Extracurricular event on the theme: "Neptune's Day at the health camp." Neptune Day: how to organize a fun holiday in a summer camp Educational event Neptune Day

Summer is in full swing. This means that you can now swim in a warm river and bask on the sand on the beach. And in the summer we celebrate the wonderful and fun party- Neptune's day. Water competitions for the Neptune Day holiday will help you organize a bright and interesting day. All guests will be happy to play and have fun. And then Neptune, the god of water, will be favorable to you and smile at you.

Competition 1.
Let's start with a simple competition. Participants are divided into several teams. Near each team there is an empty jar with a volume of, for example, 1 liter. There are buckets of water at a distance of five meters from each team. Each team has one sponge. At the leader’s command, the first team members run to the bucket, dip a sponge into it and run to their jar. They squeeze water from a sponge into a jar. Then they give the sponge to the second participant, and he does the same. And so on until one team succeeds first, that is, fills the jar completely.

Competition 2.
Now you need a teapot and a cup. Place the kettle and cup on the table, and pour water into the kettle. The participant approaches the teapot and blows into it. And he blows so that the water “flies” through the kettle’s pipe into the cup. See the picture below:

The winner will be the one who either fills the cup in this way, or the one who can pour the most water into the cup this way.

Competition 3.
The next competition is not a team competition. Here everyone plays for himself. First, each participant makes his own paper boat. He can paint it in his own colors and write a name on it.
Then on the water (you spend Neptune’s day by a river or lake) we place two buoys: start and finish. You need balloons, and tie small stones to their ropes.
First stage of the competition:
Each participant takes turns launching their ships from start to finish. That is, when the boat is at the start, then at the command of the leader you need to blow on your boat so that it floats forward. And we time each participant.
Second stage of the competition:
Then we all put all the boats together at the start. At the command of the leader, participants must “push” the water with their palms so that their ships float. At the same time, waves will come that will shoot down other people's ships. And whoever can lead his ship to the finish line first is the winner.
Here you can reward two winners in stages. Or you can count the points, and whoever has the most is the winner. That is, for 1st place 10 points, for 2nd place 9 points and so on. Then add up the points for the two stages of the competition and determine the winner.

Competition 4.
Each team has 3 people. All teams enter the water at the same distance, for example, waist-deep. All participants stand with their backs to the shore. At the command of the leader, team members must turn around and run to the sandy shore. On the sandy shore, two participants must “bury” the third member of their team in the sand. The teams choose who to “bury” themselves. Whichever team completed it faster won.
Bury the entire body, except the head, as usual.

Competition 5.
For this competition you need ropes and rubber cylinders or lifebuoys. We tie the ropes to cylinders or circles. There are two people in the team. One sits on a balloon or circle, and the second takes the rope in his hands. At the command of the leader, the participants who have the ropes in their hands must walk, run, or do something else to drag the second participant, who is sitting on the balloon, behind them. Whoever can reach the finish line first wins.

Competition 6.
This competition is held in the same way as the previous one. There will just be no finish line. Two teams face each other. At the command of the leader, they begin to get closer. And when they get close, those participants who are sitting on the cylinders must “grab” in a fight and throw each other into the water. If one participant falls, then the second is the winner. If both fell or neither fell, then it’s a draw. After each team has “fought” each other, the total number of points is calculated: 1 point for a victory. Half a point for a draw. Whichever team has more points wins.

SCENARIO “Day of Neptune”

Ved: In the underwater kingdom,
In a maritime state
The king of the sea lived at the bottom of the sea.
I wasn't bored without anything to do
He cleans the crown with sand and rocks the ships.
And every year at the bottom of the sea,
He was throwing a ball.
Sea guests from all latitudes,
He invited me to the holiday.

Water: Hello, dear surface and underwater inhabitants! Today we have a holiday in the Underwater Kingdom - the Water State. Do you know in honor of whom?

It is he who threatens at sea,

Drives waves in the open air.

Sinks ships in the abyss,

Hoards treasures for no reason.

Who is this? That's right - King Neptune.

Ved :

The blue wave is fading in the distance,

We came ashore and called Neptune.

Come out of the cold depths quickly!

Cheerful and friendly people have gathered here,

I am looking forward to this meeting with you.

Hey, you, formidable Neptune, king of lakes and seas,

We are looking forward to it, come out soon!


Hello, beautiful girls!

Hello, good fellows!

