Natural oils in cosmetology. Using natural oils instead of face cream

Facial oils are becoming increasingly popular. For dry skin, they can be a real salvation. can help even in cases where the most expensive creams are powerless. That's why everyone more women turn to folk cosmetology.

Why does the skin on my face dry out?

Dry facial skin is a fairly common problem that can arise for a number of reasons:

  • malfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • digestive problems, as well as exposure to stress;
  • changes due to age;
  • lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body;
  • aggressive exposure to direct sunlight or ultraviolet radiation;
  • abuse of aggressive scrubs and peels;
  • hard water with high chlorine content;
  • washing with regular toilet soap.

Cosmetic oils for dry skin

Despite the fact that every day more and more new cosmetic products appear on the market, girls are increasingly turning to natural substances, among which oils occupy the first place. So, the most popular and effective are the following:

  • Avocado oil is rich in vitamin A, as well as B vitamins, due to which the skin is quickly restored;
  • apricot oil is an essential source of fats for the epidermis, and therefore it is simply necessary for those who struggle with dryness;
  • sesame oil - quickly absorbed, moisturizes the skin and saturates it with valuable vitamin E;
  • olive oil is universal remedy, which is suitable for absolutely all types;
  • fights irritation and inflammation, which are indispensable companions of dry and sensitive epidermis.

Essential oils for dry skin

Basic cosmetic oils are not always able to have a pronounced effect, and therefore it is recommended to combine them with essential oils. In this category, the undisputed leaders are the following:

  • Carrot seed ether helps eliminate toxins, as well as increase skin protective reactions;
  • rose ether makes the skin soft and velvety to the touch;
  • A special feature of neroli ester is that it helps retain moisture inside the epidermis, and also eliminates pigmentation and irritation.

It is worth noting that these substances are practically never used in their pure form. They are very concentrated, and therefore can cause irritation and even burns. It is better to combine them with basic cosmetic oils.

Castor oil

More and more women are resorting to using facial oils. For dry skin, it is recommended to use castor oil. Despite the fact that this oil is extracted from a poisonous plant, during the processing process all harmful substances leave and only the benefits remain. It lies in the fact that dry and aging skin gets necessary nutrition, resulting in it becoming smooth and elastic. It is also worth noting that this product will help you cope with wrinkles. Due to the fact that castor oil can cause allergies, it is better to use it not in its pure form, but diluted with other base oils.

Olive oil

Traditional cosmetology recommends that women use facial oils. For dry skin, olive oil is considered one of the best. Its peculiarity is that it is very quickly absorbed into the epidermis and is sufficiently for a long time prevents moisture from evaporating. At the same time, this oil has a fairly light texture, so that the pores do not become clogged and oxygen continues to flow into them.

Olive oil is a real elixir of youth. Moreover, it can be used not only for prevention, but also to combat age-related changes. Thanks to the huge concentration of vitamins A, E and B, your skin will always be hydrated, elastic and soft.

Olive oil for dry skin can be used either alone or as a component of moisturizing masks. You can simply apply a thick layer of it to your skin for a few minutes and then wipe off any remaining residue. This component works well in combination with cottage cheese, egg yolks, and all kinds of essential oils.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is a versatile moisturizing oil. For dry facial skin, it is perfect and can bring the greatest benefits. This miracle product not only combats flaking and tightness, but also helps restore skin elasticity and make the contour clearer.

It is worth noting that jojoba oil has a fairly dense consistency, which may be somewhat heavy for the skin. In its pure form, it is used only locally on the most problematic areas where the most severe peeling is observed. If you want to apply it to the entire surface of the skin, then first dilute it with apricot or olive oil in equal proportions.

Almond oil

An increased concentration of vitamin A is one of the main advantages. For dry skin, this component is simply irreplaceable, because the speed and quality of regeneration processes depends on it. This product can also slow down the aging process and quickly eliminate wrinkles.

Almond oil not only provides superficial hydration, but also gradually normalizes the water balance of the epidermis. If folds and cracks appear on your face due to dryness, then rest assured that this substance will quickly deal with them. It is also worth noting that almond oil is simply necessary for those who work a lot and are exposed to stress, which has a detrimental effect on the quality of the skin. By applying almond oil at night, the next morning you will find your skin completely rested and restored.

Coconut oil

Listing best oils For dry skin, you can't ignore coconut oil. Its main value is that it contains a large amount of fatty acids, which are simply necessary to maintain the water balance of the epidermis. With regular use, it can completely solve the problem of dryness. And since it is absorbed incredibly quickly, you will not feel any discomfort when applying it. All this allows us to conclude that Coconut oil can be an equivalent alternative to any moisturizer.

