Men's rings and symbolism. Rings on the fingers Ring on the right hand on the ring

Most of us have a pretty vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe intricacies of etiquette when it comes to rings. If everything is clear with the wedding ring, then how things are with other types of this accessory is a mystery covered in darkness. Meanwhile, regarding jewelry there are many traditions, rings are no exception. This accessory lets you make a statement without saying a word. A married man or single, is a graduate of a prestigious institution or is a member of a closed club - the ring can tell about all this. If you are using this accessory solely to experiment with style, here's a quick guide to rings and their meanings.

Men's pinky ring

The men's ring worn on the little finger of the right hand is not associated with religious or cultural traditions. Palmists believe that this is a sign of a gambling and resourceful person. They are ready for anything to achieve their goals, even if not in the most honest way. With such you need to be on the alert!

Men's ring on the ring finger

It is believed that if a man wears wedding ring on ring finger left hand, then he is either a widower or divorced. And this is for many unmarried girls can be a signal “the way is clear”. However, this does not always symbolize a man's idle status. This can often be explained by religion - Catholics wear wedding rings on their left hand, and Orthodox Christians on their right. In the case of marriage, men of both religions most often choose men's gold rings. different shades... They can also be decorated with engraving or precious stones.

If men's rings are worn on the ring fingers of both hands, this is a sign that the person is currently in a satisfactory position for himself.

However, in addition to the wedding ring, men wear ordinary rings on their ring finger, which symbolize their desire for pleasure. If the ring is small, then its owner is clearly confident in himself. Bright rings on the ring finger mean that a person craves attention and wants to be noticed.

Men's ring on the middle finger

The male ring on the middle finger demonstrates to others that the man is quite pleased with himself. And the larger the decoration, the brighter this message. In addition, the ring on this finger can speak of the wearer's "narcissism", demonstrating his excessive love for himself.

The symbolism of the ring on the middle finger can lie in another - it is often on the middle finger that they wear jewelrypassed down from generation to generation.

Men's ring on the index finger

Modern men rings on the index finger are rarely worn. But in ancient times, this is how famous rulers and military leaders often wore rings. A man's ring on the index finger is a sign of pride and power of the wearer. It is believed that a man thus demonstrates his desire for leadership. In the case of the index finger, it also matters which hand the ring is on. On the right, it emphasizes the proud and strong-willed character of the owner, and on the left hand, it indicates his impulsiveness and even a tendency to conflict.

Men's thumb ring

Previously, sultans, sheikhs and rulers of different ranks wore rings on the thumb. It was considered a symbol of power. But psychologists see a different meaning in this - a man's thumb ring demonstrates an emotional person with great potential. internal energy... Such people are capable of doing something that their actions will be remembered for a long time. And one moment. If a man wears a ring on his thumb, know that he will stop at nothing to achieve his goal.

Number of rings

What is the maximum number of rings a man should wear? It directly depends on the design of the jewelry. Some cultures wear rings on almost every finger of both hands. However, it looks pretentious and declares specific taste preferences, creative profession or non-standard lifestyle of their owner. According to the rules of etiquette, it is recommended to wear no more than two rings at a time.

There is not much information about the meaning of the rings on the fingers of women. But such characteristics can really help to know a person better: his personality, disposition, habits.

There is not much information about the meaning of rings on the fingers of women.

Girls at all times loved rings. Such jewelry is considered an indicator of status: social, family. But there is something intimate and secret in a woman's desire to wear rings. What are the meanings of the rings on different fingers, for example, on the right hand?

Ring on thumb most often worn by big adventurers. Such women like to seek adventure and, by the way, they find it. Wearing a ring on the thumb is inherent in individuals who are characterized by some male character traits: assertiveness, fearlessness and determination. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that having a ring on a thumb is the prerogative of young people, since in more mature age it looks somewhat infantile. A ring on the thumb will definitely not suit a business look. As for the ring itself, jewelry with a stone will hardly be appropriate on this finger.

Much more often you can find rings on the index finger of the fair sex. And this phenomenon has its own meaning. What do the rings on the finger mean? So, the jewelry on the index finger is worn by women who are powerful and freedom-loving. They have their own opinion on everything, they are often engaged in some large-scale business, if it concerns work.

Psychologists say that women who are accustomed to commanding and pointing are more likely to wear a ring on the index finger. And if they did not make a great boss in life, then, most likely, such a lady will apply her passion for leadership in the family circle. Such ladies often have a henpecked husband and a “mama's” son.

