Graphology: the psychology of handwriting. Is it possible and how to determine a person's character by handwriting Psychoanalysis of handwriting

Few people know what handwriting says about a person. But in fact, signs in handwriting can be equated with syndromes in medicine. The size and slope of the letters, as well as the spacing and pressure of the pen, can tell about a person's character even more than he himself knows.


Not so young as it seems at first glance, the science of graphology will tell you about what handwriting says about It is engaged in a detailed study of the slope of letters, the distance between them, as well as their location on paper. The analysis reveals not only personality traits, but also future prospects or inclinations.

In fact, the connection between handwriting and character of a person was noticed back in the Middle Ages. The basis of graphology is considered to be a book written by the Roman historian Suetonius in the distant 16th century. A couple of centuries later, data on handwriting were systematized by Michonne. The final proof of this connection was the experiments conducted by W. Preyer with the help of hypnosis - he inspired the same person that he possesses different character traits, and the subject's handwriting changed dramatically.

General organization of handwriting

The analysis first of all checks the evenness of the handwriting. It depends on which side (positive / negative) one or another personality trait will be considered:

  1. Smooth and perfectly organized handwriting shows an active and focused person who is always confident in his own strength and does not have a tendency to frequent failures.
  2. Large, but not quite organized handwriting speaks of impulsiveness.
  3. Shallow and organized suggests that its owner uses his own strength wisely.
  4. Indecisive and timid people are shown by a small and very poorly organized handwriting - this is an insecure person who retreats at the first difficulties.

The size

Large or small handwriting will tell about the relationship of a person with the people around him. What the small size of letters says about a person - many people want to know, because statistics show that the number of personalities with small handwriting slightly exceeds the number of people who are used to large letters.

To begin with, you should mark the boundaries - letters that reach 3 millimeters in height are considered averages. Accordingly, small - up to 3 mm, and large - from 3 mm.

  1. The owners of large handwriting are always sociable and active, they can support any conversation and amuse the most boring company.
  2. Too small letters speak of modesty and unwillingness to attract attention. Although it should be noted that people who write in small handwriting love reflection, it is difficult to wait for bold actions from them.
  3. And medium-sized letters go to people who know how to always find compromises. They really assess their strength and can adapt to any situation.

Lines and lines

Lines and lines that characterize a person's reaction to various external stimuli (surrounding events) are no less important. Here the subconscious of a person plays a role, since the line for writing a word is chosen not at the physical level, but precisely at the subconscious:

  1. Smooth lines are followed by a reliable person who will always fulfill the request of a friend and will not let you down in difficult situations.
  2. Pretentious straight lines indicate too many knowledge control questions.
  3. Jagged lines are seen in those who lack strong inner stability.
  4. A directed upward line indicates optimism, while a downward directed line indicates a pessimist owner's line.


Certain distances between lines and words characterize the behavior and thinking of a person.

People who are constantly in confusion like to make small spacing between lines. The handwriting that speaks of a person who is attentive and makes informed decisions is the large spacing between the lines.

The volume of mental and physical space is shown by the intervals between words:

  1. A person who is able to adequately perceive the external picture and respect social inequality has the same spaces between words.
  2. Distances of different sizes speak of a fickle personality who communicates only with the people he likes, and simply ignores the rest.
  3. Narrow gaps characterize those who allow others to come close to him. Such a person does not require too much personal space, but prefers to be more close to other people.
  4. Large spaces between words reveal the owner's fear of contact with others. It will be very difficult to strike up an acquaintance with such a person, but when approaching him, he will seem to be a rather interesting interlocutor.


Particular attention is paid to what the handwriting says about a person, if the pressure of a pen or pencil can be completely different for the same person. You should know that pressure is a characteristic of a real emotional state:

  1. Strong pressure of the writing object on the paper guarantees emotional constancy and stability in all sensations.
  2. Light pressure shows the owner as a person who is easily influenced by others. Usually such people choose for themselves the intellectual sphere of activity, they are susceptible to other personalities, deep feelings are completely absent.

Slope letters

The characteristic of handwriting tells about the level of emotional reactions, as well as the degree of understanding of others.

It is difficult to find people with perfect calligraphic handwriting, so the most frequent request is "What does bad handwriting mean?" In fact, before considering your own handwriting as bad, you should understand this characteristic and the very arrangement of the letters:

  1. The strict verticality of the letters hides an imperturbable and calm person who is often indifferent to those around him at a time when others experience completely different feelings.
  2. If the letters are slightly tilted to the right, then this is direct evidence of a gentle reaction to the environment. Such a person cannot be called restrained, since before the manifestation of emotions, he first thinks everything over carefully.
  3. An increased tilt to the right indicates emotional tension and impulsivity.
  4. Cold people tilt letters to the left when writing. They shield themselves from irritants as much as possible and often act selfishly towards others.

How employees are selected

In some European countries, personnel are selected according to clear rules, one of which is a graphological examination - it will be the last step in the test. The final decision on the acceptance of an employee for the position is made only after the boss knows exactly what the person's handwriting is talking about (examples are below).

Only decent people are hired for financial positions in the United States. They have to pass quite difficult tests, where handwriting plays an important role. The graphologist can make a verdict that a person is prone to deception, and then he will be refused.

It is not always easy to pass an examination. For example, people whose distinctive feature is a clumsy handwriting, which speaks of a person prone to quarrels and inconstancy, would hardly get a prestigious position in many countries.


An initiative and creative person is usually considered for the position of director. But in order to take this place, you must have the correct handwriting: the letters must be wide and of different sizes, and the correct relationship between roundings and corners must also be present. In addition, the required handwriting feature for the position of director is a straight line or a slightly raised line.

Top manager

The personality of a manager is an outgoing person, reserved and patient. Therefore, to obtain such a position, the administration must know what his handwriting can tell about a person and whether he is suitable for working as a manager in a decent company.

When writing, letters must be decorated with an almost imperceptible amount of decorative elements, their ideal size is medium, and each letter must be rounded.

Public Relations Manager

Cold-blooded and courageous is suitable for such a position, but the ability to communicate with people in writing must also be present. The handwriting of the head of public relations should be as clear as possible and have its own characteristics: a fast pace of writing, a wide handwriting, letters are interconnected. Most often, the signature of such a person ends with a small stroke.


An employee in the financial sector must be able to concentrate quickly and have a stable psyche. This is what a person's handwriting says about a person that reads well. Letters should be large, and the distance between words should be as large as possible.


A person who dreams of working as an engineer needs to have a lively mind and a quick reaction. The handwriting of such a person is distinguished by rounded letters, where some angularities are present. The distance between words and lines is large enough, and the letters themselves are not too narrow.

Business worker

A quick-witted person with a sound mind can easily get into the position of an economic worker. But more elite companies still need to figure out what handwriting says about a person. The candidate for the position must write at a fast pace, while neatly tracing each letter.

Short test

You can optionally take a short test to find out what a person's handwriting is talking about (the transcript will be below):

  1. Write down a sentence of 4-5 words at a fast rate and then at a slow rate.
  2. Draw any animal.
  3. Draw a geometric shape.
  4. Point the arrow in any direction.

A person whose handwriting does not differ from his usual one in the first exercise quickly reacts to a change of scenery. animal - the emotions of the author. The presence of angles in a geometric figure indicates failure, and roundness indicates developed willpower. A straight arrow indicates the presence of correct goals, and a winding arrow indicates that a person loves to talk more than to do anything.

How to find out the character of a person during the first communication? It is enough to ask him to write something by hand on a blank sheet of paper. When applying for a job, I often conduct a small test with potential employees to find out the main traits of his character and inclinations. The basic parameters of graphology analysis help me with this. In this article, I will tell you how to recognize a good employee, reliable friend, stupid or emotionally unstable individual by handwriting.

Each person has a special and unique handwriting. Even when trying to copy someone's calligraphy, you can see your own style. The beginning of the formation of handwriting falls on the period of 8-10 years, and only by the age of 20 does it take on its final form. But it should be noted that a person, if desired, will be able to somewhat transform his writing style. In addition, handwriting changes depending on the psychological and physical condition of people.

By writing style, you can learn a lot about the character, inclinations and abilities of a person. This relationship was discovered by scientists in the middle of the XIX, and it was then that the science of graphology appeared. Today it is used in completely different areas:

  • psychodiagnostics;
  • staff recruitment;
  • forensics;
  • business;
  • military service;
  • vocational guidance, etc.

Graphology is based on a wide range of handwriting parameters, the totality of which allows you to learn about the personal characteristics of its owner.

