Wearing a ring on the index finger of the left hand. What do the rings on a man's fingers mean?

I greet all my readers and invite you to find out what the rings on your fingers mean. It turns out that not everything is so simple! Today everyone: men, women, teenagers love to wear accessories on their fingers. To decorate hands, people buy both inexpensive jewelry and precious metals.

Which finger to wear the ring on and what does it mean?

Moreover, rings can be seen not only on the ring finger, meaning marital relations, but also on everyone else.

Most owners of this jewelry treat it as a delightful item. It is chosen to match the color of clothing and is often changed.

For other people, a ring or marquise is a symbol. However, experts say that rings can tell a lot about their owner, or rather, not the jewelry itself, but rather the finger on which it flaunts.

The tradition of wearing awnings was adopted in ancient times. In ancient times, this accessory was given magical power, its wearing was associated with various rituals.

One of them has survived to this day: during a wedding, spouses exchange wedding rings as a sign of love and devotion.

Thumb decoration

The thumb is the finger of Mars. Men like to wear rings on it, and not simple ones, but active and emotional ones. Their owner must have the following character traits:

  • straightness,
  • stubbornness,
  • militancy,
  • often hot temper and aggressiveness.

You should not argue with such people or convince them of anything. They will firmly defend their opinion, even if they later regret it greatly.

But they know their flaws, as well as their best features, therefore, putting the marquise on the finger of Mars, it is as if they subconsciously want to tame their irrepressible nature.

It is also an extraordinary intuitive desire to find an approach to the environment, to establish relationships not only with other people, but also with oneself.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin preferred to wear the ring on his thumb and index finger. He was a confident, impulsive man who was very popular with women.

But psychologists say that the ring is on thumb hands, indicates that at present this person, by all means, wants to assert himself having chosen such an unusual technique, and the first position in this is taken by self-affirmation specifically in the sexual area.

This observation has a strong basis. You may have noticed how the ancient Greeks and Romans decorated the thumb, as it was considered a phallic symbol. It was this that they decorated with iron rings to protect their masculine power.

For women, the accessory on this finger is considered a sign of lesbianism. If the ring adorns her right hand, then this lesbian has a girlfriend, if she has a girlfriend on her left, then she is single and looking for a new relationship.

Here's the schedule! Therefore, be careful with jewelry, you may not be understood, especially if you are not attracted to such relationships.

What does the ring on the index finger mean?

Ring on index finger often found in portraits of rulers and emperors. The ring on the right hand speaks of an independent and proud character, the ability to manage people. The left hand indicates a tendency to hysteria and sudden mood swings.

The index finger is considered the finger of Jupiter, and the accessory on it is called the ring of “power”. It was on the finger of Jupiter that marquises adorned such famous personalities as Ivan the Terrible, Julius Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu or Henry VIII.

Wearing jewelry on this finger manifested itself as a sign of pride, a sign of a desire for power, indicating that in front of you was a strong, strong-willed person.

If there was a ring on the right hand, then he was a reasonable person, and with a positive orientation of the above traits.

Wearing it on the left spoke of arrogance this person, arrogance, pride and even a tendency to hysterics.

Jupiter will give such people insight and bring good luck and success into their lives. Rings made of gold or tin can have the fastest impact on the energy level.

Ring on the middle finger

The middle finger is called the Saturn finger. Those people who openly admire their personality try to decorate this finger; they are confident in their superiority and charm.

They try to put on the largest ring and stone, and this further indicates that these qualities are manifested quite strongly. Hereditary jewelry is usually put on this finger, emphasizing the belief in karma and connection with one’s ancestors.

They believe in fate, in their destiny sent down to them from above. Wearing ancestral jewelry will help neutralize the negative influence of fate and cope with great difficulties.

The owner of the marquis on the finger of Saturn receives help from his family and strength to withstand the blows of fate.

Jewelry on the ring finger

The ring finger is considered the finger of the Sun. Ring on ring finger right hand, (Catholics wear it on the left hand), indicates that in front of you is a man with a family.

This tradition was started by the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the “artery of love” leading to the heart originates from the ring finger. In ancient times, wedding symbols were made of ceramics, glass, and not just precious metal.

