What dairy products can not be given to children? Milk breasts. Cow's milk breast kids than feeding a child can not be dairy

Cow's milk - a product beloved by many. Yes, and it is quite difficult to imagine the life of modern humanity. Porridge, pies, cakes, sour cream and other equiphertic products Often based on cow's milk. At the same time there are a lot of those who very much criticizes the cow's milk for its excessive fatty, satiety, etc.

Agree or not with the potential danger of cow's milk for the human body, this is a matter of everyone. However, with confidence, it is possible to approve only the fact that children under this product are better not to use such a product. And there are quite a few reasons for it.

The reasons for which you should not give milk to children up to the year

First of all, this is the main reason, every animal milk, including a person, is designed for the specific needs of his young. And absolutely not suitable for other species. For example, it is worth remembering that the calves grow an order of magnitude faster than human children. And this means that in the cow's milk there are more nutrients that are necessary to grow a healthy calf. The digestive system of the kid with such a load is simply not cope.

It is not particularly worth it to put experiments not children who have already suffered about problems with the gastrointestinal tract. For them, such a fat and saturated protein product can be a rather serious test.

Another reason lies in the fact that the cow belongs to the class of herbivores, the person is animal predatory. And this means that two biological species - cows and man - enzyme systems are performed completely differently. The composition, the number of amino acids and much more, which is important for the development of a calf and baby, differ. For example, in cow milk 3 times more proteins than in female milk, for the same time more than different minerals. The excess of such substances leads to an excessive load on the body of the kid, because For the output of excess kidneys begin to work with double, and sometimes with tripled force. Accordingly, the body is faster than wearing.

In the cow's milk there is not enough iron, which is very important for the full development of the child.

This item can be considered controversial, because Milk is usually given not to replenish in the body of iron deficiency. It is just worth considering this fact and additionally provide a child of iron.

To split enzymes from cow, a lot of energy is required. Moreover, if the body is mistaken and adopted alien amino acids for him for their own, it is fraught with the development of allergies and its manifestations in the form of atopic dermatitis, diatease, etc.

Due to the fact that the cow's milk for a child is a heavier product, it is digested for a long time, and often leaves in the intestine and undigested particles. They are, as you know, quite aggressively affect the intestinal mucosa. As a result, constipation appear, bloating or, on the contrary, a liquid chair.

Specialists argue that the intestinal mucosa is able to neutralize the aggressive effect of protein only aged from 1.5-2 years.

What is fraught with the reception of cow milk by children up to year

Naturally, not every child can give a reaction to the reception of cow's milk. And if some processes proceed deep inside, it does not mean at all that you can not pay attention to them. It is just worth remembering that the excessive passion for cow's milk children under a year can lead to quite serious problems.

So, for example, doctors know the cases of a child diabetes first type. In addition, gastrointestinal bleeding may well develop due to intestinal overvoltage at the time of digesting such a heavy product.

Many articles in magazines for parents are devoted to the problems of digestion children of the first year of life. We ourselves once again touched on the theme of dysbacteriosis, enzymeopathy, allergies and therapeutic nutrition of infants in the March issue of the magazine. But what to do next? Is it really worth the kid to mark his first birthday, how to remove all the deraishes? Of course not. This is confirmed by the questions of our readers who are interested in the features of the diet of the toddlers of the second, third, fourth year of life. Parents' questions are responsible for the department baby food Food Rams Catherine Anatolyevna Pyryeva.

How should the diet of a child 2-3 years old with dysbacteriosis? How to deal with this disease effectively? Bifidumbacterin gives only a temporary effect ...

- This is not a disease, this is a state that is always secondary. And the root cause may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the condition of the body after the course of antibiotics, enzymatic failure, etc. That is why biopreparations, including bifidumbacterin, give only a temporary effect: the course has ended - and dysbacteriosis again on the face! It means that it is necessary to carry out detailed diagnostics, identify the true disease, the consequence of which is the dysbacteriosis.

Most often a course of any biopreparation (bifidbacterin, lactobacterin, etc.) appointed by the attending physician if there is an appropriate clinical pictureis not more than 2-3 weeks.