Basic analysis parameters

A specialist in graphology, i.e. graphologist, it is impossible to deceive. Any attempt to change your handwriting will certainly be revealed. This is due to the fact that a person automatically returns to the usual style of calligraphy, and this is especially noticeable when writing a text under dictation.

In order to compose a psychological characteristic of a person, when analyzing a handwritten text, attention is paid to several main parameters:

  1. Pressure. Energetic, hardy and confident individuals press hard on a pen or pencil when writing words. As a rule, they are optimistic, purposeful, and highly efficient. While romantic, sensitive and dreamy natures write with light pressure. Such people are characterized by accuracy, responsibility, slowness and weak-willedness. They are mostly focused on their own inner world.
  2. Slope letters. More often than not, people write with a slight slant to the right. The owners of this type of handwriting are balanced, calm, sociable and open. Individuals who write with a large slope to the right are persistent, purposeful, jealous and amorous. They are characterized by maximalism and a desire to be the first. A strong tilt of the letters to the left can indicate self-sufficiency and independence of the person. But people who write with a slight tilt to the left are individualists. They have selfish behavior and critical thinking. As for the even vertical handwriting, its owners are distinguished by inner harmony, rationality and emotional stability. They are very stubborn, they never take hasty decisions and actions, but carefully analyze the situation.
  3. The size of the letters. Large handwriting indicates openness, sociability and good nature. Such natures are the leaders and the soul of any company. Those who write in small letters, the size of which does not exceed 3 mm, are distinguished by isolation, prudence, secrecy and restraint. They take a responsible approach to any business, and accurately fulfill the assigned tasks. Holders of wide, sweeping calligraphy have creative talents, while those of narrow calligraphy are frugal and rational.
    Outlines of letters. Kind and sympathetic people who are willing to make compromises usually give the letters a rounded shape. While selfish and independent people prefer angular outlines. They can react sharply not only to criticism, but also to advice.
  4. Arrangement of lines. Exactly written lines indicate balance, prudence and calmness. If the lines are uneven, then this may indicate the imbalance and instability of the mental state of the individual. In addition, for optimistic natures, line endings are usually slightly raised up, and for pessimists, they are lowered down. You should also pay attention to the spacing between the lines. A small gap is usually left by those who do not know how to manage their own time, and a large one indicates a systematic approach and adherence to permitted boundaries.
  5. Connection of letters. If a person, when writing a text, connects all the letters in words, this indicates that he is not inclined to make hasty decisions, as well as the presence of developed logical thinking. Lack of connections indicates developed intuition and quick wits.

Definition of character traits

Paying attention to the features of handwriting, you can accurately determine some of the character traits of a person and make a short psychological portrait.

  • Intellectually developed people with an analytical mindset have an even handwriting, while the letters are often located vertically, occasionally with an inclination, do not have any curls, and are interconnected. The handwriting is legible, rounded, and some letters look incomplete. Equal spaces between words and line spacing.
  • A deliberately even style of writing indicates cunning, prudence and composure of nature. The letters are written together, sometimes a little stretched, and the spaces between the words are not the same. The main feature is that words almost never have a hyphenation, and do not go beyond the margins, a person tries to fit them in one line by stretching or decreasing the letters.
  • The stupid and ignorant nature is given by elongated and "decorated" letters, which are often widely spaced and do not have connections. The capital letter often has an artistic style - voluminous, rounded, with graceful curls. Almost always, the distance between letters and words is different. Also, excessive diligence in writing the text can indicate the stupidity and daydreaming of a person.
  • An individual's anxiety, vulnerability and vulnerability is indicated by handwriting with little or unequal pressure. For example, words may look incomplete due to the lack of pressure at the end of their spelling. The letters are irregular in shape, slightly tilted to the right.
  • Emotionally unstable, aggressive and hot-tempered people write in large letters that often go beyond the boundaries of the lines drawn. The pressure is quite strong, which is especially noticeable at the end of words. The letters are written abruptly, and their tails and hooks are larger than they should be.
  • Small handwriting testifies to irresponsibility, inconsistency and inconsistency. The letters are written sharply, with dangling hooks, and there is practically no distance between them. The strokes in the letter have exactly the same direction.
  • The deceitful and criminal nature betrays itself in a small, squat handwriting. The letters look flattened, arched, and have underlines and hooks. The owner of this style of writing painstakingly writes words using strong pressure, which makes them look rude.
  • If a person is depressed or confused, then he will write with medium pressure. Sometimes strokes are not uncommon on the lines. The letters are rounded and abrupt, may have divisions and additional elements in the form of ornaments. In general, the handwriting looks beautiful, but deliberately diligent.
  • A calm, balanced person with an analytical mindset can be recognized by a uniform, woven handwriting. He writes with the same pressure, and almost always connects letters. Sometimes its text looks illegible, and it seems that the person wrote in a hurry.
  • A talented, creative person is the owner of refined and graceful calligraphy. The lines are straight, the letters sometimes go slightly beyond the line. Words may not always be clear, and sometimes they are smeared.

The relationship of temperament and handwriting

As you know, there are 4 types of temperament, each of which has certain character traits. But few people know that it is possible to determine which type a particular person belongs to without conducting special tests - it is enough to pay attention to the peculiarities of his handwriting. This technique is successfully used by a large number of companies when hiring people.

  1. Sanguine has a beautiful, sweeping handwriting. The letters are usually curved, with broken strokes in the words. The lines in the text are usually straight, but under some circumstances they can slightly "creep" up.
  2. Curled or swirling strokes, small, closed letters indicate a haleric. People with such a temperament write with strong pressure, with a tilt to the right, letters usually do not have connections, but they stand very close.
  3. A melancholic letter is often difficult to read and understand. He writes with weak pressure, the words "dance", and there are elongated strokes in them. When hyphenating words, there may be a large distance in front of the margins.
  4. Phlegmatic is inherent in calligraphic, elongated handwriting, decorated with curls. It uses uneven pressure, so some letters look "bold" while others are almost invisible. Despite the continuous spelling of words, a large distance is maintained between the letters.

The above parameters for determining a person's character by his handwriting are superficial. To obtain more detailed information, graphologists conduct a deep analysis of handwritten texts. But using the examples given, it is quite possible to draw up a brief description of a person in order to understand with whom you are dealing.

Handwriting can be very different: neat, neat, small, large, ornate, beautiful, careless, and so on. Each person has a special, individual handwriting. As a rule, handwriting is formed from the age of 10-11. But finally, it develops around the age of 20. However, in some cases, handwriting changes throughout life.

A person's handwriting is able to tell about its own owner. Scientists were able to prove that a person's character and his handwriting are somehow connected. This is what will be discussed in our material.

How to determine a person's character by handwriting: the influence of character on handwriting, the science of graphology

Graphology- a science that studies the dependence of handwriting on a person's character. Graphological analysis is carried out at the expense of some parameters. An important role is played by the direction of each line, the peculiarity of writing a particular letter, the slope of the letters, being on the sheet, and so on.

Thanks to the combination of such parameters, the characteristics of an individual person are formed. If the analysis was carried out correctly, you can easily find out the growth of the personality, the ability to sexual preferences, and the propensity for drug addiction.

Currently, many companies use the services of professional graphologists. Thanks to them, the characteristics of the people who are hired are compiled, plus an assessment of the traits of competitors is made.

Do not be alarmed if at the time of hiring you are offered a blank piece of paper, a simple pencil, and told to write a few free sentences. You cannot deceive a graphologist, but you can artificially distort your own handwriting. In return, you will receive a personality profile that may not be suitable for the position you have chosen.

What the tilt of handwriting says about a person's character: description with examples

Handwriting characteristics can tell about the level of emotional reaction and about the degree of understanding of other people. It is very difficult to find people who have perfect calligraphy.

But before you find your own handwriting ugly, figure out its slope and the location of each letter:

  • If your letters are positioned strictly vertical, then you are considered a calm and calm person. You are often indifferent to other people.
  • If your letters have slight tilt to the right, then you are softly reacting to the world around you. You are not particularly restrained, because before you show certain emotions, you first think about everything carefully.
  • Letters tilt strongly to the right indicates that you are constantly emotionally tense and impulsive.
  • If they ate your letters while writing, they look to the left, then you are considered a cold person. You protect yourself as much as possible from external stimuli and often act selfishly towards other people.

How to spell and connect letters to find out a person's character: description with examples

  • If every letter in the document connected each other, then you have a consistent, logical character. You are conservative in some views, have a difficult perception of everything that is new to you.
  • If in your handwriting moderate number of gaps between letters, then your thinking is considered deep enough, plus adaptive. This indicates that you are able to bring the desired and the real into harmony.
  • If in your handwriting a lot of gaps between letters, then you have figurative-concrete thinking. Your actions are unpredictable, you are a dreamy person, strive to pay more attention to yourself and make the best impression on people.