Applying coconut oil to your skin is extremely easy. You need to break off a small piece and apply it to your face. Upon contact with warm skin, it will immediately begin to melt and be instantly absorbed. If this option seems unsuitable to you, then this product can also be found in liquid form at the pharmacy.

Features of the use of cosmetic and essential oils

To bring oils to dry skin maximum benefit, it is necessary to take into account a number of features when using them:

  • Before applying the oil, the face must be thoroughly cleaned using a special gel or foam;
  • It is better if the skin is well steamed (in this case it will absorb nutrients well);
  • if a few minutes after the procedure not all the oil has been absorbed, then remove the residue using paper napkin to avoid the formation of a greasy film;
  • do not use too fatty ones, and also essential oils in its pure form (this is only permissible in certain areas).

Clean, radiant, healthy facial skin is the ideal of any woman at any age. For some this is a gift of nature, but for most it is daily work, hygienic, beauty care behind the face. Dry skin brings a lot of trouble to its owners, which over time becomes covered with flaky scales and becomes inflamed, giving the owner an unpleasant feeling of discomfort. What to do? Of course, help your skin, treat it with care, learn to select and use organic, natural cosmetics, hygiene products. Natural vegetable oils for the face with dry skin, which can be used in salon or home cosmetology, are rightfully considered one of the most popular products.

Which oil to choose for dry skin to moisturize it, reduce flaking, and smooth out wrinkles? You can start with fats. Oils for the face with dry skin are sunflower, corn, olive. For more exotic herbal products, it is better to consult a cosmetologist or doctor to find out the causes of dryness and flaking.

Causes of dryness

The main causes of dryness are the lack of oil production by the sebaceous glands and the impaired ability of epidermal cells to retain moisture.

What can cause dryness:

  • heredity, age-related changes after 25-35 years;
  • diseases of the digestive system, vitamin deficiency, nervous problems;
  • overdrying of the epidermis under the influence of the sun, frost, solarium;
  • lack of fluid to drink.

Important: To protect the epidermis from dehydration, you need to drink at least two liters of clean, preferably mineral still, water per day. To remember to drink water, you can pour your daily portion of water into small bottles every day, place them in a visible place, and take them to work or for a walk.

Heredity can no longer be changed, but take care of your health digestive system, get rid of vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis, protect yourself from the sun, wind, salty sea ​​water It is quite possible for any person. You need to learn how to care for your face and choose the right one. It is advisable to pay attention to affordable, and at the same time valuable, plant-based edible and essential oils for moisturizing facial skin.

Sunflower for rejuvenation

Sunflower oil is a mandatory, affordable ingredient used by housewives for cooking. Has virtually no contraindications, can be used to remove makeup, nourish, moisturize, and restore structure skin. With the help of the fat of golden sunflower seeds, wrinkles are smoothed out, the color and relief of the skin improves, and tissue rejuvenation occurs. You can use it to prepare creams and masks.

Tip: For cosmetic procedures It is better to buy unrefined, cold-pressed varieties. The product cannot be boiled; it can only be heated to a temperature of no more than 40 degrees.

Recipes for masks based on sunflower oil

To prepare the mask, you need to mix 30 g of yeast and heated vegetable fat, add 50 g of warm cream and honey, mix the mixture thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the face and neck for half an hour. Rinse with warm water, rinse alternately with warm and cold water. There is no need to apply cream after the procedure. The mask is used to nourish, moisturize, soften, and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Mix warm ingredients: 50 ml each of milk and the main product, 30 g each of honey and oatmeal, apply the mixture for 20 minutes, then wash with warm water. After a couple of weeks, you will notice how the skin becomes firm, elastic, velvety, and a beautiful blush appears.

Facial massage with a dessert spoon is carried out twice a week. The spoon must first be lowered into hot water, then in warm oil and massage your face along the massage lines for no more than 10 minutes. It is better to perform a massage in front of a mirror, imagining how the oil is gently absorbed into the skin, filling it with health, radiance and love.

Rejuvenating night cream. Method of preparation: add 100 ml of the base product, 10 g of dandelion flowers to a chopped small onion, simmer for fifteen minutes over low heat, cool - the cream is ready for use. The cream is recommended to be used before bedtime.

General recommendations: Before the procedures, the face must first be cleaned of makeup and steamed with a herbal bath. Pure oil can be applied around the eyes and lips. It is important, in order to avoid unforeseen complications, to check individual sensitivity to the product and strictly follow the methods of use.

