Komarovsky on nutrition for children under one year old. Introduction of complementary foods for breastfeeding according to Komarovsky

Thanks to his charisma and special outlook on the development of children and their health, Dr. Komarovsky has gained popularity among both new and experienced parents. His advice is heeded, dismissing the old school of pediatrics. Evgeny Olegovich pays special attention to the issue adult food in the baby's diet.

Over the years of medical practice, he has many recommendations, so in today's article you will learn about when to introduce complementary foods, what dishes to offer to the child, and what should be the nutrition of children under one year old.

We also offer you several videos for your viewing that will help you to better know the features and nuances on which Komarovsky complementary foods are based on breastfeeding.

The first six months of life, the baby does not need anything except mother's milk (or an adapted milk formula, if he is an artificial). But after 6 months, the child's activity increases sharply, the teeth begin to erupt, therefore, it is for this period that the introduction of complementary foods must be planned. Mommies have many questions and fears: what to do if the baby is allergic, how to preserve the mother's milk?

How to introduce complementary foods by months into the diet, where to start feeding: with porridge, vegetable puree or curd diluted with kefir? And, perhaps, the first food should be liquid and maximally fortified in the form of juices? And what to give after one-component dishes? The omniscient doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky will help you find the answer to these questions, who has his own view of the peculiarities of complementary feeding during breastfeeding.

Dr. Komarovsky's opinion on complementary foods with hepatitis B at an early age

Modern medicine believes that it is not necessary to introduce new food into the diet of a baby who is under 6 months old. Previously, children at the age of 3-4 months were already introduced into the diet with porridge on cow's milk, given egg yolk and supplemented with water and juices. Nevertheless, Evgeny Olegovich, like other doctors, believes that up to six months of age, the child does not need to be supplemented or fed.

If the mother does not have enough breast milk, then you can add an adapted milk mixture... That's all he needs. Also, do not forget, dear mothers, about your diet. It should be balanced and rich in vitamins and beneficial macro and micronutrients.

You may argue: "But what about baby food marked" from 3 months ", which are now filled with supermarket shelves ?!" Let's not forget that, first of all, this is a very profitable business. Therefore, such eloquent packaging statements are beneficial for manufacturers who shamelessly use parental trust.

An international study has shown that more than 40% of interviewed parents introduce complementary foods at the age of 3 to 5 months.

The harm of early introduction of adult food for a baby

Despite all the efforts of grandmothers and doctors of the "old school", Dr. Komarovsky insists that there is nothing good in early feeding. It does not bring benefits, but it has negative consequences. These include not only intolerance to certain components - for example, cow protein or milk sugar - lactose, but also allergic rashes, which often turn into dermatitis. Also note that if a product causes discomfort for the mother or father, then it should be introduced to the little one as late as possible.

The doctor also advises not to forget that a four-month-old baby is not yet physically ready to absorb new food, and the liver of babies is a rather vulnerable organ. But it is he who is responsible for removing undigested food particles from the body.

Yevgeny Komarovsky is convinced that a baby's liver matures only by the age of one, so even the most harmless foods (such as vegetable puree or dairy-free porridge) can be given no earlier than the above age.

Introduction of complementary foods according to Komarovsky

If you like Evgeny Olegovich's scheme for introducing adult food into the infant's diet, we advise you to listen to his recommendations, which will help make the complementary feeding period easier and more enjoyable for both the child and his parents:

  • The introduction of new foods into the diet should be smooth and gradual. To begin with, the baby is given 2-3 tsp. treats. Then they increase its amount, but only if the baby is not worried about the tummy, there are no problems with the stool, and the rash has not covered his body and face. If you have even the slightest sign - postpone the introduction of complementary foods for a week. Your baby has not yet "grown" to adult food.
  • You can not give the first complementary foods when breastfeeding during illness and a few days before vaccination. Also, do not treat your baby to mashed potatoes and cereals if his teeth begin to erupt.
  • How to accustom a child to complementary foods? First, dilute the new dish with breast milk or an adapted mixture.

Many mothers are often interested in what kind of food is preferable to give to babies - store-bought or cooked with my own hands in your own kitchen? Evgeny Olegovich believes that it is much better to buy finished products from manufacturers in order to save mother's time and effort baby foodwho have won the trust of their parents.

But at the same time, the doctor understands that for many parents, the constant purchase of sealed jars and packages of dry cereals may be too expensive financially. Also, homemade meals can only be prepared at home, so if you are visiting with a baby who has not yet eaten at a common table, the best option is to take a jar with the finished dish.

On the other hand, ready-made cans are not suitable during the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods. After all, any container with mashed potatoes, after opening, is suitable for use only within 24 hours. And when the baby eats half a spoonful, most of the product will end up in the bin.

It is believed that homemade purees are not as tasty as store-bought ones. But this is a myth, it all depends on the individual preferences of the child. Often sugar is added to vegetable purees from a jar, which is why children are happy to eat a new treat. But you can cook just as well.

While whisking, add some of your milk. This will help the baby not only quickly adapt to an unusual delicacy, but also significantly improve the taste of the dish.

Where to start complementary foods

Most parents have a large number of questions: how to properly feed a baby with adult food, and what foods should be used to start complementary feeding when breastfeeding. Komarovsky will help you understand this issue and give his opinion.

Complementary feeding of a child at 6 months

Evgeny Olegovich advises to start feeding the baby with a fermented milk product. He believes that kefir is the closest analogue of breast milk. In addition, it is rich in beneficial lactic acid bacteria that normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby.