  • If the distance between letters is very large then you are afraid to contact other people. Getting to know a certain person is difficult for you, but after you get closer to him, he seems to you an interesting person.
  • Minor letter spacing suggests that you are an open person. You like to let people very close to you and adore it when you have a lot of interlocutors with you.

What does handwriting pressure say about a person's character?

Particular attention should be paid to the pressure of the letters in the handwriting. Remember that it is the pressure that characterizes the real emotions of each person.

  • If you press hard when you write, then your emotions are constant and stable in any sensation.
  • If you write and do not press hard on a pen or pencil, then you are the kind of person who can easily be influenced by people. You, as a rule, choose for yourself the area in which the manifestation of intelligence is required. You are a person susceptible to people, and do not have deep feelings. They are simply not familiar to you.

What does sharp handwriting say about character?

If you have sharp letters, then you are an aggressive person. But at the same time, you are very observant, cunning and intellectually developed. But what you definitely lack is a good attitude towards the people around you. You are distinguished by vigilance and distrust of others.

You are also considered to be a reasonably educated person, intelligent and perceptive. Remember that people who have sharp letters are not at all interested in the point of view of other people.

If you belong to this category, you are probably focusing exclusively on your own needs. You do not like when you are taught and believe that you are always right in everything.

What does sweeping handwriting say about character?

  • Sweeping handwriting usually belongs to those people who have a slight touch of masculinity. If you have just such a handwriting, it means that you are a proud person, love to strive for self-government.
  • In addition, the spread of the letters suggests that you dream of being constantly in the lead roles, regardless of the industry.

IMPORTANT: Sweeping handwriting is characteristic of a romantic person who never notices the shortcomings of other people and constantly looks at the world through pink glasses.

In short, you are a real strategist, you are inclined towards the global, love to think systematically and belong to enterprising individuals. You cannot be angry with people for a very long time and remember offenses, and you also treat eccentrics, you have a gentle heart and a vulnerable soul.

What does large handwriting say about character?

Handwriting with large letters, as a rule, is exclusively for sociable individuals who have high self-esteem.

  • You are considered the leader and do not differ from other people in particular modesty
  • You are an open, warm and confident person.
  • Are you enough smart, however, you have absolutely no cunning

  • You are not without compassion, generosity and kindness. The main traits of your character are carelessness and kindness. In some situations, you are very gullible and do not always understand people.
  • You are sensitive, impractical and gentle nature.
  • You like to be noticed by people.

What does small handwriting say about character?

Small as beads, handwriting will tell about the following character traits:

  • You are calculating, observant
  • You may have visual impairment
  • You have an analytical mindset, pedantic
  • You have a high enough attention, therefore, you pay attention to all the details.
  • You do not like hype and big companies, as you experience some difficulty when communicating with strangers
  • You do not often show your own character, only in exceptional situations

Very often people with such handwriting shy natures. As a rule, small letters are characteristic of individuals who value their own inner world. The behavior of such people is interesting and at the same time familiar: modesty and restraint are their main character traits.

You can also say about such people that they are petty, cold-blooded, reserved and secretive. At the same time, such people are beautiful, intelligent and interesting from the conversation. In extreme and difficult situations, these individuals even become cruel and authoritarian leaders.

What does round handwriting say about character?

Now let's tell a little about those people who write in round letters:

  • Most often, this handwriting is found in kind and cheerful people. Does this concern you? Then you are cunning and do not like intrigue. You treat the people around you practically like a mother, with kindness and special understanding.
  • Round handwriting suggests that you love to constantly go through life with only an open mind.
  • Round handwriting with straight and crisp lines, located vertically or slightly tilted to the right, indicate that you are a detailed and strong person.

  • You do not like conflicts, you constantly give in during disputes. You easily get to know people, make contact and communicate without any problems.
  • Rounded pot-bellied handwriting refers to those individuals who fit perfectly into any work team. You are even considered to some extent a "vest" for those who want to cry.

What does printed handwriting say about character?

As a rule, when filling out some forms and documents, people write in block letters. But there are people who write in this handwriting all the time. Any printed letter looks neat, in some cases perfect. But what does this writing method mean?

So, if you prefer to write in typed handwriting, your letters are usually neat and aesthetically pleasing. Chances are, you write the letters slanted and separately. Many people may even think that you are writing like a computer font. Often documents and postcards are filled out with the help of this handwriting.

  • But if your handwriting contains only printed letters, this indicates that you have notes of productivity in your character.
  • Of course, your psychological character depends on several factors, for example, how you form your own handwriting, press while writing, distribute text on paper, and so on.

  • In general, you have well-developed self-control. You like to carefully monitor your own behavior, how you talk and show your emotions. Therefore, you are considered a sincere person.
  • Sometimes you even lack spontaneity, as you think over and calculate your every step.
  • Perhaps you are constantly accompanied by a "mask" with which you want to draw attention to yourself. You are dependent on the assessments of other people, you do not like it when you are criticized and take it painfully.

In some situations, there are people who have low self-esteem, with a bunch of complexes, anxiety, the need for protection. Note that such people have perfectionism, that is, what prevents them from being a truly happy person.

What does incomprehensible, illegible, bad handwriting say about character?

Incomprehensible, illegible and bad handwriting that resembles scribbles speaks volumes. You have just such a handwriting, which means you:

  • Unbalanced, quick-tempered person
  • As a rule, like to stick to a particular daily routine.
  • You can get up very early in the morning and go to bed late, for example, at 12 o'clock in the morning.
  • It's hard to drive yourself into a certain framework

  • At work, you often conflict with other employees, quarrel and brawl
  • You are the kind of person with whom it is difficult to establish normal relations.
  • There is truth in this handwriting, a big plus - you are considered a genius. Be aware that many famous geniuses had this handwriting

What does a different, diverse handwriting say about character?

For many people, this trait indicates that they have temporary, minor changes that were triggered by certain factors. Remember that variability in handwriting is different... Consider what kind of character traits you possess, having this handwriting:

  • You often feel uncomfortable in certain situations. Sometimes you use a different style of writing letters, which fits automatically into the whole process. Perhaps you have too high self-esteem, or maybe, on the contrary, you are not confident in yourself. You are a hidden person, even unreliable.
  • If you have a different, different type of handwriting turns out spontaneously, then you are an open person, free and never feel the need. You just live, do not bother with trifles. Your handwriting changes under severe stress, but these distinctive features will be negligible. It will be immediately clear that this handwriting is yours.

What does beautiful handwriting say about character?

Typically, beautiful handwriting is very similar to fancy drawings. If your handwriting is written very neatly, letter to letter, as if written by a professional, with curls and precise lines, then you are exactly the person for whom family is in the first place.

  • You are the perfect family man.
  • You are a sensitive person, you are distinguished by accuracy.
  • You are characterized by willpower and calmness.
  • With all the positive qualities of your own character, you are not considered a strong person. There is no independence and purposefulness in you.

  • You constantly need good support, a person who can listen to you and understand you at any time.
  • You have a calm and even life, you never have ups and downs.
  • At work, you are respected and loved by other employees because you are submissive and efficient.

What does curly handwriting say about character?

Curls are present during writing in many letters. Let's consider the most common use cases.

  • The curls at the bottom of the letters are small. You have independent thinking. You love looking for something simpler for yourself. Do not like lies and falsehood, appreciate other people for what they were able to achieve. You are creative in new things, you can adapt to a situation that has suddenly changed.
  • Narrow curl at the bottom of the letter. This sign suggests that you have sharp thinking, you strive for spiritual values. Love your family and home, try to keep only the circle of your friends and relatives.

  • Wide curl at the bottom of the letter. You are an aspiring nature, you are directed to satisfy your own material needs and emotions. You also love to be noticed by others.
  • Disproportionate curl at the bottom of the letter. Never get attached to business, don't like it at all.
  • Small disproportionate curl at the bottom and top of the letter. You are independent, at every opportunity you are limited to very few.

What does angular handwriting say about character?

Angular handwriting indicates the following character traits of a person:

  • If you have an angular handwriting, then you love to compete, strive for independence and have a critical mind.

IMPORTANT: If your handwriting combines angular and round letters, then you know how to charm the people around you, you are a hospitable person and have good taste. If you still press hard on the pen while writing, then you enjoy being subordinate both at home and at work.