On the middle finger of the right hand, people are dreamy, romantic and somewhat vulnerable. Such ladies sometimes deliberately exploit the image of “weak” in order to attract as much attention as possible, to win over and to arouse sympathy. And, I must say, they succeed! But do not think that this is a hypocritical personality type. In most situations, these women are kind, helpful and accommodating. They are not characterized by conflicts with others.

The rings on the ring finger of the right hand are a sign that the girl is married. A pure and bright symbol that carries the energy of love, heartfelt affection and well-being. This is the apogee of the union of two hearts, which are now ringed. It is generally accepted that the "betrothal" is placed on the ring finger for the reason that the vein extending from this finger leads directly to the heart.

How to wear rings on your fingers (video)

If a lady is not officially married, but she still has a jewelry on her finger of love, then this only means that she would like to get married and find happiness as soon as possible. Usually this is done by very young girls who not only dream of a big and bright feeling, but also strive to “ring” some man. They wear jewelry, trying to make the fact of marriage supposedly valid.

The ring on the little finger speaks of the great creative potential of its owner. Among such representatives of the fair sex there are often talented artists, photographers, stylists, and designers. By the way, jewelry on the little finger should also be worn by those who would like to develop their talents more strongly. It's good if the ring on your finger has a small stone. On small fingers, it will look very cute and so youthful.

Gallery: the meaning of rings on the fingers of women (50 photos)

Much more often you can find rings on the index finger of the fair sex

Rings on the left hand: meanings

The meaning of the rings on the left fingers may differ from the previous specifications. This is due to the difference in energy.

What does the ring on the left thumb mean? Thumb rings are a sign of independence and freedom, a gesture aimed at demonstrating one's uniqueness and exclusivity. People of this kind are very proud, they are often leaders. They get along well in large companies and teams, but they can feel true comfort only when they are alone with themselves. These women shun all dissidents, it is important for them to surround themselves with like-minded people. They especially do not tolerate people pointing out what and how to do in life. By the way, it is difficult for men to ring such ladies, because they will defend their inner and outer freedom to the last.

The index finger of the left hand with a ring will tell a lot about its owner. This finger is often worn with personal jewelry with a non-standard outlook on life. They tend to get away from reality. You can find many adherents among them. healthy way life, some kind of unique nutrition system, those who like to meditate at every convenient moment and place. They like to stand out from the majority from a spiritual point of view. This also manifests itself on the hands.

Wearing rings on the middle finger of the left hand is an indicator of incredible femininity. Such a person needs to develop his natural characteristics. Part of this development is the family. Chances of having several children at once in a very happy marriage, if you wear the ring on the middle finger. Of course, things won't change overnight if you put on the ring. But with sincere intentions and pure desires, its location can help. This is what the power of thought, supported by action, means.

Which fingers are not allowed to wear rings? There is a kind of symbol or even superstition to which, if not all, then many of the fair sex listen to. It is not recommended to have a ring on the ring finger of your left palm, because it can play a cruel joke on anyone. You should always avoid wearing rings on your fingers in every possible way, which carry the energy of unhappiness. In this case, it is believed that such an arrangement of the ring is endowed with “the energy of the widow”. Indeed, in this way, widowed ladies signify that they honor the memory of their departed husband. Therefore, you should not be in vain to bring trouble on yourself.

The rings on the little finger of the left palm not only adorn women's palms, making them sophisticated, but also characterize their wearer as a light and cheerful personality. She is easy-going, looks at the world positively and rarely gets discouraged.

Other meanings of wearing rings

Many women prefer wearing several rings at once on their fingers. How can this phenomenon be explained? There are many interesting characteristics and symbols of several rings on the hand, which are not known to everyone.

For example, many rings on the fingers of the right hand betray an ambitious and obstinate personality. She has a passion for something in her blood, which is very often difficult to somehow stop.

2 rings on one finger are solid individuals, prone to deep introspection. At the heart of their attitude towards themselves can be very strict criteria, which completely excludes any condescension to their misdeeds and mistakes.

If two rings on one finger are worn on the little finger, then this is a sign that a person lacks close and warm relationships in life. More often it comes about female friendship.

