Marcasite to whom suits the sign of the zodiac. The mystery of marcasite - from antiquity to the present day

The selection of precious stones for jewelry or as amulets, amulets is a rather responsible and serious matter. You need to know well which minerals suit your zodiac sign, whether they correspond to your birthday, what properties they have in themselves and how they will affect your character, actions, mood, health. Moreover, if you are going to wear a new dress in an ensemble with other gems, the question is again: do the stones combine, what properties activate each other. To make it easier for you to navigate the world of gems, let's talk about some of its representatives. Namely, about marcasite.

To people who are far from mineralogy and geology, this name says little - marcasite. The stone is not among the "star", not as well known as diamonds, rubies, emeralds. However, when we hear the combination “radiant pyrites”, we immediately nod our heads knowingly: how, we know! Indeed, the unique deposits of "drop silver" (so poetically nicknamed the nugget for its silvery-metallic radiance) were found in the Urals quite a long time ago - back in the 19th century. In the 20th, it began to be intensively mined for industrial purposes. According to the chemical composition, marcasite stone is iron sulfide; in some of its samples there are impurities of arsenic, bismuth, copper, giving the mineral various color shades. If pyrite is heated, it will begin to emit distinct sulfur fumes. Specifically, this feature was noticed in the East. In the same place, from the Persians and Arabs, the mineral got its name: "marcasite" - "stone of sulfur", "sulfur substance".

Jewelry processing

In its raw form, iron sulfide nuggets are green, grey-yellow, reddish, and black, and are not particularly remarkable. However, in bright sunlight or electric light, the stone begins to “play”: sparkle, shimmer, showing the amazing beauty and heritage of colors. These properties are valuable for jewelers marcasite. Although the stone is fragile, it requires special subtleties in processing and care in handling, but it looks very profitable in jewelry. Especially in a silver frame, harmonic to him in brilliance. It's great if you come across marcasite products in combination with carnelian, agate or turquoise. Not only is such a complete set successful in itself - each mineral effectively emphasizes and sets off the advantages of the other. It is also profitable in terms of the esoteric, occult.

Astrological parameters

It is clear that not every lover of cabochons (such is the traditional cut of pyrites) is suitable for this gem. Who is shown to wear a marcasite stone? What sign of the zodiac suits him mostly? Astronomers believe that Aries and Scorpios can decorate themselves with a gem first. It is also shown to Sagittarius, Leo. The energy of the Sun and Pluto (radiance and sulfur, Light and the Underworld) made the mineral the strongest occult object, which can do a lot. Therefore, it suits, first of all, enterprising, extraordinary people, with a flexible mind, steel will and, oddly enough, the highest aesthetic demands. And these, of course, are representatives of fiery symbols. Well, the esthete Scorpio, of course! After all, the conjunction of these planets occurs just in the sector of this constellation.

magical properties

Speaking about the role of the mineral in magic, one cannot help but recall another, very indicative of its name: “Inca stone”. According to ancient Indian legends, when a huge mirror was polished from a very rare in size - large - nugget, it reflected the supreme god of this wise, talented people. Since then, it has been considered a magical marcasite stone (properties). The symbol of the Zodiac, corresponding to the mineral, is endowed with great magical power. But specifically in occult matters, it is better to use it for a dedicated person, a master. And in everyday life, astronomers advise representatives of extreme professions, associated with a risk to life, to have a piece of pyrite with them. These are military personnel, representatives of law enforcement agencies, sailors, pilots, firefighters, researchers, athletes, etc. There is even a saying: “Do you want a bullet not to hit you? Zashey marcasite in a bulletproof vest! Its magical properties protect a person from danger, protect against threats of violent death and accidents. However, the gem makes considerable demands on its owner.