  • You adore independence, always fulfill your own desires.
  • One single minus of the character of a person with an angular handwriting is selfishness. You are independent, therefore, do not tolerate if someone tells you what to do.

What does the solid handwriting say about character?

If you decide to define your own character, be sure to pay attention to the merging of letters:

  • If you write all the letters connected, then you are a straightforward person. You are dominant in logical thinking. Perhaps you are adventurous and can criticize people without any problems.
  • Your intuition is perfectly developed.
  • If you write all the letters together and at the same time like to underline them, then you are an executive person.
  • You are constantly doing the work that you are assigned with diligence. In your personal life, you are the lucky ones, however, if you decide to break off the relationship, you never change your mind.
  • Your thinking is well developed.
  • If you like to write in one piece and at the same time compactly, then you are exactly the person who does not like it when strangers try to enter her life. Finding the key to your heart is very difficult.

What does clumsy handwriting say about character?

Nowadays, exquisite and beautiful handwriting is a rarity. But clumsy handwriting is quite common. Do you belong to this group of people? Then study your own character.

  • If your handwriting is disorganized, clumsy and very small, you are an indecisive and timid nature. You immediately retreat if certain difficulties arise in front of you.
  • If you have a very untidy handwriting that is difficult to make out, then you are indecisive, unbalanced, while you are neat and can think well logically.

  • You are a very talented person with some abilities.
  • Is your handwriting difficult to read? Then you like to hide something from people.
  • You also don’t care about your own speech and how you behave in the circle of friends and acquaintances.

What does crooked handwriting say about character?

Curved handwriting is mainly present in thinkers who have a pronounced emotional load. If you write in crooked letters, then you are emotionally unstable, sloppy.

You have low self-esteem, and for some reason you are often unbalanced. It is not uncommon for such a handwriting to evoke associations with creativity, and may be a sign of great eccentricity. Many people argue that this handwriting is inherent in very intelligent people.

What does ugly handwriting say about character?

Ugly handwriting is found, as a rule, in men. But it is not always the case.

  • Do you have ugly handwriting? Then you are a generous person, but at the same time short-sighted. You are constantly in a hurry somewhere, often make mistakes or find yourself in ridiculous, difficult situations.
  • You are a great friend and companion. You love laughter, fun. Come to the aid of those who ask you for help.
  • You are an active person, inquisitive, you have a cheerful character.
  • Ugly handwriting also suggests that you are energetic, carefree, and at the same time nervous.
  • You prefer independence.

What does sloppy handwriting say about character?

Sloppy handwriting, almost like the previous version. Most of the time, people who write quickly are sloppy. If you also write quickly and sloppily, then it is worth highlighting the following character traits:

  • You are a serene person, trying to be guided only by real events.
  • You love random luck, you work purely for inspiration.
  • You have an emotional foreboding, and you are also skeptical about the future.
  • You are a harsh, and sometimes even very hot-tempered person.

What does a straight, non-sloping handwriting say about character?

Vertical handwriting even looks unnatural to some extent. Do you write with absolutely no tilt? Then learn a little about your own temper.

  • You are rational and emotional. You calmly analyze each situation and weigh everything before making a decision.
  • You are a brooding person, have complete control over yourself, restrained
  • You are a narcissist, you are not at all interested in people's opinions.

  • There is a balance in your character between your heart and your mind.
  • Also, direct handwriting says that you look at all things soberly, in a word, you are a realist.

What does the tilted handwriting to the left say about character?

Most people write with a tilt to the right when writing, but there are also those who write the other way around - to the left. If this is about you, then you have the following personality type:

  • Outwardly you are hiding behind the "mask" of inaccessibility. You are emotionally cold.
  • If you have a slight lean to the left, then you are a manly person. When making important questions, be guided only by your own mind.
  • Your letters are tilted strongly to the left, then you are a touchy person, vindictive, constantly dissatisfied with yourself and people. You are a melancholic, you are very often in a bad mood.
  • You are proud, you have almost no inclination for art.

Determination of character by handwriting: test

We suggest that you take a short test and determine what kind of handwriting you have.

  • Write an 8-word sentence quickly
  • Re-write the same sentence, but very slowly
  • Draw a small animal
  • Without hesitation, draw a geometric figure on a piece of paper
  • Draw a road with a direction arrow

First, compare the first and second text. If they are very similar, then you can easily react to changing circumstances. If they are different, then your mood often changes.

  • Round letters say that you easily compromise. Angular letters- they say that you are rude and have strength of character.
  • In the image of the animal, pay special attention to the details: bows, mustache. They usually talk about infantilism.
  • If a geometric figure has corners then you are not satisfied with your own realization of desires. Rounded figures characterized by developed willpower and the ability to bring things to an end.

Video: Determining the character of a person by handwriting

Is it possible to get a general idea of ​​a person without even seeing him? It turns out you can - by handwriting .

And this opportunity is provided by Graphology , studying the relationship between handwriting and personality.

Graphology(from other Greek. "I write" and "teaching") - teaching, according to which there is a stable connection between handwriting and individual personality traits. ( Wikipedia).

People began to pay attention to this connection in antiquity. The saying is known Emperor Nero: "I am afraid of this man, his handwriting shows that he has a treacherous nature.".

Have Confucius: "NS an essay can reliably indicate whether it comes from a generous person or from someone who is vulgar. ".

Handwriting can tell a handwriting specialist about a person sometimes more than he himself is able to tell about himself. This is due to the fact that handwriting is formed not so much by consciousness as by the subconscious processes of the brain.

Writing is a complex psychomotor skill, and if it is perfected in school, it is deposited in the brain and is not lost.

How can handwriting tell about a person?

I invite readers to do a little research on this topic.

As always, we will approach the issue systematically, start with history and end with a book review.

History of graphology

The connection of handwriting with personal qualities of a person was guessed back in the era of antiquity. Aristotle wrote: "As there are no people who speak the same way, so there are no people who write the same way.".

Suetonius Guy Tranquill(about 70-140 AD), the biographer of the Roman emperors wrote that the emperor Augustus did not start a new line of verse if the verse did not fit on one line, but added it under the last word of the verse.
A modern graphologist would define this as a property of a thrifty person who has a strictly deductive, practical mind.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, interest in graphology disappeared, but it was revived again in the Middle Ages, when writing became the property of wider sections of society.

However, until the beginning of the 17th century. there were no independent essays on this issue.

The first treatise on the study of handwriting known to history belongs to an Italian physician, professor at the University of Bologna Camillo Baldo(Camillo Baldo), who lived in Bologna and published his work in 1622 " How you can find out the character and properties of the writer by writing ».

This was the first fundamental work in graphology. As an epigraph to his work, Baldo took the proverb “ they recognize a lion by its claws ».

Camillo Balbo(1550 - 1637)

First word "graphology« appeared in 1871 in the book "Graphology system", French abbot Jean Hippolyte Michonne. He is considered to be the father of modern graphology.

Abbot Michon, systematized the features of handwriting and tried to establish correspondences between them and personal qualities.

Jean Hippolyte Michonne(1806-1881)

In 1879, the abbot began to publish the magazine " Graphology”, He was one of the founders of the Parisian Graphological Society. It is also known about Michonne that for thirty-five years he studied the autographs of prominent Frenchmen and was able to recognize 350 feelings and abilities by handwriting.

The simplicity of Michonne's method made it popular. He studied and compared individual elements of writing: strokes, letters, words, lines, etc. His method assumed that the presence of one graphological feature means one specific character trait, and its absence - the opposite trait. At present, this seems to be correct only in part.

Michonne's followers, including his student, Jules Crepier-Jamin did not agree with this principle, as well as with the practice of attributing rigid interpretations to individual signs of handwriting. Krepier-Zhamen assigned a range of possible values ​​to each element in the handwriting.

He argued that meaning and interpretation can change depending on other characteristics of the writing. Modern graphology accepts exactly this theory.

Despite the mystical touch, many prominent minds of that time turned to the topic of character determination by handwriting. Names such as Leibniz, Shakespeare, Goethe, Lavater, Georges Sand, Alexandre Dumas-son, Walter Scott, Edgar Poe.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz(1646 - 1716) - German philosopher, mathematician, and also Johann Wolfgang Goethe(1749 - 1832) - the great poet and naturalist, recognized that the individuality of a person is reflected in his letter.

Georges Sand, in turn, considered: “It is possible that I am mistaken in everything, since I do not have a system; but I receive many letters, and the instinct of the observer allows me, on the basis of the general impression, to judge by the handwriting of the writer “.

Goethe wrote: “ there is not a shadow of a doubt that handwriting is related to the character and mind of a person and that it can at least give an idea of ​​his feelings and actions».