Corn for body hydration

What are the benefits of corn oil? The increased content of vitamin youth (E), vitamins B1 and B2, PP, provitamin A makes it an important assistant in the fight against dryness and flaking of the face. The oil can be used in the preparation of salads, sauces, and drink one teaspoon per day on an empty stomach. To make your skin beautiful, smooth, elastic, to reduce or disappear wounds from bites and traces of acne, you can lubricate the damaged areas of the skin with warm oil at night.

Olives to soften and moisturize the face

Unrefined olive oil is an indispensable assistant in the kitchen, a component of perfume and cosmetic lines and homemade facial products. Nourishing, softening, moisturizing, regenerating, rejuvenating effect - that's all about it.

You can make excellent masks from fruits (banana, melon, apricot, persimmon) or vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, potatoes). You need to take one part of oil, fruit or vegetable pulp, mix and apply to your face. Vegetables and fruits can be replaced with a spoonful of full-fat cottage cheese and egg white. After 20 minutes, the paste should be washed off with warm water.

Almonds to saturate the skin with moisture

Almond oil is a source of provitamin A, restores, heals, and moisturizes the skin. Useful for aging, aging skin.

A nourishing mask can be prepared from a teaspoon of the main product, cocoa, half a spoon of honey, and a small amount of milk.

The moisturizing composition is prepared from two teaspoons of kiwi (grapes, apples), cottage cheese and the same amount of almond oil. The prepared mixtures are applied for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Flax for dry epidermis

Flaxseed oil quickly moisturizes the skin and can be used as an individual remedy, as a base for a mask or cream. It has a short shelf life, no more than one year. Moisturizing gruel is prepared from a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, a teaspoon of sour cream, honey, and a few drops of lemon juice.

Dry, flaky skin can be cured with a cream prepared from 50 g of margarine, 15 g of herbal mixture (parsley, currants, roses, rowan), 15 g of beeswax, a tablespoon of ground flax, a teaspoon of vitamin A solution. It is advisable to apply the cream at night.

Castor oil for dryness and wilting

A poisonous plant - castor bean - a source of useful, non-toxic castor oil, which perfectly moisturizes and nourishes dry, aging skin. The pure product is not used for cosmetic purposes, as it contains ricinoleic acid, which can cause allergic reactions. Based on castor oil you can prepare nourishing masks, lotions.

A nutritious mask is prepared from a tablespoon of castor oil, chicken yolk, grated potatoes, cream or milk. The mixture needs to be warmed up, applied to the face for 15 minutes, and rinsed off with warm water.

Moisturizing lotion for daily use is prepared from a teaspoon of castor oil and a glass of calendula infusion.

Coconut for skin nutrition

Coconut oil contains valuable fatty acids, is well absorbed, does not leave a greasy residue, and gives the face a smooth, velvety feel. To nourish a withered face, you can prepare a mask of coconut fat (teaspoon), rice flour (tablespoon), freshly brewed green tea. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

No wonder they say that a girl’s skin is like a peach. It is recommended to use peach oil for dry facial skin against wrinkles. It perfectly tightens, improves color, smoothes wrinkles, and eliminates dryness. Peach seed oil can be used both pure and as part of masks and creams to moisturize the skin. It is lightweight, hypoallergenic, and is often recommended for:

  • dry, aging, inflamed skin;
  • removing makeup from eyelashes, eyelids;
  • adding to creams, tonics, lotions.

A mask for dry skin is prepared from a tablespoon of oil, a light moisturizer, and half a peach. The components of the composition are applied to clean skin for 15 minutes. You can make a scrub from a peeled peach, a tablespoon of bran, and a tablespoon of oil. The mixture is applied to damp skin with massage movements and removed after 15 minutes.

Grape seeds

, gives them elasticity, firmness, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. To improve the condition of the epidermis, you need to eat grapes and use cosmetics based on them. The oil is light, aromatic, does not leave a greasy residue on the face, and can be used individually and as part of cosmetics. Thanks to linoleic acid from grape seeds, dryness and flaking are reduced. Vitamin E tones, smoothes wrinkles and skin stretch marks.

Jojoba for peeling

Jojoba is an oil for flaking facial skin, effective for dry, sagging face. The oil is very thick, so it can only be applied locally or prepared as creams, masks, or diluted with other oils: peach, almond, grape, apricot.

For winter protection of the skin, you can add yolk to jojoba, a teaspoon of sour cream or cream, beeswax. The prepared mixture should be applied to the face, lie down, and rest for 20 minutes.