The wives of the ancient Romans, as a sign of the strength of the marriage bond, gave their husbands rings made of bronze and iron. Gold wedding rings began to be worn only in the 3rd-4th centuries.

Holders of secret spiritual teachings believed that gold is the metal of the Sun, therefore it is best suited for strengthening love in marriage.

If this finger wears jewelry not family man, then he tries to emphasize the love of luxury and art. As a rule, these are people from professions associated with creativity: artists, actors, singers.

The owner of the accessory on the ring finger is a loving nature, striving for sensual pleasures, ready to have a good time. It may also indicate that you have a dreamy and romantic nature.

A small accessory is worn by a person who is balanced, calm, and self-confident, while a large one indicates a person who is unbalanced, subject to passions, and prone to hysterics.

Esotericists recommend wearing rings on the finger of the Sun to everyone who wants to achieve fame and increase wealth, since the Sun gives a person a lot of energy for creativity and self-expression, which contributes to progress towards wealth and success.

Pinky ring

This planet is considered the protector of diplomats, businessmen, doctors, speakers, and politicians, so a ring on the little finger will bring good luck to those who urgently need such qualities as mental flexibility, dexterity of hands, and the ability to speak beautifully.

The owner of a ring on the Mercury finger is able to get along with any person and establish any business contacts.

A ringed little finger “tells” that in front of you is a dexterous, cunning nature, ready for betrayal, intrigue, and adventurous adventures.

If a woman’s hand is ringed, then this is a direct indication that she is a flirtatious, narcissistic and changeable person, always ready to flirt.

If a person is prone to gambling, then the ring can not only calm the owner himself, but also curb this attraction.

Toe ring

Most experts say that decorated toes indicate that this person wants to be singled out from the masses and to be paid attention to.

Sometimes this indicates that the owner of the jewelry loves himself too much, has too much self-esteem, and strives to dominate those around him.

Like this interesting material I found it for you, dear readers! Show the article to your friends, perhaps it will also help them better understand the purpose of jewelry.

There is an opinion that an incorrectly selected attribute affects health. For example, gold excites nervous system, while silver calms her down. There are no strict rules regarding wearing rings, but there are still some recommendations. Let's look at them in order.

Wearing rings according to character type

Little finger
Wearing rings on this finger is recommended for people who do not have pronounced signs of eloquence, dexterity, or a flexible mind. The little finger is called the finger of Mercury; it patronizes doctors, diplomats, great orators, analytical and political figures.

If you need support in these areas, you should put the ring on your small finger. Such a move will help establish connections in the business field, establish contacts with people who have complex character from nature.

Also, a ring worn on the little finger helps gambling people and “Casanova” (men) different women. The accessory suppresses the listed qualities, returning a person to the true path.

Wearing a ring on this finger is suitable for people who have a passion for wealth, both spiritual and material. In addition, the accessory is recommended for use by men and women seeking pleasure in life and love.

The ring emphasizes the passion for everything beautiful and living, suitable for people who want to gain power and fame. If you wear gold jewelry, you can soon become famous and rich.

A person who is not in a relationship should wear the ring on his left hand. Such a move will tell the future soulmate that the man or woman is open to new acquaintances. Married people wear a ring on their right hand.

Wearers of rings on the middle finger are considered to be unlucky people who experience bad luck everywhere. The accessory is also worn in the case of jewelry that has been inherited (ancestral ring).

A person who wears an accessory on his middle finger will be able to walk the path of life calmly and overcome all difficulties. IN difficult situations decisions will be made much easier.

In addition to all of the above, the accessory is suitable for people who understand the art of self-knowledge and those who practice meditation. To discover yourself fully, you should give preference to attributes made of bronze or iron.

Palmists and astrologers claim that this finger represents the power and protection of Jupiter. Wearing a ring on the index finger suits introverted, insecure and overly shy individuals. Decoration helps to increase self-esteem, makes a person eloquent and spiritually strong.

Such a move will help a person expand his horizons in different areas of life, believe in his own strength, and also become insightful and more passionate.

People who by nature have an ardent temperament, expressiveness, high emotionality and an inexhaustible supply of energy are recommended to put the ring on this particular finger. Moreover, the jewelry must be made of copper or red gold.