Of course, many modern doctors do not agree that it is with these products that complementary foods should be started, but since in this material we talk about the Komarovsky diet, we will omit the details.

On the first day of complementary feeding, before the second breastfeeding, no more than 20 ml should be given. kefir. Next time, if there are no negative reactions, we increase the volume of the product to 40 ml. Not all children immediately like kefir because of its specific sour taste. Therefore, it is allowed to sweeten it.

Every day we increase the volume of the sour milk drink drunk by 20 ml. When the crumb has grown to a portion of 150 ml., Evgeny Komarovsky recommends introducing cottage cheese into his diet - first 1 tsp. It should be added to the first Komarovsky complementary foods in kefir and must be grated.

After a few days, the volume of cottage cheese increases to 30 g. This amount will be quite enough for the child at first. Replacing one daily breastfeeding with a healthy protein shake. It can be sweetened if desired.

Complementary feeding for a baby at 7 months

In addition to the standard portion of kefir with cottage cheese during the day, according to pediatrician Komarovsky, it is necessary to replace one evening feeding with milk-cereal porridge. Rice, oatmeal and buckwheat are best suited for these purposes.

First, give the toddler 3-4 tsp. porridge, and then breastfeed. Every day a portion of porridge doubles and gradually the volume of milk-cereal porridge reaches 200 ml.

Milk porridge for crumbs: recipe

Of course, if you buy dry cereals, then you just need to dilute the dry product with hot water. And if you cook yourself, then our recommendations will definitely not be superfluous.

You will need :

  • milk - 100 ml.;
  • cereal flour 1.5 tsp;
  • boiled water - 20 ml.;
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp.

Rinse the cereal, dry it and grind it in a coffee grinder. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and cereal flour. Pour in the boiling milk and cook the porridge with constant stirring for 3-5 minutes.

Doctors advise against buying ready-made milk porridge. It is best to purchase dairy-free and dilute it with milk yourself. If you are cooking for a child at home, then you can use the proposed recipe.

Complementary feeding rules at 8 months

If you ask the pediatrician at the clinic where to start complementary foods, most likely he will answer that with vegetable purees. But Dr. Komarovsky believes that vegetables, as well as fruits, can be entered into the menu only after the crumbs have their first teeth. And he advises doing this just at the age of eight months.

There are no particular restrictions on fruit. You can start with an apple, banana, or pear. The main thing is that the fruit is local. It is better to wait with acquaintance with exotic overseas guests and well-known citruses.

Yevgeny Olegovich advises to postpone the start of juicing with juices until 8.5 months. Start with 1 or 2 drops and be careful as some of them lead to constipation.

You can often find information that Komarovsky complementary foods include vegetable broth. And many mothers are wondering exactly how to cook it. There is absolutely nothing complicated here. It can be given before the introduction of vegetables into the diet to understand how the baby reacts to an unfamiliar product.

Step by step preparation of the broth

  1. Cut the pre-washed and peeled vegetables into small pieces. For the broth you need 50 g of vegetables (potatoes, onions, carrots or pumpkin and cabbage) per 100 ml. purified water.
  2. Place the colored mixture in a saucepan and cover with boiling water. Place over medium heat and simmer until the pieces are tender.
  3. Strain through cheesecloth folded in several layers. Boil again and pour into a bottle or cup.

If everything went well, then you can make mashed potatoes from one vegetable - potatoes or, if the complementary food came in the summer - zucchini or pumpkin. For a start, 20-30 g is enough. Then daily increase the portion size until it is equal to 200 ml. At the same time, do not forget to give the child cottage cheese with kefir and cereal porridge cooked in milk.

Complementary feeding according to Komarovsky: a recipe for vegetable puree

After some vegetables have been introduced into the baby's diet, you can prepare a multicomponent dish. For the broth you will need:

  • a mixture of vegetables - 100 g (including potatoes - no more than 20-25 g, cabbage, carrots and onions);
  • adapted mixture or whole milk - 25 g;
  • vegetable oil - no more than 5 g.


  1. Chop the processed vegetables finely. Add a little water to them to cover the bottom and set to simmer.
  2. Simmer until soft, adding a new batch of boiling liquid from time to time.
  3. Whisk vegetables with a blender or grind through a fine sieve.
  4. Pour lightly salted hot milk into the puree and put it back on the fire. Boil baby puree... Add vegetable oil to the finished dish. And if the baby is already familiar with the creamy one, then you can replace it with sunflower.

After a week, you can prepare a healthy soup for your baby in vegetable broth. And a week later - on chicken. If the body reacts normally, then add grated meat to such a soup, and after 3-4 days, grated chicken yolk, but not more than half.

After familiarizing yourself with such a wide variety of healthy products, you can safely increase the amount of curd consumed up to 50 g.

The final stage of complementary feeding from 9 to 12 months: the main rules

  • Use a variety of vegetables to make your vegetable puree. Add grated meat to them, but not very fatty varieties. You can also add half the yolk and vegetable oil or butter to the puree.
  • At 10 months of age, Komarovsky recommends offering the child fish. Also, during this period, start preparing soups for him not only in meat, but also in fish broths.
  • At this age, the baby can be offered cereals with added fruit. If there is no allergy, alternate them with dried fruits. In this case, the amount of sugar can be safely reduced. The introduction of complementary foods in the form of highly allergenic foods (such as nuts and honey) is not recommended.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, after the baby is one year old, there is no biological point in breastfeeding him. Some pediatricians strongly disagree with this statement and advise to maintain lactation, to feed the matured child with mother's milk at least several times a day. Of course, at the same time, the mother must eat well and of high quality.

