Games in the nursery for the teacher. Games for adaptation of kindergarten children

Interesting educational games for children from 3 to 5 years old. All games are accompanied detailed description. Games for outdoor and indoor play. Educational games for preschoolers.


The game is best played in summer time on the street. To begin with, a driver is chosen - a bunny. All participants stand in a circle and join hands, the bunny is in the center. Then the children begin to sing a song, twirling in a round dance in one direction or the other.

Bunny performs movements to the song.

Bunny, dance, He dances and jumps.

Gray, jump.

Turn around, sideways, Spinning.

Turn around, sideways!

Bunny, clap your hands, Claps his hands. Demonstrates

Gray, clap your hands! wearing a caftan.

This caftan fits a bunny,

This caftan fits a bunny...

Shoes with belt buckle, Points to “shoes with a buckle.”

Shoes with belt buckle... Moves inside the round dance,

The cities here are all German, approaching its participants.

Iron fasteners. Touches the hands of the players,

There is somewhere for the hare to run out, and the children raise their closed hands

There is room for the gray one to jump out... hands to release him from the circle and then let him back in.

Option 1. While the choir is singing, the bunny, moving freely in a circle, chooses a replacement from among the round dance participants: a boy - a girl, and a girl - a boy. Sometimes the bunny approaches the chosen player and begins to dance with him, and at the end of the dance takes his place. The new bunny becomes the center of the round dance, and the game is repeated.

Option 2. Bunny makes active attempts to break out of the circle, but the children in the round dance do not let him out. During round dance and singing, children should move so that the distance to the person standing in the center does not change. During the game, the bunny tries to get closer to them. The round dance participants do not let him approach them by waving their hands. When the bunny manages to get closer, he tries to break out of the circle.

Option 3. Gradually, the rhythm of the song and dance should accelerate and turn into dance. Towards the end of the song, when all the participants are dancing, the bunny must choose a moment and try to jump out of the circle. If he succeeds, everyone rushes to catch him. The one who catches the player becomes the next stunner, and the game continues.

The bear was walking in the forest

Children sit on chairs. One child portrays a bear.

The bear was walking through the forest, A bear child walks and collects

The bear was collecting pine cones. bumps and then sits down on a chair

Our bear walked for a long time. and falls asleep.

Mishutka sat down and dozed off. The teacher and children quietly approach the bear.

The children began to approach

Wake up Mishenka yourself:

“Misha, Misha, get up

And catch up with the guys." The children run to their places, and the bear catches up with them.

Fox and chickens

Children pretend to be chickens. One of the players is a rooster, the other is a fox. Chickens walk around the site, looking for food. The fox watches them closely. At the teacher’s direction (unnoticed by everyone), the fox comes out and quietly creeps up to the chickens. The rooster screams loudly: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” The chickens run away and fly up to a roost (log, bench). The rooster must escape last. The fox catches the chickens that did not have time to quickly climb onto the perch and stay on it. After 2-3 games, other children are chosen to play the role of a rooster and a fox.

Crested hen

The teacher depicts a chicken, the children - chickens. One child sits on a bench away from the others. This is a cat dozing in the sun. The mother hen goes out for a walk with the chicks.

The crested hen came out,

There are yellow chickens with her.

The chicken clucks: “Ko-ko,

Don't go far."

On a bench by the path

The cat has settled down and is dozing...

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens catch up.

The cat opens its eyes, meows and runs after the chickens, who run away with the chicken.

By the bear in the forest

A game for the little ones. From all the participants in the game, one driver is chosen, who is appointed as a bear. Two circles are drawn on the playing area. The first circle is the bear’s den, the second is the home for all other participants in the game.

The game begins, and the children leave the house saying:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

But the bear doesn't sleep

And he growls at us.

After the children say these words, the bear runs out of the den and tries to catch one of the children. Whoever does not have time to escape into the house becomes a bear and goes to the den.


Children stand in a circle, holding hands - this is a mousetrap. One or two children are mice; they are outside the circle. Children, raising their hands up, move in a circle saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

Everyone gnawed, everyone ate!