Today the water has spread widely,

Today she has risen high.

And my subjects, pranksters,

They asked us to arrange a holiday for you.

Yes, the holiday is not simple,

And the real one, sea.

I, Neptune, as it should be, according to tradition, once a year, on a hot summer day, came to people to greet those who love water and know its inhabitants well.

Game "Crawls, swims, flies"

Ved: (explains the rules of the game)

Neptune names animals, birds, fish, insects. Children must perform certain movements: crawling - stomping their feet, swimming - moving their arms, flying - waving their arms.

Neptune: Well done kids, you know everything. Do you know why my youngest daughter is sad?

Children's answers.


And I don't know.Share your grief with me, beautiful girl. Why are you sad? Tell me, maybe I can help you.

Youngest daughter:

Ah, father. And I’m ashamed to say that. And will you forgive me? I didn’t keep my word - to keep your gift, the pearl necklace. A thin thread broke, and pearls scattered along the bottom of the sea. How can I look for and collect them?


Don't be sad, daughter. I will help you in your grief in any way I can. Children, will you help me collect pearls formy daughter's necklaces?

Ved:( explains the rules of the game)

Game "Find the Pearl".

Teams collect pearls. (You can take nuts and wrap them in foil.) Pearls are scattered throughout the area.

All collected pearls are given to Neptune's youngest daughter.

Youngest daughter:

- Thank you very much, dear kids! I'm very glad that I have the necklace again. For your help, I want to give you a gift - “Sweet Pearls”.

Hands out round candies wrapped in foil to everyone.

Neptune: - And you, eldest daughter, are you sad?
Eldest daughter:

Don't be angry, dear father. I lost the magic box that was decorated with starfish. I swam ashore to admire my jewelry, they shine so beautifully in the sun. A wave came and carried the box out to sea.

Neptune: - There is no reason to be upset, look at the helpers gathered here. They will definitely help you.

Ved: (explains the rules of the game)

Game “Gathering starfish .

From plastic bottles cut out starfish. Glue a piece of plasticine to one side and lower it to the bottom of the basin. The basin is filled with water. The participant needs to take the star, put it in the bucket, and pass it to the next participant.

After completing the game, all the stars are given to Neptune's eldest daughter.

Eldest daughter:

- Thank you. I want to thank you for your work. (Gives medals - stars)

Kikimora exit

Water: But, Kikimora, well done for coming, today is a holiday. Neptune's day.

Kikimora: Oh, I didn’t even notice Neptune. Well, hello, King Neptune!

Neptune: Hello, hello, Kikimora! Why did you come to play pranks?

Kikimora: What are you saying, Neptune, no, today I’m just a beauty, everyone will like me. I brought you a bag, I don’t know what’s in it, it was lying under a tree stump.

Water: Come on, I'll help you untie it.

Kikimora: Wait, I'll let you open the bag if you guess my riddles. Do you agree?

“Mysterious” (Kikimora)


He is the king of the sea,
Ocean sovereign,
He is the keeper of treasures at the bottom
And the ruler of the mermaids. (Neptune)

So that there is no trouble,

We cannot live without... (Water)

She lives in the water

There is no beak, but it pecks. (Fish)

The palace floats on the waves,

People are lucky on themselves. (Ship)

Here the expanses of the ocean are plowed by a mountain with a fountain.

The tail beats, the water boils. Swims by... (whale)

It soared above the wave in an arc, its black back sparkling.

Floats past the mountains, Athens. White-bellied who? (dolphin)

Eight arms or eight legs. Who is this? ...(octopus)

Don't put your finger in her mouth, be careful not to fall overboard.

After all, she will eat the victim of curiosity in one sitting... (shark)

For each answer, Kikimora gives a token. Everyone who had tokens for answers (tokens can be given to several children, since sometimes children shout together) is given lollipops. Whoever has the most tokens will sing a song with Vodyany.

Water: - Well done, you won the competition and now you and I will sing Vodyanoy’s song. (The rest of you can sing along)


Neptune: - Well, you forgot about the bag, it’s standing there unnecessarily.

Water: - Yes, Kikimora, you promised to show us what’s in it.

Kikimora: - Come on, come on.

TOGETHER they open the bag. Goldfish comes out.

Gold fish : - Hello guys! Thank you very much for freeing me. I’ve been sitting in the bag for too long, I need to stretch my fins, let’s all do the “Boogie Woogie” dance together. (Or any other dance of your choice)

Everyone is dancing.

