Sofa made of eco-leather or genuine leather. Eco-leather - what kind of material is it with photo

Genuine leather is a flexible, durable, elastic material. Humanity has valued it for its high protective and aesthetic functions for many centuries: clothes, shoes, bags, even armor were made from it. It was the skin that served for the benefit of the development of civilization - the parchment from which the first books were made, because it also consisted of this material.

Just like centuries ago, now genuine leather is an expensive pleasure. There is also an opinion that this material is inhumane and its use is unacceptable. That’s why they invented an economical, reliable and decent-looking artificial substitute - eco-leather.

History and production

Eco-leather is a material that consists of two layers. The base is woven fabric. A layer of polymer is applied on top, painted in the desired color and given a characteristic texture. Polymers are a substance consisting of many molecules, organic and inorganic. Cellulose, proteins, rubber and polyethylene are all polymers.

In 1963, eco-leather was first produced in America, and a year later Japan independently presented its own developments in this area.

Polyurethane, a very durable rubber substitute, is used as a “leather-like” coating. This material is used to create sealants, adhesives, paints and varnishes, artificial decorative stones. Shoe soles and car tires are made from polyurethane - it is truly a very durable, wear-resistant substance that surpasses even metal in terms of durability. Eco-leather made of polyurethane is safe, non-toxic and does not emit strong odors. Under a microscope, the coating is a porous structure that allows air to pass through perfectly.

The following is used as a basis:

  • – natural fabric, the fibers of which are obtained from a plant called cotton;
  • – synthetic polyester fabric, resembling wool or cotton depending on how the fibers are produced.

Thanks to the woven base and porous polyurethane, eco-leather has excellent air permeability - better than its natural counterpart. If the layer of polymer coating is increased, the fabric becomes stronger, but also more rigid. Eco-leather receives its characteristic surface pattern and texture, similar to natural in every way, after pressure treatment.

It is very simple to distinguish artificial material from natural one: the fabric is clearly visible on the back of eco-leather.


Eco-leather: a little fabric and chemistry

To produce eco-leather, you do not need to spend huge resources on special raising and keeping animals - you only need fabrics and a little chemicals. This material is not harmful environment, is financially accessible. It can be produced in unlimited quantities, of absolutely any color, type, shape and thickness. Other advantages of eco-leather include:

  • strength and elasticity;
  • wear resistance, resistance to abrasion and tearing;
  • Any design of the canvas is possible (color, texture);
  • hypoallergenic - the material is suitable for people with allergies to fur and natural leather;
  • breathability;
  • dimensional stability (does not stretch, does not rub on bends);
  • easy to maintain (does not absorb dirt and water);
  • hygroscopicity of the inside (the fabric cannot be used as a terry towel, but moisture will not remain on the body and there will be no sauna effect);
  • the material successfully resists exposure low temperatures and does not become rough in the cold;
  • fabric is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • ease of processing - you can cut and sew eco-leather even at home.


  • can get very hot in the sun;
  • quickly becomes unusable if the material is scratched by pets;
  • cannot be repaired - if the polyurethane layer is damaged or knocked down, it cannot be restored with “liquid skin” (which is used to repair natural products) or simply paint over it.

Eco-leather is a high-tech modern fabric, which in its characteristics is in no way inferior to natural leather.

Application area

Eco leather bag

Elastic material is used to create items of clothing, shoes, accessories, etc. The products look decent, expensive, easy to care for and last a long time.

Made from eco-leather:

  • upholstery for furniture (sofas, armchairs, chairs, ottomans, stools, kitchen corners);
  • clothes (jackets, skirts, shorts, trousers, dresses, coats, jackets);
  • footwear (shoes, boots, sandals);
  • gloves;
  • bags, backpacks, clutches, wallets;
  • car covers.

Eco-leather is combined with other materials - fabric appliqués, lace, metal. There are products with decorative perforations and imitation of exotic leather (iguana, crocodile). Draperies and folds (dresses, skirts) look beautiful.