Beware, you rascals,

We'll get to you!

Let's slam the mousetrap

And we'll catch you right away!

As the text is spoken, mice run in and out of the circle. With the last word, “the mousetrap slams,” the children drop their hands and squat down. Those mice that did not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught and stand in a circle. Other mice are selected.

A goat walked through the forest

The players stand in a circle, the goat is in the center. Everyone walks in a circle to the right, and the goat goes to the left. The goat chooses one of the guys and takes them to the middle of the circle. They perform the movements according to the words. Everyone standing in the circle repeats the movements behind them.

The goat walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest.

I found myself a princess, princess, princess.

Come on, goat, let's jump, jump, jump

And we kick our legs, we kick, we kick.

And let's clap our hands, clap our hands, clap our hands.

And we stomp our feet, we stomp, we stomp.

Let's shake our heads, shake them, shake them.

And again we begin, we begin, we begin...

Now two people in the circle are choosing a mate. The game continues until almost all the children stand in a circle.

Shaggy dog

One child pretends to be a dog, he lies down on the grass, puts his head on his arms outstretched forward. The children and their teacher quietly go to the dog and say:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

With your nose buried in your paws,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And we'll see if something happens.

The dog jumps up, starts barking and runs after the children, they run away and hide.

Frogs in the swamp

The banks are outlined on both sides, and there is a swamp in the middle. On one of the banks there is a crane (beyond the line), the frogs are located on hummocks (hoops at a distance of 50 cm) and say:

Here from a wet rotten place

Frogs jump into the water.

They began to croak from the water:

"Kwa-ke-ke, kwa-ke-ke,

It will rain on the river."

With the end of the words, the frogs jump from the hummock into the swamp. The crane catches those frogs that are on the hummock. The caught frog goes to the crane's nest. After the crane catches several frogs, a new crane is chosen from those who have never been caught. The game resumes.


The players scatter across the entire court and at the teacher’s signal “Horses!” they run, raising their knees high, at the signal “Coachman!” — they walk. Walking and running alternate. The teacher can repeat the same signal in a row.


The driving “tambourine” catches the players. Whoever is caught becomes a “tambourine”.


Long nose

How much oats are there in the city?

Two kopecks and a nickel.

Vanya was driving with a cap.

Vanya didn’t buy oats,

I just drowned the horse

Tambourine taught me to run.


Run after us

Grab it with your hands.

I caught Ksyusha

Ksyusha will be a tambourine.


According to the counting, they choose the driver - the sun. The rest of the children stand in a circle. The sun stands in the middle of the circle, everyone sings:

Shine, sun, brighter!

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer

And spring is sweeter!

For the first two lines, the children dance in a circle, for the next two they turn to face each other, bow, and then come closer to the sun. It says, "It's hot!" - and catches up with the children. Having caught up with the player and touches him, the child freezes and drops out of the game.

Wolf and children

One player portrays a wolf. He, with his face in his hands, hunched over, sits to the side and is silent. Children run away different sides, pretending to be picking berries in the forest, and singing:

They plucked and plucked the berries,

For black currants.

Father on the insert,

For mother's sleeve,

To the gray wolf

Herbs on a shovel.

May God let me wash my face,

God forbid I escape

And God forbid I get out.

With the last words, the children throw grass at the wolf and run away from him, and the wolf catches them. The caught player becomes a wolf; if the wolf fails to catch anyone, he returns to his place and pretends to be a wolf again, the rest of the players again begin to pick berries near him.

Ocean is shaking

Option 1. Depending on the number of players, chairs are placed in two rows so that the back of one chair touches the back of the other. After all the players are seated, the selected driver shouts: “The sea is rough!” All players jump up and run around the chairs until the driver, seizing the moment when everyone runs away from their chair, suddenly shouts: “The sea has calmed down!” After this, each player must take his place, and since the driver also takes someone else’s place, the players try to grab the first one they come across. The one left without a seat becomes the driver.

Option 2. Before the game starts, a driver is selected. He turns away from the rest of the participants and says loudly:

The sea is agitated once

The sea is worried two

The sea is worried three,

Marine figure, freeze where you are!

