What not to do on Palm Sunday? What not to do on Palm Sunday. And about Holy Week Palm Sunday, you can clean the house and do laundry

I would still like to start the conversation with what needs to be done on Palm Sunday. So, the first duty is to provide yourself with the main attribute of this action - willow or willow branches. In this way, you will honor the memory of how Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem and what it meant to him. By bringing branches into your home, you will thereby protect your home from the evil eye and damage.

Eat a small amount of any fish and drink a glass of red wine in order to emphasize the great church holiday. Regardless of the fact that Great Lent is in the yard, such indulgences are permissible by the church canon.

Attend the all-night service and after its completion, christen the willow branches, think about how Jesus lived while on earth. About how important the first recognition of his strength by the inhabitants of Jerusalem was for him and, of course, about the events that followed. It is clear that on Palm Sunday you cannot do what you do on another holiday indicated in the church calendar.

Many people are exactly interested in what specifically cannot be done on this day. It is worth considering that this holiday has its own prohibitions related to its history. It is worth once again delving into the question, but what, in fact, is this holiday, what it preceded and what is dedicated to. Following the scripture in the Gospel, it was on this day that Jesus entered Jerusalem as a triumphant, after recognizing his great abilities, even if later in the same place he was betrayed and crucified. But on this very day he was greeted as the Messiah, he was pelted with palm branches. Palm trees never grew in Russia, there was nowhere to take branches from them, so they were successfully replaced by willow and willow branches - they are the first to bloom after the winter cold. Since pagan times, willow has been a symbol of health, vital energy and fertility.

Is it possible to clean the house or do something else around the house?

On this serious church holiday, you can’t do anything, pick up knitting needles, a needle, wash, clean, work in the garden. The main task of this day was moral preparation for the last week of Lent. It is its observance that is especially valuable during Lent. After Holy Week comes the long-awaited Easter.

To decide whether it is possible to go to the cemetery on this day, it is worth understanding what this holiday is like. The date of this event tends to change every year depending on the date on which Easter is assigned. Palm Sunday falls on the last Sunday before Easter, followed only by Holy Week and the most important five days of Lent.

On this day, one should rejoice, start the morning with a trip to the temple and there participate in the ritual of consecrating the willow. Next, the willow is brought home, with it you need to lightly beat all your loved ones whom you wish well, as this, according to legend, will betray their health, strength and love of life. After that, the table is laid for a family celebration, all family members must be present at dinner. For a feast, you can use fish, as well as all kinds of seafood. But, of course, the main emphasis in fasting should be on vegetables and other plant foods, such as cereals and mushrooms. The celebration should take place without hype, fuss, but with a joyful, positive mood.

For the reason that this is an important church holiday, then, accordingly, it must be spent rejoicing. Visit the temple, pray there for the health of all your loved ones. Refuse this day from any work both at home and in the garden. It is possible to go to the cemetery and honor the memory of departed relatives, but it is strictly forbidden to clean up the cemetery. To do this, you can use any other day of Lent, which will not be a holiday.

Important information: in the process of Great Lent on the eve of Easter, every year at the beginning there are three Saturdays of parents that are designed specifically for this purpose in order to clean, paint and generally prepare for the upcoming celebration of Easter.

You should not cry and be sad while at the cemetery, because our loved ones are now in better world, next to God. Perhaps this will seem like blasphemy to someone, but get used to this thought and it will be easier for you to survive the loss. However, never forget your dead while on earth. Pray for them every time you come to the temple, give written messages for the repose at mass, and just buy and light a candle in memory of a loved one.

When to visit the cemetery

If you did not get to the cemetery on specially allotted days during Great Lent, then take advantage of the second Easter week. In the church calendar, a day is set aside for these purposes, Tuesday, which has a special name Radonitsa and serves to clean the graves of relatives, talk with them, tell them that the victory of life over death is celebrated again, Easter has come.

It is not forbidden to arrange a commemoration on Palm Sunday. The main purpose of this event will be the remembrance of those who have gone to another world, and not the idle stuffing of one's womb and drinking alcohol. Dishes on the table should not be in abundance, should be in abundance. Please note that there is a post and the table should exclusively consist of lenten dishes.

Grave loved one you can visit any day, for this you do not need to look into church calendar and pick a date. This can be done on Palm Sunday, but it’s still not worth getting out on a holiday. On this day, you need to rest both in body and soul.

