a 2-year-old girl with your own hands

The youngest fashionistas also want to dress up in something new. Mothers seeking to save money and experiment can try sewing a sundress that is easy to make. Maximum detailed description will allow you to quickly sew a dress for a 2 year old girl.

For the dress you will need:

  • fabric with a children's pattern;
  • threads with a needle;
  • scissors;
  • chalk with pins;
  • tape measure.

Sewing a dress for a girl:

  1. We make a pattern from two parts of the front and back. First we draw on paper, then on fabric.
  2. You need to cut very accurately, leaving a seam allowance of 1.5 cm.
  3. Baste the side seams. Try on the product, adjust the length and width.
  4. Secure knots on machine-sewn parts and cut off threads. Remove basting.
  5. Press seams and folds well.
  6. Decorate the bottom of the product with a contrasting color ruffle.
  7. The straps and top of the sundress can be decorated with bows and appliques.

Easy patterns and useful recommendations on sewing sundresses for girls from 2 to 12 years old will be useful to every mother. With the help of simple, at first glance, and very fashion models, easy to update your children's wardrobe. Each style will allow the young princess to transform herself depending on the situation.

School models are presented in a more discreet manner business style, summer - bright and elegant. Modeled and stitched with my own hands outfits solve the problem of a child's rapid growth. They allow you to alter things taking into account modern trends.

Another detailed guide to sewing a children's sundress is in the next video.

The Day of Knowledge is a bright and special holiday for all generations, but above all, it is a holiday for our children, who set off on an exciting, difficult, but rewarding journey for knowledge.

In this master class, I will tell you how to sew a school uniform for a girl with your own hands. As a basis for the school dress, I took the A-line dress model from Burda 3/2016, adding basic pattern some interesting accents.


128, 134, 140, 146, 152

The beauty of this A-line linen dress lies in its finishing. Neck and patches...

Step 1

On the front paper pattern we mark the lines of the design features of the future school dress. To do this, set aside the required number of centimeters on the shoulder seam line from the neckline. We do the same on the line of the middle of the front and draw the line of the future plastron in a smooth arc.

To perform this operation, you can use special tailor's rulers and patterns (). We cut off our plastron from the front part.

On the paper pattern of the plastron, mark the line for stitching the strap: from the line of the middle front at a distance of half the width of the finished strip (1 cm), draw a parallel straight line. Here the width of the strip is 2 cm.

Let's cut it off.

Step 2

We cut out the details of the dress with an allowance of 1.5 cm, and 4 cm for the hem of the bottom of the product.

For the plastron part, we cut out a rectangle of such length that the length of the paper pattern fits, and a width equal to the width of the paper pattern plus 5 cm: this is the allowance for making tucks on the plastron.

For the planks, we cut out two rectangular parts with a length equal to the length of the plank cut from the plastron plus 2 cm for allowances, and a width equal to twice the width of the finished plank plus 2 cm for allowances = 2+2+2=6 cm. We duplicate the planks on the wrong side adhesive material G785.

Performing a plastron

Step 3

Pintucks are a classic way of finishing clothing parts, used for many thin and medium-density materials. This is a great way to decorate a school uniform for a girl, sewn with your own hands.

On rectangular parts under the plastron, we mark tuck lines: to do this, mark 1.5 cm from the line of stitching the strap and draw the first tuck line. We will make tucks at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other. Options may vary depending on the size of the part, the purpose of the garment, the density of the material and preference.

To correctly calculate the amount of fabric required to make pintucks, try sewing pintucks on a piece of the material from which you are sewing the product. Depending on the density and thickness of the material, one tuck may require 2-6 mm.

Step 4

To make tucks we will use a special foot. We also install a double needle on the machine with a distance of 1.6−2.5 mm (depending on the density of the material). We thread the machine with two needle threads. Increase the tension of the bobbin thread by slightly turning the bobbin case adjusting screw to the right. Thanks to this, the tucks will look more prominent.

We sew one fold along the markings. When making the second tuck, to ensure parallelism, place the already sewn fold into the groove of the foot. Thanks to this, the distance between the tucks will always be the same. This is the case for tucks located at a short distance from each other.

If the distance between the tucks is more than 6 mm, then you can use the ruler-guide included with the machine.

If you want to enhance the relief of the tucks, you can attach them to the front edge needle plate a tongue for sewing tucks, the guide of which will lift the fabric while sewing, increasing the volume of the tuck.

Using a loose thread gives a similar effect, but the folds become wider. However, they work without a tongue.

