An unusual exclusive gift for a man. Elite expensive gifts

Choosing a gift for a particular person is not the easiest action. IN modern world Resolving this issue is more difficult than it seems. Especially if you want to give not just a present, but an expensive and original item. What can you give in this case? Next, we will tell you everything about how to choose an expensive gift for a man. What tips will help solve the problem? How can you make your gift stand out from a number of similar ones? What features of the recipient are recommended to pay attention to when choosing a gift?

Gift selection

In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. Yes, in the modern world it’s nice to please, and it’s difficult to surprise people. However, if you try, you can bring your idea to life.

Some people have a natural gift - a talent for choosing gifts. If they have enough money, they do not have a problem with gifts. These are the people you can turn to for help.

If there is no predisposition to the ability to pleasantly surprise, then choosing an expensive gift for a man will be much more difficult. There are several recommendations, following which, everyone can choose a good and original gift.

Age and relationship

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the man's age. Maybe the gift is for a teenager or a toddler? Or a middle-aged man? Or maybe an elderly person? It is necessary to determine the age of the recipient first. After all, dear men's gift, intended for, say, a teenager, is unlikely to appeal to an older person. Each age category has its own original ideas.

The degree of relationship also plays an important role. The more dear, the more expensive the gift. This is the rule that often helps you decide. If there are no family ties, it is recommended to pay attention to the person’s position. So, even an expensive one is cheaper and easier than a present for the boss. This is normal.

Reason for surprise

The next nuance is the reason for which the gift is presented. Some events (like a wedding anniversary or February 23rd) allow you to narrow down your choice to themed gifts. They are usually distinguished by their originality. But the cost of themed gifts varies - you can find both really expensive options and budget analogues.

  • for a wedding anniversary - with a romantic twist, you are allowed to choose a gift for the family or couple as a whole;
  • for an anniversary - a memorable gift intended exclusively for the birthday person;
  • for a birthday - any gift that can be remembered (possible options will be discussed later);
  • February 23 - themed gift, souvenir;
  • promotion - an expensive gift that reminds you of work or is intended to build a career.


A person’s hobbies play a huge role when choosing a gift. It is recommended to pay special attention to them. Sometimes it is hobbies and hobbies that will help you present an expensive, interesting and useful gift.

For example, you can give hunters a gun or a hunting knife, fishermen - the latest fishing rod or boat, musicians - a musical instrument that a person knows how to play, gamers - a powerful computer or gaming computer devices. Next, gifts will be offered for different age categories.

baby man

Let's start with the kids. Boy children can also be considered men. Therefore, you cannot deprive them of attention.

In practice, it is not so difficult for young children to choose an expensive and useful gift that will definitely please the child. The majority of gifts for kids are universal.

Among the expensive, original and even useful children's gifts for future men are:

  • construction sets (like Lego);
  • railways;
  • radio controlled toys;
  • quadcopters;
  • motorized cars for kids.

This also includes a variety of educational mats and play arcs. Sets of metal cars will also pleasantly please future men. Among the original gifts, they often offer to present a themed costume with a variety of accessories. For example, a pirate or a policeman.


What expensive gift can you give a man for his birthday? As already mentioned, a lot depends on age. What to give a teenager? In the modern world, the choice of gifts for young people is huge. Teenagers are often congratulated in the same way as adult men.

So, the following gifts may be suitable for young people:

  • hot air balloon ride;
  • paintball game;
  • sports/shooting membership;
  • game console (for example, Play Station 4 or xBox 360);
  • branded clothing;
  • tickets to a music concert of your favorite band.

But this is not an exclusive list. Can be given to teenagers musical instruments, For example. It is best to ask the teenager what exactly he wants. But the options listed are in particular demand. In addition, they are not always expensive.

Middle aged man

Expensive gifts for a man for a birthday or any other holiday are different. As already mentioned, a lot depends on a person’s hobbies. In addition, it is recommended to decide in advance on the amount that can be spent. All this will help you choose a present.