At this moment, players must freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The driver turns, walks around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever moves first takes the place of the driver or leaves the game, in which case the winner is the player who lasted the longest.

It is prohibited to use additional objects for stability (trees, benches, chairs, etc.). The driver does not have the right to make the players laugh in order to stir them up. He is also not allowed to touch the players. The number of participants is not limited. You can use another version of the game, when the driver examines all the figures and chooses the one he likes the most. In this case, the winner is the player who demonstrates his imagination most clearly.

Drake and duck

The players join hands and form a circle. Two players represent a drake and a duck. They go to the middle of the circle. They sing to the duck:

Go home, little duck,

Go home, gray one.

You have seven children,

The eighth is the drake,

The ninth is a duck.

Duck - Marfutka,

Drake - Vasyutka,

Chicken - Masha,

Cockerel - Ignashka!

They shout to the drake:

Drake, catch up with the duck!

Young man, catch the duck!

The drake chases the duck and tries to catch it. The duck can run out of the circle, but the drake is not allowed out. The players standing in a circle either lower or raise their hands and sing:

The duck dives

Flying across the field.

Kich-kich, hurry up!

Quack-quack, catch up!

Your babies are squeaking

They want to eat!

When the drake catches the duck, another pair is chosen.


The driver is selected based on the number of points he counted. The players stand in two lines facing each other. The driver crouches in the center, he is a pie. The players sing and show movements.

Game "Hares and wolves"

Objectives: to introduce children to Russian folk outdoor games; teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space.

Description of the game: children pretend to be hares, the teacher is a wolf. On one side of the hall for hares, houses or one common house are marked. The wolf is hiding on the opposite side - in the ravine.

The adult says:

Bunnies gallop, hop, hop, hop

To the green meadow,

They pinch the grass, listen,

Is there a wolf coming?

In accordance with the text, the hares jump out of the houses, run around the site, then jump on two legs, then sit down and nibble grass. As soon as an adult says the word “wolf,” the wolf jumps out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch (touch) them. The hares run away to their houses, where the wolf can no longer catch them. The wolf takes the caught hares to his ravine. In the future, the role of the wolf is played by the child.

Funny bunnies

Objectives: exercise children in running, jumping, and develop agility. Encourage independence. Create a feeling of joy from joint activities with adults and peers.

Progress of the game: the teacher says that in the forest there live funny bunnies with a mother hare and a gray wolf who wants to catch them. Then he offers to play: “You will funny bunnies, and I am your mother bunny. The bunnies live in houses." The teacher says:

Little houses

They are standing in a dense forest.

Little bunnies

They sit in houses.

Children squat down and put their hands to their heads, pretending to be rabbits.

Mama bunny

She ran through the forest.

She paws

I knocked on everyone's window.

The teacher approaches each house, knocks and says: “Knock, knock, little bunnies, let’s go for a walk. If the wolf appears, we will hide again.” Bunnies run out of their houses, jump, run, frolic until a wolf (adult or child) appears senior group). He goes out into the clearing and says: “Oh, so many bunnies! How funny they are. I'll catch them now." The bunnies run away. The wolf laments: “Oh, how fast the bunnies run. There’s no way I can catch up with them.”

The game is repeated several times.


Objectives: to teach children to move together one after another, to coordinate movements, not to push the person running in front, even if he moves slowly.

Description of the game: children are divided into pairs as desired: one is the horse, the other is the coachman, who harnesses the horse (puts on the reins) and rides around the hall from one side of it to the other and back. They begin to move after the teacher pronounces the following words:

Clack! Clack! Clack! Clack!

I am a horse with a gray side.

I'm knocking my hooves

If you want, I'll give you a ride.

Then, at the teacher’s suggestion, the children change roles and the game is repeated.

We are not afraid of the cat

Objectives: to teach children to listen to the text and quickly respond to the signal.

Description of the game: the teacher takes a toy cat, puts it on a chair - “the cat is sleeping.” The presenter says:

Mice, mice, come out,

Have fun, dance,

Come out quickly

The mustachioed villain cat is sleeping.