Gold fish:- Let's warm up!! Guys, what do you think in the water kingdom, how can a fish avoid getting into unpleasant situations? Like me, for example. I swam and swam, saw an empty bag and swam into it, so I ended up in unpleasant situation. So what should you be like to avoid trouble?

(Children's answers)

Gold fish: - That's right, you need to be attentive and careful, and then no trouble will happen to you. And now I’ll check your attentiveness.

Ved: (explains the rules of the game)

Game "Seahorses and Jellyfish"

Boys depict seahorses (arms along the body, legs together, move by jumping around the playground), girls - jellyfish (from plastic bags, prepared earlier, strips are cut, they are attached to ribbons, skirts are obtained, these ribbons are tied to the girls' belts). Everyone has their own music. Seahorses move to fast music, and jellyfish move to slow music. Those who are inattentive are led astray by the fish. Five people remain, they are declared winners.

Gold fish:- How clever you guys are! In memory of the meeting, let's have fireworks!

The Golden Fish opens her purse and takes out finely chopped rain, giving it to each child (who played and even who did not play). At Neptune's command (whistle), everyone throws up the rain.

Neptune: - Guys, I’m so glad that our holiday is so fun. Shall we continue to joke and play? Let's draw a "Sea Picture".

Ved: ( explains the rules of the game)

Game "Merry Artists"

Each group is given the task of drawing a sea picture (the seabed, sea creatures, ships...)

Neptune: - Wow! Indescribable beauty!!!

(Commentary on the painted pictures)

Thank you, I will definitely hang these pictures in my throne room, let them remind me of my meeting with you. Please accept these funny emoticons as a reminder of me.

Water: - I, Vodyanoy, love water. I suggest you play with me.

Game "Perivashki"

For this game you will need water, 2 plastic disposable cups. There is water in one of the glasses. Each team player pours water from glass to glass.

Goal: spill as little water as possible. Glasses can be placed on a tray.

Water: - Clever guys! You received gifts from everyone, and I can give gifts. Here! (Gives out air balloons)


Guys, today we have a water festival, and you know the rules of behavior on the water. If you come to the water, what do you need to remember?

Children's answers

Vodyanoy and Kikimora:

You cannot swim without adults;

You cannot swim in unknown places or in places where swimming is prohibited;

You should not swim immediately after eating or spending a long time in the sun;

You should not dive in unfamiliar, shallow places, especially with a rocky bottom;

You cannot play near cliffs and steep slopes of rivers and lakes.

You cannot stay in water for a long time, as this leads to chills, hypothermia and convulsions;

You should not stay in the sun for a long time, which can lead to sunstroke.

All the holiday heroes line up in front of the children, say wishes for them, and leave to the music and applause.

26.07.2017 | Looked at the script 2028 Human

There is cheerful music on the beach. The buffoon runs out.
Come out, people, to the beach -
The sand here is so hot.
Undress, sunbathe
But don’t take off your Panama hat.
Summer time has come
Let's shout to her loudly...

Children. Hooray!

We have every reason
To open...

Scenario for a children's holiday - NEPTUNE'S DAY.

04.06.2013 | Looked at the script 7202 person

All roles in the holiday are performed by parents. Children are divided into two teams.
1 child. The sun laughs, the wind plays,
The waves roar merrily.
They walk together to visit Neptune
Crowds of preschool children.
2 child. Fly, our song
Over sea and land,
Fly to...

Scenarios Neptune's Day in the camp

04.06.2013 | Looked at the script 9510 Human

I am proud ruler of the seas,
Pisces, dolphin lord.
My palace is at the bottom of the sea
All strewn with amber.
Congratulations on Neptune's holiday!
I wish you a fair wind,
Seven feet under keel and
Go around all the sea reefs!

To the music...

Then, when nature blossoms,
Everyone greets the dawn with a smile.
He smiles at both the sun and the earth,
And it gives joy to both you and me.
It would seem the same thing
What day, what year...
But again and again it worries us all,
When will our...

"Day of Neptune"

27.05.2010 | Looked at the script 16356 Human

Bright flags hung
Summer holiday outfit.
Everyone who is young, everyone who is cheerful,
Whose soul is pure,
Everyone who worked hard,
Having given honor to great deeds,
And I achieved success in them,
We invite you to visit us.
Let our holiday boil...