An eco-leather sofa can only be wiped with a damp cloth.

You can wash off a felt-tip pen mark from the sofa using regular soapy water– caring for eco-leather is extremely simple. Dust from furniture or accessories is removed with a dry textile cloth; more serious dirt is removed with a damp sponge, the traces of which are then wiped dry. Eco-leather cannot be washed.

It is recommended to clean stubborn stains with special detergent compositions For genuine leather. You can also use water and ammonia, which are mixed in equal proportions - wipe the stain with the resulting liquid. All moisture should be promptly removed from the surface.

The only thing eco-leather is afraid of is mechanical damage (cuts, scratches). This is why abrasives (hard brushes, pumice) are not used. It is also worth protecting the material from exposure to chlorine.

It is traditionally believed that everything artificial is bad and short-lived, while everything natural is safe and healthy. On the contrary, it is usually synthetic materials that are more durable and practical and do not cause allergies. For example, natural cotton wrinkles a lot, and leather cracks over time and is made from killed animals.

Eco-leather is a worthy, full-fledged substitute for its natural counterpart. This is a safe material, pleasant to the touch, beautiful and easy to care for. Clothes, furniture and accessories are made from eco-leather, and the cost of the products remains affordable.

Leather furniture in the house is always beautiful. It emphasizes the status of the owner, looks very respectable and makes the room more comfortable. But furniture made from genuine leather is an expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford. Therefore, there are two types of leather-like upholstery on the furniture market: artificial leather and ecological leather (eco-leather).

Today, manufacturers offer a wide variety of eco-leather, the price of which depends on production technologies.

Previously, leatherette was used in the manufacture of almost all types of products, since it is cheap and relatively durable. However, it has one significant drawback: leatherette is fabric base, on which polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and other chemical additives are applied. In addition, it is not breathable and the sofa is made of such artificial leather is unsafe for human health. Everything changed when leatherette was replaced by leather made from polyurethane with cotton base eco leather.

At the same time, precisely because of the high cost, very few people can afford furniture upholstered in genuine leather.

Moreover, in some of its characteristics, individual samples of this material are superior even to natural leather.

This new material, in the production of which 100% cotton is used, coated with a layer of polyurethane (PU) without any harmful impurities. Furniture made from eco-leather, unlike furniture made from artificial leather, does not have unpleasant odor, has excellent breathability (due to the large number of pores contained in the structure of the material itself), hygroscopicity and is absolutely hypoallergenic, so it is safe even for children. A sofa made of eco-leather does not get very hot in direct sunlight and does not freeze in the cold.

The most low-maintenance material for upholstered furniture is eco-leather.

The material is durable, smooth and pleasant to the touch, so it is difficult to distinguish it from genuine leather. It does not have the disadvantages that are inherent in natural leather:

  • uneven thickness,
  • uneven color and texture,
  • minor flaws.

Thanks to modern technologies Today eco-leather material has appeared, which you can buy for upholstery of any furniture.

Therefore, it is worth buying it if you want to install upholstered furniture in the country house, in the kitchen, or in rooms where contamination may occur.

There are not many types of eco-leather on the market. The main ones are Oregon, Alba, Companion and Dollaro.

  1. Oregon: Made from 70% cotton and highly abrasion resistant. This is the most popular material among all types of ecological leather, has the best price-quality ratio and accurately conveys the pattern of natural leather with a fine texture.

There are also varieties of Oregon: Oregon Antique (has a glossy surface) and Oregon Royal (the surface is smooth and shiny).

  1. Alba: also a fairly popular material that is capable of excellent air and steam permeability. It is resistant to light, temperature changes, minor damage and wear.
  2. Companion: more wear-resistant and durable than Oregon, it also differs in its structure - PU film is applied to polyurethane foam with a fleecy fabric backing.
  3. Dollaro: very high quality eco-leather for covering furniture. Contains everything best qualities eco leather. Imitation of classic matte leather different colors(a wide range of colors is presented: from emerald to scarlet).