The mice surround the cat and begin to dance, saying:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

We are not afraid of the cat.

The cat wakes up and catches mice (the teacher with a toy catches up with the children). The mice run into their holes (sit on chairs).


Objectives: practice throwing balls into the distance.

Description of the game: to play, you need to place balls of different sizes on the floor: large and small. The teacher explains the rules: throw a large ball into the distance with both hands, and small ones with one hand. Shows how to throw balls. Children stand on one side of the hall and repeat the actions of the teacher. After all the balls have been thrown, the children go to collect them.

The chicken went out for a walk

Objectives: learn to listen carefully to an adult, perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game: children stand behind the teacher one after another. The teacher says the words:

The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass.

And behind her are the boys,

Yellow chickens.

Co-co-co yes co-co-co

Don't go far!

Row your paws,

Look for grains.

Ate a fat beetle


We drank some water

A complete mess.

Children repeat the movements of the teacher: they walk, raising their knees high, flapping their “wings.” To the words: “Ko-ko-ko, don’t go far!” - they shake their finger. “Rake with your paws, look for grains” - they squat down and look for grains. “They ate a fat beetle” - show the thickness of the beetle, “earthworm” - show the length of the worm, “drank some water” - bend forward, move your arms back.


Objectives: to develop in children the ability to perform movements according to a sound signal, practice walking, running after each other.

Description of the game: children line up in a column along the wall of the hall.

The teacher stands in front, he is the “locomotive”, the children are the “cars”. Children don't hold on to each other. The teacher blows the whistle and the children begin to move forward; at first slowly, then faster, and finally they start running (while moving slowly, children pronounce the sounds “chug-chug-chug”). “The train is approaching the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop.

Pass the ball

Objectives: learn to pass the ball to each other; develop speed.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle with their teacher. The teacher passes the ball nearby standing child, he - to his neighbor. The ball needs to be passed quickly, maybe accompanied by music. The teacher tries to catch up with the ball.


Objectives: learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game: children and their teacher stand in a circle. The teacher says:

Sunshine, sunshine,

Golden bottom.

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

A stream ran in the garden,

A hundred rooks have arrived,

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,

And the flowers are growing.

Movement: children walk in a circle. From the words “a stream ran in the garden” - the children run in a circle, “a hundred rooks have flown in” - they wave their arms, “the snowdrifts are melting” - they slowly squat, “the flowers are growing up” - they stand on their tiptoes, stretching upwards.

Shaggy dog

Objectives: learn to listen carefully to the text, run according to a signal in different directions.

Description of the game: a chair is placed in the center of the hall, and a toy dog ​​is placed on it. Children walk around the dog saying:

Here lies a shaggy dog

With your nose buried in your paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up.

And let's see what happens?!

Under this text, children approach the dog. At the last words of the text, they reach out their hands and touch shaggy dog. The teacher takes the toy and catches up with the children. Children run around the hall in different directions. Then the dog “gets tired” and goes back to sleep.

Jump to hot air balloon

Objectives: to train children in jumping.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle, the teacher walks in a circle with balloon in hand. Children jump, trying to touch the ball.

Birds are flying

Objectives: learn to imitate the movements of birds, act on a signal.

Description of the game: children - “birds” sit on chairs. To the words of the teacher: “Ay, the birds have flown!” birds fly all over the hall. To the words of the teacher: “The birds have flown to their nests!” the children hurry and sit on their chairs. The teacher names the most dexterous and fastest bird, which was the first to fly to its nest. The game is repeated.


Objectives: develop agility and speed.

Description of the game: children stand on one side of the hall. The teacher-trap stands in the center. Children say: “One-two-three, catch it!” and run to the other side of the hall. The teacher said: “I’ll catch you now!” catches children.

Birds and cat

Objectives: to train children to run in different directions.

Description of the game: children are “birds”, the teacher is “cat”. The teacher portrays a sleeping cat, while the children walk around: waving their arms, sitting down, pecking grains. The cat wakes up, says “meow”, tries to catch the birds, the children run away in different directions, hide in houses (sit on chairs).

