What is interesting to give a girl. Original gifts for girls

Olga Nagornyuk

What to give a girl for her birthday?

What to give a girl for her birthday? Every guy faces this problem at least once a year. However, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity themselves also find it difficult to choose a present for a birthday girl friend. Our article is a kind of cheat sheet for those who want to give the hero of the occasion exceptionally pleasant impressions. By the way, the ideas presented will help you implement right choiceif you don't know what an unusual gift you can give your mom.

In order not to get into a mess with a gift, act according to the circumstances:

  • choose a present, taking into account the preferences of the birthday girl. You don't know her enough - ask friends, relatives, girlfriends;
  • buy a practical gift if you are not familiar with the taste, hobbies and lifestyle of the recipient of the presentation, and her environment for some reason did not enlighten you on this topic.

Otherwise, follow these rules

1. When buying a gift, do not forget to pay attention to the freshness and expiration date. It is unlikely that the birthday girl will cheer up a faded bouquet or a box of spoiled chocolates.

2. The first impression about a gift is formed by its packaging. Take a half dollar to give your present some extra appeal.

3. Prefer quality over quantity: instead of a cheap palette of 40 eyeshadow colors, buy branded lipstick.

4. The original gift is undoubtedly good, but know when to stop. When pasting from the hood to the trunk of the car with the notes "Happy birthday, dear!", Remember: she will have to take them off.

5. By purchasing expensive gifts, keep your receipt. The gold ring may be out of size, and you can exchange it.

6. Underwear give only in those cases when you are in a very close relationship and are sure that such a gift will be correctly perceived.

7. A traditional bouquet is not a gift, but only an addition to it. Going to visit with flowers, know: the hero of the occasion will be delighted with the bouquet, but will be surprised at the absence of the present.

So what to give a girl for her birthday? We have compiled a list of universal presents that can be presented to a birthday girl by her boyfriend, friend, and work colleagues.

Delicious gifts

Almost all girls have a sweet tooth, so by presenting them with something sweet and tasty as a present, you are likely to get into the top ten. A few examples:

  • bouquets of fruits and sweets. It looks appetizing and non-trivial. We do not advise you to take on the manufacture yourself, it is better to trust the specialists. The fruit and candy masterpiece will cost $ 20-30, but it's worth it;

  • a coffee / tea set purchased from a specialty store. Every time, brewing a drink, the birthday girl will remember you;
  • box of sweets. Only it should be expensive sweets, for example, made from Swiss chocolate. Leave the usual chocolates and "Bird's milk" for visits to the doctor.

Impression gifts

Original gifts - a win-win: they will definitely be noticed and remembered for a long time. True, there is a small but: first make sure that such a presentation is desirable. Otherwise, due to the fear of heights, the certificate for a parachute jump will remain unclaimed, and due to an allergy to dog hair, a cute puppy will move to a friend's apartment.

Unusual gifts:

  • horse ride. Riding a horse is the dream of every second girl. You can pay for a lesson with a trainer, arrange a country ride on horses or ride them in the park. Issue price - $ 10-50;

  • bike driving lesson. Rushing towards the wind on a steep harley is loved not only by brutal macho, but also by fragile beauties who value freedom and speed. Agree with a biker about a driving lesson (estimated price - $ 40-50) and be sure: your efforts will not go unnoticed;
  • pole dance master class. Not everyone will dare to dance at a pole in a night bar, but not a single girl will refuse to learn from a master of erotic dance in a sports club. Give her the opportunity to feel sexy. You will have to shell out about $ 20, but the birthday girl is guaranteed enchanting impressions;
  • pHOTOSESSION. Love for their own photos is the weak point of any representative of the beautiful half of humanity: none of them will refuse to have photos taken by the master in their archive. Don't choose a beginner photographer, the result can be disappointing. Pay for the services of a venerable professional ($ 25-100 depending on the city), and the birthday girl's gratitude will have no boundaries;
  • portrait. Your own portrait on canvas flatters pride and gives you the opportunity to brag to your friends: they probably don't have that. Choosing this gift, you will get to the point, and you will have to pay for it from $ 10 to $ 1000, depending on the artist;
  • extreme experiences: paragliding, traveling on hot-air balloon, parachute jump, freediving. The price of pleasure is $ 40-100. But first, make sure that the girl has no fear of heights and fear of depth;
  • We offer romantic and exciting flights in a hot air balloon, as well as on other aircraft, as an amazing gift for any occasion! Detailed information you can see here: http://www.nebo-v-podarok.ru
  • pet. Girls love fluffy pets, so a puppy or kitten will delight them. You will have to pay $ 100-300 for a thoroughbred beast, outbred adorable girls will cost several times cheaper;

  • star. Now the promise to give a star from the sky is quite feasible, and you can give the girl for her birthday a certificate confirming the fact that she was named after one of the stars of the infinite universe. Before giving away $ 100-200 for a certificate, make sure of its originality by asking the company for a license to give names to stars.