C. Lombroso outlined his views on handwriting and personality in the book "Graphology", published in 1899.

Cesare Lombroso ( 1835 -1909) - Italian psychiatrist, founder of the anthropological direction in criminology and criminal law, whose main idea was the idea of ​​a natural born criminal.

« Just as an idiot cannot get rid of a bouncing gait, and a paralytic from a shuffling gait, so an ordinary "average" person cannot but show his peculiarities in hand movements when writing».

According to the teachings of Lombroso, the handwriting of the "criminal man" is characterized by special graphological features, which are divided into two groups. Some signs allegedly characterize the handwriting of murderers, robbers and robbers, others - thieves.

But the doctrine of Lombroso about the handwriting of the "criminal man", like his whole theory, turned out to be scientifically untenable.
Later, graphology began to spread throughout Europe.

Wilhelm Preyer, a professor of physiology in Jena, suggested that the brain is in charge of writing, not the fingers, and in fact it is the brain, not the hand, that writes.

Contribution to the theoretical basis of graphology was made by German graphologists Hans Büsset and Ludwig Klages.

The most prominent figure in the Swiss graphological school - Doctor Max Pulver, a psychologist at the University of Zurich, who in 1934 discovered three zones in handwriting.

In England Robert Soudek, Hans Jaakobi and Hans Eysenck conducted studies that confirmed the validity of the handwriting analysis.

Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung and Alfred Adler recognized the importance of graphic analysis. Freud and Jung accepted graphology as a way to penetrate the unconscious of a person, and therefore aroused their interest.

Also engaged in graphology Alfred Adler, he unequivocally recognized the importance of graphology and practiced handwriting analysis himself.

In the 40-50s of the XX century, concepts appear graphometrics and psychology of handwriting (Scriftpsychologie). Graphometrics are beginning to measure the characteristics of handwriting and use statistical methods to prove the truth of conclusions about the relationship of handwriting features to psychological qualities.

Throughout the twentieth century, graphology has taken an increasingly prominent place in European science as a tool for psychological testing.

Graphology in the world today

In many countries, graphology is accepted by the academic community and the state, and is studied within the framework of higher education.

Currently in Europe, graphology is included in the compulsory curriculum in many countries. Universities in Heidelberg, Kiel, Munich, schools in Holland, Switzerland, Italy and France have official permission to work in this field. The latest courses are taught at the Sorbonne (France).

In Italy, Hungary, the profession “graphologist” can be studied at the university, like any other specialty.

Holland has two professorial departments (at the universities of Leiden and Utrecht) and two graphological societies (in Amsterdam and The Hague).

The Institute of Handwriting (New York) and the American Graphological Society were established in the USA. In the United States, a graphology course is taught at New York University, at the Social Research School. Some universities study graphology after completing a psychology course; in others, it is read as part of a medical course.

Many firms use the services of expert graphologists who characterize the specialists they are hiring.

According to the estimates of American graphologists, more than 500 US firms use handwriting analysis to determine the professional characteristics of a person newly hired or promoted.

Graphology is successfully used in business, medicine, sports, pedagogy and other fields.

The following facts speak about the status of graphology in other European countries:

The British Academy of Graphology (BAOG) was established in 1985.
The British Institute of Graphology (BIG) was founded in 1983.
In 1986 - the Hungarian Society for the Study of Handwriting was created, in 1991 - the Institute of Graphology in Budapest under the leadership of Tamas Agardi.

You can also call:
American Society of Professional Graphologists (ASPG).
Association of German graphologists.
French Association of Graphology Consultants.
Swiss Association of Graphologists.
Italian Graphological Association.
Italian Association of Graphologists.
Spanish Graphological Association.
Israeli Association of Graphology.

Graphology has developed in many countries and especially in France, Germany, Holland, Israel and the USA.

Graphology in Russia

Before the 1917 revolution, Russia had its own graphological school, which had two directions: forensic and, in fact, graphological.

Graphological direction was presented by ND Akhsharumov, FF Tishkov, VV Mayatsky and MI Popyalkovsky. The theoretical substantiation of graphology was presented by I.F. Morgenstern.

Graphology was first presented to the general public by Ilya Fedorovich Morgenstern's book "Psychographology" in 1903.

In 1915 V. Mayatsky's brochure "Graphology" was published.

Since the 20s of the XX century, a graphologist-expert DM Zuev-Insarov worked in this direction, having written many articles on graphology and monographs: "The structure of handwriting and character", "Handwriting and personality".

Forensic direction was founded by forensic handwriting experts E.F. Burinsky, S.M. Potapov and psychophysiologist-graphologist M.I.Popyalkovsky.

In 1903 the book by E.F. Burinsky Forensic examination of documents, its production and use". For the first time, he described in detail the features of handwriting as a way of identifying a person from a manuscript. Thus, Burinsky was the founder of the current graphometry. He laid the foundation for forensic handwriting as a field of knowledge that studies methods for personal identification in order to solve crimes or establish an identity in civil cases.

Evgeny Fedorovich Burinsky(1849-1912) - an outstanding Russian forensic scientist, one of the founders of forensic science, the founder of forensic photography, technical study of documents and forensic handwriting in Russia.

Practically not developing after the revolution, in the USSR in 1940, graphology was officially announced bourgeois pseudoscience.

V Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1952 g) it says: " Graphology (from the Greek. Grapho - I write and logos - a word, doctrine) is a pseudoscientific theory, according to which a person's handwriting can supposedly judge his character and even his appearance ... Such conclusions are not scientific».
But in an encyclopedia published later ( 1972 g) it says: " Graphology (from grapho ... and ... logic) is the doctrine of handwriting, its study from the point of view of the properties and mental states of the writer reflected in it. Graphology data are used to study the individual characteristics of a person in psychology, as well as in medicine and forensics "... Nothing has been said about the pseudoscientific nature of the theory of graphology.

The position of graphology and special literature did not change much after the collapse of the USSR.

In Russia, it is handwriting school, although the leading Russian forensic handwriting experts wrote that there is a rational kernel in graphology. But somehow the development of graphology did not go beyond that.

The emerging availability of foreign sources of information has increased the interest and popularity of graphology, the number of Russian-language books has increased.

All this as a whole reflects a very heterogeneous state of the Russian-language graphology.

In Russia and the CIS, professional graphoanalysis and training is engaged in International School of Graphoanalysis. This is Inessa Goldberg's School of Graphic Analysis, it is the most authoritative graphological organization in the Russian-speaking space (

We will also add the Moscow School of Graphology. The founder and head of the School T.V. Efremova (
Courses in graphology according to the author's method, taught by Svetlana Sibirskaya (

Although, of course, I do not exclude that I missed something in my research and I will be glad if my readers correct me.

Graphology and handwriting studies

Graphology and handwriting studies are not synonyms.

Handwriting studies is a practical section of forensics, and graphology- This is the doctrine of the relationship between handwriting and character.

Handwriting examination is carried out by forensic experts and can determine, for example, whether two autographs belong to the same person, but in no case does it determine the character of the writer.

The handwriting examination has a developed methodology that meets scientific criteria and pursues clearly defined goals, for example, to help determine whether a handwriting or signature is genuine or fake.

Scientific nature of graphology

Graphology is not an exact science in the mathematical sense of the word.

Despite the theoretical basis, the consistency of patterns, tables, etc., a qualitative graphological analysis of handwriting is impossible without the participation of living specialist, whose experience and psychological flair are indispensable for the most accurate interpretation of options.

Associate of Cesare Lombroso, Italian professor of forensic medicine Salvatore Ottolenghi wrote in the early 1920s: “ Graphology is not yet a science, although there is no doubt about its scientific basis ... ".

In his book "In the wake of the crime" Professor of Forensic Science eza Cato and Imre Kertes write: “ It is possible that in the future it will be possible to clarify individual issues, for example, to detect certain signs of temperament by handwriting, but today anyone who claims to be able to establish a character by handwriting is usually either a deceiver or a sincerely mistaken person.» .

Domestic criminologist O. M. Glotov characterizing modern graphology, flourishing in the West, notes that it “ most often borders on quackery, so to speak, in its purest form". (Glotov O. M. About criminalistics // From crime to punishment / Ed. By N. S. Alekseev. L., 1973. p. 182).

The opinions of criminologists are understandable, graphology is not a scientific discipline.

Although research shows that the analysis of handwriting allows you to characterize some psychological characteristics of a person. And the US Supreme Court in 1978 recognized the use of graphology as legal when applying for a job.