Middle-aged men have the hardest time choosing gifts. Nevertheless, for this category of people the range of gifts is the widest. It is not so easy to settle on a specific option, but it still seems possible.

Do you want to give an expensive gift? For a middle-aged man, the following gift options may be suitable:

  • cufflinks;
  • souvenir weapons;
  • expensive branded underwear or clothing;
  • sports watches;
  • 3D pen;
  • virtual reality glasses;
  • chocolate figures;
  • set of glasses/shot glasses;
  • long-aged alcohol (say, wine);
  • perfume.

As already mentioned, on the proposed lists possible gifts don't end. These are simply the most common gifts among expensive items that are most often found in practice.

Elderly age

You can give an expensive gift to a man on his birthday or for any other occasion if you know what exactly the person loves. This nuance is key when choosing a gift.

Elderly or mature age? Such people tend to prefer exquisite items. For them you can choose:

  • paintings;
  • sculptures and decorative elements from famous designers;
  • gold cufflinks;
  • gift chess;
  • bronze figurines;
  • gold figurines and commemorative medals;
  • globe bars;
  • alcohol sets;
  • ship models;
  • silverware.

You will notice that the list of gifts is varied. In general, it is easier for an elderly person to choose an expensive gift than for young people.

Universal gifts

Now a little about versatility. The modern market for goods and services is filled with various kinds of goods. Among them there will definitely be expensive gifts for a man's birthday, capable of pleasing the stronger half of society of any age.

Such gifts often include:

  • branded pens (for example, Parker);
  • cameras;
  • video cameras;
  • smartphones;
  • wristwatch;
  • books (especially gift editions).

Most often, preference is given to a variety of gadgets. Modern devices can please both adult men and boys with different hobbies. If you want to give a really expensive gift, it is recommended to give preference to Apple products. It is distinguished by its quality and capabilities.

To your loved one

Quite often you want to surprise your beloved men. What gifts for the stronger half of society are perfect as gifts from wives and girlfriends?

An expensive gift for a beloved man is usually not so difficult to give. After all, a woman should know what exactly her companion wants to receive as a present.

The most common options original ideas are the following proposals:

  • gold cufflinks;
  • accessories for PC or car;
  • gaming consoles;
  • tablets;
  • computers;
  • photo session with a famous photographer;
  • hot air balloon ride;
  • laser tag subscription;
  • gift editions of books;
  • Mojito making kits;
  • purse;
  • beads;
  • camp kitchen sets;
  • cigarette case with pocket ashtray.

Some believe that a man is what a woman has done with her own hands. And some even consider themselves to be a wonderful present for their beloved. In fact, it is recommended to forget about such gifts. In any case, if you want to distinguish yourself by the cost and originality of the present.

Working moments

Choosing a gift for a male leader becomes a huge problem. For example, at work. After all, a loved one can like anything. And a stranger, a boss, needs to be given exquisite gifts.

What to choose from? Expensive pens as a gift for a man are a classic of the genre. This is exactly the kind of gift that subordinates often present to their managers. Commemorative branded pens are really pleasing, but they are not original. Is it possible to order engraving on such a gift?

To choose an expensive gift for a male leader, it is recommended to take a closer look at the following ideas:

  • cigarette case;
  • purse;
  • document bag made of genuine leather;
  • wrist watch;
  • expensive branded perfume;
  • business card holder with case;
  • retro watch or retro telephone;
  • alcohol sets;
  • long-aged wine or cognac.

It is advisable to take into account the nature of the activities of the company in which the donee works. For a person who spends a lot of time in the office working, it is expensive and original gift The chair is suitable for the office. Both computer and regular.

February 23

What to give for this holiday? What expensive gifts are men encouraged to give on February 23 in one case or another? By and large, all the proposed lists of gifts are suitable for any occasion. They can be given to men for any occasion. As for of this holiday, then it is better to present expensive gifts specifically to those for whom it is professional. The rest of the men can be given simply symbolic gifts on this day.

