If an unemployed person becomes pregnant, payments. What rights do unemployed pregnant women have?

Women who have a job and are insured in the social insurance system during pregnancy and after childbirth can count on certain social guarantees in the form of various benefits. Some of them are paid in a fixed amount, and some depend on the amount of salary received. What benefits are available to pregnant unemployed women? After all, they cannot apply for payments to the employer, and they do not have average earnings to calculate benefits. Let's look at what an unemployed woman can count on while expecting a child in our material.

Are payments due to unemployed pregnant women?

First, let's define who can be classified as non-working expectant mothers. Specifically, this category may include:

  • Women who do not have a job, quit their jobs, or work without proper registration. Even if a woman works, but her relationship with the employer is not documented, she cannot be considered working for the purpose of assigning benefits, because her salary is unofficial and insurance contributions in connection with maternity and illness are not accrued to her;
  • Women – individual entrepreneurs who have ceased their entrepreneurial activities by deregistering with the Federal Tax Service;
  • Private lawyers and notaries who have ceased their practice;
  • Women who were fired due to the liquidation of the company or the termination of activities by the employer-entrepreneur;
  • Spouses of conscripted military personnel;
  • Full-time students.

If we compare what payments an unemployed pregnant woman receives and a working woman, we will see that some benefits are not available to the unemployed due to the fact that they should be calculated based on average earnings. In some cases, a woman who does not have a job may be assigned such a benefit, but only in minimum size. Let's take a closer look at what payments are available to non-working mothers and under what conditions.

What payments are due to pregnant unemployed people in exceptional cases?

Paid maternity leave - This maternity benefit is not paid to unemployed women, but there are exceptions:

  • Those dismissed upon liquidation of an organization, termination of business activities of individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, within a year before the day they are recognized as unemployed, if they are registered with the employment service, are entitled to benefits. But, if for workers its size is 100% of average earnings or is calculated from the current minimum wage, then here are the payments a pregnant unemployed woman is entitled to - the minimum fixed amount is 613.14 rubles per month, which for maternity leave of 140 days will be 2822.12 rubles. , for 156 days – 3144.65 rubles, for 194 days – 3910.66 rubles. (Articles 7 and 8 of Law No. 81-FZ dated May 19, 1995, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2017 No. 88). To apply for benefits, you must contact the social security authority at your place of residence. If a woman receives unemployment benefits, then she has to make a choice between it and maternity benefits - she cannot receive these payments at the same time.
  • Expectant mothers who are students of universities, scientific organizations and other professional educational institutions can receive benefits equal to their scholarship. Payment of maternity benefits is made at the place of study, and it does not matter on what basis the student is studying - commercial or budgetary (letter of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2010 No. 02-02-01/08-3930).

In addition to maternity leave, women who started medical examination before 12 weeks of pregnancy, a lump sum payment is assigned(Article 9 of Law No. 81-FZ). Its size is fixed and subject to indexation - today it is 613.14 rubles. Only those who are entitled to maternity benefits can receive this payment, that is, women dismissed during liquidation and full-time students; the rest of the unemployed are not entitled to benefits.

What payments are due to pregnant unemployed women and mothers?

Absolutely all unemployed women have the right to one-time payment at the birth of a child . It can be received by the mother or father of the newborn. A working father will receive benefits at his place of work, and if an unemployed single mother receives benefits, or both parents are studying, then it will be paid by the social security service at their place of residence.

The amount of benefit for a newborn is the same for everyone, and changes only due to indexation. From 02/01/2017 it is 16,350.33 rubles. (Government Decree No. 88). The amount received is not affected by the number of existing children, and if twins are born, the benefit is assigned in full to each of them.

Monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years old employed women retain 40% of their salary, and non-working women are assigned only the minimum amount: 3065.69 rubles. per month for the first child and 6131.37 rubles. – for the second and subsequent younger children. Benefits for unemployed mothers are paid by the social security authority from the day the child is born until the age of 1.5 years.

Mothers receiving unemployment benefits must choose only one payment out of two - they cannot be assigned at the same time. For student mothers, the right to benefits remains the same while continuing their studies, but they also need to make a choice: between maternity benefits and care benefits for up to 1.5 years.