Neptune Day

10.07.2008 | Looked at the script 21456 Human

Vodyanoy: So what are you yelling about?
Don't you let me sleep peacefully?
Ch. rus: Uncle, uncle, that's the trouble
Our father is hurrying here.
It's time to start the holiday,
And the younger mermaid is nowhere to be seen!
Help us, uncle,
Find Arietta!
Vodyanoy: This grief is not...

Leading. Summer, sun in the sky,

There is a holiday in our kindergarten,

We are waiting for Neptune to visit,

The wave will make noise for us,

The seagulls will echo from the sea,

Congratulations to all Hurray!!

Let's clap our hands together,

What to invite our guest.

Children clap their hands, music sounds, Neptune comes out.

Neptune. I came to you from the depths of the sea,

I am the king of the sea and I love adventures!

I love fun on the waves,

I love games and entertainment.

What will make me happy?

Adults and children??

Leading . Today we have a carnival,

We invited you to our ball,

There are devils and jellyfish here,

seahorses, and mermaids.

And from the islands of the big shell,

Bright fish came to visit...

Fish Dance

Neptune . Oh, thank you, friends,

You have pleased the king.

For this I will repay you with kindness,

I will swing my magic right hand.

(waves his hand)

Let our holiday begin now,

Let everyone turn around themselves...

Let's close our eyes and count to five

We find ourselves on Neptune Island.

Neptune counts to five, the children turn around and open their eyes.

Neptune . Let's open our eyes, Sashi. Tani. Marina

You are on the island of Chimbi-rimbi.

Let's dance the Merry dance of Chimbi-Rimbi Island, where my friends live!!

Dance show Chimbi-rimbi

Neptune. Let's continue the loud fun

Other adventures await us.

Immediately after these words, Leshy runs in:

Goblin . “Bah, we meet Neptune here,

We haven't celebrated this holiday for a long time.

Why do we need Neptune, kids, look around,

It’s better to go to the forest to pick berries,

Sea air is very harmful,

And Neptune himself is dangerous for children.

Let us all say - Goodbye!

And we'll apologize goodbye.

The goblin begins to invite all the children home.

Neptune : “At least say hello first,

Everything else is nonsense

Remember - everyone is important in the world,

Who is brave, fearless and courageous.

And before downloading the rights here,

We'll all play together,

And the guys will say honestly,

They know about forests and water.”

Goblin . The King agrees, yours took it,

Come on, you first, start.

Neptune and Leshy play one game each:

Neptune has a sea -"Ocean is shaking.."

The sea is worried once, the sea is worried - twice, the sea is worried - three!...

Leshy has a forest one: “Growing, not growing«,

The goblin names various objects, plants, animals,

and guys: we should sit down, if it doesn’t grow,

or stand with your hands up if it has the ability to grow.

(for example: stone, stump, tree, flower, stream, etc.)

Neptune : “Look, goblin, the guys love both the forest and the water!

If you drive me away, how will people live?

You and I can't argue.

We must be friends with the whole earth.

Goblin : “It’s true, king, let’s become friends,

I will drive away all the anger,

And I will become the kindest in the world.

Let's hold hands and dance

Come on, music, for us, this... ours..

Neptune . You're getting dark, you're Leshy, but oh well,

I'll call my daughters, my mermaids,

Let them dance for us.

Dance of the Little Mermaids.

Neptune. My daughters are good, Leshy..?

Goblin . They're good, they're good. Only with your mermaids did the kids fall asleep...

Your Neptune is boring, but I love to play.

Neptune . Well, if you like, play and make us laugh, if that’s the case.

Goblin . It’s easy, I have a funny one fun game. You will definitely like it. It's called "Seahorses and Jellyfish"

Game "Seahorses and Jellyfish."

Boys are Seahorses, girls are Jellyfish. Everyone has their own music.

You need to be very careful. Fast music is seahorses, slow music is Jellyfish. First, we all do squats. If a fast melody sounds, the Seahorses get up and dance, and the Jellyfish sit; if a slow melody sounds, then the Jellyfish get up and dance smoothly, and the Seahorses sit.

Neptune. I was surprised, I don’t even know what to say.

Goblin . Don’t say anything, but let me invite my friend Kikimora to the ball.

Neptune . Well, if she doesn't misbehave, then invite her.