Practical gifts

When you don't know the birthday girl's preferences, practical gifts come to the rescue, in which the lack of originality is compensated by usefulness:

  • a subscription to a beauty salon or a professional make-up session. Having laid out $ 100-200, you will provide the birthday girl with a session of complete relaxation, for which she will be grateful to you for a long time;
  • gift certificate to the boutique. It is not worth buying clothes and shoes: it is difficult for a woman to please with color, model and size, but we strongly advise you to purchase a coveted card that allows you to make a purchase in one of the stores for $ 100-300. Such a present is guaranteed to please the girl;
  • accessories for the car, GPS-navigator, parking sensors, video recorder - all this will be taken with a bang by a girl who has her own car. However, first make sure that there are no such devices in her car;

  • sushi set. We do not recommend giving pots and ladles to cooking lovers - this is a clear bad manners, but a set of dishes and sushi chopsticks will not cause complaints from the guardians of etiquette. The cost of such a presentation will be $ 20-150;
  • a bag. We do not recommend buying clutches and business bags - women are especially demanding in their choice. Buy a beach model or a small feminine handbag for one of the dresses that you saw on the birthday girl. Depending on the manufacturer, such a gift can cost you between $ 100 and $ 500;
  • household appliances "for the purpose of beauty": curling irons for hair straightening or curling, hair dryers, etc. Even if a girl already has one, she will still be delighted with the new, because household appliances periodically fail.

Classic gifts

We cannot ignore the gifts that have become "classics of the genre", which continue to work flawlessly on women's hearts:

  • congratulations on the asphalt. Youthfully naive, but so romantic. And most importantly - economically, all you need is a brush and a can of paint ($ 4);
  • favorite perfume. You should give perfume only if you are one hundred percent sure that it is your favorite. Otherwise, the gift will not bring pleasure;
  • decoration. Trivial, but effective. Young girls usually enjoy beautiful jewelry, while older girls enjoy expensive earrings, pendants and rings;

  • plush toy. A huge soft bear, at least, will make the birthday girl smile, at the most - it will become her silent friend, listening to girlish complaints and secrets. Pay $ 160 and no longer rack your brains over the question of what to give a girl for her birthday.

Lingerie set

A set of panties. Moderately sexy, not at all trivial and immediately well-packed gift. Consider this a gift to yourself :) You can buy. They will also help with choosing the size.

Inexpensive gifts

A limited budget narrows your options somewhat, but is not a big problem. With very little money on hand, you can:

  • buy something from cosmetics. Consult with the seller, and he will tell you what color of lipstick and eyeshadow is suitable for the skin type of the hero of the occasion. Such a purchase will empty your budget by only $ 5-10;
  • make your own soap handmade - The Internet is replete with instructions detailing the manufacturing process. Not confident in your abilities? Then allocate $ 4-8 for the purchase of decorative soap: the gift will turn out to be modest, but useful;
  • buy a radio for the shower. Many sing while taking bath procedures, with the radio soloing is much more fun. Budget price - $ 5-15;

  • feng shui gift. It will appeal to girls who are fond of Eastern philosophy. A statuette, panel or "wind chime" will result in only $ 5, but the birthday girl will be pleased that you took into account her interests.

Girls are prudent creatures. Long before the name day, they begin to hint which gift will suit them. A long standing at a window with jewelry, an admiring story about a girlfriend's new phone, a close examination of a handbag in a store - all these are transparent hints that you just have to catch and take into account. And then the question of what to give for the girl's birthday will be decided by itself.

Take it for yourself, tell your friends!

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The wonderful tradition of giving gifts allows not only to please the hero of the occasion, but also to show him your feelings, emotions, and sometimes gratitude.

However, despite the limitless choice of all kinds of presents, the problem of gifts remains their impersonality.

But every woman so wants a holiday and thrills. And in order not to disappoint the lady with a surprise, you will have to try to pick up a rather original gift that will not yield.