Related energetics

People of an apathetic temperament, lazy and weak-willed Oblomovs, it’s better not to try to “tame” him. The mineral will push them to acts rash, adventurous, fraught with very unpleasant consequences. And for the restless adventurers (in the best sense of the word), for the Don Quixotes, thirsting for exploits, with their heroic goals, marcasite seems to have been created. The magical properties of the stone are fully manifested specifically when “communicating” with such a person. They have practically related energy, so the mineral can serve as an excellent assistant to its owner. It should be activated on the 21st lunar day.

Medical indicators

What other useful properties do marcasite products exhibit? The stone helps to cleanse the body at different levels: physical, energetic, spiritual. Ancient healers noticed such a unique property. If a person with fractures, wounds on the body, burns puts on a ring with pyrites, then the healing will go much faster and more painlessly, the restoration and renewal of tissues will take even less time. And even the scars will be completely invisible. There are legends that Cleopatra herself highly valued marcasite. Drip silver was one of her favorite pieces of jewelry, and it was to this stone that she owed her remarkable beauty and youth. Astrominerologists do not dispute the rumors - they are well aware of the unique qualities of the gem. In lithotherapy, he enjoys great respect due to his ability to restore hormonal balance, give the body a good-quality nourishment, and normalize all internal processes. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, powdered marcasite was used to treat contagious eye and skin diseases, warts were removed. It was advised to wear a stone to everyone who has a weak immune system, rapid fatigue. Golden samples of pyrite helped to cope with depression, blues, melancholy.

It's curious

As a jewelry ornamental stone, marcasite has been used since the time of old civilizations. We talked about Cleopatra, but long before this queen ascended the throne of Egypt, pyrite was known as a beautiful gem. The leaders of the tribes and the rulers of entire nations adorned themselves with it, they presented it to the gods as an expiatory sacrifice or a gift in order to achieve the grace of heaven. The “Inca stone” became especially popular in the Middle Ages and beyond. It even competed with diamonds and was cut exactly like the king of jewels - in the shape of a rose. Pyrite inlay flaunted on gold and silver items: buckles, pendants, pendants, men's and ladies' rings, earrings and many other luxury and everyday items. The fashion for a frame to a stone changed: then it was made of gold and silver, then steel and steel. But the elegance, originality of jewelry remained the hallmark of the mineral. And one more thing we forgot to mention: marcasite is a stone that brings good luck!

Marcasite is a common mineral, iron sulfide. Depending on impurities (copper, arsenic, thallium, etc.), it may have a different color and structure.

When polished, it shines very brightly, and can be used as a substitute for diamonds. It is used in silver jewelry, unusual jewelry with graphite-colored dots-stones is obtained. The success of the stone lies in the beauty and quality that exceeds the price.

History of the mineral

Marcasite they began to call it a separate mineral in 1845, before that the difference between it and pyrite and pyrite was not noticed. In Arabic, the name of the mineral means "fire stone".

The first marcasites were found in the tombs of the Incas. This mineral was used in jewelry, mirrors from it participated in rituals dedicated to the god of the Sun, fortune-telling and predictions were made from it.

The Indians believed that in polished marcasite one can see the soul of a person from the inside. Polished pyrite was considered a stone of power, it was actively used by healers.

Because of its dark color, marcasite is considered a masculine stone, however, Cleopatra and Empress Maria Feodorovna loved it very much. Both women said that he rejuvenates and gives strength.

In nature, marcasite is often found, so almost every nation has mentions of jewelry with it. At the beginning of the 18th century in Switzerland, diamonds were replaced with polished stones, so that the nobility, who was not allowed to wear diamonds, could be content with an equivalent replacement.

Marcasite is similar not only to diamonds. During the gold rush, this mineral was often mistaken for gold nuggets, for which it received the nicknames "fool's gold" and "dog gold", a little later the name "drop silver" appeared.

Before the gold rush, alchemists were also deceived by gold snag. Although they proved that marcasite is not gold, amulets with this stone were considered mentors.