Eco-leather combines the advantages of natural material - breathability, strength and durability, and the main advantage of artificial materials of the previous generation - an affordable price.

Thanks to unique technologies and innovative developments at the heart of production, these products have no analogues on the market.

Advantages and disadvantages of eco-leather

Ecological leather upholstery, as an option to replace expensive natural and cheap leatherette, has both its pros and cons.

The advantages include

  1. High strength of the material to wear, abrasion, scratches and bends. Minor damage can easily be delayed due to the special arrangement of the cells of the polyurethane mesh.
  2. Environmentally friendly, absolutely hypoallergenic and safe for humans and pets.
  3. It is practically indistinguishable both to the touch and visually from genuine leather, but the price of eco-leather is much lower.
  4. Good air permeability and hygroscopicity due to high density the pores of the material and the breathable properties of cotton.
  5. Non-toxic and completely free of the unpleasant odor that is typical of artificial leather.
  6. Simplicity and ease of care: to remove dirt from the surface of an eco-leather sofa, you need to first rub the stain with a wet cloth and then quickly wipe it dry so that the dirt is not absorbed.

It feels pleasant to the touch, really looks like real leather.

Eco-leather surface material is polyurethane.

Such a number of advantages of eco-leather furniture over furniture made of artificial material is certainly impressive. But this type of upholstery also has its drawbacks.

  1. This is still fake leather, although it is very close to it. So for those for whom it is important to emphasize the authenticity of the product in all respects, it is better to opt for furniture made of genuine leather.
  2. If you have a cat at home, you should refrain from buying furniture made from ecological leather, since cat claws can penetrate the structure of the material so that the fabric base becomes visible, which will not be tightened.
  3. It gets dirty quite quickly and it is difficult to remove traces of felt-tip pens, ink and gouache from its surface.
  4. Low quality eco-leather is cold and takes a long time to heat up. In the cold season, such poor-quality upholstery will have to be covered with a blanket so as not to freeze while sitting on the sofa.

So the base can include natural materials - cotton, genuine leather, or artificial polyester.

Looks very good.

Until recently, the only analogue for natural material was artificial leather, the external characteristics and performance properties of which left much to be desired.

How to choose the right eco-leather furniture

If all the pros and cons of this material have already been weighed and the go-ahead has been given to purchase a sofa made of ecological leather, then the only problem remains in choosing it, because stores offer a huge amount of upholstered furniture of different textures and colors.

Additionally, in order to impart external decorative effects or improve the properties of the material, an external coating is used, which is applied to the polyurethane surface of eco-leather.

Not expensive compared to genuine leather.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer and the reviews of other buyers about it. After all, in the store you can find many models at a similar or better price, which in fact will be ordinary fakes made of artificial leather, which will peel off after a year of continuous use. Since such interior items are not purchased every year, you should opt for well-known stores, about which many reviews have been written on the Internet.

Thanks to a special coating, eco-leather is resistant to direct sunlight, has water-repellent properties, and is perfectly breathable.

The sofa looks expensive and prestigious.

Modern eco-leather is elastic, colorfast and does not crack.

This sofa would be great to have in a guest room.

Eco-leather sofas are an excellent inexpensive alternative to genuine leather sofas that will last for many years and remain in the same condition as on the day of purchase.

In addition, it is the most practical and easy to maintain and use material!

Leather furniture at home or in the office has always been and is a certain indicator of status, since it is always expensive, elegant and beautiful.

Clothes, shoes and other products made from eco-leather and suede look very stylish. And only an experienced specialist can distinguish it from real skin. But in the process of wearing things, from time to time there is a need to clean or wash the product, be it a coat, boots or a sheepskin coat. And here serious difficulties arise. How to tidy up your favorite eco-leather item without ruining it? To prevent damage to a dress, shoes or sofa, it is important to remember what eco-leather can tolerate and what substances it simply cannot tolerate.

Eco-leather: what is it and what is it like?