Shea for dry skin

Shea butter is an excellent product recommended for facial care with dry, sensitive, dull skin. Shea affects the production of collagen, elastin, smoothes, straightens wrinkles, so it is prescribed to moisturize excessively dry, rough skin. Very dry epidermis needs nutritional and softening mask. Ingredients of the mask: two tablespoons of banana or avocado, a teaspoon of jojoba and honey. You can add a yolk.

Essential oil for face for dry skin

Essential oils are actively recommended by cosmetologists. But since they are very concentrated, they are used only in small quantities. Large doses can cause irritation and severe allergic reactions. For dry skin, oil compositions of chamomile, sandalwood, rose, and jasmine are recommended.

Chamomile oil has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, protects the face from dryness and flaking. Essential oils from dill seeds, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang are expensive, but effective means, protecting the body from dehydration and rapid aging.

The choice of cosmetics for dry, aging skin is varied. To determine which oil will better moisturize your facial skin, it is better to consult a cosmetologist and check the body’s reaction to possible allergens.

You can buy products in pharmacies or beauty salons. Daily skin care with essential or edible oils will help maintain its youth, health, velvety, elasticity.

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Olive seed oil contains vitamins A and D, which accelerate skin cell renewal, vitamin E, which slows down skin aging, as well as fatty acids and minerals that soften the skin and prevent moisture loss. It is best to apply olive oil or creams with it immediately after a shower or bath, on slightly damp skin. The most beneficial for the skin and rich in bioactive components - unrefined olive oil. However, for facial skin care it is better to use purified, refined: unrefined can clog pores.

Almond oil

Sweet almond oil is one of the most popular skin oils. It is often used for massage mixtures. And due to the high content of vitamins A and F, it is often included in products for the care of dry and irritated skin.

Sesame (sesame) oil

Sesame seed oil is suitable for caring for any skin type, including oily skin. Sesame oil contains many beneficial fatty acids that restore and strengthen the protective functions of the skin, relieving flaking and irritation. And also a unique antioxidant sesamol, which protects skin cells from aging and has a sun protection factor of SPF 2-4. It also contains a lot of lecithin, so sesame oil has good moisturizing and softening properties.

Avocado oil

Avocado oil contains a lot of lecithin and vitamins A, B, D and E. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, normalizes the pH balance of oily skin and reduces the appearance of acne, accelerates the restoration of damaged (including sun-damaged) skin, and smoothes out fine wrinkles. In addition, avocado oil contains natural SPF filters (its sun protection index is SPF 2 – SPF4).

Face cream “Ultra-nutrition”, L’Occitane with shea butter. Birch anti-cellulite oil, Weleda with apricot kernel, jojoba and wheat grain oils. Cream-oil “Deep Moisturizing”, Neutrogena Norwegian formula with sesame oil. Deep Comfort Body Butter, Clinique, with shea butter. Argan oil, Melvita

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Shea butter

African shea butter (another name is shea butter) is one of the most valuable cosmetic oils for the skin. It can be used for massage and skin care - at any age and any type, but especially for dry and damaged skin, as it quickly softens, nourishes, moisturizes and restores it, improves collagen synthesis . Shea butter is an all-season cosmetic component: in winter it perfectly protects the skin from frost and wind, and in summer – from the sun, having a sun protection factor of SPF 6.

Apricot oil

Apricot kernel oil is ideal for massage (it is absorbed into the skin for a long time and the massage therapist’s hands glide over it well), for caring for dry, irritated and baby skin. Apricot oil is included in many creams for newborns, as it helps treat diaper rash and dermatitis.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn seed oil– a good source of carotenoids and tocopherols, which slow down skin aging, protect it from free radicals and promote the regeneration of its cells. They are good for lubricating healing scratches and burns, as well as frostbitten areas: the skin will recover faster.

Hand cream, D’oliva with olive oil. Balm for sensitive and irritated body skin Lipikar, La Roche-Posay with shea butter. Moisturizing body oil spray, Le Petit Marseillais with shea butter, almond and argan oils. Complex hand cream “Natural Care”, Garnier with mango butter. Moisturizing body cream Nutriextra, Vichy with shea and macadamia oils

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Macadamia oil

Macadamia nut oil is quickly absorbed, and products containing it are suitable for those who do not like the feeling of oily skin. It contains a lot of monounsaturated palmitoleic acid, which softens the skin and restores the hydrolipidic barrier of the epidermis. It also helps restore skin cells after exposure to the sun; it is no coincidence that this oil is often included in after-sun creams and lotions.