According to astrologers and palmists, the thumb represents the power of Mars. The planet is responsible for the partial suppression of unwanted (evil or greedy) emotions, restrains irritability, calms the nervous system, helps the wearer become kinder and find harmony with their own “I”.

In most cases, people with a ring on their thumb have a high degree of stubbornness. They try in every possible way to assert themselves at the expense of others, and also to increase their libido (in the case of men). Women find thousands of ways to satisfy their partner in bed.

Little finger
As mentioned earlier, the finger is responsible for business relationships and connections with “helpful” people. Often, a ring on the little finger improves speech and mental abilities.

Give preference to jewelry with yellowish stones. These include amber, citrine, carnelian, and topaz. Green samples like emerald, chrysoprase (inserted in a silver frame), and peridot are also suitable.

You can also wear silver or Golden ring with jade for a business meeting. It will help turn grandiose projects into reality, and also improve the functioning of the kidneys, and tell you how to find a solution in a difficult situation.

The finger is a symbol of love, so it is advisable to give preference to jewelry with red stones. These include ruby, garnet, jasper, tourmaline, lal, and carnelian. The listed specimens strengthen the heart muscle and eyesight, and also bring happiness in love.

It is allowed to wear rings with stones yellow color(amber, carnelian, citrine, peridot, topaz, etc.). To strengthen marriage bonds, you should put a ring with pearls on the finger of your right hand.

People who are registered family relationships, it is strictly not recommended to wear a silver ring. This aspect is associated with the power of the alloy; it calms and makes a person invulnerable to love and feelings in general. It’s not for nothing that people wear “Save and Preserve” on the ring finger of their right hand.

Jewelry worn on this finger is responsible for the human ego. A stone inserted into a ring plays an important role in political, business and family connections. The ring propels the wearer into upper world, elite, noble society.

It is advisable to give preference to stones of black, dark blue, violet shade. In this case, the element must be enclosed in platinum, White gold or silver. Palmists recommend wearing rings occasionally, for example, to an important interview that should be successful.

To maintain the harmony of heart and mind, wear amethyst or obsidian cut with silver on the middle finger of your left hand. To convince your opponent of the seriousness of the idea, get a moonstone.

You should not decorate your middle fingers with gold jewelry. Jewelry of this kind overshadows its owner, making him uninteresting to society. The gold alloy, which contains a red-colored stone, has a detrimental effect on personal life and sexual relationships.


The finger is a manifestation of the will of Jupiter. It shows a person the path, reveals talents, increases determination and increases interest in life. Incorrectly selected jewelry can be a consequence of ruin and lack of spiritual values.

To become successful, wear jewelry with sapphires, turquoise, lapis lazuli, aquamarine and other stones of blue, as well as blue and turquoise shades on your index finger. Give preference to gold-cut products.

If you encase coral in gold, you can quickly eliminate negativity, prolonged depression, and stress. Men need to wear jewelry on their right hand, and girls on their left.
Under no circumstances should you wear silver rings; otherwise, such wear will contribute to the destruction of hopes and dreams.

It is advisable to decorate the finger with rings with stones of green, blue-green or rich of blue color. Such a move will increase the vitality and confidence of its owner, put the psycho-emotional background in order, and cure absent-mindedness.

You can also wear yellow stones, but avoid blue ones. Wearing a ring with a blue-green stone will make a person feel comfortable no matter the situation. The “right” stones include aquamarine, lapis lazuli, turquoise, and amazonite.

Wearing rings has long symbolized the individuality, charisma and taste of its owner. The accessory can be used by men and women; each person requires a certain stone according to their character type.

Video: how to wear rings with natural stones correctly

A ring, a lucky ring... For some it is a simple decoration, for others it is a talisman, and still others would be happy to make it a talisman, but they have no idea about the meaning of the ring worn on the thumb, index, middle, ring or little finger. The symbolism of wearing rings is a concept of a slightly different nature than jewelry etiquette: there are no instructions in it, but there are recommendations. For example, a nuance is considered to be the choice of the hand whose finger will be crowned with an exquisite decoration. Put it on the right one - you activate the flow of energy responsible for certain areas of life. On the left - “put up protection” from negative influence from the outside. What about fingers? We look at ours and find out if we are doing everything right.