Sunny bunnies

Objectives: learn to run easily, catching up with the glare of the sun, changing the direction and pace of movement in accordance with the nature of the movement of the sunbeam, develop speed of movement; cultivate interest in participating in outdoor games with peers; contribute to the improvement of the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems of the child’s body; maintain a positive emotional mood among the players.

Game description: The game is played on a clear sunny day. An adult takes a small mirror outside and invites children to watch the sunbeam appear.

Sunny bunny, jump and jump,

Went out for a walk

He jumped deftly out the window,

He ran along the roof.

Jump and jump, jump and jump,

Jumped onto the window.

Jump and jump, jump and jump,

And on Antoshka’s nose.

Hey guys, don't yawn

And chase the bunny!

An adult invites the children to “catch” a sunbeam jumping along the veranda wall or path. His task: to quickly move the sun's ray so that the children are forced to actively run around the area, changing the direction of movement. The one who manages to be the first to “catch” the sunbeam wins.


Objectives: to introduce children to Russian folk games, to develop speed and dexterity.

Description of the game: a circle is drawn on the ground, a flower is placed in its center. The teacher plays the role of a guard, stands in a circle; children - bees - squat outside the circle. The teacher says:

Spring bees,

Wings of gold,

Why are you sitting

Are you not flying into the field?

Al will rain on you,

Is the sun baking you?

Fly over the high mountains,

For green forests -

On a round meadow,

On an azure flower.

The bees try to run into the circle and touch the flower, and the teacher tries not to let anyone in. When the children manage to touch the flower, the game ends with the words: “The bees have flown to the flower!”

Bunnies in the house

Objectives: increase motor activity children, develop speed and agility; learn to navigate in space.

Description of the game: hoops are laid out on the floor according to the number of children. Children - “bunnies” - jump and run around the hall. The teacher plays the role of a wolf. To the words of an adult: “ Gray wolf!” - the “wolf” goes hunting, the children run into their “houses”.

"Jump up to the balloon."

On the playground, a cord will be stretched at a distance of 3-5 m from the ground. Balls are tied to it so that they are above the child’s outstretched arms. The teacher invites the children to jump up and hit the ball with their hands. The height of the tied balls is adjusted depending on the height of the children and their capabilities. The adult makes sure that the children, while jumping, touch the ball with both hands (in order to evenly load the muscles of the shoulder girdle).

Option with complication.

You can hang bells, butterflies (made of paper), etc. on the cord. The teacher makes sure that the children, while jumping, touch objects alternately with their right and left hands.

“Treat the squirrel with a nut.”

The squirrel (toy) is on a shelf or tree branch, and next to it, just above the child’s raised hand, a basket hangs. To give the squirrel a nut (put it in the basket), the child must jump well. The adult makes sure that the children push off with both legs at the same time and land softly. You can hang 2-3 baskets, this will allow 2-3 children to perform the exercise at the same time. Taking into account the height of children, baskets can be hung at different heights.

"Jump the cord."

A cord 3-4 m long is stretched on the floor. Children approach the cord and, at the teacher’s signal, jump over it.

You can put 5-8 cords in parallel different color(at a distance of 50 cm).

"Jump through a hoop."

There is a hoop with a diameter of 1 m on the floor. Children are asked to come closer to it and jump into it, and then jump out of the hoop. The exercise is performed by 3 people at the same time and repeated up to 5 times. You can invite children to walk and run around the hoop after doing the exercises.

"From hoop to hoop."

Flat hoops (3-4) are placed at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Children jump on two legs one after another from hoop to hoop, moving forward.

"Through the stream."

There is a “stream” made of blue oilcloth on the floor, 15-20 cm wide and 2 m long. The adult says that the stream is deep, so you need to jump further so as not to get your feet wet. Children approach the stream and jump over it, pushing off with both legs at once. The teacher makes sure that they push off harder and land softly, bending their knees.

"Jump to the flag."

Colored flags are placed on chairs or a bench. At a distance of 1-1.5 m from the chairs, a cord is stretched on the floor. Children approach the cord and, at the teacher’s signal, jump from it on two legs, moving forward to the flags. When the children are at the flags, they should pick them up, wave them and put them back. They come back running.