Grapeseed oil

Grape seed oil contains many antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and regenerating components, unsaturated fatty acids and other unique ingredients that slow down skin aging, tighten pores, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Since grape seed oil is considered non-comedogenic (that is, does not clog pores), it is often included in products for the care of oily and problematic skin.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


Should I buy expensive creations from the chemical industry - cosmetic creams - or turn to cheaper or more effective analogues - natural essential and vegetable oils? Hypoallergenic mixtures do not cause reactions even with prolonged use. Pleasant, quickly absorbed consistency and interesting scents help maintain youth for many years when used correctly.

What is anti-wrinkle facial oil?

Cosmetic oils are obtained by cold pressing of grains, seeds, and plant sprouts. The advantages of use are that compositions rich in natural ingredients solve problems associated with age-related changes, tighten facial contours, and smooth out wrinkles. The composition contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, vegetable carbohydrates, macro- and microelements. All these elements stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which protects the skin from external influences, nourishes it, saturates it with water and oxygen.


The elements included differ depending on the type of substance. They contain stabilizers and do not contain preservatives. It is important to test products before use, for example, on the elbow, only then apply to a cleansed face. Beneficial features oil extracts are due to the fact that they contain:

  • phospholipids – strengthen the skin barrier and protect against harmful environmental influences;
  • vitamins A, B, C, F - accelerate cell renewal, heal damage;
  • microelements (iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus) – replenish the lack of nutrients in the epidermis);
  • macroelements – improve internal processes metabolism;
  • phytosterols – prevent the appearance of pigmentation, even out complexion.


Essential oils are antioxidants that can regenerate the epidermis, reduce and heal inflammation and redness on the face. No synthetic elements minimize risk allergic reactions. Due to the small size of the molecules, the products penetrate deeply into the skin, saturate the cells with moisture and beneficial elements, and stimulate tissue renewal.

Oil for wrinkles and skin elasticity copes much better with the stated problems than store-bought cosmetic creams. Remedy thanks natural composition It works more effectively on aging skin, and the reasonable price and low consumption will be a pleasant bonus for the family budget. In cosmetology, such compositions are used everywhere - for hair, face, and body care.

Essential and base oils

Basic cosmetic oil is a ready-to-use independent product that contains several ingredients and has a complex biochemical composition: in addition to the base oils themselves, such a cosmetic product contains pure esters, extracts and emulsifiers. The problem that can be solved with the help of a particular cosmetic product depends on the composition. Basic cosmetic oil extracts are obtained by pressing, extracting and squeezing individual parts of plants (fruits, seeds, leaves) in pure or mixed form.

The basis for essential oils are the basic ones described, since the former are highly concentrated and consist of a mixture of odorous and volatile substances that are extracted from plants by distilling individual parts with water vapor. Esters quickly evaporate in air and do not leave a greasy film. To be used for cosmetic purposes, essential oil requires a fatty base, which can be a cream or a standard base oil.


Extracted by squeezing olive fruits, the mixture contains natural antioxidants and antiseptics. The product is used to create homemade face creams and is good for digestion. The high concentration of vitamin E and fatty acids affects the health of the skin, which allows it to be used in pure form or combined with other essential oils or cosmetic creams.

  • Name: ITLV 100% Clasico, 500ml
  • Price: 500 rub.
  • Characteristics: Unrefined, cold pressed.
  • Pros: ideal for dry, aging skin, eliminates furrows, rashes, nourishes.
  • Cons: not suitable for oily, combination type, acne in the early stages in its pure form, use can only be dosed together with oil masks.

From rosehip seeds

A plant substance extracted from the seeds of wild roses. Suitable for caring for the skin around the eyes. The high content of ascorbic acid rejuvenates the skin, ideal for dry and sensitive skin.

  • Name: The Ordinary, 30 ml
  • Price: 750 rub.
  • Characteristics: organic, cold-pressed, protects against harmful sun rays, brightens dark spots, eliminates small expression wrinkles around the eyes, relieves puffiness.
  • Pros: Suitable for all types.
  • Disadvantages: acne is noted among the contraindications.


A plant extract obtained by squeezing flax seeds. It is used in different ways in cosmetology. Its consumption with food is very beneficial for digestion - drink a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach to improve the condition of the stomach and intestines. Suitable for dry skin in active acne phase. A large number of polyunsaturated acids are important for strengthening the immune system; they are indispensable as antioxidants. The product is ideal for aging, aging skin.

  • Name: Elfa 500 ml.
  • Price: 170 rub.
  • Characteristics: cold-pressed product, used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.
  • Pros: treats wounds, cracks, dermatological diseases. The product deeply moisturizes, prevents the appearance of pigmentation and inflammation.
  • Cons: may not be suitable in case of individual intolerance.


