Three ways to make your energy positive. Bioenergy and Energy Filling Trucks

Each person is born with a huge reserve of inner energy. But over time, the rapid pace of life, troubles and stress pulls it out. A decline of strength comes to replace joy. So how to fill yourself with energy and return the paints on your everyday life?

What is internal energy?

The whole universe is filled to the edges of the energy. It consists of everything around. In a person focused especially a lot of space power. Internal energy makes people active and creative, allows you to overcome any difficulties with shining eyes.

But modern life accelerated so much that a person simply does not have a minute to stop, think, "recharge your batteries." Because of this, extensive insomnia appear, constant fatigue, chronic diseases, families are crumbling.

If you are stuck in the unloved position and do not develop emotionally or intellectually, it means that your charge approached the zero mark. If your weekdays have become like vicious circle Failure, it's time to think about how to fill yourself with the energy of life.

Female and male start

Everything in the world is double and divided into male and. In ancient China, the wise men called it the beginning of "Yin" and "Yang." It was believed that it was the balance between these elements make a person full, which means that it was happy. To understand how to fill yourself with energies, you need to figure it out in their differences.

Women's nature is a creative creation, chaos, from which the universe was born. It is directed inside to accumulate and maintain energy flows. These are dreams and emotions, love and tenderness. This is an intuitive understanding that is good, and what is bad.

Male energy is directed outside, in the world. This is an assedeling and aggression, logic and power. Such nature seeks not to aware of itself, but to achieve all new vertices: authorities, success, victory over competitors.

In each of the people there are both sides, "Yin" and "Yang." The full-fledged identity development is possible only when they are in the world and harmony with each other. To understand how to fill yourself with energies, you have to learn to balance your nature. So, try not only to give, but also to get the power of space.

Why do batteries sit down?

Many events in a rapidly changing world literally suck out internal resources from humans. To understand how to fill yourself vital energy, I need to remember, from which things it is necessary to get rid of first.

  • Guilt. This emotional state sucks all the strength to a drop and does not carry any contending start. It is pointless to accuse the events of themselves or others. If the feeling of guilt does not leave for a long time, ask for forgiveness from one who offended.
  • Zingkihood on the past. If the future scares, and the present does not bring satisfaction, people are inclined to experience the events that have already passed. Thoughts come: "What would be, do I do otherwise?" But this is a vicious circle, from which you need to break out to develop further.
  • Criticism and complaints. All people are different if they differ from you, this is a reason not for chagrins, but for an interesting study of other personalities.
  • Striving for control. Learn to trust the world and surrounding people. Attempts to keep under control lead to stress, anxiety and quarrels.
  • Resistance to change. Every time something changes in life, you get impetus for further development. It should not be scary, only a little more exciting.


So, how to fill yourself with energy if there are unpleasant events around, which cannot be controlled? First of all, change your attitude towards them. It is very important to keep the balance. This means that it is time to get rid of not only from pink glasses, but also from hopeless pessimism.

To keep an internal balance, it is necessary to look at what is happening, analyzing it. But at the same time not to dive into pity for yourself or challenge. Do not reflect on who is to blame. Better - how to prevent such a trouble in the future. And if nothing depends on a person, to take what is happening as part of life, without burdening itself regret.

Energy of love

Accumulates the space energy and saves it. But to comply with the natural balance, it is necessary not only to take, but also to give. So, give love to others. The absence of such necessary energy entails unpleasurities in relations, disorder in the family and loneliness.

Track how you behave with your household and your beloved man. It's time to think about how to fill yourself with the energy of love if you:

  • talking at home most often on elevated colors;
  • hate your homework and try to transfer them to someone;
  • do not hurry home from work, ready to take processing and business trips;
  • do not speak home about your love for them, shy and keep everything in yourself.

Main object of love

But how to fill yourself with love and female energywhen it is not enough? What if in the family and career already disagreeed? First of all, you need to turn the power of your love on a single person - yourself.