Romantic original gift for a woman

Regardless of age and status, women are naturally romantic.

And even a business portfolio of a business woman or the five grandchildren of a happy grandmother are not able to overshadow the emotions that a woman receives from an original romantic gift.

Of course, when choosing such a presentation, you will have to take into account the age.

After all, a teddy pink bear, presented on Valentine's Day, can delight a beloved girl, but it will not please a respectable lady at all.

First of all, a romantic original gift for a woman should show the tenderness of your feelings and, of course, evoke only positive emotions.

Original events and deeds occupy the top of the pedestal of romantic presentations. And creating a festive romantic atmosphere is not so difficult.

Let's remember the most ordinary romantic dinner. And we will try to make an unforgettable event out of an ordinary event. And for this you just need to change the environment familiar for such events. If you're used to dining out, set the table for your beloved home.

Or you can arrange a dinner in a salt cave, on the water with flower petals, on a floating raft, on the roof of a house, in a botanical garden or just in a winter forest.

Choose unusual places: and from a banal festive dinner you will get an extraordinary gift for your beloved woman.

Women are just as happy to receive special attention on holidays.

If a man takes on some of the female responsibilities and does not forget to please his beloved with morning coffee brought directly to bed, the mood for the whole holiday will be secured.

Ready for heroic deeds - give your woman a day of surprises.

And coffee in bed will only be the start of unusual and romantic events. Let, going down the stairs, a woman be surprised at the balloons tied to the railing. And at work, a romantic screensaver on the computer awaits her. She will receive romantic SMS messages all day.

She will be even more surprised when the courier hands her a huge bouquet of her favorite flowers. Do not forget to meet the woman after a working day and take an expensive limousine to the place of the joint dinner.

As a romantic birthday present for a girl, any souvenir with a declaration of love or with a picture of hearts is suitable.

It can be watches, posters, and unusual inscriptions on the phone case.

Paired gifts that can be presented on February 14 are quite interesting. Such presentations will emphasize that you are an inseparable couple and this holiday is for two.

On such a day, you can give paired cups, T-shirts with original inscriptions, pillows with hearts.

For his birthday, his wife can be given a congratulatory speech printed on papyrus as an addition to the present. A breakfast table or a projection alarm clock will do.

Delight women with unusual romantic gifts. And their faces will light up smiles, and their hearts will melt with tenderness.

Exclusive unusual gifts for women

An exclusive gift is a win-win. Indeed, such presentations include personalized and rare items.

Such original gifts can be given to both, and, and to the wife.

Having decided to opt for an exclusive surprise, you will have to start choosing or preparing long before the festive event.

As a rule, rare things cost a lot of money. And it takes time to make personalized things.

Any personalized gifts involve the use of photos of the hero of the occasion or engravings.

You can place a photo of a woman on the most unpredictable things. These can be pillows, wall clocks, cups, or notebooks. Of the more interesting options, you can stop at the pictures painted from a photograph of a woman. Art portraits or mosaic portraits from photos look unusual and attractive.

And the original designer collage of photographs will not leave a woman indifferent. From this series, you can take a closer look at the rather original 3D lamps with photos.

And miniature volumetric figures - reduced exact copies of a woman will cause indescribable delight.

Ordinary presents can also be made exclusive by engraving them. Of course, engraving on a USB flash drive or keychain will not impress a respectable lady much.

But the registered wrist Watch, a ring or a bracelet with a delicate inscription is suitable as an original gift for a woman for 50 years or another solid anniversary.

For a 55-year-old woman, it would be appropriate to give an original gift related to family or personal history. To do this, you can order the Pedigree book in a beautiful leather cover. Or write a personalized book in which to tell about interesting and significant personal stories.

And do not forget about rare exclusive things that any woman dreams of receiving as a gift. Rare jewelry and jewelry, a designer handbag, an expensive fur coat - will always be a welcome original gift for a wife or mother.

You can choose options for original things and cheaper, from which the present will not become less exclusive.

Please the girl with an unusual gift in the form of a rare tea package.

Or find a small print book that a woman has long wanted to buy.

Find out the innermost desires of a woman. After all, what could be better than a welcome gift.

Useful unusual gifts for women

If you are of the opinion that gifts must be practical, you don't have to settle for potholders, non-stick pans or multicooker.

Of course, none of the women will refuse new kitchen utensils or household appliances that make life easier.

But you must admit that such presents are quite squat, and such items can be presented to a woman without any particular reason.