The oil extract is obtained by distilling the bark, roots, and branches of the camphor laurel tree, which grows in East Asia. It contains a unique bisabolol, which is considered an analogue of panthenol. This is radical cosmetic product to combat problems such as dryness, inflammation, enlarged pores. The extract is very concentrated and can injure the skin, so using it as a base is not recommended.

  • Name: Camphor
  • Price: 115 rub.
  • Characteristics: the product whitens, removes scars and scars, fights acne and wrinkles, tightens pores and prevents the appearance of rosacea.
  • Pros: suitable for aging, oily, inflamed skin.
  • Cons: not suitable during pregnancy and lactation. Patients with epilepsy, asthma, dermatitis and eczema are not recommended to use the mixture. In its pure form it can cause burns.


An indispensable product in the care of aging skin. This product, the basis for the production of many cosmetics, is used at home to create masks and balms. The product quickly restores dehydrated skin, nourishes, moisturizes it, and creates a protective film. It is used as a serum before using essential compounds.

  • Name: Oleos Jojoba 10ml
  • Price: 150 rub.
  • Characteristics: 100% natural product, obtained by cold pressing.
  • Pros: resistance to oxidation, rancidity, content of higher fatty acids (docosahexaenoic, palmitic, behenic, stearic, nervonic acids.
  • Cons: not observed, has no contraindications, suitable for any type.


It is extracted from the seeds of the fruit of the argan tree, which grows in North Africa. The composition contains tocopherols, carotenes and amino acids. The product has a beneficial effect on tired, dry skin, tones and moisturizes it.

  • Name: Botanika, 100% Ironwood Argan (Volume 30 ml)
  • Price: 425 rub.
  • Characteristics: 100% natural, unrefined, obtained by pressing.
  • Pros: has desensitizing, anti-inflammatory properties, works as an antioxidant.
  • Cons: high cost


Another name is sesame, obtained by processing African sesame seeds. Suitable for everyday use as a stand-alone cosmetic product. The product is rich in natural antioxidants, which normalizes hormonal background. Recommended for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.

  • Name: “Scents of Life, 0.5l
  • Price: 450 rub.
  • Characteristics: unrefined
  • Pros: effectively combats dryness, relieves swelling, helps with active acne.
  • Cons: individual intolerance.

Extracted from apricot kernels, it is used independently as an additive to natural creams for aging skin. The composition is useful in the fight against cellulite thanks to vitamins B, A, C, unsaturated fatty acids are necessary for the healthy appearance and condition of the face, body, hair, nails.

  • Name: Oleos, 30ml
  • Price: 130 rub.
  • Characteristics: 100% natural, obtained by cold pressing. The composition is close to peach.
  • Pros: Suitable for aging, sensitive, dry skin. Works great on combination type. The product removes pimples and blackheads thanks to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
  • Cons: not suitable for those with individual intolerance to the component.

It is extracted from the kernels of peach tree fruits. Light texture helps to be absorbed deeper into the epidermis and saturates it with vitamins. Suitable for independent single use. The product is suitable for use in the area around the eyes and as a means for eyelash growth. Perfectly evens out facial tone and fights redness and inflammation

  • Name: Oleos, 30ml
  • Price: 130 rub.
  • Characteristics: obtained by cold pressing, contains vitamin C, antioxidant “Flavor Plus” based on rosemary extract 0.3 g.
  • Pros: hypoallergenic.
  • Cons: not recommended for individual intolerance.

It is obtained by squeezing the seed of a poisonous plant – castor bean. The product contains ricinoleic, linoleic, oleic, palmitic and steronic acids. The composition cannot be used in its pure form; it must be added to cosmetic creams.

  • Name: “Green Doctor”, 50ml
  • Price: 100 rub.
  • Characteristics: thanks to ricinoleic acid in the composition, the product perfectly softens the skin. It is used to improve the condition and growth of hair and eyelashes and to get rid of warts.
  • Pros: helps from “ crow's feet"in the eye area.
  • Cons: not recommended for individual intolerance.

It is also used in cosmetology, Food Industry. It is added to products for the best moisturizing effect, a pleasant smell, prevents dryness, and is suitable for facial massages. The product contains a vitamin-antioxidant complex: ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate, an antioxidant based on rosemary extract.

  • Name: Oleos, 30ml
  • Price: about 150 rub.
  • Characteristics: obtained by cold pressing.
  • Pros: reduces circles under the eyes, reduces irritation.
  • Cons: it has contraindications only in terms of individual intolerance.

Citronella ether is obtained from the aerial parts of the plant of the same name; the product is widely used in the cosmetics industry in the creation of industrial creams and masks that fight the first signs of aging. The extract contains geraniol, limonene, isobutyraldehyde, furfural, vanillin, caridnene.