Marcasite jewelry looked more expensive than its price. When properly cut, it cannot be distinguished from a diamond, which is what scammers and honest jewelers used. In Venice, this mineral was everywhere in jewelry: in earrings, on dresses and handbags, on necklaces, hairpins, brooches, etc.

Pyrite is still popular today. An entire jewelry industry is creating jewelry with this stone! Most often it can be found in vintage jewelry or art deco.

How is marcasite mined?

The largest deposits of marcasite are in South America. Today it is mined in England, the USA (Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois), Germany, France, Mexico, Peru, Russia (Middle Urals) and the Czech Republic.

Marcasite is mined along with iron ore and precious metals. There are nuggets, but sometimes it is mined from processed raw materials.

Marcasite differs from pyrite and radiant pyrites in the following characteristics:

  • Has a metallic sheen. The edges are radiant, shimmering more in natural light.
  • Sulfuric smell when turning. In pyrite and pyrites it is less pronounced.
  • The color is dark. Depending on impurities, it can have different shades: with copper - a lanuno-yellow tint, with excessive gray - golden, with arsenic and antimony it shines more, and the shine is lighter, silvery.

A stepped fracture gives the following properties:

  • Spear-shaped crystals. In radiant pyrite they are close to a square, in pyrite they are arbitrary quadrangles.
  • Rhombic structure. Others are cubic.
  • Fragile and unstable. With improper storage and processing, it quickly decomposes, blackens silver. Pyrite is more hard.

Pyrite is difficult to store. It is used as a raw material in the production of sulfuric acid. Without proper treatment, the sulfur and mineral is released, oxidized and begins to corrode the box. If you store the raw mineral in a humid environment, marcasite quickly decomposes into iron oxides (rust) and sulfuric acid.

Medicinal properties

Pyrite is used in both folk and scientifically recognized medicine.

Marcasite will help to cope with the following ailments:

  • Tumor;
  • Edema;
  • Ulcer;
  • Eye diseases, including conjunctivitis.

The most useful in medical practice are marcasites of a golden hue, which contain a lot of sulfur.

Here are the properties of marcasite in crushed form:

  • wound healing;
  • Purification of the blood;
  • Establishing the functionality of the spleen;
  • Getting rid of moles, birthmarks, age pigmentation, freckles, papillomas.

It is no secret that color has its own healing properties. The dark shade of marcasite calms and makes a person balanced.

Psychologists find pyrite jewelry useful in the treatment of the following disorders:

  • Increased excitability;
  • Depression;
  • Manic states;
  • Unbalance, a sharp change of mood.

magical properties

Like any stone known to man since ancient times, marcasite has its own magical properties, namely:

  • Marcasite beads and rosaries protect children from the evil eye;
  • The stone can only be worn by strong personalities. Marcasite makes people weak in spirit even weaker, and obeys the strong and helps in all endeavors;
  • Even among the Incas, marcasite, a ring with marcasite was considered a protector from violent death;
  • Marcasite is advised to be sewn into clothes for people with dangerous professions: stuntmen, pilots, rescuers - in order to protect themselves from industrial injuries;
  • According to Cleopatra, a bracelet with marcasite can rejuvenate;
  • The mineral pushes lazy people and aggressors to bad rash deeds. May, in this case, be used as an evil eye;
  • Due to the strong energy, even strong personalities are not recommended to wear more than three days in a row.

Silver jewelry with marcasite

Silver jewelry with this stone is very unusual. Drop silver in such jewelry is drop-shaped minerals.

The most popular are jewelry with small stones, scattering, spread over the metal. In addition to the paws, jewelers use a special glue to fix them, which gives a special shine.

Despite the cheapness, marcasite is combined with expensive minerals, it is appropriate with both semi-precious and ornamental, and precious stones. Marcasite is loved in all jewelry houses, so there are so many jewelry with it and combinations with other stones.

Combinations with semi-precious and ornamental stones:

  • Nacre;
  • Pearl;
  • Turquoise;
  • Fionite;
  • Zircon;
  • Ruby (usually combined with pink shades of ruby).

With precious:

  • emeralds;
  • Beryls.

Additionally combined with Swarovski crystals and jewelry enamel. Oh, you can read it here.

The following decorations are made with marcasite:

  • Sets of earrings, pendants, rings;
  • Brooches;
  • cufflinks;
  • Hairpins;
  • Tiaras;
  • Combs;
  • Bracelets;
  • Watch;
  • Piercing.

Drip silver marcasite is very much loved in fashion houses. Shine and cheapness allow you to make large jewelry with inlay. The most popular jewelry with this mineral in non-jewelry fashion houses are brooches and inlaid bag handles, mostly reticules, massive rings are not uncommon.

Brooches and rings are made in the form of animals, most often elephants, cats, lizards and insects, owls. Insects are mostly butterflies and dragonflies, whose heads and bodies are dark marcasite, and whose wings are Swarovski crystals or other minerals. Ornate patterns and motifs are laid out on the metal fasteners of the reticules.

Why is such a cheap, albeit beautiful, stone combined with precious stones? Because marcasite in jewelry processing is wear-resistant, does not blacken silver, does not crumble and does not tarnish with time. In combination with precious stones, it helps to open up a more expensive mineral, sets it off and shows it from the best side. In combination with transparent stones, marcasite acts as the main decoration.

Since marcasite - mineral male, in appropriate jewelry, it is used quite often. Most often on a man you can see a seal ring with marcasite or cufflinks.

Depending on income, cufflinks can be diamonds or zircons, although more often pyrite is found on its own. The shape of the cufflinks is a square or a circle, less often more complex shapes. On the watch, inlay is only on the dial under glass or on the frame.

There are much more marcasites on women's watches. Neat women's watches can have a strap completely encrusted with marcasite and other stones. The decoration is expensive, but it can be worn both in a business setting and on going out.

Lead-laced marcasite is often used in conjunction with Swarovski crystals. Due to lead, a cold metallic luster appears, which is enhanced by the brilliance of crystals. Earrings, necklaces, celebrity clothes are decorated with such a set of stones.

marcasite cost

Marcasite is easy and inexpensive to buy, although it is rare in nature. The stone is one and a half cm in diameter about 400 rubles.

Marcasite with radiant pyrite (a variety with a radiant structure, a rather fragile and rare mineral) will be much more expensive - decorations will cost in 2000 or more rubles . Much of the value of the jewelry will depend on the fineness of the silver.

Who suits?

A dark stone in a light frame suits people with pale skin, hair color in this case is not important.

Jewelry with graphite marcasite goes to girls of a cold color type, with a golden tint - a warm color type, and brownish stones suit red and chocolate-blond. Jewelry with this mineral should be purchased by those who love variety: marcasite looks different every time.

If earrings are chosen, then you need to take into account the shape of the head and the dimensions of the neck:

  • Long dangling earrings are well suited for ladies with a long neck; We bring to your attention an article about, here.
  • Women with a massive short neck need to choose short oblong earrings;
  • An oval face will suit any shape of earrings;
  • A triangular face goes with triangular earrings, but with the top facing the more massive part of the face;
  • The round face is matched by elongated earrings;
  • Square oval - rounded earrings.

If you choose jewelry for the neck, then you also need to consider the proportions. Large pendants weigh down the figure and are suitable only for thin ones, small ones on a thin chain are also appropriate for thin ones. Ladies in the body should choose oblong narrow pendants.

The stone is considered male. Men wear earrings with inlaid small stones and seal rings.

Marcasite and the signs of the zodiac

The mineral is patronized by Mars and Neptune, it is from these planets that he received his great strength. The Incas and the alchemists said that this stone affects fate like no other.

Astrologers do not argue with this, advised to wear it to Scorpio and Aries, signs with strong energy, which is difficult to direct in the right direction.

Best of all, jewelry with marcasite will suit the fiery and earthy signs of the zodiac, you need to be on your guard for air signs, and it’s better to refuse water signs altogether.

And Cancers, soft and good-natured natures, cruel strong marcasite will ruin life, it is contraindicated for these signs. According to the Eastern horoscope, marcasite does not affect people born in different years in any way.

Marcasite is a stone with a very interesting history. With it, our ancestors carved fire. It was used to make weapons. Kings and noble persons shone in exquisite jewelry made from this mineral. Alchemists believed that gold could be obtained from it, and often used it in their experiments.

In medieval Europe, expensive diamonds were replaced with this mineral. Another name for marcasite is drop silver.

But this stone has nothing to do with silver. Marcasite - also known as radiant pyrites - is a natural variety of iron pyrites (iron disulfide).

Marcasite has a pronounced metallic luster. The color of the mineral is yellow with a pinkish, gray, greenish, in rare cases black, tint. When oxidized, the surface of the mineral sparkles in the sun with iridescent tints.

Marcasite may contain impurities of various metals. This does not affect its properties in any way, but it can affect its appearance.

This stone is used to make jewelry, but craftsmen do not like to work with it due to its natural fragility. Nevertheless, marcasite products are in great demand, including among collectors.

Marcasites in silver or white gold look the most elegant; for the manufacture of jewelry, a cupronickel or steel frame is used.

The magical properties of marcasite

Marcasite, thanks to its magical and healing properties, has gained fame among shamans and psychics. It is often used in magical rituals. The mineral has powerful protective properties. Amulets and talismans are made from it.

Marcasite is a stone with a masculine character. For men, the stone gives strength, confidence, courage and endurance. At the same time, marcasite has long been known as a talisman for children. Beads from it were put on a child or hung over a crib to protect the baby from the evil eye.

Marcasite was popular with Empress Maria Feodorovna herself. She did not part with this mineral, considering it her good luck charm. It is also known that Cleopatra wore marcasite to preserve her beauty and youth.

Marcasite stone is able to give the owner energy, harmonize his life, relieve stress. This mineral has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and mental state of a person.

A charge of vivacity, positive energy and good mood - a stone can literally kindle an inner fire and melt a cold heart.

However, the main thing is not to overdo it with this fire, otherwise marcasite will make you overly excitable and hyperactive. Therefore, it is recommended to wear marcasite jewelry and talismans for no more than three days in a row.

The stone has good protective properties and is a reliable amulet against attacks, accidents and energy attacks on a person.

It is also worth noting that this amazing mineral is very selective and capricious. He does not like neighborhood with other minerals, and is also demanding of the owner. The stone will fully reveal its magical properties only to a kind and open person. Marcasite bestows its strength and energy on such an owner.

The healing properties of the stone

Marcasite is one of the healing stones and is respected among lithotherapists. In ancient times, powder from this mineral was used to heal wounds. It is effective for skin diseases such as ulcers, boils, papillomas and warts.

Marcasite has healing power when exposed to diseased spleen. The stone has a positive effect on the entire body, cleansing the blood and stopping inflammation. Powder from it is effective in the treatment of tumors.

With nervous exhaustion or depression, it will help restore strength, harmonize the internal state, and even out the emotional background. The mineral helps to cope with poor health, weakness and loss of strength.

It is indispensable for workaholics who exhaust themselves with work, as well as for people engaged in heavy physical labor and people whose work is associated with increased risk and danger to life.

Who suits marcasite according to the zodiac sign

Marcasite has tremendous miraculous power. And this is no accident. After all, the astrological patrons of this mineral are Mars and Neptune. Astrologers believe that marcasite can change the vector of fate, but its effect does not apply to all signs of the zodiac.

Table 1. Marcasite compatibility with zodiac signs

Marcasite is perfect for Aries, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Those born under these zodiac signs can safely use marcasite as a good luck charm.

But Pisces and Cancers should refrain from contact with this stone - it can harm them.

Marcasite is neutral to other signs, so they can also use the beneficial properties of this mineral.

Fluorite Chalcosine Chalcopyrite, etc.

Marcasite is a common mineral, sulfide, one of the polymorphic varieties of natural iron sulfide. Obsolete Syn. - "radiant pyrite".

Content (in%): Fe- 46.6; S - 53.4; trace amounts of arsenic, antimony, cobalt, thallium, bismuth, and copper are present.
Slightly soluble in HCl, and in HNO3 - with great difficulty. In air, it tends to decompose (the faster and more intensively, the greater the humidity of the air) with the formation of iron sulfates and the release of H2SO4, which quickly decomposes also the accompanying sulfides and carbonates. In conditions of oxygen deficiency, when marcasite is destroyed, native sulfur can also be formed.

Main diagnostic features:
In aggregates and with a nonspecific form of crystals, the mineral marcasite is outwardly indistinguishable from pyrite. For example, a radial-radiant cake, which the Americans call "Dollar", or black sooty masses. Often nodules offered to collectors as marcasite are pyrite or mixed (with marcasite tending towards the outer layer).
Other minerals that are easily confused with marcasite differ from it in the following ways:
chalcopyrite - less hardness (3.5-4) and more intense yellow color;
cobaltin - less hardness (3.5) and a different form of crystals (like pyrite);
pyrrhotite - less hardness (3.5-4.5) and darker color;
gold - with a lower hardness (2.5-3) and a yellow line.

It crystallizes from slightly acidic solutions under reducing conditions, usually at lower temperatures than pyrite. Formed in hydrothermal deposits along with pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and other sulfides; often replaces pyrite and pyrrhotite in the oxidation zone of sulfide ores. In sedimentary rocks, it is distributed mainly in the form of nodules in limestones, coal-bearing sandy-argillaceous deposits, in clay shales and in marine clays.
Place of Birth

Marcasite is much rarer than pyrite and, unlike pyrite, never forms large deposits in the form of solid ores. In small quantities, it is widely distributed in sedimentary rocks in many regions of Russia, for example, coal-bearing deposits of the Moscow Brown Coal Basin in the Tula Region. and the Kuri-Kamenskoye and Troitse-Bainovskoye argillaceous deposits east of Yekaterinburg. Of the hydrothermal deposits, the Blyavinsky deposit (Orenburg region, South Urals) is distinguished by the largest amount of marcasite, where it occurs in the form of sporadically distributed fine-crystalline aggregates in paragenesis with quartz, pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and wurtzite. Well-formed large crystals were found in hydrothermal deposits in Germany (the Clausthal and Freiberg deposits).

Used along with pyrite to produce sulfuric acid. Medieval alchemists used the term "marcasitae" to refer to pyrite and sulfur compounds in general. France in the 18th and 19th centuries faceted pyrite as inserts in cheap jewelry was sold under the name "marcasite", but they learned to distinguish between marcasite and pyrite only in the 19th century. In Prussia, during the Napoleonic Wars of 1813-1814, instead of donated jewelry made of precious metals and stones to equip the troops, ladies were given iron ones, often signed “Gold gab ich fur Eisen, 1813” (“Changed gold for iron, 1813”). And inserts of pyrite, called "marcasite", due to their bright color and metallic luster, served as a suitable addition to such decorations, giving them a kind of exquisite flavor. It took root, and subsequently the fashion for such jewelry arose in France, from where it spread throughout the world. The material that is used in jewelry is pyrite, as it would be more correct to call it.

Today, marcasite is also highly valued. One of the museums in Paris has a mirror made from this unusual material.

Marcasite is a stone for those who do not like monotony. This is due to the fact that this mineral changes its shade under the influence of light, i.e. marcasite looks different under different lighting conditions.

In the jewelry industry, it is used very often. It is framed most often with silver. With gold and other precious metals, this stone is combined with rare exceptions. The mineral is widely used in the manufacture of pendants, earrings, rings. Bracelets are not often made from marcasite because of its fragility.

Marcasite is also used in the manufacture of expensive souvenirs, which can be very different in shape.

Mineral properties

  • Origin of name: Arabic or Moorish name, from pyrite and similar pyrites of uncertain origin.
  • Opening year: known since ancient times
  • Thermal properties: P. tr. on coal, it burns with a blue flame, releasing SO2 and turning into red Fe2O3. In the restoration flame fuses into a dark magnetic ball In closed. tr. gives sublimation S and residue FeS
  • IM status: valid, first described before 1959 (before IMA)
  • Typical impurities: Cu,As
  • Strunz (8th edition): 2/D.20-10
  • Hey's CIM Ref.: 3.9.4
  • Dana (7th edition):
  • Dana (8th edition):
  • Molecular weight: 119.98
  • Cell options: a = 4.436Å, b = 5.414Å, c = 3.381Å
  • Attitude: a:b:c = 0.819: 1: 0.624
  • Number of formula units (Z): 2
  • Unit cell volume: V 81.20 ų
  • Twinning: usually on (101) - cockscomb, less often on (011)
  • Dot group: mmm (2/m 2/m 2/m) - Dipyramidal
  • Spatial group: Pnnm
  • Density (calculated): 4.875
  • Density (measured): 4.887
  • Pleochroism: strong
  • Type of: anisotropic
  • Optical anisotropy: strong, yellow to green
  • Color in reflected light: creamy white, light yellowish white
  • Selection form: occurs in the form of tabular, short-columnar, dipyramidal, spear-shaped, needle-shaped crystals. The main simple forms: (101), (110), (010), (130), (111), (100) and others. Comb intergrowths are known that arise as a result of multiple twinning. Aggregates of the mineral are radially radiant, reniform; powdery (black plaques), pseudomorphs according to org. remnants
  • Classes according to the systematics of the USSR: Sulfides
  • Chemical formula: FeS 2
  • Syngony: rhombic
  • Color: Bronze, brassy yellow (may have a greenish tint) to almost white when freshly chipped. Marcasite is characterized by a tint of red-yellow-blue.
  • Dash color: black
  • Shine: metal
  • Transparency: opaque
  • Cleavage: average over (101)
  • Break: uneven stepped
  • Hardness: 6
  • Fragility: Yes

Photo of the mineral

Related Articles

  • Marcasite or radiant pyrites
    When struck, marcasite smells of sulfur and emits sparks. Often you can see a brownish crust of oxidation and weathering on it.

Deposits of the mineral Marcasite

  • Belorechenskoye field
  • Russia
  • Republic of Adygea

Marcasite is a particularly interesting stone that looks spectacular in silver jewelry. Miniature minerals sparkling in bulk have been decorating rings, bracelets and earrings with their radiance for several millennia. In some cultures, this stone outshines even the purest diamonds.

At its core, it is nothing more than iron sulfide, which crystallizes into diamonds. In some varieties of marcasite there are impurities of bismuth, copper, arsenic. When the mineral is heated, sulfur vapor begins to come out of it, which determined its name (marcasite in Arabic is a sulfur stone).

A bit of history

Until 1814, not one, but two minerals were called marcasite. These were the marcasite itself. But the Australian explorer Wilhelm Haidinger gave the world the difference between these stones. Marcasite has another name - radiant pyrites. Its mineral was obtained due to its brass color. The stone is also called drop silver (in commerce and jewelry), although marcasite has nothing to do with this metal.

Our distant ancestors used marcasite to make fire, so the stone gained popularity in the weapon business. And the inhabitants of Europe often replaced diamonds with marcasite.

Deposits and types

Products and decorations made of marcasite

Due to the ability of the stone to change its shades, it has gained wide popularity among those who do not like monotony. Indeed, in different light, the same decoration will look completely different.

When making jewelry from marcasite, it is often combined with onyx. Silver is often used as a frame for the mineral; more precious metals are used extremely rarely. The most harmonious stone looks in pendants, earrings and pendants. Since marcasite is very fragile, rings and bracelets are made from it much less frequently.

The drop structure of the material contributes to the manufacture of funny animals, fish and plants from it. A variety of snakes and lizards sparkle and shimmer in the bright rays of the sun. Today, marcasite is at the height of fashion, thanks to the fact that it is able to give any piece of jewelry the height of elegance and grace.

In stores you can find marcasite products for any, the most demanding, taste:

  • Rings. Marcasite in combination with turquoise in silver can cost from 1000 rubles, in combination with chrysoprase a little more expensive. And if the mineral is combined with cultured pearls, then prices will start from 1500 rubles. and higher. If black onyx or malachite was used in the manufacture of the ring, then such an ornament can cost from 4,000 rubles.
  • A pendant in a combination of marcasite and onyx will cost 2,700 rubles. and higher.
  • A marcasite and garnet brooch costs from 3,500 rubles, if enamel and turquoise are used as an insert, then such a brooch costs about 1,000 cheaper.
  • Silver earrings with chrysoprase and enamel + marcasite will cost 3500 rubles. and higher. And massive earrings with large marcasite cost from 4,000 rubles.
  • Marcasite bracelets cost from 3500 rubles.
  • You can also buy a watch for 15-20 thousand rubles, as well as all kinds of cufflinks, tie clips, hairpins, combs, etc.

But be careful when buying jewelry from this mineral. Under the marcasite (or drop silver) brand, there is a good chance to buy pyrite, as it is somewhat stronger and easier to work with. And outwardly they are very similar.

The magical properties of marcasite

925 sterling silver ring with marcasite and agate

It is believed that marcasite can serve its owner in good stead. It gives a powerful charge of positive energy. The stone is able to open only to a person with positive thoughts and mood. The stone will protect such an owner from adversity and problems and give him self-confidence. The mineral clearly favors hardworking people, regardless of their occupation. For those whose professional activities are directly related to the risk to life, astrologers strongly recommend that you carry a small piece of pyrite with you. If there is a threat of an accident or violent death, such a talisman will also come in handy here.

Marcasite has a very beneficial effect on the nervous state of children. It is even considered a children's talisman. If at birth a child was presented with an amulet with this stone, then the baby is not afraid of either the evil eye or the negative influence of ill-wishers. In the Middle Ages, alchemists very often used this stone, they believed that its magical properties would help them reach their intended goal.

But pyrites cannot be worn for more than three days, otherwise the owner's excessive emotionality, which marcasite endows him with, will begin to be harmful. He does not really like the mineral and the neighborhood of his own kind. People with hypersensitivity should not wear this stone at all, as it can give rise to negative qualities in them. If a person has a good heart and an open soul, then he is recommended to wear a marcasite talisman. And for natures who are characterized by apathy and laziness, it is better not to acquire it. Marcasite can push such people to rash actions.

Medicinal properties

In addition to magic, the stone also has healing properties. It is believed that he is able to save a person from stress and depression, from some eye diseases, from pain in the joints and muscles. There is a claim that the stone promotes the healing of wounds and abscesses. And marcasite powder treats tumors and inflammation.

People suffering from skin and peptic ulcers are advised to wear a pyrite amulet. It is indispensable for nervous exhaustion and general malaise. Stones of a golden hue have pronounced healing properties.

Compatibility of the mineral according to the horoscope

Silver pendant with marcasite and agate stones.

The mineral received its amazing power thanks to the patron planets, which are Mars and Neptune. There is an opinion among mystics that the stone is able to change people's destinies.

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