Chronicle of events

Historically, the wearing of a ring was not influenced by location, nationality, religion, or social status. The latter may raise questions: after all, it’s polar different rings worn by nobles and common people. Undoubtedly, the pharaohs disdained to touch a despicable metal like iron and admired the shine of gold mined in one of their treasuries - the northern part of Nubia. Actually, Nubia is something like a “golden country” - “nub” translated from ancient Egyptian means gold. Deposits of one of the most expensive metals in this and other areas of the Nile land made Egypt the most “golden” of the most ancient states: Babylon and Assyria never dreamed of such wealth. Abundance precious metal made it possible to successfully realize the wildest fantasies of Egyptian jewelers - echoes of an era that has sunk into oblivion still inspire modern designers.

Considering and interpreting the meaning of rings worn on a certain finger in the paradigm of history is not a matter of one printed or online page. Regulations vary depending on geography, religion and other beliefs. To say that only the index finger is suitable for royal rings is definitely rash. The exception is the wedding ring, which has been adorned on the ring finger since ancient times. The explanation of the ancient Greek writer Plutarch is too “anatomical,” but romantics will find some of what they are looking for in it: “According to legend, the ancient Greeks wore a ring on the finger of their left hand closest to the little finger. The Romans, as they say, had the same custom. The reason for this (...) is that from this one finger a certain thinnest nerve departs and reaches the heart; Therefore, it was considered appropriate to honor this finger with such decoration, as it is closely connected with the heart, which takes precedence in the body.” And yet, there was a “big difference” here too: according to established tradition, in the Middle East, Europe (Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Slovenia, Italy, France), and a number of countries in North and South America, symbols of fidelity can be seen on spouses on the left hand, and among Orthodox Christians living in Russia and the CIS countries, as well as Greeks, Germans, Spaniards, Chileans, Venezuelans, Colombians, Indians, residents of large parts of Eastern Europe - on the right.

From left to right

The right hand has long been considered a “working”, active and “male” hand. For most people, she “dominates”: she gestures more actively and is the first to “rush” to the elevator buttons, computer mouse and light switch. The left hand was dubbed “female”, passive. “Male”, decorated with a ring, is active: it promises activation of the necessary spheres of life, the desire for power, and gaining independence. The ringed “feminine” is a protector, concentrates energy to block negativity, protects from troubles, and also reflects the shadow side of your personality, helping to keep personal things secret.

Is silver more expensive than gold?

The metal from which your ring is cast is no less important than the choice of hand. Gold attracts energy and turns a person into a co-creator of his own Destiny. Silver creates a special biofield that protects against unnecessary outside influence and neutralizes excess energy. It is believed that hyper-emotional people should take a closer look at silver rings, and those who have difficulty making decisions should look at gold rings.


Chief at court: thumb

It was on the thumb that the royal nobility liked to wear a signet ring or an impressively sized ring, so over time it was rightfully dubbed the “leader’s finger.” It is believed that people who wear a ring this way are very strong-willed and temperamental. “I see the goal, but I don’t see the obstacles” - this is about them. And if obstacles are still visible on the horizon, it is very difficult for such people to restrain their aggressiveness and innate stubbornness. They have overflowing ambitions, but also energy, so the first is probably not considered a minus: they will knock on a closed door until the last minute. Of course, in life such people are “big bosses” who like to command rather than teams. If the manager’s chair is still too big for them, it’s just a matter of time. And perhaps the right ring.

Tips: patron - Mars. Wearing a ring on the thumb is indicated for those who lack control over their emotions, inner strength and authority in the team. It is also believed that such decoration expands your zone of influence and attracts wealth.

Brothers in mind: Richard III, Elizabeth I, Infanta Isabella Clara Augenia, fourth wife of King Henry VIII of England, Anna of Cleves.

Ring of Omnipotence: Index Finger

To indicate, to rule and to divide is the lot of persons not just monarchs, but great ones. Before the names of historical personalities who preferred to crown their index fingers with massive rings, you tremble and remain in silent admiration - if not for their deeds, then for the scale of their personality. Prudence, a lively mind, pride and unquestioning authority are the distinctive features of everyone who, like them, chooses the index finger to wear a ring. Unlike the faces adorning the thumb, they are calmer, more integral and “self-possessed” individuals; They don’t need to attract attention to themselves: everyone is already interested in their opinion in the first place. If you see a ring on the index finger on a business person, consider that this is a warning sign to keep your ears open: the owner of the jewelry is self-confident and can be very aggressive. If you get along with him in character or achieve a “royal” favor, you will almost certainly receive profit, since determination is the middle name of such a person.