Complementary feeding introduction table by month according to Komarovsky

School of Dr. Komarovsky: about complementary foods (video)

We invite you to watch the video in which Komarovsky talks about the first complementary foods. The videos will help you understand the principles of introducing new food, which Evgeny Olegovich adheres to when working with his little patients.

So you got acquainted with the main recommendations of Evgeny Olegovich (known simply as Doctor Komarovsky among mothers), which relate to the issue of the first adult diet of the baby. As you can see, in the Komarovsky feeding table there are enough recommendations that other doctors are skeptical about.

Therefore, it's up to you to decide whose advice to listen to - a popular favorite or a local pediatrician. But first of all, in matters related to the introduction of complementary foods by month, you need to listen to your intuition and adapt to individual characteristics your baby.

By the way, do not stop breastfeeding the baby. Many mothers continue to feed the baby with their milk after the introduction of complementary foods. They find in this a lot of conveniences and advantages for the development of a small organism.

Education of the general population in the field of prevention and treatment of major diseases in mothers during breastfeeding is achieved with the help of the mass media. Useful Tips doctors help young mothers navigate by answering all their questions.

Pediatrician Komarovsky became very popular in Russia. A lot of letters from young mothers come to his editorial office: to what age to breastfeed, how to properly apply a baby, what to do if milk is gone. Consider the answers of Dr. Komarovsky to the most popular of them.

What Komarovsky says about breastfeeding

Evgeny Olegovich repeatedly emphasizes that breastfeeding is the best that a woman can give a baby. With breast milk, the baby receives all the necessary nutrients for growth and development; these children are less likely to develop gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, breastfeeding has a number of other benefits:

  1. For a woman, breastfeeding is a more convenient way to feed a baby. She does not need to spend a lot of time to prepare the mixture, warm up the bottle.
  2. With natural feeding, a young mother recovers faster after childbirth. Stimulating the nipples reflexively activates muscle contraction in the uterus, which speeds up the recovery period.
  3. FROM breast milk the bulk of the immunoglobulins is supplied, which creates strong immunity in the newborn.
  4. Breast milk is balanced in composition. It is to him that the immature digestive tract of the baby is adapted, which, according to Komarovsky, reduces the risk of allergies already in childhood.

Komarovsky argues that breastfeeding more quickly and better meets the needs of the child in the first year of life. This type of feeding is chosen by mothers who are accustomed to travel, because on the road there is no possibility of preparing, warming up the mixture, it is easier to give the baby a breast.

Important! Breastfeeding brings the baby and the new mother closer together. Komarovsky emphasizes that the baby recognizes his mother more quickly, reflexes are formed more quickly. Such babies suck their fingers less often, less often bad habits are formed.

Up to what age to breastfeed

In his advice to young mothers, Evgeny Olegovich has repeatedly said that it is advisable to breastfeed only up to one year. Further, the involution of breast milk occurs:

  • The composition of milk is no longer able to fully satisfy all the needs of a young growing body.
  • Milk loses its beneficial properties.
  • A one-year-old baby is in need of nutrients from more valuable food products - meat, vegetables, fruits.

Stagnant milk in a nursing mother, what to do?

Komarovsky believes that a woman who feeds a child up to a year with breast milk has already fulfilled her maternal duty. Now she can combine taking care of the baby with other social activities: going in for sports, paying attention to herself and her husband, meeting friends, going on a trip.

What Komarovsky Says About Complementary Feeding While Breastfeeding

According to Komarovsky, breast milk is the only food that a newborn needs during the first 5 months of life. It is balanced in composition, with proper application and feeding mode, breast milk fully satisfies all the needs of the baby. The child is gaining weight well and does not need additional feeding with formula.

If the baby is not gaining weight or lactation is reduced, only in this case it is necessary to think about supplementary feeding. Here are the tips that a famous pediatrician gives to a young mother if the child does not gain the necessary weight on control weighings:

  • Do not stop breastfeeding to avoid stopping the lactation process. Check for correct attachment to the newborn's breast: Breastfeed in the presence of a nurse or doctor for advice and to identify latching errors.
  • Stimulation of the nipples leads to the activation of lactation and an increase in the volume of milk production, therefore, breastfeeding should be continued for at least three more days after the control weighing.
  • If after three days the amount of milk has not increased, and the child continues to feel bad as well, introduce supplementary feeding with artificial mixtures.
  • With the improvement of the condition of the newborn, normalization of the stool, continue breastfeeding until the age of five months.

The most important thing, as Komarovsky notes, is that mommy does not get nervous during this period, this will further reduce lactation. A favorable psychological background and a positive attitude of the mother are the key to a successful solution to the problem.

According to the doctor, regular breastfeeding, the correct feeding regimen and daily expression of milk to stimulate the work of the mammary glands will help increase lactation.