Practical does not mean not original. You can pick up rather unusual things that will really surprise the girl and will definitely be applied.

When choosing a practical gift, you need to take into account the personal interests and preferences of the woman.

After all, you must admit that a yoga mat does not move a fat woman who has been trying to get rid of extra pounds for the past five years without results.

But an athlete girl who is fond of Ayurveda will like such a present. And to it you can add another set of aromatic oils or herbal teas.

If your wife or girlfriend spends enough time in their own car, give her a cup warming up from a cigarette lighter or a car kettle.

For a female motorist, pillows that take a comfortable shape and orthopedic neck collars are suitable.

Or you can hand over a female set of tools for a car of unusual design. And even if the lady herself is not engaged in repairing her four-wheeled friend, but in the event of an unforeseen breakdown on the road, suitable keys or a cable will come in handy.

For a woman who loves to cook, rare or old cookbooks are suitable as an unusual gift.

You can look for handy culinary magnetic cards with which it is convenient to plan the menu for the week.

A special cooking notebook will never be superfluous. A girl loves to cut unusual figures from vegetables or fruits - present a set for carving.

Mom is great at baking cakes - hand in a set of food colors, rare confectionery decorations or essences and syrups.

Your wife is a great cook - find unique spices for her, and purchase convenient storage containers for them.

Present new tablecloths and original napkins for them.

But the topic of decorative and care cosmetics is simply limitless. But, in order not to be mistaken with the choice of such a present, consult with your wife's friend or mother.

A safe bet would be natural cosmetic... However, here you need to take into account the age and skin type of the woman.

Your woman spends a lot of time at the computer, give her a USB desk lamp for a laptop.

Such a device is quite compact and can be used absolutely anywhere where a laptop is turned on.

A universal external battery will also go, which will give an additional charge to both the phone and the tablet or the cup holder.

For those who like to soak up the bathroom, you can choose a waterproof receiver that will allow you to listen to music and time will tell.

Take an interest in the woman's hobbies. Hobbies and personal interests allow you to choose really necessary and unusual gifts.

Gifts from the category of jokes, of course, can amuse both the company and the girl herself.

But you shouldn't even try to joke so original if a woman has problems with a sense of humor.

One funny present can easily ruin not only a holiday, but also a relationship. Therefore, be very careful when choosing a cool unusual gift for a girl or girlfriend.

However, this does not mean that absolutely all women are devoid of a bit of creativity.

Cleverly selected cool gift can please both mother and wife, and even a respectable lady.

You can choose imitation gifts when an inexpensive thing is decorated for a solid and expensive present. Surprise the girl:

  • an alarm clock that looks like a pager or desk book;
  • a player absolutely no different from an iPhone;
  • a lipstick-shaped lighter;
  • a USB flash drive in the form of a platinum bank card;
  • piggy bank - an imitation of a safe or ATM.

And a wife or mother, who is trying to be the first in everything, can be presented with unusual cool things in the form of:

  • beaters for dust instead of a vacuum cleaner;
  • a kerosene lamp, handing it over as a designer chandelier;
  • washing boards;
  • graters or manual counting.

Do not forget that such gags are intended to improve the mood, but in no way negate a sincere gift.

Believe me, after a stormy collective fun, a woman will not be very pleased to be left alone with one single washing board.

You can pick up cool predecessor gifts. This option is suitable if the prospects really foresee the acquisition of an expensive item, but at this stage, the woman's dream does not allow financial opportunities.

As presentations-jokes, you can give:

  • a beautiful hanger for a sable fur coat;
  • a case for a tablet or iPhone that you plan to purchase;
  • jewelry box;
  • mailbox for the future of your own home.

Quilted headphones or with fur pads are suitable as unambiguous presentations. This option is good for those who like to listen to music in the cold.

Various awards in the form of certificates, medals, orders, figurines, with original inscriptions for best wife, phenomenal culinary specialist, beauty or professional.

Such things can be purchased in gift shops or made by hand.

According to statistics, women are not very fond of being joked about. Therefore, if you want to choose a cool gift for a girl, it is better to stop at options without a double meaning.

It is necessary to purchase inexpensive gifts not only because of the lack of finance.

There are situations when it is simply inappropriate to give an expensive or chic present.

Quite often, it becomes necessary to simply thank a woman for some act or action.

Do not resort to handing over a banal box of chocolates or a bottle of champagne. Of course, such a standard kit will show your respect.