  • Name: Oleos, 10ml
  • Price: 150 rubles
  • Characteristics: effective as a lifting agent for sagging, aging skin, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Pros: perfectly cleanses and moisturizes.
  • Cons: recommended use only in combination with other components.


It is extracted from a rare type of citrus fruit - bitter orange. Effectively fights age-related changes, has an antiviral effect, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine system. The extract contains camphene, pinene, nerol, farnesol, jasmone.

  • Name: Zeitun Neroli Essential Oil(Volume 10 ml)
  • Price: 1255 RUR;
  • Characteristics: eliminates even deep wrinkles, contains linalol and indole.
  • Pros: effectively cleanses, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Minuses: high price for a product that is difficult to find on sale.

How to use vegetable oil for face at home

A mixture of oils or individual vegetable and essential oils for the face against wrinkles as part of homemade masks effectively affects the condition and appearance skin. Squeezing the fruits or seeds of jojoba, avocado, and wheat germ has an excellent effect on skin tone. Masks based on rosehip oil are used to nourish the eyelids; deep wrinkles are smoothed out with a mask with cocoa extract.

For wrinkles

An effective mask recipe for a lifting effect is a mixed mask with various essential and vegetable oils. Mix olive and cumin oils in a one-to-one ratio, one tablespoon each, add four drops of rosemary essential oil, two drops of basil and three drops of juniper and bergamot to the mixture. The resulting mask should be heated in a water bath and applied to the face; do not touch the application area for 30 minutes. There is no need to wash off the resulting mask after absorption. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week, alternating with masks made from fruit puree.

For massage

Anti-wrinkle facial massage oil is an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetic procedures. Unlike all kinds of creams, facial massage along massage lines in combination with correctly selected essential oils actually has a positive effect on the elasticity of the skin, its appearance and general state. Essential oils penetrate deeper into the layers of the epidermis, therefore enriching the skin from the inside. The procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a week.

For wrinkles around the eyes

Cosmetic oil for the face against wrinkles around the eyes is much more effective than any cosmetic creams. Delicate eyelid skin at any age will be perfectly nourished with vitamins by a mask with sesame oil. To prepare the composition, you need to mix 50 ml of the substance with 30 g of sour cream and apply to the skin around the eyes until completely absorbed. Another recipe effective mask includes rosehip oil, which works great in the eyelid area. Essential oils for wrinkles around the eyes are added to it: fennel (15 drops), frankincense (5 drops), primrose (3 drops).

On the forehead

Wrinkles on the forehead accompany a woman from a young age: lively facial expressions create creases on the face, which, over time, bring more problems. To nourish the skin on your forehead and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, you can use an oil blend of wheat germ, avocado and jojoba facial oils. The ingredients are mixed one spoon at a time, 3-4 drops of rose and incense oil are added. Don't forget to apply to the bridge of your nose. There is no need to wash off the composition; you can blot it with a napkin. With regular use 2 times a week, positive results are noticeable within a month or two.

How to choose vegetable oil for face

Inclusion vegetable oil on a daily basis - great choice for those who want to maintain youthful and elastic skin for as long as possible. Choose quality cold-pressed products that are certified organic. For dry skin, extracts with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids are best suited: argan, coconut, olive. Combination, oily, problem skin types normalize their condition thanks to dry oils: jojoba, avocado, aloe, rosehip.

Cosmetic oils are very popular among the fair sex. And for good reason - they moisturize and nourish well, helping to restore freshness to aging facial skin. They are also completely natural, which makes them even more popular.


Oils are:

  • Basic oils are those oils that are obtained by hot and cold pressing - coconut, avocado, shea, mango and many others.

  • Essential oils are oils with a characteristic smell and taste that do not leave marks on clothes and surfaces because they evaporate immediately. They are also called “volatile.” These are esters of orange, clove, cinnamon, lavender, mint, patchouli, eucalyptus and so on.

Beneficial features

The positive effect of oils on facial skin can hardly be overestimated. So they are:

  • Help produce collagen, which leads to prolongation of youth and later appearance of wrinkles;
  • Includes vitamins and minerals that nourish;
  • Suitable for moisturizing the skin and improving color;
  • Keep the skin toned and improve blood circulation;
  • Get rid of inflammation and redness;
  • Certain species have an antiseptic effect;
  • Almost everyone has a hypoallergenic effect;
  • Protect from the harmful effects of environmental factors, including ultraviolet radiation.