The teacher makes sure that when children perform jumps, they push off with both legs at the same time and land softly.

"On a level path."

Along paths 2-3 m long, children jump on two legs, moving forward. At the end of the track, everyone takes a ball from the box, rolls it along the same track in the opposite direction and runs after it. If it is difficult for a child to complete an exercise, then you should not require him to jump to the end of the track. For the track, you can use colored cords, gymnastic sticks or colored oilcloth.

"Around the hoop."

Children stand in large hoops, 2 people each. At the teacher’s signal, they jump out of the hoop and jump on two legs around it. Each child makes up to 10 jumps, gradually the number of jumps increases to 15. At the adult’s signal, the children rest in the hoop. The exercise is repeated.

“Jump onto the path.”

Children jump from a bench 15 cm high onto a colored path made of oilcloth. They stand freely on the bench, without interfering with each other. When jumping, they land softly on both feet.

Option with complication. An adult places 3-4 gymnastic benches parallel to each other at a distance of at least 1 m, with each bench having tracks of a different color. Children jump off each bench one by one. The exercise is repeated 3 to 5 times, depending on the capabilities of the children.

"Jump through the hoop."

Flat hoops are placed in front of the bench. Children stand on the bench according to the number of hoops and jump into them. The teacher makes sure that the children land softly on their toes.

"From cube to cube."

With the help of the children, the teacher places cubes in a circle at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. The exercise is performed by 2-3 children at the same time. Everyone jumps off the cube and moves in a circle to another cube, stands on it, jumps off again, etc.

Nadezhda Bliznyuk
Word games for nursery group

Word games for kindergarten

Card 1

Target games. Accustom children to listen to the teacher’s speech, correlate the action with in a word, nursery rhymes, anwser the questions.

Move games. Children sit in a circle on chairs. The teacher takes a position so that everyone can see him, and speaks: “Children, now we will play the game “Ladushki”. Let’s clap our hands! Clap! Clap! - clap our hands.”


Okay, okay!

Where were you? - By Grandma!

What did you eat? - Porridge!

What did you drink? - Mash!

Butter porridge,

Sweet mash,

Grandma is kind.

We drank, ate,


sat on the head

We sat down, we sat,

They flew away!


The teacher and children quietly clap their hands to the beat words of nursery rhyme.

They raise their hands, wave them and place them on their heads. On words“They flew away” spread their arms to the sides and lower them to their knees.

Playing again, the teacher after words"Where were you?" pauses and waits for answers children: "By Grandma"; "What did you eat?" - "Porridge"; "What did you drink?" - "Brazhka."

IN next time The entire nursery rhyme is recited by the children together with the teacher.

Card 2

About the magpie

Target games. Teach children to listen to their native word, catch the rhythm of the nursery rhyme, understand what it says.

Move games. Children sit opposite the teacher. Teacher with index finger right hand does circular movements on the palm of the left hand (“cooks porridge”, sentencing:


Forty, forty,

Magpie - white-sided

I cooked porridge.

I jumped on the threshold,

I called guests.

Guests in the yard -

Porridge on the table.

This on a plate

This on a platter

This one in a cup

This one in a bowl

And she didn’t give anything to this

You didn't carry wood.

You didn't carry water

You didn't cook porridge.

Here's a spoon for you -

Cook your own porridge.

There's a stump here, there's a log here,

There's firewood here

There's hot water here.


The teacher and children cook porridge together.

Bend your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger.

The thumb does not bend.

When repeated games The teacher invites the children to help pronounce the nursery rhyme. After words"this" pauses, and the children finish phrase: “on a platter”, “in a cup”, “in a bowl”.

Card 3

Finger play

Target games. To teach to listen to speech, to understand what is said in the nursery rhyme, to relate words with finger actions.

Move games. The teacher examines the fingers on his hand, speaking: "This thumb, and these are smaller, but a very small one - a little finger. They all live side by side, like brothers."