And further. If the dysbacteriosis is detected only by analyzes, and its visible manifestations (constipation, diarrhea, skin rashes, a decrease in appetite, increased fatigue, etc.) No, no special treatment is needed! Perceive such a condition of the child's body as an adaptation to environment - The intestine is settled by the microflora, which exists outside. In addition, in the conditions of large cities, almost all populations in one degree or another suffers from dysbacteriosis.

Any analysis of intestinal flora is always variable. In other words, pass the same analysis literally the next day - and the result may be different. If the kid is adequately developing, within the normal range he adds in growth and weight, has clean skin, regular emptying of the intestine - the biological preparations, he is hardly needed.

A feature with a violation of microbiocenosis is mainly that the share of ferocular products, especially enriched biophi, lacto and other additives, as well as other products with pro-and prebiotics increases (contains live microorganisms, and prebiotics contribute to their production to organism). At the same time, the proportion of fresh milk is limited. The use of fermented milk products need to be combined - ryuzhka, prokobivash, kefir, bio-bus act on a different intestinal flora.

In the rest of the diet, the baby with dysbacteriosis must correspond to age standards. In addition, there are products that are capable of indirectly improving the composition of microflora, but they are very peculiar and even exotic - onions, garlic, artichoke, trouser, Topinambur. And their share in the diet of 2-3-year-old children is very insignificant.

If the disease was revealed, the consequence of the dysbacteriosis was, the attending physician may assign dietherapy. For example, with severe food allergies, solid cow's milk is generally excluded from the diet, even the number of dairy products is reduced.

Do not forget that bad water also breaks microbiocenosis. Therefore, it is desirable to use only filtered water. The optimal option is the use of bottled drinking water, which has the most natural composition.

My one year old daughter suffers from the intolerance to the protein of cow's milk, also does not tolerate the vegetable protein (beans, beans). In addition, she has an exudative. We are going to overcome it from the chest and think about the further diet. How to properly compose, based on our problems?

In more than half of the cases, the kid reacting to the milk protein is also poorly coping with soy protein - this is the so-called cross-allergy. In your case, you need a consultation of a child nutritionist.

From general recommendations. In the diet of children with a light and medium degree of intolerance to the cow protein, a kefir and other liquid milk products are usually included. Cottage cheese must be introduced later and more careful. If the baby is well tolerating the dairy products, there are no restrictions on their use. Perhaps use goat milk. Today, the choice of products based on goat milk is not limited to children's dairy mixtures.

And do not hurry to overcome the girl from the chest, keep breastfeeding. Perhaps this is precisely this background as many allergic problems are growing.

And further. The spectrum of allergens with the child's age can vary by ripening the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in the future, the child, in early childhood, suffering from allergies on cow's milk, can be transferred soy, and even dairy products.

Our two-year-old child is allergic to milk protein. Is there any chance to completely get rid of this allergy? Or a person all his life will be able to eat dairy products? Why is the number of such children growing from year to year? I still cook porridge on the water, we do not give milk, kefir, butter is replaced by vegetable. If you try to enter something from these products, rashes on the skin appear ...

While allergic in a rather acute form (rash on the skin immediately after receiving the product), it is better not to experiment and completely eliminate dairy products from the diet! Your main task is not to give allergies from the food option to switch to a more complex and dangerous, for example, in bronchial asthma. That is why it is necessary to give the opportunity to the body of the child to grow quietly and adapt, without the "load" in the form of those products that he is hard to transfers.

Usually, allergies to milk protein passes or acquires a much less pronounced character by 7-8 years. In adults, the skin manifestations of allergy on milk practically does not happen. As allergic manifestations decrease, gradually include in the diet of the child, fermented milk goods, especially with biodevices.

To increase B. last years The number of toddler allergies affect, in my opinion, several circumstances. First, the global deterioration in the ecology and the "purity" of products. Secondly, a sharp decrease in the past decades of children fell naturally. Fortunately, now the situation with breastfeeding is slowly slowly, but normalizes.

Thirdly, the babies with the intolerance to the milk protein have always been a lot, but only recently the diagnosis has been recently on a qualitatively level - today it is possible to determine and effectively treat the abstract allergies, but the body's response to a particular product. Do not neglect the extensive diagnosis and individual councils of specialists for your child.

How to diversify the baby menu 3-4 years, if it is impossible to use dairy products (and sour milk too) and wheat flour?