How to choose the right stone (video)

Two or more rings on the index finger of the left hand only enhance the previously described characteristics, but it is this strengthening that can take a lot of strength from the woman herself. It is better to transfer the second ring to the adjacent finger or remove it altogether.

Which finger to wear the ring on to attract good luck? Let it be a ring on the little finger, namely on his phalanx. If you wear the ring on the index finger of your left hand (also on the phalanx), then this will bring material profit in the very near future. You can wear it to special occasions.

Which finger is the engagement ring worn on? This should be a ring on right hand on the ring finger. After the wedding, it changes to an engagement, more solid and expensive one. That's why you can't get your engagement ring too fancy.

This is the meaning of wearing rings on the fingers of a female. Thanks to this, you can learn more not only about yourself, but also about your new acquaintance, girlfriend, boss and more.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the old days, men's rings could tell a lot about the wearer. For each class, certain decorations with a specific meaning were relied on. Now these traditions are not important, and men can wear any rings they like. However, the chosen material, shape, as well as the finger on which the accessory is worn give certain information about its owner. Consider on which fingers men wear rings and what this means.

Men's jewelry can be conditionally combined into groups:

  • Wedding. Previously, they were made in the form of a traditional gold rim, but now the range includes rings decorated with engraving, decorative elements or small stones. For men, the wedding ring symbolizes the seriousness of the relationship, and it is usually worn by everyone.
  • Signet. In the old days, signet rings were not only a status accessory. They additionally fastened documents, leaving an imprint on the seal. The surface of the signet ring was engraved with a mirror image of the owner's initials or the coat of arms of the family. Modern seals, in addition to coats of arms or monograms, are decorated with various ornaments.
  • Rings with precious or semi-precious stone... The ring draws attention to the owner, serves as an indicator of status and authority. In the old days, rich people adorned themselves with rings.

The old traditions of wearing rings on their hands have not been observed for a long time, but the location of the rings on the fingers of men is of great importance. A person unconsciously puts on an accessory in accordance with his character.

For lovers men's jewelry there are many options, each with its own meaning

Let's dwell on one of the male habits. Probably, every man during negotiations, during communication and conversation constantly touches or twists the ring. Depending on the environment, psychologists provide several explanations for such actions:

  • Attraction. When talking with a woman he likes, a married man experiences an unconscious embarrassment and, twisting a wedding ring, mentally tries to abandon marriage bonds, showing the chosen one the serious meaning of intentions.
  • Nervousness. In difficult situations, when it is necessary to make a serious decision, a representative of the male half of humanity intuitively tries to use magical power rings. In addition, nervousness is accompanied by increased respiration, increased heart rate.
  • Family discomfort. In case of marital quarrels, this gesture has the meaning of a subconscious desire to remove the ring, to get rid of an uncomfortable situation.

Other meanings of this gesture are possible. But almost always the desire to twist the jewelry on the finger is associated with psychological discomfort.

Ring materials

For the manufacture of accessories, metals are used in combination with semi-precious or precious stones:

  • Iron. The material is preferred by creative individuals or representatives of informal movements. Iron jewelry symbolizes the presence of a "steel rod" in a man.
  • Silver. Silver accessories with many decorative elements in the form of a signet preferred by representatives of bohemia. A silver ring with a minimum of stones or decorative inserts will suit young guys. The young man's massive ring has a dual meaning, but older persons are allowed to wear large jewelry.
  • Gold. Precious metal is a sign of wealth. The gold ring bears the meaning that its owner has a high status, has achieved a lot in life and can be relied on.

Pay attention to the stone (if any). The meaning of gold with diamonds speaks of a desire to show off one's wealth or highlight a high position in society. Most men prefer small semi-precious stones.

Designer jewelry

Many guys do without jewelry, wearing only a simple wedding ring. A man's desire to wear rings on his fingers can have the following meanings:

  • The person wants to attract the attention of others. This is typical of creative people or people who are insecure. For insecure men, jewelry helps to increase self-esteem, to convince of their irresistibility.
  • A man wants to emphasize his status. For men, rings have the meaning of a kind of identification mark. By the accessories on the fingers, informals, representatives of bohemia and some other groups recognize each other.

The man chooses the design or material for the ring taking into account the environment to which he belongs. For example, bankers or entrepreneurs will not wear a fancy iron ring. But a person chooses the finger on which the jewelry will be worn taking into account his inclinations.