"Finger boy,

Where have you been?" -

"With this brother -

I went to the forest

With this brother -

Cooked cabbage soup

With this brother -

With this brother -

Sang songs!"


The teacher shows his thumb and, turning to it, bends his fingers one by one.

“What song did he sing with his little brother?” - asks the teacher, addressing the children. Children offer to sing a familiar song (“Grey Kitty”, “Kalinka”, and their fingers “dance” (children raise their hands and “dance” with their fingers). Card 4.

Horned goat

Target games. Amuse children, teach them to listen to the poem to the end, to understand it.

Move games. After the children look at the picture of a goat, the teacher offers to play,

Children stand in front of the teacher, facing him. Educator putting out forefinger and little finger, goes to the children, sentencing:

The horned goat is coming,

There's a butted goat coming

For the little guys.

Legs top top...

Eyes clap-clap,

Who doesn't eat porridge?

Who doesn't drink milk?




At word"gored" the children run away from the goat, and the teacher catches up with them. Next time you can choose one of the children as a goat and then he himself repeats nursery rhyme words.

Card 5

Target games. Teach children to coordinate words poems with actions.

Move games. Children stand in a circle. The teacher chooses a bunny with a counting rhyme, he stands in the center of the circle. The teacher and children walk in a circle and sentenced:

Zainka, along the Senichkas

Walk, walk!

Gray, like new

Walk, walk!

There is nowhere for the bunny to jump out,

There is nowhere for the gray one to jump out

Bunny, will you jump -

You'll jump out

Gray, you will dance -

They will let you out.

The teacher and the children hum a dance melody, everyone claps their hands, and the bunny dances. After this, the bunny is released from the circle and a new one is chosen. The game is repeated 2-3 times. Card 6

In the poultry yard

Target games. To consolidate children's knowledge of how poultry calls and to develop correct sound pronunciation

Move games. The teacher invites the children to listen to new things poem:

Our ducks in the morning - Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack! Our geese by the pond - Ga-ga-ga! Ha-ga-ha! And the turkey in the middle of the yard - Ball-ball-ball! Bullshit! Our little walkers at the top - Grru-grru-u-grru-grru-u! Our chickens through the window - Kko-kko-kko-ko-ko-ko-ko! And how Petya the Cockerel, Early, early in the morning, will sing to us cuckoo!

"How do ducks cry?" - asks the teacher. The children answer. This way he clarifies and reinforces the pronunciation of sounds with the children.

Next time the teacher divides all the children into groups -"ducks", "geese", "turkeys". “Our ducks in the morning,” says the teacher, “and the children are ducks answer: "Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!" etc.

This game teaches children endurance. Everyone wants to scream like ducks, but they can’t, they have to be able to remain silent and wait their turn.

Card 7

Target games. Develop children's speech, train them in correct sound pronunciation.

Move games. Children stand one after another and pretend to be galloping horses. The teacher stands so that the children can see him and says together with the children nursery rhyme words(words learned in advance in class).



You gallop.

You fly, horse, soon, soon,

Through rivers, through mountains,

Everyone gallop, gallop, gallop.


Whoa. - says the teacher.

The game can be repeated by changing the child.


Children jump around the room, imitating the running of a horse. The running is getting faster and faster.

The children stop and also say “whoa…”. Card 8

Target games. Develop children's speech activity, train them in correct sound pronunciation, and consolidate knowledge about the cockerel.

Move games. Children and the teacher sit on chairs in a circle. In the middle there is a chair for the cockerel. The teacher turns to children: “Children, look, whose hat is this? (Shows the bright cap of the cockerel.) Yes, it's a cockerel, let's play with it. Now we will choose the cockerel with a counting rhyme, whoever she points to will be the cockerel." (They choose a cockerel with the help of a counting rhyme, put a cap on him, and the teacher says quietly (in his ear) that when he sits on a chair, he must loudly sing "ku- ka-re-ku" like a cockerel.) The cockerel sits on a chair and crows loudly. Then the teacher and children say words:

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

Why do you get up early?

Why are you singing loudly?

You don't let the children sleep!

After words“You don’t let the children sleep,” the teacher suggests the cockerel crow several times. Then a new cockerel is selected.