Special benefits for conscript wives are relied upon regardless of their employment, including, social security authorities pay them to the unemployed. Women receive these payments along with all other benefits due to pregnant women and mothers:

  • One-time benefit to the wife of a conscript soldier Requires a pregnancy of 180 days or more and a registered marriage. The benefit amount is RUB 25,892.45. (Article 12.3 of Law No. 81-FZ).
  • Monthly allowance for the child of a conscript is paid from the day of his birth, but not earlier than the day the father begins his conscription service in the army. The payment continues until the child is 3 years old, but no later than the day the father ends his military service (Article 12.6 of Law No. 81-FZ). The benefit amount is RUB 11,096.76. per month.

What payments are also due to a non-working pregnant woman:

  • If there are social indications and a medical opinion, the expectant mother may receive additional nutrition. Its size is set by the regions, and they decide whether to issue benefits in cash or in kind.
  • At the local level, at the expense of regional budgets, other payments and additional payments may be established for pregnant women, including the unemployed.

Russian system social assistance population assumes the availability of opportunities for all families with children in need of additional cash payments, apply for benefits, benefits and compensation. The procedure for assigning payments largely depends on the category of applicants. The very right to receive financial support for children and its amount are influenced by whether the parents are employed or not. And the assignment of benefits for the birth of a child to a non-working mother depends on whether she is registered with the Employment Center.

What are the categories of non-working mothers?

When applying for benefits, it is not enough to report that the child’s mother does not have an official place of work - it is also necessary to clarify which category of unemployed she should be classified as:

  1. Unemployed people who are not entitled to compulsory social insurance:
    • never worked (for example, housewives);
    • formerly unofficially employed (for whom the employer did not make mandatory insurance contributions);
    • full-time students studying in secondary vocational educational institutions or universities, on a paid and budgetary basis.
  2. Unemployed people registered with the Employment Service within 12 months after the date of dismissal due to the liquidation of the company or closure of the individual entrepreneur.
  3. Those who lost their jobs while on parental leave or labor and employment leave due to the cessation of work of an individual entrepreneur or the liquidation of a company, as well as spouses of military personnel transferred to serve abroad.

In the eyes of the law, the above categories of citizens have differences, despite the fact that essentially all of them are unemployed and in need of additional financial support. Each of these categories of women has the right to apply for various types benefits when performing different conditions, including benefits for the birth of a child for a non-working mother.

List of benefits for those dismissed during the liquidation of an enterprise

Maternity benefits, as well as child care benefits, are paid by the employer at the place of work to employees insured by the Social Insurance Fund, with the exception of participants in the pilot program “Direct Payments” - they receive the funds due to them directly from the budget of the Social Insurance Fund.

However, often the enterprise is closed, bank accounts are frozen, or the employer is declared bankrupt by a court decision. In such cases, employees applying for benefits for the birth of a child to a non-working mother will receive funds from the Social Insurance Fund unit in which their boss was registered.

Full-time female students who were laid off when a company closed, who ceased their activities as individual entrepreneurs (if they paid voluntary contributions to the Social Insurance Fund), unlike non-working and unemployed students, receive:

  • maternity benefit;
  • allowance for early registration at the antenatal clinic (up to 12 obstetric weeks).

What benefits are available for the birth of a child to a non-working mother and pregnant women, and where to apply for them (table)

Regardless of wealth, employment and work in the years preceding pregnancy, parents can receive the following payments:


Where to apply

A one-time benefit for the birth of a baby (in a fixed amount, increasing only in regions where the regional coefficient applies).

At the father’s place of work or at the USZN

Monthly allowance for childcare (for non-workers - at a minimum possible size until the baby is one and a half years old).


Monthly benefit for children under 16 (18) years of age (fixed amount).

A one-time payment when registering guardianship (trusteeship) and adoption (fixed amount).

A one-time payment to a military spouse (only during the husband’s compulsory service, not under a contract - in a fixed amount, which can be received starting from the 180th day of pregnancy).

Monthly payment to parents with many children (in the amount of the currently valid regional child benefit) living wage– paid until the third child or any subsequent child turns 3 years old).

Maternal (family) capital at the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent children during the period of the state program.

Pension Fund

Allowance for employment and labor (only for those dismissed upon closure of the company, those who stopped working as individual entrepreneurs and full-time students).

FSS (dismissed and individual entrepreneurs);

USZN (students).