And yet it must be admitted that the assumptions about the possibility of diagnostics based on the handwriting of personality traits have not yet received convincing scientific confirmation.

Perhaps graphology is in the development stage and after some time the necessary arguments will be found that satisfy the academic authorities for its recognition as a science. In the meantime, graphology, according to graphologists, is a combination of science and art.

From general to specific

Any graphological analysis should begin with an assessment of the general appearance of the handwriting. According to Zuev-Insarov, the general view includes: harmony, geometry and graphology letters. These three categories are present in all graphological schools in the world to this day.

1. The degree of harmony.
Pay attention to the overall impression of the handwriting: Do you feel like a whole?

Handwriting harmony is the degree of harmony between the individual letters that make up a word.

The higher the degree of harmony of writing, the higher the degree of giftedness of the individual.

2. The degree of geometry.

The degree of geometric consistency of writing is determined by: evenness of lines of lines and margins, uniformity of spacing between words and lines, uniformity of pressure.

A high degree of harmony indicates that a person has a large supply of internal energy, developed volitional efforts, which allow him to always maintain internal balance, inhibit unwanted emotions, and act deliberately.

3. The degree of graphological writing.

The degree of graphological character of the letter is determined by the degree of deviation from the calligraphic pattern.

1. Pressure when writing.

Strong pressure characterizes people who are energetic and ready to overcome obstacles on the way to what they want.

Weak pressure indicates a sensitive nature, prone to idealization, to the influence of someone else's opinion.

Uneven pressure is an indicator of imbalance, impressionability, impulsivity.

If the pressure when writing is weak, and besides, it is still uneven, then the author of such a handwriting is most likely unsure of himself, prone to constant doubts.

2. Continuity of the line.

The "straight" line speaks of the balance and restraint of the writer, the ability to bring the matter to the end.

The “wavy” lines indicate that the person has the flexibility of thinking and diplomacy that allows him to get around difficulties, although he may lack purposefulness.

The lines going up to the end belong to people who are energetic, self-confident, proactive and striving for success.

If, on the contrary, the lines fall towards the end, then the author of the handwriting most likely has a lack of energy to bring the matter to the end.

3. The slope of the handwriting.

Too oblique handwriting - from its owner it is quite possible to expect the manifestation of extreme features and the display of their feelings and preferences, as well as enthusiasm in the perception of everything new.

Handwriting kneeled to the left often indicates a discrepancy between a person's personal inclinations and the external conditions of upbringing and life.

If the handwriting is vertical, not inclined, then this indicates a balance between mind and feelings and at the same time a person's restraint.

4. The size of the letters.

Large handwriting often indicates sensuality of attraction, vigor in communication and impracticality in life, as well as a lack of objective self-esteem.

Small handwriting is more typical for people who are restrained, observant and at the same time very closed, not inclined to talk about themselves.

The compressed handwriting characterizes its owner as very thrifty, thrifty and reserved.

5. Distance between words and lines.

If there are almost no gaps in the handwriting and it seems that the words are creeping into each other, then we can talk about the thrift of a person, sometimes turning into stinginess.

If the text is full of empty spaces both between words and between lines, then this is evidence of generosity, sometimes bordering on wastefulness.

6. Signature.

A signature without a stroke is a testament to taste and restraint.

If the signature is supplemented with a straight stroke, then this indicates the energy of the person, his decisiveness and courage.

A wavy stroke indicates diplomacy and the ability to avoid sharp corners.

Underlining the painting is a sign of developed self-esteem.

The signature going up indicates ambition.

If the signature ends with a dot, we are talking about a person prone to introspection and who knows how to bring the matter to the end.

If the signature is made in very large letters, this indicates that its owner is worried about his image and, probably, is trying to create a deceptive impression of himself among others.

Here are some of the points in a nutshell. Of course, you cannot judge a person only by them, there must be a comprehensive analysis of handwriting. For those who want to expand their knowledge, there is literature, which we will consider below.

Calligraphic handwriting

It is believed that the excessive calligraphy of ordinary everyday handwriting (if this is not a congratulation on a postcard) reflects the manifestation of an enhanced Super-Ego to the detriment of a person's individuality and originality.

Those. adherence to the standard, combined with ornamentation and stylization, reflects a stereotyped, stereotyped perception and thinking.

That is why teachers should not demand from pupils, especially primary grades, excessive external beauty of handwriting. It is much more important to teach the child to harmoniously distribute the pressure in the handwriting.

For information: Handwriting as an indicator of character and individuality was noted in the 11th century by the Chinese philosopher and artist Guo Zho Su in his book "Notes on Painting".

Guo Jo-xu. "Notes on painting: what I saw and heard." Publisher: "Science". 1978 year

National features of handwriting

A small excerpt from the book I.V. Belova “Secrets of handwriting. 20 personality types 20 types of handwriting ”.

“It's not hard to see the differences in the spelling of the letters that people use in different countries. These handwriting features reflect only the most typical manifestations of national characteristics.

Spaniards tend to write capital letters pretentiously and with curls, which speaks of their proud and romantic nature.
The French write much smaller, and their handwriting reflects a more logical approach to life.
Italian writing, with its simple small letters and graceful large letters, testifies to the sense of rhythm and grace.
The Russian emotional, sociable nature is reflected in the sweeping, large handwriting.

German handwriting is more angular and meticulous than that of other peoples.

The British handwriting is restrained, simple, without flourishes and curls.
American handwriting is free and sweeping ".

Mind and handwriting

An intelligent person is, first of all, a high level of individuality, independent thinking.

So how do these signs appear in handwriting?

The most important thing is not trivial handwriting. Not necessarily original, but necessarily bearing its own individual features.

Excessive exaggeration through various handwriting decorations is not a manifestation of the mind, but only a desire to make an impression, i.e. to seem, not to be.

"Smart" handwriting form - productive, saves hand effort, reduces the time of writing letters.

The higher the development of a person, the more sides of the soul are revealed by his handwriting.

It turns out there is so much hidden meaning in ordinary handwriting. Even therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at Graphology.

Temperament and handwriting

Each temperament, in addition to their inherent gestures and movements, there are also inherent features of handwriting.

People are refined, elegant by nature - this also affects the handwriting - refined, graceful with beautifully rounded letters, even and neatly arranged lines.

In straight, open natures, the handwriting is devoid of frills, the words are written out in abrupt diverging lines.

In the writing of cruel, decisive people, letters are usually harsh, for soft and good-natured people - rounded.

Rude and vulgar people write floridly, decorating capital letters with ridiculous curlicues.

Here, for example, is how Inessa Goldberg defines the preconditions for handwriting analysis in her book “Handwriting Language, or Problems on Paper”.

"The maximum information content and reliability depends not only on the professionalism of the graphologist, but also on the quality and quantity of the material being examined.".

“Rules for preparing quality material for handwriting analysis.

1.Writing materials, table.
For the sample, only a clean white sheet (without cells and stripes) of A4 format is suitable, under multiple sheets of paper (too hard or soft onthe surface distorts the handwriting). The surface of the writing desk is free of cracks and irregularities.
Write only with a ballpoint pen (preferably blue) that does not leak and works well.

2. Condition, posture.
Pose - comfortable sitting at the table; the mood is relatively calm.

3. What and how to write.
Text: volume - arbitrary; the content is arbitrary, it doesn't matter. Byany free topic that comes to mind will come up: offer to write about yourself, aboutvacation, children, etc.The most important requirement is to write at your usual pace, spontaneously, not copiedvaya, not under dictation, and not poems in a column. Then - sign.

4. Language.
Write in your native language, for bilinguals - in both languages. Languages ​​can be any(except for hieroglyphs).

Why all this is needed - it is better to learn from the book And Goldberg itself.

So, we got a general idea of ​​the subject of Graphology. To deepen our knowledge, let us turn to book sources.

But let's remember that experience comes with practice. Self-study certainly deserves respect, but from time to time questions arise that require explanation that are difficult to find in books. It is important here that these explanations are given by an experienced professional.

Review of books on the topic "Graphology"

Zuev-Insarov D.M. "Handwriting and Personality"... Publisher: "LTD", "Perlite production". 1992 year

D.M. Zuev-Insarov is a leading Russian graphologist, chairman of the Russian Scientific Graphological Society.

In a book republished for the first time since 1929, the principles of assessing a person's character traits by handwriting are set out in a simple and accessible form.

The book contains various samples of handwriting, their detailed characteristics are given. Also, characterological transcripts of the handwritings of famous people are given, for example, Sergei Yesenin, Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, Alexander Pushkin and others.

The bibliography of books published at that time in various countries is given.