  • The correct feeding regimen involves feeding the baby at the first hunger cry. There is no need to force a baby to eat at a certain time, if he is not hungry. So he will eat less milk, which will trigger the suspension of lactation.
  • Expression, either manually or with a breast pump, helps stimulate milk production.
  • If the mother chose the natural way of feeding, then it is necessary to continue moving along the chosen path until one year. Supplementation with formula negatively affects the baby's condition, reduces the production of breast milk.
  • If supplementation with artificial mixtures takes place, then with hypogalactia it is excluded to stimulate lactation.
  • If possible, stress factors are excluded. Lactation is maintained at the proper level only with a favorable psychological state of the woman.

Important advice! Don't forget about the benefits of water. A nursing mother should drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day to maintain lactation.

Why milk is leaking and which pads are best for breastfeeding

Complementary foods and transferring the child to regular food - Komarovsky's opinion

With the correct and harmonious development of the newborn, complementary foods should be given at the age of five months. Start with liquid, puree food. The first complementary food is dairy-free liquid buckwheat or corn porridge, the second is vegetable puree, the third is fruit puree. By the end of the fifth month, along with plain water, the child is given fruit juice.

Liquid food continues for up to 8 months. Further Komarovsky recommends giving rougher food to develop the skill of chewing, facilitate teething: minced meat instead of mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables in pieces.

From 1 year old, the child should eat regular food from the common table. Meat is served already in the form of a steamed cutlet, fish - in pieces, etc. Komarovsky recommends excluding breastfeeding at the age of two.

On weaning a baby

There are no painless ways to wean a baby. Mom should decide on this step, but you need to understand that this is not at all dangerous for the baby. You just need not to breastfeed for 2-5 days. Komarovsky says that this will not cause any special stress to the baby.

By the beginning of the second year, the baby eats food from the common table, he has enough nutrients from his usual food. And a series of crying and whims, which ultimately end up being applied to the chest, on the contrary, will bring both him and the mother more stress.

To reduce lactation after stopping breastfeeding, Komarovsky advises to do the following:

  1. Reduce the amount of fluid you drink per day.
  2. Stop expressing milk.
  3. Engage in sports training.
  4. During the day to do on the chest tightening bandages.

About the diet of a nursing mother

A nursing mother can eat whatever she wants, but in reasonable quantities. The fact is that a small percentage of what she ate the day before gets into milk. If the amount of "junk food" was small, then it will not bring any harm to the baby.

Of course, this is not about alcohol, cigarettes, medicines, narcotic substances that are strictly prohibited during breastfeeding. But if a woman wanted fried potatoes or a mug of coffee, then you do not need to deny yourself this. It is enough to limit the volume of consumption.

Important clarification! If the baby has constipation and abdominal discomfort, the mother should adjust the diet. Reduces protein foods, chocolate and sweets. The main emphasis is on vegetarian food. Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of fermented milk drink with the addition of prune pieces. Such nutrition will relieve the baby of constipation in almost 100% of cases.

Tips for a new mom: how to stop breastfeeding quickly and safely

  • It is better to eat a balanced, varied food, not limiting yourself in food, while monitoring the reaction of the baby's body to the foods consumed. If he develops a rash, redness and abdominal discomfort, the product should be ruled out.
  • A nursing mother needs more rest and more time outdoors. In your free time, it is better to do what you love or just relax while watching your favorite movie. Good mood and a favorable psycho-emotional background for a nursing mother is very important.
  • Do not pay attention to the stupid censures of others if the mother decided to stop breastfeeding at the age of one year. The child will definitely not get better from continuing breastfeeding, but the mother will have an extra free minute to take care of herself and her business. Cancellation of breastfeeding does not carry any danger to the child after one year. But before the age of one year, you should not do this.
  • It is necessary to follow the rules and regimen of latching the baby to the breast in order to stimulate lactation. Irritation and stimulation of the nipples - the best way increase milk production.
  • Expressing after each feeding is not only the prevention of hypogalactia, but also the prevention of lactostasis and mastitis. Therefore, Komarovsky recommends carrying out this procedure every day if the baby refuses to eat anymore.

Being a nursing mom is hard work. However, it is natural feeding that ensures the normal growth and development of the baby's first year of life, prevents infection and reduces the risk of disease.

Despite the abundance of information, the recommendations of pediatricians and the WHO, for many parents the question remains open. After all, qualified doctors say that up to six months a baby does not need anything, and grandmothers say that it is necessary to accustom a child to adult food from a month old. No less relevant is the question of where it is necessary to begin acquaintance of the baby with ordinary food. But even doctors and scientists cannot come to a consensus here.

Some say that it is better to start eating vegetables, others insist on fruit purees, and others on cereals. But Komarovsky complementary foods begin with fermented milk products, for example, with kefir. This doctor, popular in the CIS, justifies his opinion by the fact that the baby's gastrointestinal tract is used exclusively to dairy products. In addition, it is in kefir that special lactic acid bacteria are contained, which are able to resist various microbes and reduce the risk of intestinal infections. Also, this product improves digestion and reduces the burden on the child's still weak liver.

Komarovsky recommends introducing the first complementary foods at the beginning of the day, gradually replacing them with the second feeding of the baby. Very little is given for the sample: for the first time, it is enough to feed the child a couple of teaspoons. In the following days, the dose is doubled until the baby begins to eat 100-150 grams of kefir in one feeding. Further complementary foods according to Komarovsky are introduced as follows: somewhere on the 5th day of using kefir, cottage cheese is added to it. Of course, this is all done on the condition that the child does not have any rashes, digestive disorders, he is vigorous and healthy. By the age of 6-8 months, it is quite enough to gradually introduce 30 g of cottage cheese, by the 9th, its amount is brought to 50 g. If the child does not like such food, Komarovsky recommends slightly sweetening it.