It is important to remember that eco-leather material is an artificial fabric. This analogue of genuine leather is durable and high quality. This material is made by applying a porous polyurethane film to a fabric base. The film does not emit toxic compounds, does not cause harm to health and is acceptable even for allergy sufferers. Taking into account such features, the material fully deserves the title “ecological”.

A layer of polyurethane is laid on cotton fabric. It is thanks to this natural material eco-leather can “breathe” and has elasticity. Things made from this material allow air to pass through and easily absorb moisture, which is very important when in contact with the body. Such features strikingly distinguish eco-leather from all other leather substitutes and place it almost on the same level as a natural product.

To avoid getting into trouble, remember the main difference between eco-leather and leather. After all, it is impossible to determine the authentic material by appearance. They check the naturalness using heat. Real leather will heat up quickly in your palms. Eco-friendly material will stay cold longer.

Advantages of leatherette material

What does leatherette or eco-leather mean? If we talk about the advantages of eco-leather, then initially we should focus on the ratio of quality and price. The material is practically no different from genuine leather. But at the same time its price is several orders of magnitude lower. But this is not the only advantage of ecological leather. Other positive properties of artificial material.

  • Resistance to temperature changes. Does the material crack in the cold? Eco-leather will withstand frost and will not become “oaky”. And the furniture in a country house will not be damaged even if the heating is turned off in winter.
  • No condensation. The artificial material not only does not “tan”, but also does not collect condensation on the surface.
  • High elasticity. The material is very elastic and retains these properties for a long time.
  • Visual match to skin. The polyurethane film completely imitates the pattern of the skin. Therefore, even professionals have difficulties in determining authenticity.
  • Ability to "breathe". This quality distinguishes eco-leather from all other types of leatherette. The polyurethane layer forms micropores through which air circulates freely.

Along with these advantages, there are also disadvantages. If you accidentally cut the product, the fabric base will immediately become visible. It is impossible to seal such a cut. Therefore, in most cases, the product loses its appearance, and the furniture needs to be upholstered.

How to take proper care

Eco-leather not only has a good appearance, but is also highly wear-resistant and durable. Of course, provided proper care for this material. And it's easy to take care of. It is important to remember the basic recommendations of experts on how to care for eco-leather items at home.

  • Use soft wipes. To remove dust or light dirt, it is recommended to use soft rags made of calico, flannel, softcotton or microfiber. In this case, the napkins must be wetted with water and wrung out thoroughly. Eco-leather does not like excessive moisture at all.
  • Touch surfaces lightly. It is strictly forbidden to rub or press hard on the product. The use of scrapers, hard sponges, and brushes is contraindicated. After a strong and aggressive impact, eco-leather may be left with abrasions, cracks or scratches that cannot be eliminated.
  • Protect products from exposure to sun and heat. Furniture upholstered in eco-leather should not be placed near heating appliances. It is not recommended to place it in an area constantly illuminated by sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation and heat will lead to rapid deterioration of the material. This also applies to clothing and shoes. No matter how great the temptation may be to quickly dry an eco-leather dress by hanging it in the sun or using hot radiators, doing this is strictly prohibited.
  • Wipe with a water-repellent agent. It is advisable to carry out this procedure once every six months. Moreover, furniture, clothing, and shoes need such protection.
  • Use skincare products. To provide eco-leather with the necessary shine, and thereby create the complete illusion of naturalness, it is recommended to use the same creams and sprays that are used for real leather. But it is important to take this point into account. Artificial material is not able to absorb cream. Therefore, after a while it is necessary to wipe the surface with a soft cloth to remove excess product.

What cleaning products to use

No matter how carefully you care for your favorite products, they will still get dirty sooner or later. If we're talking about about a jacket, dress or bag, then there is a desire to wash them. But is this allowed? The artificial material really doesn't like "bathing" very much. But if you wash eco-leather correctly and do it infrequently, then such a procedure is quite possible. The following table will tell you which means to use.