Try included in the diet of the baby soy products. Soybean milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt today are widely sold in regular stores (optional in children's nutrition) or in the stores "INTERSOY". First check if a child has an allergic reaction to soy protein: let's try the spoon of a new product (act carefully, as when the supplies is introduced). If there are no problems, use soy products as follows.

From 9 months to a year Soybean milk can be given 200 ml 2 times a week, soy cottage cheese - 40 g 2 times a week, soy fermented milk products - 200 ml 2 times a week.

From year to three years: Soy milk 200 ml 3 times a week, soy milk food products with 200 ml 3 times a week, soy curd 100 g 2 times a week. After 3-4 years, soy cheese can be used.

In addition, now in large supermarkets appeared gluten (non-protein of cereals) products - pasta, crackers, cookies, etc. They can also be diversified by the diet. Do not forget about the variety of vegetable, fruit and meat dishes (by age). You are available buckwheat, rice, corn cereal and other dishes from these croup (casserole, pudding). And also, it is possible that the products from goat milk are suitable for the child, including goat cheeses.

What can replace high-caliped foods (milk, eggs, wheat) in after a year? What meat is preferable for a one-year-old kid? Indications of conflicting specialists: the chicken is considered an allergen, then, on the contrary, it is recommended that it is a chicken ...

All parents who are concerned that the child does not receive some products due to allergies, I want to give one advice: feed the baby by the products that fit him, set aside the solution to the problem of a varied menu "On then". Do not worry, from shortage of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements The child will not suffer - the body "will get" the right amount from the products that it is well tolerate. In most cases, children do not bother the problems of a variety of nutrition - this parents have psychological discomfort. Do not look for replacement products causing your baby allergies - just do not let them. A correctly compiled diet of a child suffering from allergies is full, even if it does not contain milk, eggs and wheat - after all, these products are not the main level of the diet.

But still answer the question of specific products. With a low degree of allergies, try to replace the milk, eggs, cereals on fermented, soy and gluten-free. It is possible to use 1-2 times a week of Hercules porridge (if a child has no celiac disease), as well as products from fresh and bezing dough. Instead of chicken eggs, try to give quail (carefully, slowly!), They are absorbed better and much less often cause allergies.

With severe food allergies, it is possible and after a year will have to use baby milk mixtures with protein hydrolysis.

About meat. It is preferable to use turkey meat, skinny sorts of pork, rabbit meat, horseback - it does not cause allergies. With minor food allergies after a year, the use of white chicken meat in the diet is permissible - 1-2 times a week. If a child has a cross-allergy (for example, chicken eggs), of course, the chicken meat is definitely excluded. At first, use the "children's canned food" (meat out of jars) - you can hardly buy high-quality conn or rabbit meat at any store ...

How to solve the problem with a visit to the kindergarten Parents whose children are not suitable for the health of the menu of a preschool institution?

If the kid is allergic to a specific product (for example, only for fish), then parents agree, if there are no objections from the personnel, to exclude this product from the diet of their child. Or a replacement: instead of cocoa on Tuesdays and Thursdays you bring a thermos with another suitable drink. You can agree with personnel in oral or writing. And do not forget to keep this question "on control" at first - unbelievably remind the caregivers and nurse of the kindergarten about their request.

The situation is complicated when a child is allergic to many foods or those that are part of many dishes. These include, first of all, eggs and milk - it is impossible to imagine omelets, buns, cereals, cookies, drink from cocoa, etc., so often included in the children's kindergarten menu. In this case, it is better to look for a private or commercial kindergartenwhere you probably will be able to solve "dietary" problems.

I have repeatedly asked - why you can not give cow milk to children up to year? Mass testing on the issue of milk for children of young children is held long ago, not only in our country, but also abroad. So, what conclusions in this will come modern science?

1. Calves grow much faster than breast kids, soin the formulation of milk, much more useful substances than must be kid .

2. Cow - animal herbivore , a man - how not scary ethosyrate - by naturepredator. His enformed systems have been genetically developed in accordance with animals, meatthip. Therefore, a cow and a person has a different amino acid sets, the formation of various.