If you then after a complete replacement of one feeding with fermented milk products (and this should take about 7-10 days), you can enter another feeding. This doctor recommends replacing the very last meal with milk cereals: buckwheat, rice or oatmeal. Cooking it yourself or buying an instant version in a box - this must be decided by the mother herself.

Introducing complementary foods according to Komarovsky, only by 8 months you will add vegetables and fruits to your baby's diet. To begin with, he recommends giving the child a taste of vegetable broth, and only then move on to vegetable soup or puree. After 2-3 weeks, add meat or a piece of egg yolk. Komarovsky recommends giving fruit only after the child has the first tooth, but not earlier than 6 months.

It looks like complementary foods according to Komarovsky. The food administration chart that most pediatricians recommend is slightly different from this chart. So, many doctors believe that cottage cheese is too heavy for a child's stomach products. Therefore, most still recommend introducing vegetables or fruits to start. But here, too, there are pitfalls: having tried sweet apples or bananas, the kid may refuse to eat unleavened cauliflower, zucchini or potatoes.

But at what age and with what products to start introducing their baby to adult food, only the child's parents should decide, focusing on the recommendations of doctors and common sense.

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Complementary feeding according to Komarovsky is one of the most popular schools today, in which hundreds of thousands of students "study" in absentia. Moreover, among them there are both novice mothers and those who “went for the second, for the third ...” The most famous doctor in the post-Soviet space has his own well-grounded view of the introduction of complementary foods - Komarovsky, for example, believes that there is no need to feed babies up to 6 months ... It is much more important to take care of the mother's nutrition than to complicate nutrition at 4 months with the introduction of adult food ... And a completely different matter is the nutrition of a child of 9 months and older. But let's start in order.

Before starting to study, you should understand what, in principle, is called complementary foods. Rather, what it really is. Because parents and even some doctors call them almost everything. But in fact, for example, milk formula, the introduction of which to a baby is "prescribed" if the mother has little milk, is a supplementary feeding. Instead of a mixture, donor and milk of farm animals (goat, cow) can act. That is, in this case it comes exclusively about the introduction of mixed feeding.

But in addition to mixtures and different types milk begin the introduction of complementary foods. Not so much in order to give him vitamins and other useful substances (although this is also important), but in order to accustom him to adult food. And it is from this position that Komarovsky considers the introduction of complementary foods. The doctor speaks frankly about his own theory: you will not be full of mother's sissy all your life. But it is important to choose the right time when to start the introduction of adult food and wean from breastfeeding, as well as adhere to a certain scheme and rules.

Komarovsky considers it optimal to start feeding a child from 6 months. And for infants who have not yet turned six months, the introduction of adult food is useless. Although those around (grandparents, friends, neighbors and even individual doctors), of course, will advise to start giving it as soon as possible. Even if the baby is only 2-3 months old. And the older he is, the more such pressure will be. Like, it's time to start trying mashed potatoes, yolk, juice ... Of course, the "advisers" want the best. But the Komarovsky complementary feeding scheme differs from the old (and, correctly, outdated) in that it is designed for today. And her “progenitors” were relevant only in those days when it was impossible to provide a baby up to 6 months old with adequate nutrition without introducing him along with breastfeeding juices, vegetable purees, yolk and even fish oil.

The aforementioned "accelerated" beginning of complementary feeding Komarovsky explains, as they say, on the fingers. In the not too distant past (30-40 years ago), if the mother was faced with the lack or lack of her own milk, she used donor or bred cows. Both products were boiled for hygiene purposes, as a result of which most of the vitamins and mineral salts were destroyed. From the lack of the latter, the baby fell ill, lagged behind in development, did not gain weight well, suffered from hypovitaminosis, and so on. The same problem could arise for a mother who has no problems with the amount of her own milk. And the whole point is in its quality, since even a nursing woman ate not very diverse in Soviet times. In a word, doctors and nutritionists came up with a simple solution to the problem of baby food - instead of giving complementary foods at 6 months, start its introduction as early as possible.

Meanwhile, the modern Komarovsky complementary feeding scheme implies that a nursing mother eats a full and varied diet. That her diet always contains vegetables, fruits, meat, bread, fish. That if the mother has little or no milk, a good adapted milk formula is bought. If these conditions are met, the doctor advises to start introducing complementary foods for the child from 6 months - Komarovsky is not just convinced of this, but proves on concrete facts.

Why is it that almost no one except the famous doctor seeks to destroy the above-mentioned stereotypes? First, for this it is necessary to neutralize many developments, including academics in the field of nutrition. Secondly, vegetable purees, fruit cereals and juices are big business, and there are definite financial interests behind the mass illiteracy. Finally, many parents are convinced that the sooner the better. After all, they are used to showing off to each other, whose karpuz was the first to sit down, walked, spoke ... And medical and pharmaceutical companies are in business: mothers regularly take their children to pediatricians, allergists and other doctors, buy medicines and try juices (one didn't go - let's try the second , third, and so on).

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How to start introducing complementary foods for a child according to Komarovsky?

The famous doctor does not argue with anyone on this issue. Komarovsky, like all pediatricians, advises to introduce complementary feeding for infants carefully and gradually. We start with a few spoons (sips) and supplement with the usual food for the child (mother's milk, mixture). We observe the reaction. How does the baby behave and sleep, whether there is a rash or problems with stool. If all is well, increase the dosage. If there are problems, we postpone the introduction of the product until all painful manifestations disappear, if necessary, we consult with a doctor.