Washing rules

Eco-leather tolerates both hand and machine washing well. But it is important to choose the right regime and detergents. For eco-leather, it is better to use gel or liquid detergent, not powder. It is also necessary to prepare the product for washing: thoroughly clean the pockets, fasten all zippers, hooks, buttons, buttons. If the product is heavily soiled, it is recommended to pre-treat the most vulnerable areas with soap and water. This could be the cuffs, collar, pocket area or the top surface of the bag.


  1. A delicate substance is poured into the washing machine compartment.
  2. Conditioner is added to the corresponding compartment.
  3. They put the laundry in.
  4. Set the “delicate mode” and be sure to turn off the spin function. IN otherwise your favorite item will be stretched. The permissible washing temperature is 30°C.


  1. For hand wash Lukewarm water is poured into the basin. The temperature should not exceed the same 30°C.
  2. Detergent is added to the water. It is thoroughly dissolved by hand. It is important that there are no undissolved substances left in the solution.
  3. An eco-leather product is dipped into the solution and washed immediately. Such things should not be soaked.
  4. If you wash a bag or jacket, start with the lining. Then gently wipe the eco-leather with a soft sponge. You need to wash things quickly and very carefully.

Eco leather comes in different densities. For example, the thinnest types are used for clothing. And for furniture or covers he uses thicker material. Accordingly, the washing procedure may vary slightly. Therefore, be sure to look at the product label. Usually it indicates whether machine washing is allowed or only hand washing is acceptable. The tag will help you determine the correct temperature.

How to dry

After washing, you feel the urge to take the item out and wring it out thoroughly. But if you are dealing with eco-leather, then such actions are strictly prohibited. Twisting or squeezing can completely destroy the product. Therefore, it is important to know not only how to wash, but also how to dry eco-leather. They usually operate in five steps.

  1. The product is removed from washing machine or pelvis, and give it the opportunity to drain a little on its own.
  2. Then the item is placed on a large terry towel.
  3. The product is covered with another similar towel.
  4. Light pressure movements remove excess moisture.
  5. The dress, jacket, jacket are hung on hangers and dried in this form. Covers, trousers, skirts must be laid out on a flat surface.

Drying occurs away from heating and sunlight. Electrical devices should not be used to speed up the process. Otherwise, tissue deformation is guaranteed.

After washing, minor abrasions may appear on the eco-leather. Sometimes the material loses its color and becomes somewhat dull. It's not scary. To return the product to its original appearance, use special paints for eco-leather.

Fighting stains

Eco-leather does not always need a full wash. Even if ink spills on the surface of the sofa or a chocolate stain appears on the bag, such stains can be dealt with very easily. But it is advisable to start fighting them right away. To effectively remove stains from eco-leather, it is necessary to take into account the type of contamination.

  • Dirt. This is the easiest one to remove. It is necessary to make a soap solution from toilet or laundry soap. Gently wipe the contaminated surface with cotton wool or a soft sponge.
  • Ink. Such stains can be easily removed with acetone. After treatment with the solution, the material must be washed with cool water.
  • Coffee, chocolate.
  • These stains are easy to remove. A soap solution can deal with them. But if you need to clean white eco-leather, you can resort to a little trick. Soak cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide. Apply this swab to the stain for ten seconds. Then rinse the accident site with cool water. But remember that peroxide can only be used on white products.
  • Beer. If the stain is caused by spilled beer, then initially wipe it with soapy water. Then apply the vinegar solution. To make the latter, pour two tablespoons of vinegar into a liter of water. After quickly wiping with this product, the stain is washed with cold water and allowed to dry on its own.
  • Zelenka. Ammonia will help remove this stain. A few drops of ammonia are added to a glass of water. The accident site is moistened with this solution. Finally, be sure to rinse with cold water. The product will not only remove stains from brilliant green, but will also help clean out old stains. Fat. You can remove greasy stains with warm milk. If we are talking about white eco-leather, then you can put a slice of lemon on the stain for just a few seconds. Effectively relieves

greasy stains

shaving foam.