The meaning of the rings on different fingers

Most men for whom tradition matters usually wear the accessory on their ring fingers, but other options are possible. The choice of the place for the ring is intuitive and tells about the character of the person.


Not many men dare to wear a ring on their thumb. Psychologists say that such placement is preferred by individuals who have:

  • emotionality;
  • impulsivity;
  • creative impulses;
  • striving for self-affirmation;
  • sexual activity.

Putting on an accessory, without even knowing what the ring on the thumb means, a man subconsciously communicates his sexuality, determination and straightforward character.


The ring on the index finger of a man's right hand has its own meaning. It indicates the domineering nature, who knows how to subordinate and control people. Such people are reasonable and analyze their actions.

A similar wearing of a ringlet on the left hand gives out a proud and arrogant man. A person may overestimate his abilities and not always assess the consequences of committed actions.


In men, the middle finger is responsible for the following qualities:

  • calmness;
  • equilibrium;
  • masculinity.

Some men prefer to wear jewelry on the middle finger.

Such people turn out to be reliable. business partners and good family men. But only on condition that the other fingers of this hand are not decorated. The fully ringed brush reduces the positive symbolism of the middle finger accessory.

When evaluating a male character, it matters appearance jewelry: a massive, elaborate ring with a large stone betrays narcissism.


The ring on the ring finger of the left hand is worn by married men. This is the only accessory that can be paired with the left middle finger ring.

Unmarried men almost never use ring fingers to wear rings. But if a man wears a non-engagement ring on his left hand, then this indicates a desire for luxury, love for the exquisite and beautiful.

Little finger

In the 70s, the ring on the little finger of the right hand served as an identification mark for representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation, but now this meaning has been lost.

The ring worn on the little finger indicates that a man is not afraid to try new and unknown, is emotional and has creative potential. Representatives of creative professions (actors, artists) prefer to wear rings on their little fingers.

The pinkie ring is worn by creative people

But you shouldn't, trying to understand the character of a man, take into account only the way of wearing jewelry. Some guys wear rings for fashion or to stand out from their surroundings.

Marital status

The way men wear rings on their fingers indicates marital status. Have different countries our traditions, so let's look at the basic rules.


What is an engagement and how to wear an engagement ring correctly? A preliminary wedding agreement is considered to be an engagement, that is, when a man proposes to his chosen one. These are not always paired jewelry, sometimes only a girl gets such a present.

But a woman can also give her chosen one a ring, which is important. It symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship. At the same time, there are no specific traditions on which finger the jewelry is put on during the engagement. There are only two rules to follow:

  • choose the hand where the wedding ring will be worn;
  • do not use the ring finger (the engagement ring is worn simultaneously with the engagement ring).


The location and meaning of the marriage symbol depends on the characteristics of the mentality, culture and traditions:

  • Traditionally, a wedding ring is worn in Russia on the ring finger of the right hand. The ring is put on at the time of marriage. Spouses are not recommended to take it off for a long time.
  • Jewish rites prescribe the use of the index finger to wear a wedding accessory. Jews believe this method strengthens relationships.
  • Men in Germany, Norway, Austria or the Netherlands wear the ring on the ring finger of their right hand.

Before judging marital status men, it should be clarified which wedding traditions he sticks.


The end of married life is symbolic of the change in the status of the owner of the ring. Divorced men wear the wedding symbol on a similar finger on their other hand. By this sign, it becomes clear that your interlocutor is no longer bound by family ties.


After the loss of his wife, the man, wanting to be faithful, continues to wear the wedding ring in the same way as in marriage. But the meaning of the rings for a widower and a married person is the same, therefore a person is perceived as not free. This often hinders the development of new relationships.

Traditions do not forbid a widowed man to take off a wedding accessory, because after the death of a spouse, the marriage is automatically dissolved, and you can again try to arrange a personal life.

If the accessory is on the toe

Anklets do not carry any additional information about the owner. If a man begins to wear rings in this way, it means that he wants to attract attention to himself. It can be a small signet ring on one finger or jewelry is worn on each.

Foot accessories are sold in most jewelry stores, but before putting on such an adornment, you should evaluate the aesthetics of your feet. Perhaps wearing rings will backfire by drawing attention to leg imperfections.