Allowance for registering with a residential complex for up to 12 weeks (only for those dismissed upon closure of the company, those who ceased their activities as individual entrepreneurs and full-time students).

FSS (dismissed and individual entrepreneurs);

USZN (students).

Table: amounts of maternity and child benefits for non-working mothers

Unemployed people registered with the Employment Center and receiving unemployment benefits are required to either refuse payment (by providing the Employment Service with a certificate of incapacity for work for a period of 30 obstetric weeks) or not apply for child care benefits.


Size (RUB)

One-time at the birth of a baby, upon adoption and establishment of guardianship


Monthly childcare for children under 1.5 years old

3065.69 (minimum for 1 child),

6131.37 (minimum for 2nd child),

40% of the average income, not lower than the minimum and not more than 10,873.36 for each child under one and a half years old (for those fired).

Monthly for children under 16 (18) years of age

One-time payment to the wife of a military man (conscript service)


Monthly allowance for military children (contractual service)


Monthly for large families

Depending on your region of residence

Maternity capital

453 026

For pregnancy and childbirth

100% of average income or minimum wage.

For those dismissed due to the closure of a company or individual entrepreneurs dismissed due to the bankruptcy of the company:

34,521.20 (for normal childbirth - 140 days),

38,466.48 (if complications occur during childbirth - within 156 days),

47,836.52 (for twins, triplets, etc. - in 194 days).

For students:

in the amount of the scholarship.

Unemployed (who received status within a year after dismissal):

2861.60 (for 140 days),

3188.64 (for 156 days),

3965.36 (for 194 days).

For early registration at the clinic


Necessary documents for receiving benefits for the birth of a child for a non-working mother, and where to get them

Those dismissed during the liquidation of an organization or the closure of an individual entrepreneur submit a different set of documents to the Social Insurance Fund than women who have never worked and are unemployed:

Dismissed when the company closes

Individual entrepreneurs who have ceased to operate (who made contributions to the Social Insurance Fund) Never worked Students

Military spouses


Certificate of salary (obtain from the employer or submit a request to the Social Insurance Fund).

Certificate of registration with the Social Insurance Fund

Certificate or diploma of education (from school or university)

Certificate of completion of full-time training (from educational institution)

A court decision stating that work benefits were not paid (from the judge's clerk).

Work book without employment records (if available)

Help from medical institution about registration in early dates

Sick leave (from the medical institution where the pregnancy was observed)

Certificate of registration at a antenatal clinic or clinic (from a doctor observing the pregnancy).

Certificate of non-receipt of unemployment benefits (from the Employment Service)

Help about military service upon conscription (from a military unit - if the husband is still serving, from the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence, if he has already served)

Certificate of non-receipt of unemployment benefits (from the Employment Service)

Work record book with a notice of dismissal under the relevant article.

Sick leave (from the medical institution where the pregnancy was observed).

Minimum and maximum amounts of benefits for unemployed people

To obtain information about the exact amount of regional benefits, you must contact your local Office for advice. social protection population.

Legislative acts on the topic

Typical errors in calculating childbirth benefits for a non-working mother

Error: Stay-at-home mother claims to receive maternity benefits.

To go on maternity leave and receive the appropriate benefits, a woman must work officially. The employer makes mandatory contributions to Social Security. In this case, a working woman goes on maternity leave, the basis for which will be a standard sick leave certificate. Another name for this document is a certificate of incapacity for work. We will tell you in this article how you can receive maternity benefits for non-working mothers.

Despite the situation with official employment, some pregnant women may still qualify for maternity benefits, even if they do not work at all and cannot count on insurance contributions. Unlike working expectant mothers, payments to non-working expectant mothers will not be made gradually, but at one time. True, the money is transferred from completely different sources.

What categories of unemployed women are entitled to maternity benefits?

Maternity benefits for a non-working mother can be received by:

  • women who are not officially employed;
  • women in public service;
  • full-time students of colleges and universities.

Officially, women are considered unemployed if they are recognized as such after layoffs or layoffs, when the latter is associated with the liquidation of the employer's organization. As for those who are in the civil service, the military, customs officers and other contract workers fall under this category. About female students - everything is clear and without explanation, the only thing that should be mentioned is that benefits will be paid to graduate students.