Tips: patron - Jupiter. Put a ring on your index finger if timidity and shyness bother you in life, if you don’t know how to make decisions quickly, don’t believe in yourself and have critically low self-esteem.

Brothers in mind: Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Ivan the Terrible, Henry VIII.

Photo source: ru.pinterest.com, www.omsk-kprf.ru, aminpro.ru

Center of gravity: middle finger

A person wearing a ring on his middle finger is an individualist in everything. He seems to be making a wordless statement about his independence from those around him, but isolating himself and living as a hermit is not his style: that’s why he rings his “central” finger to show his place in society. And yet, do not be confused: the thumb and index finger openly “speak” about the desire for leadership, the middle one about self-esteem. If the ring on it can hardly be called a family one (“family” jewelry is often put on the middle finger), then before you is a person armed with the motto “the dog barks - the caravan moves on.” Charismatic and bright, people who adorn the finger of Saturn are least concerned about the opinions of others about themselves. They are more interested in everything that makes their eyes burn and their hands itch.

Tips: patron - Saturn. If you lack balance, confidence, the ability to introspect, or need to stimulate intellectual work, wear a ring on your middle finger. It is recommended to do the same to eliminate bad streaks in life and permanent failures in your career. The middle finger symbolizes luck and success—the two ingredients you're missing.

Brothers in Mind: Queen Victoria; Louise Marie of Orléans, Queen of Belgium.

Heart Ties: Ring Finger

As mentioned above, the ring finger is the zone of family ties and love. About a single person wearing jewelry, we can say with 99% probability that he is an incorrigible romantic and a dreamer with a craving for everything beautiful and sublime: he may be interested in theater or ballet, collect art history literature, or write lyrics on the table. This is a changeable nature, consisting of a strong dependence on one’s own mood swings. This is because he constantly needs strong emotions, a kaleidoscope of events and a whirlpool of passions that make him feel the bittersweet taste of life more acutely. That's right: the person wearing a ring on the ring finger loves to laugh loudly and cry heartily. But such people are the most interesting interlocutors and entertainers of the masses, who never lack ideas.

Tips: patron - the Sun: let those who lack inspiration, creative ideas, attention and recognition bathe in its rays. Let those who lack optimism decorate the ring finger of the right hand. Left - who needs inexhaustible creative energy.

Brothers in mind: Alexandra of Denmark, Princess of Wales; princess Diana.

I'm all attention: pinky

The little finger is highlighted with jewelry experienced craftsmen flirting, long philosophical conversations and adventures on the verge of a foul. "You only live once!" - the slogan of their whole lives, large printed on the flag, which they proudly carry in their hands even in mature age. Born diplomats and kings of successful communication, from nature they received one of the most valuable gifts - a special magnetism that inevitably attracts to them everything (and everyone) that their curious gaze falls on. It is believed that a girl who constantly wears a ring on her little finger has not yet met her betrothed, and is in no hurry to tie the knot. As a rule, this is a vulnerable, capricious, rather gambling, but cheerful nature, and also a real flirt, who often “attracts” a weaker and more indecisive person to herself. A man with a ringed little finger is an adventurous lover who professes the values ​​of hedonism and never sits in one place.

Tips: patron - Mercury. A ring on your little finger will reveal your gift of eloquence and persuasion, help you establish successful communication, enhance your natural charisma, and even contribute to a successful business.

Brothers in mind: Elizabeth I, Mary I.

Rings have always been one of the main decorations of women. Not many people know that with the help of a ring you can change your destiny. It all depends on which finger and hand you wear this jewelry on. What do esotericists advise?

Which hand to wear the ring on

It is believed that right hand- masculine, active. A ring on the finger of the right hand helps to activate certain areas of life and improve character qualities. Left hand- feminine, passive. Wearing a ring on the left hand serves as protection against negative energy and dangers.