Ancient beliefs and teachings

The tradition of decorating hands dates back to the ancient Romans. They could only be worn by noble men as a symbol of supreme power, wealth and honor. The custom gradually spread to other countries. The shape of the rings and adornment stones was often given magical meaning... Consider the main popular beliefs:

  • Protection. The circle was considered a symbol that protects a person from the attack of evil mystical elements. A person wearing a metal circle on his hand was considered invulnerable to the forces of evil. If the ring cracked after wearing it for a long time, this meant that it protected its owner from evil forces and needed to be replaced.
  • Help from ancestors. Heirloom jewelry preserves the energy of previous generations, helps a man to prolong his life and attract good luck. The loss of the family jewelry symbolized future troubles.
  • A symbol of power and wealth. Representatives of the upper classes adorned themselves with rings, preferring massive accessories from precious metals with large stones. Today this tradition has been partially preserved, but men prefer rings of moderate size with inlays of precious stones to indicate their wealth.
  • Status in society. Previously, the arrangement of the rings was prescribed by the status of a man and carried information about the position in society.

Some peoples selected a ring according to the signs of the zodiac. It was believed that an astrological accessory, selected taking into account the influence of the stars, helps the owner in life endeavors, protects against troubles.

There are many factors that matter when choosing a ring.

Despite the tempting language of the rings, you shouldn't trust what you see 100%. Perhaps the guy chose an accessory and a place on his finger, guided not by personal preferences, but following fashion or imitating an idol. In this case, the information about the person will be incorrect. In addition to the manner of wearing the rings, other external manifestations of character must be taken into account.

Many women love jewelry, especially precious metal rings. And some men do not mind adding a little charm to their image with the help of a massive gold ring with a large stone or a heraldic sign. Is it possible to wear a ring on the ring finger - what are the consequences?

It is believed that imperious and extraordinary people wear jewelry on the thumb. The index finger is also "supplied" with a ring by born leaders, those who feel like a king or queen among other surroundings.

The ring on the middle finger is a sign of the wearer's high intellectual abilities. Those who wear jewelry on the little finger tend to attract attention, flirt and have fun.

The ring finger is the traditional “placement” of the ring. This is usually a wedding ring. In the Orthodox world, the round symbol of the marriage union is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. In other countries where, for example, the traditions of Catholicism are strong, they prefer the finger of the left hand. If the spouses get divorced, then this symbol of extinct love is put on the ring finger of the other hand (for Christians - on the left hand, for Catholics - on the right).

This tradition originated from the ancient Egyptians. They discovered an artery that supposedly connects the ring finger of the left hand directly to the heart. From here they concluded: lovers, in order to enhance the power of feelings, must wear wedding rings on the ring finger of their left hand.

Also, the ring finger unites several energy centers that are responsible for love and family, a person's creative potential, his self-realization and the awakening of vitality. However, this finger is not recommended for married people to wear a silver ring. Beautiful and romantic, but cold metal can tell about the cooling of relations and feelings between a wife and husband.

At the same time, our Slavic ancestors believed that only married / married people can wear rings and rings on the ring finger. If a bachelor wears jewelry on him, then he will miss his fate and may forever be left without a pair, and will also regularly fail in his love affairs.

Astrologers claim that the ring finger is under the influence of the Sun. Putting a ring on this finger, a person awakens in himself the hidden potential of self-expression, which, sooner or later, will lead him to wealth and fame.

It is interesting! In ancient Rome, there was such a tradition: if a married woman had a ring or a ring on her ring finger, then this was a sign indicating that the woman was sold.

Millennia have passed. But the ring finger is still considered the most convenient place for the wedding ring. Today, rings are worn on this finger not only by newlyweds, but also by many jewelry lovers. And it does not cause any consequences (negative, in any case).


With the exception of a wedding ring, most jewelry does not carry any practical significance, but reveals a person's character. Psychologists have found that it is not the ring itself or the ring itself that is of great importance, but the finger on which the ring is located. Thus, the owner of the ring wants to inform others about himself.

general information

The ring worn on the ring finger of the left hand says - my owner has a beloved or beloved (and today it is a sign of family ties among Catholics). The ring on the little finger says that the owner does not want to marry, on the index finger he is only looking for a wife. The ring on the middle finger betrays the lover of "platonic" relationships. But before the new chronology, rings were only an ornament, a symbol. And they became an obligatory attribute of the wedding ritual of Christians only around 900. They wear an engagement and wedding rings on one finger - first the wedding, then the engagement. The couple, who have lived together for 25 years, wear both gold and silver wedding rings.