You can start with this book, at least it was written by a practitioner.

One of the most famous books published in St. Petersburg in 1903 and reprinted in 1994 is I.F.Morgenstern. “Psychographology. The science of determining the character and inclinations of people by his handwriting. "

Two editions:
1.I. Morgenstern. "Psychographology". Peter. 1994 year
2. I.F.Morgenstern. “Psychographology. The science of determining the character and inclinations of people by his handwriting. " Printing house "Science". 2006 year

The book of the famous psychographologist I. Morgenstern tells about the history of graphology, provides a psychographological description of several hundred handwritings.

Here are some interesting excerpts from the book:
« The letters are straight, continuous, without decorations; equal distance between words; for the most part, the absence of large letters, some illegible ones; the letters are round. Usually, c, c, d do not come out completely finished».

« Elongated, sparsely set letters with original decorated hooks. Unequal distances between words, sometimes pressures in capital letters - when they try to display them architecturally, give them a rounded shape and make them thin and graceful; attention should be paid to unequal pressures. "

High growth
“The letters at the end of the line end in an even stroke, the handwriting is unsteady, but in places there are pressures. The letters are not confused and go in even rows; for the most part, words are not transferred to another line ".

Low stature
“Letters decorated with sweeping strokes, strongly elongated, as if they wanted to give them growth; the end of the word is either not added, or transferred to another line, leaving free space ".

"Rising lines; in addition, the letters are very carefully drawn, with a desire to give them a beautiful shape, which is especially evident in the hooks of the capital letters; the letters themselves are raised ".

“Smooth lines, small letters; at the end of the line, the letters become narrower; legible handwriting, not stretched. "

The book provides a detailed analysis of the psychographic law of handwriting. All letters and their graphological features are described.

A separate chapter is devoted to children's handwriting. The handwritings of people with mental and physical disabilities are given.

The analysis of handwriting of famous historical figures is given. The reader will learn how the character of the letter changes with age, will be able to determine his hidden possibilities by his own handwriting.

V. Mayatsky V. Graphology. Moscow, 1907. Reprinted in 1990 (reprint).

Mayatsky. "Graphology". 1990 year

A very simple, small book - a brochure written in tsarist Russia. Contains a microstructural typological analysis of each letter. As an addition to other books. Below is the content of the book.

Author's series of books Inessa Goldberg's "Secrets of Handwriting" Includes 8 editions:
1. Tutorial "How to decipher handwriting or Graphology step by step."
2. Textbook "Handwriting and personality types".
3. The book "Handwriting and Your Success".
4. The book "Handwriting and Your Personal Life".
5. The book "Handwriting - Mirror of the Soul".
6. The book "Secrets of Handwriting - What is written in the family."
7. Book "Language of Handwriting or Problems on Paper".
8. Selected series "Psychology of Handwriting".

These are systematized textbooks on the basics of the graphological method, as well as popular scientific publications devoted to various aspects of the application of graphology.

Solomevich V.I. Ulasevich V.I. "Handwriting and character"... "AST" 2009

In addition to the basics, this book will acquaint you with a graphological analysis of the handwritings of some famous politicians, athletes and popular pop and film artists.

Judith Norman. “What the handwriting says. Graphology for Beginners ". Vector. 2010 r.

Sarah Dorothy. “Secrets of handwriting. How to determine your character traits by handwriting "... AST. 1998 year

Books by Ilya Schegolev

Ilya Schegolev- a specialist in the field of graphology and management psychology, was educated at the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University, the author of the bestseller "Secrets of Handwriting". Together with his team, he is working on the popularization and dissemination of applied methods of graphology in Russia and the CIS countries.

Ilya Shchegolev. "Secrets of handwriting". Phoenix. 2011 r.
Ilya Shchegolev. "16 types of handwriting". Peter. 2005 year
Ilya Shchegolev. “Riddles of handwriting. From a small letter to a great destiny ”. Phoenix. 2011 r.

Books by Yuri Chernov

Yuri Georgievich Chernov- Candidate of Technical Sciences, software developer, psychologist, certified in business psychology, employee of the Swiss Graphological Society, regularly takes part in various congresses and conferences on handwriting analysis.

Ilya Schegolev, Yuri Chernov. "Secrets of handwriting"(+ CD-ROM). Eksmo. 2008 r.

The disk contains a unique program for analyzing handwriting and drawing up a psychological portrait of a person by handwriting.

Yuri Chernov. "Psychological analysis of handwriting." Genesis. 2011 r.
The author considers the problem at the intersection of disciplines - psychology, medicine, forensic science, touches on the issues of diagnostics, forensic handwriting, etc. But the main focus is on the psychology of handwriting.

Yuri Chernov. "Analysis of handwriting in the work with personnel." BHV-Petersburg. 2012 year
The book talks about how to use handwriting analysis in personnel diagnostics. The book systematically examines all stages of work with personnel through the prism of handwriting analysis.

1. I. Belov. “Secrets of handwriting. 20 personality types. 20 types of handwriting ”. Harvest. 2007 year
2. Isaeva E.L. "Practical graphology: how to recognize the character by handwriting." Ripol Classic. 2010 r.
3. Ike Naj (O.K. Najimov). "Find out the character of a person by his signature or practical graphology."
4. Vladimir Taranenko. “Handwriting, portrait, character. Hidden psychodiagnostics in a practical presentation ”. Nika Center. 2008 r.

5. Irina Ulezko. "Character and handwriting". AST. 2009 r.
6. Vera Nadezhdina. “Secrets of handwriting. Step by step". Harvest. 2009 r.
7. Alexander Farmagei. "Graphology as a science and not only". Nika Center. 2010 r.
8. A. Sokolova. "Graphology is the key to character." Ripol Classic. 2013 g.

9.E. P. Ishchenko. “Let's talk about graphology. Handwriting is the mirror of the soul ”. Avenue. 2015
10.S.Yu. Aleskovsky, Ya. V. Komissarov. "Fundamentals of graphology". Jurlitinform. 2008 r.
The teaching aid examines the main provisions of the graphological (psychological and handwriting) method of personality research, as well as the history of the formation of graphology and its current state.
11.T.I. Eremina. "Visual psychodiagnostics". Phoenix. 2012 r.
In addition to physiognomy, other visual means of personality research are also given (psychogeometry, graphology, analysis of color preferences, clothing, interpretation of a person's drawings).
12. B. Higir. "Graphology. Recognize your character by handwriting. " Publisher: Amrita-Rus 2014

13. Potemkina O. F., Potemkina E. V. "Psychological analysis of drawing and text." Publisher: Speech. 2006 year
14. E. Sudilovskaya. “We unravel the handwriting. Graphology (+ CD with the program) ". Peter. 2007 year
15. Kravchenko V.I. "Graphology: character from handwriting." Educational-methodical manual of SUAI. 2006 year
16. Petrosyan A.E., Petrosyan Yu.S. "How to make handwriting talk (practical graphology)". Publishing house of the Tver University of Business. 1995 year

And necessarily a few books on handwriting.

17. Orlova V.F. (scientific ed.). "Forensic handwriting examination: general part". The science. 2006 year
18. Mantsvetova A.I., Orlova V.F., Slavutskaya I.A. "Theoretical (natural science) foundations of forensic handwriting studies." The science. 2006 year
19. Bastrykin A.I. "Forensic Writing Research". Tutorial. 2002 year
20. Orlova V.F. "Forensic handwriting diagnostics". Tutorial. Unity - Dana. 2012 year

And at the end of the review I will add a magazine "Scientific Graphology"

The international journal in Russian "Scientific Graphology" is a non-profit project of the Institute of Graphoanalysis Inessa Goldberg. She is also the editor-in-chief of the magazine.

This is how, in general terms, we got acquainted with Graphology. I think many are interested in this topic.

Start with the basic books listed at the beginning. Each book gives something new, not in the sense of basic principles - they are repeated, but in the sense of nuances. But it is the knowledge of the nuances that defines the Master.

I wish you success in mastering new Knowledge!

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If you have any questions, write in the comments.

Best regards, Nikolay Medvedev.

It is important for each person to know and understand the other. Unfortunately, in the modern world it often happens that it is impossible to communicate with a person directly and in these cases such a science as graphology is indispensable. A graphologist will be able, using only a person's handwriting, to learn everything about him, from character to occupation.

But, knowing a few key points, even a non-specialist can recognize character traits and compose a psychological portrait of another. That is why in today's article we will talk about this topic. We will study graphology and learn the important nuances of this area.