The teacher works on the expressiveness of children’s speech, teaches them to highlight with intonation. words golden, Maslana, Shelkova, teaches how to highlight a question with intonation, and pronounce “ku-ka-re-ku” loudly and melodiously. The game is repeated 3-4 times.


All children are “bunnies”. The teacher says:

Bunnies are sitting on a hill in a field,

They warm their paws and move them.

(Children make movements (jump, move their arms). After a minute, the children and the teacher speak)

The frost has become stronger,

We'll freeze standing like this.

To warm up quickly,

Let's jump more fun.

(Children run down the slide and begin to run, patting their paws on their paws.)


The teacher is a “locomotive”. All children are “carriages”. The “locomotive” whistles and the “train” starts moving. Children move their hands and say:


Here our train is coming,

the wheels are knocking.

And on our train

the guys are sitting.


The locomotive puffs.

He took the boys far, far away.

The teacher says:

“Stop. Stop.

Come out quickly, let’s go for a walk.”

Children “walk” around the room.


Children are first shown a picture of an owl. One of the children is an “owl”. The rest are “birds”. "Owl" sits on a tree (chair).

The rest of the children run around her, approaching her carefully.

The teacher reads:


big head,

Sitting on a tree

turns his head,

Looks in all directions

Yes, suddenly it will fly.

The "owl" begins to catch the "birds". The caught “bird” becomes an “owl”.

Chickens and rooster.

Guys called “chickens” are sitting near one of the walls. A “rooster” is walking at a great distance. In one of the corners of the “Cat House” room, a “cat” sits in it.

The teacher sits with the “chickens,” pointing at the walking “rooster,” and sings:

Petya in yellow boots

Walks on the sand

And then he screams



Come out, chickens,

Collect crumbs.

There are a lot of flies here

On my path.

The “cat” runs out, all the children run into the house.


In the middle of the hall there is a thin cord in the shape of a circle. Children stand in a circle. The teacher says:

Here's a frog along the path

Jumps with his legs stretched out,

Kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,

Jumps with his legs stretched out.

Children jump on two legs, moving forward in a circle. The teacher claps his hands - scares the “frogs”; the kids squat down - the “frogs” jump into the “swamp”.

Repeat 2-3 times.

We stomp our feet.

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We give up

We shake hands.

(Children join their hands to form a circle.)

And we run around

And we run around.

(Everyone runs, the teacher says: “Stop.” The kids stop.)

Shaggy dog.

The children sit on one side of the hall. One child on the opposite side represents a dog. The children quietly approach him in a crowd, and at this time the teacher says:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

With your nose buried in your paws,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And let's see: will something happen?

The “dog” jumps out and barks loudly. The children run away, the dog catches up with them.


Children pretend to be bees, run around the room, wave their arms - wings, and buzz. A "bear" appears. The teacher says:

Teddy bear is coming

It will take away the honey from the bees,

The bees are home.

The "bees" fly into the corner - the hive. "Bear" goes there too. "Bees" say:

This hive is our home

Get away from us, bear,


They flap their wings and chase away the bear. They fly away from him, running around the room. The "bear" catches them.


Children hold hands and stand in a circle. At the first words of the song, the circle stretches and stretches. On the last word “burst” - the circle breaks and the children run to the center of the circle.

The bubble was inflated

Puffed up big

Puffed up big

Don't burst like that.

Shhhh - burst.

The game repeats itself again.


Children pretend to be moths. The teacher sings, the children run, flapping their arms like wings.

On the green in the meadow

Moths fly.

And from flower to flower

They flutter merrily.

Aunt went out into the meadow,

And in her hands she has a net.

Be careful, little moth!

Fly away quickly, my friend!

The children run away, and the teacher catches them with a net.


Children are birds. Each bird makes its own nest; it could be a circle drawn on the floor with chalk. Each bird sits in its own nest. The teacher reads:

Birds are sitting in nests

And they look at the street.

Everyone wanted to fly

And everyone immediately flew away.

Birds fly out of their nests and scatter around the room. At a signal (beep, bell) they return to their nests.