How many peace and adoption can give another woman who is always unhappy with themselves, and not confident in their power? After all, it is her concern - inspire a man to achieve new peaks. To harmonize "Yin" and "Yang", what a woman gives at all, she must direct them.

Caring for your body

The first step in taking itself should be care of the physical body. From this largely depends on peace of mind. Simple advice Assist quickly and with pleasure to establish contact with your own body:

  • Leave time to relax. Fatigue, workload, constant fuss, - all this sucks internal energy dryness. And besides, the lack of sleep is harmful to health. How many cases did not expect, leave at least half an hour a day to relax and dill in silence.
  • Full diet. Healthy nutrition - not a fad, but the need for modern world Fastfud. Do not snack on the run, it will only lead to excess weight and stomach disorder. Fit does not hurry, enjoying the taste of food. Eat vegetables and fruits, they are saturated with the energy of the sun.
  • Physical exercise. Movement is really life. Sports or dancing enhance immunity, accelerate blood and improve mood. In addition, such activities allows you to better get acquainted with your own body, learn them to manage and understand how to fill yourself with sexual energy. You can also be danted even during household speakers: washing, cleaning or cooking.
  • Socializing with friends. Woman is a social being. She needs to be expressed by a lot of words. No need to shy it. Find for yourself the company, preferably female, and sometimes spend time after a cup of tea and pleasant conversations.
  • Get out appearance. Nothing strengthens the female self-esteem as a beautiful reflection in the mirror. Take up external species. Go to a relaxing massage, make a manicure or change the hairstyle. But only let it be your gift to yourself, not others.

Healing meditation

Now, when the relationship with physical has improved, it's time for spiritual. To replenish the estate energy, it is necessary to calm down and bring order in thoughts. This is not better promoted by meditation.

There are many techniques. These may be simple breathing exercises or immersion in trance with the repetition of mantras. The main thing is focusing and awareness.

Free 10 minutes a day, better before bedtime to mend in silence. Sit in a comfortable posture and focus on your own breathing. Breathe calmly and slowly. Let the breaths and exhalations will replace all thoughts in the head. Perhaps it will not be immediately. But over time, you will learn to clean your head from any experiences.

Such classes improve control over their own mind, teach how to fill themselves with energy, and not empty noise. The world and peace coming after meditation will definitely change their lives for the better.

The power of creation

Element "Yin" is a creative beginning. In a woman hid the most powerful force capable of changing the world. Her creative skills incredible, but often do not disclose completely. To harmonize the energy, a woman simply needs to be engaged in creativity. It can be diverse.

  • Try learning how to play on some musical instrument. You can find training videos on the network or buy a tutorial. Perhaps this occupation will reveal the potential that you have not even suspected.
  • Sign up for painting courses. Drawing perfectly helps to free the internal energy of creation.
  • Take up needlework. Embroidery, sewing and knitting is not by chance from ancient times were considered a truly female occupation. And perhaps you will decide on the conquest of new vertices and achieve success in wood thread or pottery.
  • Create crafts with children. Such a simple occupation not only brings the joy of creativity, but also improves relations inside the family. The time spent with benefit and joy very brings parents and children.

Now, rash, how to fill yourself with feminine energy, you can make a happier and your family. It remains to add only a few little things that will help make life more harmonious.

  • Strive to the world. Relations with relatives can be very complex. But the goal of a woman is to be a peacemaker in such situations. Try not to keep offenses on your relatives and restore communication if it was interrupted.
  • Do charity. There are many ways to help your neighbor. Give unnecessary things in the nursing home, attend baby shelters, take home homeless animal. This allows not only to give light energy, but also receive it in response.
  • Express love in any form. This is not the feeling that is worth hiding. Loving and open woman is a real cosmic energy generator. She attracts others, and together with them - the world and well-being.

Love and light are the most creative energies in the world. There is nothing more powerful. They are able to remove any negative, simply absorbing and dissolving it. If your dream is a filling of life with joy, harmony, mutual understanding with people, if you want to attract to yourself only good, help meditation of love and light. This amazing practice helps to fill in love to give her world, get rid of aggression and negative moments, heal itself.


  • It is advisable to start with the choice of calm, relaxing music. This is especially important for beginners: to achieve effect from meditation will be easier.
  • Sit on the floor or on a chair and take a convenient position: the back should be smooth. It is advisable to close your eyes. Relax.
  • Direct all attention to your heart. It is there that the light is born, which we then radiate to the world.
  • Feel how heat becomes warm in the heart. The energy of heat is enhanced, hold attention until it becomes hot. Keeping this feeling, think about something pleasant or remember close man In his life, the most joyful moment with him.
  • Stay in this memories. Feel how heat in the heart has intensified, and went beyond its limits to fill the entire body. Feel like each cell of your body is filled with this sensation.
  • Feeling filling with love, start emitting it outside, people, planet - and only after that quietly open your eyes and complete the meditation.

Practice benefit

Practicing this meditation regularly, you will notice how the energy of love and light begins to transform life for the better. Even if you do the exercise from the first time it will not be easy, do not give up. There are enough of several workouts - and everything will turn out. You will become less disturbing, handle depressions, you will fall out for fewer time. Filling itself and the surrounding space of the power of light and love energy removes the locks from the hearts and indicates the right direction. Meditation will help you attract only positive events, people and bring the fulfillment of your desires.

All in life want well-being, luck, success in affairs and good relationships. Sometimes something does not work. There is not enough strength to perform the tasks and execution of the conceived.

We scold ourselves, sometimes just fall into depression from the fact that we are not such or weak. But the cause of everything that happens may be not only weakness, but a simple lack of energy, and narrowing or blocking one or several streams.

What flows are there

Top flow - It comes from the top from the space and fills us in a point just above the top of the top. When this stream is blocked, we do not have access to the information channel, there is no connection with our spirit. We seek high goals and ideas.

Lower flow - comes from the center of the Earth and fills us through the legs. When this stream is blocked, we do not have a filling of the Earth's energy, which means there is no abundance, stability, constant strong relationships and success in work. Who has this stream is open well, that in life will not need anything.

Sunny thread - The flow comes from the sun and fills us through the solar plexus. This flow cleans and charges us the energy of light, we become confident and successful. We are filled with the energy of the Sun, and therefore becoming resistant to different impacts.

It can be included at any time. Just imagine how the sun hose goes to the area of \u200b\u200byour solar plexus and fills you with the light, converts your inner space.

Filling can not be fully due to contamination of the channels through which we get energy - hands and legs. Our emotions are postponed in them and make it difficult to move energy.

It is necessary to periodically watch if there is dirt in these channels, and merge all the dirt into the ground. Do not be afraid to do this, the Earth processes everything and, the negative, who fell into it, already ceases to be a negative, it cleans it.

How to achieve a filled state?

So that our streams work well, you need to make one simple practice every day, which will help to fill energy and change your life at its discretion.

What should I do for the working condition?

You need to learn to bring yourself into a working condition. So, begin.

Step number 1

Stand smoothly, relax the bottom of the body, get a little bastard, clamp your hands in the cams. Now imagine that you are a tree and your roots go far into the ground, and fall straight to the very center of the Earth. From there on your roots, the energy rises up and fills your body. You're like a glass that is completed. After filling, try expanding the inner space. Your energy will seem to be. Repeat again, and then expansion. Make so 10 times. So you are well compressed your energy in the inner space. Hands sandwiched in fists helps you fill and energy does not go through them. After just disconnect them.

Step number 2.

Now we proceed to filling from the top stream. Imagine that now energy goes from above and also fills. Make an extension, as in step No. 1. And again fill and so 10 times.

Step number 3.

Now imagine the cocoon around you, which is the size of your growth and you are in the center of it. This is your energy cocoon. Imagine, as if you wear streams on it from below. And they, filling you, protect your cocoon.

Step number 4.

Now let's explore the cocoon. Look at him from the inside, in which it is. There is no holes, or cracks, dimming. Fix all problem areas. And then fill the space of the energy of the upper and lower stream inside it. You can even expand the size of your cocoon due to this.

At the end of practice, you must feel expanding and filling. Try to feel the streams and how they now move on their own. Thanks to this, you will be in an excellent energy condition, and it can radically change your life.

You can even make an experiment, to make this practice every day, preferably in the morning. And see what will happen in a month. I think you will greatly notice the difference in your condition and life.

I wish you success in your endeavors.

With love for you, Marina Danilova.

Each person is born with a huge reserve of inner energy. But over time, the rapid pace of life, troubles and stress pulls it out. A decline of strength comes to replace joy. So how to fill yourself with energy and return the paints on your everyday life?

What is internal energy?

The whole universe is filled to the edges of the energy. It consists of everything around. In a person focused especially a lot of space power. Internal energy makes people active and creative, allows you to overcome any difficulties with shining eyes.

But modern life accelerated so much that a person simply does not have a minute to stop, think, "recharge your batteries." Because of this, extensive insomnia appear, constant fatigue, chronic diseases, families are crumbling.

If you are stuck in the unloved position and do not develop emotionally or intellectually, it means that your charge approached the zero mark. If your weekdays have become like a closed circle of failures, it's time to think about how to fill yourself with the energy of life.

Female and male start

Everything in the world is dual and divided into male and female. In ancient China, the wise men called it the beginning of "Yin" and "Yang." It was believed that it was the balance between these elements make a person full, which means that it was happy. To understand how to fill yourself with energies, you need to figure it out in their differences.

Women's nature is a creative creation, chaos, from which the universe was born. It is directed inside to accumulate and maintain energy flows. These are dreams and emotions, love and tenderness. This is an intuitive understanding that is good, and what is bad.

Male energy is directed at the world around the world. This is an assedeling and aggression, logic and power. Such nature seeks not to aware of itself, but to achieve all new vertices: authorities, success, victory over competitors.

In each of the people there are both sides, "yin" and "yang." The full-fledged identity development is possible only when they are in the world and harmony with each other. To understand how to fill yourself with energies, a woman will have to learn to balance their nature. So, try not only to give, but also to get the power of space.

Why do batteries sit down?

Many events in a rapidly changing world literally suck out internal resources from humans. To understand how to fill yourself with vital energy, you need to remember, from which things it is necessary to get rid of first.

  • Guilt. This emotional state sucks all the strength to a drop and does not carry any contending start. It is pointless to accuse the events of themselves or others. If the feeling of guilt does not leave for a long time, ask for forgiveness from one who offended.
  • Zingkihood on the past. If the future scares, and the present does not bring satisfaction, people are inclined to experience the events that have already passed. Thoughts come: "What would be, do I do otherwise?" But this is a vicious circle, from which you need to break out to develop further.
  • Criticism and complaints. All people are different if they differ from you, this is a reason not for chagrins, but for an interesting study of other personalities.
  • Striving for control. Learn to trust the world and surrounding people. Attempts to keep under control lead to stress, anxiety and quarrels.
  • Resistance to change. Every time something changes in life, you get impetus for further development. It should not be scary, only a little more exciting.


So, how to fill yourself with energy if there are unpleasant events around, which cannot be controlled? First of all, change your attitude towards them. It is very important to keep the balance. This means that it is time to get rid of not only from pink glasses, but also from hopeless pessimism.

To keep an internal balance, it is necessary to look at what is happening, analyzing it. But at the same time not to dive into pity for yourself or challenge. Do not reflect on who is to blame. Better - how to prevent such a trouble in the future. And if nothing depends on a person, to take what is happening as part of life, without burdening itself regret.

Energy of love

The woman accumulates the space energy and retains it. But to comply with the natural balance, it is necessary not only to take, but also to give. So, give love to others. The absence of such necessary energy entails unpleasurities in relations, disorder in the family and loneliness.

Track how you behave with your household and your beloved man. It's time to think about how to fill yourself with the energy of love if you:

  • talking at home most often on elevated colors;
  • hate your homework and try to transfer them to someone;
  • do not hurry home from work, ready to take processing and business trips;
  • do not speak home about your love for them, shy and keep everything in yourself.