What not to give

There is a certain list of gifts that are not recommended for men, even if these gifts are expensive and branded. Among them are:

  • socks (including sets of them);
  • shaving kits;
  • any sentimental gifts;
  • sweaters.

Expensive pens as a gift to a man whose activities or hobbies involve writing or filling out documents is a win-win option. In other cases, it is best to focus on the interests and hobbies of the birthday person. This is the only way to pleasantly surprise a person.


Now it’s clear what expensive gifts for a man for a birthday or other holiday are found in practice. In fact, there are a lot of options. If you really want to surprise, then as a gift option for a loved one, you can choose to purchase a tourist voucher or book a trip. A man will definitely appreciate such a gift.

As has already been said many times, regardless of the reason and cost of the gift, great attention must be paid to the person’s hobby. Only in this case will the gift please the recipient.

Are you choosing a gift for the true master of life, who is difficult to surprise even with the most luxurious gift? In the Presentstar catalog you will find exactly what you need. We offer exclusive gifts for men that will give you the opportunity to get incredible experiences and discover new or remember already forgotten aspects of life. How about a fighter plane ride or a royal hunt? Or maybe the best present would be fishing, for which there is always not enough time? We have elite gifts for men for every taste!

    The real extreme will certainly appreciate it strong man, who is used to making the most of life. Conquer the elements, take the place of a real racer, take control of military equipment... An expensive VIP gift for a man can be anything, but in each case the time will pass unforgettably.

    When everyday life and so full of impressions, it is very important to give yourself the opportunity to relax and unwind. But for those who are accustomed to a fast pace, this can be a problem. Give such a man a certificate for a country holiday - your concern will give him the opportunity to completely abandon his worries. Whether it will be calm solitude or pleasant company depends on the recipient of the gift. In any case, he will be able to recharge himself with new strength and will again be ready to conquer new heights.

    Not sure what the recipient has already experienced, and the last thing you want is to repeat it? Choose package offers from Presentstar - such certificates give you the opportunity to independently choose one of the services offered, so everyone can choose something special for themselves.

Such an unusual gift requires appropriate presentation - certificates are delivered in a presentable gift packaging at the address you specified.

VIP gifts for men

Of course, premium alcohol or a trip to a tropical island is unlikely to surprise someone who has EVERYTHING. What about flying into the stratosphere at the controls of a combat jet fighter?! The chance to complete it and see the globe with your own eyes is a truly expensive gift for a man!

Or maybe your husband, boss or colleague is interested in Formula 1 racing? Then he will definitely want to ride a real racing car, capable of reaching speeds of up to 450 km/h! By driving it, he will finally be able to understand how his idols - world-famous racers like Michael Schumacher - feel during a race.

In addition, in our online store you can buy the following luxury gifts for men:

  • Safari on a modern battle tank
None of these gifts can be purchased in a regular store. And it is unlikely that any of those for whom these gifts are intended would have thought that such adventures were actually possible. After all a common person doesn’t even suspect that you can see the planet not only from space, but also while flying in a fighter jet.

Let's say right away that luxury gifts for men are not cheap. But they fully correspond to the status of an accomplished person and are remembered for a lifetime! Buying an expensive gift for a man means giving him a unique chance to feel like a real hero and adventurer. Believe me, this is what all successful people secretly dream about! VIP gifts for men from Presenstar are what make every holiday real and complete.

VIP gifts for men - only the best for him

Every woman has her own set of secrets for seducing a man, but few representatives of the fair sex use a magnificent way to the heart of a passion - presenting elite gifts. Emphasize how dear the recipient is to you and give him an unexpected VIP surprise - then all that remains is to enjoy the result.

“At 40, life is just beginning,” which means it’s time to give your beloved man truly unexpected and valuable gifts that will emphasize his success, significance and irreplaceability in your life. Exclusive VIP gifts for mature men are a pleasant gesture from an intelligent and truly wise woman.