How to choose according to skin type

When choosing, many women and girls rely on a well-known brand or good feedback and are upset that the purchased product did not have the desired effect. The thing is that it is best to focus on what type of skin you have.

Dry skin

You should first moisten it with tonic or pink water - this will improve the effect. The best thing you can do for this type of skin is to moisturize it as much as possible. Oils that cope with this:

  • Avocado. A champion in moisturizers. Nourishes well, makes the skin elastic, and also provides protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • Macadamia nut. Often used in anti-aging creams. Excellent moisturizing, which makes it suitable even for very dry skin that has experienced acne;
  • Jojoba. Absorbs well, protects the face from all harmful external influences;
  • Wheat germ. Rich in antioxidants.

Oily skin

Here you need to give preference to those products that protect the face from the production of subcutaneous fat and greasy shine. That's why fatty products do not fit in any way, here you need something easy, such as:

  • Grape seed oil. Often used in cleansers for oily skin. Regulates water-lipid balance, tightens and eliminates oily sheen;
  • Hazelnut. Reduces inflammation, suitable for sensitive skin;
  • Jojoba. Suitable for oily skin too. Eliminates blackheads and nourishes. With this oil, scars from old pimples disappear, and new ones do not appear;
  • Hemp. Research recent years tell us that it has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Helps cope with irritations;
  • Japanese camellia. Gently moisturizes, does not give greasy shine, cares for the skin.

Normal or combination skin

  • Jojoba. Valuable and effective oil for all skin types, moisturizes without being greasy, takes good care and nourishes;
  • Almond oil is good not only for care, but also for UV protection. Therefore, it is best to use it in the warm season;
  • Grape seeds and its ester moisturizes well and is quite often included in creams and scrubs;
  • Coconut consists almost entirely of saturated fats and also has a bactericidal effect;
  • Sea buckthorn products were made many years ago. It is known for healing wounds, dealing with inflammation and being good for dermatological problems.

Anti-aging care

Over the years, our face needs more and more care. It should be better nourished and saturated with vitamins and antioxidants. Oils that do this well:

  • Argan. Indispensable in skin care. Normalizes water-lipid balance and contains acids that nourish mature skin;
  • Apricot oil is famous for regenerating cells and giving the skin youthfulness, and also saturates it with vitamins and acids;
  • From rice bran. Rich in antioxidants, acids and nourishes the skin with vitamin E;
  • Mosquet roses. Contains a lot of vitamin A and is ideal for eye care;
  • Borago gives the skin youth and elasticity. It is not surprising that this oil is often used in anti-aging cosmetology;
  • Evening primrose eliminates wrinkles, but is only suitable as an addition to basic care.

Oils for skin diseases

Diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema require special skin care. The following can help in this case:

  • Kiwi, blackcurrant and hemp;
  • Apricot, soybean, grape and baobab;
  • Borago.

You should start by applying a few drops to your fingertips and gently spreading with your lungs. in a circular motion over the face and in the eye area. Facial massage will also help. You should start it in the cheeks and forehead, and then gradually go lower.

An important nuance: you should use the product only if you are not allergic to it. It's quite easy to find out. Before use, apply a few drops to the sensitive epidermis of the wrist or elbow and if no irritation or redness occurs within five minutes, then everything is fine.

Homemade mask recipes

First of all, you should know a few rules for proper preparation oil masks. After all, if you don’t follow them, there may be no effect.

  • Be sure to warm the mixture before use. Otherwise, it will not be properly absorbed into the skin. Heating should be done strictly using water or steam bath without using a microwave;
  • Mix all the ingredients before heating them and in equal proportions. The exception applies only to a mixture of base oils and essential oils;
  • Vegetable oil and essential oil should be mixed in a ratio of two to three drops per spoon;
  • The product should be applied after washing, preferably on a steamed and clean face;
  • You should make masks in the evening, when you definitely won’t be wearing makeup or applying other products to your skin;
  • Oils do not require rinsing, but if you feel uncomfortable, you can cleanse your face with toner or micellar water.

Making masks at home is easy and useful activity, since you choose the ingredients yourself and know what exactly is contained in each product.

  • For dry skin care. First of all, you need to take some vegetable oil and heat it. Take gauze, having previously cut out holes for the nose, eyes and mouth, soak it in warm oil and place it on your face. After fifteen minutes, remove the napkin and wipe your face with water. Take dried chamomile and string flowers - a tablespoon each - and pour three tablespoons olive oil. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath for ten minutes, cool, then take a teaspoon of the mixture and grind it with the yolk. The mask is ready, now you just need to apply it in a thin layer on your face and leave for fifteen minutes. And then wipe your face with tea leaves.