What metal is best to wear a ring from?

If you want to protect yourself from negative energy - envy, gossip, the evil eye and bad people, then it is recommended to wear silver rings.

Gold rings is an active metal that helps activate your personal energy.

Which finger to wear the ring on

Thumb responsible for reason, logic, head. If you don't have enough in life logical thinking to solve any problems and lack willpower, then the ring should be worn on the thumb of the right hand. Gold decoration will help you activate these qualities.

If reason and logic, on the contrary, interfere with your life and you want to follow the voice of your intuition, then it is recommended to wear a silver ring on the thumb of your left or right hand.

Forefinger. It is better not to wear gold rings on the index finger, since the finger itself symbolizes ego and personal power. Gold can simply make you vain and selfish. A silver ring should be worn in order to protect yourself from unconscious actions, as well as normalize relationships with others.

Middle finger. Wearing a silver ring on the middle finger of your left hand will help correct your fate. If you want to achieve success in society, your personal life and surround yourself with good people, then the ring should be put on the middle finger of the right hand. It must be gold jewelry.

Ring finger. It is recommended to wear a ring on this finger in order to unleash your creative potential. Also, a ring on the ring finger can correct the situation in your personal life. A gold jewelry on your right hand will help attract your other half, and will also help make your relationship with your loved one more sensual and vibrant. A silver ring on the left, passive hand will protect against an unhappy marriage and unrequited love.

Little finger. With the help of a ring on your little finger you can improve your relationships with others. If you want to become a more sociable person, find friends and lead an active life, feel free to put a gold ring on the little finger of your right hand. If you want to protect yourself from the influence of others and sharpen your intuition, a silver ring on the little finger of your left hand will help.

Create your own destiny! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.03.2015 09:05

Many people love jewelry and rings are one of them. However, not everyone knows that the ring...

Jewelry They have strong energy and can tell a lot about their owner. Having learned about the meaning...

Those who are interested in palmistry or esotericism are probably aware that the little finger is the finger over which Mercury patronizes, which is responsible for healing, trade, diplomacy and different types art. People who prefer to wear rings on their little fingers are most likely somehow connected in life with these areas. In this article we will explain in detail how to wear a ring on your little finger with a photo and what it can mean.

Lately, many people have been wearing pinky rings. By this they do not seek to show their attitude towards anything, but simply put the jewelry on the smallest finger of the hand, in order to thus pay tribute to modern fashion.

However, earlier people were identified in society by this criterion, because rings were worn on the little finger:

  • masons
  • feminists in the 19th century
  • gays in the 70s of the twentieth century
  • gangsters

Now all this is a thing of the distant past, but if we consider this issue with psychological point sight, then you can understand what the ring on the little finger means:

  1. A person who wears a ring on his little finger wants to attract good luck, business success, money and fame. All this testifies to such, perhaps not clearly expressed, character traits as: cunning, narcissism, coquetry and a penchant for adventure. However, despite these negative qualities, people who wear pinky rings are very original and interesting. You can only find out by talking to a person.
  2. A person who wears a ring on his little finger is essentially a rebel who never agrees with social norms. This is a creative person who strives to express himself in art. Notice how many famous people wear pinky rings. For example, Johnny Dep. This talented actor wears two rings at once. And the level of his charisma, creativity and energy is simply off the charts.
  3. In some criminal circles, if a man wears a ring on his little finger, this indicates that his past or present is not connected with “clean” deeds. Most likely, his whole appearance will indicate that he is connected with big money and criminal activities.

  1. If you see a person who wears a ring on the little finger of his left hand, this may mean that he is simply trying to show that he does not have the slightest desire to build a family and enter into a marriage relationship. If you do not believe in this sign, then pay attention to the hands of the monks. They wear rings on their little fingers.
  2. Men who do not strive for a permanent relationship with one woman prefer to wear a ring on the little finger of their right hand. These are alpha males looking for victims for one evening. You'll see this one young man– stay away from him, because he will fall in love with you, break your heart and disappear forever.
  3. If a person prefers to wear a ring on his little finger, then this may indicate his penchant for gambling and adventurous affairs. He can hardly be considered lucky, but his belief that the ring will bring him success is quite great.
  4. People who want to demonstrate their important social status and prosperity like to wear silver rings on their little fingers. This option of wearing jewelry looks quite harmonious, but if it is worn by a person without income, then this can only emphasize his stupidity and ignorance. Psychologists believe that such people are very mercantile and selfish; you should not have close relationships with them and simply communicate on various topics.
  5. Women who simply want to stand out from the crowd wear rings on their little fingers. It is unlikely that they have any extraordinary intelligence or talent. They have only one goal - to show themselves stylish and fashionable.

