Day of the worker of light industry. Congratulations on the day of light industry

In the conditions of the Russian climate, the average citizen of the country must have at least three sets of clothes and shoes in order to move comfortably along the streets in any weather. People with a high level of income generally prefer to wear foreign brands, but domestic manufacturers of light industry also have a lot of consumers. A professional holiday is dedicated to the employees of this industry.

When celebrate

Every second Sunday in June, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine celebrate the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers. In 2020, the holiday falls on June 14th. In Russia, he copes in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1111 "On the Day of Workers of the Textile and Light Industry", issued on June 17, 2000.

Who is celebrating

This is a professional holiday for those people who are directly related to this type of activity. The light industry of the Russian Federation employs about six hundred thousand people, of which about 80 percent are women. Numerous employees of sewing, footwear, leather, fur and other enterprises celebrate this date on a grand scale.

history of the holiday

This event has existed for over 30 years. Day of light industry workers was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 "On holidays and memorable days." After the collapse of the Union, it was approved at the state level by the heads of the republics by separate decrees.

Russian history development of easy industry dates back to the 17th century. It was then that the first state-owned linen and cloth manufactories began to appear, which dressed the inhabitants of pre-revolutionary Russia, mainly by the forces of serfs. They were then replaced by capitalist textile factories employing wage laborers.

During the Soviet era, light industry began to develop rapidly. Linen, woolen, knitwear and cotton factories appeared mainly in the central regions of the country. After the collapse of the USSR, the post-Soviet market opened up for imported goods, which led to a significant decline in domestic textile production.

About light industry in Russia

IN Russian Federation there are more than 15 thousand enterprises and organizations related to the textile and light industry, so the products of domestic factories may well satisfy the demand of their customers.

To date, the economic condition of Russian textile enterprises has stabilized, but many of the industry's problems persist and hinder the further development of organizations. The demand for products is not large enough, many enterprises use outdated technological equipment, and the salaries of workers are poor. The situation is also not improved by the huge share of illegally imported and shadow products of light industry.

The most famous region-producer of light and textile products in Russia is the Ivanovo region. Local businesses dress and shoe the entire country and even export products abroad.

Who can I thank for the clothes we wear, the furniture we sit on, home textiles that we use every day, for the upholstery of the car we drive ... Of course, to you - workers in the light industry! On your professional holiday, please accept our congratulations. Let ideas never end, fantasy for bright prints never run out. We sincerely wish you prosperity, new achievements and creative discoveries!

Employees of KhBK "Shuiskie Chintz" OJSC celebrated their professional holiday.

On the eve, a solemn reception was held at the Pavlovsky CC, where the best employees of the Shuiskiye Chintzy OJSC were presented with certificates and gifts. Our enterprise is rich in people devoted to production, professionals in their field, thanks to whom the plant works as a whole. And it is so gratifying when well-deserved awards are presented to employees whose work experience is 20, 30, and even 40 years at the enterprise.

With words of congratulations, the deputy general director Khromov Vladimir Sergeevich.

Thus, the Honorary Diplomas of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation were presented to: Konstantin Leonidovich Reward, Irina Valentinovna Chaikina, Viktor Anatolyevich Korolev, Svetlana Nikolaevna Staroverova, Mikhail Avenirovich Smolov, Alevtina Nikolaevna Tsepova, Nikolai Vitalyevich Yusov, Sveta Alexandrovna Finogeeva.

Also, the chairman of the trade union organization Natalya Vladimirovna Smolova spoke with words of congratulation and presented the Honorary Diplomas of the Ivanovo regional organization of the Russian Trade Union of Textile and Light Industry Workers to the following workers: Sivenok Zhanna Vladimirovna, Kozlova Elena Anatolyevna, Tupikov Leonid Rostislavovich, Korovkin Nikolai Gennadievich.

A festive concert took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere in the beautiful Pavlovsky hall.

Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers

Every second Sunday in June, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine celebrate the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers. In 2017, the holiday falls on June 11.

The event has been around for over 30 years. Day of light industry workers was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 "On holidays and memorable days." After the collapse of the Union, it was approved at the state level by the heads of the republics by separate decrees.

The Russian history of the development of light industry dates back to the 17th century. It was then that the first state-owned linen and cloth manufactories began to appear, which dressed the inhabitants of pre-revolutionary Russia, mainly by the forces of serfs. They were then replaced by capitalist textile factories employing wage laborers.

During the Soviet era, light industry began to develop rapidly. Linen, woolen, knitwear and cotton factories appeared mainly in the central regions of the country.

In the Russian Federation, there are more than 15,000 enterprises and organizations related to the textile and light industry.

The most famous region-producer of light and textile products in Russia is the Ivanovo region. Local businesses dress and shoe the entire country and even export products overseas.