Goblin . Yeah, I’ll find a phone number in a minute... Let’s dial the number.

The goblin doesn't have time to dial the number, music starts playing. Kikimora runs out,

runs around in circles repeating: “Oh, woe is woe!”

Kikimora . Oh, woe, woe,

The entire sea is gone.

The swamp is solid,

And mountains of garbage.

Oh, woe is woe.

The whole sea has disappeared...

Neptune . Stop, kikimora, calm down. Tell me plainly, Where did it go? From what?

Kikimora . On the island, on ours, Chimbi-rimbi.,

Papuans ate grapes.

They threw it into the water, littered it,

Everything flew out of place into the sea,

And now there is a sea of ​​grapes,

Guard, what grief!

After Kikimora’s words, the Papuans run out,

Papuan dance

After the dance, the Papuans remain in place

Kikimora. Here they are, forest hooligans,

The grape vines were broken,

They trampled everything on the pond - all the water lilies,

Scared away the magic fish in the lake.

And now we’ve reached the sea,

We gorged ourselves on grapes.

Leshy. Gossip, my dear, don’t worry, we’ll teach these hooligans a lesson, turn them into algae and thorns. Come on, tap my palm, I’ll remember the spell in a minute.

Leading . Kikimora, Leshy, wait, no need for algae and thorns. There are other ways to teach bullies a lesson. For example, force them to clean everything up.

Kikimora . Why, are they Papuans!? they are savages!!

Neptune . So what if they are savages, but we will teach them how the Papuans differ from people. Of course, I will teach the Papuans a lesson, I will punish them in my own way. But So I figured out how to clean our beautiful bay on the island, and turn cleaning into fun. And the guys will be happy to show the Papuans an example of how this can be done.

Game "Magic Scoop" (relay race)

Two teams of 10 people each participate. The guys take turns running to the pool of water, scooping tennis balls out of the water with a large wooden spoon or ladle and running to the bucket.

(you will need: two pools of water, colored tennis balls, you can also use Kinder Surprise packaging)

The speed and correctness of completing the task are assessed.

Kikimora. Oh, what beauty, oh, what beauty!

The sea is so clean

It's really very blue.

Goblin . Yes, Father Tsar, you are the head,

How you managed, how clean everything is.

Look, blue water,

It calls us to splash and frolic.

Neptune . Well. Our sea is clean, our island shines.

Come out all the kids and dance with us.

Show dance.

Leading. Thank you, King Neptune, Leshy and Kikimora. Thanks for the holiday. We also wanted to ask you to evaluate our carnival costumes, the guys tried their best. Let's invite them to the middle and ask them to show off their costumes.

Children in carnival costumes, walk around the site, showing off their costume. If there are few participants, everyone can talk about their costume.

All participants can be given small souvenirs or lollipops.

Neptune . All the guys are great,

All the costumes were a success.

Moms worked hard

To be surprised by the costumes.

Kikimora . We give you gifts in groups,

These are sweets and fruits.

Don't forget us friends

See you next year.

ALL in chorus . Goodbye!! It is time!!

Contest participant:

Velizhanina Lidiya Yakovlevna,

Musical director

highest qualification category

MADO Yarovskaya kindergarten"Teremok"

"Fun with Neptune"

summer sports festival for older children.


  • Creating conditions for active participation in sports festival every child.
  • Formation of high-quality attitudes towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle and playing sports.
  • Development positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, empathy.


  • Improve motor skills and abilities, achieve physical beauty, strength, agility, endurance, promote healthy image life.
  • · Amuse the children and give them pleasure.
  • · Develop activity and initiative.Provide an opportunity to demonstrate your sporting achievements.
  • · Foster interest in folk traditions and heritage.

Duration: 50 minutes.

Equipment: balloons, hoops, watering can, paper boats, a pool of water, cups of water, fish caps, “Octopus” and “Jellyfish” badges made by the hands of teachers and children, bubble.

Musical material:

1. Fanfare.

2. Song “Fizkult - Hurray!”, music. Yu. Chichkova.

3. "Dance with" balloons", music A. Tsfasman.

4. “Dance of the Octopuses”, music. R. Strauss

5. Dance of the Mermaids, music. F. Schubert.

6. Game-dance “Don’t Yawn!” music unknown author.

7. “March” from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker”.

8. Music for games.

Location: the first part in the gym, the second part on the street sports ground.