Orthodox spouses wear wedding rings on the ring finger of their right hand. Widowers wear their wedding rings and their spouse (s) on the ring finger of their left hand. Divorced wedding rings are worn on the same hand and on the same finger.

A silver ring on the left hand - a girl of marriageable age, on the right - she is married. gold ring on the right hand - married, on the left - divorced. Two gold rings on the left hand are a widow, since the second ring is the ring of the deceased husband.

Ring finger (finger of the Sun)

Ring finger rings - naturally, the most popular column is "marital status". To be filled in with a ring on the ring finger of the right hand (or left, as is customary among Catholics). For the first time, this custom of the ring appeared even among the ancient Egyptians, who believed that it was from the ring finger that the "artery of love" began, leading straight to the heart. With these thoughts, the people of the pharaohs wore wedding rings made of a wide variety of metals, glass and even ceramics. Certainty with the material arises in times Ancient Rome - a tradition appears to give a spouse an iron or bronze ring as a sign of the inviolability of marriage bonds. More familiar to us, gold wedding rings appeared on our hands only in the III-IV centuries.

The jewelry worn on this finger (with the exception of the wedding ring) emphasizes the passion for beauty, exquisite things and luxury. The ring on it, especially the gold one, serves as a guarantee of heart communication, helps self-expression, the acquisition of celebrity and wealth.
If a person constantly wears a ring on his ring finger, he strives for pleasures, pleasant pastime, sensual pleasures. Moreover, he is a tireless romantic. Seeing a ring on the Sun's finger on a date with your chosen one, know that he has great mood, good intentions and the most romantic plans. The rings on both fingers of the Sun indicate that a person is at the peak of positive emotions.
If the decoration is small, then the person is calm, harmonious, self-confident.
If the decoration is large or bright, then this indicates the violent, even hysterical behavior of the owner.
Wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger shows that marriage for its owner (no matter what the person says in words) is a familiar, meaningful and quite acceptable state.
If a married man with a wedding ring on his right hand says how unhappy he is, you can believe that. But if he swears that he dreams of breaking the marriage bond, do not believe in any case, for the ring on his hand is evidence of his lie.
Women sometimes wear a second ring over their wedding ring, usually gold with a precious or semi-precious stone. The subconscious meaning of this sign is to emphasize the importance of marriage for her and the desire to further strengthen it.
In a familiar environment, the "alarm" is not needed, so many ladies do not wear wedding rings in everyday surroundings or at home.
On the left hand, a wedding ring is often worn deliberately, and usually this sign, like the green light of a taxi, indicates that the owner is free.
Other rings worn on this finger indicate the state of mind of a person at the moment.
Small and not prominent rings speak of a calm, relatively indifferent and stereotyped attitude of their owner to the world around him.
Large and extravagant are designed to draw attention to the owner (more often the owner) and emphasize the desire to be noticed. It can also be a manifestation of an exalted, excitable or hysterical personality, especially if the owner of the ring is a man.
Less often, large rings are worn by women with great modesty and an equally great desire to attract attention. They cannot or cannot express themselves in any other way.

Index finger (finger of Jupiter)

The entry in the "power" column is made on the index finger. A finger decorated with a ring is a sign of a strong-willed character, pride and a desire for power. The "ring of power" on the right hand indicates prudence, the rings on the left hand are more about megalomania and a tendency to hysteria. Rings on the index finger were worn by many famous rulers and military leaders - Caesar, Ivan the Terrible, Cardinal Richelieu, Henry VIII. The latter, by the way, basically wore rings only on his index fingers, but on both at once - with them this great monarch, reformer, six-woman and paranoid is captured in all portraits.

The ring on this finger indicates that its owner is a timid, shy and indecisive person by nature. Having difficulty communicating, he is easily influenced. However, putting the ring on his index finger, such a shy person gains self-confidence and, perhaps, even strives for leadership. A person who comes on a date with a ring on this finger is ready to conquer and conquer, he has the most serious intentions.
If both fingers of Jupiter are humbled (on the right and left hand), then your new acquaintance will stop at nothing in an effort to achieve his goal.

The ring on this finger increases self-esteem and helps the implementation of ambitious plans, especially if it is made of tin - the metal of Jupiter and Perun or, in extreme cases, of gold, a metal friendly to Jupiter.

A ring of any size indicates arrogance, self-confidence, arrogance, authority of the owner.