Each category of women has the right to count on full payment for maternity leave - from its beginning to its end. By law, the duration can be 70 days before childbirth and 70 after it, if there were no complications during childbirth. Unfortunately, complications still sometimes occur. In this case, after childbirth maternity payments are produced not in 70 days, but in 86 (156 days in total). When a woman is pregnant with several children at once, she will receive benefits for 194 days. This period is divided into 84 days before birth and 110 days after birth.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about unemployed expectant mothers who live in areas contaminated after the accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and Mayak. Such women are sent on maternity leave 20 days earlier than expected. That is, the prenatal period is paid for 90 days.

If a woman has never worked or been in the civil service, that is, she has been involved in housekeeping, alas, she cannot count on payment. The same applies to those who worked unofficially before pregnancy. Expectant mothers who left work at will, and correspondence students similarly cannot qualify for BiR benefits,

B&R benefits for unemployed women who were fired after the liquidation of the organization

Payment of maternity benefits to unemployed women for the reason stated in the title is mandatory. The state assumes responsibility for the people who until recently made contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. Expectant mothers who are left without work through no fault of their own have the right to receive a certificate of incapacity for work. And, accordingly, payments for it.

It is very important to register with one of the local employment centers if, a year before pregnancy, either pure liquidation or reorganization of the enterprise occurred, as a result of which you lost your permanent job.

Separately, it should be said about women who have the status of individual entrepreneurs, but have ceased their entrepreneurial activities. The same applies to expectant mothers who have lost their lawyer or notary status. These women receive the right to formalize the receipt of maternity benefits for a non-working mother. Similarly, maternity leave is issued on the basis of sick leave.

How unemployed people are paid sick leave according to BiR

Citizens of Russia, and in our case, female citizens, have the opportunity to register at the labor exchange. Once registered, the special unemployment benefit will be paid for a year. The amount is a percentage of the salary received. Existing standards Labor Code state that if there is a sick leave certificate, the annual period is extended by the number of days specified in the certificate. For a year and a half after dismissal, the number of days on sick leave cannot exceed 365.

Pregnant women left without work are in a special status. Registration of a certificate of incapacity for work is directly in their area of ​​interest. There are several reasons for this. Pregnant women receive payment for the entire maternity leave for the periods that we mentioned in the first section of the article, when we described the payment procedure itself. But the amounts will not be significant - 613.14 rubles per month.

During the entire maternity leave, a woman cannot be deregistered at the labor exchange; her status remains officially unemployed.

During the period of leave under the BiR, the woman continues to receive unemployment benefits, but there are some nuances:

  • that is, the benefit itself is not accrued during vacation, but it will be paid after the end of maternity leave (if 18 months have not passed since registration with the employment service);
  • If, after the end of maternity leave, a young mother applies for child care benefits, then the payment of unemployment benefits will be suspended.

But all this is relevant if no more than a year has passed after a woman received unemployed status and before going on maternity leave. And, conversely, it is irrelevant if a woman registered with the employment service, but did not work before or worked unofficially. Dismissal at will will be a reason for the state not to pay any benefits.

How unemployed pregnant women receive maternity benefits through Social Security

It is also possible to apply for maternity benefits for unemployed people through the Social Security authorities: in this case, the payment of B&R benefits to expectant mothers who have lost their jobs due to downsizing or liquidation of the organization is carried out by local social security authorities. Here you will need to submit an application using the specified form. Plus, you also need to attach documents. Here is their list:

  • maternity leave issued after the thirtieth week of pregnancy;
  • extract from work book with a record of the last place of work;
  • statement of dismissal due to liquidation of the enterprise;
  • certificate of registration of unemployed status (this document is provided by the employment service);
  • a decision made by the tax authority that the woman has ceased to work as a lawyer or notary, if such a decision took place.

The federal budget provides the required funds for social benefits, which is appointed within ten days after the submitted application has been registered. By the 26th day of the month following the month in which the application was submitted, funds from the B&R benefit are transferred to the applicant’s bank account. Another option for receiving is a postal order.

How contract and civil servants, as well as full-time students, receive benefits under B&R

As we said earlier, non-working people include civil servants, contract military personnel and full-time students. Here, the conditions for receiving will differ from those that apply to working pregnant women.

In any case, contract workers and students are required to obtain a certificate of incapacity for work. Based on this, you can submit applications for payment.