But it is better to try to find a decent, not very expensive, but unusual gift for a woman.

In such situations, you can purchase a set of kitchen towels, spice jars, scented candles or lamps for a relative.

For unfamiliar women, you need to choose gifts that do not have a personal focus. These should be pretty neutral gifts.

As a gratitude, you can give a vase, a tablecloth, a stylish photo frame, a box.

When choosing a gift for your friend, consider a miniature folding umbrella. Such a thing may not last long, since umbrellas are often lost, but it is very convenient, because it fits into any purse.

A friend can be given a set of cosmetics, and a set for sushi, and just a room flower.

And of course, don't forget about the colors. In any setting, flowers remain the most desirable gifts for women. And let it be a gorgeous designer bouquet or a bunch of field daisies - emotionally, such a present is always a win-win.

It is always difficult to choose gifts, especially for a girl. Often she herself does not know what she wants. However, having received the perfect gift, your beloved half will keep it forever. It doesn't have to be a diamond necklace, perhaps enough buy chamomile and this will be the best a gift for a girl ... Remember, a present should be not only beautiful and original (although you cannot overdo it), but also useful and interesting, always feminine, but in no case neutral. Do not forget about registration, even money must be submitted in an original postcard.

Advice for the attentive. In conversations over tea, for sure, you could hear about the desires of your soul mate or something similar. Remember, did you catch it? If so, the task of what to present for a birthday, acquaintance or other holiday is greatly simplified. Thanks to your exceptional attention, you can buy perfect gift for a girl .

Before giving anything, you should know that the present will be evaluated according to several criteria:
- the gift says at what stage your relationship is;
- the gift tells you how interesting the girl is to you (“I'm interested in you,” “marry me,” etc.);
- the price of the gift (it's stupid to give a wooden craft if you have a high salary);
- attention in the gift (for example, you have canceled all things to be together this evening).

I want such a gift!

What women can appreciate:
1. Classic flower bouquet (preferably not 3 flowers, do not skimp for your beloved). The second option is a bouquet of bears, candies or other things. The originality of such a gift is 100% off scale. You will not be left without proper attention.

2. Gift certificates to a spa, beauty salon, gym, hot air balloon flight, professional and necessarily expensive photo session - anywhere that suits your interests. Money certificates are no less popular - not the worst gift, because your beloved herself can go and please herself with the cherished thing.

3. Plush toys - for sensitive persons, a set for sushi - for practical ladies, relaxation by the sea - for romantic young ladies. Today, such gifts are in vogue, as they are an expression of feelings and a sincere relationship to each other.
4. Most of the female half is not indifferent to expensive and high-quality perfume and jewelry (if you are 100% sure of your taste, this is ideal).
5. Almost all girls are happy with those gifts that girlfriends envy. You can listen to their opinion, and then you will definitely find the right one. a gift to your girlfriend .

6. A set of dishes - One of the most interesting and original gifts, I consider a set for the kitchen.

7. Edible photos on marshmallows - Edible memories are individual, original and tasty, no one will refuse such a gift.

8. Concert Tickets - You know what kind of music or performer your spouse loves. Find a concert on the Internet and buy a ticket.

9. Photo session - invite your soul mate to a photo session, it is very fashionable today.

10. Portrait doll - a doll with a portrait likeness, there are no words to describe the emotions of those who receive their doll.

11. Personalized bathrobe - Together with a personalized terry dressing gown, you give warmth, comfort, and also emphasize the individuality of the person you are giving.

12. Travel to some country.

13. Hot air balloon flight as a gift.

14. A fur coat is every woman's dream.

15. Figurine with the sign of the zodiac.

16. Collection of favorite films.

17. Subscription to the equestrian club.

18. Love lettersent by mail.

19. Certificate to beautician.

20. Video story about your beloved.

21. A huge puzzle with her portrait.

22. A romantic song performed by herself.

What else will the girl appreciate from the gifts?

Today it is not necessary to give only expensive things. Give affection, attention, care, let a woman feel her desirability and importance. Although a fashionable handbag will definitely not be superfluous. A trip to a hot country, a watch, household appliances, a poem of your own composition, a night in a hotel, a tea set, a micro-bikini, a slow cooker with a recipe book, a website with photographs - don't be limited to anything.

Don't think what to give a girl for her birthday, in order to economize. Imagine, be creative, use all the ways to make your girlfriend happy with the gift. If you are serious and courageous, then the ring - the key to your heart - is the most delightful and chic gift!