Middle finger (finger of Saturn)

The RING resolution "I'm beautiful!" placed on the middle finger. The longest and most central, it the best way showcases jewelry and how much we like ourselves. The aggressive dominance of the index finger ring is replaced by a more polite sense of self-esteem and excusable self-admiration. It was on the middle finger that Marilyn Monroe wore a ring when she sang about diamonds. By the way, the size of the diamond in this case also matters - the larger and more noticeable the ring, the more its owner seeks to convince others of his irresistibility.

Curiously, it was on the middle finger that the legendary ring of Omnipotence from Tolkien's trilogy was worn. The question is, what gesture did Sauron greet the enemy troops with, if this finger with a ring was immediately chopped off.

As a rule, family jewelry is worn on this finger to emphasize the connection with the ancestors. Thus, a person, putting an ornament on the finger of Saturn, accepts it as an inevitable influence of fate, he believes in his karma and higher destiny. The ring, on the other hand, "tames" the negative influence of rock and liberates thinking. When you meet such a person, be sure that he has tremendous spiritual strength. And if he came to you on a date, it means that your meeting (for him, for sure!) Is predetermined from above. The rings on both fingers of Saturn endow a person with a certain degree of fatalism and a certain detachment from everyday life.

The ring on the middle finger increases common sense and helps to overcome life's difficulties, bestows devotion, constancy and wisdom, especially if it is made of lead, the metal of Saturn, or, in extreme cases, of iron.

Small, graceful and inexpensive and artistically executed rings are more indicative of self-esteem, while large, shiny, often tasteless ones are a sign of pride and vanity.

Thumb (finger of Mars)

Thumb rings deserve special attention, especially if the hand is a man's. With these fingers, as in hitchhiking, men signal "please attention!" According to psychologists, the main desire of the owner of such a ring is to assert himself by any means, and first of all - in the sexual sense. The opinion on this matter has not changed for the last two thousand years. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans considered the thumb to be a symbol of the phallus and wore iron rings on it to protect their male power.

The little finger is the smallest page of our hand passport. There is enough space here only to put a "tick" in the column creative skills". According to the women's magazine, rings on the little finger are a frequent companion of actresses, artists, fashion designers. Marlene Dietrich preferred such rings to everyone else. But even if there is a person in front of you who is not connected with the world of art, the ring on the little finger will tell you that its owner is interesting and able to go beyond the generally accepted framework.

The ring on the finger of Mars reveals an expansive, emotional person with tremendous energy. In his hearts, he is able to say something that others will remember for a long time as a bad dream. It is a waste of time to convince such a person of anything.

The owner of the ring himself understands this, therefore, purely intuitively, with the help of jewelry, he seeks to curb his ardent temperament.

However, do not be alarmed if a person comes to a date wearing a massive ring on his thumb. Most likely, the "lord of the ring" wants to pacify his aggression and make the communication process more harmonious.
By decorating the thumbs of both hands, he seeks to increase his chances of finding a common language with those around him.

According to psychologists, the main desire of such ring-bearers is to assert themselves by any means, and first of all, sexually. The opinion on this matter has not changed for the last two thousand years. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans considered the thumb to be a symbol of the phallus and wore iron rings on it to protect their male power.

Little finger (finger of Mercury)

Mercury personifies a sophisticated mind, a passion for subtle intrigues. The constant presence of a ring on the little finger emphasizes the fluidity of nature, narcissism and coquetry. The little finger was associated with the art of the writer, mathematical ability, healing, trade and diplomacy - that is, with those areas for which Mercury was responsible.
The metal of Mercury was mercury, but due to its toxicity and unusual properties, it is the only metal that is liquid under normal conditions, it is not used in the manufacture of rings. True, Mercury is friendly to almost all metals, he will be able to "negotiate" with almost everyone.

Moreover, it exact sign a propensity for gambling and a constant readiness to flirt. A ring or other piece of jewelry in this case is designed to calm down or even suppress these sometimes very disturbing qualities. What can you expect from a person who comes on a date with a ring on their little finger? Most likely nothing good. He (she) will fool around, flirt and constantly tell lies. The only thing that can somehow reason such a person is the rings put on both little fingers. However, of course, there is no one hundred percent guarantee! Be careful!

If the jewelry is of an unconventional and aesthetic character, it means that their owner is looking for new, original, unusual sensations and impressions.