The cow's milk contains a lot of useful substances - but, as you know, everything is useful in moderation. It is almost 3 times more proteins than periphered female milk, and 2 s excess times More than in dairy blends, amineral substances (salt, calcium and phosphorus) - 3 times more than in the female wholebed or in ready-made children's mixtures.

Why is excessive substances becomes harmful to baby? Extra quantities and mineral salts in whichthe organismoslast does not need is an unnecessary ballast. The kidneys start working 2-3 times overload. And since in the first months of life, the baby is still developing kidney and all the output system, the child's body is experienced three and a half times a large load than the one on which it is biologically "designed."

Kidney passes are insufficient to simultaneously work with high loaded substances and keep the necessary liquid - It is an enlarged. Because of this, the child asks to drink even more, gets the same load in a vicious circle. The same applies to juices. Moreover, the load is determined by the conclusion not only the substances obtained as a result of the protein exchange, but also the amount of four electrolytes, such as sodium, chlorine, potassium Iphosphorus, which six eights exceed the biological norms for the child. Akalia is responsible for the uninterrupted work of the heart!

In the cow's milk, little iron which is an integral part of a rapidly breeding baby. The lack of iron can contribute to the development of aodestic anemia.

Enzymes, full of fullthe digestion of the cowberom is, respectively, only the cow. An adult organism, absorbing products, breaks proteins and synthesizes its amino acids - it is also "absorbing" products. The child (or calf) amino acids - "bricks" are delivered ready, so the maternal milk is so easily caught. And now I will imagine that instead of their "slipped" in the "stale amino acids. At best, it will be required twice more energy -Tell - create anew. At worst, an error will occur, the amino acids will be credited for their own, and this poisoning may occur (allergies, diathesis, diarrhea and other charms).

Unpained products are aggressors, an irritant intestinalism.Casein contained in cow's milk is an aggressive soluble protein. Despite the large molecule, it penetrates through the intestinal walls, forcing the Histamine organism. Thus, it causes, firstly, intestinal statements - even if we are talking About microscale, they are put in the guilt of reduced chemoglobin in children. Secondly, it is one of the reasons for the manifestation of the observational situations of the reaction to the accumulated histamine, which at some point can cause a sudden strong allergic reaction.

The mucous membrane of the child is able to partially neutralize the aggressive impact of cow's milk aged earlier than one and two years.

By the way, the dairy products are given a load, because part of the protein and lactose are split in them . Therefore, they are introduced before whole milk.

The only fully suitable food for a child up to 6 months is only Mamino Milk.

The high probability of developing allergies is the main thing that makes many shining pediatrics oppose that the cow's milk as a breast substitute for children up to 1 year.Allergologists found that if the Guborovye milk for children in the first 3 months. Life, then each 4th day is allergic to milk and dairy products. According to experts, it is also connected with the feed of the feed, which today take animals today, as well as in the fact that the immune system Children are weakened. It is curious that many babies suffer from tallergia even to maternal milk. It turned out, the main reason is that the Corresponders, in turn, use cow's milk.

Allergy is the thing. Each person has its own critical limit.

Lactose milk Get by adding lactose enzyme into ordinary milk. It decomposes the milk lactose out of the milk sugar, which increases its intestinal digestibility. Lactose milk can be prepared by himself, buyingpills orkaley and adding them to ordinary milk. (Lactose (milk sugar) - diasaccharide, contains only milk mammals and a person).

Yogurt. It will be better if the child's child will drink instead of a yogurt milk. Yoghurt is obtained by adding a Dactobaccillus Bulgaricus to Kolokolok. Thesebacteria act like intestinal enzymes, coagulating milk proteins turning milk lactose into lactic acid. At the same time, milk proteins are losing allergenic properties. Therefore, yoghurt is transferred even to those children, injuries arises allergic to milk proteins or lactose intolerance. Ecommendered to replace Kefir. Yoghurt is an ideal product for children of 1-2 years old, it can be used to prepare different children's dishes: sauces, seasonings, glazes, puddings, creams, etc.

Goat milk. By nodule the goat, the milk is close to the cow, but its calorieness is the same.In goat milk, more indispensable fattyxlot and higher content of triglycerides - fats, which are much easier to organism. However, it is not enough folic acid, the formation of erythrocytes is required. Buying goat milk, pay attention to the nature. There must be specified: "With the addition of folic acid". If there is no, kids, drinking goat milk, should receive folic acid of edude products (cereal, legumes, meat, fish).And it should also give it no earlier than 1.5-2 years.