Don't know what to give your man? It's simple! You just need to carefully read the five useful recommendations psychologists and experts in the field of choosing ideal gifts and your man will appreciate your sincere efforts. Praise and admire, and choose only the highest quality and most valuable gifts for the most valuable people!

When presenting a souvenir to a guest of our country, do not forget that your gift will be associated with this pleasant visit by a foreigner for many years. Give only exquisite themed gifts with a national theme that will leave a positive impression and become a worthy souvenir.

Your man collects stamps, coins or car models! This is great because you have an important hint when choosing a gift. Delve into the interests of your man and please him with truly important and valuable gifts that will become pleasant surprise and strengthen your relationship.

What points should you consider when choosing an expensive gift for a loved one? Age and interests, profession and hobbies, desires and goals - all this will help you choose an elite item that will delight even the most reserved and unemotional representative of the stronger sex.

Elite VIP gifts for men

In the 2000s, a common premium gift was elite alcohol purchased in boutiques and Duty Free stores. However, propaganda healthy image life and the relegation of alcohol to the status of some banality have done their job - finding something original as a gift has become not easy. But we are solving this problem! Here you can buy VIP gifts for wealthy men, choosing suitable ones from a huge assortment.

If you are choosing a gift for a rich man with whom you are exclusively associated business relationship, then pay attention to:

  • LED paintings;
  • elegant sculptures and figurines of Italian masters;
  • aristocratic sets and desktop weather stations;
  • chess and other respectable Board games;
  • bound books self made.

The main thing in a gift is originality and exclusivity. In the online store "Gifts-HERE" you can find stylish, original, a solid gift to a man for reasonable money. A person with a delicate taste will appreciate elegant tea and coffee pairs and wall decorations. The original will love computer gadgets, souvenirs painted like Khokhloma, or a skillfully crafted slingshot. Interior paintings and clocks, handmade household utensils, sculptures and figurines made from natural materials are popular.

Are you having trouble choosing a VIP gift? Contact our consultants. They know the assortment of the online store very well and will offer several interesting gifts according to your wishes. All you have to do is make a choice and wait for the courier to visit at the appointed time.

Choosing a gift is not an easy task, especially if you need to find something special. Ladies who need to choose the perfect gift for a gentleman often get “lost” when solving this problem. To make this difficult task easier, we consider different ideas and options and will definitely help you choose an expensive gift for a man’s birthday. Your gift will certainly become the highlight of the holiday and will delight the birthday boy.

How to choose an expensive gift for a man's birthday

To really pick good gift, both budget and expensive, it is necessary to determine the range of suitable options. To do this, it is important to know about the hobbies and interests of the recipient, what he needs for leisure or work. It is important to remember about universal ideas that will appeal to most men. We must not forget about status items - antiques, jewelry, art objects, etc.

A great idea is to find something that is unique or exists in multiple copies. The cost of such gifts can increase greatly over time, so you definitely can’t go wrong. To make any gift unusual, you can decorate it with your own engraving. This will add charm to your gift and make it more valuable in the eyes of the recipient.

When choosing a luxurious gift, do not forget about good taste and a sense of proportion. Avoid things that are too pompous and deliberately luxurious. It is better to give something small, but truly necessary or valuable.

When deciding what to give, immediately cross out unsuccessful options. These include

  • Perfume. It is very difficult to please with such a gift, and the birthday boy may simply not like an expensive cologne.
  • Cloth. It is difficult to choose in size and style, so the risk of disappointing the recipient is very high.