Women military and government officials

Pregnant women who serve in public service may qualify for maternity benefits. In order for them to apply for benefits, they will need to provide:

  • application for maternity leave;
  • a doctor's certificate;
  • if the place of service does not coincide with the place of residence, then you must also provide a certificate of non-receipt of benefits at the place of residence. Such a certificate can be obtained from local social security authorities.

According to Russian laws, benefits must be accrued within ten days. The counting day is the date when the service ceased. If the service continued after receiving sick leave, then such an expectant mother is entitled to only monetary allowance. But you won’t have to count on the full amount along with maternity payments.

Funds are transferred directly from the federal budget. The budget is determined by the federal executive authorities that regulate the contract service.

Full-time students of educational institutions

This category of expectant mothers has the full right to receive maternity benefits. The budgetary or commercial training scheme will in no way influence the decision-making on this issue. Students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions can apply for maternity benefits.

Making payments is easy. It is enough to submit an application and relevant documents to the accounting department of your educational institution. Once approved, the benefit is paid under the scholarship scheme. You can receive funds directly at the cash desk, where the scholarship is usually issued.

In the case of full-time students, the source of funding will be the federal or regional budget, from which the educational institution receives subsidies. The payment period, as for civil servants, is ten days after registration of the submitted application. The application must be accompanied by a certificate or sick leave certificate, which is issued for a period of thirty weeks.

In the article, we talked about which categories of unemployed pregnant women can qualify for payment of benefits under the BiR, and what is needed to receive this benefit without problems. But we would like to give one piece of advice: you should apply for maternity benefits after the sick leave has started to apply. If this did not work out, then you should not be upset - you can apply within six months after the sick leave has expired.

Cash benefits are the most common method of providing support to families with children. The Russian government, as part of providing assistance to young parents or adoptive parents and improving their income.

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It was reduced due to being on maternity leave and parental leave provides the opportunity to obtain child benefits. The amount of payments is reviewed annually and indexed due to rising prices.

Main aspects

According to the law, maternity payments are provided only to working women, with the exception of the situation when a woman is fired due to the liquidation of an enterprise.

Expectant mothers who are unemployed have no reason to receive maternity benefits.

All payments that they are entitled to are assigned only from the moment the baby is born, namely a lump sum benefit and monthly payments until the child reaches 1.5 years of age.

Initial Concepts

State cash allowance for a child is a certain amount of money that is aimed at ensuring the maintenance and care of the baby.

According to the law, the following are considered non-working:

  • women who do not have formal employment;
  • women fired from the enterprise a year before going on maternity leave, if they joined the labor exchange;
  • wives of conscripts;
  • full-time students of technical schools, institutes, colleges;
  • Individual entrepreneurs who closed their business and deregistered with the tax service;
  • if the enterprise was liquidated while the woman was in maternity leave;
  • women notaries or lawyers who have ceased their powers.

List of state aid

The list of state aid available to unemployed women is significantly smaller than for working women. They are entitled to:

  • at the birth of a baby;
  • child care, which is paid every month;
  • Some regions provide additional benefits.

At the federal level, a one-time benefit for unemployed pregnant women registered before the 12th week, as well as maternity benefits, is not provided.

But in some regions additional payments have been established. If a non-working woman is registered in Moscow, then when contacting antenatal clinic, and registration earlier than the twentieth week of pregnancy, she will receive benefits.

Photo: monthly benefits child care

An exception to the assignment of maternity benefits is if the woman was dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise or is a full-time student at an educational institution. The future mother-student will receive a benefit equal to the amount of the scholarship.

Legislative framework

Based on two federal regulations, all payments that are due to pregnant women and children until they reach a certain age are regulated:

In these regulations All mechanisms and conditions for determining and assigning benefits are clearly spelled out. Changes or additions are periodically made to them.

How to arrange maternity payments for a non-working mother in 2019

Non-working mothers can receive two types of benefits. To apply for a one-time payment to social security, you must submit the following package of documents:

  • a statement drawn up in any form;
  • baby's birth document;
  • certificates confirming the fact that the second parent did not apply for this payment
  • marriage certificate;
  • notarized last pages of the work book.

To gather everyone necessary documents A young family is given six months from the moment the baby is born. Payment is made within one month after submitting the application. You can apply for child birth benefits.