Briefly about the main thing or what is graphology

In all spheres of life, it is simply necessary to know the person with whom you communicate, work or with whom you live. Indeed, how well you know the other person is often directly related to the effectiveness of teamwork or other activities. And you can understand the other only if you have drawn his psychological portrait.

And in those cases when you do not have the opportunity through physical contact to master the information you need, such a necessary and subtle science as graphology can help you.

Graphology is the science of handwriting and the methods that allow you to study the personality traits and mental state of the individual who wrote a specific text.

Today there are a lot of books in which everyone can find information of interest to themselves. But here we will consider the most important points of this science so that you can independently study the handwriting of the person you need and understand his character and not only.

So, first of all, graphologists assure that for accurate analysis it is necessary to study more than one sheet written by the person whose handwriting you want to study.

Since the experts came to the conclusion that at the beginning of the letter a person writes unnaturally, and then begins to slowly "open up", that is why the last pages are the most interesting for researchers.

In such a science as graphology, every little thing matters. For example, when a graphologist takes a sheet with an inscription for study, the first thing he starts to study is the sheet on which the person wrote. Since the experts came to the conclusion that the sheet itself will tell a lot of interesting things about the owner.

For example: if you see a white sheet in front of you with torn edges, there are traces of dirt, coffee, grease, etc., then most likely the person who wrote on it is a slob and slob. In addition, the likelihood is high that he is greedy, since he was stingy to change the sheet when it went bad.

And when in front of you is a clean, large sheet of paper, then this is a sign that the owner of this paper is a generous and neat person. But this may also indicate such a character trait as a tendency to wastefulness.

So when starting your research, do not lose sight of such an important little thing as a piece of paper.

Handwriting transcript or what to look for?

Studies have shown that graphology provides the most accurate information about a person in the interval of 25-45 years. This is the age where, by studying handwriting, you can find out interesting information about a person.

Starting to study a person's handwriting, in order to identify personality traits, experts first of all take into account some key points. We will talk about them below:

  1. The size of the letters is the first important point in learning handwriting. It has already been proven that the size of letters in a person changes both with age and with a specific physical condition. For example, the older a person is, or if he is tired, tired, then his letters turn out to be larger. More often you can find letters of medium size. And if you have handwriting with middle letters in front of you, then this does not indicate any specific character trait of the person who wrote them. In the case when a person has large letters, this may indicate that the person who wrote them has leadership qualities. Such a person can be emotional and sociable. They can easily establish new connections, acquaintances.

    If you see handwriting where the letters are small, then this is a sure sign that the person who wrote them is a purposeful and restrained person. In some cases, this can also indicate such character traits in a person as secrecy and isolation.
  2. Margins - the second important nuance when studying handwriting - is the consideration of margins. If a person leaves narrow fields, then this indicates that he is thrifty. In some cases, this is a sign of the pettyness of the writer. Remember, the narrower the fields, the more frugality a person has, and sometimes this can go down to stinginess. If a person leaves wide fields, then this indicates his generosity. However, do not get carried away, as if the margins are very wide, then this rather speaks of the extravagance of the author than of his generosity. And if you see excessively wide margins in the letter, then the author may turn out to be a braggart and a vain person who strives for luxury.
  3. Pen pressure - this item speaks not only about the character of the author, but also about his emotional state while writing a text or letter. Everything is simple: the stronger the emotions of the author, the stronger the pressure of the pen. Basically, strong pressure is found among workaholics and people who are very energetic. They are sociable, easily make new acquaintances, they are open. And when the pressure is light, the author prefers loneliness, calmness. More often such people are romantics.
  4. Line Direction - The next important thing in learning handwriting is line consideration. Since the direction of the lines itself can also tell a lot about the author. So, in people who are characterized by a change of mood, adventures, deception and resourcefulness, we often find "wavy" lines in letters. If a person is reasonable and restrained, then they can observe straight lines, they write like a ruler. Such people have adequate self-esteem, they can soberly and honestly evaluate themselves and their skills. When the author's lines tend to go up, it means that he is an optimist.
    When the lines go down, then most likely the person who wrote this is a pessimist or a person with low self-esteem.
  5. Cohesion of elements of the letter - it is also important to study the coherence of different elements in the text. This also gives important information about the author. The person who writes all the elements in a connected manner is a straightforward person who is dominated by logical thinking. They are often adventurous and love to criticize. If you see a text where all the characters are written separately, then this may indicate that the writer has a developed imaginative thinking. And in cases where 2-3 letters are connected, this indicates that the author is a balanced person.
  6. The form of the letter - it is also important to study the form of the letter. If you see that the author's characters are angular and sharp, then this is a sign that the person who wrote this text is selfish. In the event that the symbols are smooth and rounded, then the author is a compliant and pliable person. These are the most loyal individuals who find it very difficult to achieve their intentions.
  7. Writing tilt - In graphology it is also very important to study writing tilt. When the slope in the letter is weak and directed to the left, then this indicates that the person who wrote likes to criticize everyone. Such people always have their own interests in the first place. In the event that the tilt to the left is very pronounced, then this author is stubborn, and has a tendency to consider himself the only correct one. But, most often, there is a slight tilt of the letters to the right. However, this does not mean any particular feature of a person. This is just a peculiarity of the school, because we are all taught to write that way, if the slope of the letters is strongly to the right, it means that the author is a strong and purposeful person. This handwriting indicates that a person is jealous and can fall in love very much, and in cases where there is no inclination in the letter, this indicates that the person is stubborn. A person who writes this way can think over their actions very well, assess the situation and act confidently and effectively.

These are the main points that are taken into account when studying a person's handwriting. As everyone can see, learning handwriting isn't all that difficult.

It's also important to look closely at the capital letter. In the event that the author's book is too decorated, then this means that the person writing needs recognition and attention from others. This is the person who wants so badly to find approval.

And when you see that the capital letter is small, then this may indicate that the author is pinched.

Handwriting and personality traits

The very science of graphology sees the connection between handwriting and personality traits. So, by handwriting, you can talk about the personal qualities of a person.

For example, if a person is quick-tempered, then his letters rise above the line, and the hooks of the last characters often fall below the lines.

In the event that a person is sensitive, then in his letter one can often find unfinished characters, uneven pressure, the presence of a slope and pale letters.

The insignificant or lack of inclination testifies to the mind of the writer; they have letters without decorative elements, medium size and rounded. The distance between words is the same.

And on the contrary, the richness of decorative elements in the letter, unusual hooks in symbols speaks about the stupidity of a person. Different spacing between words and uneven pressure. For such people, capital letters are of particular importance, which they write with special diligence and in a very original way.

Strong-willed people have symbols associated with each other. The pressure is even. Few strokes and distinct letters. And the letter itself from such people is almost without "decorated".

In cold-blooded people, despite the fact that all lines are uneven, the last word is always in its exact place. Their symbols are always neat, and the distance between words is different.

The handwriting, where the letters are often underlined, speaks about the cruelty of a person. The letters of cruel people are carefully written, hooked, flattened, and yet despite all this, looking at their writing, there is a feeling of coarseness and fatness of the letters.

What can a person's signature say?

Both the letter and the signature can tell a lot about the author. Moreover, experts pay special attention to the signature. Below we will consider the important points related to the signature and what certain details of the signature can say about the character of a person.

For example, if a person's signature is ordinary, without unnecessary elements, then this indicates that the person is brave and self-confident.

When a signature is underlined, that person is adventurous.
If there are loops in the signature, then most likely the author is an observant person.

In those signatures, when the author crossed out his signature, this indicates his impulsiveness and activity.
When you see the circled caption, you may know that the author is a cowardly person, most likely an introvert.

Temperament and handwriting

Experts assure that there is a connection between a person's handwriting and temperament. Since each representative of a particular temperament has a characteristic type of writing.

Choleric people write with a slope to the right. Their letters are wrapped and tangled. The pressure is strong, and the distance between individual words is not even.

Phlegmatic people in writing can be recognized primarily by different letter spacing. And the symbols themselves for phlegmatic people are bold, but their thickness is variable.

Sanguine people in most cases have a beautiful handwriting, although their letters are running, sweeping, and the lines are uneven.

Uneven fields are characteristic. Their letters are dancing and have strong strokes and dashes.


In fact, recognizing a person by handwriting is not so difficult. The main thing here is to know the important nuances, which we talked about above.

However, it is important to understand that it is impossible to unambiguously judge a person based on his handwriting. Since a person's handwriting changes under such factors as age, physiological and mental state, experience and the like.

And when you identify a person by handwriting, it is important to remember the fact that a person can have several qualities at the same time. So, do not rush to put an end to someone based on what you learn by studying their handwriting.

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