Facts from history.

Although the person began to eat milk of ruminant animals in the formation of animals of livestock civilizations, that is, at the beginning of an ingenuity activity, the main food of children in those distant times everything was chemless milk. When the mother could not feed the child, they resorted the exclusive to the help of the cormal.

Breastfeeding has lost popularity, especially genuine women, mainly because it prevented themselves with Sewishware. From the middleXVTIIthe century feeding children with milk animals has become a rather common phenomenon, but preference was not given to a cow, but goat and donkey milk. Moreover, those kids that were fed not breast milk were much weaker than peers.

How to give milk?

* Do not let the cow milk for children up to 1 year - feeding milk and (or) children's adapted milk mixtures

* Be sure to boil milk

* Buy Milk only top quality and having tweeters about its safety, and better special baby milk

* Degreased milk Let the children only after 2 years

* Daily milk rate for children 1-2 years old - 0.5 L.

* Forgive recognize the first symptoms that appeared allergic intolerance of milk and dairy products.


  • One-piece cow's milk is oversaturated with minerals: calcium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, potassium. They create an "extra ballast" in the body of the child, with which its functionally not developed urinary system cannot cope. As a result, children's kidneys begin to work with 2-3-fold overload, trying to bring the cow's milk.
  • The cow's milk contains 3-4 times more proteins and sodium than breast. And this is a protein of quite different quality - a potentially allergenic for an infant. Allergologists have established that if you give a cow milk to children in the first 3 months of life, then each 4th child arises allergic to milk and dairy products.
  • In cow's milk too many casein.
  • But carbohydrates cow's milk is poorly.
  • It contains an insufficient amount of iodine, zinc, copper, vitamins C and E.
  • Also, there are few of the necessary fatty acids (linoleic and a-linolenic acids) and polyunsaturated fatty acids for the development of the brain.
  • Iron content in cow's milk is very low. Namely, iron is the basis of a growing baby growing red blood cells, and its lack can lead to the development of anemia.
  • With regular consumption of babies, cow's milk can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, especially under the age of 6 months.
  • It does not have folic acid, Taurine and cystin amino acids necessary for the normal development of the child.
  • It has been established that early introduction of infants and cow's milk can provoke the development of SAH. The first type diabetes. Therefore, it is recommended to completely eliminate the cow's milk from the diet of the child of the first year of life, if there are insulin-dependent patients in the family.

Why do not goat milk breast kids?

  • In goat milk there is even more casein than in a cow.
  • The content of some vitamins and trace elements in goat milk is too high for an infant. The urinary kid system is not yet working properly, therefore such a concentration of mineral salts creates a greater burden on the kidneys.
  • The divorced goat milk to the "safe" level does not represent any value - all its properties are lost.
  • The folic acid content in goat milk is very insignificant. And this vitamin is necessary for blood formation. Thus, a child foliageful anemia can develop a child that feeds goat milk.
  • In goat milk contained in large queries, capricious and caproic acids that have toxic effects on the children's body.
  • The ratio of calcium and phosphorus in goat milk "is broken" (compared to the chest) in the direction of increasing calcium. And this slows down the digestibility of these substances.
  • The bioavailability of goat milk iron is 3.5 times lower compared to the chest.
  • In goat milk is not enough for a child vitamin A and vitamin D.
  • But fat in it is more than in breast and even cow's milk. Therefore, goat milk is an excellent energy product for children of preschool and older age, but the kids of the first year of life have not yet enough enzymes to digest this fat.
  • The use of goat milk for feeding children up to a year leads to diapered bleeding from the intestine, which, in combination with a low level of assimilation of iron from this product leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Although a person began to eat milk of ruminant animals from the moment of the formation of livestock civilizations, that is, at the beginning of its economic activity, the main food of children in those distant times was nevertheless. When the mother could not feed the child, resorted exclusively to the help of the cormal.

Breast feeding has lost popularity, especially among wealthy women, mainly because it prevented themselves to lead secular life. From the middle of the XVIII century, the feeding of children with milk animals has become quite common, and the preference was not given to a cow, but goat and donkey milk.