Photo: payments to capital families with children

To apply for benefits for a child under one and a half years old, non-working parents must submit to the employment service:

  • statement;
  • applicant's passport;
  • child's birth certificate.

Benefit amount

All maternity payments that are due to non-working mothers are enshrined in law and are mandatory for accrual:

There are maternity benefits that some categories of unemployed mothers can count on.

If a woman was fired during maternity leave or while caring for children:

For mothers who are students, the amount of payments is equal to the amount of the scholarship. If a woman received unemployed status a year after her dismissal:

At the birth of the second baby, the family can apply for maternity capital, its amount is 453,026 rubles.

Up to 1.5 years

When applying for benefits for mothers who did not officially work, it is necessary to provide an additional package of documents:

  • a certificate from the employment center stating that the woman is not receiving benefits elsewhere;
  • a certificate from the last place of official employment with an order of dismissal;
  • income certificate;
  • an extract from the work book about the last place of official employment.

For a second child

To receive payments for a second child, a non-working woman must present a similar package of documents.

Size put lump sum benefit remains unchanged, but payments for child care until he reaches the age of one and a half years increase and amount to 6,131 rubles 37 kopecks.

According to the law, upon the birth or adoption of a second child, the family has the right to register maternity capital. To obtain it, the employment and social status of the parents does not matter.

Registration procedure

All payments that are due to unemployed women are processed through social security authorities. To receive benefits you must submit:

  • pension application;
  • a certificate from a medical institution confirming pregnancy;
  • document from the employment center confirming receipt of unemployed status;
  • extract from the work book;
  • in case of liquidation of the enterprise, it is necessary to provide a document from the tax service.

To receive benefits, a woman must apply to a government agency within six months after giving birth, but expectant mothers usually submit applications before the baby is born.

The social security service must issue an order to accrue benefits within ten days and inform the mother in labor about this.

Features when registering with the Employment Center

A pregnant woman who does not have official employment will not receive payments related to pregnancy and childbirth when registering with the labor exchange; she only has the right to receive payments in connection with unemployment.

Payments stop when maternity leave begins, and the woman is issued a certificate of incapacity for work.

This occurs at the thirtieth week of pregnancy and during this time no payments are made to the woman.

State support for single mothers

For single mothers, no additional payments related to pregnancy, childbirth and child care are provided.

The main types of government support are:

  • cash benefits;
  • labor benefits;
  • double tax deduction;
  • receiving up to three years of free medications;
  • spa treatment;
  • obtaining dairy products for up to two years;
  • free meals at school.

In addition to federal payments, single mothers have the opportunity to receive additional pensions from local authorities, since according to the law at the regional level this issue can be regulated independently.

For this reason, throughout the country, payments that a single mother receives can vary greatly depending on the region of residence.

Last updated 09/30/2019

The unemployed receive child care benefits, but in a minimal amount.

The category of unemployed includes not only those who lost their jobs during pregnancy, before or after it. Pensioners, full-time students, including foreigners and citizens who have never worked are considered unemployed.

  • Federal Law No. 255-FZ “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”
  • Federal Law No. 81-FZ “On state benefits for citizens with children.”

Who is eligible for payments?

A one-time benefit for the birth of a child and for care up to 1.5 years is paid to everyone.

Stay-at-home mother can't receive a one-time maternity benefit, as well as compensation for a child under 3 years of age from the employer.

The amount of monthly regional child benefit varies in the regions and depends on the presence of work in the past or the status of an individual entrepreneur. There are regional programs that allow you to receive additional child benefits.

The benefit can only be received by one person in the family who is directly involved in raising the child. Usually it is issued by the mother, but the father, grandmother, grandfather or official guardian can also apply for payments.

Cases in which you can count on benefits:

  • The mother was fired while pregnant. She can receive benefits, but her relatives and father cannot.
  • The young mother went on maternity leave and was fired some time after giving birth. Parents or a relative caring for a child may receive benefits.
  • Parents have already retired, do not have official work, but can receive benefits. A relative caring for a child can receive financial assistance if the parents are unable to help the child financially.
  • Relatives or parents have individual entrepreneur status. The father and mother will receive benefits. If a relative applies for government assistance, only if he is an individual entrepreneur who has paid all contributions to the Social Insurance Fund and the tax service.
  • mother or father are students. One of them will be able to receive cash assistance, and their relatives caring for the child can receive government benefits if the parents refuse to help the child.
  • Parents can apply for assistance from the state if they do not work anywhere and do not receive unemployment benefits. Relatives have the right to receive financial assistance, but only if the parents do not help the child financially.