Today thanks bow!
Congratulations and wish without hints
Celebrate at the table tonight,
That they have chosen such a profession
Dress, put on shoes and warm people!
And we wish, joyfully rejoicing,
New ideas for the development of you!

All workers in the light industry
Please accept congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
We wish you so many wonderful blessings,
So that you all have good days.

We wish you health,
To keep happiness from any misfortune.
And, of course, joy with love,
And, of course, dreams come true.

Light industry workers
Congratulations today.
I wish everyone good luck
Success in work, fidelity in love.

I wish your salary to grow,
And to work, so that you hurry with joy,
I wish you were rich
So that you live happily and cheerfully.

Who clothes
Sewing shoes
The model finds,
To those today
My rhyme
And light

Happy Light Industry Day
I want to congratulate at this hour!
Work nimbly, quickly, dexterously,
To please us with clothes!

Let work bring you
Always a great pleasure!
I wish you a large income
Good luck, strength and inspiration!

Light industry -
The industry is of paramount importance,
Let it work
Yours is always harmonious.

I wish you happiness
And great success
Let not spoil business
Bad interference.

May light industry always
Developing successfully with you!
We wish you easy work,
Health and prosperity to all, of course!

May your life be full of success
Love and only colorful days
We wish you fun, sea of \u200b\u200blaughter
And loyal friends, after all!

Light industry workers
On this day I send my congratulations,
Everyone - from seamstresses to famous couturiers,
I wish you success, inspiration.

Your task is to clothe the world, put on shoes,
And you do well with her,
Wish you health, happiness and good luck
I want to go to yours today main holiday.

To underestimate the light industry -
So, without clothes, shoes to walk.
Because - you need to congratulate
All workers that are friendly
They sew for us, make and knit,
Urgent help will be provided.
We sincerely wish them
So that success comes to all of them.
And everyone's hope
I will certainly find it.
All - love and respect,
Happiness, joy, luck!

I say bravo to the masters today
For creating shoes and clothes!
Let work be a joy to you,
After all, you give your soul to work!

Let your salary only grow up
For all your efforts, your labor and patience!
I wish on this holiday date,
So that a lot of inspiration comes to you!

Cool congratulations Happy Light Industry Workers Day 2019

June 9 - Day of the light industry worker (second Sunday in June)

IN light industry day,
I congratulate you
I wish you a treasure of health
Always take care of yourself!
Happiness in brand new clothes
IN new shoes - love,
So that your desires come true
Call your luck!

FROM Today there is no need to weave canvas and yarn at home. Go to the store and choose a suit according to your taste or a piece of colorful fabric ... Today is the time of textile abundance! And today is a holiday, the Day of Light Industry Workers! Thank you for your stylish, great wardrobe and mountains of various textiles!

T you do not have an alanta,
Your pockets are full of ideas.
Country fashionable to shoe
And to dress - these are the plans!

You rush into battle, rushing to the machines,
Taking the industry to heights.
For a thing from you I will give everything -
You have an excellent job!

IN You will dress the whole world with taste, comfortable and beautiful, profitable and fashionable ... Happy Light Industry Workers Day! Let the threads never run out, the imagination for bright prints never runs out, and most importantly - there will always be bright joy in your soul!

ABOUT for shoppers, textile workers, tailors
Today, on the Day of Light Industry,
We want to say thank you for your hard work,
And so that they always keep the tail like a carrot!
I want to wish you on your holiday
Success in work, happiness in personal life.
To say thank you, and there is a reason!
We are well dressed and shod!

IN You know the whole path of textiles - from a cotton flower in a field and a piece of wool on a sheep, to fashionable outfit which will replenish our wardrobe ... On the Day of Light Industry Workers - accept our congratulations! We can only be surprised at your profession, which requires so much work and invention, and also wish you good luck and happiness!

IN to these workers in the light industry
I want to wish you health
To work easily and dexterously,
Never know tiredness
So that your work is honored by all,
After all, it would be difficult to live without you,
So that every moment smiles at you.
Rejoice, believe and love!

M inuli times when good clothes were available only to the nobility! Today - dress to your liking, and what you don't want - everything will be found! For this variety and excellent quality, thank you - workers in the light industry! Happy Holidays! Let your textiles and your whole life be bright!

H Today is a holiday at the weavers'
Perfumers and tailors,
Light Industry Day
We will celebrate with sweet vodka!
Happy cherished day,
And we wish prosperity to everyone!
May your life become more beautiful
The house will be empty will be a full bowl!

ABOUT t fashion is dizzy! It seems that there are simply no two identical scraps of cloth on Earth! And all thanks to you, workers of light industry! Please accept our congratulations on your professional holiday and best wishes! Do not let your imagination and luck run out!

FROM you put clothes on us
And strong, reliable shoes,
Everything is stylish, beautiful and fashionable,
You perform the robot perfectly.
For this we are grateful to you,
And on the day when the holiday came,
We wish you a lot of strength and inspiration,
Good luck, prosperity, luck.