  • Subtleties of shoe care In order for boots or shoes made of eco-leather to always look decent and last a long time, you need to learn how to properly care for them. Caring for shoes made of eco-leather is simple and includes the following recommendations. Regular cleaning. Shoes should be wiped regularly with a damp soft sponge. But it is recommended not to wet it in
  • Wiping only the top surface. Wipe with the solution carefully. Getting the underside of eco-leather wet is completely undesirable.
  • Use of special sponges. For shoes made of eco-leather, you can use special sponges impregnated with silicone. They allow you to almost completely restore the appearance of the product.
  • Color restoration. Unsightly light spots that appear on shoes indicate thinning of the polymer layer. To restore it, special aerosol paints are used, which are selected by color.

Storage Features

Proper storage of eco-leather products will preserve them for a long time beautiful view. There is no need to put in any special effort. It is enough to follow the following recommendations.

  • Fabric instead of polyethylene. It is recommended to store things in fabric bags. It is not recommended to use polyethylene for eco-leather.
  • Temperature conditions. Products are best stored in a cool place. The proximity of eco-leather to sources of heat or light is unacceptable.
  • Storage on hangers.

or eco-leather? Or maybe this material was praised in a furniture showroom? They praised it quite justifiably, only if it was really eco-leather... Let me point out right away that eco-leather is a leather substitute. But no need to imagine terrible polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products! No, the difference between them is huge!

Eco-leather products can easily be mistaken for natural ones

Eco-leather is a high-quality substitute for genuine leather. Outwardly, it is very difficult to distinguish them from each other. Eco-leather includes cotton, cellulose-based artificial materials, genuine leather and synthetic polymers. Eco-leather is made by applying a polyurethane film to a cotton base. Moreover, they allow the polymer film to be applied in such a way that the fabric base is not deformed. This gives the product additional softness and elasticity. The backing also increases the tensile and tensile strength of the product. And polyurethane generally has amazing properties: extremely high wear resistance, sufficient frost resistance (up to - 35°C), the ability to “self-heal” - restore damage caused by deformation. In addition, all the necessary properties of polyurethane are established directly during the synthesis process. This allows you to do without various plasticizer additives. As a result - during operation, which made it possible to call it “eco-leather”.

Eco-leather upholstery gives the furniture increased comfort

The main advantages of eco-leather:

- excellent imitation of the surface of genuine leather, without the disadvantages inherent in products made from genuine leather;

- micropores penetrating the film allow the material to “breathe” - allow air molecules and water vapor to pass through, but do not allow water to pass through. Moreover, the breathability of eco-leather is significantly higher than that of natural leather, as a result of various treatments of the latter;

— high wear resistance (resistance to abrasion, tearing, creases);

— frost resistance (but still lower than that of natural leather);

— tactile properties: pleasant to the touch – soft, elastic, warm;

— — the material does not cause skin irritation (partly due to the fact that it does not cause a greenhouse effect) and is odorless;

- environmentally friendly composition.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Gone are the days when artificial materials were considered inferior. Light industry made a big step in the development of technologies for creating synthetic materials. Some of the fabrics are superior in quality to their natural counterparts. One of these fabrics is eco-leather. Next, we will consider what kind of eco-leather material this is, its types, pros, cons and application.

What is eco leather?

The material consists of two layers, and woven fabric is used as the base. A polymer layer is applied on top, which is painted with the required color and thereby structures the surface. A polymer is a substance consisting of a large number of organic and inorganic molecules. Polymers include cellulose, rubber, polyethylene, and proteins.

what is eco leather on a jacket

The coating is strong, durable and safe polyurethane, and the base is cotton or polyester. Thanks to this combination, eco-leather allows air to pass through well. If you increase the polymer layer, the eco-leather fabric will become stronger, but will retain its original softness. The texture of leather is obtained by applying pressure to the surface of the fabric.