1000 gift ideas for a girl! updated: November 20, 2016 by the author: website

What to give a girl, how to please her, what will she like? These are far from all the questions that guys overwhelm on the eve of the holidays, especially the birthday of their beloved. At such moments, it seems that the fantasy simply dries up, and a lifeless desert or a warehouse of not interesting platitudes forms in the head. Our list of the 50 best gifts for your girlfriend for your birthday will help you collect your thoughts and find a worthy option.

List of the best traditional birthday gifts for your girlfriend

There are presentation options that have been tested by time and by millions of girls. Traditional gifts are good, also because they are predictable. Surely, the girl is expecting something like this, so she will not be disappointed or upset. If you don't know what to give a girl for her birthday, classic options are great ideas, such as:

  • Flowers. This is a great gift for any occasion, suitable for almost all girls. It is only important to make sure that the birthday girl is not allergic to any plant from the composition and choose a bouquet in which her favorite flowers will play the main role.
  • Sweets. It is best not to donate standard boxes of chocolate from a nearby grocery store. Choose from unusual sweets with wishes, a personalized cake, a set of colorful cupcakes, handmade oriental sweets, etc.
  • Jewelry. It is better to choose something beautiful and romantic, for example, a heart-shaped pendant, an engraved bracelet, an exquisite brooch. Rings can only be gifted if you plan to propose to the girl. If you and your girlfriend have recently been together, it is better to choose something that is not very expensive, yet gentle and refined.
  • Stuffed Toys. They are classified as traditional gifts, but such things can only be given to very young girls or collectors, if you manage to find a rare specimen. In steel cases, Chinese plush hares and bears are bad manners.
  • Mobile phone. Smartphones have not so long ago become part of our life, but have already become one of the traditional gifts for girls. If you can afford a gadget that is newer and of higher quality than the one that the birthday girl is using at the moment, feel free to give it.

When choosing a gift, do not forget that girls are very sensitive to such traditional moments as a beautiful presentation packaging, a postcard, and words of congratulations. Be sure to think over these little things, because the girl takes them much more seriously than you.

List of the best useful birthday gifts for a girl

Giving a girl something useful that she will often use and remember you is a great idea. But choosing a practical present must be correct and careful. For example, kitchen utensils can only be gifted to those who are really into cooking, and not cooking, because it must be done.

If you want to pick the perfect, practical present, often listen to what the girl is saying. The pragmatic lady herself will try to hint what she needs.

Best Useful Gift Ideas:

  • Fashionable handbag. Try to find a branded product that perfectly matches your style or a quality bag from a not-so-famous manufacturer. Avoid fakes under well-known brands, such a gift will disappoint the girl and may even offend.
  • Good perfumery. If you know exactly what scents a girl likes, you can choose something suitable.
  • Luxurious underwear. It can be presented as a gift if you already have a fairly close relationship with the birthday girl.
  • Fondue dish or sushi set. This is an excellent present for a gourmet who loves not only to feast on delicious dishes, but also to cook them and treat loved ones.
  • Beautiful leather wallet or cardholder. Girls like to have money, cards, etc. were always in order, so your gift will definitely come in handy and like it.

If you can't choose a useful birthday present for a girl, you can present a gift certificate from a suitable store. For a gift to be more romantic, it must be invested in a very beautiful postcard and accompany with nice wishes.

Everything modern girls use computers, so any PC-related items will be useful gifts. Good ideas:

  • Original mousefor example, decorated with rhinestones or in the shape of a heart;
  • Jewelry flash drive or simply interestingly designed;
  • Cool backlit headphones or cat ears;
  • Flexible keyboard;
  • Loudspeakers with dancing waterfalls and light music;
  • USB lamp for laptop keyboard backlight;
  • External hard driveif the birthday girl uses and stores large amounts of information;
  • Laptop cooling table;
  • Warmer for drinks or mini-refrigerator powered by USB;
  • Cool USB hub, for example, in the form of tulips.

List of the best intangible gifts for your favorite birthday gifts

A good present doesn't have to be tangible. Adventure gifts, impressions, and entertainment often bring much more joy. Such intangible gifts can be useful or entertaining. In any case, they will delight the birthday girl if you choose the right option.

The adventure must match the personality of the birthday girl and her interests. Not worth giving extreme entertainment quiet and calm girl. Also, avoid gifts that may seem like an unpleasant hint and offend the birthday girl. For example, you shouldn't give a girl with overweight gym membership if she didn't ask for it herself.