FROM Today, on your professional holiday, you have a reason to dress up and listen to well-deserved praise! Happy Textile Workers Day! Each piece from you is a masterpiece, with you we will always be the most beautiful of all! So may you have everything and always be just wonderful!

IN Day of workers of light industrial
I wish you good orders.
The clarity of the lines, there will be no break,
Your quality is immediately visible.

I wish you a stable salary
And recognition in the textile industry.
Your hands are worthy of a sonnet,
After all, work is warmed by the soul.

TO Why say thank you for the fact that women have a full wardrobe and nothing to wear? For the fact that today they do not whitewash flax in the meadows? For the fact that you can spin endlessly in the whirlwind of fashion? Of course, to you - workers of light industry! On your professional holiday, please accept our congratulations, praise for your varied work and best wishes!

TO when we put on something
And we put our shoes on, every time
For some reason we forget
Who made it for us;
But they didn't want to offend you
We - you cannot offend!
Let any business argue!
Cut, sew, weave boldly!
And all of you, friends!

AND the Venetian merchants did not have what you have, and at quite humane prices! It's great that there are people who will help us dress in fashion and in the best! Happy Light Industry Workers Day! Be unique in your work inspiration and your long, happy life!

P shame on the mind,
But they are greeted by their clothes!
We would like a little
To be in tune with fashion too.
Fabrics for fun
And cover so as not with a "bag",
Shoes with durable heels,
And good perfume trail. ... ...
Congratulations to those people
From under whose magic hands
A miracle suddenly occurs
Lots of things we need.
We hope for you -
Fashion designers and weavers,
Perfumers and tailors.
Congratulations good hour
Happy Labor Day!
We always need your work!

P Happy Light Industry Workers Day! It costs you nothing to produce textiles of all sorts for a century to come, and if windy fashion comes up with something - overtake it! I wish you live long life, dress smartly and always smile really happily!

M you are shod and dressed
Thanks to you,
Congratulations to you today,
So we are not in vain!
On this holiday we wish you
The prize is big,
To proudly, but in life,
To love with a soul!

B without you there would be no fashion in the world,
Chanel, Diora, Gucci, Valentino,
And the beauty of women would not be odes,
If all would be dressed as one,

Thank you for the beauty and brightness,
For being a needle so skillfully,
Not hiding behind laziness and fatigue
Do your own fine business.

Dressmakers, fashion designers,
We wish you to smile more often,
Reach all the heights of your career
And never part with optimism.

AND yun. Second Sunday.
You will postpone all business.
May this day be fun
It's time to celebrate.
On your day of light industry
All congratulations for you.
And warm greetings to the line
May you be pleased now.

IN Sem, who are tireless,
Works for the good of everyday life,
We wish you good luck
You will not be forgotten
Indeed, in the light industry -
Human comfort
Let your gait be firm
Happiness and love will come!

TO We wish every fashion designer
Become a millionaire.
To every tailor -
One more house.
Well, for the perfumer -
New apartment.
So that everyone on their holiday
Received a difficult gift.

P Happy Holidays
Those who dress up:
Those who sew clothes for us
Who puts our shoes on.
We wish you joy
Happiness and luck
And always good
In life, mood!
Thank you dear
Your work is very important!
With your products
Our whole life is adjusted!

B Your country cannot do without your industry,
How can we live without fabric and clothing.
You make our life warm
We pin all our hopes on you.
Everything will be wonderful with you,
Success in work, happiness in personal life.
Your salaries will be super class.
And the light industry is excellent.

IN you found yourself in the light industry,
Itself, at the call of your heart, you came here!
We celebrate light industry day together.
We sincerely congratulate everyone who shod and clothed us!
And I congratulate you on this holiday,
I sincerely wish you good luck and health.
May the sun and joy always be with you,
To run to work would not be a burden.

B we wouldn't fly without you,
And they would freeze and starve!
Today, this summer day
We will sing praises to you!
And we will clap loudly, that there is strength,
And let's raise the festive flag!
Congratulations to the humble workers
Light and textile industry!

P Congratulations to those who sew
in noisy factory halls,
Who creates all textiles,
Shoes, clothes and furs.
Everything that surrounds life
Made with great difficulty
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you
So that your home is cozy.

Not every specialty has a professional holiday. However, the category of specialists, which will be discussed in this article, has been celebrating their day for more than thirty years. Weavers, knitters, fashion designers, tailors, furriers and even furniture assemblers ... All these professionals celebrate the Day of Light Industry, which falls on the second Sunday of June every year. help

What date is the day of light industry: in 2017 it is celebrated on Sunday 11 June

In which countries it is noted: compulsory in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Also, this professional holiday is celebrated in some other countries of the former USSR, but not on such a scale.