List of the best expensive gifts for a man's birthday

  1. Mobile phone
  2. Cross or amulet
  3. Robot vacuum cleaner
  4. Precious metal money clip
  5. Elite pen
  6. Family coat of arms
  7. Silver water ionizer
  8. Flash drive with protection
  9. Portrait of the birthday boy

Useful expensive gifts for a man's birthday

If you want to give something that is not just expensive, but will bring real benefits, pay attention to modern devices. Good technique It costs a lot, but it will definitely be useful to anyone. Good ideas for gifts for a man:

  • Mobile phone. New model A man will definitely like a smartphone from a well-known manufacturer. Pay attention to products that are classified as premium.
  • Home cinema. If the birthday boy likes to lie in front of the TV and has not yet acquired such a miracle of technology, he urgently needs to correct the situation.
  • Robot vacuum cleaner. Probably no man likes cleaning, so such a device will be an excellent gift and a real salvation.
  • Electronic lock, responsive to fingerprint. A wealthy man probably has something to keep in his apartment under a secure lock.
  • Laptop. If the birthday boy has been using the same old laptop for many years and thinks that everything is fine, give him a modern model of the device. He will quickly appreciate all the benefits and will definitely be grateful to you.
  • Automotive electronics. This could be a navigator, a video recorder, a radio tape recorder, or anything that makes driving more comfortable and safe.

When choosing a useful gift, you need to remember about the hobbies of the birthday person. For example, a modern spinning rod, the price of which is often high, a motor boat, an echo sounder and anything that will make fishing easier, would be an excellent present for a fisherman. You can give a hunter a weapon, a high-quality knife. An athlete will certainly need a home gym and other training equipment.

Expensive jewelry and accessories as a gift for a man’s birthday

What do women think about first when it comes to expensive gifts? Of course, about decorations. Men are not so sensitive to them, but they will also be happy to receive something beautiful. When choosing, it is very important to take into account the style and preferences of the birthday person so that your gift fits perfectly into his wardrobe. Jewelry that a man will like:

  • Ring. This is a gift for a very loved one with whom you have a long-term relationship.
  • Cross or amulet. A believing man will like them. Keep in mind that this is also a very personal gift.
  • Cufflinks will appeal to a stylish person who enjoys wearing classic shirts.
  • Chain. You can give it as a gift if, for example, the birthday person recently lost the one he always wore. But in most cases, this is not a very good gift, since most men simply do not need more than one chain.
  • Bracelet. You can choose a classic product in the form of a chain or something unusual, with charms, rubber inserts or engraving.
  • Tie clip. If the birthday person often wears business suits He definitely can’t do without such a present.
  • Brooch or badge. You need to choose such a gift very carefully, since not all men wear such jewelry. But by choosing the perfect decoration, you can please the birthday boy and improve his image.

Recently, the fashion for men's earrings has been experiencing a new revival. They can be quite large and noticeable. If the birthday boy prefers an informal style, he will like this gift.

A stylish accessory can also be a great gift. Before you go looking for a gift, look around the birthday boy’s wardrobe, think about what your gift will be in harmony with, how it will fit into the existing image of the recipient. The best ideas for accessories that you can give a man for his birthday:

  • Money clip made of precious metal. It will be useful for a person who is used to carrying banknotes in his pockets. You can make it unique with personalized engraving.
  • Watch. They have long become a classic gift. Nice watch– an indispensable attribute of luxury and an indicator of the wealth of their owner. Therefore, you need to look for them very carefully, and be prepared for the fact that the price for the selected copy will be very high.
  • Belt. A product made of high-quality leather from a well-known brand will not be cheap. You can also look for a belt with a buckle made of valuable metal or even one encrusted with precious stones.
  • Lighter. They are also often made from expensive materials and even decorated with diamonds.
  • Briefcase. It will be useful to everyone business man, and if it is made of valuable leather, it will also become an indicator of wealth, success and good taste.
  • Tie. It is often classified as a “controversial” option. It’s not easy to choose such an accessory, and you can only give it to very close men. But, if you can choose the perfect tie for the birthday boy, he will definitely be happy.
  • Elite pen. If the birthday boy often writes and signs, he definitely cannot do without such an accessory. Along with the watch, this is one of the indicators of the success of a business person.
  • Carbon plastic umbrella. It will protect not only from rain, but also from attacks by hooligans, if the birthday boy knows self-defense techniques.

Products from well-known brands in branded boxes can be given as gifts without additional packaging. Clumsy, rustling paper will only spoil the impression of a quality item and “cheap” it.

Expensive and unusual birthday gifts for a man

If the birthday person has everything listed above in abundance, then it will obviously not be possible to surprise with such a gift. Choose something more creative, like:

  • Family coat of arms embroidered on tapestry. If the birthday person does not yet have such a symbol, there are companies that will develop it taking into account the family history and preferences of the recipient.
  • Silver ionizer for water. If a man cares about his health, he will definitely be happy with such a gift.
  • Rare book. If the recipient is a connoisseur of antiquities, such a gift will delight him.
  • Portrait of the birthday boy. For it to have any artistic value, it is worth ordering it from an artist, preferably a young and promising one. Then, over time, the cost of your gift may increase significantly.
  • Flash drive with protection and information encryption function. This the right gift for everyone who works with valuable information. It would be good if the flash drive was designed in some unusual way.

An exotic souvenir from a distant country would be an interesting gift. But when choosing it, it is very important to remember the interests and tastes of the birthday person. Some will like a mask brought from Africa, while others will like a Japanese rock garden or a figurine of an Indian deity made of gold.

VIP gifts for men - only the best for him

Every woman has her own set of secrets for seducing a man, but few representatives of the fair sex use a magnificent way to the heart of a passion - presenting elite gifts. Emphasize how dear the recipient is to you and give him an unexpected VIP surprise - then all that remains is to enjoy the result.

“At 40, life is just beginning,” which means it’s time to give your beloved man truly unexpected and valuable gifts that will emphasize his success, significance and irreplaceability in your life. Exclusive VIP gifts for mature men are a pleasant gesture from an intelligent and truly wise woman.

Don't know what to give your man? It's simple! You just need to carefully read five useful recommendations from psychologists and experts in the field of choosing ideal gifts and your man will appreciate your sincere efforts. Praise and admire, and choose only the highest quality and most valuable gifts for the most valuable people!

When presenting a souvenir to a guest of our country, do not forget that your gift will be associated with this pleasant visit by a foreigner for many years. Give only exquisite themed gifts with a national theme that will leave a positive impression and become a worthy souvenir.

Your man collects stamps, coins or car models! This is great because you have an important hint when choosing a gift. Delve into the interests of your man and please him with truly important and valuable gifts that will be a pleasant surprise and will strengthen your relationship.

What points should you consider when choosing an expensive gift for a loved one? Age and interests, profession and hobbies, desires and goals - all this will help you choose an elite item that will delight even the most reserved and unemotional representative of the stronger sex.

Elite VIP gifts for men

In the 2000s, a common premium gift was elite alcohol purchased in boutiques and Duty Free stores. However, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the relegation of alcohol to the status of some banality have done their job - finding something original as a gift has become not easy. But we are solving this problem! You can buy VIP gifts for wealthy men from us, choosing the right ones from a huge assortment.

If you are choosing a gift for a rich man with whom you have exclusively business relations, then pay attention to:

  • LED paintings;
  • elegant sculptures and figurines of Italian masters;
  • aristocratic sets and desktop weather stations;
  • chess and other respectable board games;
  • handmade bound books.

The main thing in a gift is originality and exclusivity. In the online store “Gifts-HERE” you can find a stylish, original, solid gift for a man for a reasonable price. A person with a delicate taste will appreciate elegant tea and coffee pairs and wall decorations. The original will love computer gadgets, souvenirs painted like Khokhloma, or a skillfully crafted slingshot. Interior paintings and clocks, handmade household utensils, sculptures and figurines made from natural materials are popular.

Are you having trouble choosing a VIP gift? Contact our consultants. They know the assortment of the online store very well and will offer several interesting gifts according to your wishes. All you have to do is make a choice and wait for the courier to visit at the appointed time.