Financial assistance can be received not only by Russian citizens, but also by foreigners who have already received a residence permit.

Care allowance up to 1.5 years

Payment of child care benefits for up to one and a half years for the unemployed is assigned from the date of birth until the child turns 1.5 years old.

The mother or the person actually raising the child can contact the social security authorities to receive financial assistance. This payment for the unemployed is issued from the child’s first birthday and is accrued until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years.

Benefit amount

How to apply for payment to the unemployed

To apply for payment for child care for unemployed people, you must contact the district department of social protection of the population. After registration, payments will be accrued for the entire past period. You can apply no later than 6 months after the child turns one and a half years old.

After submitting all documents, social security employees will review them within 10 working days. Based on the results, a response will be sent; if the application is approved, money will be transferred to the card or current account on the next payment date.

Payment dates vary and depend on the specific district office. In most cases, the reference point is the 26th of each month. The first payment may come in the same month in which the documents were submitted. For example, if documents were submitted on September 5 and received confirmation that all papers are in order, the money will arrive on September 26. The last payment is transferred in the month when the child turns 1.5 years old.

Documents for registration

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • a certificate from the second parent about non-receipt of benefits;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • birth/adoption certificate;
  • a copy of bank account details;
  • an extract from the work book about the last place of work. If applicants for payment have never worked at all, they need to inform a social service representative about this.

Relatives must prepare an additional package of documents.

First of all, you need to confirm that the unemployed person lives with the baby in the same living space. To do this, you need to contact the Housing Office or MFC for help. You will also need paper confirming that the mother is not involved in the child’s life. This could be a court order, an extract with a seal on imprisonment, etc.

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

17 479,73
rubles -
amount of one-time benefit for the birth of a child in 2019

To receive the payment, you must contact the social security department within six months from the birth of the baby. If several children were born at the same time, it will be paid for each.

Documents for registration

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • certificate in form No. 25;
  • birth certificate;
  • a document from the housing office or MFC stating that the child is registered at the same address as the applicant;
  • a certificate from the second parent about non-receipt of payment;
  • certificate of birth of a child in form 25.

Money is transferred from the federal budget or the Social Insurance Fund. If one of the spouses works and the other does not, then the money can only be received at the place of work, since it is transferred along with the salary. The documents must be handed over to the employer or other responsible person who deals with these issues.

If both parents are students or unemployed, you must contact social security.

Monthly child benefit in social security

Low-income families are entitled to another additional payment. Families, single mothers, guardians, and those with an average per capita income below can apply.

Documents for registration:

  • package of documents for lump sum payment childbirth benefits;
  • a document confirming that they do not go to work due to good reason- a certificate from the employment center stating that the applicant is looking for work or has been declared unemployed;
  • an extract from the work book about the last place of work, if it is not available - copies of documents about the completion of the last place of study;
  • a certificate indicating income for the last six months.

Payments for the third child in a large family

Depending on the region of residence and city, large families are awarded additional benefits. For example, in Moscow, for the birth of triplets, parents receive a one-time payment of 50,000 rubles.

To apply for benefits to social security, you must provide a package of documents for the EDV and a certificate of large families. A certificate of large families is obtained from the social protection department at the place of residence.

If the mother quit her job during pregnancy or on maternity leave

If the mother was fired during pregnancy or maternity leave, benefits will be accrued in the form of compulsory insurance in full size. Before dismissal, child benefits are accrued through the employer, after - through the regional social service.

In addition to the one-time benefit in the standard amount, expectant mother will receive 100% of the average salary for the last 24 months. That is, she will be paid the average salary in her direction for 2 years. If we take the minimum salary, these are the following amounts:

  • 43,615.65 rubles - normal childbirth;
  • 48,600.30 rubles - childbirth with complications;
  • 60,438.83 rubles - several children.

Monthly mandatory transfers of funds in the first 1.5 years will be transferred in the amount of 40% of the average monthly earnings for last year, but not less than the established 4,512 rubles, due to the unemployed due to dismissal.