Leader - adult

Neptune - adult

Crab - children

Little frogs - children

Mermaids - children

Jellyfish (senior group children)

Octopuses (children of the preparatory group)

Children enter the music room and line up against the side walls.

Presenter. Attention! Attention!

King Neptune - ruler of the waters,

will come to visit us now.

You guys will help...

Repeat in unison:

“King Neptune is the ruler of the waters,

Honest people are waiting for you!”

Presenter. Somehow King Neptune doesn’t hear us,

Let's try again. Repeat after me.

King Neptune, come to our house, we have been waiting for you for a long time!

It's time to start the holiday, there is no patience, wait any longer.

No. 1 Fanfare sounds . Neptune enters.

Neptune. U-gu-gu!!! I'm coming!!!

(Neptune goes to the throne and greets all participants).

Presenter. Be equal! To greet King Neptune, ruler of all earthly waters, stand still!

Your Wet Majesty, King Neptune! Everyone who loves water, sun and sand is ready for the holiday!

Neptune. I was in a hurry, I was in a hurry to sail as quickly as possible, the Lord of the Seas greets you, children!

I invite you to the holiday, brave, kind, affectionate, skillful, water-loving guys, playful neptunes!

Neptune. Who loves to laugh, swim, dive, tumble?

Children. We are Neptunes!

Neptune. Who can compare with the nimble wind?

Children. We are Neptunes!

Neptune. Who believes in friendship, striving to the heights under a bright sail, setting off across the sea?

Children. We are Neptunes!

(Children sit down.)

Neptune. I will read you an order:

“I allow everyone to swim and enjoy the water,

Who can get up early to exercise and run!

Sunbathing is good for everyone, but you should know when to stop

And don’t whine, don’t squeak, play together and have fun!

Presenter. Our children, King Neptune, are brave, athletic, and friendly!

No. 2 Song “Fizkult - Hurray!”, music Yu. Chichkova.

(Children perform hand movements and body turns to the music).

Presenter. Now they will present their wonderful gifts.


All the guys are on schedule

Do exercises in the morning!

The children say in unison:

How fresh and cool the water is

We always love to splash around in it!


Metrorhythmic actions

Clear water is flowing.

Children stretch their arms forward

lean forward

reaching out for hands.

We know how to wash ourselves.

Everyone straightens up and performs

circular movements with palms


We take tooth powder,

Tilt to the side

with his right arm extended.

Brush your teeth firmly.

Movements are performed

imitating brushing teeth.

Wash my ears.

Palms rub ears.

Wash your neck.

Hands rub your neck.

Before our eyes we are good

Children place their palms in front of them

And they look at their image,

like in a mirror.

Presenter. And here are the jellyfish with balls.

Jellyfish greet everyone and say:

We are funny jellyfish

We are like watermelons

We are like watermelons

We are funny jellyfish!

No. 3 “Dance with balloons”, music. A. Tsfasman.

Presenter. Meet the fast-paced Octopuses!

The octopuses greet everyone and say:

We are the Octopuses of the Sea

Accustomed to order

Turns and jumps

Well, try it again

We love TV

Look at us!

No. 4 “Dance of the Octopuses”, music. R. Strauss

Neptune. Well done, of course, thank you for the musical gifts. They are exceptional, good and magical.

I invite the Mermaids,

Fabulous, beautiful!

Let them surprise you

Stand up, Mermaids in a row!

No. 5 Dance of Mermaids with hoops, music. F. Schubert.

Presenter. The Mermaids danced wonderfully, and we want to play!

Neptune. I will teach you to play a new Russian folk game

  • "Ocean is shaking".

Chairs are placed in a circle. There should be one less of them than guys. At the signal “The sea is agitated! Children run in circles, pretending to be billowing waves. At the cry “The sea has calmed down!” The players take their places on chairs.

Anyone who does not have time to find a place is eliminated from the game.

Neptune. We continue to play, hurry up and everyone stand in a circle! Neptunes, listen: at one end there is an eccentric, and at the other there is a worm. About whom we're talking about? (about a fisherman).

  • Game "Brave Fish".

10-15 children play. Leading Neptune, all other fish. Neptune sits on the floor and sleeps. The fish surround him and say words at the presenter’s signal: “Neptune has woken up!” the fish run away to their little house on a chair, and whoever he stains becomes his prey (they sing and dance in response)

Children stand in a circle and say in chorus:

Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta! We are not afraid of Neptune!