Nice Adventure Gifts for Girlfriend for Birthday:

  • Romantic evening. Surround the girl with attention, make her feel like a queen, make this day one whole unforgettable adventure.
  • Journey. It is not necessary to buy an expensive tour to exotic lands, a small excursion around interesting places the surroundings will also be a great entertainment.
  • Flying in a wind tunnel. Surely the girl will like to feel like a bird.
  • Serenade under the window. If you can sing at least a little bit, prepare well and you will definitely succeed.
  • Horseback riding for two. It's very romantic and will please the animal lover.
  • Participation in the quest. Choose the adventure that best suits the birthday girl.
  • Hike to a trampoline park or amusement park. You will be able to remember your childhood and spend time with fun and benefit.
  • Evening in the VIP-hall of the cinema. The moviegoer will like it.
  • Ride in a carriage, sleigh in winter or in a limousineif a girl loves the benefits of civilization.
  • Master class related to the birthday girl's hobby. If she is a needlewoman, passionate about creativity, cars or science, she will love to improve her skills and learn something new.

List of the best original birthday gifts for a girl

So that your present does not seem like a boring platitude, it is advisable to find something interesting and original. It is desirable that it be a useful thing, but in an unusual design or something that is not directly useful, but beautiful. Good ideas:

  • Scratch map of the world useful to a traveler or a girl who only dreams of conquering the world;
  • Fitness bottle complete with a case-holder for a smartphone will appeal to an active girl-athlete;
  • Notebook or notebook with original design useful for a business lady or lady who loves to plan everything;
  • Handmade jewelry for a stylish lady who likes to look bright and beautiful;
  • Handbag holderdecorated with rhinestones and personalized engraving;
  • Decision ball useful for both indecisive lady and notorious adventurer;
  • Wish cookies or romantic predictions;
  • Sofa cushions with your shared photos;
  • Romantic 3D Lamp in the form of a heart, flower, etc.;
  • Portrait of a girlwritten from her photo.

If you want the gift to hit the girl on the spot, write a verse in addition to it. This is not difficult to do, especially since there are sites on the Internet that help to select rhymes. Even if it doesn’t turn out very neatly and beautifully, the birthday girl will still be delighted.

Every man faced the problem of choosing a gift for a girl. It doesn't matter what kind of holiday it is, it can be very, very difficult to choose a surprise. As you know, it is quite difficult to please a girl. If you want to please your beloved, you need to surprise her. Therefore, you should choose original gifts for girls. Unusual presents are always more interesting than the usual ones.

Birthday ideas

The reason for the presentation can be different. The most common question that arises in your head: how to make an unusual birthday present for a girl? Let's consider some interesting options:

  • If a girl is fond of sports, you can pick up some kind of sports accessory. It can be a hoop, a suit, a gym membership. You can also present a large gym bag in which she can put all the things she needs for training.
  • If a girl considers herself a fashionable person and follows fashionable novelties, trends, it is recommended to please her with a gift certificate to some store. Better not to buy things yourself. Since it is unlikely that you will be able to guess that this is exactly what you need.
  • If a girl loves pets and there are several pets in her house, then as a gift you can present various accessories for her pets: clothes for a dog or cat, a house, a scratching post or a carrying bag.
  • If a girl is very fond of her appearance, then you can give something from cosmetics... But if you do not understand them well, then it is better to contact the consultants in the store.

As you can imagine, to do it you have to think a little.

Other interesting gift ideas for a lovely lady

In addition to the above, there are universal gifts that will please any girl. It could be some kind of souvenir. It is better if it is something unusual that you will not find in everyone when you come to visit. You can also choose good phone or a laptop, if financial opportunities allow. There are various cosmetic sets for baths, body care, hair care and the like.

And of course, any girl will be happy with a variety of jewelry, be it gold or silver. Every lady loves flowers. You can present an unusual bouquet. A variety of compositions of soft toys or candies are available for sale.

So, you want to make unusual gifts for your beloved. Girls love surprises. If you want to surprise, then our tips will help you.

  1. Always pay close attention to what the girl says. Perhaps you can catch something from the conversation. It so happens that she, without noticing it herself, can let slip about what she lacks. This makes it easier to pick up gifts for girls.
  2. The little things are important. You can pay attention to the color that the girl likes, music or films. Based on this, perhaps some interesting idea will arise in my head.
  3. Self-selection of a gift. Many people like to consult with the parents or girlfriends of the girl about choosing a present. Should not be doing that. Look for the gift yourself. After all, who, if not you, knows your beloved better.