Congratulations on Palm Sunday for everyone, video

Today, March 31, the Orthodox celebrate Lazarus Saturday, and on April 1 they celebrate Palm Sunday 2018. What do these holidays mean?

What does Lazarus Saturday mean and what can you eat

One day before bright resurrection On March 31, 2018, Orthodox Christians celebrate Lazarus Saturday - the day when Jesus Christ resurrected his dead friend Lazarus. After what they saw and heard, many people believed that He was the son of God. Lazar lived after the resurrection for another 30 years. But Christ himself, after this miracle, was persecuted by the high priests and the Pharisees.

On this day, in addition to lean dishes, you can also eat fish caviar.

What not to do on Lazarus Saturday

Lazarus Saturday is a special day on which there are a number of prohibitions. Hard work is not allowed on this day. This is a great sin.

On this day, you can not drink alcoholic beverages (with the exception of wine in small quantities).

On Lazarus Saturday, you can’t eat meat, trample on food crumbs that have fallen on the floor.

It is also forbidden to celebrate anything, including weddings and birthdays, to have intimate relationships, to sing or dance.

Any homework must be rescheduled for another day, since on Lazarus Saturday it is forbidden to do needlework, work in the garden, build anything, wash, iron, wash and clean up.

As in many other church holidays, it is strictly forbidden to fight, quarrel and do not refuse people their request.

It is believed that the violation of these rules is a grave sin, which is very difficult to expiate.

What does Palm Sunday mean and what can you eat

On this day, the Orthodox are allowed to eat Lenten dishes, as well as fish.

The twelfth holiday, established in memory of the solemn entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey, when the Israelites recognized him as a ruler.

According to Scripture, a week before his resurrection, Jesus Christ solemnly entered Jerusalem. He was greeted as the Son of God, as a king, the Israelis saw in him the solution to all problems and wanted to see him on the throne. This holiday is of great importance for all believers and it is very tragic, because on that day Jesus voluntarily, knowing that he will soon tragic death came to the city. It was this moment that served as the beginning of his suffering for human sins.

Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, then it was customary to enter in this way among the conquerors and rulers. According to ancient tradition, he was greeted with joyful cries and waving palm branches, as kings are greeted. But he knew very well what a terrible price he would pay for this.

Palm trees do not grow in our area, and therefore palm branches were replaced with willow and willow branches. Willow is the first blooming spring plant, it blooms before anyone else and symbolizes the awakening of nature. Therefore, she was chosen as a symbol.

The presence of a bouquet of willow in the house of a believer was obligatory. It was collected on Lazarus Saturday, that is, the day before, and on Sunday morning they carried it to the temple for consecration.

Then they brought consecrated willow branches into the house, as a symbol of the fact that they meet Jesus Christ and let him into their home and into their world.

The branches were kept until next year. It is important to spend this day with pure thoughts, to fill it with good deeds and be with family. It was believed that if children were touched with willow branches, they would not be subjected to evil thoughts and tempted, and the girls would be able to give birth easily, and their babies would be healthy. Orthodox Christians believe that it is on this day that the house should be filled with children.

This is the last Sunday of Lent. Therefore, in honor of the holiday, it is allowed to eat fish and red wine. And on the day before this holiday, that is, on Lazarus Saturday, the church charter is allowed to take fish caviar. It is forbidden to work on this day.

Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday are last days when a Christian can rest a little in soul and body and gain strength before the main test - Holy Week, which precedes Easter.

Signs on Palm Sunday

Without willow - not spring.

The willow leads the mud, drives the last ice from the river.

Where there is water, there is willow, and where there is willow, there is water.

Frost - spring bread will be good.

The wind that blows on such a day will accompany the whole summer.

If the weather is clear and warm, the fruit harvest will be good.

If many “earrings” of willow appeared before Palm Sunday (buds blossomed), then the whole year will be fruitful, fertile and rich in good events.

Is it possible to clean on Sunday? This question is often asked first of all by believers who try to live according to church canons. This topic also arouses a certain interest among citizens who are not related to religion, who simply show their curiosity and do not know why there are so many disputes around this issue. With this question, people go to various forums, including Orthodox ones, but not always and not everywhere you can find an accurate and correct answer. That is why it is worth figuring out once and for all whether it is possible to do laundry on Sunday, as well as do other household chores. Are you ready to find out about it?

Where did this ban come from?

Why can't you clean on Sunday? The fact is that cleaning, like other physical activities, is a labor that, according to the Bible, is not welcome on the sixth day of the week - Saturday. That is why in Israel and other countries with a similar religion, it is forbidden to do any business on the Sabbath. Why, then, in Russia we are talking about the resurrection? The reason is in the peculiarities of the calendar - in the Biblical view, it was Saturday that ended the week, while in modern conditions the last day of the week is Sunday - here lies the answer to the question of why it is impossible to clean on Sunday, as well as to do other things.

Since the question of whether it is possible to do cleaning on Sunday takes its origins from religion, it would be logical to ask the opinion of church ministers on this issue. So, authorities from the Church claim that on the seventh day of the week you can work, but it is best to do it spiritually. It's about about personal and spiritual self-development, attending services and liturgies, meals with the whole family, prayers and other important tasks for believers.

The clergy recommend every Sunday to put off all their household chores for the next day, and choose activities that are useful for the soul as activities - in addition to attending a church service, this can be daytime or evening prayer, visiting relatives, charitable assistance to people in need from pure heart and other activities that positively affect the state of mind of a person. Cleaning and washing on Sunday is permitted if failure to do so would result in sin.

What exactly can't be done?

Why on Sunday (as well as doing other homework) you have already figured out. However, it would not be superfluous to mention actions that definitely cannot be done on this last day of the week. So, any actions that one way or another lead to the corruption of the soul, the commission of sin or the satisfaction of passions fall under the ban. We are talking about computer games, watching TV shows and movies, passion for music and other carnal entertainment. Also, you can not enter into conflicts, especially with your loved ones, as well as commit other sins.

Such prohibitions have not only a religious, but also a rational foundation - almost all human passions in one way or another lead to the destruction of the individual. If you devote at least one day a week to your own spiritual development, you can balance the good and the bad. If you are interested in the answer to the question of whether it is possible to do laundry on Sunday evening, then everything is not so bad - you can properly build your weekly routine so that cleaning, washing and other important household tasks fall on weekdays.

We draw the final conclusion

This religious theme is difficult to understand even among believers - there are too many conventions. However, it is still possible to answer the question of whether it is possible to wash and clean on Sunday. Doing this, of course, is not strictly prohibited - in the end, the choice will depend on whether a person can transfer household chores to another day, or this is not possible. After all, if the family will starve and live all day in an untidy house, will everyone feel good from this? Therefore, do as you see fit. Better yet, move your traditional cleaning day to another time, such as Saturday, to allow yourself to spend Sunday immersed in spiritual development, which is very important.

Palm Week is celebrated on the sixth week of Lent and ends on Palm Sunday, after which comes another church day of the calendar - Holy Week. On this holiday, there are many rituals that are performed on the weekend. At the same time, we all know that on church holidays a person is obliged to go to church, honor the Lord and devote free time to prayers and purification of the soul. However modern people often looking for answers on the web or asking questions of the clergy in order to hear their opinion about work, laundry and cleaning. This is not at all surprising, since over a long history many rules and legends have been invented that are not confirmed by church canons.

A little about signs

Palm Sunday is a holiday that has repeatedly confirmed its "magic". So, for example, there is a sign that if a person plants a willow on this day, he will prepare a spade for himself, that is, he will die when a shovel can be made from the willow planted by him. Yes, of course, it is impossible to say that this is one hundred percent true, but there are no people who want to check it for themselves. There are also many folk signs. It is believed that if the morning on this day is cold, windy, spring will be excellent. If the willow pleases with its abundant flowering, the arable land will be at its best.

Palm Sunday is significant holiday. With his arrival, despite the fast, it is allowed to eat fish and drink wine. Housewives also cook food with the addition of vegetable oil.

Can it be washed?

Many housewives are interested in whether it is possible to do cleaning, cooking and laundry on Palm Sunday. Some people argue that any work on this day is a great sin, which is difficult to expiate. In fact, it's all prejudice. Yes, of course, dedicate this day general cleaning or laundry upholstered furniture it is forbidden. In the morning you have to do prayer, visit the temple, and only after doing this, if necessary, you can take up urgent homework. So, for example, if a sick person went under himself and you need to wash, this will not be a sin. If you have gathered a lot of washing and bad smell reaches the neighbors, it needs to be washed. Yes, of course, it is best to do this before the holiday. If for some reason this was not possible, it's okay.