Complementary feeding of the child according to Komarovsky can not be started if the baby is sick, and also within 3 days after the baby was vaccinated. And you should not insist when your child is already very resisting. The body, as they say, knows better (the exception is those loved by children, but harmful in early age citrus juices and other sweets).

In addition, breastfeeding is advised to be considered not only as a change in the composition of food, but also as a change in the physical characteristics of food. Indeed, with an exceptionally liquid breast food, the child moves to a denser, and besides, often heterogeneous (lumps and other inclusions), the doctor says. Therefore, for its introduction, do not forget to stock up on spoons, plates, cups and a set of "bibs".

Two very often used words that require explanation, since they are not at all the same thing.

If there is not enough breast milk, the child is supplemented with either milk formula, or donor milk, or milk of farm animals (cow, goat). All these products are supplementary feeding ... The fundamental position: supplementary feeding is when mother's milk is not enough, that is, supplementary feeding takes place only with mixed feeding.

Everything that a child of the first year of life receives in addition to milk and milk mixtures is lure ... That is, the child consciously lureprepare for adulthood and adult food.

Taking into account the above definitions, the topic of supplementation can be considered exhausted. We have already figured out what to give.

Now more about complementary foods. So, the true essence of complementary foods is that you will not be full all your life with one mother's boob.

When to start complementary foods?

Parents, as we have already mentioned, repeatedly (and from medical professionals, and from friends-neighbors, and from grandparents) will listen to advice on what, they say, it's time - it's time to give juice, mashed potatoes, yolks ... They will hear these advice at the age of one month, and at two months, etc. The older the child is, the more people around will express their indignation and point out to parents their greed, laziness and pedagogical failure. Others are not to blame - they all want the best. You just need to know that the very practice of feeding infants with juices and yolks originated precisely in those days when it was impossible to provide the child with adequate nutrition without this.

In the recent past (some 30-40 years ago!) In the absence or shortage of mother's milk, the child received various dilutions of cow's milk or donor milk. Both the first and the second needed processing - first of all, boiling. Most of the vitamins were destroyed. It is not surprising that in these conditions, the lack of vitamins, iron, mineral salts very quickly manifested itself in the form of various diseases - hypovitaminosis, decreased hemoglobin, poor weight gain, rickets, and developmental delay. And in response to this, literate and reasonable for those times recommendations - about juices, and about vegetable purees, and about the yolk, and about fish oil.

We must not forget that the nutritional characteristics of the inhabitants of the country of victorious socialism did not always make it possible to provide the nursing mother with full, high-quality and varied products. In a situation like this - when mother's milk simply could not satisfy all children's needs - the early assignment of juices, purees and yolks to the child was quite logical and fully justified.

Let's repeat:

if a nursing mother can afford a nutritious and varied diet (i.e. vegetables, fruits, meat, bread, and fish) , if parents are able to purchase high-quality adapted milk formula for their child, so, subject to all these conditions

there is no need to feed anything until the baby is six months old .

About the timing of the start of complementary foods, a few additional paragraphs as information for thought.

The author's opinion may well seem controversial, especially given the fact that the already cited "Guide to Children's Dietetics" indicates: from the age of one month you should give apple juice, and from four months - a vegetable broth.

As you study these instructions, you constantly feel the deepest doubts. It is completely incomprehensible how other mammals manage to exist up to the present time? No, we can, of course, assume that the mother-wolf uses some unknown herb to help the wolf cubs get on their feet (more precisely, on their paws). After reading science fiction, you can even imagine how a two-week-old wolf pup is brought from the hunt by a wolf dad with valuable vitamin-containing vegetables. But even with the maximum exertion of mental activity it is not possible to understand - where does the polar bear "get" vitamins? Why did clever Nature punish human cubs so much, where does this inferiority come from? Why can all other animals live without vegetable soups, but our children cannot? But the author cannot admit that the Creator was mistaken.

  • The science of vitamins, their lack and the need to correct breastfeeding arose many years ago, when no one had even heard of adapted milk formulas.
  • Redesigning existing guidelines and challenging academics' opinions on nutrition has always been difficult.
  • Remember: juices, vegetable purees, fruit cereals are not just complementary foods. This is a very serious business.
  • In an unfortunate developing country, when a nursing mother is starving and / or eats monotonously (for example, only rice, or only dates, or only fish, or only bread), giving the child vitamins is quite advisable.
  • If you can buy one chicken egg per week for a salary, it is quite logical to give a four-month-old baby a quarter of the yolk. But if you can buy a dozen eggs, then it is better for a nursing mother to eat fried eggs from three eyes.
  • You can't see the benefits of early feeding. By and large, parents simply put a fat tick on their own conscience, they say, we did everything right. But thousands see the harm - the appearance or intensification of allergic reactions, stool disorders. In short, everything is in business: academics write instructions, the industry produces juices, pediatricians recommend juices, mothers give juices, children drink juices, pediatricians treat diarrhea and allergies, mothers buy medicines and other juices - “the main thing, guys, do not get old at heart” ...

How do I start complementary foods?

