How to activate energy. How to activate cash flow

2. On the planet Earth. Recently (about a decade), new energies are constantly being submitted (the experience of interaction with which, in a person did not have this moment at all), but some of these energies a person misses "automatically", and other energy flows - simply unconsciously blocks or other reasons. Energies occurs since, in humans, there are no relevant programs in the subconscious, there is no willingness to live in accordance with new energies, the unconscious fear of living energies, the impossibility of embedding new energies due to incorrect dusting with existing energies in man, fear of life changes and its own transformation.

3. Interaction in the energies of other planets, including with the energies of the "native" planet for a person. Those. With the energies of that planet, on which a person most often embodied and the vibration of which is very energetically close and correspond to a person. So, can contribute to the discovery of various human potential

I propose to now deal with the concepts of "energy" and "unconscious (subconscious) programs" man. Although, by and large, all that surrounds us is the entire expression of energies and the program - this is also, of course, the manifestation of energies. Only programs - These are more dense, concentrated energies (energy clot), compared with current energy in your space (through you).

Also, it can be noted that the programs laid in the subconscious of a person determine its beliefs, installations, deep memory of events, unconscious reactions to life situations and other people, etc. Those or other human subconscious programs can be changed, for example, by theta Haling, hypnosis, meditative techniques, etc. And the movement of active energies, in a person is a more subtle, intangible substance that can activate (run) or block (brake). Those or other programs in a person.

Suppose a person has a program: "To have a lot of money, I need to work a lot." With the help of theta Haling, we can remove this program and replace it with the program: "Money goes into my life easily, beautiful, elegant of all possible sources, most the best wayAs for me and for me and for those around me. "We embed this program and launch it with the help of energies. As a result, the person changes vibrations and, accordingly, it is reflected in external circumstances. Those. Those circumstances, people who comply with new vibrations.

So If some kind of energy does not take out, then the relevant programs will not work, even if they are originally laid in a person.

Once again, I note that, among other things, the flow of energy can stop or shrink due to the residence of a person in stress, in a state of fatigue, apathy, insomnia, disease, etc. But at the same time, it can be viewed on the other hand - the presence of negative manifestations in a person in a person, suggests that the flow of energy is blocked, there are some energy blocks in a person who interfere with the movement of energies. Those. Energy and well-being, mood, psycho-emotional relations - are inextricably linked with each other, providing each other influence.

You understand that if a person is in some of the negative states, he is not at all up to many life manifestations (the water in the mill goes with interruptions or does not go at all, so the wheel of the mill spins slowly or does not spin at all). A person would just recover at that moment. Many life programs, in such a period, just inhibit and there is no interest in many ordinary life manifestations (to communication, to entertainment, to creativity, to build plans, to sex, no cheerfulness, calm, peace in the shower, etc.). This is the easiest way to deactivate the usual energies of a person, against the background of existing programs. These energies can be restored simply rested, having visited nature or change the rhythm of life. And can, through from activation of current programs.

But there are situations where a person used to behave, for example, as a volitional, active, business, purposeful, and after some life circumstances (such as marriage, work change, etc.) began to manifest itself differently, became Uninimient, sluggish, apathetic, ledmed, etc. This can also meet in life. Or, for example, a woman, before he could feel sexual, desired and attractive, and then, no longer feel such. Those. Programs - femininity and sexuality are, and appropriate energies, to activate these programs, not enough or at all.

Or another real example associated with the theme of health. One woman (67 years old), for some time suffered from pain in the lower back, as a result of the "Ishias" - the defeat of the nerve roots of the lumbosacraliary and the sedlication nerve. As a result of deactivation of negative energies and activation of topical energies, after 10 days, through its independent activations of energies, the pain of a woman passed. I must say that before the start of the activation method, it is trying different methods Treatment: Tablets, Ointment, Massage, but the pain did not subside. Committatically, the pain was caused by the constructive and blocked energies, and the activation of current energies, rigoronized its energy-infernation space, which has favorably affected her well-being.

Examples regarding manifestation (blocking) of energies can be given a lot, but I think the principle of operation of the energies you have already understood.

Now I will tell you about how is the activation process itself actual for you.

  1. I am mentally mentally, with your permission, in your energy-information space and read what relevant the moment of energy you lack.
  2. Further, these energies are formed and we fill you with these energies.

    It must be said that these formed energies are currently relevant to you are a kind of "alarm clock" for your "sleeping" energies, which in turn "wake up" and enter the resonance with newly fill you identical energies. Those., Your previously deactivated energies are wakewicked and activated, by entering the resonance state, with the corresponding current energies included in your space. At the same time, everyone interfered with negative energies cease to be active in your space. In the process of activation, the body can periodically refer to himself to know, telling you that in one or another body of the body, the active processes of unlocking, giving the body to pass the energy, i.e. There is a clearing of energy channels.

  3. This stage implies further your daily, independent, downloading the current energies for you, the frequency and the time of which we are determined during the session.

It is important to note that with this concechae (independent download of current energies) all who tried this type of session with me were copied! Therefore, doubt that you will do it even does not even occur!

Moreover, the topic of actual readiness for the harmonization of its energy-information space is also connected here, and the belief is responsible for themselves. For some people it is extremely important, because The ability to take responsibility and learn to believe in ourselves - enters one of the tasks of the current incarnation !!! So this format of interaction with energies, if necessary, will help solve this task.

In any case, at the session, you will be asked to activate those energies that are for you, in this life stage - relevant, in accordance with all your internal characteristics, qualities, parameters and external circumstances. Those. Those energy will be activated that will help you enter the harmonious interaction with you (taking yourself and love for yourself) and with the surrounding space.

How to activate vital energy? Modern society, especially living in megalopolis, as a rule, faces constant fatigue, apathy and reluctance to do anything. Often a person is looking for a reason in excessive load, indestructible nutrition, permanent hurry. However, we rarely look into your soul. After all, it is there that the reason for all our problems lies. Incorrect life arrangements, make us run forward, without looking around, leaving only the desert in the shower. What do you need to understand for yourself to get a tide of vital energy?

Relief from dependencies - the first victory. Modern society promotes the consumption system. The more we consume, the more this pressure acts on us. We depend on the opinion of the company promoting to wear fashionable things, have new gadgets, eat in restaurants, etc. Therefore, all the time is aimed at making money more and more. It takes our vitality. Man lives egoist. Travel thoughts, greed, concentration only on their own good, is the root of all diseases and poor people. But the most amazing, the more the person has, the less happy becomes, as it starts to spend the energy to keep his wealth. The main purpose of man is to be happy and bring this happiness to other people. No one thinks about giving. This satisfaction from life comes from return: attention, means, care, help. If we get rid of dependencies constantly consume - this is the first step to joy in life.

Learn to live in harmony to gain real happiness and harmony, you need to enter the resonance with the inner and external world. Getting rid of dependencies, we make the first step towards spiritual enlightenment. But where to take energy to share it with the outside world? She is everywhere, just need to try to see her: this is a feeling of unconditional love for the world. To recover, you need to notice more often what is happening around us: to be combined by nature, to be capable of disinterested good deeds, learn to contemplate the world. This is an external component. The inner component consists in: getting rid of negative and destroying thoughts, anger, resentment, envy, mercenary aspirations. It is also necessary to clean your body from the stoles by observing the cleansing posts. Eternal dissatisfaction with life, brings constant destruction in our vital energy. The ability to love and take your life under any conditions and any circumstances is a huge step in achieving harmony. Do not destroy it, scoring your world to a senseless watching TV, messy sex and noisy parties. It depletes and exhaust your spiritual essence.

Modern society, especially living in megalopolis, as a rule, faces constant fatigue, apathy and reluctance to do anything. Often a person is looking for a reason in excessive load, indestructible nutrition, permanent hurry. However, we rarely look into your soul. After all, it is there that the reason for all our problems lies. Incorrect life arrangements, make us run forward, without looking around, leaving only the desert in the shower. What do you need to understand for yourself to get a tide of vital energy?

Relief from dependencies - the first victory

Modern society promotes the consumption system. The more we consume, the more this pressure acts on us. We depend on the opinion of the company promoting to wear fashionable things, have new gadgets, eat in restaurants, etc. Therefore, all the time is aimed at making money more and more. It takes our vitality. Man lives egoist. Travel thoughts, greed, concentration only on their own good, is the root of all diseases and poor people. But the most amazing, the more the person has, the less happy becomes, as it starts to spend the energy to keep his wealth.

The main purpose of man is to be happy and bring this happiness to other people. No one thinks about giving. This satisfaction from life comes from return: attention, means, care, help. If we get rid of dependencies constantly consume - this is the first step to joy in life.

Learn to live in harmony

To gain real happiness and harmony, you need to enter the resonance with the inner and external world. Getting rid of dependencies, we make the first step towards spiritual enlightenment. But where to take energy to share it with the outside world? She is everywhere, just need to try to see her: this is a feeling of unconditional love for the world. To recover, you need to notice more often what is happening around us: to be combined by nature, to be capable of disinterested good deeds, learn to contemplate the world. This is an external component.

The inner component consists in: getting rid of negative and destroying thoughts, anger, resentment, envy, mercenary aspirations. It is also necessary to clean your body from the stoles by observing the cleansing posts.

Eternal dissatisfaction with life, brings constant destruction in our vital energy. The ability to love and take your life under any conditions and any circumstances is a huge step in achieving harmony. Do not destroy it, scoring your world to a senseless watching TV, messy sex and noisy parties. It depletes and exhaust your spiritual essence.

How to get vital energy?

What exactly gives us a feeling of fullness and harmony of life? Principles of spiritual cleansing and filling with vital energy:

  • Use short cleansing fasting;
  • Go to a new level with breathing exercises;
  • Come alone;
  • Practice vow silence;
  • Verify the world: go to nature;
  • Support your creative start;
  • Smile more often and rejoice, especially for others;
  • Do patronage and volunteering;
  • Go to "Energy" food: cereals, fruit vegetables, turn on more vegetable component in your diet;
  • Pour cold water (for indecisive - contrasting shower);
  • Darite the praise of decent people;
  • Try to see in all providence of the universe.

What takes our vital energy?

Now let's understand that it takes our lifestyle potential:

  • Fears, eternal grinding, condemnation, dissatisfaction with their own life;
  • Following your egoism;
  • Life without a specific purpose;
  • Abuse of food;
  • Use in food preservatives, dyes and chemical additives;
  • Drinking alcohol, caffeine, refined products;
  • Nicotine;
  • Unpleasant communication;
  • Lack of quality sleep or his overabundance;
  • Physical and moral overvoltage;
  • Resentment on others, eternal thirst for profit;
  • Incorrect breathing.

We have a conscious choice how to build your life so that at the end of life do not feel frustrating and resentment to your destiny. To complain, to be offended, to dive constantly into their problems, to detect aggression, spend the forces on the permanent mining of material benefits - this is the path to destruction. To drown out dissatisfaction with such a lifetime, artificial stimulants are required - alcohol, drugs, nicotine, etc. But with the apparent lift of emotions, in the end you will come to devastation and fatigue from life.

To try to be a "sun" for people around you, learn to thank you, give a virtue, sacrificing time and forces, muffling low-lying instincts - will give us pleasure life and understanding, for which we are created. If you can make a happy yourself, it will automatically change the world around you.

Slavic are especially susceptible to these errors. Regardless of nationality, we have such a feature as excessive thrift, naughtyness. But not to spend money on the wind - this is good, right?

In reality, not everything is so simple. If the thrift is within the framework of the permissible - it is wonderful. For example, buy good shoes for $ 150, and not for $ 1500, even if it allows finance - this is normal. Another thing is to go to the other end of the city, spend a few hours of your time, because there are more milk on 10 rubles. This can be called crumbness. But often, our thrift comes to the edge of reasonable, behind which it becomes theft ().

In this case, we do not want to buy good shoes for $ 150, and we wish to get them completely free. Many are looking for where they can be reached, to take without return, wash, get "on free" or for beautiful eyes. At the same time, we are passionately do not want to have grown with us. "How is it possible? After all, theft is a sin and a crime, "we exclaim, looking for, whatever you can" take "for free to us.

That is why Internet piracy is so common in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus. There are dozens of file sharing, where you can download any movie in a couple of minutes, an album of your favorite artist or a book. At 96% of computers installed a pirated operational system and pirate programs. What do you think, how does such "thrifting" affect the cash flow? Of course, negatively. And this is one of best ways . If you have a couple of lives, you can try.

In Europe and the United States, everything is different. Piracy there is not only elevated to the rank of major crimes, but also believes the Society itself. The creator of the product has the full right to receive remuneration for his works. And even if the concepts of "monetary circulation" and "cash flow" are not familiar to everyone, they are present in the mentality of Europeans and are fixed very firmly.

There are only 2 possible cash circulation options in society: or everyone pays to other people in full, thereby getting its fully deserved fee, or all steal from everyone. Now we are stuck in the middle of this way: we will carve themselves, but we want to pay us. No matter how sad, but the statistics says.

Money should circulate. I was convinced of my experience: the more you give, the more comes to you. If you appreciate the work of others, then your work will also be assessed.

In this video, I want to reveal you the main aspects of the activation of cash flows. As a person falls out of cash flow and what mistakes make Slavs, look in the video: "How to activate the flow of money energy".

Money to you!
With love and respect, Evgeny Dieneco.