Allergy to milk

In the XX century, on the contrary, there were reports of allergies to the cow's milk. From this to the present, more and more doctors began to be aware of the reality of the existence of allergies on the protein of cow's milk. Reactions can be developed either locally in the gastrointestinal tract, or in other organs: leather, respiratory tract, kidneys, mucous membranes, nervous system.

Allergy to milk is mainly a disease children under the age of two yearsAnd its prevalence decreases sharply in children over three years. But no age cannot be considered safe: this diagnosis can be delivered to a teenager and an adult. IN early age More susceptible to the disease boys.

Children with allergies to cow milk are often reacting and on the goat (the so-called cross reaction).

The rate of appearance of allergy symptoms to milk can be from several minutes or hours to several days.

Causes of allergies

Early, that is, from the first month of life, the emergence of allergic reactions in the kid who is on breastfeedingis associated with the nature of the mother's nutrition in the third trimester of pregnancy and during lactation. It is daily (regardless of the dose) that the use of dairy products of the future or nursing mom leads to the formation of hypersensitivity to the protein of cow's milk.

The risk of developing allergic reactions increases with the use of raw milk and at the same time - a large amount of sugar (condensed milk with sugar). And on the contrary, the risk decreases with thermal processing of milk (boiled, dry milk).

Features of the assimilation of milk

80% of children under 14 years old have been suffering allergic to cow milk.

According to the information received from the head of the Virology Department of the Children's Health Center, Ramna, Doctor of Medical Sciences Tatyana Senzova, from the ninety of the most consumable foods most often the body of most babies and adolescents does not accept the cow's milk.

Allergenic, children's dairy mixes, yogurts and cheeses based on them are also recognized. According to experts, it may be associated with the quality of feed, which today take animals today, as well as the fact that the immune system of children is weakened. It is curious that many babies suffer from allergies even to maternal milk. It turned out that the reason is that the parental, in turn, use cow's milk.

Goat milk is recognized as safe from the point of view of allergenicity.

Products for low-energy feeding can limit energy consumption, therefore the average energy density should usually be no lower than 4.2 kJ (1 kcal) / g. This is the first reason why cow's milk, especially with low fat, is not recommended to give infant children until they reach a two-year-old age.

The second reason is the imperfection of the gastrointestinal tract. In breast milk contains enzymes that contribute to hydrolysis of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the intestine. There are no them in the cow's milk, they do not have to talk about the digestibility of this food. Unpained products are aggressors irritating intestinal mucosa. Casein, being an aggressive soluble protein, despite the large molecule, penetrates through the intestinal walls, forcing the Histamine organism to produce. Thus, it causes, firstly, intestinal bleeding, even if we are talking about microscopabins, which, however, put in guilt the manifestations of reduced hemoglobin in children. Secondly, is one of the reasons for the reaction in stressful situations to the accumulated histamine. That is, very strong allergies occur dramatically. The most reasonable thing is to wait for the age of ripening the intestinal mucous membrane, when at least partially neutralized the aggressive effect of the protein of cow's milk. This is an age of one and a half or two years old.

Moreover, even if milk is sufficient fat (this is returning to the question of food density), secretion of bile salts only enough for the formation of micelles - the effectiveness of fat absorption is low compared to adult organism reactions.

As for the work of the kidneys, the load on them dissolved substances, say, mature breast milk is 93 mosmol / l. Mixtures - 135-150 mosmol / l. Cow Milk is about 350 mosmol / l and more (depending on additives). The load of three and a half times is large than biologically "designed" the body of the child of this age.

The skipping capacity of the kidneys is insufficient to simultaneously work with high load of dissolved substances and maintain the necessary fluid - its increased output. Because of this, the child asks to drink even more, gets the same load and falls into a closed circle. The same applies to juices. Moreover, the load is determined by the conclusion not only substances obtained as a result of protein metabolism, but also the sum of four electrolytes, such as sodium, chlorine, potassium and phosphorus, which six eights exceed the biological norms for the child.

As for the state of the mucous membrane, it is worth adding: casein is alien food for the human body. And microbiological proteins are applied direct toxic strike (except immunological).

Milk is one of the most severe and potentially dangerous foods in the child's nutrition.