Who established the Day of Light Industry Workers: in Ukraine it was approved by the President by Decree of June 9, 1994 (No. 285/94)

Celebration traditions: most often on this day outstanding specialists are awarded, as well as fashion shows are held.

The Ukrainian climate implies an impressive wardrobe: every average citizen of the country has at least three seasonal sets of shoes and clothes, in which you can feel comfortable on the street in any weather. Ukrainians with an income above the average often prefer branded items, although many Ukrainian designers are in trend today. As for the majority of consumers, they are happy to buy clothes from domestic factories and companies. It is to all employees of this industry that the Day of Light Industry 2017 is dedicated. Today these are the following areas:

  • Clothing industry (fur, haberdashery, footwear);
  • Textile industry (silk, cotton, knitwear, linen).

The main task of such enterprises in Ukraine is to recoup the day invested in them as quickly as possible, to be distinguished by high mobility of production and prompt change of assortment depending on fashion trends.

history of the holiday

The factory industry appeared quite a long time ago: in the eighteenth century. This was facilitated by technical progress: special weaving machines and spinning machines appeared. So labor passed from manual to machine. And it is not surprising that the nineteenth is a time when many enterprises developed at an incredibly rapid pace. The development was also facilitated by the fact that the factories now worked not by driven serfs, but by hired workers interested in the result and earnings. Then a rather protracted economic crisis began in this area, but after the war the enterprises started working with renewed vigor. In 1980, the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers was solemnly approved. After the USSR collapsed, a huge flow of foreign products poured into the Ukrainian market, which practically ousted domestic producers. However, active restoration and rebranding of many manufacturers is currently underway.

How is the Day of Light Industry in Ukraine celebrated?

Despite the fact that there are certain difficulties in the industry, this holiday is necessarily celebrated at every enterprise. Just imagine: in the country more than four hundred thousand people are involved in this area, and about eighty percent of them are women. It is not surprising that on the second Sunday of June, the Day of the Seamstress in Ukraine, you can meet large women's companies in cafes and restaurants. There are no special traditions of celebration: rallies and festivals have not been held since Soviet times. At the official level, only the best employees are awarded today (both in the country and in an individual factory). Also on this day, employees, as a rule, receive well-deserved bonuses, after which they go to corporate events.

Some interesting facts

  • the largest jute factory in the country, which produces nets, sacks, twine and rope, is located in Odessa;
  • the main centers of the knitwear industry in the country are Lvov, Kiev, Lugansk, Kharkov, Donetsk and Zhitomir. Here Tailor's Day is celebrated without fail;
  • the best shoes and leather is produced in Kiev, Lvov, Zaporozhye and Nikolaev;
  • there are more than 200 professional educational institutions in Ukraine, which graduate specialists for the light industry.
  • imports of things from developed European countries into the country are not so high, the main supplies of fabrics, clothing and equipment come from Asian countries.

Congratulations on the Day of Light Industry


Both the tailor and the seamstress
And I'm in a hurry for the cutter
I congratulate you on this day.
We call you the best!

So that the needle does not break
Pattern so as not to get lost
Muse to visit
And I didn't know fatigue!

Everything so that it works out in life,
Life with whom you need to get in touch.
So that there are no frustrations
So that you succeed in everything.


Light industry celebrates its day.
Your work is very important, needed and appreciated.
Happy this day, I congratulate you with excitement
And I wish you happiness, joy, love.

Let the work be easy and loved.
Let it often bring you a lot of income.
Let life become a kind and beautiful fairy tale.
And success with luck will lead you forward.

Rejoice more often, laugh, smile.
May your health be age-old.
Be you loved and do not be discouraged.
Let all your troubles melt away like smoke.


Today we celebrate the day of our workers,
In the light industry: from bosses to privates.
May skill and luck not leave you,
Well, the quality with the design is like that of the world's brands.
We wish you technologies, advanced production,
And reliable stability, prosperity of the centers.


Escorted through the mind
But they are greeted by their clothes!
We would like a little
To be in tune with fashion too.
Fabrics for fun
And cover so as not with a "bag"
Shoes with durable heels,
And good perfume trail ...
Congratulations to those people
From under whose magic hands
A miracle suddenly occurs
Lots of things we need.
We hope for you -
Fashion designers and weavers,
Perfumers and tailors.
Congratulations good hour
Happy Labor Day!
We always need your work!


Our light industry -
This is the most, the highest class,
You offer the goods to the people,
And, in fact, you dress it!

To you for this from the people - honor, praise!
We wish the factory to bloom
To improve the quality all the time,
Your money didn't fit in the wallet!

To always accompany you with success,
And the director often gave a prize,
So that families have joy and peace,
So that happiness will cover you with your head!

Do you know anything interesting about how the day of the textile worker is celebrated in Ukraine? If so, share with our users in the comments below the article.

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