When sewing pintucks, the fabric should be slightly stretched. Pintucks can only be ironed from the wrong side on a soft backing.

Learning together with the site

After making tucks on the right side of the plastron, we perform them on the left side, remembering to do this in a mirror image.

We cut out the plastron parts from the resulting fabric with tucks. And we adjust the pre-decorated cotton lace between the tucks.

Step 5

We fold the planks in half lengthwise, facing inward, and grind one (!) short cut on each plank.

We trim the allowances to 5 mm, diagonally in the corners. We turn it inside out, straighten the corner, iron it, folding the bar lengthwise in half with the wrong side inward.

Step 6

At a distance of 2 cm from the fold, mark the stitching line.

Step 7

We combine the bar and the cut of the plastron along the stitching line. In this case, the neck allowance on the plastron protrudes beyond the processed edge of the bar at the top.

Step 8

We grind. Stitch it.

Press and press the front seam allowances.

We mark loops along the right bar. We sew loops on the machine.

Step 9

We combine the planks, placing the right one on the left one, and chop it off, aligning the top processed edges. We chop off the lower raw cuts and sweep them away.

Step 10

We pin the plastron to the front along the alignment line, starting from the line of the middle of the front. Sew from the middle to the shoulder seams. We direct the pintuck allowances from the middle of the front on each side. We stitch and overcast.

Step 11

We iron the allowances and press them onto the product without pressing, trying not to push the allowances onto the front side and not to deform the texture of the pintucks.

Coming soon!

Step 12

We sew the shoulder seams on the school dress, starting/ending the stitching exactly at the marked neck line. We sew separately and iron the seam allowances. We also sew the shoulder seams on the neck facing details, without overcasting the edges. We iron the seam allowances and trim them to 5 mm, diagonally in the corners.

We sew the outer edge of the facing with an overlocker.

Step 13

We turn the bar on each side onto the product and secure it with a pin.

Step 14

We pin the facing to the neck of the school dress face to face, matching the shoulder seams and the mid-back line. We grind.

In this case, the allowance along the front cut of the front protrudes beyond the processed bar.

Step 15

We adjust the seam allowance to the facing at a distance of 1 mm from the seam. We trim the allowances close to the stitching.

Step 16

We bend the facing to the front side and combine the allowance along the front cut on the facing with the stitching seam of the strap along the front cut.

And we grind it down.

Step 17

We cut the allowances to 5-7 mm and turn them inside out, straightening the corner. Iron it.

Step 18

We turn the facing inside out and iron it.

Step 19

Match the shoulder seams on the school dress and facing and secure by hand. Mark the location of the buttons and sew them on.

Step 20

We sew the side seams of the dress, overcast and iron the allowances. We sew over the hem allowances at the bottom. Iron and turn 4 cm to the wrong side.

We baste close to the overlock stitch and

We file for permanent use.

If there is not enough allowance for hem at the bottom, you can do it with lace or with a strip of main or lining fabric. In a hand-sewn school uniform, such trim will serve as an additional decor.

: Master Class

Step 21

Using the sleeve lapel allowances, we lay two parallel landing lines, having previously loosened the tension of the upper thread.

Step 22

We sew the seams on the sleeves, overcast and iron them.

We sew the bottom of the sleeve. Iron and turn 4 cm to the wrong side. We baste it close to the overlock stitch and hem it with hand-held, hidden, loose, permanent stitches in the same way as the bottom of the product.

Step 23

We sew in the sleeves, placing them at the edges and aligning the control marks on the armhole and the sleeve edge. We overcast the allowances.

Iron the stitching allowances. Iron the seam allowance at the top of the sleeve cap onto the sleeve. In the lower part - on the edge.

Read more about sewing sleeves in the master class:

Now you know how to sew a school uniform with your own hands. All that remains is to iron the girl’s school dress. And to make it look more solemn,

We complement the model with a removable white collar, like the one from Burda 3/2016, and cuffs.

A school uniform for a girl, sewn by yourself, is ready. And we are ready for the new school year!

Alevtina Zolotova - teacher Burda Academy according to sewing technology. She has been sewing since childhood, sewing for the whole family - three daughters and husband. She loves to understand the intricacies of sewing and is happy to share its secrets with the academy’s students. Her magnificent and impeccable works serve as an example and inspiration for many, and master classes teach how to correctly perform sewing operations that only at first glance seem complex.
Alevtina’s credo is the pursuit of perfection: “We are capable of anything if we really want it and are ready to work on ourselves. Success in any business comes in small steps, but first it’s important to start moving.”