One should also take into account the fact that church holidays begin in the evening and end a day later, after sunset, and do not last from morning to night, as many believe. Thus, it is necessary to refuse work not in the morning, but in the evening. At the same time, washing washing machine does not apply to housework. In this case, you do not make any efforts, the technique does all the work for you. As for hand wash, then, as mentioned above, if possible, it is better to postpone it. However, if you need to wash things immediately, after visiting the temple, you can start the procedure by reading a prayer and asking for forgiveness from the Lord. Remember that if you wash the things of the sick, the elderly or a child, this is not a sin. Much greater sin is to offend loved ones, get drunk, quarrel ...

The background and symbols of this day are known: Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem, and the Orthodox, in memory of this, seek to acquire willows and consecrate them in the church.

Where did Palm Sunday come from?

The tradition of consecrating willows and decorating a house with them goes back to the depths of centuries. It all started almost 2,000 years ago, when Christ, exactly a week before his resurrection, entered the holy city of Jerusalem on a donkey. People gathered in huge numbers at the city gates and all along its route. They sincerely believed that before them was the Son of God.

The crowd plucked palm branches and covered the road in front of the Savior with them. In our northern latitudes, it is, of course, difficult to get a palm tree. But on the other hand, we love to bring fresh willow branches into the house. By the way, they are the first to give buds, and no matter what time Palm Sunday falls, willows will still be on our table.

In Rus', it has long existed interesting tradition. By consecrated willows lightly hit a loved one so that he is healthy all year. You can also eat kidneys or bake them in buns so that children can have fun while searching.

What not to do on Palm Sunday

First of all, those who are fasting are forbidden any excesses in food, the use of alcohol, meat dishes. But at the same time, on a holiday, you can eat fish dishes, sweets, pastries and drink some good wine.

Popular beliefs say that you should not comb your hair on this day, because this can lead to unpleasant surprises. Of course, today such arguments will seem unconvincing to many. On the other hand, they can be interpreted like this: on a bright holiday, when we remember the Savior, it’s probably not worth paying too much attention to our beauty. There are many other wonderful days for this.

    Special attention deserves the question of what not to do at home on Palm Sunday. It is believed that all important things should be postponed until later. And cleaning, dishes are done in advance, so that on a holiday just sit down at the table and enjoy communication with loved ones. This is a correct but non-strict approach. Indeed, a week before Easter we remember the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. And, if possible, it is really better not to bother around the house, but to spend time in prayer and fellowship. But if there are any urgent matters, they, of course, should be done.

    Is it possible to go to cemeteries on this day, clean graves, put things in order? This is not forbidden. Moreover, it is better to take the consecrated willow branches with you and put them on the tombstone instead of traditional flowers. There is a belief that the deceased ancestors are especially waiting for our attention on such days. But if the loss of a loved one happened recently and still hurts a person, it is better for him to postpone the visit. After all, on the grave, feelings will still prevail, and then from festive mood not a trace will be left. And yet life goes on. And while we are here on earth, it is our earthly duty that needs to be fulfilled - in due time everyone will leave this place.

    Difficult cases, the solution of important issues, as already mentioned, it is better to postpone for another day. But what if the issue is urgent? For example, did you need to go to work, move, commemorate a person who died 9, 40 days ago? Of course, life sometimes dictates its own conditions and creates its own plans. The Church proceeds from the fact that in some cases we really need to deal with pressing issues even on the feast of Palm Sunday. You can still feel the joy on this day - try to tune in a positive way. In the end, any difficulties will end. And if there is a dark streak, it means only one thing: a bright one has been waiting for us for a long time.

    Thus, we can say that only those things that are bad to do on ordinary days are strictly forbidden:

    But as for intimacy, the spouses can conduct personal communication on this day. If possible, of course, it is better to abstain, but on the other hand, there is no sin in this.

    Firsthand: Reply from Priest Vladimir Shlykov

    “Of course, believers and representatives on the eve of the holiday often wonder what can and cannot be done on Palm Sunday. The position of the clergy as a whole is as follows: there are no specific, categorical prohibitions. Of course, we must rule out obvious wrongdoings—drinking, conflict, intemperance. As for the rest, you can do exactly as your conscience allows.

    So, it is clear that it is best to devote time to your family, loved ones on Palm Sunday, and global issues, as a rule, are postponed and rescheduled for another time. However, if it is suddenly necessary to work and something needs to be done on that very day, there are no strict prohibitions on this subject in Orthodoxy. A person must fulfill his household and official duties. Try to listen to your conscience - after all, this inner adviser and judge, he will always let you know if something goes wrong.

    According to the Zavedeno website

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