Main object of love

But how to fill yourself with love and female energy when it is not enough? What if in the family and career already disagreeed? First of all, you need to turn the power of your love on a single person - yourself.

How many peace and adoption can give another woman who is always unhappy with themselves, and not confident in their power? After all, it is her concern - inspire a man to achieve new peaks. To harmonize "Yin" and "Yang", what a woman gives at night, she must direct them.

Caring for your body

The first step in taking itself should be care of the physical body. From this largely depends on peace of mind. Simple advice will help quickly and with pleasure to establish contact with your own body:

  • Leave time to relax. Fatigue, workload, constant bustle, - All this sues the inner energy of dryness. And besides, the lack of sleep is harmful to health. How many cases did not expect, leave at least half an hour a day to relax and dill in silence.
  • Full diet. Healthy nutrition is not a fad, but the need for the modern world of Fastfud. Do not snack on the run, it will only lead to excess weight and stomach disorder. Fit does not hurry, enjoying the taste of food. Eat vegetables and fruits, they are saturated with the energy of the sun.
  • Physical exercise. Movement is really life. Sports or dancing enhance immunity, accelerate blood and improve mood. In addition, such activities allows you to better get acquainted with your own body, learn them to manage and understand how to fill yourself with sexual energy. You can also be danted even during household speakers: washing, cleaning or cooking.
  • Socializing with friends. Woman is a social being. She needs to be expressed by a lot of words. No need to shy it. Find for yourself the company, preferably female, and sometimes spend time after a cup of tea and pleasant conversations.
  • Get out appearance. Nothing strengthens the female self-esteem as a beautiful reflection in the mirror. Cut out the appearance. Go to a relaxing massage, make a manicure or change the hairstyle. But only let it be your gift to yourself, not others.

Healing meditation

Now, when the relationship with physical has improved, it's time for spiritual. To replenish the estate energy, it is necessary to calm down and bring order in thoughts. This is not better promoted by meditation.

There are many techniques. These may be simple breathing exercises or immersion in trance with the repetition of mantras. The main thing is focusing and awareness.

Free 10 minutes a day, better before bedtime to mend in silence. Sit in a comfortable posture and focus on your own breathing. Breathe calmly and slowly. Let the breaths and exhalations will replace all thoughts in the head. Perhaps it will not be immediately. But over time, you will learn to clean your head from any experiences.

Such classes improve control over their own mind, teach how to fill themselves with energy, and not empty noise. The world and peace coming after meditation will definitely change their lives for the better.

The power of creation

Element "Yin" is a creative beginning. In a woman hid the most powerful force capable of changing the world. Its creative abilities are incredible, but often not disclosed completely. To harmonize the energy, a woman simply needs to be engaged in creativity. It can be diverse.

  • Try learning how to play on some musical instrument. You can find training videos on the network or buy a tutorial. Perhaps this occupation will reveal the potential that you have not even suspected.
  • Sign up for painting courses. Drawing perfectly helps to free the internal energy of creation.
  • Take up needlework. Embroidery, sewing and knitting is not by chance from ancient times were considered a truly female occupation. And perhaps you will decide on the conquest of new vertices and achieve success in wood thread or pottery.
  • Create crafts with children. Such a simple occupation not only brings the joy of creativity, but also improves relations inside the family. The time spent with benefit and joy very brings parents and children.

Now, rash, how to fill yourself with feminine energy, you can make a happier and your family. It remains to add only a few little things that will help make life more harmonious.

  • Strive to the world. Relations with relatives can be very complex. But the goal of a woman is to be a peacemaker in such situations. Try not to keep offenses on your relatives and restore communication if it was interrupted.
  • Do charity. There are many ways to help your neighbor. Give unnecessary things in the nursing home, attend baby shelters, take home homeless animal. This allows not only to give light energy, but also receive it in response.
  • Express love in any form. This is not the feeling that is worth hiding. Loving and open woman is a real cosmic energy generator. She attracts others, and together with them - the world and well-being.