Any new food is included in the diet gradually and with caution... First, a few spoons (option - a few sips) and supplement with the usual food (breast milk, mixture). Assess reaction - behavior, skin rash, sleep, stool. If everything is ok, then increase the dose. Something is wrong - wait a little with this product and do not start new experiments until the painful manifestations disappear. Never feed your baby anything new if he is sick, or for three days before and three days after any prophylactic vaccination.

If the child refuses any complementary foods, do not insist! His body knows better than you whether it is necessary or not. Although it's easy to deceive Nature. After tangerine juice (for example), the baby will surely smile. It's just too likely that after a while all family members will not have time for smiles.

It should also be taken into account that complementary feeding is not only a change in the composition of food, but also a change in its physical characteristics - that is, from an exceptionally liquid food we move to a denser and often heterogeneous one - with all sorts of lumps and other inclusions. Hence the need for spoons, bibs, cups, plates, etc.

Complementary foods: where to start and how to continue?

Neither pediatricians nor nutritional scientists have a single, agreed opinion on this, although the composition and possible options for products are generally determined and generally recognized.

1) vegetable purees;

2) cottage cheese and fermented milk products;

3) milk and cereals;

4) meat (fish) dishes and egg yolk.

Each specific author of any "nutritional" recommendations quite convincingly justifies the correctness of his own scheme. Consider the following example. By the amount of iron, mineral salts and vitamins, vegetable purees are much better than, for example, fermented milk products. The conclusion suggests itself - to start with vegetable purees. On the other hand, the child is very poorly tolerated by a sharp change in the composition of food. It is clear that the difference between milk and fermented milk products is noticeably smaller than between milk and vegetables. Hence, vegetable purees in theory more useful and more appropriate, but practically the likelihood of intestinal disorders, in turn, will be noticeably higher. The author, being a practicing physician, offers readers a certain course of action. The main, again practical, plus of this particular option is the lowest likelihood of adverse reactions.

So, feeding strategy and tactics or, more simply, a specific sequence of actions with explanations and comments.

  • We emphasize once again (yes, readers will forgive me for repeated repetitions, but due to the importance of the question, it simply does not work out otherwise): the topic of complementary foods does not exist until six months. Nothing! Not at all! We feed mom - high quality and varied. No or not enough milk - we strain the family's material resources and buy a good adapted milk formula. It does not matter what this mixture is called and it does not matter, it is a mixture, so to speak, a standard mixture, or a special mixture for a problem child - soy, low lactose, hypoallergenic, for premature babies, etc. If a child under six months of age has problems requiring use special mixtures, which means that we stop the choice on them (those mixtures that fit) and do not conduct any experiments.
  • Let's start with fermented milk products: optimally - low-fat kefir or kefir from the children's dairy kitchen. Best time - second feeding (interval, approximately, from 9 to 11 o'clock in the afternoon). Why fermented milk products? Because there is no fundamental difference in composition in comparison with just dairy products. Because, and this is already fundamental, any fermented milk products in general and kefir in particular contain lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria, firstly, are antagonists (in other words, enemies) of many harmful microbes that can cause intestinal infections, and secondly, they form substances that actively participate in the process of digestion and, as a result, improve it (digestion); thirdly, they reduce the load on the child's weakest and immature organ - the liver.
  • The first time we will give quite a bit - two or three teaspoons (and we will give it from a spoon). Then we will supplement with the usual product - mother's milk from the breast or a mixture from a bottle. During the day we will have the opportunity to observe. Provided that everything is in order, the next day we double the dose, and so on. This, as you remember from the school mathematics course, is called a geometric progression. Its peculiarity is that everything grows rather quickly: the first day - 10-15 ml, the second - 20-30 ml, the third - 40-60 ml, the fourth - 80-120 ml. Stop. If on any day there are any problems or suspicions of problems - a pause. Do not increase the dose, maybe even decrease it, but if problems really bother you, stop it altogether.
  • On the fourth or fifth day of using kefir, add cottage cheese directly to it and stir well. You can make cottage cheese yourself (science is not great), you can buy it. The main thing: confidence in quality - purity and shelf life. The first day - one spoon, the second - two, etc., the total amount at the age of six to eight months is 30 g, after eight months - 50 g. You can add a little sugar to kefir and to the mixture of cottage cheese and kefir. The decision - to add or not - depends on the taste of the kefir itself and on whether the child agrees to eat unsweetened kefir.

Any bans on the use of cottage cheese (the most frequent motivation is the rapid overgrowth of the fontanelle, you cannot have a lot of calcium, but there is a lot of it in the cottage cheese) have no logical basis. In 30 g of cottage cheese, the amount of calcium is approximately 47 mg, and in 50 g, respectively, 78 mg. Compare yourself: in 100 g cow's milk - 120 mg, in 100 g of human milk - 35-50 mg.

  • Thus, an average of seven to ten days is needed for one feeding to be completely replaced - 150 g of kefir + 30 g of cottage cheese. And all other feedings are still the main product: mother's milk or adapted milk formula. And in this mode, without twitching and stubbornly repelling the attacks of the advisers, it is advisable to spend three to four weeks.
  • We begin to replace one more feeding - preferably the very last one, before bedtime. We use milk cereals. Three types are the most rational - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice. You can buy porridge - there are an enormous amount of milk porridge for baby food on sale, but you can cook it yourself. For self-cooking, we use flour (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal); if we didn't buy flour, we make it ourselves using a regular coffee grinder. Common cow's milk is most often used as the main solvent. Flour and sugar are added to the milk. It should be noted, that instead of cow's milk many times better use infant formula intended for children over six months of age (the same "subsequent formulas" with number 2, about which we have already written).