  1. Some people wear a ring on their little finger for a very simple reason - a bad purchase or a gift. It happens that the decoration is very beautiful, it was presented important person, but it is small in size. In order not to offend the person who gave it in this way, women and men put a ring on their little finger.

What kind of ring is worn on the little finger?

Signet rings look most impressive on the little fingers. The fashion for this way of wearing jewelry on the smallest fingers of the hand began in France during the Renaissance. This was done by men of the noble family who used their ring as a family seal. At any time, they could simply dip their ring in ink to certify an important document. Most often, letters were sealed this way.

There was a special attitude towards the signet ring:

  • The ring always depicted the coat of arms of the family to which the person belongs, his rank and rank at the court where he serves. That is why men often passed on their signet ring to their sons.
  • People believed that this ring, worn on the little finger, acquires magical properties. The nobles were quite skeptical about this belief, but representatives of the clergy saw a hidden meaning in the loss of the ring. They believed that this was a sign that promised danger to life. There is no scientific evidence for this, but in some legends of that time one can find references to this kind of meaning of signet rings. It was not for nothing that the leadership of the Third Reich, after the defeat in World War II, ordered the destruction of all the rings that were awarded to the military, believing that they would only bring them misfortune in the future.
  • The pinky ring is a gift that is given to every Pope. The name of the clergyman is engraved on the ring. He cannot take it off for the rest of his life. Some are even buried with these rings on their hands.

Celebrities who wear pinky rings

Many representatives of modern cinema wear rings on their little fingers. As we have already mentioned, the most prominent representative is Johnny Dep - a stunning Hollywood film actor with an unforgettable personal style in everything. However, this person takes the ritual of wearing pinky rings very seriously. For him, these are talismans that bring good luck in his field.

In addition to Johnny Depp, people also prefer to wear rings on their little fingers:

  1. Julianne Hough is an American television star who dances, sings, and stars in TV series. For her, wearing jewelry on her little finger is a style that she never changes.
  2. Jennifer Lopez is a wonderful woman who became famous not only as a supermodel, but also as a singer and actress. She began wearing a ring on her little finger when she was able to gain recognition. For her, such decoration is a symbol of high status and belonging to the artistic community.
  3. Elena Mukhina is a famous gymnast. She wears a ring on her little finger because it has a magical meaning for her. The woman believes that this decoration, if put on the smallest finger of the hand, can correct fate.
  4. Vera Brezhneva is a famous beautiful singer. She always has a different style, so wearing a ring on her little finger is part of the image in which she appears in front of the public with enviable frequency.

  1. Olga Shelest is a Russian presenter who prefers to decorate her little fingers on both hands with rings. In her opinion, it just looks quite stylish, but only if you manage to choose neat and feminine rings.
  2. Elena Perminova is a socialite who always has several rings on each finger. For her, it is a way of self-expression. She is simply supposed by her status to decorate herself in such a way as to always be interesting to the general public.
  3. Katy Perry is a shocking singer who differs from many others not only in her excellent voice, but also in her style. She wears rings on her little fingers with pleasure, and each time she chooses a piece of jewelry that contains a stone that matches her outfit.
  4. Kim Kardashian is a popular modern actress and model. The girl has a very unusual beauty and always skillfully emphasizes it. The jewelry on the little finger of the right hand is a clear confirmation of this. The girl prefers to wear bulky rings with large stones, which will highlight her bright appearance and complement her image.

Modern society is designed in such a way that we can afford to wear whatever we want, and no one will give it special significance and hidden meaning. If you want to wear a ring on your little finger, do not deny yourself this pleasure, but choose a piece of jewelry that really suits your character and temperament.

Video: “The meaning of a ring put on a finger”