Advantages and disadvantages

The production of eco-leather does not require large expenses for raising animals - the fabric itself and the chemical component are needed.

Other advantages include:

  • Strength and wear resistance;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Elasticity;
  • The ability to choose any color and texture of the canvas, but more often the pattern copies natural leather;

The disadvantages include:

  • Cat owners should refrain from buying a sofa and other products with eco-leather upholstery. A deep cut or scratch reveals a fabric base that cannot be hidden or sealed with liquid leather.
  • It gets dirty quickly; you have to try hard to remove marker marks from the surface.
  • Budget eco-leather takes a long time to heat up, which is not very convenient in winter.

Difference from genuine leather

  • Sometimes, natural leather causes allergies, which is excluded in the case of its eco-friendly analogue.
  • Both fabrics are warm to the touch, but sitting on an eco-leather sofa, a person will sweat less.
  • Eco-leather has no specific odor.
  • Products made from eco-leather are painted in a more rich colors, as the paint adheres better.
  • Pay attention to the reverse side: for genuine leather it will be fleecy, while the analogue has a textile base.
  • When deformed, natural leather does not change its color. If the fold is lighter, then this is eco-leather.
  • By tactile sensations synthetic leather substitute is much nicer.

How to distinguish eco-leather from leatherette

The easiest way is to take a piece of material and press it between your palms, unlike eco-leather that is soft and warm to the touch, it will be something like a piece of plastic.

You can also distinguish them by smell. Eco-leather has a similar smell to natural leather, while leatherette has a chemical, pungent and pungent odor.

Areas of use

This analogue of leather is widely used to create clothing, shoes, etc. Combination of presentable appearance, budget cost and ease of care are undoubtedly advantages of shoes and other leatherette products. However, there are some disadvantages: the material is prone to drying out and is flammable.

Eco-leather is used to produce the following items:

  • jackets, leggings, skirts, shorts, coats, jackets;
  • car covers;
  • shoes - from sandals to rough boots;
  • furniture upholstery, for example for sofas, armchairs, kitchen corners and stools;
  • bags, backpacks, wallets;
  • gloves, belts.

When choosing upholstery, you have to decide whether eco-leather or fabric is better. The answer lies on the surface: it all depends on the location of the furniture and personal preferences.

Eco-leather is combined with other fabrics and textures: metal, perforation, lace, appliqués, drapery.

Types of leatherette

  • . The basis of the material is fibers coated with polyester. Lightweight leather with a porous structure. It allows air to pass through well, but at the same time repels moisture.
  • PU leather. A high-quality substitute with the properties of genuine leather. It has 3 layers: cotton fabric, low quality genuine leather and a thin polyurethane coating. Its advantages: due to its structure, the material is durable and frost-resistant, breathable, disadvantages - if an accidental cut occurs, the fabric base is exposed.

polyurethane bag

  • PVC leather. The most diverse group of leather substitutes. The material can be elastic and porous, or it can be dense and resistant to deformation. The production principle is the same: the fiber base is impregnated with polymers and a layer of PVC is applied to it. The final properties of the material depend on the quality properties of the base and polymers.
  • Eco leather. Perforated - its feature is a large number of small holes. Used in those items where good ventilation is needed.

Self-adhesive - thicker and stronger than ordinary eco-leather, due to the application of a film on an adhesive base.

Rules of care

The life of your favorite eco-leather product can be extended by proper care.

  • To wipe off dust or other minor dirt, use soft microfiber cloths pre-moistened with water. However, you need to squeeze it thoroughly, as there is no need for excess moisture.
  • Do not use hard brushes to clean the surface, as they can damage the outer layer.
  • Avoid regular exposure to direct sunlight and proximity to batteries. This will cause the material to deteriorate faster.
  • For care, use the same sprays and creams as for natural leather. Be sure to wipe off excess cream from the surface, as synthetic material does not absorb products.
  • Eco-leather can be washed, but rarely and not with all means. Laundry and toilet soap, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide for white clothes, lemon and products for natural leather are allowed.