Recipe : Porridge

10 g (approximately 1.5 teaspoons) of the appropriate flour (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal) and 1/2 teaspoon of sugar are dissolved in 20-30 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Pour the resulting solution with constant stirring into boiling milk (the amount of milk is 100 ml). Cook for 3 minutes. Done. Since sugar is not a standard thing, you may need to add a little more.

Concerning the preparation of porridge based on the mixture. We cook porridge from the appropriate flour in water, and when it cools down, add the mixture in half proportion: that is, if you need 3 tablespoons of the mixture for 100 g of water, then 1.5 tablespoons for 100 g of porridge in water. That's all the wisdom.

Readers will likely be surprised not to find semolina on the list of recommended foods. But it is porridge made from semolina before, and perhaps even now, that is used most often and remains the most beloved, truly national children's porridge. Everything in it is good: price, ease of preparation, consistency, taste. And the children love her. One small problem: Semolina is rich in gluten. Gluten protein - called gliadin in clever medical language - sometimes provokes some pretty serious bowel disease. This occurs in situations where there is an intolerance to gliadin. With this information in mind, one should not, however, deny the semolina. It's just safer to feed the porridge with others, and use semolina a little later - after eight months.

  • So we are already eight months old. We eat four to five times a day: once kefir, once porridge and two or three times the main food - formula or mother's milk. The long-awaited time for vegetables and fruits has come. It has come to come, but we have not yet figured out whether we have teeth or not. If there is at least one - no questions asked, we start vegetables. If not, which is not often the case, let's wait a little longer. To begin with, test feeding - how our child will generally react to vegetables. Cooking vegetable broth. On the first day we offer 30-50 g, on the second - twice as much. If everything is fine, we switch to vegetable soup or vegetable puree and, gradually increasing the dose, completely replace one of the feedings with vegetables.


Potatoes + carrots + onions + cabbage: chopped finely and finely, poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and boiled until completely boiled. We filter through cheesecloth, bring to a boil again and pour into a bottle. The proportion, roughly, is as follows: for 50 g of vegetables, 100 ml of water.


We cut various vegetables, added a little boiling water and simmer; as the water boils away, add boiling water. We rub ready-to-eat hot vegetables through a sieve, add hot milk and a pinch of salt. Beat well and bring to a boil. Add vegetable oil to the finished dish. Vegetables - 100 g (potatoes - at least 20 g); milk - 25 g; vegetable oil - 3 g.

  • For two or three weeks we feed a vegetable dish (soup or mashed potatoes, it does not matter), then, by analogy with vegetables, we carry out a test for meat - we cook the soup not in water, but in meat broth (ideally - chicken). If there are no problems - we add the grated meat directly to the soup, after another couple of days, again directly into the soup, - the steeply boiled yolk of a chicken egg - first 1/5 part, then more. In any case, until the age of one year, more than half of the yolk is not needed.
  • Now about the fruit. We will give them on the day when we see the first "hatched" tooth. And if this tooth is found before six months, we will be patient. It is not at all necessary to start with juices - fruit purees or the pulp of a baked apple are not worse at all. Juices and fruit purees are not a substitute for the main meal; they are given as a supplement after breastfeeding or formula feeding.
  • At nine months of age, three feedings are completely replaced by complementary foods. Let's repeat: once kefir + cottage cheese, once porridge, once soup. Porridge - the most diverse. Soups are very diverse: both in terms of the composition of vegetables and the type of meat, if only not very fatty. We already eat yolk and vegetable oil. We drink juices - 30-50 g.
  • What else can you do? Add crushed cookies to kefir and cottage cheese. Mashed potatoes with milk and mashed meat. Baked apple. Bread crumb in soup, and bread crust and a slice of apple can be given in hand - sucked (nibbled). From 10 months you can cook soup not with meat, but with fish broth.
  • What about the main food, which seems to have ceased to be the main one by 9-10 months? It is clear that we mean adapted milk formulas and / or breast milk. If the mother has milk, it is advisable to feed the baby at least once a day for up to a year. After a year, it no longer makes much biological sense. High-quality milk mixtures, which are certainly no worse than cow's milk in composition, can be given up to two or three years.

Carrying out any "nutritional" tests and innovations, remember:

But always be very careful with genetically non-native foods (remember, in the chapter "Pregnancy" - which the great-great-grandmother did not eat, and we do not need). Children in low-income families are less likely to get sick, primarily because there is not enough money for overseas delicacies.

Children's liver is one of the weakest organs, and even in an absolutely healthy and normally developing child, it finally "matures" and becomes, like an adult, somewhere by the age of 12. Any undigested particles (the very ones that cause allergies) must be neutralized and excreted from the body. And the liver plays a primary role in this process. As the child grows, many foods that previously caused severe allergies begin to be tolerated quite normally - the liver matures. Grandmothers say: "outgrown". They speak correctly. Therefore, if a child has signs of allergies from chocolate, strawberries or orange juice (rash, itching, intestinal upset at normal body temperature), this does not mean that the child is doomed to be separated from chocolate for the rest of his days. Be patient. And there is no need to look around, lamenting: "Why is everyone allowed, but mine is not allowed?"

Any pediatrician knows that children get sick more often on Mondays. Do you know why? Because on Sunday they go to visit their grandmothers, and, unfortunately, food is considered to be the measure of love.