It so happens that it is better to ask the girl what she really needs, and not to give a thing that is completely useless.

Jewelry is a great surprise

For every girl there has always been and will be jewelry... But you need to know what kind of material your loved one likes. The ring should be given only in cases where you have a serious marriage proposal). But it's better not to give it at the beginning of a relationship.

What gifts can be made for girls? Unusual, of course. The second place among the favorite presents is taken by sweets. Here you can be creative in different ways: original cakes, bouquets of sweets or other crafts, cupcakes, various cakes and much more.

If you know your girlfriend well and understand that her weakness is not sweet, but, for example, soft toys, then you should come to the store and choose the one you like. Usually girls prefer teddy bears.

Unusual gifts

If you want to surprise, then choose the most unusual gifts for girls. You can record a disc with her favorite songs and arrange a beautiful cover for it or order a USB flash drive of the original form.

You can present various certificates: in a spa, beauty salon, gym, and so on. Or you can order a professional photo session. The girl will definitely be delighted with such a surprise.

We make a gift for a beautiful lady on our own

Well, of course, it would be best to make an unusual gift for the girl with your own hands. Everyone will appreciate such a present. You can do everything for which the fantasy is played. Let's take a look at how to make gifts for girls yourself. Unusual ideas:

  1. Any girl will not refuse a sweet and delicious cake, and if it is prepared a loving man, then this gift will definitely be remembered for a long time. Instead of sweets, you can prepare a romantic dinner yourself.
  2. You can make a souvenir like the Time Capsule. The name itself is already original. Each girl has a huge amount of little things accumulated over her entire life, which she puts in a box and hides in a distant corner - it seems that it is not necessary, but it is a pity to throw it away. A large box is taken, pasted over with its photographs and various prints. Then all these little things add up to it. Quite an original present is obtained!
  3. If the gift is intended for the second half on Valentine's Day, then you can make an unusual alley of snowmen. For this, the main thing is that the snow is sticky and good friends who would help to stick a considerable number of snowmen. In the evening, you can walk with your beloved along such an alley. This gift will definitely be remembered for a long time.
  4. Recently, various checkbooks with wishes have become popular. It will take a lot of time to make such a gift, but it turns out to be very original.
  5. A gift from anyone fairytale hero... Take, for example, Santa Claus and a gift for. You can take a large box and fill it with various sweets, stick stamps, make a signature from Veliky Ustyug from Santa Claus and send it by mail to a girl. Even if your beloved will live in the next room.
  6. You can make a girl a T-shirt with an interesting inscription.

In general, if you connect your imagination, you can come up with a variety of unusual surprises.

Gift for the New Year: what to choose original?

I would also like to say a few words about gifts for the New Year. It will be very cool to present the girl with a knitted sweater with a New Year theme: deer, snowmen, snowflakes and more. It symbolizes your warmth and care for her. You can also attach beautiful mittens or warm socks to it. A large fruit basket will be a very original gift.

In winter, you always want more vitamins. Of course, this basket is not available for all cities. Since in winter, especially under new year holidays, it is quite difficult to find any exotic fruits on store shelves.

Gifts for girls. Unusual ideas

If you want to please a work colleague, then you need to pick up some kind of neutral gift so that there are no hints. It can be a set of cosmetics or the same flash drive with an unusual design, that is, something that is useful to every girl.

But sometimes it happens that you want to please a girl about whom you practically do not know anything. Here you should pay attention to further intentions. If you want some kind of romantic relationship, then you can give a ticket to a movie or theater, a trip to a restaurant or a trip. If the girl is your friend, then you can present her with a disc with a film, soft toy (better not a bear) or some kind of set. In general, you can just present a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates. This, of course, is not an original gift, but it attracts attention.

Nuances to consider

It is worth remembering that there are some nuances when choosing presents:

  • it is better not to give the girl decorative cosmetics and clothes, as this is very difficult to please;
  • if you have an idea for a gift with your own hands, then you should make sure that the girl loves such things (many have a negative attitude towards this).

A little conclusion

Although the choice of a gift, especially for a girl, is a rather difficult problem, but its solution is quite simple to find. The main thing is to pay attention to your relationship with her, to your intentions and how well you know her. If you hit the spot and please a nice lady, then you will definitely not be left without attention. Now you know what an unusual gift to give a girl.