Whichever kindergarten I arrive at

I saw sports everywhere!

How are you doing with this matter? (children's answers).

Make way for the strong, dexterous, brave!

Presenter. Well done! To the sports ground
We invite you, children.
Celebration of sports and health
We continue now!

Go outside (take a watering can with water).

Neptune. Now everyone stand in a circle. Extend your arms forward.

  • Game "Dexterous Palms".

At the signal, the Little Mermaid pours water, and the players remove their hands. In the end, the winners are those with dry palms.

Presenter. King Neptune - our children are brave and dexterous, I invite you to the relay race.

Guys, what is my riddle about? What can’t you carry in a sieve, and can’t hold in your hands? ( water)

  • "Don't spill the water."

Two teams of five children each participate. The first players have each plastic cup half filled with water. At the signal, the first participants run to the chair and back, trying not to spill the water, and pass the glass to the next player. The first team to finish the game and spill the least amount of water wins.

King Neptune. Do you know how frogs jump? Show! Now let's all jump like frogs!

  • Relay race “Friendly frogs”.

Two teams of five to seven children participate. At a signal, the frogs jump to the chair and back. The first team to finish the game wins.

Presenter. King Neptune is very fond of the inhabitants of the sea, especially... Under the bridge, wagging his tail..... (fish!). And the most interesting game will now! It is called

  • “Who can fold the fish faster?”
  • Two to three pairs of participants are called. They must form the body of a fish out of circles and attach the head and tail to it. The couple that completes the task the fastest wins.

Presenter. Well done! You see, King Neptune - our children are strong, dexterous, brave, love the sun, water, Fresh air. And we continue to play - now with water!


  • The game “Whose boat will sail further?” Prepare the boats!

Children stand by an inflatable pool filled with water, launching boats and saying:

Sail, sail the boat

To distant shores!

Bring, bring the boat

Hello my friends!

In the end, King Neptune names the winners.

Presenter. The Crab is hurrying towards us.

Crab. Hello, King Neptune and guys! How fun you are, great! And I’m sneezing, I’m hoarse, I probably have the flu!

Neptune. And we will cure you! Join us and do as we do, you will get well right away!

No. 6 Dance game “Don’t yawn!” music unknown author.

Crab. Thank you for helping, now I will always toughen up, do gymnastics, and be friends with sports!

Neptune. It’s time for me to get ready and return to the abyss, and I wish the young person not to be afraid of difficult roads in life, but most importantly, to always be friends with water and play sports.

And this is a gift from me! Bring your gift to the site! Let's have some fireworks, guys! (hands out soap bubbles to children). May your summer be as merry and rainbow-colored as these little balloons!

(surprise moment)

№ 7 Neptune and his retinue go under “March” from the ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky


Children: To strengthen our fighting spirit, let's play sports!

Leading: Toughen up, kids! Good morning! Physical education...

Children: Hooray!!!

The children leave the playground in an orderly manner.

APPENDIX: 10 phonograms.

Bibliographic list.

1. Almanac “Children’s Republic”. Issue 10 / L.G. Isupova – Tyumen.1995. – 62 s.

2. Davydova M.A. scenarios of musical, calendar and folklore holidays: middle, high, preparatory group: - M.: VAKO, 2007. – 256 p. – (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate).

3. Kartushina M.Yu. Holidays for children 6-7 years old. Scenarios for preschool educational institutions, - M.: TC Sfera, 2008 - 128 p. (series “Together with children”).

4. Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings/Compiled by author. entry article comment and words by Yu.G. Kruglov. – M.: Education, 1990 – 335 pp.: ill. - (B-vocabulary).

5. Sports Olympic dances for children ( tutorial: collection). Issue 1 / T.I. Suvorova, St. Petersburg: musical palette, 2009.-48 p.: 12 ill. Reissue.

6. Olympic sports dances for children (textbook: collection). Issue 2 / T.I. Suvorova, L.E. Kazantseva et al., 2008.

7. Directory of the senior teacher preschool No. 7, 2009. – pp. 73-80.

8. Creativity in a children's health camp. Book for educators and teachers/Authors-compilers A.G. Trushkin et al. – Rostov n/d: “Phoenix”, 2002.- 320 p. (School of Joy series).

Screenplay competition sponsors summer holidays and entertainment “The long-awaited time, the kids love you!”: